39 FED-10102 to FED-20102

FED-10102: The LDAP connection settings have not been configured.
Cause: The configuration properties for LDAP connection have not been set.
Action: Enter the LDAP connection settings in the Oracle Identity Federation Data Stores configuration..

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10104: A name identifier update using protocol version {0} cannot be performed on a federation created with protocol version {1}
Cause: Unable to perform a name identifier update with the current version.
Action: Try using a different protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10104: A name identifier update using protocol version {0} cannot be performed on a federation created with protocol version {1}
Cause: Unable to perform a name identifier update with the current version.
Action: Try using a different protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10105: Attribute Service location not found in provider metadata for {0}
Cause: Attribute service location was not in the provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the provider metadata contains the attribute service location.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10105: Attribute Service location not found in provider metadata for {0}
Cause: Attribute service location was not in the provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the provider metadata contains the attribute service location.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10106: AssertionID service location not found in provider metadata for {0}
Cause: AssertionID service location was not in the provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the provider metadata contains the AssertionID service location.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10106: AssertionID service location not found in provider metadata for {0}
Cause: AssertionID service location was not in the provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the provider metadata contains the AssertionID service location.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10107: Federation does not exist: cannot complete the requested operation
Cause: Federation does not exist for the user with the peer provider.
Action: Verify that the federation exists, or configure the server to create one.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10108: Cannot create federation with opaque name identifier: invalid data store
Cause: An opaque name identifier was used without a federation data store.
Action: Use a federation data store when an opaque identifier is used or configure Oracle Identity Federation to use a non-opaque Name ID.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10108: Cannot create federation with opaque name identifier: invalid data store
Cause: An opaque name identifier was used without a federation data store.
Action: Use a federation data store when an opaque identifier is used or configure Oracle Identity Federation to use a non-opaque Name ID.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10109: The name identifier format is not correctly configured: {0}
Cause: The name identifier format was enabled, but it was not mapped to a user attribute.
Action: Map the name identifier format to a user attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10109: The nameid user store attribute has not been set for partner {0}.
Cause: Assertion to user record via NameId is enabled but no user attribute was specified.
Action: Specify a userstore attribute to which the name identifier value should be mapped.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10110: Cannot find service provider metadata for Affiliation={0};affiliationID type={1}
Cause: The federation did not contain a service provider that is part of the affiliation.
Action: Import the metadata of a service provider that is a member of the affiliation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10110: Cannot find service provider metadata for Affiliation={0};affiliationID type={1}
Cause: The federation did not contain a service provider that is part of the affiliation.
Action: Import the metadata of a service provider that is a member of the affiliation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10111: Cannot find provider metadata for providerID={0}; providerID type={1}
Cause: There was no metadata available for the provider with the given ID.
Action: Verify that the provider ID is correct or that the provider is included in the federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10111: Cannot find provider metadata for providerID={0}; providerID type={1}
Cause: There was no metadata available for the provider with the given ID.
Action: Verify that the provider ID is correct or that the provider is included in the federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10112: No default identity provider was set for the single sign-on operation.
Cause: The default single sign-on identity provider configuration property was not set.
Action: Set the default single sign-on identity provider in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10112: No default identity provider was set for the single sign-on operation.
Cause: The default single sign-on identity provider configuration property was not set.
Action: Set the default single sign-on identity provider in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10113: Federation termination protocol not enabled
Cause: The federation termination protocol was not enabled.
Action: Verify that the federation termination protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10113: Federation termination protocol not enabled
Cause: The federation termination protocol was not enabled.
Action: Verify that the federation termination protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10114: NameIDPolicy not supported: {0}
Cause: The NameIDPolicy requested is not supported or not enabled.
Action: Check that the requested name identifier format is supported and enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10114: NameIDPolicy not supported: {0}
Cause: The NameIDPolicy requested is not supported or not enabled.
Action: Check that the requested name identifier format is supported and enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10115: Cannot find the AssertionConsumerServiceURL in the requester metadata.
Cause: Could not find the AssertionConsumerServiceURL in the requester's provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the AssertionConsumerServiceURL is present in the provider metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10115: Cannot find the AssertionConsumerServiceURL in the requester metadata.
Cause: Could not find the AssertionConsumerServiceURL in the requester's provider metadata.
Action: Verify that the AssertionConsumerServiceURL is present in the provider metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10117: Provider is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The peer provider is not enabled in the federation.
Action: Verify that the provider is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10117: Provider is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The peer provider is not enabled in the federation.
Action: Verify that the provider is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10118: Single sign-on binding unknown: {0}
Cause: The single sign-on binding is not one of the known bindings.
Action: Verify that the single sign-on binding is one of the bindings known by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10118: Single sign-on binding unknown: {0}
Cause: The single sign-on binding is not one of the known bindings.
Action: Verify that the single sign-on binding is one of the bindings known by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10119: The specified binding ({0}) for single sign-on with {1} is not supported by the peer provider.
Cause: The binding specified is not one of the bindings supported by the peer provider.
Action: Verify that the binding specified is supported by the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10119: The specified binding ({0}) for single sign-on with {1} is not supported by the peer provider.
Cause: The binding specified is not one of the bindings supported by the peer provider.
Action: Verify that the binding specified is supported by the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10120: Unable to find a suitable binding to send the request.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not find a binding to send the request.
Action: Verify that Oracle Identity Federation and the remote providers have a common binding for the profile.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10120: Unable to find a suitable binding to send the request.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not find a binding to send the request.
Action: Verify that Oracle Identity Federation and the remote providers have a common binding for the profile.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10121: Unable to start identity provider-initiated single sign-on: Unknown metadata version.
Cause: The service provider metadata version was not recognized.
Action: Verify that the metadata version is one of the versions supported by the identity provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10121: Unable to start identity provider-initiated single sign-on: Unknown metadata version.
Cause: The service provider metadata version was not recognized.
Action: Verify that the metadata version is one of the versions supported by the identity provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10122: Unable to start identity provider-initiated single sign-on: SP {0} does not belong to affiliation {1}.
Cause: The target service provider was not part of the affiliation.
Action: Check the provider federation to verify that the target service provider is in the affiliation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10122: Unable to start identity provider-initiated single sign-on: SP {0} does not belong to affiliation {1}.
Cause: The target service provider was not part of the affiliation.
Action: Check the provider federation to verify that the target service provider is in the affiliation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10123: Unknown NameIDPolicy {0}
Cause: The NameIDPolicy is not one of the known policies.
Action: Verify that the NameIDPolicy is one of the policies that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10123: Unknown NameIDPolicy {0}
Cause: The NameIDPolicy is not one of the known policies.
Action: Verify that the NameIDPolicy is one of the policies that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10124: User cannot be located for federation with provider ID {0} and name identifier {1}
Cause: Federation does not exist between the user, Oracle Identity Federation and the given peer provider.
Action: Verify that the federation exists, or configure the server to create one.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10124: User cannot be located for federation with provider ID {0} name identifier {1} and message: {2}
Cause: Federation does not exist between the user, Oracle Identity Federation and the given peer provider.
Action: Verify that the federation exists, or configure the server to create one.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10125: AssertionID responder functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The AssertionID responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AssertionID responder functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10125: AssertionID responder functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The AssertionID responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AssertionID responder functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10126: Attribute Query requester functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The Attribute Query requester functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AttributeQuery requester functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10126: Attribute Query requester functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The Attribute Query requester functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AttributeQuery requester functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10127: AssertionID requester functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The AssertionID requester functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AssertionID requester functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10127: AssertionID requester functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The AssertionID requester functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the AssertionID requester functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10128: Attribute Query responder functionalities are not enabled.
Cause: The Attribute Query responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Attribute Query responder functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10128: Attribute Query responder functionalities are not enabled.
Cause: The Attribute Query responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Attribute Query responder functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10129: Authentication Query responder functionalities are not enabled.
Cause: The Authentication Query responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Authentication Query requester functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10129: Authentication Query responder functionalities are not enabled.
Cause: The Authentication Query responder functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Authentication Query requester functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10130: No metadata exists for protocol {0} used by provider {1}
Cause: Metadata for this provider was not found.
Action: Load metadata for the provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10130: No metadata exists for protocol {0} used by provider {1}
Cause: Metadata for this provider was not found.
Action: Load metadata for the provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10131: Unknown service provider: {0}
Cause: The service provider is not in the federation.
Action: Verify the trusted provider federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10131: Unknown service provider: {0}
Cause: The service provider is not in the federation.
Action: Verify the trusted provider federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10132: Single sign-on functionality is not enabled
Cause: The single sign-on functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the single sign-on functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10132: Single sign-on functionality is not enabled
Cause: The single sign-on functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the single sign-on functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10133: Identity provider functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The identity provider functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the identity provider functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10133: Identity provider functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The identity provider functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the identity provider functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10134: Incoming authentication request uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the profile used for the authentication request is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10134: Incoming authentication request uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the profile used for the authentication request is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10135: Incoming request uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that profile used for the incoming request is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10135: Incoming request uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that profile used for the incoming request is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10136: Incoming assertion uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the profile used in the assertion is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10136: Incoming assertion uses a protocol profile which is not enabled: {0}
Cause: Protocol profile has not been enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the profile used in the assertion is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10137: Liberty ID-FF 1.1 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The Liberty ID-FF version 1.1 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Liberty ID-FF version 1.1 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10138: Liberty ID-FF 1.2 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The Liberty ID-FF version 1.2 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Liberty ID-FF version 1.2 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10139: Register Name Identifier protocol is disabled.
Cause: The Register Name Identifier protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Register Name IdentifierProtocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10139: Register Name Identifier protocol is disabled.
Cause: The Register Name Identifier protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the Register Name IdentifierProtocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10140: SAML 1.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 1.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 1.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10140: SAML 1.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 1.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 1.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10141: SAML 1.1 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 1.1 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 1.1 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10141: SAML 1.1 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 1.1 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 1.1 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10142: SAML 2.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 2.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 2.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10142: SAML 2.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The SAML version 2.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the SAML version 2.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10143: Service provider functionality is not enabled
Cause: Service provider functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration
Action: Verify that service provider functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10143: Service provider functionality is not enabled
Cause: Service provider functionality has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration
Action: Verify that service provider functionality is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10146: Could not locate the X.509 certificate for {0}, for use {1}
Cause: The X.509 certificate for the given provider and for the specified use was not found.
Action: Check the metadata and the configuration for the given provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10147: Invalid federations configuration file for providerID: {0}.
Cause: The federations configuration cot.xml file has an invalid or missing XML element.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10152: LDAP BindDN or password is incorrect.
Cause: The LDAP BindDN or password was configured incorrectly.
Action: Check the LDAP configuration entry for BindDN and bind password.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10153: Unable to read the federations configuration file.
Cause: The federations configuration file cot.xml is invalid, missing or has incorrect permissions.
Action: Verify the valid existence of the cot.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10154: Unable to read the configuration file: {0}.
Cause: One of the configuration files is invalid, missing or has incorrect permissions
Action: Verify the valid existence of configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10155: Unable to write to the federations configuration file.
Cause: The file cot.xml could not be written to.
Action: Ensure that the cot.xml is present in the configuration directory and that it is writeable.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10158: Unable to find the exception handler mapping for the exception {0}.
Cause: ExceptionHandler mapping for this exception was missing in the configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10159: Unable to find the request handler mapping for this URL {0}.
Cause: RequestHandler mapping for this URL was missing in the configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10160: Unable to find the response handler mapping for this event response {0}.
Cause: ResponseHandler mapping for this EventResponse cannot be found in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10161: Unable to locate a mapping for {0}.
Cause: Mapping for this class could not be located.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10162: Data source configuration file is invalid: {0} has an invalid number of {1} elements in dependencies.
Cause: Configuration for data source is invalid in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10163: Invalid configuration or configuration not found for: {0}.
Cause: Configuration for this Oracle Identity Federation Server instance is invalid or missing.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10164: Invalid peer provider configuration for: {0}
Cause: Metadata for this peer provider is invalid.
Action: Load metadata for this peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10168: DiscoveryProvider was not found for {0}.
Cause: A DiscoveryProvider for this type of provider is not configured.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10169: EventFactory was not found for {0}.
Cause: EventFactory for this class was not registered.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10169: EventFactory was not found for {0}.
Cause: EventFactory for this class was not registered.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10170: Handler was not found for URL: {0}.
Cause: Handler for this response is missing from configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10171: Message-to-Event mapping was not found for this SAML protocol message of version {0}.
Cause: Message-to-Event mapping is missing for this SAML Protocol Message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10174: Property was not found: {0}.
Cause: Property is not set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10175: First package-search-order is used as default package search order.
Cause: Group of package-search-order was found in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10178: Metadata version parameter unknown: {0}
Cause: The metadata version parameter is unknown.
Action: Check that the metadata version parameter is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10178: Metadata version parameter unknown: {0}
Cause: The metadata version parameter is unknown.
Action: Check that the metadata version parameter is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10179: Mapping was not defined for action {0}
Cause: Mapping for the specified action was not defined in the configuration.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10180: Business Processing Plugin error: {0} does not implement OperationListener
Cause: Business Processing Plugin configuration is incorrect.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10181: Property is not type of Boolean: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10182: Property is not of type Long: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10183: Property is not of type Set: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10184: Property is not of type List: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10185: Property is not of type Map: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10186: Property is not of type String: {0}
Cause: Property was not correctly set in configuration file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10187: Logout configuration error: webContext (={0}) and/or relativePath (={1}) for logout are incorrect.
Cause: The webContext and/or relativePath for logout were incorrectly configured.
Action: Verify that the webContext and relativePath for logout are correctly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10187: Logout configuration error: webContext (={0}) and/or relativePath (={1}) for logout are incorrect.
Cause: The webContext and/or relativePath for logout were incorrectly configured.
Action: Verify that the webContext and relativePath for logout are correctly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10188: Invalid name identifier format
Cause: The name identifier format is invalid, or custom name ID format is disabled.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is valid, or that customizable name ID format is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10188: Invalid name identifier format
Cause: The name identifier format is invalid, or custom name ID format is disabled.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is valid, or that customizable name ID format is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10189: Attribute authority does not support any appropriate name identifier formats.
Cause: The attribute authority does not support the requested subject name identifier format.
Action: Either use a subject format other than "userid", or use a different attribute authority.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10189: Attribute authority does not support any appropriate name identifier formats.
Cause: The attribute authority does not support the requested subject name identifier format.
Action: Either use a subject format other than "userid", or use a different attribute authority.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10190: Identity provider is not configured for single sign-on: {0}.
Cause: The identity provider was not configured to support single sign-on.
Action: Verify that the identity provider is configured to support single sign-on protocols.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10191: The service provider integration module is not enabled: {0}.
Cause: The service provider integraton module is disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the appropriate service provider integration module.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10191: The service provider integration module is not enabled: {0}.
Cause: The service provider integraton module is disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the appropriate service provider integration module.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10192: Oracle Access Server SDK could not be initialized.
Cause: There was an error during initialization of the Oracle Access Manager SDK.
Action: Check the Access Server SDK logs for diagnostic information.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10193: Error while configuring OAM: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while configuring Oracle Access Manager.
Action: Check the Access Server SDK logs for diagnostic information.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10194: Error while configuring the OAM Authentication Schemes: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while configuring the Authentication Schemes in Oracle Access Manager.
Action: Check the Access Server SDK logs for diagnostic information.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10195: Authentication engine configuration error: WebContext={0} ; RelativePath={1}
Cause: The Web Context and/or the Relative Path properties of the authentication engine configuration were not set.
Action: Check that the authentication engine configuration defines the required web context and relative path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10195: Authentication engine configuration error: WebContext={0} ; RelativePath={1}
Cause: The Web Context and/or the Relative Path properties of the authentication engine configuration were not set.
Action: Check that the authentication engine configuration defines the required web context and relative path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10196: Service provider integration module configuration error: WebContext={0} ; RelativePath={1}
Cause: The Web Context and/or the Relative Path properties of the service provider integration module configuration were not set.
Action: Check that the service provider integration module configuration defines the required web context and relative path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10196: Service provider integration module configuration error: WebContext={0} ; RelativePath={1}
Cause: The Web Context and/or the Relative Path properties of the service provider integration module configuration were not set.
Action: Check that the service provider integration module configuration defines the required web context and relative path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10197: The service provider anonymous user ID was not set.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server needed to create a session of type anonymous but the Anonymous User ID is not set in the configuration.
Action: Set the Anonymous User ID in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10197: The service provider anonymous user ID was not set.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server needed to create a session of type anonymous but the Anonymous User ID is not set in the configuration.
Action: Set the Anonymous User ID in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10198: Could not locate the configuration element in the database for: {0}
Cause: The configuration element was not present in the database.
Action: Check the RDBMS Configuration table to see if the configuration element is present.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10198: The Pre/Post Custom Engine is not enabled.
Cause: The Pre/Post Custom Engine is disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the appropriate Pre/Post Custom Engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10199: SQL error while executing configuration update: {0}
Cause: An SQL exception occurred while trying to perform a configuration update.
Action: Check the logs and the RDBMS Configuration Data Store settings.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10199: Pre/Post Custom Engine configuration error: WebContext={0} ; RelativePath={1}
Cause: The Web Context and/or the Relative Path properties of the Pre/Post Custom Engine configuration were not set.
Action: Check that the Pre/Post Custom Engine configuration defines the required web context and relative path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10200: XML error while saving configuration data to database: {0}
Cause: An XML error occurred while saving XML configuration data to the RDBMS Configuration Data Store.
Action: Check the XML configuration files for incorrect format.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10201: Unknown certificate use parameter: {0}
Cause: The requested certificate use parameter was not recognized.
Action: Check that the requested certificate use parameter is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10202: Unknown certificate type parameter: {0}
Cause: The requested certificate type parameter was not recognized.
Action: Check that the requested certificate type parameter is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10203: Property could not be retrieved from the Credential Store Framework: {0}
Cause: The credentials or properties are missing from the credential store.
Action: Enter the properties from Enterprise Manager console, so that it will set them in the Credential Store Framework.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The Credential Store Framework did not refresh.
Action: Set the credentials again using Enterprise Manager or restart the WLS Managed Server where Oracle Identity Federation is running.
FED-10204: OpenID 2.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The OpenID version 2.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the OpenID version 2.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10205: The JNDI name for RDBMS configuration backend is empty.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not retrieve JNDI name from the RDBMS configuration datastore.
Action: Check the JNDI name set in the Oracle Identity Federation RDBMS configuration datastore.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10205: OpenID 2.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The OpenID version 2.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the OpenID version 2.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10206: Namespace missing in Attribute: {0}
Cause: Namespace missing in Attribute configuration.
Action: Enter the namespace for the attribute in Attribute mapping

