A Movement Scripts and Move Plans

Oracle Fusion Middleware provides a series of scripts that you can use to move your environment, for example replicating a test environment to a production environment. The scripts enable you to copy an Oracle home and Oracle WebLogic Server domains, as well as the configuration of certain Oracle Fusion Middleware components, such as Oracle HTTP Server. This appendix explains the scripts you can use to move these entities. It also describes the move plan properties that you edit when you move your environment.

This appendix contains the following sections:

A.1 Understanding the Movement Scripts

The movement scripts copy the binary files of an Oracle home and the configuration of a domain and its components from a source environment and paste them at the target environment.

Use these scripts in conjunction with the procedures described in Chapter 19.

Oracle Fusion Middleware uses the following jar file to execute the scripts necessary to move the binary and configuration files:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/jlib/cloningclient.jar
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\jlib\cloningclient.jar

Table A-1 shows the scripts you use to move an Oracle home or a domain and its components.

Table A-1 Movement Scripts

TO: Script See:

Copy the binary files of the source Oracle home

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyBinary.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyBinary.cmd

Section A.1.1.1

Apply the copied Oracle home to the target

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteBinary.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteBinary.cmd

Section A.1.1.2

Copy a WebLogic Server domain and component configuration

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.3

Copy a standalone domain and component configuration

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.4

Copy the Node Manager configuration

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.5

Extract a move plan from the domain or component

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/extractMovePlan.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\extractMovePlan.cmd

Section A.1.1.6

Apply the copied configuration for the WebLogic Server domain and component configuration to the target

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.7

Apply the copied standalone domain and component configuration to the target

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.8

Apply the copied configuration for the Node Manager to the target

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteConfig.cmd

Section A.1.1.9

Generate a file containing an obfuscated password

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/obfuscatePassword.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\obfuscatePassword.cmd

Section A.1.1.10

To view the help on any of these scripts, use the -help option. For example:

./pasteConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.0_17 -help

Note that the help shows the UNIX version of the parameter values. For other platforms, such as Windows, change the parameter values for the platform.


During the copyConfig and pasteConfig operations, the following parameters, which specific the maximum heap size and the maximum permanent generation space, are set:

You can override these values using the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS argument, as described in the following text.

To specify additional Java options, define the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable and specify the options in the variable definition. The following examples set the value for the Java temp directory:

  • On Linux or UNIX:

    setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/t2p/temp"
    export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS
  • On Windows:

    set T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.io.tmpdir=c:\home\t2p\temp"


A Universal Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path is not supported on Windows. For example, the following is not supported:

A.1.1 Movement Scripts Syntax

The following topics describe the syntax of the movement scripts. The options are described in the tables that follow the syntax.


  • All movement scripts ask if you want to continue whenever you specify the -silent false option. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Any words other than yes causes the script to abort. Also note that, in silent mode, the scripts generate an error if you do not provide passwords where they are needed.

  • Most options have shortcut names, as described in the tables later in this chapter.

  • The value of options must not contain a space. For example, on Windows, you cannot pass the following as a value to the -archiveLoc option:

    C:\tmp\Archive Files

    However, the value of the JavaHome option can contain a space.

  • On Windows, unless the command prompt uses MKS or another application to support Unix commands, and if the values contain a Windows-specific delimiter, such as an equals sign (=) or comma (,) you must wrap the entire value in double quotation marks ("). For example:

    -additionalParams "search.encrypt.key=C:\T2P\encrypt.txt" 
  • The vendor and version of Java used in the javaHome option must match the vendor and version of the JAVA_HOME property defined in the following file (note the period (.) before the filename):


A.1.1.1 copyBinary Script

Creates an archive file of the source Oracle home, by copying the binary files of that Oracle home, including its WebLogic Server home, into the archive file.

The copyBinary script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyBinary.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyBinary.cmd

The syntax is:

copyBinary -javaHome path_of_jdk
           -archiveLoc archive_location 
           -sourceOracleHomeLoc ORACLE_HOME_location
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]
            [-ignoreDiskWarning {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create an archive of an Oracle home on Linux:

copyBinary.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.0_17 
              -archiveLoc /tmp/oh_copy.jar
              -sourceOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1 


When you execute the script, you must specify a matching Java home. That is, if the Oracle homes are 64 bit, you must specify a 64-bit Java home. If the Oracle homes are 32 bit, you must specify a 32-bit Java home.

