39 People Connections Task Flow Binding Parameters

This chapter describes how to revise task flow parameter values at design time and provides a table of binding parameters associated with People Connections task flows.

This chapter includes the following topics:

39.1 About People Connections Task Flow Binding Parameters

Each People Connections task flow has a set of required and optional task flow binding parameters that capture information that is useful to the task flow's successful function. For example, all People Connections task flows provide a binding parameter for capturing the ID of the current runtime user. This value (typically #{securityContext.userName}) enables the task flow to return People Connections data that is relevant to the current user.

In addition to providing required values for successful task flow rendering, you can use task flow binding parameters to customize the appearance and behavior of a task flow instance. For example, you can use parameter values to determine whether headers and footers are rendered, the number of rows and columns of information to show, whether to apply a filter to returned data, and the like.

You can provide task flow binding parameter values when you drag and drop a task flow onto an application page. Doing so opens the Task Flow Bindings dialog (for more information, see Section 38.2, "How to Add People Connections Task Flows to a Page"). You can also adjust task flow binding parameter values after you have placed a task flow on a page.

39.2 How to Revise People Connections Task Flow Binding Parameters

After you have added a task flow to a page, you might want to customize the instance by revising its binding parameter values. This section describes how to access the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog and change binding parameter values.

To access the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog:

  1. Open the application page and set the view to bindings by clicking the Bindings tab at the bottom of the page.

  2. Under Executables, double-click the task flow for which to revise task flow binding parameters (Figure 39-1) to open the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog (Figure 39-2).


    Task flow names under Executables differ from names in design view. For example, Message Board task flows are instead referred to as wall, and Feedback task flows are instead referred to as kudos.

    Figure 39-1 Bindings View of an Application Page

    Description of Figure 39-1 follows
    Description of ''Figure 39-1 Bindings View of an Application Page''

    Figure 39-2 Edit Task Flow Binding Dialog

    Description of Figure 39-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 39-2 Edit Task Flow Binding Dialog''

  3. Revise binding parameter values (for more information, see Section 39.3, "People Connections Task Flow Binding Parameters").

  4. Click OK to save your changes and exit the dialog.

  5. Save and run your page to see the results.

39.3 People Connections Task Flow Binding Parameters

Table 39-1 lists and describes task flow binding parameters applicable to the People Connections service.

Table 39-1 People Connections Service Task Flow Binding Parameters

Parameter Description


A means of enforcing the follow logic when querying Activity Stream

  • Enter #{true} to establish that the user must follow the business object to access streamed activities, even when the object's activities are queried in an advance query clause. The default is true.

  • Enter #{false} to omit this requirement. The activities streamed for Fusion business objects are returned as far as required by the advanced query, no matter whether the user follows the objects.

This parameter (for Fusion application business objects) is used in conjunction with the advancedQuery parameter.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A means of using the object extension handler to process Fusion application business objects

  • Enter #{true} to use the object extension handler to process business objects.

  • Enter #{false} to omit using the object extension handler. False is the default.

When you enter #{true}, then, before querying activities for the business objects, the Activity Stream uses the object extension handler to process the business objects. The handler checks whether the user has permission to access the business object. If the user does not have permission, the object is removed from the list, and, none activities are retrieved from this object.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Activity Stream - Quick View


A comma separated list of objects for which to show activities

Enter objects in the format object-id;object-type;service-id. Typically used only for followed objects.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A means of enforcing a security check on a Fusion application business object

  • Enter #{true} to enforce the security check.

  • Enter #{false} to omit the security check. False is the default.

The security check is performed by the resource authorizer that is implemented by the Fusion application. If a user has no permission on a business object, the activities related to that business object are filtered out.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Activity Stream - Quick View


A field for specifying a custom query to filter streamed items

For more information, see Section 39.4, "About the Activity Stream Advanced Query Option."

