A Oracle Business Intelligence Upgrade Assistant Screens

When upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence, you can use Upgrade Assistant to upgrade Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE) or Oracle Business Intellegence Publisher (Oracle BI Publisher). The procedures for upgrading Oracle BI EE or BI Publisher are documented in Chapter 5, "Upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition," and Chapter 6, "Upgrading Oracle BI Publisher."

Upgrade Assistant does not support upgrading Oracle Real-Time Decisions (Oracle RTD). To upgrade an Oracle RTD environment, see Chapter 7, "Upgrading Oracle Real-Time Decisions."

A.1 Upgrade Assistant Screens for an Oracle BI EE Repository and Catalog Upgrade

This section shows the Upgrade Assistant screens for an Oracle BI EE Repository and Catalog upgrade.

A.1.4 Specify WebLogic Server

Description of ua_biee_mt4.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_biee_mt4.gif

A.2 Upgrade Assistant Screens for Oracle BI EE Scheduler Schema Upgrade

This section shows the Upgrade Assistant screens for an Oracle BI EE Scheduler schema upgrade.

A.2.3 Specify BIEE Source Database

Description of ua_biee_mr3.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_biee_mr3.gif

A.2.4 Specify Target Database

Description of ua_biee_mr4.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_biee_mr4.gif

A.3 Upgrade Assistant Screens for a BI Publisher Repository Upgrade

This section shows the Upgrade Assistant screens for a BI Publisher Repository upgrade.

A.3.3 Specify Source Details

Description of ua_bip_mr2.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mr2.gif

A.3.4 Specify Destination Details

Description of ua_bip_mr3.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mr3.gif

A.3.5 Specify WebLogic Server

Description of ua_bip_mr4.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mr4.gif

A.3.10 Specify Source Details

Description of ua_bip_mr9.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mr9.gif

A.3.11 Specify Destination Details

Description of ua_bip_mr10.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mr10.gif

A.4 Upgrade Assistant Screens for an BI Publisher Scheduler Schema Upgrade

This section shows the Upgrade Assistant screens for an BI Publisher Scheduler schema upgrade.

A.4.3 Specify BIP Source Database

Description of ua_bip_mt3.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mt3.gif

A.4.4 Specify Target Database

Description of ua_bip_mt4.gif follows
Description of the illustration ua_bip_mt4.gif