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10206: OAuth 2.0 protocol functionality is not enabled.
Cause: The OAuth version 2.0 protocol has been disabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Verify that the OAuth version 2.0 protocol is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-10207: Partner Metadata Lookup Error: multiple partners returned while looking up using attribute={0} and value={1} : first match is {3} and second match is {4}
Cause: The partner aliases of the partners returned in the lookup operation are identical
Action: Ensure that both partners do not have the same partner alias value

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

FED-11000: Unable to import metadata for ProviderID: {0}
Cause: Metadata could not be imported due to existing metadata for this provider.
Action: Remove the existing metadata for this provider and try importing the metadata again.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11002: Cannot retrieve the unique user federation ID from the federation record.
Cause: Could not retrieve the unique user federation ID from the federation record.
Action: Verify that the federation record is correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11002: Cannot retrieve the unique user federation ID from the federation record.
Cause: Could not retrieve the unique user federation ID from the federation record.
Action: Verify that the federation record is correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11004: SQL error while retrieving user attributes.
Cause: The SQL query was not properly formed.
Action: Verify that the query is properly formed.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: Database table or attribute variable may not exist.
Action: Verify that the table names and the names of the attribute variables queried are correct.
Cause: User may not have the necessary privaleges to execute the query.
Action: Verify that the configured database user has the necessary privaleges to execute the query.
FED-11005: Error while deserializing data, mismatched classes while reading database records: expected {0}, got {1}
Cause: The data could not be deserialized.
Action: Check that the entry contains valid data.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11008: RequestHandlerMapping {0} already exists.
Cause: RequestHandlerMapping was already present.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11009: ResponseHandlerMapping {0} already exists.
Cause: ResponseHandlerMapping was already present.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11010: Replacement RequestHandlerMapping is: {0}.
Cause: RequestHandlerMapping was replaced with the new RequestHandlerMapping.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11011: Replacement ResponseHandlerMapping is: {0}.
Cause: ResponseHandlerMapping was replaced with the new ResponseHandlerMapping.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11013: SQL error while interacting with the database.
Cause: SQL query may not have been properly formed.
Action: Check log entries and database connection configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11017: Unexpected error occurred while querying LDAP server: {0}
Cause: Incorrect LDAP query values.
Action: Verify the query values are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11018: Unexpected error occurred while connecting to the database {0}
Cause: Incorrect database connection information.
Action: Verify that the RDBMS connection settings are correct in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11019: Unexpected error occurred while connecting to LDAP server: {0}
Cause: Incorrect LDAP connection information.
Action: Verify that the LDAP connection settings are correct in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11020: Unexpected error occurred while querying RDBMS server: {0}
Cause: Incorrect SQL query values.
Action: Verify that the SQL query values are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11021: Invalid comparator: {0}
Cause: Invalid comparator in LDAP search filter condition.
Action: Verity that the comparator is supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11022: Invalid operator: {0}
Cause: Invalid operator in LDAP search filter condition.
Action: Verify that the operator is supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

FED-11700: Cannot connect to the LDAP server.
Cause: The LDAP credentials were incorrect.
Action: Verify the LDAP credentials in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Network

FED-11701: Cannot connect to the database.
Cause: Problem with the data source.
Action: Verify the contents of the data source configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Network

Cause: The database is down.
Action: Verify that the database is up.
Cause: The network is down.
Action: Verify that the network connection is up and running.
FED-11703: Exception while trying to connect to LDAP server.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not open a connection to the LDAP server.
Action: Verify the connection settings in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and that LDAP server is up.