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


The name of a connections list

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


The view to display by default

Valid values include:

  • connections—(the default value) a list of connections

  • receivedInvitations—a list of connections invitations you received

  • sentInvitations—a list of connections invitations you sent

  • people—a search field for finding people with whom to connect

When users access the task flow instance, the view specified here is the first one they see. All selections, except people, provide controls for navigating to the application default view (connections). Selecting people provides search and select controls for inviting other users to connect.

This parameter is associated with the Connections task flow.


The number of items to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five items can appear in the task flow. In quick views, a More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more items than the specified number of items. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all items are accessible. In main views, Previous and Next links are shown. Users click these to page through entries.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View


The number of characters to show for each feedback message

Messages exceeding the specified value are truncated, and an ellipse (…) is appended to the end.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Feedback - Quick View.


The maximum number of connections to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five connections can appear in the task flow. A More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more connections than the specified number of connections. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all connections are show.

The value entered for this parameter is honored only when values for display_numberOfRows and display_numberOfColumns have not both been specified. If values for both of these parameters have been specified, then Previous and Next links appear when there are more connections than can fit into the specified numbers of rows and columns.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Connections - Card

  • Connections - Quick View


The number of columns to show in the task flow

For example, in a Connections - Card task flow that shows six connections, a value of 2 means those connections are shown in two columns with three rows (see also display_numberOfRows and display_maxConnections).

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Connections - Card

  • Connections - Quick View


The number of rows to show in the task flow

For example, in a Connections - Card task flow that shows six connections and a value of 2 for display_numberOfColumns, a value of 2 for this parameter means connections are shown in two columns with two rows. That is, four connections are shown. A More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more connections than can be fit in the specified number of columns and rows. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all connections are shown.

See also display_maxConnections.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Connections - Card

  • Connections - Quick View


The default layout style for the task flow

Enter one of the following:

  • vcard—displays a connection's photo and status message.

  • iconic—displays a connection's photo and user name.

  • list—displays connections in a list, with each list row showing the profile photo, user name (linked to a summary profile view), mail address, job title, status message, and actions icons and links.

  • tiled—renders the connection's personal Profile photo and shows the user name and job title beside the photo.

In all layouts, the name links to a summary view of the user's Profile.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


A means of showing or hiding the Remove action on the task flow

Enter true to show the Remove action. Enter false to hide the Remove action. The default value (true) is applied if the input is invalid.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


The connections sort order

Enter LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME to sort connections in descending date/time order. Leave this field blank to sort connections alphabetically by name.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


A means of enabling an edit mode on a Profile task flow instance

Enter #{true} to enable an edit mode. Enter #{false} to disable it.

This parameter is associated with the Profile task flow.


A means of showing or omitting detailed information about the object in the current context (that is, in a popup or other contextual instrument)

  • Enter #{true} to enable Activity Stream to display the af:contextInfo component (a small, red dot). Users can click this dot to view object detail information.

  • Enter #{false} to omit object detail information.

When this parameter is true and the contextInfoTaskflowId in the service definition is defined, the activity from the service displays the af:contextInfo. Otherwise, no context information is shown.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A filter against task flow content

For example, enter pat to show only those connections named pat (including patrick or sripathy).

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


The start date of a date range within which to show feedback messages

Enter dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

See also toDate.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board


A means of hiding the actions normally associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry, such as Edit, Private, Hide, and Delete

  • Enter #{true} to hide actions associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry.

  • Enter #{false} to show such actions. When no value is entered, false is the default.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board – Quick View


Specifies whether the Attach: File|Link option is shown or hidden

  • Check for #{true} to hide the Attach: File|Link option.

