The Sun Java Real-Time System DTrace Provider
Sun Java Real-Time System 2.2 Update 1

The information in this document applies only to applications running on the Solaris™ 10 Operating System.

This document describes the DTrace probe provider functionality for Sun Java™ Real-Time System. This functionality allows real-time developers to observe, debug, and tune their real-time applications. With the jrts provider, it is possible to monitor activities from priority updates to memory area operations, as well as RTGC cycles, all without any modification to the running application. It is possible to synchronize a DTrace script with the start of the Java virtual machine, but a DTrace script can also be launched to monitor an already running virtual machine.

Technical Documentation: Links to all the Java RTS technical documents


How to Use the Java RTS DTrace Provider


Probes Related to Schedulables
Probes Related to Memory
Probes Related to Threads
Probes Related to Handlers
Probes Related to Compilation
Probes Related to the RTGC
Probes Related to Classes
Probes Related to the VM
Probes Related to the Application

Supported Platforms

Sample Scripts

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How to Use the Java RTS DTrace Provider

First of all, it is strongly recommended to read the DTrace documentation available here. The rest of this document assumes that the reader is familiar with the D language and how DTrace works.

The jrts provider is a statically defined user provider working through the standard pid provider. To enable a jrts probe to monitor a real-time virtual machine, the provider name to use is jrts followed by the process ID of the virtual machine. For instance, to enable the probe thread-start in the JVM running in process 1245, the clause is written as follows:

      /* your action */ 

You can avoid hard coding the pid in the clause by using a variable or a script argument to store the pid of the targeted VM. In the sample scripts provided at the end of this document, the variable $target is used to specify the pid with the -p option on the dtrace command line.

To be able to compile a D script using the jrts provider, the targeted VM must be running and the probes available. If the Java RTS VM is started with the -XX:+PauseAtStartup option on the command line, it will stop itself as soon as all the probes are available and before starting to execute Java code. It will also create a file in the current directory called vm.paused.<pid_of_the_paused_vm>. You can then launch the compilation of the D script using the dtrace program. The suspended VM will resume its execution as soon as the file vm.paused.<pid_of_the_paused_vm> is removed. In the sample scripts provided below, the file is removed by the scripts themselves using the BEGIN clause, just after the compilation.

You can also start the Java RTS VM directly from a dtrace command line to avoid pausing the VM at startup. In this case, use the -c option of dtrace to specify the command to use to launch the VM with your application. But, as explained above, the jrts provider's probes are not immediately available when the VM starts, so you have to use the dtrace -Z option to be able to compile your script containing probes not available yet. Those probes will be activated when the jrts provider is initialized. Finally, your dtrace command will look like this one:

dtrace -s <your_DTrace_script> -Z -c "<vm_launch_command>"

Note that because of the usage of the -Z option, no error message will be printed for probes still unmatched once the jrts provider is available.



The probes supplied by the jrts provider are presented here in eight different sections, depending on the concept they are related to:

Time values:

The time values provided by probes monitor-wait and handler-release-* are absolute times expressed in nanoseconds. They are based on the same time source (the Solaris high-resolution clock) as the built-in variable timestamp provided by DTrace. Thus, time values passed by the jrts provider are comparable with values read from the timestamp variable.

String values:

A number of probes of the jrts provider have arguments of type char *. These arguments are not guaranteed to be NULL-terminated arrays of char, but they are always followed by an argument that provides the size of the array of char. To copy these arrays of char from the process address space to a DTrace variable, use the copyinstr() function, specifying the address and the size of the array of char.


Probes Related to Schedulables

The schedulable probes are common to all schedulables (threads and handlers). Their goal is to ease the analysis of the scheduling by providing additional information about priority changes and blocking.

The monitor-related probes apply to both the Java synchronized statement and the locks that are defined by the VM for its own critical sections.


Probe Description
priority-change This probe is triggered by an explicit priority change to an RTSJ schedulable. The sched:::change-pri probe provided by the Solaris kernel is not sufficient because it does not provide enough information to make the distinction between explicit priority changes and boosting/unboosting caused by the priority inheritance protocol (see the two probes below). The type of schedulable (a thread or an instance of AsyncEventHandler) having its priority modified is specified in args[1]. The possible values for args[1] are shown in this table. If the modification applies to a thread, the thread ID is stored in args[0]. For a handler, args[0] contains the opaque ID for this handler. The requested new priority is provided in args[2].
priority-boost This probe fires when the priority of the thread args[0] is boosted to the priority args[1] because of a contention on lock args[2]. Every time a thread's priority changes to a priority other than its default user priority, this probe fires.

