Combining Columns to Display Data Differently

You can combine columns based on set operations such as Union or Intersect. By combining columns, you create a column for displaying the data in a different way. For example, you can combine a Region column with a City column and create a column named Regions and Cities.

The analysis must meet certain criteria if you want to use set operations:

  • The number and data types of the columns must be the same.

  • You cannot use hierarchical columns, selection steps, or groups when you combine criteria.

To combine columns based on set operations:

  1. Open the analysis for editing.

  2. On the Analysis Editor: Criteria tab, in the Selected Columns pane toolbar, click Combine results based on union, intersection, and difference operations.

    The Set Operations area is displayed in the Selected Columns pane. Note the boxes with the dotted line borders. These boxes indicate the kind of column that you must combine with those that you have previously included in the analysis.

    Description of analysis67.gif follows
    Description of the illustration analysis67.gif

  3. In the Subject Areas pane, select the columns to combine with the original columns. Note that the dotted line borders and contents have been replaced.

    Description of analysis65.gif follows
    Description of the illustration analysis65.gif

  4. In the Result Columns area on the Set Operations pane, click on the Union button and select a set operation. The following table describes the operations.

    Operation Description
    Union Specifies that only nonduplicate rows from all columns are returned.
    Union All Specifies that rows from all columns, including duplicate rows, are returned.
    Intersect Specifies that only rows common to all columns are returned.
    Minus Specifies that only rows from the first column that are not in the second column are returned.

  5. Click the Result Columns link. The Selected Columns pane shows the newly combined columns.

  6. To rename the heading of the column:

    1. Click the Options button for the column.

    2. Select Column Properties.

    3. Select Column Format.

    4. Ensure that Custom Headings is selected.

    5. In the Column Heading box, enter the new heading.

    6. Click OK.

  7. Click the Results tab to view the columns in a table view.