This illustration shows a bar chart, in which data items are grouped into categories.

The title of the chart says: "Country Summary." The horizontal axis, which is labeled "Country," has the following categories of data from left to right: Austria, Brazil, France, Italy, and USA. The vertical axis with the label "Value" has numerical values from bottom to top of 0 to 175,000 with the interval of 25,000. The chart legend underneath the chart indicates that red bars correspond to 2003, orange bars correspond to 2004, and green bars correspond to 2005.

The vertical bars in each category are stacked, so that the green bars are located on the top of the orange bars, which are located on top of the red bars.

For example, the bar for Austria is yellow from 0 to just above 25,000 value mark, where it becomes green until just below the 85,000 value mark, where it continues as blue, ending at just over the 125,000 value mark.