Security for Applications


Security for applications builds on a Client-based trust model that is a generalization of the domain based trust model introduced in IMP-NG, and adopts the class based permissions from the rest of the Java platform. The Client model is used to assign application suites and LIBlets to Clients and Security Protection Domains associated to them. The Domain defines the permissions that can be potentially granted to an application and the LIBlets used by it.

The Permission classes used in the other Java™ Platform Editions are leveraged to provide extensible Permissions, for example to be able to provide access to a single property, resource or function. In contrast, former permission models provided only boolean permissions. Refer to the backward compatibility section for IMP-NG Security.

The use of Permission classes allows the APIs in this specification and in separate optional package specifications to have a single consistent Permission definition on all configurations and profiles. Currently, optional packages that must be defined for CLDC, or CDC and Java SE must have different permission definitions depending on the configuration they are used with. The unification of Permissions simplifies specification, implementation, developer use and conformance testing.

Sensitive APIs and functions use permissions to restrict access. Each API defines the Permissions needed to allow access to the API. Any API or function of this specification which is not security sensitive, having no permissions defined for them, are implicitly accessible by all application suites.

Application Suite Trust Model

Security for application suites is based on Clients. Each Client has an associated Security Protection Domain defining the permissions that may be granted to an application suite that is assigned to this Client. The Security Authentication Provider specifies how the device identifies and verifies that it can trust an application suite or LIBlet and assign it to the Client.

An application suite is assigned to a Client during installation and MUST remain bound to the same Client until it is deleted.

A LIBlet or service is assigned to one or more than one Client as well during installation:

As a consequence, if application suites assigned to different Clients want to share a LIBlet or service, this LIBlet or service has to be assigned to all Clients any of the application suites is assigned to, respectively, or to the privileged "Root" or "root" Client.

The mechanisms the device uses to identify and trust application suites and LIBlets are defined separately to allow them to be selected appropriately to the device, network, and business case. Application suites and LIBlets that are identified as untrusted must execute assigned to a predefined "Untrusted" Client that is assigned to an Untrusted Security Protection Domain. This domain describes a restricted environment with limited access to protected APIs or functions. How restricted this access is, including the possibility of no access to any protected APIs or functions, has to be determined by the Authentication Provider. There is some basic functionality though defined as unprotected. Access to this functionality MUST be generally granted for the Untrusted Client. For details, see here. The Security Policy Chapter defines one model of a policy for Clients. Implementations are free to use other policy models being defined outside this specification. Implementations are also free to configure the provider of the policy and the mechanism of the provision of policies. This is out of scope of this specification as well.

Application Suites Trust Model Using X.509 PKI describes one possible mechanism for identifying trusted application suites and LIBlets through signing and verification. Implementations of this mechanism MUST recognize application suites and LIBlets as being signed.

Application suites and LIBlets

Table 6-1 : Definition Of Security Terms




The "originator" of an application suite or LIBlet, being associated with a Security Protection Domain that defines which permissions may be granted to an application suite if it requires them. The association between Client and security protection domain cannot be changed.


A Permission class defined for an API or function to prevent it from being used without authorization

Function group

A collection of Permissions protecting similar resources or functions. Primarily used for optimizing user experience.

Trusted Application Suite or LIBlet

An application suite or LIBlet that is

a) allowed to be installed, and

b) for which the authenticity and the integrity of the JAR can be verified by the Authentication Provider, and

c) that is assigned to a Client (or several Clients in case of a LIBlet) not being the predefined "Untrusted" Client untrusted application suites are assigned to.

Implementations can decide that all application suites are trusted, or can recognize application suites as being signed using PKI as specified in Application Suites Trust Model Using X.509 PKI, or it can recognize trusted application suites by other mechanisms, defined outside the scope of this specification.

Untrusted Application Suite or LIBlet

An application suite or LIBlet that is

a) allowed to be installed, and

b) for which the authenticity and the integrity of the JAR cannot be verified by the Authentication Provider and

c) that is assigned to the pre-defined "Untrusted" Client that is assigned to a Security Protection Domain not granting access to any sensitive APIs and functionalities to applications.

