Oracle® Fusion Middleware Messages for Oracle Service Bus
11g Release 1 (


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OSB Transform Subsystem Messages

The OSB Transform catalog contains messages in the range BEA382500 - BEA382599. Messages in this catalog are part of the stages.transform.messages Internationalization package and the stages.transform.messages Localization package.


Error: OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response


OSB Service Callout action has received a SOAP Fault response from the web service that was invoked. The contents of the received SOAP Fault can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Error: OSB Service Callout action received an unrecognized response


The service invoked by OSB Service Callout action has returned payload that was not consistent with the declared service binding type and as a result could not be properly parsed by OSB. For example, this can happen if a service that was registered with XML binding type, returned non well-formed XML payload. The contents of the received response can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Check the contents of response payload in $fault variable to see why it is inconsistent with the declared service binding type


Error: OSB Service Callout action received an error response


The service invoked by OSB Service Callout action has indicated that an error condition other than a SOAP fault has occured. For example, this may happen when an HTTP 404 (Page Not Found) error code is received from an external HTTP service. The contents of the received response (if any) can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Check the contents of response payload in $fault variable to see what the problem with service invocation is


Error: OSB Validate action failed validation


The input expression has failed validation according to provided schema resource. The details of the validation error, such as specific error message, location of the invalid XML, etc. can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable


Check the contents of $fault variable to see the source of the validation failure


Error: OSB Assign action failed updating variable "variable": msg


There was an error during the evaluation of XQuery/XSLT expression during the execution of Assign action. This could happen if an XQuery expression the result of which is being assigned to a variable, results in a runtime error from the XQuery evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XQuery expression for potential syntactic or semantic problems


Error: OSB Delete action failed updating variable "variable": msg


There was an error during the execution of Delete action. This could happen if the specified XPath expression is not a valid expression or results in a runtime error from XPath evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XPath expression for potential syntactic or semantic problems


Error: OSB Insert action failed updating variable "variable": msg


There was an error during the execution of Insert action. This could happen if an XQuery expression the result of which is being inserted into a variable, results in a runtime error from the XQuery evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XQuery expression for potential syntactic or semantic problems


Error: OSB Replace action failed updating variable "variable": msg


There was an error during the execution of Replace action. This could happen if an XQuery expression the result of which is being replaced in a variable, results in a runtime error from the XQuery evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XQuery expression for potential syntactic or semantic problems


Error: OSB Rename action failed updating variable "variable": msg


There was an error during the execution of Rename action. This could happen if the specified XPath expression is not a valid expression or results in a runtime error from XPath evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XPath expression for potential syntax or semantic problems


Error: Callout to java method "method" resulted in exception: msg


Java method specified in Java Callout action was invoked and resulted in an exception. The exception details should be part of the error message.


Error: Failed to evaluate expression for callout to java method "method". Argument index: argIndex, exception: errormsg


There was an error evaluating one or more arguments to a Java callout method. This could happen if an XQuery expression the result of which is being used as an argument to java method, results in a runtime error from the XQuery evaluation engine. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured XQuery expression for potential syntactic or semantic problems


Error: Failed to assign the result of java callout to variable. Method: method, variable: varname, exception: errormsg


There was an error while assigning the result of invoked Java method to specified message context variable. This could happen if the variable being assigned to is a read-only system variable (e.g. $operation), or a system variable whose type does not match that returned by the invoked Java method. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Error: Security exception while calling to java method "method". Service account: sacct. t


There was an error while setting up the security context for java callout method. This could happen if there is a problem retrieving the credentials of specified service account. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Error: The XmlObject returned by a java callout must be a simple type, an attribute or an element.


Java method invoked returned an unsupported type of XML Bean. The only supported types are simple types, attributes or element.


Error: Unexpected error executing if-then-else expression


An unexpected runtime exception has occured during the execution of the if-then-else action.


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Error: Variable targeted for rename is not XML or MFL


The variable that is targeted for rename operation does not hold XML data.


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for rename operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Variable targeted for replace is not XML or MFL


The variable that is targeted for replace operation does not hold XML data.


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for rename operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: The outbound variable has not been initialized


This is an unexpected error that occured due to incorrect state of the pipeline at runtime


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Error: Failed to perform validation


An unexpected runtime error has occured during the execution of validate action. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


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Error: Variable targeted for validate is not XML or MFL


The variable that is targeted for validate operation does not hold XML data.


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for validate operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Variable targeted for insert is not XML or MFL


The variable that is targeted for insert operation does not hold XML data.


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Inserting the result of this expression will create an invalid (multi-rooted) document


Inserting the result of this expression will create an invalid (multi-rooted) document. One way this could happen is if ones tries to insert (some) element node before . in $body message context variable


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Failed to insert after


Inserting the result of this expression after specified XPath resulted in an error.


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Cannot insert as a child of an attribute


It is illegal to insert as a child of an attribute


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Unable to insert after first child


Unable to insert after first child as there was no child elements of specified XPath expression


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Unable to insert after last child


Unable to insert after child element


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Only attributes may be inserted next to another attribute


Only attributes may be inserted next to another attribute


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Only elements and simple values may be inserted next to or inside of another element


Only elements and simple values may be inserted next to or inside of another element


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for insert operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Content targeted for replace is not an element or an attribute


Content targeted for replace is not an element or an attribute


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for replace operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: An attribute may only be replaced with an attribute


An attribute may only be replaced with an attribute


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for replace operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: An element or its contents may only be replaced with elements and simple values


An element or its contents may only be replaced with elements and simple values


Check the value of the variable that is targeted for replace operation. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: Invalid SOAP RPC document - part "name" is not defined in the WSDL definitions.


