12.1 About the Oracle Traffic Director Logs

Each Oracle Traffic Director instance, including the administration server, has two logs—an access log and a server log. The instance logs are enabled by default and initialized when the instance is started for the first time. In addition to the instance logs, you can enable access and server logs for each virtual server in the instance.

  • The default location of the access log and server log for an Oracle Traffic Director instance is the INSTANCE_HOME/net-config_name/logs directory.

  • For the administration server, the default location of the log files is INSTANCE_HOME/admin-server/logs directory.

This section provides an overview of the access and server logs. For information about changing log settings, including the name and location of log files, see Section 12.3, "Configuring Log Preferences."

12.1.1 Access Log

The access log contains information about requests to, and responses from, the server. The default name of the access log file is access.log.

The following example shows the first three lines in a typical access log:

format=%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% [%SYSDATE%] "%Req->reqpb.clf-request%" %Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% %Req->srvhdrs.content-length% %Req->vars.ecid% - - [28/Aug/2011:23:28:30 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 4826 - - - [28/Aug/2011:23:28:31 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 916 -

The first line indicates the access log format. The second and third lines are the actual entries.

You can change the access log format, file name, and location. You can also disable the access log. For more information, see Section 12.3, "Configuring Log Preferences."

12.1.2 Server Log

The server log contains data about lifecycle events—server start-up, shut down, and restart; configuration updates; and so on. It also contains errors and warnings that the server encountered. The default name of the server log file is server.log.

The following line is an example of an entry in a server log.

[2011-10-03T02:04:59.000-07:00] [net-soa] [NOTIFICATION] [OTD-10358] []
 [pid: 11722] http-listener-1: http://example.com:1904 ready to accept requests

The default server-log level is NOTIFICATION:1, at which only major lifecycle events, warnings, and errors are logged.

You can change the log level, the log file name, and the log file location. For more information, see Section 12.3, "Configuring Log Preferences."

Table 12-1 lists the log levels that you can specify for the server log.

Table 12-1 Server Log Levels

Log Level Description


A serious problem caused by unknown reasons. You should contact Oracle for support.




A serious problem that requires your immediate attention.


A potential problem that you should review.

NOTIFICATION:1 (default)

A major lifecycle event, such as a server being started or restarted.




Trace or debug information to help you or Oracle Support diagnose problems with a particular subsystem.

The number following each log level indicates the severity of the logged event on the scale 1–32. An ERROR:1 message is of higher severity than an ERROR:16 message.

TRACE:32 is the most verbose log level and INCIDENT_ERROR:1 is the least verbose. Enabling the TRACE log levels might affect performance, because of the high volume of messages that are logged. Therefore, avoid enabling verbose log levels in production systems, except in situations when you need more detailed information to debug issues.