Table A-2 describes the options for the copyBinary script.

Table A-2 Options for the copyBinary Script

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created with the copyBinary script.

The archive location must not exist.

Ensure that the archive location is not within the Oracle home structure.




The absolute path of the Oracle home to be archived. You can only specify one Oracle home.

In previous releases, this option was sourceMWHomeLoc. That option is deprecated.




This option is deprecated. If you specify it, it will be ignored. On UNIX and Linux, the absolute path to the Oracle Inventory pointer.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.




Specifies whether the operation ignores a warning that there is not enough free space available. The default is false.

You may need to use this flag if the target is NFS mounted or is on a different file system, such as Data ONTAP.


A.1.1.2 pasteBinary Script

Applies the archive to the target destination, by pasting the binary files of the source Oracle home to the target environment. You can apply the archive to the same host or a different host.

Before you execute this script, see Section 19.2.3 for information about steps you may need to take to prepare your target environment.

The pasteBinary script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteBinary.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteBinary.cmd

The syntax is:

pasteBinary -javaHome path_of_jdk
            -archiveLoc archive_location
            -targetOracleHomeLoc target_Oracle_Home_location
            [-targetOracleHomeName Oracle_home_name]
            [-ouiParam key1=value], key2=value]
            [-ohAlreadyCloned {true | false}]
            [-executeSysPrereqs {true | false}]
            [-invPtrLoc Oracle_InventoryLocation]
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]
            [-ignoreDiskWarning {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the archive to the directory /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home_prod, on Linux:

pasteBinary.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
               -archiveLoc  /tmp/oh_copy.jar 
               -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home_prod 
               -targetOracleHomeName Oracle_home_prod

Table A-3 describes the options for the pasteBinary script.

Table A-3 Options for the pasteBinary Script

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created with the copyBinary script.

The location must exist.

This option is mutually exclusive with the -ohAlreadyCloned option.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home. It will be used to configure the domain.

Ensure that the Oracle home directory does not exist at that location, or if it does, it is an empty directory. Otherwise, the script returns an error message.

The -targetOracleHomeLoc cannot be inside another Oracle home.




The name for the Oracle home. This name is used to register the Oracle home with Oracle Inventory,




Additional variables to be passed to Oracle Universal Installer, which is run as part of this script. You must pass the variables as key=value pairs. Separate multiple variables with commas.

On Windows, surround the entire value pair with double quotation marks (").




A flag specifying that the script reconfigure an already existing Oracle home that was created using a storage-level cloning tool. If this flag is set to true, then the target Oracle home should exist and it should contain Oracle home binaries.

Valid values are true and false. The default is false.

You cannot use this option when you use the -archiveLoc option.




Specifies whether the pasteBinary operation checks the prerequisites of the Oracle home. The default is that it checks the prerequisites. To specify that it does not check the prerequisites, specify this option with the value false.




On UNIX and Linux, the absolute path to the Oracle Inventory pointer. Use this option if the inventory location is not in the default location, so that the operation can register the Oracle homes with the central Oracle inventory specified in the Oracle Inventory pointer file.

If the oraInst.loc is not present at default location, you must create this file either at default location as a root user or at any other location as a root or normal user. The following shows an example of the contents of the file:


If the directory specified as the inventory_loc does not exist, the operation will create it.

You must have write permission to the inventory location.

On AIX and Linux, the default location is /etc/oraInst.loc. In other UNIX platforms, the default location is /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc

This parameter is only supported on UNIX. On Windows, if you specify this parameter, the script returns an error.

Optional, if the inventory is in the default location. Otherwise, it is mandatory on Linux.



The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.




Specifies whether the operation ignores a warning that there is not enough free space available. The default is false.

You may need to use this flag if the target is NFS mounted or is on a different file system, such as Data ONTAP.


A.1.1.3 copyConfig Script for Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Creates a configuration archive that contains the snapshot of the configuration of a WebLogic Server domain. The underlying components of a WebLogic Server domain retain their configuration information in different data stores, such as a file system, Oracle Metadata Services (MDS), LDAP, or a database.

