20 Exporting/Importing

This chapter describes how to manage export and import operations in Oracle Data Integrator. An introduction to the import and export concepts is provided.

This chapter includes the following sections:

20.1 Import and Export Concepts

This section introduces you to the fundamental concepts of export and import operations in Oracle Data Integrator. All export and import operations require a clear understanding of the concepts introduced in this section.

20.1.1 Internal Identifiers (IDs)

Before performing export and import operations, it is essential to understand in detail the concept of internal identifiers (ID) in Oracle Data Integrator.

To ensure object uniqueness across several work repositories, ODI uses a specific mechanism to generate unique IDs for objects (such as technologies, data servers, Models, Projects, Integration Interfaces, KMs, etc.). Every object in Oracle Data Integrator is identified by an internal ID. The internal ID appears on the Version tab of each object.

ODI Master and Work Repositories are identified by their unique internal IDs. This RepositoryID of 3 digits must be unique across all work repositories of an ODI installation and is used to compute the internal ID of an object.

The internal ID of an object is calculated by appending the value of the RepositoryID to an automatically incremented number: <UniqueNumber><RepositoryID>

If the Repository ID is shorter than 3 digits, the missing digits are completed with "0". For example, if a repository has the ID 5, possible internal IDs of the objects in this repository could be: 1005, 2005, 3005, ..., 1234567005. Note that all objects created within the same repository have the same three last digits, in this example 005.

This internal ID is unique for the object type within the repository and also unique between repositories for the object type because it contains the repository unique ID. This mechanism allows to:

  • Avoid any ID conflicts when exporting and importing from one repository to another

  • Understand the provenance of every object, simply by looking at its Internal ID. The 3 last digits always refer to the repository where it was created.

Important Export/Import Rules and Guidelines

Due to the structure of the object IDs, these guidelines should be followed:

  • Work repositories must always have different internal IDs. Work repositories with the same ID are considered to contain same objects.

  • If an export/import operation is performed between two Master/Work repositories possessing identical internal IDs, there is a risk of overwriting objects when importing. Objects from both repositories that have same IDs are considered the same.

20.1.2 Relationships between Objects

Oracle Data Integrator stores all objects in a relational database schema (the Repository) with dependencies between objects. Repository tables that store these objects maintain these dependencies as references using the IDs. When you drag and drop a target datastore into an integration interface, only the reference to the ID of this datastore is stored in the interface object. If you want to export this interface, and import it in Synonym mode into another work repository, a datastore with the same ID must already exist in this other work repository otherwise the import will create a missing reference. The missing references can be resolved either by fixing the imported object directly or by importing the missing object.

You can use the Smart export and import feature or solutions to export and import sets of dependent objects.

  • Use solutions in combination with versioning to maintain the dependencies when doing export/import. See Chapter 19, "Working with Version Management".

  • It is recommended to use the Smart export and import feature because the dependencies are determined automatically.

Therefore, the Model or Sub-model holding this Datastore needs to be exported and imported in Synonym mode prior to importing the integration interface.

There are also dependencies between work repository objects and master repository objects. Dependencies within a work repository are ID-based. Dependencies between objects of the work and objects of the master are based on the Codes and not the IDs. This means that only the Code of the objects (for example ORACLE is the code of the Oracle technology in the master) of the master repository objects are referenced in the work repository.

It is important to import objects in the appropriate order. You can also use the Smart export and import feature to preserve these dependencies. Table 20-1 lists the dependencies of an integration interface to other objects when importing the integration interface in synonym mode. Note that a Smart export automatically includes these dependent objects when exporting an interface.

Table 20-1 Dependencies of an integration interface in the work and Master Repository

Dependencies on other objects of Work Repository when importing in Synonym Mode Dependencies on objects of the Master Repository
  • (Parent/Child) Folder: Folder holding this Interface needs to be imported first.

  • (Reference) Model/Sub-Model: all Models/Sub-Models holding Datastore definitions referenced by the Interface need to be imported first. Datastore definitions including Columns, Data Types, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys (references), Conditions must be exactly the same as the ones used by the exported Interface

  • (Reference) Global Variables, Sequences and Functions used within the Interface need to imported first

  • (Reference) Local Variables, Sequences and Function used within the Interface need to imported first

  • (Reference) Knowledge Modules referenced within the Interface need to be imported first

  • (Reference) Any Interface used as source in the current Interface needs to be imported first

  • Technology Codes

  • Context Codes

  • Logical Schema Names

  • Data Type Codes

  • Physical Server Names of the Optimization Contexts of Interfaces

20.1.3 Import Types

Oracle Data Integrator can import objects, the topology or repositories using several modes.