Level: 1


Impact: Network

FED-11704: Cannot close LDAP connection.
Cause: Problem while closing the LDAP connection.
Action: Check the LDAP server logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Network

FED-12000: XML time value is empty.
Cause: An empty string was passed in as an XML time value attribute.
Action: Verify that none of the time value attributes are empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12003: Unsupported handler parameter type: {0}
Cause: Parameter type was not supported.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12004: UTF-8 encoding is not supported: {0}
Cause: UTF-8 encoding was not supported in the String class.
Action: Verify the character encodings supported by the JVM.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12006: Unsupported attribute value type Object {0}
Cause: Attribute value object received from the peer provider was not of a supported type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12006: Unsupported attribute value type Object {0}
Cause: Attribute value object received from the peer provider was not of a supported type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12007: Data Object {0} is no longer valid.
Cause: Object was destroyed.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12009: Multiple certificates are found for the public key, attempting to select a valid one.
Cause: Multiple certificates were present in the certificate store.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12010: Previous RequestHandlerMapping is replaced with the new RequestHandlerMapping for URL {0}.
Cause: New RequestHandlerMapping was found for this URL.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12011: Previous ResponseHandlerMapping is replaced with the new ResponseHandlerMapping for URL {0}.
Cause: New ResponseHandlerMapping was found for this URL.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12012: Unsupported type for attribute value {0}, type={1}
Cause: One of the retrieved values for the attribute was of an unsupported type.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12013: Discovery Create Exception: unable to create object in the repository: {0}
Cause: Unable to create a data object in the repository.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12014: Discovery Finder Exception: unable to locate object in the repository: {0}
Cause: Unable to locate a data object in the repository.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12015: Federation Exception: error while accessing or creating the federation record of a user: {0}
Cause: An error occured while accessing or creating the federation record of a user.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12016: Message Creation Exception: unable to create the message: {0}
Cause: Could not create the protocol message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12016: Message Creation Exception: unable to create the message: {0}
Cause: Could not create the protocol message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12017: Communication Exception: unable to communicate with directory or naming service: {0}
Cause: Could not communicate with directory or naming service.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12018: Duplicate Entry Exception: duplicate entry in the data store: {0}
Cause: There was a duplicate entry in the data store.
Action: Check the data store for duplicate entries.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12019: Transformer Exception: unable to transform message to or from XML: {0}
Cause: There was a problem transforming the message to or from XML.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12020: Translation Exception: unable to translate message: {0}.
Cause: There was a problem marshalling or unmarshalling the message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12020: Translation Exception: unable to translate message: {0}.
Cause: There was a problem marshalling or unmarshalling the message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12026: No Such Algorithm Exception: cryptographic algorithm was not recognized: {0}
Cause: An unsupported cryptographic algorithm was specified.
Action: Check to make sure the requested algorithm is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

Cause: JCE provider was incorrectly configured.
Action: Check that the JCE provider is configured correctly.
FED-12028: Notification Processing Exception: could not call the notifier: {0}.
Cause: Could not process the notification.
Action: Please check any plugins or listeners, or contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12029: Attribute Processing Exception: error when processing attributes for mapping and filtering: {0}
Cause: Could not process attributes for mapping and filtering.
Action: Check the configuration for assertion attribute mapping and filtering.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12030: IOException: {0}
Cause: There was an error during Input/Output an operation.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12031: NamingException: error while interacting with an LDAP server or JNDI module
Cause: There was an error during interaction with an LDAP or JNDI module
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12032: InterruptedException: thread interrupt occurred during sleep() {0}
Cause: Thread interrupt occurred during sleep() method.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12033: Invocation Target Exception: error while invoking method {0}
Cause: There was an error while invoking a method.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12034: No Such Method Exception: a particular method could not be found {0}
Cause: There was an error while finding a method.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12036: Persistence Exception: error while creating or modifying data in the backend store {0}
Cause: Could not create or modify data in the backend store.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12037: SAML Artifact Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while creating or parsing a SAML Artifact.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12037: SAML Artifact Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while creating or parsing a SAML Artifact.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12038: SAML Protocol Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while creating or parsing a SAML Protocol message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12038: SAML Protocol Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while creating or parsing a SAML Protocol message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12039: SAML Version Exception: {0}
Cause: An unexpected protocol version was found in a SAML message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12040: Unsupported Encoding Exception: {0}
Cause: The specified character encoding was not supported.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12041: Unknown Provider Exception: {0}
Cause: The specified peer provider was not known.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12042: Error while generating Oracle Identity Federation provider metadata.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the Oracle Identity Federation provider metadata.
Action: Check logs and configuration, or contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12042: Error while generating Oracle Identity Federation provider metadata.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the Oracle Identity Federation provider metadata.
Action: Check logs and configuration, or contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12043: Discovery Registration Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while registering a Discovery Provider.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12044: No Such Discovery Provider Exception: {0}
Cause: Could not find the specified Discovery Provider.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12045: Parser Configuration Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while parsing an XML document.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12047: SAX Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while handling XML documents.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12048: SOAP Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while handling SOAP messages.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12049: Event Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while processing an Event.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12050: Action Listener Init Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred during Action Listener initialization.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12051: Mapping Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while accessing handler mappings.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12052: No Such Target Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while setting up handler mappings.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12053: SAX Parse Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while parsing an XML document.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12054: Malformed URL Exception: {0}
Cause: Either no legal protocol could be found in a specification string or the string could not be parsed.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12055: No Such Mapping Exception: {0}
Cause: Could not find the handler mapping.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12056: Class Not Found Exception: {0}
Cause: Tried to load class with specified name but could not find definition for such class.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12057: Instantiation Exception: {0}
Cause: Tried to load an interface or an abstract class.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12058: Illegal Access Exception: {0}
Cause: Tried to use a field, method, or constructor using reflection, whose definition is not accessible.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12059: Action Registry Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while registering Action Listener.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12060: Service Locator Exception: {0}
Cause: Could not allocate Service Locator.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12061: Algorithm Identifier Exception: {0}
Cause: Inappropriate or unsupported parameters were provided to an algorithm, or an unknown algorithm was requested.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12062: AuditExceptiont: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while auditing an event.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12063: OPSS Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while using Oracle Platform Security Services libraries.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12064: Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12065: Target Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while handling the Target of a Servlet handler.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12066: Servlet Exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while initializing or using Servlet.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12067: An HTTP error occurred during SOAP Exchange.
Cause: An HTTP error occurred in SOAP Exchange.
Action: Check Oracle Identity Federation logs for HTTP error code.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12068: SAMLPRequestException: there was an exception pertaining to the SAML protocol {0}
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the SAML protocol request.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12069: Length of input exceeds maximum.
Cause: Length of input exceeds maximum allowed length.
Action: Check that the incoming request is correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12070: Error while generating Oracle Identity Federation XRDS metadata.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the Oracle Identity Federation XRDS metadata.
Action: Check logs and configuration, or contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12081: Error while generating Oracle Identity Federation XRDS metadata.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the Oracle Identity Federation XRDS metadata.
Action: Check logs and configuration, or contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12085: Identity Provider Discovery service page disabled
Cause: The IdP Discovery service page is disabled
Action: Update the configuration to enable that service if needed

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-12086: The credentials provided during the registration data retrieval operation could not be validated
Cause: The credentials provided by the requesting client could not be valited
Action: Ensure that the client is sending the correct credentials

Level: 1


Impact: Other

FED-13000: Cannot complete the logout process.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not complete the logout process, due to a lack of profile support from the service providers.
Action: Perform the logout process using another binding or check that the various peer providers support approriate logout profiles.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13000: Cannot complete the logout process.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not complete the logout process, due to a lack of profile support from the service providers.
Action: Perform the logout process using another binding or check that the various peer providers support approriate logout profiles.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13002: Cannot serialize an XML message for class {0} child of class {1}
Cause: XML serialization rules were not defined for this message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13003: Remove operation not supported.
Cause: The Iterator method remove() was invoked, but is not supported by the implementation.
Action: Replace the remove operation with alternate remove option.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13004: EntrySet operation not supported.
Cause: The SoftHashMap method entrySet() was invoked, but is not supported by the implementation.
Action: Replace the call to entrySet() with alternate option.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13006: Internal Error: Unable to register {0} as a provider for {1}
Cause: Unable to register Discovery Provider.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13008: Cannot create temporary federations.
Cause: Temporary federation store is unavailable.
Action: Check configuration of data store. Make sure the data store is up and has space available.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13008: Cannot create temporary federations.
Cause: Temporary federation store is unavailable.
Action: Check configuration of data store. Make sure the data store is up and has space available.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13009: Cannot have an empty response name.
Cause: Response name was empty.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13010: Cannot locate class with root name of {0}
Cause: Could not locate class.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13011: Deregistering object failed.
Cause: Deregistered object does not match expected object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13013: Internal Server Error
Cause: Internal Server Error
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13014: Servlet cannot be configured.
Cause: Servlet configuration failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13017: Initializing {0}
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13018: Cannot create a permanent federation record with a transient data store.
Cause: Could not create a permanent federation due to the store being unavailable.
Action: Check configuration of data store. Make sure the data store is up and has space available.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13018: Cannot create a permanent federation record with a transient data store.
Cause: Could not create a permanent federation due to the store being unavailable.
Action: Check configuration of data store. Make sure the data store is up and has space available.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13019: The Authentication Engine ID and Service Provider Engine ID are null.
Cause: The engine did not return an authentication engine ID or a service provider engine ID.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13019: The Authentication Engine ID and Service Provider Engine ID are null.
Cause: The engine did not return an authentication engine ID or a service provider engine ID.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13020: Both the Authentication Engine ID and Service Provider Engine ID are set.
Cause: The engine returned both an authentication engine ID and an service provider engine ID, where only one should be set.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13020: Both the Authentication Engine ID and Service Provider Engine ID are set.
Cause: The engine returned both an authentication engine ID and an service provider engine ID, where only one should be set.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13021: Cannot retrieve session during logout flow.
Cause: The session could not be retrieved.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-13021: Cannot retrieve session during logout flow.
Cause: The session could not be retrieved.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

FED-15002: Cannot find User for UserID {0} in User Data Store.
Cause: The user ID was incorrect or the user record does not exist.
Action: Verify that the user ID is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15003: No value in user record for NameIDPolicy requested: {0}
Cause: There was no value for the requested name identifier type.
Action: Verify that name identifier is correct and that the attribute for the requested name identifier exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15005: Name identifier registration is already in progress.
Cause: A name identifier registration was in progress when a new registration was initiated.
Action: Wait until the name identifier registration finishes.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15005: Name identifier registration is already in progress.
Cause: A name identifier registration was in progress when a new registration was initiated.
Action: Wait until the name identifier registration finishes.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15006: The single sign-on Assertion has been marked as logged out.
Cause: A non-expired logout request containing the Assertion SessionIndex invalidated the single sign-on assertion.
Action: Perform single sign-on again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15006: The single sign-on Assertion has been marked as logged out: {0}.
Cause: A non-expired logout request containing the Assertion SessionIndex invalidated the single sign-on assertion.
Action: Perform single sign-on again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15007: The single sign-on Assertion has been marked as logged out.
Cause: A non-expired logout request with no SessionIndex invalidated the single sign-on Assertion.
Action: Perform single sign-on again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15007: The single sign-on Assertion has been marked as logged out: {0}.
Cause: A non-expired logout request with no SessionIndex invalidated the single sign-on Assertion.
Action: Perform single sign-on again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15008: A SAML 2.0 name identifier update cannot be performed on a non-SAML 2.0 federation record.
Cause: Tried to perform a SAML 2.0 name identifier update.
Action: Try a different protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15008: A SAML 2.0 name identifier update cannot be performed on a non-SAML 2.0 federation record.
Cause: Tried to perform a SAML 2.0 name identifier update.
Action: Try a different protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15009: An error occurred while dereferencing the SAML 2.0 Artifact: {0} - {1}
Cause: A problem occurred with the SAML 2.0 Artifact.
Action: Verify the contents of the SAML 2.0 Artifact.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15009: An error occurred while dereferencing the SAML 2.0 Artifact: {0} - {1}
Cause: A problem occurred with the SAML 2.0 Artifact.
Action: Verify the contents of the SAML 2.0 Artifact.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15010: Artifact not present
Cause: The artifact was not present in the request.
Action: Verify that the artifact is set in the request

