1 Overview of Web Server 1.1 Plug-Ins

The following sections describe the plug-ins provided by Oracle for use with WebLogic Server:

1.1 What are Web Server Plug-Ins?

Web server plug-ins allow requests to be proxied from Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle iPlanet Web Server, Apache HTTP Server, or Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to Oracle WebLogic Server. In this way, plug-ins enable the HTTP server to communicate with applications deployed on the WebLogic Server.

The plug-in enhances an HTTP server installation by allowing Oracle WebLogic Server to handle requests that require dynamic functionality. In other words, you typically use a plug-in where the HTTP server serves static pages such as HTML pages, while Oracle WebLogic Server serves dynamic pages such as HTTP Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs).

Oracle WebLogic Server may be operating in a different process, possibly on a different host. To the end user—the browser—the HTTP requests delegated to Oracle WebLogic Server still appear to be coming from the HTTP server.

In addition, the HTTP-tunneling facility of the WebLogic client-server protocol also operates through the plug-in, providing access to all Oracle WebLogic Server services.

1.1.1 Connection Pooling and Keep-Alive

The plug-ins improve performance using a pool of connections from the plug-in to Oracle WebLogic Server. The plug-in implements HTTP 1.1 keep-alive connections between the plug-in and Oracle WebLogic Server by reusing the same connection for subsequent requests from the same plug-ins. If the connection is inactive for more than 20 seconds, (or a user-defined amount of time), the connection is closed. For more information, see KeepAliveEnabled in Table 7-1.


Client connections are managed by the web server.

1.1.2 Proxying Requests

The plug-in proxies requests to Oracle WebLogic Server based on a configuration that you specify.

  • You can proxy requests based on the URL of the request or a portion of the URL. This is called proxying by path.

  • You can also proxy a request based on the MIME type of the requested file, which is called proxying by file extension.

You can also enable both methods. If you enable both methods and a request matches both criteria, the request is proxied by path.

You can also specify additional parameters for each of these types of requests that define additional behavior of the plug-in.

1.2 Availability of Version 1.1 Plug-Ins

Version 1.1 plug-ins are available for the following web servers:

Table 1-1 Availability of Version 1.1 Plug-Ins

Web Server Plug-In Availability More Information

Oracle HTTP Server 11gR1

The plug-in is included in the Oracle HTTP Server installation. For information about configuring this plug-in, see Chapter 2, "Configuring the mod_wl_ohs Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server."

See Chapter 2, "Configuring the mod_wl_ohs Plug-In for Oracle HTTP Server."

Oracle iPlanet Web Server (7.0.9 and later releases)

Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0 through 7.5

The plug-ins are available for download on the My Oracle Support (http://support.oracle.com) and Software Delivery Cloud (http://edelivery.oracle.com) web sites as zip files containing the necessary binary and helper files.

For example, the following directories are included in the mod_wl.so plug-in distribution. For the Windows version, DLL files are provided.

  • lib/mod_wl.so (Apache HTTP Server plug-in)

  • lib/*.so or lib\*.dll (native libraries)

  • bin/orapki or bin\orapki.cmd (orapki tool)

  • jlib/*.jar (Java helper libraries for orapki)

For information about installing and configuring the plug-ins for Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS, and Oracle iPlanet Web Server, see the following:

1.3 Upgrading from 1.0 Plug-Ins

The version 1.0 plug-ins described in Using Web Server Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server are deprecated and are not guaranteed to be available for future versions of Oracle WebLogic Server.

The version 1.1 plug-ins are the recommended replacement.


For Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x or 2.0.x, continue to use the version 1.0 plug-in.

The version 1.1 plug-ins are a superset of the version 1.0 plug-ins and support the existing features. However, when you upgrade, keep the following considerations in mind:

1.4 Features of the Version 1.1 Plug-Ins

This section describes the additional features of the version 1.1 plug-ins when compared with the 1.0 plug-ins.

1.4.1 Standard Encryption Strength Allows Simplified Naming

Because the version 1.0 plug-ins supported both 40- and 128-bit encryption standards, the plug-in file names needed to identify which standard was supported. For example, mod_wl_22.so indicated 40-bit encryption and mod_wl128_22.so indicated 128-bit encryption.

However, the version 1.1 plug-ins support only 128-bit encryption, and the plug-in names are now simplified. For example, mod_wl.so is the only file name required.


If you upgrade from the 1.0 plug-ins and had been using 128-bit encryption, you need to change your configuration file to reflect the new naming convention. For example, you need to change mod_wl128_22.so to mod_wl.so.

1.4.2 Version 1.1 Plug-Ins Use Oracle Security Framework

The version 1.1 plug-ins use the Oracle certified security framework, and can therefore use Oracle wallets to store SSL configuration information.

For this reason, the version 1.1 plug-ins introduce an SSL configuration parameter WLSSLWallet to use Oracle wallets.

You can configure the certificates in the Oracle wallet with a command line tool that is provided with the plug-in binary files. See Section 6.1, "Use SSL with Plug-Ins" for information about configuring SSL.

1.4.3 Version 1.1 Plug-Ins Support IPv6

The version 1.1 plug-ins support IPv6. The WebLogicHost and WebLogicCluster configuration parameters (see Table 7-1) now support IPv6 addresses.

For more information, see Section 6.2, "Use IPv6 With Plug-Ins."

1.4.4 Version 1.1 Plug-Ins Support Two-Way SSL

The version 1.1 plug-ins provide two-way SSL support for verifying client identity. Two-way SSL is automatically enforced when WebLogic Server requests the client certificate during the handshake process.

For more information, see Section 6.1, "Use SSL with Plug-Ins."

1.5 Support and Patching

When you encounter issues with a plug-in, always report the version of the plug-in you are using. You can find this information in the apache log or the plug-in debug log (if configured). The version information will look like this:

WebLogic Server Plugin version 1.1, <WLSPLUGINS_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXX.XXXX>


On the Apache Web Server for Linux, You can also obtain the plugin version by issuing the following command:
$ strings ${PLUGIN_HOME}/lib/mod_wl.so | grep -i wlsplugins

A patch for a plug-in typically will contain one or more shared objects to be replaced. Be sure to backup your original files as you replace them with those in the patch. Validate that the patch has been correctly updated by checking the version string in the logs.