Read carefully this section in order to determine the import type you need.

Import Type Description
Duplication This mode creates a new object (with a new internal ID) in the target Repository, and inserts all the elements of the export file. The ID of this new object will be based on the ID of the Repository in which it is to be created (the target Repository).

Dependencies between objects which are included into the export such as parent/child relationships are recalculated to match the new parent IDs. References to objects which are not included into the export are not recalculated.

Note that this mode is designed to insert only 'new' elements.

The Duplication mode is used to duplicate an object into the target repository. To transfer objects from one repository to another, with the possibility to ship new versions of these objects, or to make updates, it is better to use the three Synonym modes.

This import type is not available for importing master repositories. Creating a new master repository using the export of an existing one is performed using the master repository Import wizard.

Synonym Mode INSERT Tries to insert the same object (with the same internal ID) into the target repository. The original object ID is preserved.

If an object of the same type with the same internal ID already exists then nothing is inserted.

Dependencies between objects which are included into the export such as parent/child relationships are preserved. References to objects which are not included into the export are not recalculated.

If any of the incoming attributes violates any referential constraints, the import operation is aborted and an error message is thrown.

Note that sessions can only be imported in this mode.

Synonym Mode UPDATE Tries to modify the same object (with the same internal ID) in the repository.

This import type updates the objects already existing in the target Repository with the content of the export file.

If the object does not exist, the object is not imported.

Note that this import type does NOT delete child objects that exist in the repository but are not in the export file. For example, if the target repository contains a project with some variables and you want to replace it with one that contains no variables, this mode will update for example the project name but will not delete the variables under this project. The Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE should be used for this purpose.

Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE If no ODI object exists in the target Repository with an identical ID, this import type will create a new object with the content of the export file. Already existing objects (with an identical ID) will be updated; the new ones, inserted.

Existing child objects will be updated, non-existing child objects will be inserted, and child objects existing in the repository but not in the export file will be deleted.

Dependencies between objects which are included into the export such as parent/child relationships are preserved. References to objects which are not included into the export are not recalculated.

This import type is not recommended when the export was done without the child components. This will delete all sub-components of the existing object.

Import Replace This import type replaces an already existing object in the target repository by one object of the same object type specified in the import file.

This import type is only supported for scenarios, Knowledge Modules, actions, and action groups and replaces all children objects with the children objects from the imported object.

Note the following when using the Import Replace mode:

If your object was currently used by another ODI component like for example a KM used by an integration interface, this relationship will not be impacted by the import, the interfaces will automatically use this new KM in the project.


  • When replacing a Knowledge module by another one, Oracle Data Integrator sets the options in the new module using option name matching with the old module's options. New options are set to the default value. It is advised to check the values of these options in the interfaces.

  • Replacing a KM by another one may lead to issues if the KMs are radically different. It is advised to check the interface's design and execution with the new KM.

20.1.4 Tips for Import/Export

This section provides tips for the import and export operations.

Repository IDs

As a general rule, always use different internal IDs for your repositories in order to avoid any ID conflicts. Note that the Smart Import feature verifies ID conflicts. For more information, see Section 20.2.7, "Smart Export and Import".

Export/Import Reports

A report is displayed after every export or import operation. It is advised to read it carefully in order to determine eventual errors of the import process.

Depending on the export or import operation performed, this report gives you details on, for example, the:

  • Import type

  • Imported Objects. For every imported object the object type, the original object name, the object name used for the import, the original ID, and the new, recalculated ID after the import is given.

  • Deleted Objects. For every deleted object the object type, the object name, and the original ID is given.

  • Created Missing References lists the missing references detected after the import.

  • Fixed Missing References lists the missing references fixed during the import.

The reports displayed after a smart export or smart import operation contain additional details to describe what happened to the objects during the export or import, for example which objects have been ignored, merged, overwritten and so forth.

You can save the import report as an.xml or .html file. Click Save... to save the import report.

Missing References

In order to avoid missing references, use either the Smart Export and Import feature or solutions to manage dependencies. For more information, see Section 20.2.7, "Smart Export and Import" and Section 19.4, "Working with Solutions".

Import Type

Choose the import type carefully. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

20.2 Exporting and Importing Objects

Exporting and importing Oracle Data Integrator objects means transferring objects between different repositories.

When exporting an Oracle Data Integrator object, an XML export file is created. ODI objects have dependencies, as described in Section 20.1.2, "Relationships between Objects". These dependencies will be exported in the XML export file.

