35 Starting Oracle Service Bus Servers

This chapter describes different ways to start Oracle Service Bus servers.

This chapter contains the following sections.

For information on server startup not contained in this chapter, see "Starting and Stopping Servers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

35.1 Starting Derby in Development Environments

There are specific issues to account for when starting Oracle Service Bus development servers that use the default Apache Derby database. For more information, see "Running Multiple Development Servers with Derby" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Service Bus.

35.2 Starting the Oracle Service Bus Admin Server

This section describes different options for starting and Oracle Service Bus Admin server.

35.2.1 Starting the Admin Server from the Command Line

Invoke the startWebLogic command from the root of the Oracle Service Bus domain: startWebLogic.cmd or startWebLogic.sh

A command window is displayed showing status information about Oracle WebLogic Server.

If you started the server in production mode, you are required to enter a valid user name and password to start the server.

35.2.2 Starting the Admin Server on Windows

This section describes how to start the Oracle Service Bus Admin server on Windows systems. Starting the Admin Server from the Windows Start Menu

From the Windows Start menu, select Start > All Programs > Oracle WebLogic > User Projects > domain_name > Start Server for Oracle Service Bus Domain.

The domain_name is the name you assigned your Oracle Service Bus domain when you created it.

MW_HOME/user_projects is the default domain location. Starting the Admin Server as a Windows Service

This section describes how to configure your environment in order to start an Oracle Service Bus domain as a Windows service. Starting the Admin server as a Windows service ensures the server starts after a system restart.

Because this procedure requires a modification to your Windows registry, you should back up your Windows registry before proceeding.


You can also start an Oracle Service Bus Admin server as a Windows service through Node Manager, as described in "Starting an Administration Server Using WLST and Node Manager" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.
  1. Set your Oracle Service Bus domain to start as a Windows service by running the WL_HOME\server\bin\installSvc.cmd script, as described in "Setting Up a WebLogic Server Instance as a Windows Service" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. Add the required environment variables to the Windows registry. Before proceeding, you must know the name of the Windows service you created. The service name is typically "beasvc [DOMAIN_NAME]_[SERVER_NAME]."

    1. Back up your Windows registry.

    2. Run the Windows regedit utility. Choose Start > Run in Windows. Enter regedit in the Run dialog box, and click OK.

    3. Locate the following registry key for your Windows service:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\beasvc [DOMAIN_NAME]_[SERVER_NAME]

    4. Create a new Multi-String Value called Environment.

    5. Edit the new Environment value by adding the following entry:


      where C:\oracle11g is the root of your Oracle Fusion Middleware installation.

    6. Windows XP 32-bit only: In a command window, change directories to a location where you want to generate a temporary file, then run the following command: set > env.txt.

      Open the env.txt file, copy its entire contents, and paste the contents into the Environment registry value you created, below the ALSB_HOME entry.

    7. Click OK in the multi-string value dialog box and close the Windows registry editor.

  3. Before starting the service, be sure to start any databases used by the Oracle Service Bus domain.

35.2.3 Starting Servers Using Node Manager

See "Starting an Administration Server Using WLST and Node Manager" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

35.3 Starting Oracle Service Bus Managed Servers

Start each Oracle Service Bus Managed Server from a unique command window using the following syntax:

DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh(.cmd) osb_server http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port -Dweblogic.management.username=user_name -Dweblogic.management.password=password


  • osb_server is the name of the Managed Server.

  • http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port is an optional argument when the Admin server runs on a non-default port or resides on a different host than your Managed Servers (in a distributed environment).

  • The -Dweblogic.management arguments let you optionally provide the user name and password you entered in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard when you created the domain.

    If you do not provide the login credentials as command arguments, Oracle Service Bus prompts you for the user name and password before starting the server.

If you do not know the names of the Managed Servers that need to be started, do one of the following:

  • View the following file: DOMAIN_HOME/startManagedWebLogic_readme.txt

  • Access the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console at the following URL:


    After you log in, navigate to Environment > Servers to see the names of your Managed Servers.

For more information, see "Starting and Stopping Servers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

35.4 Verifying Server Startup

When a server has successfully started, the following message is printed to the console window:

<Server started in RUNNING mode>