You must run the copyConfig script for each WebLogic Server domain in the source environment. A configuration archive is created for each source domain.

The Administration Server and all Managed Servers in the domain must be started when you run the script.

The copyConfig script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

The syntax is:

copyConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceDomainLoc domain_location
            -sourceOracleHomeLoc Oracle_home_location
            -domainHostName domain_host_name
            -domainPortNum  domain_port_number 
            -domainAdminUserName domain_admin_username
            -domainAdminPasswordFile domain_admin_password_file
            [-mdsDataExport {true | false}]
            [-opssDataExport {true | false}] 
            [-trustKeyStoreLoc custom_trust_keystore_path
            [-additionalParams property1=value1[, property2=value2]
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example copies the configuration of a WebLogic Server domain:

copyConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.0_17 
               -archiveLoc /tmp/a.jar
               -sourceDomainLoc /scratch/oracle/config/domains/WLS_domain
               -sourceOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1
               -domainHostName myhost.example.com 
               -domainPortNum 7001
               -domainAdminUserName weblogic 
               -domainAdminPasswordFile /home/oracle/password_file.txt 

Table A-4 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Oracle WebLogic Server domains.

Table A-4 Options for the copyConfig Script for a Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the source domain containing the Java component.

Note that on Windows, you should not include a backslash at the end of the path.




The absolute path of the source Oracle home.




The name of the host on which the domain is configured.




The port number of the Administration Server for the domain.




The name of the administrative user for the domain.




The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the administrative user for the domain on the source environment. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.




Specifies whether to export the application MDS metadata to the archive so that it can be imported into the target. The default is true.

Specify false if you do not want to export the application MDS metadata.

If this option is set to true, the subsequent pasteConfig script that copies the component to the target imports the application MDS metadata to the target.




Specifies whether to export the Oracle Platform Security Services data. The default is true.

If this option is set to true, the subsequent pasteConfig script that copies the component to the target imports the Oracle Platform Security Services data to the target.

Note: If this option is set to true, you must set the following environment variable before you run the pasteConfig script:

CONFIG_JVM_ARGS "-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M"




The absolute path of the trust keystore location. Use this parameter if the domainPortNum is an SSL port and the server is configured with custom identity and custom trust keystores.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




An additional parameter and its value to be passed to the script. You must pass the variables as key=value pairs. Separate multiple variables with commas.

On Windows, surround the entire value pair with double quotation marks (").




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.4 copyConfig Script for Standalone Domains

Creates a configuration archive that contains the snapshot of the configuration of a standalone domain. The underlying components of the domain retain their configuration information in different data stores, such as a file system or a database.

You must run the copyConfig script for each domain in the source environment. A configuration archive is created for each source domain.

The copyConfig script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

The syntax is:

copyConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceDomainLoc domain_location
            -sourceOracleHomeLoc Oracle_home_location
            [-additionalParams property1=value1[, property2=value2]
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example copies the configuration of a standalone domain:

copyConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.0_17 
               -archiveLoc /tmp/a.jar
               -sourceDomainLoc /scratch/oracle/config/domains/base_domain 
               -sourceOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1/

Table A-4 describes the options for the copyConfig script for standalone domains.

Table A-5 Options for the copyConfig Script for Standalone Domains

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the source domain containing the component.

Note that on Windows, you should not include a backslash at the end of the path.




The absolute path of the source Oracle home.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




An additional parameter and its value to be passed to the script. You must pass the variables as key=value pairs. Separate multiple variables with commas.

On Windows, surround the entire value pair with double quotation marks (").




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.5 copyConfig Script for Node Manager

Creates a configuration archive that contains the snapshot of the configuration of Node Manager.

You must run the copyConfig script for each Node Manager in the source environment. A configuration archive is created for each source Node Manager.

The copyConfig script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/copyConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\copyConfig.cmd

The syntax is:

copyConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk
            -archiveLoc archive_location
            -sourceNMHomeLoc source_Node_Manager_Home_location
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create a copy of the source Node Manager configuration located in /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1/wlserver/common/nodemanager:

copyConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
              -archiveLoc /tmp/nm.jar
              -sourceNMHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1/wlserver/common/nodemanager

Table A-6 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Node Manager.

