8 Overview of Upgrading Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF Applications

This chapter describes the recommended process of migrating and redeploying your Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and Java EE applications on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

After you have installed and upgraded your Oracle Fusion Middleware environment, you can then upgrade and redeploy your Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) applications on your new Oracle Fusion Middleware topology.

This chapter has the following sections:

8.1 Task 1: Review Sample Application Upgrade Procedures

Before you begin to upgrade your own custom Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle WebCenter, or Oracle ADF applications, consider reviewing the end-to-end procedures for upgrading some typical sample applications:

  • If you want some experience upgrading a sample Oracle ADF application before tackling a larger scale upgrade, there is information available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) that describes in detail how to migrate the SRDemo sample application, which is an ADF 10.1.3 JSF application using ADF Faces components, to Oracle JDeveloper 11g.

    For more information, see the article "Migrating the 10.1.3 SRDemo Sample to 11g", which is available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

  • If you want to review the complete end-to-end steps for upgrading the an example Oracle SOA Suite 10g application, refer to Appendix A, "Example: Upgrading and Redeploying SOA Order Booking"

8.2 Task 2: Verify that the Applications Are Up and Running Successfully on Oracle Application Server 10g

Before you attempt to redeploy your Oracle Application Server 10g applications on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, you must be sure that the applications have been deployed successfully on Oracle Application Server 10g and that all components of the application are currently up and running.

In particular, be sure that any external references that your application relies upon are up and running and available. For example, if your application relies on external Web services, those Web services must be up and running when you start the 11g upgrade and redeployment process.

This step is necessary for two reasons:

  • To verify that the application has no issues or problems in the 10g environment that might cause the upgrade and redeployment to fail on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

  • To reduce the amount of work required to redefine the external references in your application source code.

    For example, if your Oracle Enterprise Service Bus projects are calling external BPEL processes, it is important that the 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) BPEL processes are up and running and available when you upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Service Bus application.

    Otherwise, you must modify the Oracle Enterprise Service Bus project before the upgrade so the external references point to the new 11g BPEL processes. If the external references are not available, the upgrade to Oracle JDeveloper 11g will fail.

    Because of Oracle JDeveloper 11g development features, the process of redefining your external references is much easier and partially automated if you perform this task after the upgrade to Oracle JDeveloper 11g.

For an example of how to identify and verify the external partners for a specific, demonstration application (the SOA Order Booking demo application), see Section A.2.3, "Task 1c: Verify That All External Partners Are Available".

8.3 Task 3: Review the Specific Considerations for the Type of Application You Are Upgrading

Before you begin the upgrade process for each 10g application, make a list of the technologies and Oracle SOA Suite and WebCenter features you used when developing and deploying the application on Oracle Application Server 10g.

Then, review the information that pertains to your application in the remaining chapters of this guide. Those chapters contain information about upgrading specific Oracle SOA Suite and WebCenter features to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

The chapters are organized by component and by the various technologies you might have used to develop and deploy your application. As a result, you can refer to the chapters and sections that apply to your specific types of applications.

8.4 Task 4: Verify That You Have Upgraded Your 10g Environment to 11g

Before you begin upgrading your applications to 11g, you must perform the upgrade tasks for your particular Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF or environment. For more information, refer to Part III, "Upgrading the Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF Environment".

In particular, as part of the environment upgrade, you should have:

  • Verified that the new Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g environment is up and running.

  • Applied any OC4J configuration settings to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g; this includes any data sources, system properties, and other configuration settings that are required by the applications you are about to redeploy on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.


Before upgrading Oracle B2B-Related BPEL projects note, refer to Section 12.3.3, "Considerations When Upgrading B2B-Related Oracle BPEL Processes".

8.5 Task 5: Install and Start Oracle JDeveloper 11g

For complete instructions about downloading, installing, and starting Oracle JDeveloper 11g, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper.

