2 Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content

This chapter describes installation and configuration issues associated with Oracle WebCenter Content. It includes the following topics:

For more information about Oracle WebCenter Content installation and configuration, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content guide or Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing an Evaluation Instance of Oracle WebCenter Content.

2.1 Rebranding of Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite to Oracle WebCenter Content

Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite was rebranded to Oracle WebCenter Content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g ( release. Oracle WebCenter Content is part of the Oracle WebCenter product stack, to provide the most complete, open, and unified enterprise content management platform.

The software and documentation for most of the Oracle WebCenter Content products have been rebranded accordingly. Table 2-0 shows the new and previous names.

Table 2-1 Oracle WebCenter Content Names Rebranded from Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

New Name New Short Name Previous Name Previous Short Name

Oracle WebCenter Content


Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

Oracle ECM

Oracle WebCenter Content

WebCenter Content

Oracle Universal Content Management

Oracle UCM

Oracle WebCenter Content Server

Content Server

Oracle Content Server

Content Server

Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery

Inbound Refinery

Oracle Inbound Refinery

Oracle IBR

Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging

Oracle WebCenter Imaging


Oracle Imaging and Process Management

Oracle I/PM

Oracle WebCenter Content: Records


Oracle Universal Records Management

Oracle URM

Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop


Oracle UCM Desktop Integration Suite

Oracle DIS

The following names remain unchanged:

  • Oracle Information Rights Management (Oracle IRM)

  • Oracle UCM Site Studio, or Oracle Site Studio (Site Studio)

  • Oracle Universal Records Management Adapters

  • Oracle Forms Recognition

2.2 Rebranding of Oracle WebCenter Capture to Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Oracle WebCenter Capture has been rebranded to Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g ( release. Capture is still the short product name.

2.3 Documentation Errata

There are no known issues at this time.