Downloading Documents

If you download documents, they are copied from Oracle WebCenter Content Server to your iPad or iPhone. If you know you'll be offline soon (for example, if you're boarding a plane and will set your device to Airplane mode) and you want to edit a file, download that file into your Downloads area. Then you can open the file in another app and edit it even if you're not connected.

Download a document by tapping the Download icon Download icon when viewing a document information page.

Tap Downloads in the navigation menu to show a listing of all documents you have downloaded.

Deleting Downloaded Documents

You can delete downloaded documents from your local device either individually or by clearing all downloads. To delete downloaded documents, tap Download on the navigation menu and tap the Select icon Select icon. If you want to clear all downloaded items, tap Delete All. If you want to delete individual items, tap each item to select it and then tap Delete.