The figure shows the Project Properties - GPIOExample1 window where the Platform category is selected in the Categories pane. The right-hand part of the window contains the following elements: the JDK Path drop-down list with the JDK 1.8 (Default) selected, the Java ME Platform drop-down list with the Oracle Java(TM) Platform Micro Edition SDK 8.1 selected, the Configuration drop-down list with the <default config> selected, the Device list with the EmbeddedExternalDevice1 selected, the CLDC-1.8 radio button is selected, the MEEP-8.0 is selected. The Optional Packages list contains check boxes such as Application Protocol Data Units APIs 1.0 (selected), Configuration API 1.0, Device I/O API 1.0 (selected), FileConnection Optional Package 1.0 (selected), Generic Connection Framework 1.8 (selected), HTTP Client 1.0, JSON 1.0, Java Cryptographics Extension APIs 1.0, Java ME Web Services 1.0 (selected).