28 Working with WebCenter Content from Mobile Devices

With Oracle WebCenter Content on your mobile device, you can work securely where and how you want. This chapter provides an overview of using the Oracle WebCenter Content Mobile apps on iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.

This chapter covers the following topics:

28.1 About the Mobile App

Have you ever been stuck on a crowded plane and late for a meeting? You need to review a contract but your laptop battery is dead. With Oracle WebCenter Content on your iPad or iPhone, you have access to all your documents no matter where you are. You can review the contract and send notes to your colleague stuck in traffic so you are both better prepared when you get to the meeting. Or download images, text and layouts from your latest ad campaign to review even when you don't have a network connection.

Here are some typical tasks you can do to get things done:

  • Access files stored on an Oracle WebCenter Content server.

  • Search for files on the server and filter the results to find exactly what you need.

  • View a file on your device.

  • View information about a file or folder.

  • Download a copy of a file and store it on your device.

  • Create a link to a file which can then be shared with others.

  • Email a copy of a file as an attachment.

28.2 Everyday Tasks Using the Mobile App

Using Oracle WebCenter Content on your mobile device is just like using most other apps:

  • Install the application.

    Installation of the app can be done using the information provided by your system administrator or through the App store.

  • Sign in.

    Enter the user name and password for Oracle WebCenter Content Server. If you are uncertain of the URL for the content server, check with your system administrator. Enable Save Password to automatically sign in the next time you launch the application, provided your company policy allows you to sign in automatically.

  • Access libraries, files and folders.

    When you sign in, a listing of all libraries available to you is displayed. Browse through the libraries and folders or use the search feature to find items.

  • Mark an item as a Favorite.

    Any library, folder, or document can be set as a favorite for easy access through the Favorites feature in the navigation menu.

  • Download a file from the server.

    Downloading a file to your mobile device allows you to review the file when not connected to the content server.

  • Share a file with other people or applications.

    Provide access to a file managed by the content server as an attachment through email or messaging, or as a link to Oracle WebCenter Content. You can also share a file with an application other than the default viewing application on your device.

28.3 Installing and Connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content

Installing Oracle WebCenter Mobile to your iPad, iPhone, or Android device is just like installing any other app on your device. The application is available in both Google Play and the App store.

When connecting to the Oracle WebCenter Content Server, you are asked for your user name and password. The address for the host computer is a website address where the Oracle WebCenter Content server is installed. Check with your system administrator for the right address.

Securing Your Documents

Documents accessed with your mobile device are protected with several layers of security. To connect to the Oracle WebCenter Content server, you must provide a user name and password. Once you connect, permissions within Oracle WebCenter Content protect what content you can access. Any documents you download to your mobile device are encrypted and cannot be accessed outside of the Oracle WebCenter Content mobile application.

For additional security, you can turn on a passcode when you sign in. If you turn on a passcode, you enter it each time you launch the app, or after a time limit you specify. Passcodes are four-digit numbers you create to lock the Oracle WebCenter Content mobile app when you are not using it. This is useful if you leave your mobile device in a public area and want to prevent unauthorized access to Oracle WebCenter Content. Don't worry if you forget the passcode. You can sign out of the app and reset it when you sign back in.

28.4 Navigating the Mobile App

Oracle WebCenter Content for Mobile lets you search for, view, download, and share documents already stored in Oracle WebCenter Content. When you start the application, the main screen displays a list of all libraries in Oracle WebCenter Content Server to which you have access. Tap a library to open it and browse through items and folders. Starting at the left edge of your device and swiping right opens the navigation menu.

The navigation menu in the mobile app is very similar to the side bar in the Oracle WebCenter Content user interface. It has links to search or browse through libraries or folders, to display a list of favorites you specify, and to list items you have downloaded or recently viewed from Oracle WebCenter Content.

28.5 Finding Documents

If you know the library or folder a document is in, you can tap libraries and folders to open them and browse for the file you need. You can also filter libraries to show only enterprise libraries or only system libraries.

You can search for documents using a search box like on most other apps. The search box compares the words you enter to the information about documents in Oracle WebCenter Content and text in the documents if your system administrator has set it up to do so.

Making and Viewing Favorites

You can make any file, folder, or library a favorite. Tapping Favorites in the navigation menu displays them in a list, which is useful to find files you use frequently.

28.6 Viewing Files

Oracle WebCenter Content Mobile lets you view files stored in Oracle WebCenter Content Server and download them to view on your mobile device if you don't have a connection to the content server.

28.6.1 Viewing a File

When you view a document on your mobile device, the file opens if an application is available on your device to view the type of file. For example, if you tap an image file, the file opens in your image viewer. If no app is installed to handle a file type, then you can't open the file.

28.6.2 Viewing Information about a File, Folder, or Library

You can view metadata about a document on your mobile device. The type of information you can view depends on the type of file, folder, or library and how Oracle WebCenter Content is set up. Typically the information includes the document, folder, or library title, what revision a document is, when it was last updated and who updated it.

28.7 Downloading Files

You might download a file if you want to review it while you cannot connect to Oracle WebCenter Content, for instance if you are on an airplane. Tapping Downloads in the navigation menu shows a listing of all files you have downloaded. Remember, all downloaded documents are encrypted and cannot be accessed outside of the Oracle WebCenter Content mobile app.

28.8 Sharing Files

Sharing files from a mobile device can mean several things. You can share a link to a file that someone can use with a web browser. You might want to share a link instead of the actual file if the file is very large, or if you aren't sure if the person you are sending it to has rights to see the file. If you send a link, then Oracle WebCenter Content will control the person's access to the file.

You can also send a copy of the file as an attachment to an email, message, or conversation. Or you can even print a physical copy if your mobile device is set up to print.