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15010: Artifact not present
Cause: The artifact was not present in the request.
Action: Verify that the artifact is set in the request

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15011: Cannot find the authentication request associated with the assertion.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not retrieve the saved AuthnRequest corresponding to the incoming assertion.
Action: Check that the single sign-on operation was performed using fully qualified hostname, and that the same Oracle Identity Federation server was used for the operation in load balanced mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The assertion was replayed.
Action: Verify that the assertion has not been replayed.
FED-15011: Cannot find the authentication request associated with the assertion: {0}.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not retrieve the saved AuthnRequest corresponding to the incoming assertion.
Action: Check that the single sign-on operation was performed using fully qualified hostname, and that the same Oracle Identity Federation server was used for the operation in load balanced mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The assertion was replayed.
Action: Verify that the assertion has not been replayed.
FED-15012: Cannot select the binding to use to send the request.
Cause: Either the profile was not supported by the remote server, or could not agree with the Oracle Identity Federation server on a common binding.
Action: Verify that the remote server and the Oracle Identity Federation server have a common binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15012: Cannot select the binding to use to send the request.
Cause: Either the profile was not supported by the remote server, or could not agree with the Oracle Identity Federation server on a common binding.
Action: Verify that the remote server and the Oracle Identity Federation server have a common binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15013: Cannot select the binding to use to send the response.
Cause: Either the profile was not supported by the remote server, or could not agree with the Oracle Identity Federation server on a common binding.
Action: Verify that the remote server and the Oracle Identity Federation server have a common binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15013: Cannot select the binding to use to send the response.
Cause: Either the profile was not supported by the remote server, or could not agree with the Oracle Identity Federation server on a common binding.
Action: Verify that the remote server and the Oracle Identity Federation server have a common binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15015: Error encountered while parsing XML element {0}, child of {1} in incoming XML message.
Cause: Could not parse an XML element from the incoming XML message.
Action: Verify that the incoming XML message is valid and correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15015: Error encountered while parsing XML element {0}, child of {1} in incoming XML message.
Cause: Could not parse an XML element from the incoming XML message.
Action: Verify that the incoming XML message is valid and correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15018: Error while decoding the authentication result: user ID missing.
Cause: The user ID was missing in the result returned by the authentication process.
Action: Verify that the user ID is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15018: Error while decoding the authentication result: user ID missing.
Cause: The user ID was missing in the result returned by the authentication process.
Action: Verify that the user ID is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15020: Name identifier format not supported or missing for attribute responder: {0}
Cause: The name identifier format for the attribute responder was unknown or not accepted.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is one of the formats that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15020: Name identifier format not supported or missing for attribute responder: {0}
Cause: The name identifier format for the attribute responder was unknown or not accepted.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is one of the formats that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15021: Name identifier format not supported or missing for authentication responder: {0}
Cause: The name identifier format for the authentication responder was unknown or not accepted.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is one of the formats that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15021: Name identifier format not supported or missing for authentication responder: {0}
Cause: The name identifier format for the authentication responder was unknown or not accepted.
Action: Verify that the name identifier format is one of the formats that is accepted by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15022: Error processing response message.
Cause: Was unable to process the response message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15022: Error processing response message.
Cause: Was unable to process the response message.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation logs for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15024: Query received is not an Attribute Query.
Cause: Internal server error; expected an AttributeQuery message, but received a different message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15024: Query received is not an Attribute Query.
Cause: Internal server error; expected an AttributeQuery message, but received a different message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15025: Query received is not an Authentication Query.
Cause: Internal server error; expected an AuthenticationQuery message, but received a different message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15025: Query received is not an Authentication Query.
Cause: Internal server error; expected an AuthenticationQuery message, but received a different message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15026: Issuer is not set in the incoming assertion request message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the assertion request message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the assertion request message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15026: Issuer is not set in the incoming assertion request message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the assertion request message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the assertion request message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15027: Issuer is not set in the incoming attribute query message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the attribute query message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the attribute query message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15027: Issuer is not set in the incoming attribute query message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the attribute query message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the attribute query message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15028: Issuer is not set in the incoming authentication query message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the authentication query message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the authentication query message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15028: Issuer is not set in the incoming authentication query message: the provider is unknown
Cause: The issuer attribute was not set in the authentication query message.
Action: Verify that the issuer attribute is set in the authentication query message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15032: No service provider federation found for provider {0} and name identifier format {1} and name identifier value {2}
Cause: Unable to find the service provider federation corresponding to this provider and name identifier in the federation data store.
Action: Check the federation data store to verify that a user identity federation exists with the provider ID and name identifier submitted in the query.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15032: No service provider federation found for provider {0} and name identifier format {1} and name identifier value {2}
Cause: Unable to find the service provider federation corresponding to this provider and name identifier in the federation data store.
Action: Check the federation data store to verify that a user identity federation exists with the provider ID and name identifier submitted in the query.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15033: Outgoing assertion protocol profile is not supported or not enabled: {0}
Cause: The outgoing assertion protocol profile was not supported, or enabled.
Action: Verify that the assertion protocol profile is supported by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15033: Outgoing assertion protocol profile is not supported or not enabled: {0}
Cause: The outgoing assertion protocol profile was not supported, or enabled.
Action: Verify that the assertion protocol profile is supported by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15034: Profile is unknown: {0}
Cause: The profile was unknown.
Action: Verify that the profile version is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15034: Profile is unknown: {0}
Cause: The profile was unknown.
Action: Verify that the profile version is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15035: Provider ID is missing from the authentication request
Cause: The provider ID was missing from the authentication request.
Action: Verify that the provider ID is present in the authentication request.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15035: Provider ID is missing from the authentication request
Cause: The provider ID was missing from the authentication request.
Action: Verify that the provider ID is present in the authentication request.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15037: Request destination is invalid
Cause: The request destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the request destination is a valid URL and correspond to the URL where the request was posted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15037: Request destination is invalid
Cause: The request destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the request destination is a valid URL and correspond to the URL where the request was posted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15038: Response destination is invalid
Cause: The response destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the response destination is a valid URL and correspond to the URL where the response was posted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15038: Response destination is invalid
Cause: The response destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the response destination is a valid URL and correspond to the URL where the response was posted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15039: Response does not correspond to any requests
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not locate the request corresponding to the incoming response.
Action: Verify that the incoming response is valid and corresponds to a request, or perform the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The response was replayed
Action: verify that the response is not replayed
FED-15039: Response does not correspond to any requests
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not locate the request corresponding to the incoming response.
Action: Verify that the incoming response is valid and corresponds to a request, or perform the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The response was replayed
Action: verify that the response is not replayed
FED-15040: SSL client certificate required to access SOAP service URL
Cause: No SSL Certificate was presented when accessing the SOAP service.
Action: Contact the client to notify that an SSL Certificate is required when accessing the SOAP service.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15041: Cannot process the incoming request
Cause: Single sign-on is required with peer provider in order to fulfill the current request.
Action: Perform single sign-on before attempting to execute the protocol operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15041: Cannot process the incoming request
Cause: Single sign-on is required with peer provider in order to fulfill the current request.
Action: Perform single sign-on before attempting to execute the protocol operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15042: The InResponseTo header does not correspond to a ManageNameID request.
Cause: The InResponseTo pointed to a message other than ManageNameID.
Action: Check with the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15042: The InResponseTo header does not correspond to a ManageNameID request.
Cause: The InResponseTo pointed to a message other than ManageNameID.
Action: Check with the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15043: The received assertion does not contain an AuthenticationStatement
Cause: The assertion did not contain an authentication statement.
Action: Contact the peer provider for more details on why the assertion does not contain an authentication statement, and examine the assertion for possible information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15043: The received assertion does not contain an AuthenticationStatement: {0}
Cause: The assertion did not contain an authentication statement.
Action: Contact the peer provider for more details on why the assertion does not contain an authentication statement, and examine the assertion for possible information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15044: The response does not contain any assertions
Cause: The identity provider did not include any assertions in the response.
Action: Check that the identity provider includes an assertion with the response.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15044: The response does not contain any assertions: {0}
Cause: The identity provider did not include any assertions in the response.
Action: Check that the identity provider includes an assertion with the response.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15046: Unexpected confirmation method: {0}
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation did not recognize the specified confirmation.
Action: Check that the confirmation method included in the Assertion is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15047: Unknown authentication context comparison: {0}
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation did not recognize the authentication context comparison.
Action: Check that the authentication context comparison included in the authentication request is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15048: Unknown condition in assertion: {0}.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation did not recognize the specified condition.
Action: Check that the condition included in the assertion is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15049: The contents of the SOAP request body are null. Closing the connection.
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server encountered an error while trying to deserialize the incoming message.
Action: Check that the message is correctly formatted.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15050: Error while translating an incoming message: cannot parse version from parameters
Cause: The version number was missing or was not a valid integer.
Action: Verify that the version parameter is a valid integer.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15052: A time value is invalid
Cause: A string was passed in as a time value that was in an invalid format.
Action: Verify that all of the time value attributes are in the correct format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15053: Invalid major version number: {0}, expected version number: {1}
Cause: Major version did not match the protocol version.
Action: Verify that the major version matches the protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15054: Invalid minor version number: {0}, expected version number: {1}
Cause: Minor version did not match the protocol version.
Action: Verify that the minor version matches the protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15055: Invalid version format in the active identity provider federation entry: {0}
Cause: The version format was incorrect.
Action: Verify that the version parameter is in a valid format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15055: Invalid version format in the active identity provider federation entry: {0}
Cause: The version format was incorrect.
Action: Verify that the version parameter is in a valid format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15056: Invalid version number: {0}
Cause: The version format was incorrect.
Action: Verify that the version format is correct. Version should consist of a major part and a minor part separated by a period.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15057: Invalid version: {0}, majorVersion={1}, minorVersion={2}
Cause: Either the major or the minor version was negative.
Action: Verify that both the major and minor versions are non-negative.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15058: Error while processing the SOAP envelope.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation could not process the incoming SOAP envelope.
Action: Check that the SOAP envelope format is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15059: Invalid message on the single sign-on service URL.
Cause: A message other than an authentication request was received on the identity provider's single sign-on service URL.
Action: Verify that the message sent to the service URL is of type authentication request.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15060: Unknown message parameter: {0}
Cause: One of the message parameters was not recognized.
Action: Verify that all of the message parameter names are recognized by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15061: Unknown message: {0}
Cause: A protocol message was sent on the incorrect service URL.
Action: Verify that the message sent to the service URL is of correct type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15061: Unknown message: {0}
Cause: A protocol message was sent on the incorrect service URL.
Action: Verify that the message sent to the service URL is of correct type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15062: Authentication request destination is invalid
Cause: The authentication request destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the authentication responder functionalities are enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15062: Authentication request destination is invalid
Cause: The authentication request destination was not a valid URL.
Action: Verify that the authentication responder functionalities are enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15063: Authentication request is expired.
Cause: The authentication request has expired or is not yet valid.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively the server clock drift can be increased in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15063: Authentication request is expired.
Cause: The authentication request has expired or is not yet valid.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively the server clock drift can be increased in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15064: Destination URL cannot be validated: {0}
Cause: Destination URL could not be validated.
Action: Verify that the URL is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15064: Destination URL cannot be validated: {0}
Cause: Destination URL could not be validated.
Action: Verify that the URL is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15065: The destination field ({0}) from the SAML 2.0 message does not match the actual request URL {1}
Cause: The message was submitted on a URL that is different from the URL that was specified by the remote provider in the destination field.
Action: Contact remote provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15065: The destination field ({0}) from the SAML 2.0 message does not match the actual request URL {1}
Cause: The message was submitted on a URL that is different from the URL that was specified by the remote provider in the destination field.
Action: Contact remote provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15067: Invalid response.
Cause: Protocol response was corrupt.
Action: Verify that an XML message is well-formed and correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15067: Invalid response.
Cause: Protocol response was corrupt.
Action: Verify that an XML message is well-formed and correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15068: Subject confirmation data {0} differs from artifact {1}
Cause: Subject confirmation data must be the same as the artifact used to obtain the assertion.
Action: Verify that the query is properly formed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15069: Protocol error.
Cause: The received assertion is not a Liberty assertion.
Action: Check with the remote provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15070: The response cannot be validated.
Cause: Message does not follow the configuration requirements.
Action: Check previous error messages for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15070: The response cannot be validated.
Cause: Message does not follow the configuration requirements.
Action: Check previous error messages for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15071: The server is not included in the AudienceRestrictionCondition.
Cause: The value of the provider ID entry in the federations for the identity provider was incorrect.
Action: Verify that the federations entry corresponding to the assertion consumer is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15071: The server is not included in the AudienceRestrictionCondition.
Cause: The value of the provider ID entry in the federations for the identity provider was incorrect.
Action: Verify that the federations entry corresponding to the assertion consumer is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15072: Unknown version in factory request.
Cause: The protocol version sent back from the peer provider is not valid.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to the correct protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15072: Unknown version in factory request.
Cause: The protocol version sent back from the peer provider is not valid.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to the correct protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15073: The profile is not supported.
Cause: The profile is not supported or is not enabled.
Action: Verify that the profile is supported by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15073: The profile is not supported.
Cause: The profile is not supported or is not enabled.
Action: Verify that the profile is supported by Oracle Identity Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15074: The user authenticated at identity provider is different from the user specified in the request message.
Cause: For security reasons, the user authenticated at the identity provider must be the same user that was specified in the request.
Action: Verify that the user authenticated at the identity provider is the same user as indicated in the request.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15074: The user authenticated at identity provider is different from the user specified in the request message.
Cause: For security reasons, the user authenticated at the identity provider must be the same user that was specified in the request.
Action: Verify that the user authenticated at the identity provider is the same user as indicated in the request.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15075: User from existing session ({0}) is different from user received in single sign-on assertion ({1}).
Cause: The user from the existing session was different than the user in the assertion.
Action: Action is not allowed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15075: User from existing session ({0}) is different from user received in single sign-on assertion ({1}) for message: {2}.
Cause: The user from the existing session was different than the user in the assertion.
Action: Action is not allowed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15076: Cannot validate the SubjectConfirmation's InResponseTo field with the authentication request
Cause: The value of the InResponseTo field did not correspond to an authentication request.
Action: Contact administrator, remote server, or Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15076: Cannot validate the SubjectConfirmation's InResponseTo field with the authentication request for message {0}
Cause: The value of the InResponseTo field did not correspond to an authentication request.
Action: Contact administrator, remote server, or Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15078: Unsupported protocol.
Cause: Protocols supported are Liberty 1.x, SAML1.x/2.0 and WS-Federation.
Action: Ensure the protocol used is either Liberty 1.x or SAML1.x/2.0 or WS-Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15078: Unsupported protocol.
Cause: Protocols supported are Liberty 1.x, SAML1.x/2.0 and WS-Federation.
Action: Ensure the protocol used is either Liberty 1.x or SAML1.x/2.0 or WS-Federation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15079: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version ({0}) different from Liberty 1.2.
Cause: The federation was created with a single sign-on of different protocol version.
Action: Single sign-on can only be performed with same protocol version for the particular service provider

