14 Sending Notifications

This chapter describes how to use the notification task to communicate with end users of the business process. It describes the different types of notifications tasks and how to configure each of them.

This chapter includes the following sections:

14.1 Introduction to Notifications

The notification task allows you to send different types of notifications to the users of the application.

It supports the following types of notifications:

  • E-Mail

  • User

  • SMS

  • Voice

  • IM

This tasks uses the Oracle Notification Service.

To configure this task you must provide expressions for the different fields of the notification and in some cases you can use the Identity Lookup browser to select one or more users. When you write the expressions you can use any variables accessible from the notification task context such as process data objects or predefined data objects.

14.2 Sending E-Mail Notifications

You can send an e-mail to send a message to users in a certain point of the business process.

14.2.1 How to Send an E-Mail Notification

To send an e-mail notification:

  1. Open your BPMN business process.

  2. Add a Mail Notification task.

  3. Right-click the Mail Notification task.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. Click the Implementation tab.

  6. In the General tab configure the properties described in Section 14.2.2, "How to Configure E-Mail Notification General Properties"

  7. Click the Content tab to configure the properties described in Section 14.2.3, "How to Configure E-Mail Notification Content Properties".

  8. Click the Attachments tab to configure the properties described in Section 14.2.4, "How to Configure E-Mail Notification Attachment Properties".

  9. Click the Headers tab to configure the properties described in Section 14.2.5, "How to Configure E-Mail Notification Header Properties".

  10. Click OK.

14.2.2 How to Configure E-Mail Notification General Properties

Use the following table to configure the general properties of an e-mail notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-1 E-Mail Notification General Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description




Specifies the e-mail address used to send the e-mail notification.




Specifies the e-mail addresses of the receivers of the e-mail notification. You can specify these e-mail addresses using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.




Specifies the e-mail addresses of the additional receivers of the e-mail notification. You can specify these e-mail addresses using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.




Specifies the e-mail addresses of the hidden additional receivers of the e-mail notification.ou can specify these e-mail addresses using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser




Specifies the e-mail addresses to use when replying the e-mail notification. You can specify this e-mail address using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser

14.2.3 How to Configure E-Mail Notification Content Properties

Use the following table to configure the content properties of an e-mail notification.

Table 14-2 E-Mail Notification Content Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description




Specifies the subject of the e-mail notification. You must specify this value using expressions.




Specifies the body of the e-mail notification. You must specify this value using expressions.

14.2.4 How to Configure E-Mail Notification Attachment Properties

Use the following table to configure the attachment properties of an e-mail notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-3 E-Mail Notification Attachment Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description




Specifies the name of the attachment. You must specify this value using expressions. The default value is "attachment" followed by a number.

Mime Type



Specifies the attachment content type. You must specify this value using expressions. The default value is "text/html".




Specifies the encoding of the e-mail notification. You must specify this value using expressions.




Specifies the attachment file. You must specify this value using expressions.

14.2.5 How to Configure E-Mail Notification Header Properties

To configure the header properties you can add one or more headers. Note that configuring header properties is optional.

To add a header:

  1. Click the Add button.

    The Create Header dialog appears.

  2. Provide the name and value properties.

    Table 14-4 Header Properties

    Property Data Type Description



    Specifies the name of the header. You must specify this value using expressions.



    Specifies the value of the header. You must specify this value using expressions.

  3. Click OK.

14.3 Sending a User Notification

User notification allows you to send a message to the users in a certain point of the process, using the communication media defined for that user.

14.3.1 How to Send a User Notification

To send an e-mail notification:

  1. Open your BPMN business process.

  2. Add a User Notification task.

  3. Right-click the User Notification task.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. Click the Implementation tab.

  6. In the General tab configure the properties described in Section 14.3.2, "How to Configure User Notification General Properties".

  7. Click the Properties tab to configure the properties described in Section 14.3.3, "How to Configure User Notification Properties".

  8. Click OK.

14.3.2 How to Configure User Notification General Properties

Use the following table to configure the general properties of a user notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-5 E-Mail Notification General Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description




Specifies the e-mail addresses of the receivers of the user notification. You can specify these e-mail addresses using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.




Specifies the subject of the user notification. You must specify this using expressions.




Specifies the message to send using the user notification. You must specify this using expressions.

14.3.3 How to Configure User Notification Properties

You can add one or more properties. Note that configuring properties is optional.

To add a header:

  1. Click the Add button.

    The Create Property dialog appears.

  2. Provide the name and value properties.

    Table 14-6 Properties

    Property Data Type Description



    Specifies the name of the property. You must specify this value using expressions.



    Specifies the value of the property. You must specify this value using expressions.

  3. Click OK.

14.4 Sending an SMS Notification

You can send an SMS a message to users in a certain point of the business process.

14.4.1 How to Send an SMS Notification

To send an e-mail notification:

  1. Open your BPMN business process.

  2. Add a SMS Notification task.

  3. Right-click the Mail Notification task.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. Click the Implementation tab.

  6. Configure the General Properties described in Section 14.4.2, "How to Configure SMS Notification General Properties".

  7. Click OK.

14.4.2 How to Configure SMS Notification General Properties

Use the following table to configure the general properties of an SMS notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-7 E-Mail Notification General Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description

From #



Specifies the cellphone number used to send the SMS notification.

To #



Specifies the cellphone numbers of the receivers of the SMS notification. You can specify these cellphone numbers using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.




Specifies the subject of the SMS notification. You must specify this using expressions.




Specifies the body of the SMS notification. You must specify this using expressions.

14.5 Sending a Voice Notification

You can send a voice message to users in a certain point of the business process.

14.5.1 How to Send an Voice Notification

To send an e-mail notification:

  1. Open your BPMN business process.

  2. Add a Voice Notification task.

  3. Right-click the Mail Notification task.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. Click the Implementation tab.

  6. Configure the General Properties described in Section 14.5.2, "How to Configure Voice Notification General Properties".

  7. Click OK.

14.5.2 How to Configure Voice Notification General Properties

Use the following table to configure the general properties of voice notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-8 E-Mail Notification General Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description

To #



Specifies the telephone numbers of the receivers of the voice notification. You can specify these telephone numbers using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.

Mime Type



Specifies the content type. You must specify this value using expressions. The default value is "text/html"




Specifies the body of the voice notification. You must specify this using expressions.

14.6 Sending an IM Notification

You can send an Instant Message to users in a certain point of the business process.

14.6.1 How to Send an IM Notification

To send an e-mail notification:

  1. Open your BPMN business process.

  2. Add a IM Notification task.

  3. Right-click the Mail Notification task.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. Click the Implementation tab.

  6. Configure the General Properties described in Section 14.6.2, "How to Configure IM Notification General Properties".

  7. Click OK.

14.6.2 How to Configure IM Notification General Properties

Use the following table to configure the general properties of an IM notification. Note that some of the properties are optional.

Table 14-9 E-Mail Notification General Properties

Property Data Type Optional Description




Specifies the user IDs of the receivers of the IM notification. You can specify these user IDs using expressions or using the Identity Lookup browser.




Specifies the body of the IM notification. You must specify this using expressions.