The content of this XML file will depend on the export method you will use:

The choice will depend on your goal, if you need to do a partial export then the Export Without Child Components is the one to use.

The Export Multiple ODI Objects feature is useful when you need to regularly export the same set of Objects.

Once the export has been performed, it is very important to choose the import strategy to suite your requirements.

The Smart Export and Import feature is a lightweight and consistent export and import mechanism. It supports the export and import of one or multiple ODI objects. It is recommended to use this feature to avoid most of the common issues that are encountered during an export or import.

This section contains the following topics:

20.2.1 Exporting an Object with its Child Components

This option is the most common when you want to export an object. It allows you to export all subcomponents of the current object along with the object itself.

When an Object is exported with its child components, all container-dependent Objects – those which possess a direct parent/child relationship - are also exported. Referenced Objects are not exported.

For example, when you choose to export a Project with its child components, the export will contain the Project definition as well as all objects included in the Project, such as Folders, Interfaces, Procedures, Packages, Knowledge Modules, Variables, Sequences, Functions, etc. However, this export will not contain dependent objects referenced which are outside of the Project itself, such as Datastores and Columns, as defined previously in Section 20.1.2, "Relationships between Objects". Only the numeric ID references of these Objects will be exported.

20.2.2 Exporting an Object without its Child Components

This option can be useful in some particular situations where you would want to take control of the import process. It allows you to export only the top-level definition of an object without any of its subobjects.

For example, if you choose to export a Model without its children, it will only contain the Model definition but not the underlying Sub-models and Datastores when you import this model to a new repository.

20.2.3 Partial Export/Import

If you have a very large project that contains thousands of interfaces and you only want to export a subset of these to another work repository, you can either export the entire Project and then import it, or choose to do a partial manual export/import as follows:

  1. Export all Models referenced by the sub-items of your project and import them in Synonym mode in the new repository to preserve their IDs

  2. Export the Project without its children and import it in Synonym mode. This will simply create the empty Project in the new repository (with the same IDs as in the source).

  3. Export every first level Folder you want, without its children, and import them in Synonym mode. The empty Folders will be created in the new repository.

  4. Export and Import all Markers, Knowledge Modules, Variables, Sequences, and so forth that are referenced by every object you plan to export, and import them in Synonym mode. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information on the Synonym or Duplication mode and the impact on Object IDs for special caution regarding the import of Knowledge Modules in Synonym mode.

  5. Finally, export the Interfaces you are interested in and import them in Synonym mode in the new repository.

20.2.4 Exporting one ODI Object

Exporting one Oracle Data Integrator Object means export one single ODI object in order to transfer it from one repository to another.

To export an object from Oracle Data Integrator:

  1. Select the object to be exported in the appropriate Oracle Data Integrator Navigator.

  2. Right-click the object, and select Export...

    If this menu item does not appear, then this type of object does not have the export feature.

  3. In the Export dialog, set the Export parameters as indicated inTable 20-2.

    Table 20-2 Object Export Parameters

    Properties Description

    Export Directory

    Directory in which the export file will be created.

    Export Name

    Name given to the export

    Child Components Export

    If this option is checked, the objects linked to the object to be exported will be also exported. These objects are those visible under the exported object in the tree. It is recommended to leave this option checked. Refer to Exporting an Object with its Child Components for more details.

    Note that when you are exporting a Load Plan, scenarios will not be exported even if you check this option.

    Replace exiting files without warning

    If this option is checked, the existing file will be replaced by the ones of the export. If a file with the same name as the export file already exists, it will be overwritten by the export file.

    Advanced options

    This set of options allow to parameterize the XML output file format. It is recommended that you leave the default values.

    XML Version

    XML Version specified in the export file. Parameter .xml version in the XML file header.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

    Character Set

    Encoding specified in the export file. Parameter encoding in the XML file header.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

    Java Character Set

    Java character set used to generate the file

    You must at least specify the Export Name.

  4. Click OK.

The object is exported as an XML file in the specified location.

20.2.5 Export Multiple ODI Objects

You can export one or more objects at once, using the Export Multiple Objects action. This lets you export ODI objects to a zip file or a directory, and lets you re-use an existing list of objects to export.

More powerful mechanisms for doing this are Solutions and also the Smart Export and Import. For more information, see Section 19.4, "Working with Solutions"or Section 20.2.7, "Smart Export and Import".

To export multiple objects at once:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select Export Multiple Objects.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Export Multiple Objects dialog, specify the export parameters as indicated in Table 20-2.

    The objects are either exported as .xml files directly into the directory, or as a zip file containing .xml files. If you want to generate a zip file, you need to select Export as zip file and enter the name of the zip file in the Zip file name field.