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15080: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version ({0}) different from SAML2.0.
Cause: The federation was created with a single sign-on of different protocol version.
Action: Single sign-on can only be performed with same protocol version for the particular service provider

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15080: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version ({0}) different from SAML2.0.
Cause: The federation was created with a single sign-on of different protocol version.
Action: Single sign-on can only be performed with same protocol version for the particular service provider

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15081: User tried to initiate protocol with a federation belonging to another user.
Cause: User tried to initiate protocol with a federation belonging to another user.
Action: Cannot initiate protocol as another user.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15081: User tried to initiate protocol with a federation belonging to another user.
Cause: User tried to initiate protocol with a federation belonging to another user.
Action: Cannot initiate protocol as another user.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15083: There is no value for a parameter.
Cause: Parameter was sent without a value.
Action: Ensure that the parameters are passed with valid value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15084: The response handler expects an event response that implements Target.
Cause: EventResponse object was not of the type Target.
Action: Pass EventResponse object of the type Target to the response handler.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15085: Throwing a runtime exception.
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15086: Multiple users are found during attribute responder operation for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15086: Multiple users are found during attribute responder operation for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15088: Multiple users are found during automatic account linking for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15088: Multiple users are found during automatic account linking for name identifier: {0} name identifier format: {1} and message: {2}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15089: User was not found during attribute responder operation for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15089: User was not found during attribute responder operation for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15091: User was not found during automatic account linking for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15091: User was not found during automatic account linking for name identifier: {0} name identifier format: {1} and message: {2}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15092: RegisterNameIdentifier was not successful.
Cause: Status of RegisterNameIdentifier response was in error.
Action: Check global name identifier format of this Oracle Identity Federation server or with the uploaded peer provider metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15092: RegisterNameIdentifier was not successful.
Cause: Status of RegisterNameIdentifier response was in error.
Action: Check global name identifier format of this Oracle Identity Federation server or with the uploaded peer provider metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15093: A federation for this user does not exist locally.
Cause: The identity provider sent a federation name identifier, but the federation was not found locally.
Action: Enable auto account linking property for SAML20 protocol to create the federation for this user. Enable allow federation creation property to create the federation for this user.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15093: A federation for this user does not exist locally: {0}.
Cause: The identity provider sent a federation name identifier, but the federation was not found locally.
Action: Enable auto account linking property for SAML20 protocol to create the federation for this user. Enable allow federation creation property to create the federation for this user.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15095: The identity provider sent an assertion with version 1.1 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0}.
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version 1.1.
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15096: The identity provider sent an assertion with version 1.2 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0}.
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version 1.2.
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15097: The identity provider sent an assertion with version 2.0 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0}.
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version 2.0.
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15097: The identity provider sent an assertion with version 2.0 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0} with message: {1}.
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version 2.0.
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15098: Unknown condition ignored: {0}.
Cause: Peer provider sent a message which contains unknown conditions in the message.
Action: Check with the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15099: The wtrealm parameter is empty.
Cause: A WS-Federation signin request was received with an empty wtrealm parameter.
Action: Verify that the wtrealm parameter is not empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15099: The wtrealm parameter is empty.
Cause: A WS-Federation signin request was received with an empty wtrealm parameter.
Action: Verify that the wtrealm parameter is not empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15100: There is no assertion consumer URL in the requester's configuration.
Cause: There was no assertion consumer URL in the requester configuration.
Action: Enter the assertion consumer URL of the requester in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15100: There is no assertion consumer URL in the requester's configuration.
Cause: There was no assertion consumer URL in the requester configuration.
Action: Enter the assertion consumer URL of the requester in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15101: WS-Federation protocol is not enabled.
Cause: The WS-Federation protocol was not enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the WS-Federation protocol in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15101: WS-Federation protocol is not enabled.
Cause: The WS-Federation protocol was not enabled in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.
Action: Enable the WS-Federation protocol in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15102: Default name identifier format for SAML 1.x assertion cannot be processed: {0}
Cause: The default name identifier format cannot be processed.
Action: Verify that the default name identifier format is correct in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15102: Default name identifier format for SAML 1.x assertion cannot be processed: {0}
Cause: The default name identifier format cannot be processed.
Action: Verify that the default name identifier format is correct in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15103: Default name identifier format for SAML 1.1 assertion cannot be processed: {0}
Cause: The default name identifier format cannot be processed.
Action: Verify that the default name identifier format is correct in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15103: Default name identifier format for SAML 1.1 assertion cannot be processed: {0}
Cause: The default name identifier format cannot be processed.
Action: Verify that the default name identifier format is correct in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15104: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version ({0}) different from WS-Fed 1.1.
Cause: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version other than WS-Federation 1.1
Action: No action.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15104: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version ({0}) different from WS-Fed 1.1.
Cause: The user previously performed a single sign-on operation with a protocol version other than WS-Federation 1.1
Action: No action.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15105: The identity provider sent an assertion with WS-Fed version 1.1 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0}.
Cause: The single sign-on version in the assertion was different than the existing single sign-on version.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to the correct protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15105: The identity provider sent an assertion with WS-Fed version 1.1 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0}.
Cause: The single sign-on version in the assertion was different than the existing single sign-on version.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to the correct protocol version.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15106: Multiple users were found during attribute based authentication using NameID mapping for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15106: Multiple users were found during attribute based authentication using NameID mapping for name identifier: {0} name identifier format: {1} and message: {2}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15107: Multiple users were found during attribute based authentication using Attribute mapping for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of attribute values.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15107: Multiple users were found during attribute based authentication using Attribute mapping for name identifier: {0} name identifier format: {1} and message: {2}.
Cause: Multiple users were present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of attribute values.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15108: User was not found during attribute based authentication using NameID mapping for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15108: User was not found during attribute based authentication using NameID mapping for name identifier: {0} name identifier format : {1} and message : {2}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of name identifier value.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15109: User was not found during attribute based authentication using Attribute Mapping for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format = {1}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of attribute values.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15109: User was not found during attribute based authentication using Attribute Mapping for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format : {1} and message : {2}.
Cause: User was not present in the user data store which satisfies the search criteria of attribute values.
Action: Check the data store and correct any errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15110: User mapping based on name identifier and attribute features are not enabled for attribute based authentication for name identifier: {0} and name identifier format: {1}.
Cause: User mapping based on name identifier and attribute features were not enabled for attribute based authentication.
Action: Verify that user mapping based on NameID and attribute features are enabled for attribute based authentication.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15110: User mapping based on name identifier and attribute features are not enabled for attribute based authentication for name identifier: {0} name identifier format: {1} and message: {2}.
Cause: User mapping based on name identifier and attribute features were not enabled for attribute based authentication.
Action: Verify that user mapping based on NameID and attribute features are enabled for attribute based authentication.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15111: The message is not a request security token response.
Cause: The message received from the identity provider was not a Request Security Token Response.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15111: The message is not a request security token response: {0}.
Cause: The message received from the identity provider was not a Request Security Token Response.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15112: The message contains an assertion with an empty issuer attribute.
Cause: The message contained an assertion with an empty issuer attribute.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to use the correct provider ID for the issuer.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15112: The message contains an assertion with an empty issuer attribute: {0}.
Cause: The message contained an assertion with an empty issuer attribute.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is configured to use the correct provider ID for the issuer.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15113: The action parameter (wa={0}) is not one of the actions currently recognized by the identity provider.
Cause: The value of the action parameter was not one of the values recognized by Oracle Identity Federation.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is using the correct version of the WS-Federation protocol.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15113: The action parameter (wa={0}) is not one of the actions currently recognized by the identity provider.
Cause: The value of the action parameter was not one of the values recognized by Oracle Identity Federation.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is using the correct version of the WS-Federation protocol.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15114: Unknown WS-Federation request message: {0}
Cause: The WS-Federation Request message contained in the wreq parameter is unknown or incorrect.
Action: Contact remote provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15114: Unknown WS-Federation request message: {0}
Cause: The WS-Federation Request message contained in the wreq parameter is unknown or incorrect.
Action: Contact remote provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15115: Error while interacting with remote providers via SOAP protocol.
Cause: An error occurred while sending or receiving a SOAP message to a remote provider.
Action: Check with the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15115: Error while interacting with remote providers via SOAP protocol.
Cause: An error occurred while sending or receiving a SOAP message to a remote provider.
Action: Check with the peer provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15116: The identity provider discovery service returned an empty string as the identity provider.
Cause: The discovery service returned the empty string as the identity provider's provider ID.
Action: The identity provider's providerID parameter should either be missing or contain a value. Check with the discovery service