This applies only if the implementation requires an authentication and verification of JARs in order to recognize an application suite or LIBlet as being trusted, otherwise all application suites and LIBlets are a priori trusted.

Authentication Provider

Authenticates Clients as well as Application Suites and LIBlets and assigns Application Suites and LIBlets to Clients based on a mechanism being configurable at the time of system level configuration. One possible implementation is the PKI x.509 certificate based authentication as known from MIDP 3.0.

Security Policy Provider

Determines the per-application Permission set of an Application by determining the protection domain an application is bound to (identified by the Client the Application Suite is assigned to) and then intersecting the permissions requested by the application and the LIBlets used by it. One possible implementation is policy file based mechanism as known from MIDP 3.0.


The possibility to prevent access to sensitive functionality for a particular Application or all applications assigned to a particular Client by removing the privileged Permissions of this application(s). This includes the immediate termination of the affected application, or of all applications assigned to the affected Client, respectively. This can happen using CRL or OCSP, but also using implementation-defined mechanisms such as "push" blacklisting.

Authorization Model

The basic authorization of an application suite is established by the relationships between the following elements:



A Security Protection Domain defining a set of Permissions is assigned to a Client. This assignment cannot be changed. Those permissions explicitly allow access to a given protected API or function for an application suite being associated with this Client. In the MEEP 8 profile user interactions MUST NOT be required by the implementation. If the application developer wants to require user confirmations (in case an appropriate user interface is available), he has to code this individually.


Permissions are the means to protect access to a single property, resource or function which require explicit authorization before being executed. Whenever such protection is needed, each API must define the Permission classes and parameters of each protected function. Permissions are subclassed from Each API may define new Permission subclasses or may use existing Permission classes such as New Permission classes should be defined in the package they protect.

Permissions for APIs use and extend the Permission classes defined in the underlying configuration CLDC 8. Applications check if a Permission is allowed by the security policy using the checkPermission method of java.lang.SecurityManager.

Permission checks are performed by calling java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission. Permissions MUST be checked by the implementation during the execution of the protected function. By calling java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission an application is able to check if a certain permission is allowed by the security policy or not.

For more detail please refer to the CLDC 8 specification.

Recommendation for Permissions for Optional Packages

Each API in this specification that provides access to a protected function defines the needed Permissions. For APIs defined outside this specification, there must be a single document that specifies the permissions and the behavior of the API when it is implemented with this specification. New API specifications and maintenance releases of existing APIs targeted at CLDC 8 configuration MUST define the permissions and require those permissions to be used if the underlying configuration includes the class. To work with existing versions of APIs that have not yet defined Permission classes however, simultaneous use of both named permissions and Permission classes is allowed. The use of named permissions is deprecated though.

Authentication Provider

The part of the MEEP 8 implementation that authenticates Clients as well as Application Suites and LIBlets in order to determine whether they come from a trusted source or not is called an Authentication Provider. The Authentication Providers chapter of this specification defines general rules about how an authentication provider works and which requirements it has to fulfill.

The Application Suites Trust Model Using X.509 PKI chapter of this specification describes one possible implementation of an Authentication Provider as it is known from MIDP 3.0.

Security Policy Provider

The part of the MEEP 8 implementation that determines the per-application permission set of an application by determining the protection domain an application is bound to (identified by the Client the application is assigned to) and then intersecting the permissions requested by the application, is called an Security Policy Provider. The Security Policy Providers chapter of this specification defines general rules about how an security policy provider works and which requirements it has to fulfill.

The Security Policy File Model chapter of this specification describes one possible implementation of an Security Policy Provider as it is known from MIDP 3.0.

Requesting Permissions for an Application Suite

All application suites that require access to protected APIs or functions MUST request the corresponding Permissions with the MIDlet-Permission-<n>, MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, MIDlet-Permissions, and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attributes:

Each MIDlet-Permissions and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attribute contains a list of one or more IMP-NG named permissions. Multiple permissions are separated by a comma (Unicode U+002C). Leading and trailing whitespace (Unicode U+0020) and tabs (Unicode U+0099) are ignored.