  5. Specify the list of objects to export:

    1. Drag and drop the objects from the Oracle Data Integrator Navigators into the Export list. Note that you can export objects from different Navigators at once.

    2. Click Load a list of objects... to load a previously saved list of objects. This is useful if you regularly export the same list of objects.

    3. To save the current list of objects, click SaveExport List and specify a file name. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten without any warning.

  6. Click OK to start the export.

To import multiple objects at once, you must use a Solution or the Smart Import. See Section 19.4, "Working with Solutions" and Section 20.2.7, "Smart Export and Import" for more information.

20.2.6 Importing Objects

Importing and exporting allows you to transfer objects (Interfaces, Knowledge Modules, Models,...) from one repository to another.

When importing Knowledge Modules choose carefully your import strategy which may depend on the knowledge module's scope. See Section 9.3.1, "Project and Global Knowlegde Modules" for more information.

This section includes the following topics:

Importing an ODI object

To import an object in Oracle Data Integrator:

  1. In the Navigator, select the object or object node under which you want to import the object.

  2. Right-click the object, and select Import, then the type of the object you wish to import.

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Type. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The XML-formatted files are imported into the work repository, and the imported objects appear in the Oracle Data Integrator Navigators.

Note that the parent or node under which objects are imported is dependent on the import type used. When using DUPLICATION mode, the objects will be imported into where the Import option was selected. For Synonym imports, the objects will be imported under the parent specified by the objects parent id in the import file.

Importing 10g Objects into an 11g Environment

Any versionable 10g object can be imported into an 11g ODI environment.

The following objects can be checked in as versions and can be imported:

  • Project, Folder

  • Package, Scenario

  • Interface, Procedure, Knowledge Module

  • Sequence, User Function, Variable

  • Model, Model Folder

  • Solution

  • Load Plan

Importing a Project KM

To import a Knowledge Module into an Oracle Data Integrator project:

  1. In Designer Navigator, select the project into which you want to import the KM.

  2. Right-click the project, and select Import > Import Knowledge Modules....

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. The Import Type is set to Duplication. Refer to Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the Knowledge Module file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The Knowledge Modules are imported into the work repository and appear in your project under the Knowledge Modules node.

Importing a KM in Replace Mode

Knowledge modules are usually imported into new projects in Duplication mode.

When you want to replace a global KM or a KM in a project by another one and have all interfaces automatically use the new KM, you must use the Import Replace mode.

To import a Knowledge Module in Replace mode:

  1. Select the Knowledge Module you wish to replace.

  2. Right-click the Knowledge Module and select Import Replace...

  3. In the Replace Object dialog, specify the Knowledge Module export file.

  4. Click OK.

The Knowledge Module is now replaced by the new one.


Replacing a Knowledge module by another one in Oracle Data Integrator sets the options in the new module using the option name similarities with the old module's options. New options are set to the default value.

It is advised to check the values of these options in the interfaces as well as the interfaces' design and execution with the new KM.

Refer to the Import Replace mode description in the Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

Importing a Global Knowledge Module

To import a global knowledge module in Oracle Data Integrator:

  1. In the Navigator, select the Global Knowledge Modules node in the Global Objects accordion.

  2. Right-click and select Import Knowledge Modules.

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Type. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The global KM is now available in all your projects. Importing Objects

Importing and exporting allows you to transfer objects (Interfaces, Knowledge Modules, Models,...) from one repository to another. When importing Knowledge Modules choose carefully your import strategy which may depend on the knowledge module's scope. See Section 9.3.1, "Project and Global Knowlegde Modules" for more information.

This section includes the following topics:

Importing an ODI object

To import an object in Oracle Data Integrator:

  1. In the Navigator, select the object or object node under which you want to import the object.

  2. Right-click the object, and select Import, then the type of the object you wish to import.

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Type. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The XML-formatted files are imported into the work repository, and the imported objects appear in the Oracle Data Integrator Navigators.

Note that the parent or node under which objects are imported is dependent on the import type used. When using DUPLICATION mode, the objects will be imported into where the Import option was selected. For Synonym imports, the objects will be imported under the parent specified by the objects parent id in the import file.

Importing a Project KM

To import a Knowledge Module into an Oracle Data Integrator project:

  1. In Designer Navigator, select the project into which you want to import the KM.

  2. Right-click the project, and select Import > Import Knowledge Modules....

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. The Import Type is set to Duplication. Refer to Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the Knowledge Module file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The Knowledge Modules are imported into the work repository and appear in your project under the Knowledge Modules node.