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15116: The identity provider discovery service returned an empty string as the identity provider.
Cause: The discovery service returned the empty string as the identity provider's provider ID.
Action: The identity provider's providerID parameter should either be missing or contain a value. Check with the discovery service

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15117: The identity provider discovery service returned an empty or null refid.
Cause: The discovery service did not include the required refID parameter.
Action: Check with the discovery service

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15117: The identity provider discovery service returned an empty or null refid.
Cause: The discovery service did not include the required refID parameter.
Action: Check with the discovery service

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15118: Could not find provider ID for issuer of request.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation cannot identify the SOAP requester as it did not authenticate via HTTP Basic/SSL Client.
Action: Configure OHS so that it protects the SAML 1.x SOAP URL to require HTTP basic authentication or SSL client authentication

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15118: Could not find provider ID for issuer of request.
Cause: Oracle Identity Federation cannot identify the SOAP requester as it did not authenticate via HTTP Basic/SSL Client.
Action: Configure OHS so that it protects the SAML 1.x SOAP URL to require HTTP basic authentication or SSL client authentication

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15119: Incoming message does not contain a SAML 1.x Request.
Cause: The incoming SOAP Request does not contain a SAML 1.x request and Oracle Identity Federation was expecting one.
Action: Verify that the SOAP Requestor is sending a SAML 1.x Request; verify that the SOAP Requestor is not sending a non SAML 1.x message to the SAML 1.x SOAP URL

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15119: Incoming message does not contain a SAML 1.x Request.
Cause: The incoming SOAP Request does not contain a SAML 1.x request and Oracle Identity Federation was expecting one.
Action: Verify that the SOAP Requestor is sending a SAML 1.x Request; verify that the SOAP Requestor is not sending a non SAML 1.x message to the SAML 1.x SOAP URL

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15120: UserID was not sent from user provisioning system.
Cause: Request from user provisioning system does not contain UserID attribute.
Action: Verify that request from user provisioning system contains UserID attribute

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15120: UserID was not sent from user provisioning system.
Cause: Request from user provisioning system does not contain UserID attribute.
Action: Verify that request from user provisioning system contains UserID attribute

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15121: Attribute response is malformed.
Cause: The attribute response was malformed.
Action: Verify that the attribute response is not malformed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15121: Attribute response is malformed.
Cause: The attribute response was malformed.
Action: Verify that the attribute response is not malformed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15122: Unknown identity provider: {0}
Cause: The identity provider is unknown.
Action: Verify that the identity provider is in the federations configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15122: Unknown identity provider: {0}
Cause: The identity provider is unknown.
Action: Verify that the identity provider is in the federations configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15123: Invalid subject format for protocol version SAML 1.x
Cause: The subject format was invalid.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is using the correct subject format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15123: Invalid subject format for protocol version SAML 1.x
Cause: The subject format was invalid.
Action: Verify that the peer provider is using the correct subject format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15124: Provider federation does not exist for userID: {0}.
Cause: Provider federation has been deleted or the userID is not valid.
Action: Check the request or retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15124: Provider federation does not exist for userID: {0}.
Cause: Provider federation has been deleted or the userID is not valid.
Action: Check the request or retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15125: Single sign-on response was not signed.
Cause: The single sign-on response signature requirements were not met.
Action: Verify that a signature was present in the single sign-on response and that Oracle Identity Federation is using the correct certificate for signature validation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15125: Single sign-on response was not signed.
Cause: The single sign-on response signature requirements were not met.
Action: Verify that a signature was present in the single sign-on response and that Oracle Identity Federation is using the correct certificate for signature validation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15128: An internal error occurred while processing the credentials
Cause: The authentication engine did not return the required refID parameter.
Action: Check that the authentication flow correctly sent the refID parameter to the Oracle Identity Federation server

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15128: An internal error occurred while processing the credentials
Cause: The authentication engine did not return the required refID parameter.
Action: Check that the authentication flow correctly sent the refID parameter to the Oracle Identity Federation server

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15129: InfoCard error: incoming token is not a SAML token: {0}
Cause: The incoming WS-Trust token is not a SAML assertion.
Action: Check with the WS-Trust provider

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15130: AssertionID parameter not present
Cause: The AssertionID was not present in the request.
Action: Verify that the AssertionID is set in the request

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15130: AssertionID parameter not present
Cause: The AssertionID was not present in the request.
Action: Verify that the AssertionID is set in the request

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15131: Certificate was missing when trying to verify digital signature for partner: {0}.
Cause: Certificate missing when trying to verify incoming signature.
Action: Verify that the requester specified its identity when making the request, either in the message or by authenticating to the Oracle Identity Federation server via SSL or HTTP Basic Authentication

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15132: Unknown refID
Cause: Event was already processed.
Action: Check user actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: Oracle Identity Federation is in High Availability mode and the event data is stored in another server.
Action: Enable session replication between WLS servers or use sticky sessions at the load balancer to force the user to come to the same Oracle Identity Federation server.
Cause: User previously accessed the Oracle Identity Federation server with a different host name than the one in the current request and cookies were not transmitted.
Action: Use the same hostname and fully qualified domain URL to access the Oracle Identity Federation server.
FED-15132: Unknown refID
Cause: Event was already processed.
Action: Check user actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: Oracle Identity Federation is in High Availability mode and the event data is stored in another server.
Action: Enable session replication between WLS servers or use sticky sessions at the load balancer to force the user to come to the same Oracle Identity Federation server.
Cause: User previously accessed the Oracle Identity Federation server with a different host name than the one in the current request and cookies were not transmitted.
Action: Use the same hostname and fully qualified domain URL to access the Oracle Identity Federation server.
FED-15133: Unknown FedID: {0}
Cause: No federation record exists with specified fedID in the configured federation data store.
Action: Check federation data store configuration and verify that federation record with specified fedID exists in data store.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15133: Unknown FedID: {0}
Cause: No federation record exists with specified fedID in the configured federation data store.
Action: Check federation data store configuration and verify that federation record with specified fedID exists in data store.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15134: The service providercould not map the identity provider response to a user
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation service provider was not able to map the response from the identity provider to a user record.
Action: Check the message sent from the identity provider and error logs in the service provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15134: The service provider could not map the identity provider response to a user
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation service provider was not able to map the response from the identity provider to a user record.
Action: Check the message sent from the identity provider and error logs in the service provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15135: "Unknown Identity Provider; SuccinctID:{0}"
Cause: The identity provider is unknown.
Action: Verify that the identity provider is in the federations configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15135: "Unknown Identity Provider; SuccinctID:{0}"
Cause: The identity provider is unknown.
Action: Verify that the identity provider is in the federations configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15136: Unsolicited OpenID Response
Cause: The OpenID Response received was already processed
Action: Verify the user flow, as the response should only be presented once

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The OpenID Response received is unsolicited and the OP could not be determined
Action: Be sure that the OP Endpoint URL is defined in the configuration for this trusted partner
Cause: The OpenID Response received is unsolicited and the OP is not trusted
Action: Contact the OP as the Oracle Identity Federation Server does not support unsolicited responses
FED-15136: Unsolicited OpenID Response: {0}
Cause: The OpenID Response received was already processed
Action: Verify the user flow, as the response should only be presented once

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The OpenID Response received is unsolicited and the OP could not be determined
Action: Be sure that the OP Endpoint URL is defined in the configuration for this trusted partner
Cause: The OpenID Response received is unsolicited and the OP is not trusted
Action: Contact the OP as the Oracle Identity Federation Server does not support unsolicited responses
FED-15137: Nonce missing from Response
Cause: The Response did not contain a Nonce element
Action: Contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15137: Nonce missing from Response
Cause: The Response did not contain a Nonce element
Action: Contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15138: The OP sent an authentication response with version OpenID 2.0 different from the existing SSO version: {0}
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version OpenID 2.0
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15138: The OP sent an authentication response with version OpenID 2.0 different from the existing SSO version: {0} for message: {1}
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version OpenID 2.0
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15139: OpenID Association Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The OpenID Association operation failed.
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and correct the problem related to the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15139: OpenID Association Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The OpenID Association operation failed.
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and correct the problem related to the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15140: OpenID Signature Verification Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The Signature Verification of the OpenID Message failed
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15140: OpenID Signature Verification Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The Signature Verification of the OpenID Message failed
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15141: OpenID Direct Message Verification Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The OpenID Direct Verification operation failed while validating a response
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15141: OpenID Direct Message Verification Failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The OpenID Direct Verification operation failed while validating a response
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15142: OpenID XRDS processing failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The XRDS document is invalid
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The XRDS document could not be retrieved
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP
FED-15142: OpenID XRDS processing failed with ProviderID: {0}
Cause: The XRDS document is invalid
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The XRDS document could not be retrieved
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP
FED-15143: OpenID ClaimedID verification failed against the OP XRDS document
Cause: The XRDS document downloaded from the ClaimedID location does not match the OP's information
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15143: OpenID ClaimedID verification failed against the OP XRDS document for message: {0}
Cause: The XRDS document downloaded from the ClaimedID location does not match the OP's information
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and contact the OP

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15144: The OpenID RP is unknown
Cause: The OpenID RP is not a known partner: either the RP was not provisioned or Oracle Identity Federation IdP is not configured to interact with Generic OpenID RPs
Action: Add the OpenID RP or the configure Oracle Identity Federation IdP to interact with Generic OpenID RPs if needed