A thread's priority can be boosted because this thread holds a lock on a resource that a higher priority thread needs. Furthermore, if the thread releases the lock, there could still be a contention with a different thread for a different resource; in this case, the thread args[0] is boosted to the priority of this other thread requiring the lock, and this probe fires.

In summary, whenever the new priority is higher than the thread's default user priority, the new priority is considered as boosted, and this probe is fired. This is true even if the new priority is lower than the previous priority.

priority-unboost This probe fires when thread args[0] has its priority changed back to its default args[1] priority after boosting. There can be several boosts for a thread before an unboost, if there is a change in the boosting cause.
monitor-contended-enter This probe fires when the current thread is trying to enter a contended monitor. An opaque ID identifying the monitor is stored in args[0]. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] argument is NULL and the args[2] argument is zero.
monitor-contended-entered This probe fires when the current thread successfully enters the contended monitor identified by args[0]. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] argument is NULL and the args[2] argument is zero
monitor-contended-exit This probe fires when the current thread exits the contended monitor identified by the args[0] argument. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] argument is NULL and the args[2] argument is zero.
monitor-wait This probe fires when the current thread calls wait() on the monitor identified by args[0]. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] argument is NULL and the args[2] argument is zero. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the wake-up time for the wait() call.
monitor-waited This probe fires when the current thread completes its call to wait() on the monitor identified by args[0]. When this probe fires, the current thread owns the monitor identified by args[0] and is ready to resume its execution. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] is NULL and args[2] is zero.
monitor-notify This probe fires when the current thread calls notify() on the monitor identified by args[0] and at least one thread is waiting on this monitor. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] is NULL and args[2] is zero.
monitor-notifyAll This probe fires when the current thread calls notifyAll() on the monitor identified by args[0] and at least one thread is waiting on this monitor. The monitor's class name is provided in args[1], and the name's length in args[2]. If the monitor is not associated with a Java object, the args[1] is NULL and args[2] is zero.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4]
priority-change uintptr_t int int - -
priority-boost int int uintptr_t - -
priority-unboost int int - - -
monitor-contended-enter uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -
monitor-contended-entered uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -
monitor-contended-exit uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -
monitor-wait uintptr_t char* uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t
monitor-waited uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -
monitor-notify uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -
monitor-notifyAll uintptr_t char* uintptr_t - -


Value Schedulable type
1 Thread
2 Handler


Probes Related to Memory

The memory probes are related to the memory areas introduced by the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). The goal of these probes is to help track the changes of the allocation context of a schedulable, to monitor all the enter/exit operations performed on a given scoped memory area, and to track immortal memory allocation.


Probe Description
memarea-change This probe is triggered every time a thread changes its current allocation context. The ID of the new allocation context is provided in args[0]. The type of the new allocation context is specified in args[1]. The possible values for args[1] are shown this table.
memarea-enter This probe tracks all enters to a memory area. The ID of the memory area being entered is stored in args[0].The type of the new allocation context is specified in args[1]. The possible values for args[1] are shown this table.
memarea-exit This probe tracks all exits from a memory area. The ID of the memory area being exited is stored in args[0].The type of the new allocation context is specified in args[1]. The possible values for args[1] are shown this table.
scopedmem-creation This probe is fired when a new instance of ScopedMemoryArea is created. An opaque ID identifying the new memory area is stored in args[0]. The name of the class used to create the ScopedMemoryArea instance is provided in args[1] and the name's length in args[2]. args[3] and args[4] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the maximum size requested by the application in the ScopedMemory constructor. args[5] and args[6] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the real size of the memory area allocated from the backing store for this scoped memory area. (Depending on the implementation, this value can be greater than the size viewed by the application.)
scopedmem-first-enter This probe tracks the first enter to a scoped memory area. On a first enter, scopedmem-first-enter is triggered before memarea-enter. The ID of the memory area being entered is stored in args[0]. Because of the introduction of the "fireable" status, probe scopedmem-first-enter() can be fired even if no code really enters the scope.
scopedmem-last-exit This probes tracks the last exit from a scoped memory area. The ID of the memory area being exited is stored in args[0]. The amount of bytes in use in the scope before it was cleaned is specified in args[1]. The total memory in bytes available in the scope is specified in args[2]. On an exit, scopedmem-last-exit is triggered after memarea-exit. Because of the introduction of the "fireable" status, probe scopedmem-last-exit() can be fired even if no code really exits the scope.
scopedmem-finalization This probe is triggered every time the VM detects that it has to execute finalizers before clearing a scoped memory area. The ID of the scoped memory area requiring finalization is stored in args[0].

