8.8 Reviewing Caching Settings and Metrics for an Instance

Viewing Caching Settings

  • To view the current caching settings for a configuration, run the get-cache-prop command, as shown in the following example:

    tadm> get-cache-prop --config=soa
  • To view a list of the caching rules defined for a virtual server, run the list-cache-rules command, as shown in the following example:

    tadm> list-cache-rules --config=soa --vs=soa --verbose --all
    rule            condition
    cache-rule-2    "$uri = '^/images'
    cache-rule-1    -  
  • To view the current settings of a virtual server-specific caching rule, run the get-cache-rule-prop command, as shown in the following example:

    tadm> get-cache-rule-prop --config=soa --vs=soa --rule=cache-rule-2
    condition="$uri = '^/images"

Viewing Caching Metrics

You can view the current cache-hit rate, the cache heap usage, and the rate of successful revalidation of cache entries in the plain-text perfdump report, as shown in the following example:

Proxy Cache:
Proxy Cache Enabled              yes
Object Cache Entries             42
Cache lookup (hits/misses)       183/79
Requests served from Cache       22
Revalidation (successful/total)  30/38 (  78.95%)
Heap space used                  16495
  • Proxy Cache Enabled indicates whether caching is enabled for the instance.

  • Object Cache Entries is the number of entries (URIs) currently in the cache.

  • Cache lookup (hits/misses)

    • The first number is the number of times an entry was found in the cache for the requested URI.

    • The second number is the number of times the requested URI was not found in the cache.

  • Requests served from Cache is the number of requests that Oracle Traffic Director served from the cache.

  • Revalidation (successful/total)

    • The first number is the number of times revalidation of cached content was successful.

    • The second number is the total number of times Oracle Traffic Director attempted to revalidate cached content.

    • The percentage value is the ratio of successful revalidations to the total number of revalidation attempts.

  • Heap space used is the amount of cache heap space that is currently used.