3.3 Starting an Administration Node

For the administration server to communicate with a remote administration node, the node must be running.

To start an administration node, run the following command on the node host:


The following messages are displayed:

Oracle Traffic Director B01/14/2013 09:08
[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80118] Using [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.6.0_29] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/jmxconnector]
[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10358] admin-ssl-port: https://an.example.com:8900 ready to accept requests
[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10487] successful server startup