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15144: The OpenID RP is unknown
Cause: The OpenID RP is not a known partner: either the RP was not provisioned or Oracle Identity Federation IdP is not configured to interact with Generic OpenID RPs
Action: Add the OpenID RP or the configure Oracle Identity Federation IdP to interact with Generic OpenID RPs if needed

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15145: The Federation SSO operation with the Identity Provider partner {0} failed with the following status: top status={1} secondary status={2} and message={3}
Cause: The Federation SSO operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the message sent from the identity provider and error logs in the service provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15146: OAuth Access Token Request operation failed with partner {0} for the Access Token URL {1}
Cause: The Access Token message exchange failed
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages and contact the partner

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15147: OAuth Access Token Request operation failed with partner {0} for the resource {1}
Cause: An error occurred while retrieving user data from the partner resource
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages and contact the partner

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15148: The OAuth Partner sent an authentication response with version OAuth 2.0 different from the existing SSO version: {0} for message: {1}
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version OAuth 2.0
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15149: The partner did not return a success response: {0}
Cause: The federation partner returned an error.
Action: Check the message and contact if necessary the partner.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15150: The identity provider sent an assertion with version 1.1 different from the existing single sign-on version: {0} with message: {1}.
Cause: Existing session was not of the single sign-on version 1.1.
Action: Logout the user to delete the existing session.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15151: Unsolicited OAuth Response: {0}
Cause: The OAuth Response received was already processed
Action: Verify the user flow, as the response should only be presented once

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

Cause: The OAuth Response received is unsolicited and the IdP could not be determined
Action: Be sure that the IdP Endpoint URL is defined in the configuration for this trusted partner
Cause: The OAuth Response received is unsolicited and the IdP is not trusted
Action: Contact the IdP as the Oracle Identity Federation Server does not support unsolicited responses
FED-15152: The Oauth RP is unknown: {0}
Cause: The OAuth RP is not a known partner: either the RP was not provisioned
Action: Add the OAuth RP if needed

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15153: The Authorization requested ({0}) by {1} is not enabled for that partner
Cause: The OAuth RP requested an Authorization ype that is not enabled
Action: Configure the OAuth RP to enable the requested Authorization type if needed

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15154: The authorization code is unknown {0} for client {1}
Cause: The OAuth RP sent an unknown authorization code
Action: Communicate to the OAuth RP to send a correct authorization code

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15155: OAuth RP Authentication failed for {0}
Cause: The OAuth RP authentication operation failed
Action: Verify that the OAuth RP Partner is correctly configured and that the partner is sending the correct credentials

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15156: OAuth User Authentication failed for {0}
Cause: The OAuth user authentication operation failed
Action: Verify that the OAuth user is sending the correct credentials

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15157: The access token is unknown {0}
Cause: The OAuth Client sent an unknown access token or the token has expired
Action: Communicate to the OAuth RP to send a correct access token

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-15158: Authorization Failure for Federation Service Provider {0} and User {1}
Cause: The authorization policy evaluation failed for the specified parameters
Action: Check the configuration and/or policy for any errors

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

FED-18002: The assertion has already been processed
Cause: The assertion has been replayed.
Action: Verify that the assertion is not replayed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18002: The assertion has already been processed: {0}
Cause: The assertion has been replayed.
Action: Verify that the assertion is not replayed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18003: Assertion is not signed.
Cause: The assertion was not signed.
Action: Verify that the assertion was signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18004: Attribute authority is not trusted.
Cause: The attribute authority is not marked as trusted in the federations.
Action: Configure the peer provider as a trusted provider to enable protocol exchanges.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18004: Attribute authority is not trusted.
Cause: The attribute authority is not marked as trusted in the federations.
Action: Configure the peer provider as a trusted provider to enable protocol exchanges.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18005: Identity provider is not trusted
Cause: The identity provider is not marked as trusted in the federations.
Action: Verify configuration of the provider in the federations settings of the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18005: Identity provider is not trusted: {0}
Cause: The identity provider is not marked as trusted in the federations.
Action: Verify configuration of the provider in the federations settings of the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18006: Message cannot be validated.
Cause: Incoming message is invalid.
Action: Please check previous log entries for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18006: Message cannot be validated : {0}.
Cause: Incoming message is invalid.
Action: Please check previous log entries for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18007: Message has expired or is not yet valid.
Cause: The message validity period has expired.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively, the server clock drift can be increased in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18007: Message has expired or is not yet valid.
Cause: The message validity period has expired.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively, the server clock drift can be increased in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18008: Message is not signed.
Cause: The message was not signed.
Action: Verify that the message is signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18008: Message is not signed.
Cause: The message was not signed.
Action: Verify that the message is signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18009: Provider is unknown: {0}
Cause: The provider is not known.
Action: Verify that the provider exists in the list of federations

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18010: The service provider is not part of the affiliation.
Cause: The provider is not part of the affiliation.
Action: Verify that the provider is part of the affiliation in the federations

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18010: The service provider is not part of the affiliation.
Cause: The provider is not part of the affiliation.
Action: Verify that the provider is part of the affiliation in the federations

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18011: Service provider is not trusted.
Cause: Service provider is not in the federations configuration.
Action: Verify configuration of the federations

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18011: Service provider is not trusted.
Cause: Service provider is not in the federations configuration.
Action: Verify configuration of the federations

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18012: Assertion cannot be validated.
Cause: Assertion could not be validated.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18012: Assertion cannot be validated: {0}.
Cause: Assertion could not be validated.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18013: Assertion cannot be validated: confirmation method is missing.
Cause: The confirmation method was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18013: Assertion cannot be validated; confirmation method is missing for message: {0}.
Cause: The confirmation method was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18014: Assertion cannot be validated: InResponseTo is missing.
Cause: The InResponseTo attribute was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18014: Assertion cannot be validated; InResponseTo is missing for message: {0}.
Cause: The InResponseTo attribute was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18015: Assertion cannot be validated: recipient is missing.
Cause: The recipient was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18015: Assertion cannot be validated; recipient is missing for message: {0}.
Cause: The recipient was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18016: Assertion cannot be validated: validity time is missing.
Cause: The validity time was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18016: Assertion cannot be validated; validity time is missing for message {0}.
Cause: The validity time was missing from the assertion.
Action: Check the message to verify that the assertion is valid, and after check with the peer provider that sent the assertion.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18017: The AssertionConsumerServiceURL found in the authentication request message cannot be validated.
Cause: The message was not signed.
Action: Verify that the message was signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: URL was not one of the assertion consumer support URL found in the metadata.
Action: Verify that the URL is correct.
FED-18017: The AssertionConsumerServiceURL found in the authentication request message cannot be validated.
Cause: The message was not signed.
Action: Verify that the message was signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: URL was not one of the assertion consumer support URL found in the metadata.
Action: Verify that the URL is correct.
FED-18018: Assertion has expired or is not yet valid: {0}
Cause: The assertion validity period has expired.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively, the server clock drift can be increased in the admin console.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18018: Assertion has expired or is not yet valid: {0} for message: {1}
Cause: The assertion validity period has expired.
Action: Verify the time settings between this server and the peer provider are synchronized. Alternatively, the server clock drift can be increased in the admin console.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18020: Authentication request is not signed.
Cause: Authentication request was not signed.
Action: Authentication request needs to be signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18020: Authentication request is not signed.
Cause: Authentication request was not signed.
Action: Authentication request needs to be signed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18022: Certificate is expired: {0}
Cause: Certificate has expired.
Action: A new certificate needs to be obtained.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18023: Certificate is revoked: {0}
Cause: Certificate has been revoked.
Action: A new certificate needs to be obtained.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18024: Certificate verification failed with the trusted Certificate Authority : {0}
Cause: Certificate verification failed.
Action: Verify that both servers are using the correct certificates.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18026: Error while reading the client SSL certificate
Cause: Client SSL certificate is corrupt.
Action: Obtain a new client SSL certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18027: Evaluation of the assertion's conditions failed.
Cause: Assertion conditions were not valid.
Action: Check logs for more detailed error messages.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18027: Evaluation of the assertion's conditions failed.
Cause: Assertion conditions were not valid.
Action: Check logs for more detailed error messages.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18028: Invalid use specified for X509 certificate: {0}.
Cause: The use specified for the X509 certificate is invalid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18030: No trusted Certificate Authority for certificate: {0}.
Cause: There was no trusted Certificate Authority found for the certificate.
Action: Check the existing certificate for valid trusted Certificate Authority or add the Certificate Authority to the list of trusted CAs.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18032: Trusted Certificate expired: {0}.
Cause: Trusted Certificate has expired.
Action: Get a new certificate to replace the expired certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18034: Untrusted server certificate chain.
Cause: Certificate Authority certification keystore in JRE did not contain the Certificate Authority certificate.
Action: Add the Certificate Authority certificate of the LDAP server to the Certificate Authority certs keystore of the JRE.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18035: URL query signature verification failed.
Cause: The certificate from the remote provider might need to be updated.
Action: Contact remote provider for updated certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The message or signature may have been tampered with.
Action: Contact administrator to investigate transport error or possible security incident.
FED-18035: URL query signature verification failed.
Cause: The certificate from the remote provider might need to be updated.
Action: Contact remote provider for updated certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The message or signature may have been tampered with.
Action: Contact administrator to investigate transport error or possible security incident.
FED-18036: URL query signature verification failed: extra parameters present.
Cause: The URL from the remote provider had extra parameters.
Action: Contact remote provider for fixing the URL.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The URL or signature may have been tampered with.
Action: Contact administrator to investigate transport error or possible security incident.
FED-18038: Signature verification failed.
Cause: The certificate from the remote provider might need to be updated.
Action: Contact remote provider to update certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The message or signature may have been tampered with.
Action: Contact administrator to investigate transport error or possible security incident.
FED-18038: Signature verification failed.
Cause: The certificate from the remote provider might need to be updated.
Action: Contact remote provider to update certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The message or signature may have been tampered with.
Action: Contact administrator to investigate transport error or possible security incident.
FED-18039: Invalid use specified for X509 certificate: {0}.
Cause: Use was not specified in the X509 event.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to rectify the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18040: Cannot locate temporary federations.
Cause: The temporary federation did not exist, possibly expired.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18040: Cannot locate temporary federations.
Cause: The temporary federation did not exist, possibly expired.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18041: Illegal UTF encoding
Cause: The UTF encoding was not supported.
Action: Verify the UTF encoding to be a valid one.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18043: Unexpected recipient: {0}
Cause: The recipient in the assertion did not match the configured provider.
Action: Contact remote provider to verify the provider information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18043: Unexpected recipient: {0} for message: {1}
Cause: The recipient in the assertion did not match the configured provider.
Action: Contact remote provider to verify the provider information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18045: Unsupported liberty version: {0}
Cause: The version of liberty was not supported.
Action: The supported versions of liberty are 1.1 and 1.2.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18045: Unsupported liberty version: {0}
Cause: The version of liberty was not supported.
Action: The supported versions of liberty are 1.1 and 1.2.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18046: Unknown descriptor type: {0}
Cause: Unknown descriptor type .
Action: Contact remote provider for verifying the metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18046: Unknown descriptor type: {0}
Cause: Unknown descriptor type .
Action: Contact remote provider for verifying the metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18047: Certificate {0} is replaced with the certificate {1}.
Cause: Old certificate was replaced with the newer one.
Action: Ensure correct certificate is uploaded for normal functioning of the Oracle federation server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18048: The certificate corresponding to the private key is expired: {0}
Cause: The certificate was expired.
Action: Use the certificate with the correct validity period.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18049: Public key algorithm is not known:{0}.
Cause: Public key algorithm was unknown.
Action: Use the correct certificate with the correct public key algorithm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18050: User is not authenticated.
Cause: User was not authenticated.
Action: Login to the federation server using the correct user.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18051: Authentication instant was not sent from the authentication engine.
Cause: The authentication engine did not send an authentication instant.
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18051: Authentication instant was not sent from the authentication engine.
Cause: The authentication engine did not send an authentication instant.
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18052: Authentication mechanism was not sent from the authentication engine.
Cause: The authentication engine did not send an authentication mechanism.
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18052: Authentication mechanism was not sent from the authentication engine.
Cause: The authentication engine did not send an authentication mechanism.
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18053: Trusted certificate not yet valid: {0}
Cause: Trusted certificate is not yet valid.
Action: Wait until certificate becomes valid, or get a new certificate to replace the certificate that is not yet valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18054: Certificate not yet valid: {0}
Cause: Certificate is not yet valid.
Action: Wait until certificate becomes valid, or get a new certificate to replace the certificate that is not yet valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18055: Unknown pseudo-random number generator configured. Using Java default.
Cause: Default pseudo-random number generator configured is unknown.
Action: No Action.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18056: Authentication error, the authentication mechanism is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The authentication mechanism used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: Enable the authentication mechanism.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The Authentication Mechanism used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: A user tried to use a disabled authentication mechanism/engine to login.
FED-18056: Authentication error, the authentication mechanism is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The authentication mechanism used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: Enable the authentication mechanism.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The Authentication Mechanism used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: A user tried to use a disabled authentication mechanism/engine to login.
FED-18057: Authentication error, the authentication engine is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The authentication engine used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: Enable the authentication engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The Authentication Engine used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: A user tried to use a disabled authentication mechanism/engine to login.
FED-18057: Authentication error, the authentication engine is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The authentication engine used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: Enable the authentication engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The Authentication Engine used to authenticate the user is disabled.
Action: A user tried to use a disabled authentication mechanism/engine to login.
FED-18058: Service provider engine error, the service provider engine is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The service provider engine used to integrate with the AAA server is disabled.
Action: Enable the service provider engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18058: Service provider engine error, the service provider engine is not enabled: {0}
Cause: The service provider engine used to integrate with the AAA server is disabled.
Action: Enable the service provider engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18059: User from existing session ({0}) is different from user locally authenticated ({1})
Cause: A user already authenticated in Oracle Identity Federation re-authenticated but with a different user ID.
Action: Check the user's activity and session status, and report a possible security incident to the administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18059: User from existing session ({0}) is different from user locally authenticated ({1})
Cause: A user already authenticated in Oracle Identity Federation re-authenticated but with a different user ID.
Action: Check the user's activity and session status, and report a possible security incident to the administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18060: User has already existing session with SessionID={0} and the authentication engine specified a different SessionID={1}
Cause: A user already authenticated in Oracle Identity Federation with a SessionID that is different from the one specified by the authentication engine
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation to be sure that it returns the correct SessionID.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18060: User has already existing session with SessionID={0} and the authentication engine specified a different SessionID={1}
Cause: A user already authenticated in Oracle Identity Federation with a SessionID that is different from the one specified by the authentication engine
Action: Check the authentication engine implementation to be sure that it returns the correct SessionID.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18061: The personal card issuer is not enabled, or its mode is not set to Infocard.
Cause: Personal card issuer is not enabled in the federations, or the single sign-on Infocard mode is not enabled for Infocard.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for the personal card issuer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18062: Personal card issuer was selected for this authentication mechanism, but the personal card issuer does not exist in the federations: {0}
Cause: The personal card issuer is not present in the federations list.
Action: Create an entry for the personal card issuer in the federations configuration of provider type Identity Provider, with the ProviderID set to http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/issuer/self

