

tadm create-origin-server-pool common_options [--load-distribution=round-robin|least-connection-count|least-response-time|ip-hash] [--family=default|inet|inet6|inet-sdp] 
--type=http|https|tcp --config=config_name [--origin-server=host:port[,host:port,..] [--proxy-server=proxy-server-host[:proxy-server-port]] origin_server_pool_name


Use this command to create a origin-server pool. The origin-server pool configures a pool of origin servers that are used for load balancing requests.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify the load distribution algorithm. Values are round-robin, least-response-time, ip-hash, and least-connection-count (default).


Specify the internet protocol family, for example:IPV4, and IPV6. The default is IPv4(family=inet). To use the IPv6 address, specify family=inet6.


Specify the type of requests handled by each server in the server pool, for example: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP.


Specify the configuration for which you want to create a origin-server pool.


Specify the list of origin servers of the format host:port separated by comma. For origin servers of type HTTP and HTTPS, if the port information is not specified, it defaults to 80 and 443 respectively. For origin servers of type TCP, port information is mandatory.


The property origin-server enables you to specify multiple values, with each value enclosed in quotes and separated by commas.

Specify an HTTP forward proxy server of the format host:port that you can associate with an origin server pool, so that all member origin servers of the pool are communicated with through the configured HTTP forward proxy server.



Specify the name of the origin-server pool.


tadm create-origin-server-pool --user=admin --password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989 
--no-prompt --type=http --load-distribution=least-response-time http-pool-1

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.