

tadm set-tcp-thread-pool-prop common_options --config=config_name (property_name=property_value)+


Use this command to set the thread-pool properties of a configuration. The tcp-thread-pool element configures the threads used to proxy data for upgraded websocket connections and generic TCP connections. You can use TCP thread pools to allocate a certain number of threads to a specific service. By defining a pool with the maximum number of threads as 1, only one request is allowed to the specified service function.


For information about common_options, run the help command.



Specify the name of the property that you want to view (Optional).

You can view the following tcp-thread-pool properties:

enabled: Specifies whether the virtual server is enabled.
Values: true, false. Default: true.

threads: Specifies the number of threads in the proxy thread pool.
Values: 1 to 512.


The property threads can accept auto-tuned as a value. Auto-tuned implies that the server will compute the value of this property at runtime.

max-connections: Specifies the number of concurrent connections to the server.
Values: 1 to 1048576.


The property max-connections can accept auto-tuned as a value. Auto-tuned implies that the server will compute the value of this property at runtime.

timeout: Specifies the maximum number (in seconds) that a connection can be in a idle state. This value will be overridden by TCP or websocket subsystem.
Values: .001 to 3600. Default: 300 seconds.

stack-size: Specifies the stack size (in bytes) for TCP request processing threads.
Values: 8192 to 67108864 or 0. Default 32768.

poll-interval: Specifies the interval (in seconds) between polls.
Values: 0.001 to 1. Default 0.010 seconds.

buffer-size: Specifies the buffer size (in bytes) for TCP request processing threads.
Values: 0 to 1048576 or 0. Default 16384.


tadm set-tcp-thread-pool-prop enabled buffer-size=100

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.