Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



referenceObject reference object

Use the referenceObject tag to define a reference line or a reference area for a graph. You can define an unlimited number of reference objects for a given graph. This tag should be wrapped by the referenceObjectSet tag.

Relationship with other tags

The referenceObject tag is a child tag of the referenceObjectSet tag.
The referenceObject tag can have a child tag: specialEffects


The following example shows the XML for a referenceObject tag that .

   <dvt:graph value="#{sampleGraph.graphDataModel}" graphType="BAR_VERT_CLUST2Y" imageType="IMAGE_TYPE_SVG" stylePath="/oracle/dss/graph/styles/april.xml"
         <dvt:referenceObject index="1" type="RO_AREA" association="Y1AXIS" location="RO_BACK" color="#55FF0000" lowValue="0" highValue="4000"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="2" type="RO_AREA" association="Y1AXIS" location="RO_BACK" color="#55FFFF00" lowValue="4000" highValue="10000"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="3" type="RO_AREA" association="Y1AXIS" location="RO_BACK" color="#5500FF00" lowValue="10000" highValue="18000"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="4" type="RO_AREA" association="Y2AXIS" location="RO_FRONT" color="#550000FF" lowValue="300" highValue="700"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="5" type="RO_LINE" association="SERIES" series="0" location="RO_FRONT" color="#ffff66" lineValue="5000" lineWidth="3" lineStyle="LS_SOLID"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="6" type="RO_LINE" association="SERIES" series="0" location="RO_FRONT" color="#ffff66" lineValue="16730" lineWidth="3" lineStyle="LS_SOLID"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="7" type="RO_LINE" association="SERIES" series="1" location="RO_BACK" color="#99cc66" lineValue="500" lineWidth="3" lineStyle="LS_SOLID"/>
         <dvt:referenceObject index="8" type="RO_LINE" association="SERIES" series="1" location="RO_BACK" color="#99cc66" lineValue="1711" lineWidth="3" lineStyle="LS_SOLID"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no Specifies the identifier for the component
index java.lang.String no Uniquely identifies a reference object within a specific reference object set.
type java.lang.String no Identifies whether the reference object represents a line or an area. Valid values are:
  • RO_LINE - (Default) Specifies a reference line.
  • RO_AREA - Specifies a reference area.
location java.lang.String no Specifies whether the reference line is to appear in front of or behind the graph. Valid values are:
  • RO_BACK - (Default) Reference line appears behind the graph.
  • RO_FRONT - Reference line appears in front of the graph.
association java.lang.String no A constant that identifies the component that this reference object is associated with. The component is either an axis or a series. Valid values are the following:
  • Y1AXIS - (Default) Reference object is associated with the y1-axis.
  • Y2AXIS - Reference object is associated with the y2-axis.
  • X1AXIS - Reference object is associated with the x-axis.
  • SERIES - Reference object is associated with a data series.
series int no The zero-based index of the series that this reference object is associated. Does not apply to reference areas. Default value is "0".
color java.lang.String no Specifies the color for the reference object. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black color. This color property takes 6 or 8 digit hex as input. When 8 digit hex is used, the first 2 digits represent transparency, otherwise the color is opaque.
lineWidth int no Specifies the width of the reference line in pixels. Does not apply to reference areas. The width is 1 pixel by default.
lineStyle java.lang.String no Specifies the type of lineto be displayed for this reference object. Does not apply to reference area. Valid values are:
  • LS_SOLID - (Default) Displays a solid reference line.
  • LS_DASH - Displays a dashed reference line.
  • LS_DOTTED - Displays a dotted reference line.
  • LS_DASH_DOT - Displays a reference line that alternates between dash and dot.
text java.lang.String no Specifies the text that is to appear in the legend for this reference object.
shortDesc java.lang.String no Specifies the short description that is to appear in the tooltip for this reference object as an alternative text for the value.
lineValue java.lang.Object no Specifies the value at which the reference line is displayed. Does not apply to reference areas. Any invalid line value spefication (i.e. if the value is not double) will default to "0".
lowValue java.lang.Object no Identifies the low end of the range of values for the area covered by this reference area. If this attribute is not specified then the lowValue will default to the minimum value of the axis to which this reference object is associated with. Any invalid low value spefication (i.e. if the value is not double) will default to "0".
highValue java.lang.Object no Identifies the high end of the range of values for the area covered by this reference area. Does not apply to reference lines. If this attribute is not specified then the highValue will default to the maximum value of the axis to which this reference object is associated with. Any invalid high value spefication (i.e. if the value is not double) will default to "0".
displayedInLegend boolean no Indicates whether the reference object is to be displayed in the legend. Valid values are:
  • true - Displays the reference object in the legend.
  • false - (Default) Does not display the reference object in the legend