Importing a KM in Replace Mode

Knowledge modules are usually imported into new projects in Duplication mode.

When you want to replace a global KM or a KM in a project by another one and have all interfaces automatically use the new KM, you must use the Import Replace mode.

To import a Knowledge Module in Replace mode:

  1. Select the Knowledge Module you wish to replace.

  2. Right-click the Knowledge Module and select Import Replace...

  3. In the Replace Object dialog, specify the Knowledge Module export file.

  4. Click OK.

The Knowledge Module is now replaced by the new one.


Replacing a Knowledge module by another one in Oracle Data Integrator sets the options in the new module using the option name similarities with the old module's options. New options are set to the default value.

It is advised to check the values of these options in the interfaces as well as the interfaces' design and execution with the new KM.

Refer to the Import Replace mode description in the Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

Importing a Global Knowledge Module

To import a global knowledge module in Oracle Data Integrator:

  1. In the Navigator, select the Global Knowledge Modules node in the Global Objects accordion.

  2. Right-click and select Import Knowledge Modules.

  3. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Type. See Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Enter the File Import Directory.

    3. Select the file(s) to import from the list.

  4. Click OK.

The global KM is now available in all your projects.

20.2.7 Smart Export and Import

It is recommended to use the Smart Export and Import feature to avoid most of the common issues that are encountered during an export or import such as broken links or ID conflicts. The Smart Export and Import feature is a lightweight and consistent export and import mechanism providing several smart features.

The Smart Export automatically exports an object with all its object dependencies. It is particularly useful when you want to move a consistent lightweight set of objects from one repository to another and when you want to include only a set of modified objects, for example in a patching use case, because Oracle Data Integrator manages all object dependencies automatically while creating a consistent sub-set of the repository.

The Smart Import provides:

  • Automatic and customizable object matching rules between the objects to import and the objects already present in the repository

  • A set of actions that can be applied to the object to import when a matching object has been found in the repository

  • Proactive issue detection and resolution that suggests a default working solution for every broken link or conflict detected during the Smart Import Performing a Smart Export

To perform a Smart Export:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select Smart Export.


    This option is only available if you are connected to a Work repository.
  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Smart Export dialog, specify the export parameters as follows:

    1. In the Export Name field, enter the name given to the export (mandatory). Default is SmartExport.xml.

    2. The objects are either exported into a single .xml file directly in the directory, or as a zip file containing a single .xml file. If you want to generate a zip file, you need to select Export as zip file and enter the name of the zip file in the Zip file name field.

    3. Optionally, customize the XML output file format in the Encoding Options section. It is recommended that you leave the default values.

      Properties Description
      XML Character Set Encoding specified in the export file. Parameter encoding in the XML file header.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

      Java Character Set Java character set used to generate the file

    4. In the Dependencies section, drag and drop the objects you want to add to the Smart Export from the Oracle Data Integrator Navigators into the Selected Objects list on the left. Note that you can export objects from different Navigators at once.

      The object to export appears in a tree with all its related parent and child objects that are required to support.

      Repeat this step according to your needs.


      • If your export contains shortcuts, you will be asked if you want to materialize the shortcuts. If you select No, both the shortcuts and the base objects will be exported.

      • A bold object name indicates that this object has been specifically added to the Smart Export. Only objects that appear in bold can be removed. Removing an object also removes its child objects and the dependent objects of the removed object. Note that child objects of a specifically added object also appear in bold and can be removed. To remove an object from the export tree, right-click the object and select Remove Object. If the removed object is dependent of another object, it will remain in the tree but will became unbold.

      • A grayed out object name indicates that this object is an dependent object that will not be exported, as for example a technology.

    5. Optionally, modify the list of objects to export. You can perform the following actions: Remove one object, remove all objects, add objects by release tag, and add shortcuts. See Change the List of Objects to Export for more information.

    6. If there are any cross reference objects, including shortcuts, they are displayed in the Dependencies list on the right. Parent objects will not be shown under the Uses node and child objects will not be shown under Used By node.

  5. Click Export to start the export process.

The Smart export generates a single file containing all the objects of the Selected Objects list. You can use this export file as the input file for the Smart Import. See Section, "Performing a Smart Import" for more information.

You can review the results of the Smart Export in the Smart Export report.

The Smart Export Toolbar

The Smart Export toolbar provides tools for managing the objects to export and for viewing dependencies. Table 20-3 details the different toolbar components.

Table 20-3 Smart Export Toolbar

Icon Name Description
Search icon


Searches for a object in the Selected Objects or Dependencies list.