Table A-6 Options for the copyConfig Script for Node Manager

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the source Node Manager home.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.6 extractMovePlan Script

Extracts configuration information from the archive into a move plan. It also extracts any needed configuration plans. Then, you edit the move plan, specifying properties for the target environment.

The extractMovePlan script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/extractMovePlan.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\extractMovePlan.cmd

The syntax is:

extractMovePlan -javaHome path_of_jdk
                -archiveLoc archive_location
                -planDirLoc move_plan_directory
                [-optimizationHints fusionApps,sameSchemaNameSinglePassword, rpdDataSource}
                [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]

The following example extracts the plans from the archive j2ee.jar:

extractMovePlan.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
                   -archiveLoc /tmp/j2ee.jar
                   -planDirLoc /scratch/oracle/t2p_plans

The extractMovePlan script extracts the move plan to the specified directory. Depending on the type of component that you are moving, the extractMovePlan script may also extract other configuration plans. For example, it might extract the following:


Table A-7 describes the options for the extractMovePlan script:

Table A-7 Options for the extractMovePlan Script

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path to a directory to which the move plan, along with any needed configuration plans, is to be extracted.

The directory must not exist or, if it exists, it is empty.




Specifies the configuration values to auto-populate based on the topology on the target environment. These values are omitted from the move plan. Use of the hints is recommended if they apply to your environment.

This option takes the following arguments:

  • fusionapps (fa). If you use the -optimzationHints option, you must provide this hint.

  • sameSchemaNameSinglePassword (ssnsp). The same password is used for all schemas associated with a particular database.

  • rpdDataSource (rpdds). The same password is used for all schemas associated with a particular database specified in RPD_CONFIG section of the move plan.

    If the sameSchemaNameSinglePassword flag is provided, then this flag is automatically set to true.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.


For information about the properties in the move plans, and which properties you should edit, see Section A.2.

A.1.1.7 pasteConfig Script for Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Applies the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment. Inputs for the script include the location of the configuration archive created with the copyConfig script for the domain and the location of the modified move plan. The pasteConfig script re-creates the configuration information for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain in the target environment. It also merges the move plan property values for the target environment.

The pasteConfig script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteConfig.cmd

The syntax is:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetDomainLoc trgt_domain_path 
             -targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_Oracle_Home_path
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path 
             -domainAdminPasswordFile domain_admin_password_file 
             [-appDir WLS_application_directory] 
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the archive of the domain to the Oracle home Oracle_home1:

pasteConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
            -archiveLoc /tmp/java_ee_cl.jar
            -targetDomainLoc /scratch/oracle/config/domains/dom_cl
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1 
            -movePlanLoc /scratch/oracle/java_ee/move_plan.xml
            -domainAdminPasswordFile /scratch/pwd_dir/pass.txt 
            -logDirLoc /tmp/log


  • If you are moving an environment that includes Oracle JRF, as in an Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installation, in the move plan, you must specify a different database for the target than is used in the source. The database host, port, service name, and schemas cannot be the same.

Table A-8 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Oracle WebLogic Server domains.

Table A-8 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target domain. The directory must not exist or, if it exists, it must be empty.

The domain directory may be located outside of the directory structure of the Oracle home.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home. It will be used to configure the domain.




The absolute path of the updated version of the move plan that was extracted from the source.




The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the administrative user for the domain on target environment. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

Note that the password is based on the authentication provider for the domain. For example, the authenticator can be an embedded LDAP or an external LDAP.




The absolute path of the Oracle WebLogic Server application directory on the target.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.8 pasteConfig Script for Standalone Domains

Applies the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment. Inputs for the script include the location of the configuration archive created with the copyConfig script for the domain and the location of the modified move plan. The pasteConfig script re-creates the configuration information for the standalone domain in the target environment. It also merges the move plan property values for the target environment.

The pasteConfig script is located in:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/pasteConfig.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\pasteConfig.cmd

The syntax is:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetDomainLoc trgt_domain_path 
             -targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_Oracle_Home_path
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path 
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the archive of the domain to the Oracle home Oracle_home1:

pasteConfig.sh -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
            -archiveLoc /tmp/java_ee_cl.jar
            -targetDomainLoc /scratch/oracle/config/domains/dom_cl
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1 
            -movePlanLoc /scratch/oracle/java_ee/move_plan.xml
            -logDirLoc /tmp/log

Table A-8 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for standalone domains.

Table A-9 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Standalone Domains

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target domain. The directory must not exist or, if it exists, it must be empty.

The domain directory may be located outside of the directory structure of the Oracle home.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home. It will be used to configure the domain.




The absolute path of the updated version of the move plan that was extracted from the source.




The location of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.9 pasteConfig Script for Node Manager

Applies the copied configurations of Node Manager from the source environment to the target environment. Inputs for the script include the location of the configuration archive created with the copyConfig script for the Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager and the location of the modified move plan. The pasteConfig script re-creates the configuration information for Node Manager in the target environment. It also merges the move plan property values for the target environment.


All the domains that are to be managed by Node Manager should be moved before applying the copy of Node Manager to the target environment. In addition, the Administration Server must be running.

You must run the pasteConfig script for each Node Manager in the target environment.

The syntax is:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetNMHomeLoc trgt_Node_Manager_Home_path 
             -targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_Oracle_Home_path 
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of Node Manager to the Node Manager home located in /scratch/Oracle_home1/wlserver/common/nodemanager:

pasteConfig -javaHome /scratch/oracle/jdk1.7.7.0_17
            -archiveLoc /tmp/nm.jar
            -targetNMHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1/wlserver/common/nodemanager
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/oracle/Oracle_home1
            -movePlanLoc /scratch/oracle/t2pplans/nm/moveplan.xml

Table A-10 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Node Manager.

Table A-10 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Node Manager

Options Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional



The absolute path of the Java Developer's Kit.

The script detects if the operating system is 64 bit and passes the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target Node Manager.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home that will be used to configure Node Manager.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




The absolute path of a directory. The directory may or may not exist. A new log file is created in the directory. The default is the system Temp location.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation does not prompt for confirmation.

To specify that it does prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of false. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to abort.


A.1.1.10 obfuscatePassword Script

Generates a file that contains the obfuscated password. In the scripts and in the move plans, you often need to provide files containing passwords. The script prompts you to enter the password and the location where the password file is to be written.

The syntax is:

(UNIX) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/bin/obfuscatePassword.sh
(Windows) ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\bin\obfuscatePassword.cmd

A.2 Modifying Move Plans

When you move Oracle Fusion Middleware components, you run the extractMovePlan script to create a move plan for the entity that you are moving. The extractMovePlan script extracts configuration information from the archive into a move plan. It also extracts any needed configuration plans. Before you apply the archive to the target, you must edit the move plan to reflect the values of the target environment.

You can modify properties with the scope of READ_WRITE. Do not modify the properties with the scope of READ_ONLY.


  • Do not add, comment, or remove any section of a move plan.

  • You must generate a move plan using the extractMovePlan script each time you create an archive, even if you have made no changes to the move plan. If you use a move plan that was created with a different archive, the archive will not be accepted and the pasteConfig script will fail.

This section provides the following topics:

A.2.1 Locating configGroup Elements

Most move plans contain multiple configGroup elements. When a property is associated with a particular configGroup element, the tables listing the properties group the properties by configGroup element. For example, Table A-13, which shows the properties for the move plan for Java components, shows multiple configGroup elements, such as SERVER_CONFIG and MACHINE_CONFIG.

The following example shows a portion of the move plan for Java components, with portions of the SERVER_CONFIG and MACHINE_CONFIG configGroup elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
                <configProperty id="Server1">
                        <name>Server Name</name>
                   <configProperty id="Machine1">
                         <name>Machine Name</name>
                         <name>Node Manager Listen Address</name>

A.2.2 Move Plan Properties

The tables in this section describe the move plan properties you can customize for Oracle Fusion Middleware entities and components.


Many move plan properties require that you provide the location of a file containing a password. If you want to use obfuscated passwords, you can use the obfuscatePassword script, as described in Section A.1.1.10.

The properties that you edit differ depending on the type of component. Table A-11 provides pointers to the appropriate list of properties for each component.