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18063: Infocard mode not enabled for this provider: {0}
Cause: The Infocard mode is disabled for that provider.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration to enable the Infocard mode for that provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18064: Infocard error: the authentication engine cannot process transient name identifiers
Cause: The Infocard authentication engine cannot process transient name identifiers.
Action: Check with the WS-Trust provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18065: Infocard error: the authentication engine could not find the federation record for: {0} ({1} / {2})
Cause: The Infocard authentication engine could not find the SAML 2.0 federation record.
Action: The federation record needs to exist prior to use Infocard as an authentication engine. Check with the WS-Trust provider to use another name identifier, or create the record.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18066: Authentication failed
Cause: The authentication process failed, the credentials could not be validated.
Action: Check that the user entered the correct credentials.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The authentication process failed, the credentials could not be validated.
Action: Check the connection settings.
FED-18067: Authentication failed: digest error, unknown algorithm {0}
Cause: The authentication process failed, the digest method specified is unknown.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for the digest method for RDBMS table engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18068: Authentication failed: WebGate did not authenticate the user
Cause: The WebGate module did not authenticate the user.
Action: Check the WebGate deployment, the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and whether or not the user was authenticated by Oracle Access Manager

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18069: Authentication failed: unknown user attribute for Oracle Single Sign-On authentication engine: {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation configuration specifies an unknown HTTP Header containing the UserID.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for which HTTP Header used by Oracle Single Sign-On to hold the UserID is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18070: Service provider Oracle Single Sign-On integration module: could not decrypt the token with current key, and old key expired
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not decrypt the data sent by the Oracle Single Sign-On server. The Oracle Identity Federation server will use the second key.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation and Oracle Single Sign-On is in sync. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Single Sign-On server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18071: Service provider Oracle Single Sign-On integration module: could not decrypt the token with current key
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not decrypt the data sent by the Oracle Single Sign-On server. The Oracle Identity Federation server will use the second key.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation and Oracle Single Sign-On is in sync. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Single Sign-On server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18072: Service provider Oracle Single Sign-On integration module: could not encrypt the token
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not encrypt the data to be sent to the Oracle Single Sign-On server.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation is valid. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Single Sign-On server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18073: An error occurred during a cryptographic operation: {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation encountered an error while invoking the crypto engine for signature creation/verification, encryption/decryption operations.
Action: Check the logs for more detailed error messages, and correct the problem related to the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18074: Signature verification failed for provider ID {0}
Cause: The certificate from the remote provider might need to be updated.
Action: Contact remote provider to update certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The signature might be have been spoofed.
Action: Contact Administrator to verify
FED-18075: Decryption operation failed for message sent by provider ID {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation metadata at the remote provider could be outdated.
Action: Contact remote provider to uptake the latest Oracle Identity Federation metadata containing the latest encryption certificate

Level: 1


Impact: Security

Cause: The message is not intended for Oracle Identity Federation.
Action: Contact Administrator to verify
FED-18076: Security services exception: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while verifying/signing/encrypting/decrypting a message.
Action: Please check previous log entries for more specific information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18077: XML decryption error: EncryptedData element not found
Cause: The XML EncryptedData element was not found when trying to decrypt the incoming data.
Action: Check the message and contact the remote server administrator if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18078: XML decryption error: could not get the decryption secret key
Cause: The key to decrypt the EncryptedData element could not be retrieved.
Action: Check the message and contact the remote server administrator if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18079: The return URL could not be validated: {0}
Cause: The specified return URL could not be validated against the list of approved hostnames/domains.
Action: Check if the return URL points to a valid host name/domain, and update if necessary the list of approved host names/domains. If the return URL is not recognized or invalid, do not update the list of approved host names/domains.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18080: Could not retrieve key from the key store. Please verify that the key password is equal to the key store password.
Cause: Invalid key or key password is not equal to the key store password.
Action: Verify that the key is valid and the key password is equal to the key store password.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18081: Authentication Failed - HTTP Header not set in order to authenticate the user
Cause: The HTTP Header was not set in order to authenticate the user.
Action: Check the User's browser, Agent used in the deployment, the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and whether or not the user was authenticated by the Web Access Management

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18082: Authentication failed: requested authentication method could not be fulfilled by Identity Provider
Cause: The authentication mechanism needs to be set to fulfill the requested authentication method by Service Provider.
Action: Contact the Service provider and set the authentication mechanisms in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for IdP.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18082: Authentication failed: requested authentication method could not be fulfilled by Identity Provider
Cause: The authentication mechanism needs to be set to fulfill the requested authentication method by Service Provider.
Action: Contact the Service provider and set the authentication mechanisms in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for IdP.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18083: Authentication failed: unknown user attribute for Oracle Access Manager 11g authentication engine: {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation configuration specifies an unknown HTTP Header containing the UserID.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for which HTTP Header used by Oracle Access Manager 11g to hold the UserID is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18083: Authentication failed: unknown user attribute for Oracle Access Manager 11g authentication engine: {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation configuration specifies an unknown HTTP Header containing the UserID.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation configuration for which HTTP Header used by Oracle Access Manager 11g to hold the UserID is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18084: Service provider Oracle Access Manager 11g integration module: could not decrypt the token with current key, and old key expired
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not decrypt the data sent by the Oracle Access Manager 11g server. The Oracle Identity Federation server will use the second key.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation and Oracle Access Manager 11g is in sync. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Access Manager 11g server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18084: The Partner is not configured to use the Test SP Engine: {0}
Cause: The partner has not been configured to be used with the Test SP Engine.
Action: Configure the Partner.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18085: Service provider Oracle Access Manager 11g integration module: could not decrypt the token with current key
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not decrypt the data sent by the Oracle Access Manager 11g server. The Oracle Identity Federation server will use the second key.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation and Oracle Access Manager 11g is in sync. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Access Manager 11g server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-18086: Service provider Oracle Access Manager 11g integration module: could not encrypt the token
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not encrypt the data to be sent to the Oracle Access Manager 11g server.
Action: Check that the encryption key used by Oracle Identity Federation is valid. If necessary, regenerate a new key in the Oracle Identity Federation configuration and copy it to the Oracle Access Manager 11g server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

FED-20000: Cannot open the key store.
Cause: Invalid or unsupported key store, or incorrect password. During installation, this error is expected.
Action: Verify that password is correct and the store is a valid PKCS #12 PFX wallet or Java KeyStore file. During installation, this error can be ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: Session

FED-20100: The Oracle Identity Federation transient data store cleanup process was unexpectedly terminated.
Cause: The cleanup process could not connect the Oracle Identity Federation transient data store, or an error occurred while destroying expired entries.
Action: Check the Oracle Identity Federation transient data store.

Level: 1


Impact: Threads

FED-20101: The Oracle Identity Federation RDBMS config data store process was unexpectedly terminated.
Cause: The RDBMS Configuration process could not connect the Oracle Identity Federation configuration data store, or an error occurred while retrieving data from the database.
Action: Check the RDBMS used as the Oracle Identity Federation configuration data store.

Level: 1


Impact: Threads

FED-20102: The configuration data could not be retrieved from the RDBMS configuration data store: {0}
Cause: The Oracle Identity Federation server could not retrieve configuration data from the RDBMS configuration data store.
Action: Check the RDBMS used as the Oracle Identity Federation configuration data store.

Level: 1


Impact: Threads