This probe is fired when immortal memory is allocated. The number of requested bytes is stored in args[0]. The number of bytes used in immortal memory after completion of the request is stored in args[1]. The address of the allocated object is available in args[2]. The address values is NULL if the allocation failed.

Note: This probe is reliable only if the command line option -XX:+RTSJEnableImmortalAllocationProbe is set. If it is not set, most of the allocations are optimized by the VM and will not fire the probe. This option is (currently) activated by default. This may lead to throughput loss during the startup phase.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4] args[5] args[6]
memarea-change uintptr_t int - - - - -
memarea-enter uintptr_t int - - - - -
memarea-exit uintptr_t int - - - - -
scopedmem-creation uintptr_t char* int unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long
scopedmem-first-enter uintptr_t - - - - - -
scopedmem-last-exit uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - -
scopedmem-finalization uintptr_t - - - - - -
immortal-alloc uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - -


Value Memory Area Type
1 Heap Memory
2 Immortal Memory
3 Scoped Memory


Probes Related to Threads

The thread-related probes concern Thread, RealtimeThread, and NoHeapRealtimeThread instances. Going further than thread start and end, they provide information about periodic execution and interruption (Asynchronous Transfer of Control, or ATC).


Probe Description
thread-period-change This probe is triggered when a thread's period is modified (not when this change takes effect). The thread's ID is stored in args[0]. args[1] and args[2] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the value of the new period. This probe also fires when the thread's release policy is changed from periodic to aperiodic. In this case, args[1] and args[2] are equal to zero.
thread-deschedule-periodic This probe fires when deschedulePeriodic() is performed on the thread identified by args[0]. If the deschedulePeriodic() method is invoked on a non-periodic thread or thread not alive, the method has no effect and the probe doesn't fire.
thread-schedule-periodic This probe fires when schedulePeriodic() is performed on the thread identified by args[0]. If the schedulePeriodic() method is invoked on a non-periodic thread or thread that is not alive, the method has no effect and the probe does not fire.
thread-aie-fired This probe fires when an Asynchronously Interrupted Exception is generated. The ID of thread which will receive the AIE is stored in args[0]. If the thread is not alive then args[0] will be zero.
thread-aie-delivered This probe fires when a pending Asynchronously Interrupted Exception is being propagated because the current thread is executing AI-enabled code with an AIE pending.
thread-aie-cleared This probe fires when an Asynchronously Interrupted Exception is cleared by the current thread.
thread-start This probe fires when the start() method is invoked on a thread. The ID of the thread being started is available in args[0]. The type of the thread is specified in args[1]. The possible values for the args[1] are shown this table. The thread's class name is provided in args[2], and the class name's length in args[3]. The thread's name is provided in args[4], and the name's length in args[5].
thread-begin A Java thread fires this probe just before starting the execution of its run() method. A native thread fires this probe at the end of a successful call to the JNI method AttachCurrentThread(). A native thread creating a VM will also fire this probe at the end of the JNI method JNI_CreateJavaVM().
thread-end A thread fires this probe after the completion of its run() method and, if it had an uncaught exception, the completion of the uncaughtException method of its UncaughtExceptionHandler. A native thread fires this probe when it calls the JNI method DetachCurrentThread().

This probes fires when the current thread sets the name of the thread identified by args[0]. The new name is available in args[1] and its length in args[2].

This probe also fires when a thread creates a system thread, that is, a thread dedicated to the internal work of the VM and not part of the application. Each system thread has a different name and can be easily identified through this probe.

Server threads are created by the VM to execute released handlers. Every time a new server thread is created, the thread-set-name probe is fired.

Handlers that are instances of BoundAsyncEventHandler are called bound handlers, while handlers that are instances of AsyncEventHandler but not instances of BoundAsyncEventHandler are called not-bound handlers.

For server threads associated with bound handlers, the name provided by the probe is the same as the name returned to the handler itself when it invokes Thread.currentThread().getName(). This name is built from the type of the handler and a counter incremented at each creation of a new handler.

For server threads dedicated to the execution of not-bound handlers, the name provided by the probe depends only on the type of the thread, so all server threads with the same type will have the same name.