  • Clear for #{false} to show the Attach: File|Link option.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


A means of showing or hiding the Comments feature on streamed activities

Enter true to hide the Comments feature. Enter false to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow


A means of hiding the personalization option on the task flow instance

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Activity Stream - Quick View


A means of showing or hiding the Publisher task flow's document uploader

Enter #{true} to hide the Publisher task flow's document uploader. Enter #{false} to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


A means of showing or hiding the task flow footer

The task flow footer contains the More link that appears at the bottom of a task flow when there are more items to show than can be accommodated in the current view. Hiding the footer hides the More link. Hiding the footer does not affect Previous and Next links that may also appear at the bottom of a task flow.

Enter true to hide the footer. Enter false (default) to show the footer.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream - Quick View

  • Connections - Card

  • Connections - Quick View

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board - Quick View


A means of showing or hiding feedback given to a user

Enter true to allow the rendering of given feedback. Enter false to prohibit it.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View


A means of showing or hiding the task flow header

Enter true to hide the task flow header. Enter false (default) to show the task flow header.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream - Quick View

  • Connections - Quick View

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View


A means of allowing or omitting an inline preview of files attached to streamed activities

Enter true to omit a file preview. Enter false to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A means of showing or hiding the Like link on a streamed activity

Enter true to hide the Like link. Enter false to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow


A means of showing or hiding the user name for a connection

Enter true to hide the name. Enter false to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Connections - Card task flow


A means of showing or hiding the message entry field and the upload file and URL controls (the Publisher)

  • Enter #{true} to disable the display of the message entry field in a given task flow instance.

  • Enter #{false} to allow the display of the message entry field in a given task flow instance.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View


Specifies whether the Share something with option is shown or hidden

  • Check for #{true} to hide the Share something with option.

  • Clear for #{false} to show the Share something with option.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


A means of showing or hiding the Share link on a streamed activity

Enter true to hide the Share link. Enter false to show it.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow


Specifies whether to show the Portals UI in the Activity Stream and Activity Stream - Quick View Configuration dialogs. The Portals UI enables users to specify whether to show activities from all portals, the portals of which they are a member, no portals, or just the portal on which the task flow is placed.

  • Enter #{true} to show the Portals UI. This is the default.

  • Enter #{false} to hide the Portals UI.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Activity Stream - Quick View


Specifies the resource bundle class and message key for hint text

Use the format key[,RBClass]. __EMPTY__ as the predefined key for no hint text. This is the default value.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


The display size of the profile photo

Enter one of the following values:





This parameter is associated with the Profile - Snapshot task flow.


A means of dedicating the task flow instance to updating the current user's Profile status message

Enter #{true} to devote the task flow instance to updating user status messages. Enter #{false} to omit publishing messages to the current user's Profile status message.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


Specifies whether the text box remains active after a user clicks the Publish button

  • Enter #{true} to keep the text box open after a message is published.

  • Enter #{false} to close the text box after a message is published.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


Specifies the profile launch style. This parameter is considered only if Profile Launched On Selection is selected.

Enter one of the following:

  • snapshot—displays a user's profile snapshot when the user's name is clicked.

  • profile—displays user's Profile page when the user's name is clicked.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


Types of messages to display. Applicable only if viewing own's messageboard.

Specifies the types of messages to display.

Enter one of the following:

  • all—displays both public and private messages. This is the default.

  • private—displays only private messages.

  • public—displays only public messages.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View


The number of rows to show when the Connections task flow instance is set to list view

This parameter is associated with the Connections task flow.


The ID of an object to associate with a published message

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


The type of an object to associate with a published message

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


A means of showing or omitting organization breadcrumbs on a user profile that renders a management chain that is linked to each member up the chain

Enter #{true} to show organizational breadcrumbs. Enter #{false} to omit them.

This parameter is associated with the Profile - Snapshot task flow.


The number of items to stream in a given task flow instance

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Activity Stream - Quick View


The form of pagination to use on a multipage stream

  • Enter #{true} to show Previous and Next links.

  • Enter #{false} hide to omit Previous and Next links. Instead, a more link is rendered, enabling users to navigate to a fuller view of the task flow where all streamed activities are shown.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A means of allowing a photo upload from the profile screen

Enter true (default) to allow users to upload a photo to their profile. Enter false to prevent users from uploading a photo.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Profile - Snapshot.


