15 Virtual Content Repository Services

This chapter describes the Oracle WebCenter Content services available when using and customizing Virtual Content Repository (VCR).

This chapter covers the following topics:

15.1 About Virtual Content Repository Services

Services are used by applications that work with the VCR service provider interface, which is used by the Oracle WebLogic Portal as a way to expose content from different repositories. The Content Server application supports VCR functionality.


VCR services are supported only when used with Contribution Folders (provided by the Folders_g component). VCR services are not supported with Folders (provided by the FrameworkFolders component). For information about Contribution Folders services, see Chapter 7.

Information about what is a WebCenter Content service and how services can be used is provided in Section 2, "Using Services." Information about basic services structure, attributes, actions, and a service example is provided in Section 3, "Customizing Services." You should be familiar with this information before customizing current services or creating new services

15.2 Virtual Content Repository Services

The following VCR services are described in this section:


Service that is used to retrieve information about a Folders_g folder having the content and in the format required by the VCR service provider interface.

Service Class: DocService

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameters to identify the Folders_g folder:

  • dCollectionID: The folder ID of the folder containing the target content.

  • dCollectionPath: The path to the folder containing the target content.


  • ResultSets:

    • VcrNode

      • createdBy

      • createdDate

      • hasChildren

      • modifiedBy

      • name

      • objectClass

      • parentID

      • path

    • VcrPropertyValues

      • dChildManipulation

      • dCollectionCreator

      • dCollectionEnabled

      • dCollectionGUID

      • dCollectionID

      • dCollectionInherit

      • dCollectionMark

      • dCollectionModifier

      • dCollectionName

      • dCollectionOwner

      • dCollectionPath

      • dCollectionQueries

      • dCollectionType

      • dCreateDate

      • dDependent

      • dDocAccount

      • dDocAuthor

      • dDocName

      • dDocTitle

      • dDocType

      • dInDate

      • dLastModifiedDate

      • dOutDate

      • dParentCollectionID

      • dPromptForMetadata

      • dReleaseDate

      • dRevLabel

      • dSecurityGroup

      • xClbraAliasList

      • xClbraRoleList

      • xClbraUserList

      • xCollectionID

      • xComments

      • xDontShowInListsForWebsites

      • xEmailCC

      • xEmailFrom

      • xEmailSubject

      • xEmailTo

      • xForceFolderSecurity

      • xHidden

      • xIdcProfile

      • xInhibitUpdate

      • xProfileTrigger

      • xPublicationDate

      • xReadOnly

      • xReceivedDate

      • xRegionDefinition

      • xt

      • xTrashDeleteDate

      • xTrashDeleteLoc

      • xTrashDeleteName

      • xTrashDeleter

      • xtestdec2

      • xtestdec3

      • xtTestField1

      • xtTestField2

      • xtestINTEGER

      • xWebsiteObjectType

      • xWebsites

      • xWebsiteSection


Service that requests detailed information about a particular VCR content type.

Service Class: Service

  • vcrContentType: The ID of the content type; also referred to as the content type's name.


  • ResultSets:

    • VcrContentType

    • VcrProperties

    • VcrPropertyChoices (FIELDNAME)


Service that requests a list of all VCR content types defined by the system.

Service Class: Service


  • ResultSets: VcrContentTypes


Service that retrieves content item information for a specific revision of a content item.

This service is almost identical to the DOC_INFO service, however, the data returned is modified to be easier to work with in a VCR context.

Service Class: Service

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


  • ResultSets:

    • VcrPropertyValues

      • all standard DOC_INFO ResultSet columns returned by the DOC_INFO service

      • idcPrimaryFile

      • idcRenditions


      • dDocName

      • dFormat

      • dID

      • dInDate

      • dOutDate

      • dProcessingState

      • dRevLabel

      • dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions

      • dStatus


Service that retrieves information about the latest revision of a content item based on the content ID (the dDocName) as a parameter.

This service is almost identical to DOC_INFO_BY_NAME service, however, the data returned is modified to be easier to work with in a VCR context.

Service Class: Service

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The content item name.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Can be set to Latest to retrieve the most recent version, or LatestReleased to retrieve the most recently released version, or Specific (if set to Specific, a dID must be provided). If set to Specific, a dID can be used instead of a dDocName to point to a specific revision.


  • ResultSets:

    • VcrPropertyValues

      • all standard DOC_INFO ResultSet columns returned by the DOC_INFO service

      • idcPrimaryFile

      • idcRenditions


      • dDocName

      • dFormat

      • dID

      • dInDate

      • dOutDate

      • dProcessingState

      • dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions

      • dRevLabel

      • dStatus