Searching the Catalog

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The catalog contains things that you or somebody else has defined and saved for future use (such as analyses and dashboards). You can search the catalog to find something that you want to work with or change. For example, you can find the Brand Revenue analysis that you created last week. By doing so, you can change a bar graph to a line graph in that analysis.

You can use the Catalog page to view the business intelligence objects that are necessary to perform your day-to-day tasks. For example, a sales analyst must access an analysis that monitors the weekly sales of a specific brand of beverage in the Central and Eastern regions. The permissions set by the catalog administrator determine what tasks the analyst can perform on a piece of content and within the catalog.

To search the catalog from the Catalog page:

  1. In the global header, click Catalog.

  2. On the Catalog page, click Search to display the Search pane.

    Description of catalog01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration catalog01.gif

  3. In the Search pane, specify the search criteria.

    Criterion Description
    Search Specify the full or partial name of the object or folder to find. The search is case-insensitive.

    Enter an asterisk (*) in the search string to perform a wildcard search. The asterisk specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters within the name. For example, to search for objects that have the word "brand" in their name, specify br*

    Location Select the catalog folder to search, such as Shared Folders.
    Type Select the kind of object for which you are searching, such as Analysis or Dashboard.

    Description of catalog02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration catalog02.gif

  4. To search for Hidden Items, select Show Hidden Items, which is located on the header of the Catalog page.

  5. Click Search.

    Folders or objects to which you have appropriate permissions and that satisfy the search criteria are displayed in the Catalog area.