After you start Oracle JDeveloper 11g, you should verify that you have the proper Oracle JDeveloper extensions for the applications you will be developing. For more information, see:


If you intend to migrate application settings from JDeveloper 10.1.3.x, then close and remove your WebCenter applications from Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3.x before you start Oracle JDeveloper 11g for the first time and before you install the WebCenter Oracle JDeveloper 11g extension.

You can remove applications from Oracle JDeveloper by right-clicking an application name in the Application Navigator and selecting Delete from the shortcut menu. Removing an application removes it only from Oracle JDeveloper and not from the disk.

8.6 Task 6: Open and Upgrade the Application in Oracle JDeveloper

For each Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF application, you should have an Oracle JDeveloper 10g workspace (.jws) file. When you open a workspace from a previous version of Oracle JDeveloper, the Migration Wizard automatically upgrades the application to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

This important step saves you time and effort in migrating to the newer versions of Java technologies supported by Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

Use the following steps to open an Oracle JDeveloper 10g workspace in Oracle JDeveloper 11g:

  1. Save a copy of the project that you can manage using Oracle JDeveloper 10g Release 3 ( in a separate folder or directory on disk.

    Oracle JDeveloper backs up all your project directories as they are imported and upgraded to Oracle JDeveloper 11g. However, it is still good development practice to back up your work before starting the upgrade process.

    Note that Oracle JDeveloper does not back up the workspace (.jws) file, only the project directories. Also, after you open and upgrade the workspace in Oracle JDeveloper 11g, you cannot open the upgraded copy of the workspace in a previous version of Oracle JDeveloper.

    As a result, if you need to restore your original application or projects, Oracle recommends that you restore your application from your own pre-upgrade backup of the entire application directory structure.

  2. Select Open from the File menu and select the Oracle JDeveloper 10g .jws file.

    When selecting the workspace file, be sure the application source code is available in a directory location that will always be available. For example, do not attempt to upgrade a project that is stored on a network drive path (such as \\\share\Samples\mysample.jws).

    Oracle JDeveloper displays Step 1, the Welcome page of the Migration Wizard.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to migrate the project files and selected Java technologies to Oracle JDeveloper Release 11g and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

  4. Review the application migration log files, which are located in the following directory inside the Oracle JDeveloper home directory:

    On UNIX systems:


    On Windows systems:



You can also upgrade individual Oracle JDeveloper 10g project (.jpr) files. However, Oracle recommends you take the following steps when upgrading .jpr files:
  1. Start Oracle JDeveloper 11g.

  2. Create a new application in Oracle JDeveloper 11g.

  3. Open the .jpr file from within the application so it becomes a project within the newly created application.

8.7 Task 7: Locate Specific Upgrade Information for the Components of Your Application

This chapter provides an overview of the steps required to upgrade and redeploy your Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF applications on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

However, there are important considerations and upgrade tasks you might need to perform in addition to the general tasks described here.

For more information, review the remaining chapters in this guide for any special considerations that affect your Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF applications.

The chapters are organized by component and by the various technologies you might have used to develop and deploy your application. As a result, you can refer to the chapters and sections that apply to your specific types of applications.

8.8 Task 8: Review and Recompile the Application

After you have opened the application in Oracle JDeveloper 11g, you should then perform the following tasks:

  1. From the Oracle JDeveloper 11g File menu, select Save All to save all the projects in the selected workspace.

  2. From the Build menu, select Make All to recompile all the projects in the workspace, or right-click one project at a time and select Make project_name.

  3. Review the output in the Compiler message panel at the bottom of the Oracle JDeveloper window.

  4. For each compilation error, double-click the error icon and review the problem code.

    For more information, refer to the appropriate developer guide in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g documentation library. The Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g documentation library is available at the following location on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):


8.9 Task 9: Deploy the Application

After you have reviewed the available resources and successfully recompiled the projects in the application, you can then deploy the application on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

For more information about deploying applications, refer to the following resources: