This figure shows the New Java Class dialog. It contains text field Source folder with value JDBCDriver/src. There is a Browse button next to this field. It contains text field Package with no value. There is a Browse button next to this. It contains check box Enclosing Type, which is unchecked. The text field and Browse button next to this text field is greyed out. It contains text field Name with no value. It contains radio button group Modifiers composed of radio buttons public (selected), default, private (greyed out), and protected (greyed out). Below this radio button group are check boxes abstract (unchecked), final (unchecked), and static (greyed out). It contains text field Superclass with value java.lang.Object. There is a Browse button next to this text field. It contains text field Interfaces with no value. There is an Add and Remove button next to this text field. The Remove button is greyed out. Under the heading ”Which method stubs would you like to create?” are check boxes public static void mainstring[] args), Constructors from superclass, and Inherited abstract methods. Only the Inherited abstract methods check box is checked. Under the heading Do you want to add comments? there is check box Generate comments, which is unchecked.