Expand All icon

Expand All

Expands all tree nodes in the Selected Objects or Dependencies list.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Collapses all tree nodes in the Selected Objects or Dependencies list.

Clear All icon

Clear All

Deletes all objects from the list. Warning: This also deletes Release Tags and Materialization selections.

Release tag icon

Add Objects by Release Tag

Adds all objects that have the same release tag as the object already in the Selected Objects list.

Change the List of Objects to Export

You can perform the following actions to change the list of objects to export:

  • Remove one object from the list

    Only objects that have been explicitly added to the Smart Export (objects in bold) can be removed from the Selected Objects list.

    To remove one object:

    1. In the Selected Objects list, select the object you wish to remove.

    2. Right-click and select Remove Object.

    The object and its dependencies are removed from the Selected Objects list and will not be included in the Smart Export.


    If the object you wish to remove is a dependent object of another object to export, it remains in the list but becomes un-bold.
  • Remove all objects from the list

    To delete all objects from the Selected Objects list, select Clear All in the Smart Export Toolbar.


    This also deletes Release Tags and Materialization selections.
  • Add objects by release tag

    To add a folder or model folder of a certain release:

    1. Select Add Objects by Release Tag in the Smart Export Toolbar.

      This opens the Release Tag Selection dialog.

    2. In the Release Tag Selection dialog, select a release tag from the Release Tag list. All objects of this release tag will be added to the Smart Export. You don't need to add them individually to the Smart Export.

      The Release Tag Selection dialog displays the list of release tags that have been already added to the Smart Export.

    3. Click OK to add the objects of the selected release tag to the Smart Export.

    The release tag name is displayed in the Selected object list after the object name.


    When you add a folder or model folder to the Selected Objects list that has a release tag, you can choose to automatically add all objects of the given release to the Smart Export by clicking OK in the Confirmation dialog.
  • Add shortcuts

    If you add shortcuts to the Smart Export, you can choose to materialize the shortcut. If you choose not to materialize a shortcut added to the Smart Export, then the shortcut is exported with all its dependent objects, including the base object. If you choose to materialize the shortcut, the shortcut is materialized and the base object referenced through the shortcut is not included. Performing a Smart Import

To perform a Smart Import:

  1. Select Import... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Import Selection dialog, select Smart Import.

  3. Click OK.

    The Smart Import wizard opens.

  4. On the first screen, Step 1 - File Selection, specify the import settings as follows:

    1. In the File Selection field, enter the location of the Smart Export file to import.

    2. Optionally, select a response file to replay a previous Smart Import wizard execution by presetting all fields from the Response File field.

    3. Click Next to move to the next step of the Smart Import Wizard.

      Oracle Data Integrator launches a matching process that verifies whether the repository contains matching objects for each of the potential objects to import.

  5. On the second screen, Step 2 - Import Actions, verify the result of the matching process and fix eventual issues. The number of detected issues is displayed in the first line of this screen.

    Note that the Smart Import wizard suggests default values for every field.

    1. In the Object Match Details section, expand the nodes in the Import Object column to navigate to the objects available to import during this Smart Import.

    2. In the Action column, select the action to perform on the object during the import operation. Possible values are listed in Table 20-4.

      Table 20-4 Actions during Import

      Action Description


      For containers, this means overwrite the target container with the source container, and then loop over the children for merging. Each child may have a different action. Child FCOs that are not in the import file will not be deleted. The Merge action may also be used for Datastores, which will be merged at the SCO level.


      Overwrite target object with source object. Any child objects remaining after import come from the source object. Note that this applies to all the child objects (If a project overwrites another, all the folders in this project will be replaced and any extra folders will be removed).

      Create Copy

      Create source object including renaming or modifying any fields needed to avoid conflict with existing objects of same name/id/code. This action preserves the consistency and relations from and to the imported objects.


      Do not import the object, yet preserve the ability import all objects related to it and link them to the target object. Basically, this corresponds to overwriting the source object with the matched target object.


      Do not process the source object.

    3. In the Repository Object column, select the required repository object. This is the repository object that matches the best the import object.

    4. If an issue, such as a broken link or a code conflict, has been detected during the matching process, a warning icon is displayed in the Issues column. View the Issue Details section for more details on the issue.


      The Next button is disabled until all critical issues are fixed.
    5. The table in the Issue Details section lists the issues that have been detected during the matching process. To fix an issue, select the action to perform in the Action column. Table 20-5 describes the possible actions.

      Table 20-5 Possible actions to fix an issue

      Action Description


      Not possible on critical issues


      If the collision is on an ID, the new value is always NEW_ID. If a name or code collision is detected, specify the new value in the Fix field.