A means of showing or omitting an Edit link on a Profile - Snapshot task flow

Enter #{true} to show the Edit link. Enter #{false} to hide it.

This parameter is associated with the Profile - Snapshot task flow.


A means of launching a user Profile when the user name is clicked

Enter true to launch a user Profile when the user name is clicked. Enter false to prevent launching a user Profile

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card


A means of streaming activities only from user profiles

  • Enter true to stream only those activities associated with user profiles.

  • Enter false to stream other types of activities along with those associated with user profiles.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


ID of the user from whom to stream activity

This parameter is associated with the Activity Steam - Quick View task flow.


The current user ID

Enter #{securityContext.userName} to return the current user.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Connections

  • Feedback

  • Message Board

  • Profile

  • Profile Gallery


The ID of the scope to which to publish

This property value assists in generating a link for use in navigating to the published object. It is not necessary to provide a value, unless you plan to do so using an EL expression. For information about EL expressions, seeAppendix G, "Expression Language Expressions."

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


A means of enabling or disabling section-by-section edit capability on the task flow

  • Enter #{true} to enable section-by-section editing. An Edit control is shown on each editable Profile section.

  • Enter #{false} to disable section-by-section editing.

This parameter is associated with the Profile task flow.


A field for entering a comma-separated list of names of services from which to stream activities

Use this parameter to limit the display of streamed activities to only those associated with the specified service or services. Enter one or more service IDs, for example:

oracle.webcenter.collab.announcement, oracle.webcenter.collab.forum

For a list of valid service ID, see Table G-7, "Service and Tool IDs". Note that all listed service IDs cannot be used because all services do not stream items to the Activity Stream. For example, the RSS service does not stream any activities.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


The service ID of the service to which the object associated with a published message belongs

For a list of service IDs, see Table G-7, "Service and Tool IDs".

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


Specifies whether the footer includes a See all your connections link. If this parameter is enabled, the task flows shows no pagination.

  • Enter #{true} to show the See all your connections link.

  • Enter #{false} to hide the See all your connections link.

This parameter is associated with the task flow Connections - Card.


The portal to which to publish messages

If your application does not support portals, do not provide a value for this parameter.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

  • Publisher


A comma-separated list of names or GUIDs of portals from which to stream activities

Use this parameter to limit the display of streamed activities to only those associated with the specified portal or portals.

If your application does not support portals, do not provide a value for this parameter.

This parameter is associated with the Activity Stream task flow.


A boolean value representing whether a control is available on the task flow for updating a profile status message

Enter either true or false.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Profile - Snapshot task flow.


The end date of a date range within which to show feedback messages

Enter dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

See also fromDate.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board


A means of limiting the Publisher task flow to its document upload feature

Enter #{true} to limit the Publisher task flow to be only a document uploader. Enter #{false} to expose all Publisher features.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


The current user ID

Enter #{securityContext.userName} to return the current user.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Connections - Card

  • Connections - Quick View

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board - Quick View

  • Profile - Snapshot


The name of the user to whom to publish messages

This value is supplied by default. We recommend that you do not change the default value, #{o_w_w_i_v_b_resourceViewerBean.username}.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.


The user name of the person who provided the object the current user is sharing

For example, John is sharing a document with everyone that Jane originally shared with him. In this case, Jane is the via user.

This parameter is associated with the Publisher task flow.

39.4 About the Activity Stream Advanced Query Option

Use Advanced Query to create filters against streamed activities in an Activity Stream task flow. Create filters for user names, service IDs, and object details, such as a document's display name. You can use SQL syntax for parameter values. Additionally you can place EL expressions within the SQL.

You can construct queries against specific database objects, which are represented by aliases that are prefixed to the inquiry. Table 39-2 lists and describes the types of database objects against which you can construct a query and provides their alias prefixes.