However, it is possible to configure the VM to fire the thread-set-name probe every time a server thread binds or unbinds itself to a not-bound handler. In this case, when the thread-set-name probe is fired during the binding process, the name provided by the probe is the same as the name returned to the handler itself when it invokes Thread.currentThread().getName() (as in the creation of server threads associated with bound handlers). And when the thread-set-name is fired during the unbinding process, the name provided by the probe is the initial name of the thread. By default, the thread-set-name probe is disabled during the binding and unbinding of server threads associated with not-bound handlers. This is because the cost associated with the preparation of arguments for the probe is in the critical path of the handler's execution code. To activate the firing of the thread-set-name probe during the binding and unbinding process, the VM option -XX:+RTSJEnableServerThreadNamingProbe must be specified on the command line at startup time.

thread-wfnp-enter This probe is fired by a thread invoking the waitForNextPeriod() or waitForNextPeriodInterruptible() method. If waitForNextPeriod() is invoked args[0] is false, otherwise it is true.
thread-wfnp-exit This probe is fired by a thread when it returns from a waitForNextPeriod() call. The value returned by the waitForNextPeriod() method is available in args[0].
thread-deadline-miss This probe fires when a thread's deadline miss causes the release of its deadline miss handler. The ID of the handler to be released is available in args[0]
thread-sleep-begin A thread fires this probe at the beginning of the Thread.sleep() and RealtimeThread.sleep() methods, before going to sleep.
thread-sleep-end A thread fires this probe at the end of the Thread.sleep() and RealtimeThread.sleep() methods, after the completion of the sleep.
thread-yield A thread fires this probe when it performs a call to Thread.yield().


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4] args[5]
thread-period-change int unsigned long unsigned long - - -
thread-deschedule-periodic int - - - - -
thread-schedule-periodic int - - - - -
thread-aie-fired int - - - - -
thread-aie-delivered - - - - - -
thread-aie-cleared - - - - - -
thread-start int int char* int char* int
thread-begin - - - - - -
thread-end - - - - - -
thread-set-name unsigned int char* int - - -
thread-wfnp-enter int - - - - -
thread-wfnp-exit int - - - - -
thread-deadline-miss uintptr_t - - - - -
thread-sleep-begin - - - - - -
thread-sleep-end - - - - - -
thread-yield - - - - - -


Value Thread Type
-1 java.lang.Thread
1 javax.realtime.RealtimeThread
0 javax.realtime.NoHeapRealtimeThread


Probes Related to Handlers

The handler probes are related to instances of AsyncEventHandler. These probes aim to expose all the steps from the event's firing to the execution of the application's logic: firing, release policy, binding, and so forth. They also allow tracking of the creation and destruction of server threads in order to help the developer in sizing the server pools.

Handlers that are instances of BoundAsyncEventHandler are called bound handlers, while handlers that are instances of AsyncEventHandler but not instances of BoundAsyncEventHandler are called not-bound handlers.


Probe Description
event-fire This probe fires when the event identified by the args[0] is fired.
handler-creation This probe fires after the creation of an AsyncEventHandler instance to provide useful information about this handler. An opaque ID for this handler is provided in args[0]. The class name of the handler is available in args[1], and the class name's length in args[2]. If the handler is allowed to access the heap, args[3] is false, otherwise it is true.
handler-destruction This probe fires just before the handler identified in args[0] is collected. At this point, the handler can no longer be released or executed.
handler-release-accepted This probe fires when the release of a handler has been accepted. This release could have been caused by the firing of an event, a timer, or a deadline miss. The ID of the handler being released is specified in args[0]. args[1] and args[2] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time when the release request occurred, while args[3] and args[4] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time the handler will actually be released. The real release time and the effective release time are different when the release of the handler has been delayed because of a Minimum Interarrival Time policy enforcement. In the other cases, the values are equal.
handler-release-replace This probe fires when the release of a handler will replace a previously accepted release in the pending release queue. This release could have been caused by the firing of an event, a timer, or a deadline miss. The ID of the handler being released is specified in args[0]. args[1] and args[2] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time when the release request occurred, while args[3] and args[4] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time the handler will actually be released. The real release time and the effective release time are different when the release of the handler has been delayed because of a Minimum Interarrival Time policy enforcement. In other cases, the values are equal.
handler-release-rejected This probe fires when the release of a handler has been refused. The ID of the handler being rejected is specified in args[0]. args[1] and args[2] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time of the release being rejected. The release policy being considered for this release is specified in args[3]. The possible values for args[3] are shown this table.
handler-release-ignored This probe fires when the release of a handler has been ignored. The ID of the handler being ignored is specified in args[0]. args[1] and args[2] are the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer containing the time of the release being ignored. The release policy being considered for this release is specified in args[3]. The possible values for args[3] are shown this table.
server-thread-binding This probe fires when a server thread is bound to the handler identified by args[1]. The thread ID of the server thread being bound is available in args[0]. Server threads executing a bound handler fire this probe only once, that is, when the handler is created.
server-thread-unbinding This probe fires when a server thread (the current thread) unbinds itself from the handler identified by args[0]. Server threads executing a bound handler fire this probe only once, that is, when the handler is destroyed.
server-thread-creation This probe fires when a new server thread is created. The thread ID of the server thread that has been created is available in args[0]. If the server thread is an instance of NoHeapRealtimeThread, args[1] is true, otherwise it is false. This probe does not fire if the thread is intended to be associated with a bound handler.
server-thread-destruction This probe fires when a server thread (the current thread) is destroyed. If the server thread is an instance of NoHeapRealtimeThread, args[0] is true, otherwise it is false. This probe does not fire if the thread is intended to be associated with a bound handler.
server-thread-wakeup This probe fires when the current thread wakes up the server thread with the thread ID args[0]. The priority at which this server thread has been awakened is specified in args[1]. If the server thread is a bound server thread, args[1] is zero.
handler-start This probe fires when a server thread starts the execution of the main loop of the handler logic (not the handleAsyncEvent() method, but an outer loop that tracks the fire count and any needed delay due to MIT violation). The handler ID is available in args[0].
handler-end This probe fires when a server thread ends the execution of the main loop of the handler logic (not the handleAsyncEvent() method, but an outer loop that tracks the fire count and any needed delay due to MIT violation). The handler ID is available in args[0].
handler-deadline-miss This probe fires when a handler's deadline miss causes the release of its deadline miss handler. The handler ID of the handler to be released is specified in args[0].


