
Sun Java™ Real-Time System 2.1 Technical Documentation Updates

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»  Updates to Technical Documents

Changes have been made to the following technical documents for Java RTS 2.1 since the creation of the latest Documentation Bundle (Jul 28, 2008).

Release Notes

 Date  Brief Description
 Jul 29, 2008 

 Section "Operating System Support for Linux OS": For Red Hat Enterprise MRG, the -73 kernel or later is expected to become the MRG 1.0 Errata release.

 Aug 13, 2008 

 Section "Known Issues": Added comment for Red Hat bug 400981.

 Sep 4, 2008 

 Section "Operating System Support for Linux OS": For Red Hat Enterprise MRG, the -74 kernel or later is expected to become the MRG 1.0 Errata release.

 Sep 22, 2008 

 Section "Operating System Support for Linux OS": Red Hat Enterprise MRG 1.0.1 Errata is released and supported.

 Dec 9, 2008 

 Section "Operating System Support for Linux OS": Need glibc 2.4 or later; and to reduce priority inversion, need either glibc 2.5 or an appropriately patched system.

 Mar 30, 2009 

 Section "General Differences from Java HotSpot VM": Fixed broken link.

Installation Guide

 Date  Brief Description
 Feb 26, 2009 

 Clarified description of assigning profile rights and privileges.

The jrts DTrace Probe Provider

 Date  Brief Description
 Sep 4, 2008 

 Improved document format, consistent with Solaris DTrace document: tables for probes, arguments, and constants.
 Added new thread-related probes: thread-sleep-begin, thread-sleep-end, thread-yield.

Practical Introduction to Achieving Determinism (and Annex)

 Date  Brief Description
 Sep 22, 2008 

 Programs use wait-for-next-period instead of sleep.
 Various clarifications and explanations.


For comments and questions, please contact Java RTS Engineering and Marketing.


This page last updated: Mar 30, 2009

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