      Do not change

      For value changed issues, the value in the matching target object will be kept.

      Fix Link

      For broken links, click Search in the Fix field.


      Oracle Data Integrator provides a default working solution for every issue. However, missing references may still result during the actual import process depending on the choices you made for the import actions.
    6. In the Fix column, specify the fix. For example, for broken links, click Search and select the target object in the Broken Link Target Object Selection dialog.

    7. Click Next to move to the next step of the Smart Import Wizard.

  6. On the third screen, Step 3 - Summary, review the import file name and eventual issues.

    1. In the File Selection field, verify the import file name.

    2. If the Smart Import still contains unresolved warnings, they are displayed on this screen. Note that critical issues are not displayed here. To fix them, click Back.

    3. Optionally, select Save Response File to create a response file that you can reuse in another import to replay this Smart Import wizard execution by presetting all fields.

    4. Click Finish to launch the Smart Import and to finalize of the Smart Import Wizard.

You can review the results of the Smart Import in the Smart Import report.

20.3 Repository-Level Export/Import

At repository level you can export and import the master repository and the work repositories.

20.3.1 Exporting and Importing the Master Repository

The master repository export/import procedure allows you to transfer the whole repository (Topology and Security domains included) from one repository to another.

It can be performed in Topology Navigator, to import the exported objects in an existing repository, or while creating a new master repository.

Exporting the Master Repository in Topology Navigator

The objects that are exported when exporting the master repository are objects, methods, profiles, users, languages, versions (if option selected), solutions (if option selected), open tools, password policies, entities, links, fields, lookups, technologies, datatypes, datatypes conversions, logical agents, contexts and the child objects.

To export a master repository:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select Export the Master Repository.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Export Master Repository dialog, set the Export parameters as indicated inTable 20-2.

    The master repository and its topology and security settings are either exported as .xml files directly into the directory, or as a zip file containing .xml files. If you want to generate a zip file, you need to select Export to zip file and enter the name of the zip file in the Zip File Name field.

  5. Select Export versions, if you want to export all stored versions of objects that are stored in the repository. You may wish to unselect this option in order to reduce the size of the exported repository, and to avoid transferring irrelevant project work.

  6. Select Export solutions, if you want to export all stored solutions that are stored in the repository. You may wish to unselect this option for similar reasons.

  7. Click OK.

The export files are created in the specified export directory.

Importing the Master Repository

To import the exported master repository objects into an existing master repository:

  1. Select Import... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Import Selection dialog, select Import the Master Repository.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Type. Refer to Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Select whether you want to import the files From a Folder or From a ZIP file.

    3. Enter the file import folder or zip file.

  5. Click OK.

The master repository contains now the objects you have imported.


The import is not allowed if the source and target repositories have the same internal ID. If the target repository has the same ID, you can renumber the repository. This operation should be performed with caution. See Section 20.1.1, "Internal Identifiers (IDs)" for more information on the risks and how to renumber a repository is described in Section 3.8.3, "Renumbering Repositories".

Creating a new Master Repository using a previous Master export

To create a new master repository using an export of another master repository:

  1. Open the New Gallery by choosing File > New.

  2. In the New Gallery, in the Categories tree, select ODI.

  3. Select from the Items list the Master Repository Import Wizard.

  4. Click OK.

    The Master Repository Import Wizard appears.

  5. Specify the Database Connection parameters as follows:

    • Login: User ID/login of the owner of the tables you have created for the master repository

    • JDBC Driver: The driver used to access the technology, which will host the repository.

    • JDBC URL: The complete path for the data server to host the repository.

      Note that the parameters JDBC Driver and URL are synchronized and the default values are technology dependant.

    • User: The user id/login of the owner of the tables.

    • Password: This user's password.

    • DBA User: The database administrator's username

    • DBA Password: This user's password

  6. Specify the Repository Configuration parameters as follows:

    • ID: A specific ID for the new master repository, rather than the default 0. This will affect imports and exports between repositories.


      All master repositories should have distinct identifiers. Check that the identifier you are choosing is not the identifier of an existing repository

    • Use a Zip File: If using a compressed export file, check the Use a Zip File box and select in the Export Zip File field the file containing your master repository export.

    • Export Path: If using an uncompressed export, select the directory containing the export in the Export Path field.

    • Technology: From the list, select the technology your repository will be based on.

  7. Click Test Connection to test the connection to your master repository.

    The Information dialog opens and informs you whether the connection has been established.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Specify the password storage details:

    • Select Use Password Storage Configuration specified in Export if you want to use the configuration defined in the export.