IMP-NG named permissions are recommended to be mapped to permissions based on as described in Permissions. For permissions defined in IMP-NG, each named permission can be mapped to a Permission as described below in Named Permissions to Class Permission Mapping. This is recommended as named permission are deprecated. As other JSRs may have not changed their permission model to Permission classes yet, the mapping is not mandatory though. The default Security Policy Provider as described here MUST accept both, Permission classes and the (deprecated) named permissions.

Each MIDlet-Permission-<n> and MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attribute contains a single Permission request. The lowest value of <n> MUST be 1 and consecutive ordinals MUST be used. The first missing attribute terminates the list. Any additional attributes MUST be ignored. The value of the attribute has the following fields separated by whitespace:

Some examples of class-based Application Permissions are :

    MIDlet-Permission-1: "http://*:*"
    MIDlet-Permission-2: "socket://:4321"
    MIDlet-Permission-Opt-1: java.lang.PropertyPermission "*" "read"

MEEP class based permissions must be requested via MIDlet-Permission-<n> and MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attributes. Named permissions must be requested via MIDlet-Permissions and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attribute ONLY. A mix of both styles of attributes is allowed, and all requests have the same priority. It is up to application developer to avoid contradictory requests.

LIBlet Permissions

LIBlets MUST declare their required access to protected APIs or functions by requesting the corresponding permissions. Critical permissions are declared using zero or more LIBlet-Permission-<n> and LIBlet-Permissions attributes. Non-critical permissions are declared using zero or more LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n> and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt attributes. Each LIBlet-Permission-<n> and LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attribute contains a single permission request and SHOULD be used over their LIBlet-Permissions and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt counterparts if the requested Permissions class exists. For the value of the attribute, see Requesting Permissions for an Application suite.

The LIBlet can be granted the same permissions (if required) as the application it is bound to. The LIBlet-Permission-<n> and LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attributes MUST NOT be treated as a permission request to the AMS. It is the application that makes the permission requests using MIDlet-Permission-<n> and MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attributes.

LIBlet-Permission-<n>, LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, LIBlet-Permissions and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt attributes are used for declarative purpose; that is, an application suite developer can instantly see which protected APIs or functions a given LIBlet needs to access. Since a LIBlet itself is able to depend on other LIBlets, it is crucial that all permissions requested in the application dependency chain are listed under MIDlet-Permission-<n>, MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, LIBlet-Permissions and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt attributes. Only permissions requested in an application suite will be validated at installation time. Permissions requested in MIDlet-Permission-<n>, MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, LIBlet-Permissions and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt attributes are the union of Permissions required by application suite and all LIBlets in the dependency declaration chain. If any LIBlet-Permission-<n>, LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, LIBlet-Permissions, or LIBlet-Permissions-Opt permissions requested by a LIBlet are not also requested by dependent application suite, then a runtime security exception may occur.

Named Permission to Class Permission Mapping

The Configuration ([CLDC] defines the Permission classes that allow access to networking protocols in the Generic Connection Framework.

Table 9-1 : Named Permission to Class Permission Mapping

Named Permission

PushRegistryPermission (“*”, “static,dynamic,alarm”)

Example Mapping Named Permissions to Class Permissions

For example, if the application attributes for an IMP-NG application suite included the following :

    MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.8
    MicroEdition-Profile: MEEP-8.0

The security mechanisms and policy are evaluated as specified in Granting Permissions to Application Suites using the equivalent permissions as if the application attributes were :

    MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.8
    MicroEdition-Profile: MEEP-8.0
    MIDlet-Permission-1: "http://*:*"
    MIDlet-Permission-2: "https://*:*"

Recommendation for Permissions for Optional Packages

Each API that provides access to a protected function defines the needed Permissions. For APIs defined outside of this specification there must be a single document that specifies the permissions and the behavior of the API when it is implemented on IMP-NG. Optional package specifications must also specify the mapping from IMP-NG named permissions to the corresponding Permissions.

