C H A P T E R  19

Using TestPackInstallerMain for Faster Test Installation Cycles

A script (called the tpim script) is provided for both Windows and Solaris operating systems to invoke the class com.sun.jdts.tpinstaller.TestPackInstallerMain:

The tpim script is a utility shell script to be used as a command-line tool to perform advanced installation tasks such as installing or uninstalling only the server part of a test pack. To see a usage message with a list of supported commands and options, run tpim without parameters.

The following example (for the Solaris operating system) demonstrates how to install or update the server part of the sample runtime test pack with a tpim script.

% cd devKitHome 
% ./tpim.sh -install.testpack.dev ./tests/runtime/ 

Customizing the tpim Script

The standard tpim script that is packaged with the Developer’s Kit might need modification to run with your environment. For example, if you upgrade your version of the Java Runtime Environment, you need to edit the script file and change the line that defines the variable JAVA_EXEC:

JAVA_EXEC="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\java.exe"