13.3 Publishing a Navigation Page as a Portlet

The option to publish a navigation page as a portlet is selected by default when the page is being created. The navigation page creator may have de-selected this option, preventing the navigation page from being used. This section describes how to publish a navigation page when this is the case.

To publish a navigation page as a portlet:

  1. Log in to Oracle Portal.

  2. Click the Build tab to bring it forward.

  3. From the Page Groups portlet Work In drop-down list, select the page group that owns the navigation page to be published.

  4. Go to the Navigation Pages section under Layout & Appearance, and click the link to the relevant navigation page.

    The navigation page opens in Edit mode.

  5. Click the Navigation Page: Properties link in the toolbar at the top of the page.

  6. Click the Optional tab to bring it forward.

  7. In the Publish as Portlet section, select Publish As Portlet.

  8. Optionally, select Use Style Of Page On Which Portlet Is Placed.

    Select this option to use the styles of the pages on which the navigation page portlet is placed rather than the source navigation page's own style. But see the following note.


    A navigation page is a page portlet. As such, there are some style considerations to keep in mind when you want to harmonize the appearance of your navigation page portlet with the style of the page it is placed on. For more information, see Section 11.5.4, "Controlling Styles for Page Portlets and Navigation Pages".

  9. Optionally, enter a Display Name for the navigation page portlet.

    This name will display in the navigation page portlet's header, if portlet headers are exposed in the region that hosts the navigation page. For more information, see Section 10.2.12, "Displaying or Hiding Portlet Headers and Borders".

  10. Click OK to save your changes and return to the navigation page.