Authorization of Application Suites to be Installed

If the MEEP implementation supports Provisioning, and an applications suite has been provisioned and is now about to be installed, it has to be authorized and in parallel permissions are granted to this application suite. The authorization process is determined by the following:

Authorization of application suites uses Client related information and critical and non-critical Permissions requested in the application suite. Verification of requested Permissions results in failed installation of an application suite and the Status Code 910 (Application authorization failure) returned in the status report if any of the following errors occur:

If one of the situations described above are applicable to a non-critical Permissions (MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>) though, then the application suite MUST be installed unless there are other errors.

Authorization of Pre-Installed Application Suites

Pre-installed application suites cannot be authorized at installation time. For MEEP implementations that do not support Provisioning, all applications suites are pre-installed. But also in MEEP installations with Provisioning support, the manufacturer can pre-install single application suites.

As there is no installation process for those application suites, authorization has to take place before application is started the first time, otherwise the AMS MUST NOT attempt to invoke any application of the application suite. The point in time, when the authorization is performed for those application suites, is implementation dependent. The authorization process is determined by the following:

Authorization of application suites uses Client related information and critical and non-critical Permissions requested in the application suite. Verification of requested Permissions of a pre-installed application suite results in failed invocation if any of the following errors occur:

If one of the situations described above are applicable to a non-critical Permissions (MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>) though, then the applications of the suite MUST be invoked unless there are other errors.

Granting Permissions to Application Suites

The Permissions granted to an application suite during authorization are based on those granted by the Security Protection Domain associated with its Client and the Permissions requested in the application suite. The Permissions granted to the application suite are established by the following:

Example of Granting Permissions to Application Suites

An example illustrates the steps used to determine the permissions granted to an application suite. It focuses on the permissions that are available to the application.

For these examples the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client contains permissions:

    grant allowed "NetAccess" {
        permission "http://*";
    grant allowed "PhoneCall" {
        permission CallPermission "tel://*";
    grant allowed "PrivateFiles" {
        permission "file:///User1/Home" "read,write";
    grant allowed "WriteLog" {
        permission java.util.PropertyPermission "Logfile" "read,write"
        permission java.util.PropertyPermission "microedition.*" "read";
Permission Example Using Required and Optional Permissions

In the first example, the application suite requires access to the network and to a property and makes optional requests to read all properties and access all files:

    MIDlet-Permission-1: ""
    MIDlet-Permission-2: java.util.PropertyPermission "Logfile" "write"
    MIDlet-Permission-Opt-1: java.util.PropertyPermission "*" "read"
    MIDlet-Permission-Opt-2: "file:///*" "read,write"

When the application suite is executed the resulting set of permissions granted is in conformance with the verification steps described in section Granting permissions to Application Suites". The permissions granted are:

    grant allowed "NetAccess" {
        permission "";
    grant allowed "PrivateFiles" {
        permission "file:///User1/Home" "read,write";
    grant allowed "WriteLog" {
        permission java.util.PropertyPermission "Logfile" "write"
        permission java.util.PropertyPermission "microedition.*" "read";

In this first example, the requests access to all possible files but because it is requested in the MIDlet-Permission-Opt-2 attribute the access granted is the narrower of the request and the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client. The CallPermission granted in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client is not granted to the application suite, because it did not request it. The is granted only to the requested host even though the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client allows access to any host. The java.util.PropertyPermission to write the "Logfile" property is granted because it is requested and is allowed by one of the java.util.PropertyPermissions in the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client. The application suite is granted access to the "microedition.*" properties since it was requested in the MIDlet-Permission-Opt-1 attribute, but only for the narrower of the requested permission and the permission policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client.

Permission Example Using Only Required Permissions

In the second example, the application suite requires all permissions to operate correctly and uses only the MIDlet-Permission-<n> attributes.

    MIDlet-Permission-1: java.util.PropertyPermission "*" "read"
    MIDlet-Permission-2: "file:///*" "read,write"

In this second example, the installation fails because permissions are denied. The requires access to all possible files. But because the policy permission in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client is narrower, access must be denied. The java.util.PropertyPermission requires access to all properties. But because the policy permission granted in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client is narrower access must be denied.

External Client Policy Format

An external representation for Client's policies allows clear communication between several Clients that may have certain roles like manufacturer, operator, etc. Implementations MAY use the external policy format to configure security policy and MAY support other policy representations. Provisioning of security policy is outside the scope of this specification.