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4]
event-fire uintptr_t - - - -
handler-creation uintptr_t char* int int -
handler-destruction uintptr_t - - - -
handler-release-accepted uintptr_t unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long
handler-release-replace uintptr_t unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long
handler-release-rejected uintptr_t unsigned long unsigned long int -
handler-release-ignored uintptr_t unsigned long unsigned long int -
server-thread-binding int uintptr_t - - -
server-thread-unbinding uintptr_t - - - -
server-thread-creation int int - - -
server-thread-destruction int - - - -
server-thread-wakeup int int - - -
handler-start uintptr_t - - - -
handler-end uintptr_t - - - -
handler-deadline-miss uintptr_t - - - -


Value Release policy
1 Minimum interarrival time violation with ignore policy
2 Minimum interarrival time violation with except policy
3 Minimum interarrival time violation with replace policy
4 Minimum interarrival time violation with save policy
5 Arrival queue overflow with ignore policy
6 Arrival queue overflow with except policy
7 Arrival queue overflow with replace policy
8 Arrival queue overflow with save policy


Probes Related to Compilation

The compilation probes help the developer to track when compilations occur for a given class, method, or type of thread. They also provide information about the patching of code due to late resolution of symbols.

See the Java RTS Compilation Guide for detailed information about using the various compilation modes to achieve determinism.


Probe Description
method-compile-begin This probe is triggered when the compilation of a method starts. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length. args[6] indicates for which thread type this method will be compiled
method-compile-end This probe is triggered when the compilation of a method ends. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length. args[6] is true if the compilation was successful, it is false otherwise. args[7] indicates for which thread type this method was compiled.
compiler-patching-klass This probe is triggered on runtime resolution of a class reference in compiled code. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[6] provides the bytecode index of the unresolved symbol. args[7] and args[8] provide the name and the name's length of the resolved class. args[9] is the type of the thread that triggered the resolution.
compiler-patching-tablecall This probe is triggered on runtime resolution of a virtual/interface method call in compiled code. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[6] provides the bytecode index of the unresolved symbol. args[7] and args[8] provide the class name and the class name's length of the resolved method. args[9] and args[10] provide the method name and the method name's length of the resolved method. args[11] and args[12] provide the signature and the signature's length of the resolved method. args[13] is the type of the thread that triggered the resolution.
compiler-patching-directcall This probe is triggered on runtime resolution of a direct method call in compiled code. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length in which the symbol is unresolved. args[6] provides the bytecode index of the unresolved symbol. args[7] and args[8] provide the class name and the class name's length of the resolved method. args[9] and args[10] provide the method name and the method name's length of the resolved method. args[11] and args[12] provide the signature and the signature's length of the resolved method. args[13] is the type of the thread that triggered the resolution.