See Also:

In many cases, you can use EL expressions to obtain the value you require for the supported fields and columns listed in Table 39-2. For more information, see Appendix G, "Expression Language Expressions."

Table 39-2 Supported Database Objects for Constructing a SQL WHERE Clause

Database Object Alias Prefix Supported Fields/Columns



  • SCOPE_ID—The GUID of the scope (you can use an EL to return this value, for example, #{serviceCtx.scope.GUID}).

  • SERVICE_ID—The service ID of the service to track. See Table G-7 for a list of service IDs.

  • ACTIVITY_TIME—The time the activity occurs.

    Use the datetime format that is supported in the SQL or target database. You can also use Oracle database SQL constructs, such as to_date().

  • ACTIVITY_TYPE—The type of activity to track

    For a list of valid activity type names, see Table 39-3.



ACTOR_NAME—The user name of the person performing the activity.



  • SERVICE_ID—The service ID of the service from which the tracked object issues. See Table G-7 for a list of service IDs.

  • OBJECT_ID—The GUID of the object.

  • DISPLAY_NAME—The object display name.

  • OBJECT_TYPE—The object type.

    Object type names for use with Advanced Query include:

    • event

    • announcement

    • forum

    • topic

    • bookmark

    • list

    • page

    • blog

    • document

    • wiki

Table 39-3 Activity Type Names for Advanced Query

Service Activity Type Name


  • createEvent

  • updateEvent


  • createAnnouncement

  • updateAnnouncement


  • createForum

  • createTopic

  • replyTopic


  • updateBookmark


  • createList

  • editList


  • createPage

  • editPage


  • create-blog

  • update-blog

  • create-document

  • create-wiki

  • update-document

  • update-wiki

People Connections (Profile)

  • updateStatus

  • updateProfile

  • updatePhoto

People Connections (Message Board)

  • postScope

  • postself

  • post

  • sharescope

  • shareself

  • share

  • shareobjectscope

  • shareobjectself

  • shareobject

  • updatescope

  • updateself

  • update

People Connections (Connections)

  • connect

  • inviteForConnection

People Connections (Feedback)

  • post

The SQL string that is passed as the advanced query parameter complies with SQL standards. That is, it supports SQL constructs, such as AND, OR, IN, and the like. Note, however, that it does not support INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, JOIN constructs. The syntax of the advanced query must contain only the WHERE clause portion of a SQL query. Because SELECT is not supported, the WHERE clause cannot have nested queries or subqueries.

The Advanced Query parameter also supports EL expressions, which can be embedded in the WHERE clause or used to generate the whole WHERE clause.

All the literals in the query must be escaped by prepending a backward slash (\); otherwise, such characters generate syntax errors (see Table 39-4 for examples).

The advanced query WHERE clause is always ANDed to the internal query that is generated by Activity Stream based on the current user, portal membership, connection list, and the like. This is to prevent a user from viewing activities to which he or she does not have access.

Table 39-4 lists examples of advanced queries.

Table 39-4 Examples of Advanced Queries for Use with Activity Stream

Use Case Query Syntax

Stream only document creation activities.

AE.SERVICE_ID = \'oracle.webcenter.doclib\'

Stream activities only from an object or current portal.

OD.OBJECT_ID = \'objectA\' OR AE.SCOPE_ID = \'#{serviceCtx.scope.GUID}\'

Stream activities only about wikis created by the current user.

OD.OBJECT_TYPE = \'Wiki\' AND AD.ACTOR_NAME = \'#{securityContext.userName}\'

Stream activities for documents and discussions, but only create activities or all activities for the current user.

(AE.SERVICE_ID IN (\'oracle.webcenter.doclib\', \'oracle.webcenter.collab.forum\') AND AE.ACTIVITY_TYPE IN (\'createDocument\', \'createTopic\')) OR AD.ACTOR_NAME = \'#{securityContext.userName}\'