Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



predefinedTheme predefined theme

The <dvt:predefinedTheme> tag renders a an existing theme on the map. A predefined Theme is a layer that is defined using the Map adminstrator tool and is stored along with the map metadata in the database. The predefined theme tag is used when you have your own custom Map Viewer instance and need to display large datasets that can be rendered directly by MapViewer. No model class exists for the predefined theme as the data for the layer is rendered by MapViewer.


The predefinedTheme tag does not have any model associated with it.


                                                <dvt:map attributes...>
                                                  <dvt:predefinedTheme id="predefinedTheme1"

Relationship with other tags

The <dvt:predefinedTheme> tag is a child of the <dvt:map> tag


Type Phases Description Apply Request Values MapSelectionEvent will be fired when the user finished defining a selected region on the map, or when the user unselected the region. Users can use the rectangle tool, circle tool, polygon tool, or point tool to select a region, and users can right click on the map to unselect the region Apply Request Values MapClickActionEvent will be fired when the user left click or right click on a point of the theme.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no The identifier for the component
themeName java.lang.String yes Specifies the predefined theme on which this theme layer is based. The theme must come from the same data source as the base map. The theme is defined in mapbuilder. For detail, refer to the documentation of mapviewer.
shortLabel java.lang.String no Specifies the label of this theme on the legend. If the attribute is not specified, the id of the theme will be used as the label on the legend.
menuLabel java.lang.String no Specifies the label of this theme on the ThemeSelectionDialog and SelectMenuItem. If the attribute is not specified, the id of the theme will be used.
minZoom int no Specifies the minimum zoom scale where this theme will still be visible.
maxZoom int no Specifies the maximum zoom scale where this theme will still be visible.
selectionListener java.lang.String no a method reference to a selection listener Refers to a backing bean method that takes MapSelectionEvent as an argument. The MapSelectionEvent contains the information on the selected region. Sample code:
public void
                                                             { Iterator iterator
                                                             { DataContent dt =
                                                             selectedLocation =
                                                             } }
clickAction java.lang.String no Refers to a backing bean method that performs navigation processing for the map and returns an outcome String. Or a static outcome String can be specified. The JSF NavigationHandler selects the page to display next by matching the outcome String against the navigation rules in the application configuration resource file. The application writes the Navigation rules.
clickListener java.lang.String no a method reference to a click listener Refers to a backing bean method that takes MapClickActionEvent as an argument. The MapClickActionEvent contains the information on the clicked point. Sample code:
public void
                                                             { if
                                                             != null) {
                                                             DataContent dt =
                                                             ("Location Name: "
                                                             " +
                                                             " +
                                                             mapClickActionEvent.getMouseY()); }
leftClickBehavior java.lang.String no Specifies the behavior when user left clicks on an element of a theme. Valid value of theme are:
  • "Action" - An action event will be fired.
  • "Popup" - A popup will be shown. The content of the popup is defined in the popup facet of the map
  • "InfoWindow" - An InfoWindow will be shown. The user can further customize the content of the infoWindow through the infoWindowCallback
  • "None" - Nothing will be done.
rightClickBehavior java.lang.String no Specifies the behavior when user right clicks on an element of a theme. Valid value of theme are:
  • "Popup" - A popup will be shown. The content of the popup is defined in the rtPopup facet of the map
  • "None" - Nothing will be done.
useWindow boolean no Specifies whether processes launched by this command should be launched in a secondary dialog window. 'useWindow' works only in the case of dialogs i.e, if the "action" starts with a "dialog:". Set useWindow to 'false' for the dialog to be opened in the existing window.
windowWidth int no Specifies the width of the window if useWindow is true
windowHeight int no Specifies the height of the window if useWindow is true
rendered boolean no Specifies whether the theme is rendered or not