The response to service callout contained invalid data according to WSDL defintion of the service being invoked.


Check the response payload of service invocation and make sure it conforms to the WSDL definitions for the service. The contents of the received response can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Error: Invalid SOAP RPC document - part name occurs more than once.


The response to service callout contained invalid data according to WSDL defintion of the service being invoked.


Check the response payload of service invocation and make sure it conforms to the WSDL definitions for the service. The contents of the received response can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Error: Invalid SOAP RPC document - part name contains more than one XML element


The response to service callout contained invalid data according to WSDL defintion of the service being invoked.


Check the response payload of service invocation and make sure it conforms to the WSDL definitions for the service. The contents of the received response can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Error: Unexpected error - invalid internal state occured during the execution of service callout action


An unexpected error had occured during the execution of service callout action


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Error: Invalid SOAP RPC document - part "name" is required but not present.


The response to service callout contained invalid data according to WSDL defintion of the service being invoked.


Check the response payload of service invocation and make sure it conforms to the WSDL definitions for the service. The contents of the received response can be seen in the details element of $fault message context variable.


Error: The Transport Mode is set to "request-only". A Service Callout only supports "request-response" communications.


The Transport Mode is set to "request-only". Service Callout action only supports "request-response" communications.


Check the contents of $outbound message context variable to make sure the tranport mode element is set properly. One can use Log action to see the contents of any message context variable at runtime


Error: Invalid message: the SOAP Header value is not an XML instance


The value of the message context variable used to set SOAP headers for service callout action does not contain valid XML


Check the contents of specified message context variable to make sure it is set properly. One can use Log action to see the contents of any message context variable at runtime


Error: Invalid message: the message is not an XML instance


The value of the message context variable used to set SOAP body for service callout action does not contain valid XML


Check the contents of specified message context variable to make sure it is set properly. One can use Log action to see the contents of any message context variable at runtime


Error: Unexpected error - the part schema type cannot be found


An unexpected error had occured during the execution of service callout action during the parsing phase of the service callout response


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Error: Unexpected error - mismatch between configuration and WSDL definition


An unexpected error had occured during the execution of service callout action during the parsing phase of the service callout response


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Error: The value for part "name" is not valid. An XML Element is expected.


An error had occured during the execution of service callout action during the phase when an outbound request payload gets constructed due to the fact that the configured message context variable does not contain valid XML element.


Check the contents of specified message context variable to make sure it is set properly. One can use Log action to see the contents of any message context variable at runtime


Error: Unable to find the type definition of the part name


An error had occured during the execution of service callout action during the phase when an outbound request payload gets constructed due to missing or invalid type information in WSDL definitions


Check the registered WSDL definition for proper semantic type infomation for the part in question


Error: Error accessing information from the target WSDL service


An error had occured during the execution of service callout action during the phase when an outbound request payload gets constructed due to not being able to access service WSDL definition. There should be a specific message that will point to the cause of the error.


Check that the corresponding WSDL definition is properly registered


Error: Setting quality of service to Exactly Once in service callout action is not supported for service name


Setting quality of service to Exactly Once in service callout action is not supported for selected service. Quality of service can be set to Exactly Once only if the service transport endpoint is Transactional and the message pattern is one-way or synchronous.


Check the pipeline configuration to make sure that the quality of service is not set to Exactly Once via Routing Options or some other action that changes the contents of $outbound message context variable. You can use Log action to see the value of any message context variable at runtime.


Error: XQuery expression did not return the non-empty source to apply the mfl transformation.


XQuery expression did not return the non-empty source to apply the mfl transformation.


Check the XQuery expression to make sure that it returns a non-empty input to apply the mfl transformation. You can use Log action to see the value of XQuery expression at runtime.


Error: Binary content reference ref is not valid.


Binary content reference is not valid. It should be inserted by the pipeline as a result of passing binary content to the pipeline.


Check the binary-content ref attribute on which the mfl transformation is applied. binary-content element should be inserted as a result of passing binary content to the pipeline. You can use Log action to see the value of this ref attribute at runtime.


Error: Input to non-xml to xml mfl transformation is invalid.


Input to the transformation should be non-empty text or the binary data represented by binary-content element in the pipeline. XML input is not allowed.


Make sure that input expression returns the text or the binary-content ref attribute inserted by the pipeline as a result of passing binary content to the OSB. You can use Log action to see the value of this expression at runtime.


Error: XQuery expression evaluates to an invalid MFL resource name name.


XQuery expression did not return the valid MFL resource name. It should evaluate to an existing mfl resource in the OSB at runtime.


Make sure that XQuery expression should evaluate to a existing mfl resource in the OSB at runtime. You can use Log action to see the value of this expression at runtime.


Error: XML to Binary mfl transformation failed for the MFL Resource name : errorMsg


XML to Binary mfl transformation failed. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured mfl resource and the input data for potential syntactic or semantic problems.


Error: Binary to XML mfl transformation failed for the MFL Resource name : errorMsg


Binary to XML mfl transformation failed. There should be a specific error message that will pinpoint the source of the problem.


Check the configured mfl resource and the input data for potential syntactic or semantic problems.


Error: No source was found in source repository with ref 'ref'.


No source was found in source repository with ref 'ref', which was the result of configured XQuery expression


Check the XQuery expression to make sure that it returns proper result. You can use Log action to see the value of an XQuery expression at runtime.


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