
Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging provides a way to easily access, track, and annotate documents across an enterprise. Different types of information can be tracked for different types of documents based on business use. For example, managing invoices and contracts require using different types of information. After a document is uploaded, its metadata can be used to search for and retrieve the document for printing or for viewing through a standard web browser. If you have the proper permissions, you can also add annotations which can be saved to a document for review. Annotations can be secured so that only people with the appropriate permissions are allowed to view specific annotations.


This guide is intended for users who must upload documents to the Imaging system or use Imaging to search, view, annotate, and retrieve documents.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Imaging Accessibility Features

The following topics detail the features available in Imaging to support accessibility:

Using a Screen Reader

When using a screen reader for this product, do the following:

  1. Login to Imaging. The Home Page is displayed.

  2. Click Preferences. The Preferences Page is displayed.

  3. Enable I use a screen reader in the Personal Settings Section of the Preferences Page and click Apply. Screen reader mode is enabled.

Disabling User Interface Animations

To disable user interface animations, do the following:

  1. Login to Imaging. The Home Page is displayed.

  2. Click Preferences. The Preferences Page is displayed.

  3. Enable Disable UI Animations in the Personal Settings Section of the Preferences Page and click Apply. User interface animations are disabled.

Imaging User Interface Keyboard Shortcuts

The shortcuts listed in the following table are available in the Imaging user interface.

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Alt + B (Internet Explorer, Safari

Shift + Alt + B (Firefox, Safari)

Focuses on and executes the Back button to move back through a navigation train when creating or modifying Searches, Applications, Inputs, or Connections.
Alt + E (Internet Explorer, Safari

Shift + Alt + E (Firefox, Safari)

Focuses on and executes the Next button to move back through a navigation train when creating or modifying Searches, Applications, Inputs, or Connections.
Ctl + Alt + P Moves focus to the splitter bars in succession to adjust size of content region. Once focus is achieved, use the arrow keys to move the splitter bar up and down for horizontal bars, and left or right for vertical bars.

The following keys are used to control search tabs in the Imaging content area:

Key Description
Shift+F10 Opens a contextual menu when the search tab has focus.
Ctl+Alt+F4 Closes the tab that has focus.

There are known issues with these keyboard commands in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3.6: Ctr+Alt+F4 does not close the focused search tab.

  • Internet Explorer 8: Ctr+Alt+F4 does not close the focused search tab and Shift+F10 causes menus to display for both the search tab contextual menu and the browser file menu. Pressing the Esc key closes the browser file menu and puts focus on the search tab contextual menu.

  • Safari 4: Shift+F10 does not open a contextual menu.

The shortcuts listed in the following table are available in the advanced viewer mode when the viewer has focus.

Keyboard Shortcut Description
M Exits the applet and changes the focus to the panels or menus at the top of the viewer page.
H Adds a highlight.
R Adds a redaction.
L Adds a line.
S Adds a sticky note.
T Opens a new text annotation.
X Places a stamp annotation.
Tab Tabs forward through the toolbar and annotations.
Shift + Tab Tabs backward through the toolbar and annotations.
N Selects the next annotation.
P Selects the previous annotation.
Arrows (or number pad arrows) Moves the selected annotation.
Ctl + Tab Navigates out of a text entry field when adding either a text annotation or sticky note annotation.
Shift + Arrows (or Shift + number pad arrows) Sizes the selected annotation.
C Copies the selected annotation.
V Pastes the copied annotation.
Del Deletes the selected annotation.
Z Undoes the last deletion.
W Rotates the document clockwise.
Q Rotates the document counterclockwise.
E Changes the magnification to fit the document's height.
F Changes the magnification to fit the document's width.
1,2,3,4 Zooms to a quadrant on the document.
G Opens the GoTo Page dialog box.

When a document contains multiple sticky notes, the following keys are used to navigate and control the sticky notes in the sticky note panel:

Key Description
Up Arrow Moves focus to the previous sticky note.
Down Arrow Moves focus to the next sticky note


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.