This probe is fired when a thread will start executing a method using the interpreter. args[0] and args[1] provide the class name and the class name's length of the method. args[2] and args[3] provide the name and the name's length of the method. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length of the method. args[6] is the type of the thread starting the interpreted execution of the method.

This probe fires only if the -XX:+RTSJEnableInterpreterMethodEntryProbe option has been specified on the command line.

The following probes monitor deoptimization. A deoptimization invalidates a set of compiled methods and forces execution back to the interpreter.

Probe Description
asyncdeopt-entry This probe fires when a thread starts a deoptimization.
asyncdeopt-return This probe fires when a thread has finished with a deoptimization.
asyncdeopt-callback Deoptimization requires other threads in the system to perform some work on behalf of the the thread that is doing the deoptimization. This probe fires when a thread performs this work. Because the thread that is doing the deoptimization may perform another thread's work, args[0] contains the thread ID of the thread whose work is being performed.
asyncdeopt-mark-method This probe fires when a compiled method is marked for deoptimization. args[0] and args[1] provide the method's class name and the class name's length. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length. args[6] and args[7] are the name of the class that triggers the deoptimization, and the class name's length. args[8] indicates the thread type for which this method was compiled.
asyncdeopt-deoptimizing This probe fires when a thread is switching from executing a compiled method to the interpreter. args[0] and args[1] provide the method's class name and the class name's length. args[2] and args[3] provide the method name and the method name's length. args[4] and args[5] provide the signature and the signature's length. args[6] indicates the thread type for which this method was compiled.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4] args[5] args[6] args[7] args[8] args[9] args[10] args[11] args[12] args[13]
method-compile-begin char* int char* int char* int int - - - - - - -
method-compile-end char* int char* int char* int int int - - - - - -
compiler-patching-klass char* int char* int char* int int char* int int - - - -
compiler-patching-tablecall char* int char* int char* int int char* int char* int char* int int
compiler-patching-directcall char* int char* int char* int int char* int char* int char* int int
interpreting-method char* int char* int char* int int - - - - - - -
asyncdeopt-callback int - - - - - - - - - - - - -
asyncdeopt-mark-method char* uintptr_t char* uintptr_t char* uintptr_t char* uintptr_t int - - - - -
asyncdeopt-deoptimizing char* uintptr_t char* uintptr_t char* uintptr_t int - - - - - - -


Probes Related to the RTGC

The RTGC probes are related to the activities of the Real-Time Garbage Collector and its worker threads. They also provide information on the allocations performed by the application, on a per-thread basis and by priority range.


Probe Description
rtgc-cycle-begin This probe fires when the RTGC starts a collection cycle.
rtgc-cycle-end This probe fires when the RTGC ends a collection cycle.
rtgc-change-priority This probe fires when the RTGC changes its priority. The new priority is provided in args[0].
rtgc-worker-thread-start A RTGC worker thread fires this probe when it starts executing job args[0] for the RTGC. For the current GC cycle, the thread executing job 0 is called the Pacing Thread and the thread executing job 1 is called the Coordinator Thread. These two threads are used by the RTGC for internal purposes but are not part of the set of worker threads configured by the RTGCNormalWorkers and RTGCBoostedWorkers options.
rtgc-worker-thread-stop A RTGC worker thread fires this probe when it completes the execution of job args[0] for the RTGC. For the current GC cycle, the thread executing job 0 is called the Pacing Thread and the thread executing job 1 is called the Coordinator Thread. These two threads are used by the RTGC for internal purposes but are not part of the set of worker threads configured by the RTGCNormalWorkers and RTGCBoostedWorkers options.
rtgc-policy-stats This probe fires at the end of each RTGC cycle and provides a number of counters related to the memory status during this cycle and the parameters the RTGC will use for its next cycle. args[0] provides the RTGC priority. args[1] provides the end_free_size counter. args[2] provides the min_remaining_memory counter. args[3] provides the mode_margin counter. args[4] provides the critical_limit counter. args[5] provides the normal_limit counter. args[6] provides the RTGCCriticalReservedBytes counter.