    • Select Use New Password Storage Configuration if you do not want to use the configuration defined in the export and select

      • Internal Password Storage if you want to store passwords in the Oracle Data Integrator repository

      • External Password Storage if you want use JPS Credential Store Framework (CSF) to store the data server and context passwords. Indicate the MBean Server Parameters to access the credential store as described in the table in Section, "Switching the Password Storage,".

    Refer to the Section 24.3.1, "Setting Up External Password Storage" for more information on password storage details.

  10. In the Master Repository Import Wizard click Finish to validate your entries.

A new repository is created and the exported components are imported in this master repository.

20.3.2 Export/Import the Topology and Security Settings

Exporting then importing the topology or security allows you to transfer a domain from one master repository to another.

Exporting the Topology and Security Settings

The domains that can be exported are given below:

  • Topology: the full topology (logical and physical architectures including the local repository, data servers, hosts, agents, generic actions, technologies, datatypes, logical schemas, and contexts).

  • Logical Topology: technologies (connection, datatype or language information), logical agents, logical schemas, actions and action groups.

  • Security: objects, methods, users, profiles, privileges, password policies and hosts.

  • Execution Environment: technologies, data servers, contexts, generic actions, load balanced agents, physical schemas and agents.

To export the topology/security:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select one of the following:

    • Export the Topology

    • Export the Logical Topology

    • Export the Security Settings

    • Export the Execution Environment

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Export dialog, specify the export parameters as indicated in Table 20-2.

    The topology and security settings are either exported as .xml files directly into the directory, or as a zip file containing .xml files. If you want to generate a zip file, you need to select Export to zip file and enter the name of the zip file in the Zip File Name field.

  5. Click OK.

The export files are created in the specified export directory.

Importing the Topology and Security Settings

To import a topology export:

  1. Select Import... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Import Selection dialog, select one of the following:

    • Import the Topology

    • Import the Logical Topology

    • Import Security Settings

    • Import the Execution Environment

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import Mode. Refer to Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Select whether to import the topology export from a Folder or a Zip File.

    3. Enter the file import directory.

  5. Click OK.

The specified files are imported into the master repository.

20.3.3 Exporting and Importing a Work Repository

Importing or exporting a work repository allows you to transfer all work repository objects from one repository to another.

Exporting a Work Repository

To export a work repository:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select Export the Work Repository.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Export dialog, set the Export parameters as indicated inTable 20-2.

    The work repository with its models and projects are either exported as .xml files directly into the directory, or as a zip file containing .xml files. If you want to generate a zip file, you need to select Export to zip file and enter the name of the zip file in the Zip File Name field

  5. Click OK.

The export files are created in the specified export directory.

Importing a Work Repository

To import a work repository:

  1. Select Import... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Import Selection dialog, select Import the Work Repository.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Import dialog:

    1. Select the Import mode. Refer to Section 20.1.3, "Import Types" for more information.

    2. Select whether to import the work repository from a Folder or a Zip File.

    3. Enter the file import directory.

  5. Click OK.

The specified files are imported into the work repository.

20.4 Exporting the Technical Environment

This feature produces a comma separated (.csv) file in the directory of your choice, containing the details of the technical environment. This information is useful for support purposes.

You can customize the format of this file.

To produce the technical environment file:

  1. Select Export... from the Designer, Topology, Security or Operator Navigator toolbar menu.

  2. In the Export Selection dialog, select Export the Technical Environment.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Technical environment dialog, specify the export parameters as indicated in Table 20-6:

    Table 20-6 Technical Environment Export Parameters

    Properties Description

    Export Directory

    Directory in which the export file will be created.

    File Name

    Name of the .cvs export file

    Advanced options

    This set of options allow to parameterize the XML output file format. It is recommended that you leave the default values.

    Character Set

    Encoding specified in the export file. Parameter encoding in the XML file header.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

    Field codes

    The first field of each record produced contains a code identifying the kind of information present on the row. You can customize these codes as necessary.

    • Oracle Data Integrator Information Record Code: Code used to identify rows that describe the current version of Oracle Data Integrator and the current user. This code is used in the first field of the record.

    • Master, Work, Agent, and Technology Record Code: Code for rows containing information about the master repository, the work repositories, the running agents, or the data servers, their version, etc.

    Record Separator and Field Separator

    These separators define the characters used to separate records (lines) in the file, and fields within one record.

  5. Click OK.

20.5 Exporting and Importing the Log

You can export and import log data for archiving purposes. See Section, "Exporting and Importing Log Data" for more information.