This image shows a screenshot of a window titled Security Configuration.

The top group of options is labeled Security Providers. This group contains a greyed-out text field labeled Custom Security Providers Implementation JAR File. To the right of this field is a greyed-out button labeled Browse. Below this field are two more fields with deselected check boxes labeled Custom Authentication Provider Class Name and Custom Security Provider Class Name.

Below the top group is a group of panels labeled Security Policy. The panel on the left is labeled Clients. It contains a list of two default clients: Signed and untrusted. Below the list are two buttons: Add and Remove. The top panel to the right is labeled Permissions. It contains a list of permissions. Below the list, there is a button labeled Add and two more greyed out buttons: Edit and Remove. The bottom panel to the right is labeled Certificates. It contains a list of certificates. Below the list, there is a button labeled Add and a greyed-out button labeled Remove.

At the bottom of the window, there is a text label that says Changes to security policy will take affect on the next emulator startup. To the right of this label, there are two buttons: OK and Cancel.