This probe fires at the end of each RTGC cycle and provides a detailed status of allocations that occurred during this cycle. The status is provided through an user structure pointed by args[0] with its size specified in args[1]. This structure is not stable and may differ between releases of Java RTS. The structure implemented in Java RTS 2.2 Update 1 is the following one:

struct rtgc_alloc_stats {
  // allocations by all threads in normal mode since VM startup:
       size_t normal_total;      // total for all GC runs
       size_t normal_worst;      // worst GC run
       size_t normal_average;    // average for all the GC runs
  // allocations by all threads in boosted mode since VM startup:
       size_t boosted_total;     // total for all GC runs
       size_t boosted_worst;     // worst GC run
       size_t boosted_average;   // average for all the GC runs
  // allocations by critical threads during this GC run:
       size_t critical_threads_cycle;  // total in all modes
       size_t critical_threads_in_deterministic;
                                       // in deterministic mode only
  // long-term stats for RTGCCriticalReservedBytes:
       size_t critical_threads_worst;
             // worst case in deterministic mode since VM startup
       size_t reserved_field; // reserved for future use
       size_t critical_threads_total;
             // total allocations for critical threads

rtheap-tlab-alloc This probe fires every time a thread gets a new TLAB in the real-time heap. The size of the allocated TLAB is provided in args[0]. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[1].
rtheap-mem-alloc This probe fires every time a thread successfully allocates memory in the real-time heap without using the TLAB mechanism. The amount of memory allocated is provided in args[0]. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[1].
rtheap-mem-alloc-failure This probe fires every time a thread fails while trying to allocate memory in the real-time heap without using the TLAB mechanism. The amount of memory the thread tried to allocate is provided in args[0]. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[1].
rtheap-split-alloc This probe fires every time a thread successfully allocates memory for a split object in the real-time heap without using the TLAB mechanism. The amount of memory allocated is specified in args[0]. An opaque identifier of the split object being allocated is provided in args[1]. Because split objects are allocated in several pieces, this probes fires several times for the same object. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2].
rtheap-split-alloc-failure This probe fires every time a thread fails while trying to allocate memory for a split object in the real-time heap without using the TLAB mechanism. The amount of memory the thread tried to allocate is specified in args[0]. An opaque identifier of the split object being allocated is provided in args[1]. When such a failure occurs, all the previously allocated memory for this split object is freed. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2].
rtheap-total-alloc-quantum1 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum1. The value of quantum1 is set to 128KB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.
rtheap-total-alloc-quantum2 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum2. The value of quantum2 is set to 1MB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.
rtheap-important-alloc-quantum1 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by "important" threads reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum1. (An important thread is one whose priority is higher than the RTGC normal priority.) The value of quantum1 is set to 128KB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by important threads. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.
rtheap-important-alloc-quantum2 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by "important" threads reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum2. (An important thread is one whose priority is higher than the RTGC normal priority.) The value of quantum2 is set to 1MB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by important threads. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.
rtheap-critical-alloc-quantum1 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by critical threads reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum1. The value of quantum1 is set to 128KB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by critical threads. The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.
rtheap-critical-alloc-quantum2 This probe fires every time the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by critical threads reaches a value which is a multiple of quantum2. The value of quantum2 is set to 1MB. The args[0] and args[1] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap by critical threads, The remaining amount of free memory is provided in args[2]. The args[3] and args[4] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority lower or equal to RTGCNormalPriority. The args[5] and args[6] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap in the soft real-time priority range (between RTGCNormalPriority and RTGCCriticalBoundary). The args[7] and args[8] arguments provide the high 32-bits and low 32-bits of a 64-bit signed integer corresponding to the total amount of memory allocated in the real-time heap at a priority strictly higher than RTGCCriticalBoundary.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4] args[5] args[6] args[7] args[8]
rtgc-cycle-begin - - - - - - - - -
rtgc-cycle-end - - - - - - - - -
rtgc-change-priority int - - - - - - - -
rtgc-worker-thread-start int - - - - - - - -
rtgc-worker-thread-stop int - - - - - - - -
rtgc-policy-stats int uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t - -
rtgc-alloc-stats uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - - -
rtheap-tlab-alloc uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - - -
rtheap-mem-alloc uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - - -
rtheap-mem-alloc-failure uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - - -
rtheap-split-alloc uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - -
rtheap-split-alloc-failure uintptr_t uintptr_t uintptr_t - - - - - -
rtheap-total-alloc-quantum1 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t
rtheap-total-alloc-quantum2 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t
rtheap-important-alloc-quantum1 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t
rtheap-important-alloc-quantum2 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t
rtheap-critical-alloc-quantum1 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t
rtheap-critical-alloc-quantum2 uint32_t uint32_t uintptr_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t


Probes Related to Classes

The class-related probes aim to expose when classes are loaded and the threads that perform those loads. They also provide information about when those classes are initialized, and the type of the thread executing the initialization code. The probes related to class initialization are defined according to the steps described in section 2.17.5 "Detailed Initialization Procedure" of the The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification book, second edition.