The format includes all aspects of a policy including the Client's name, optional bindings to Client's Root Certificates (if the binding is certificate based), and permissions grouped when applicable.

The policy format uses the UTF-8 encoding and semantics for granting permissions to eligible applications. A policy consists of a number of “grant” clauses; each clause contains one or more Permissions. The grant clauses define which permissions requested by applications are granted.

The general form of the format is :

The following is an ANTLR grammar of the external Client's policy format. For information about ANTLR, see

    grammar client_policy;

    client_policy:      client+;
    client:     'client' Identifier root_dn_subjects? ';' grant+;

    root_dn_subjects: bracketed_root_dn_subject ( bracketed_root_dn_subject )*
    bracketed_root_dn_subject: '[' root_dn_subject ']'

    grant: 'grant' 'allowed' grant_name? permissions;

    grant_name: '"' Identifier '"';

    permissions: '{' permission+ '}';

    permission: 'permission' permission_class target_name? target_action? ';';

    permission_class: Identifier ( '.'  Identifier)*;
    target_name: 'null' | '"'  ( .~('"')*) '"';
    target_action: 'null' | '"' ( .~('"')*) '"';

    start       :       .+;

    ALPHA:      ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z');
    DIGIT:       '0'..'9';
    SYMBOL      :       ('*' | ':' | '/' | '.' );
    Identifier: ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT)*;
    WS: (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ ;

Syntax of root_dn_subject as specified in [RFC2253].

A brief example below illustrates the format. Refer to Appendix B for security policy examples using this format.

    client Sample1 [CN=Before\0DAfter,O="Test#Test",C=GB] [CN=Steve Kille,O=Isode Limited,C=GB];
    grant allowed {
        permission java.util.PropertyPermission “java.version”;

    grant allowed {
        permission “http://*”;


Blacklisting is the possibility to prevent access to sensitive functionality for a particular application or all applications assigned to a particular Client by removing the privileged permissions of this application(s). In case of blacklisting a Client, the removal of privileged permissions of the applications assigned to this Client takes place even if some of those applications are assigned also to other (not blacklisted) Clients at the same time.

This can happen using CRL or OCSP, but also using implementation-defined mechanisms such as a simple "push" blacklisting. It is up to the implementation which mechanism is chosen to realize blacklisting.

Implementations MAY also offer to roll back blacklisting for applications as well as for Clients under certain circumstances. Whether this can be done, under which exact circumstances and which way, is implementation dependent.

Black-listing a Client has to include the following steps:

Black-listing an Application has to include the following steps:

Remark: Other applications assigned to the same Client and the Client itself are not affected by black-listing a single application!

Combined Usage of Recent and Previous Security Models

As optional JSRs are gradually updated to incorporate the permission model of this specification and provide the appropriate Permission classes, developers may face situations where the JSRs used by the application have not yet provided the appropriate Permission classes. As a transitional mechanism, the simultaneous use of both the IMP-NG permission attributes and MEEP 8 permission attributes is allowed.

The MIDlet-Permission-<n> or MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attributes may appear in the same JAD and JAR Manifest as the MIDlet-Permissions and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attributes. In such a case, all permissions requested by all MIDlet-Permission-<n>, MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n>, MIDlet-Permissions, and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attributes MUST be verified against the permissions granted in the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client. If the application suite does not have sufficient authorization for any of the critical permissions requested by MIDlet-Permission-<n> and MIDlet-Permissions attributes, the installation MUST fail and return the Status Code 910 (Application authorization failure). For permissions requested via the MIDlet-Permission-Opt-<n> and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt attribute, the application suite will be granted only as much access as is allowed by the policy defined in the Security Protection Domain associated with this Client, which will in some cases be less than was requested.

The LIBlet-Permission-<n> or LIBlet-Permission-Opt-<n> attributes may appear in the same JAD and JAR Manifest as the LIBlet-Permissions and LIBlet-Permissions-Opt attributes. These permission attributes are declarative and MUST NOT be treated as a permission request to the AMS.

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