Probe Description
class-loaded This probe fires when a thread loads a new class. args[0] gives the name of the class being loaded and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[4] is the type of the thread performing the class loading. args[3] is currently not used.
class-initialization-required This probe fires when a class is required to be initialized and the current thread proceeds to initiate that initialization. It is placed before step 1 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread.
class-initialization-recursive This probe fires when a thread that needs to initialize a class discovers that it is already in the process of initializing that class. It corresponds to step 3 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is always false.
class-initialization-concurrent This probe fires when the current thread discovers that another thread concurrently completed the initialization of the given class. It corresponds to step 4 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.
class-initialization-erroneous This probe fires when the current thread discovers that the given class has already been marked as being in the "erroneous" state and cannot be initialized. It corresponds to step 5 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.
class-initialization-super-failed This probe fires when the current thread encounters an error trying to initialize the superclass of the given class. It corresponds to step 7 of the initialization process. Of course the initialization attempt for the superclass would have its own probe firings with more information. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.
class-initialization-clinit This probe fires when the current thread commences execution of the <clinit> method of the given class. It corresponds to step 8 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.
class-initialization-error This probe fires when the execution of <clinit> results in an exception being thrown (in response to which the class is marked as being in the "erroneous" state). It corresponds to steps 10 and 11 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.
class-initialization-end This probe fires after successful execution of the <clinit> method and the class has been marked as initialized. It corresponds to step 9 of the initialization process. args[0] gives the name of the class being initialized and args[1] the class name's length. args[2] is an opaque ID for the class loader used to load the class. args[3] is the type of the current thread. args[4] is true if the thread had to wait at the beginning of the initialization process.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3] args[4]
class-loaded char* uintptr_t void* uintptr_t intptr_t
class-initialization-required char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t -
class-initialization-recursive char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-concurrent char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-erroneous char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-super-failed char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-clinit char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-error char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int
class-initialization-end char* uintptr_t void* intptr_t int


Probes Related to the VM

The VM-related probes aim to expose events that might impact all the activities within the virtual machine.


Probe Description
safepoint-begin This probe fires at the beginning of a global safepoint performed by the VM.
safepoint-end This probe fires at the end of a global safepoint performed by the VM.
vm-operation-request This probe fires when a VM operation is added to the list of requested VM operations. args[0] gives the name of the VM operation being added, and args[1] provides the length of this name. args[2] describes the execution mode of this VM operation. The possible values for args[2] are shown in this table. args[3] is true if this VM operation is to be executed before non-urgent pending VM operations. In case of a nested VM operation, this probe is not fired.
vm-operation-begin This probe fires at the beginning of the execution of a VM operation by the VM thread. args[0] gives the name of the VM operation being executed, and args[1] provides the length of this name. args[2] describes the execution mode of this VM operation. The possible values for args[2] are shown in this table. args[3] is true if this VM operation is to be executed before non-urgent pending VM operations.
vm-operation-end This probe fires when the VM Thread completes the execution of a VM operation. args[0] gives the name of the VM operation that has been executed, and args[1] provides the length of this name. args[2] describes the execution mode of this VM operation. The possible values for args[2] are shown in this table. args[3] is true if this VM operation was executed before non-urgent pending VM operations.
vm-creation-begin This probe fires at the beginning of the Java Virtual Machine loading and initialization.
vm-creation-end This probe fires when the loading and the initialization of the Java Virtual Machine have successfuly completed.


Probe args[0] args[1] args[2] args[3]
safepoint-begin - - - -
safepoint-end - - - -
vm-operation-request char* int int int
vm-operation-begin char* int int int
vm-operation-end char* int int int
vm-creation-begin - - - -
vm-creation-end - - - -


Value Mode name Requesting thread VMOperation under safepoint
0 safepoint blocked yes
1 no_safepoint blocked no
2 concurrent not blocked no
3 async_safepoint not blocked yes


Probes Related to the Application

Using the com.sun.rtsjx.DTraceUserEvent class, the application has the ability to generate its own events visible from a DTrace script. This class always fires the user-event probe, but it is possible to use a string to differentiate the events.


Probe Description
user-event This probe fires when the method msg) is invoked. args[0] gives the string passed in argument to the fire() method and args[1] provides the length of this string.


Probe args[0] args[1]
user-event char* int


Supported Platforms

The jrts DTrace probe provider is available only on Solaris 10 platforms (SPARC and x86).


Sample Scripts

Here are some sample scripts showing how to use the probes described above.


Contact Us

Please report any problems or bugs you might encounter to the Java RTS team.

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