Table A-11 Move Plan Properties for Components

Component Where to find the list of properties:

Node Manager

Table A-12

All Java components

Table A-13


Oracle ADF connections

Table A-14


Oracle Coherence

Table A-15

Oracle HTTP Server

Table A-17

Oracle Web Services Manager

Table A-18

Oracle Data Integrator

Table A-19


Oracle User Messaging Service

Table A-13, Table A-14, Table A-16


Table A-12 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Node Manager. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

Table A-12 Move Plan Properties for Node Manager

Property Description Sample Value

Properties in the NODE_MANAGER_PROPERTIES configGroup:

Node Manager configuration


Node Manager Home

The absolute location of Node Manager


Listen Address

The Listen address of Node Manager.


Listen Port

The number of the Listen port of Node Manager.


Custom Identity KeyStore File

The absolute path of the custom identity keystore file location.

This property is present in the move plan only if the source environment is configured with SSL.


Custom Identity Private Key Alias

The value of the identity key store alias.

This property is present in the move plan only if the source environment is configured with SSL.


Custom Identity Private Key Passphrase File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the private key used when creating a certificate.

This property is present in the move plan only if the source environment is configured with SSL.


Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the custom identity keystore password.

If source environment uses DemoTrust, these properties are optional. If left blank, the pasteConfig script shows a warning message and proceed. If source environment uses Custom, these parameters are mandatory.


Java Standard Trust Keystore Passphrase File

The absolute path of the Java standard trust keystore file location.


Properties in the DOMAINS configGroup:

Oracle WebLogic Server domain configuration


Domain Name

The name of the domain.


Domain Location

The absolute path of the domain location.


AdminServer Listen Address

The Listen address of the Administration Server.


AdminServer Listen Port

The number of the Listen port of the Administration Server.


AdminServer User Name

The administration user name.


AdminServer Password

The absolute path to the secure file containing the administration user's password.


Node Manager User Name

The Node Manager user name.


Node Manager Password

The absolute path to the secure file containing the Node Manager user's password.


Table A-13 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Java components. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

Table A-13 Common Move Plan Properties for Java Components

Property Description Sample Value

Startup Mode

The startup mode of an Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

Valid values are:

  • DEVELOPMENT. Use this mode while you are developing your applications. Development mode uses a relaxed security configuration and enables you to auto-deploy applications.

  • PRODUCTION. Use this mode when your application is running in its final form. A production domain uses full security and may use clusters or other advanced features.

The default is PRODUCTION.


Properties in the SERVER_CONFIG configGroup:

Common Java component properties


Administration Port

The port number for the Administration Server.


Listen Address

The Listen address of the WebLogic Server. Set it to the host name or set it to All Local Addresses to listen on all addresses on the host.

All Local Addresses

Listen Port

The number of the Listen port.

If you do not provide a port number or if the port number you provide is not available, the operation returns an error.


SSL Listen Port

The number of the SSL Listen port. This property is present in the move plan if SSL is enabled.


Frontend Host

The host name of the HTTP Server.

This property is present in the move plan only if the HTTP Server is set as the frontend to the server.


Frontend HTTP Port

The number of the HTTP Server port.

This property is present in the move plan only if the HTTP Server is set as the frontend to the server.


Frontend HTTPS Port

The number of the HTTPS Server port.

This property is present in the move plan only if the HTTP Server is set as the frontend to the server.


KeyStore Type

The type of keystore.


Custom Identity Keystore File

The absolute path of custom identity keystore file location.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is PRODUCTION and SSL is enabled in the source environment (regardless of whether you use DemoTrust or CustomTrust), you must provide a value for this parameter.


Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the custom identity keystore password.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter.

If the Startup Mode is PRODUCTION and SSL is enabled in the source environment (regardless of whether you use DemoTrust or CustomTrust), you must provide a value for this parameter.


Custom Trust Keystore File

The absolute path of custom trust keystore file location.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter.

If the Startup Mode is PRODUCTION and SSL is enabled in the source environment (regardless of whether you use DemoTrust or CustomTrust), you must provide a value for this parameter.


Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the custom trust keystore password.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter.

If the Startup Mode is PRODUCTION and SSL is enabled in the source environment (regardless of whether you use DemoTrust or CustomTrust), you must provide a value for this parameter.


Custom Identity Private Key Alias

The private key alias.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter.

If the Startup Mode is PRODUCTION and SSL is enabled in the source environment (regardless of whether you use DemoTrust or CustomTrust), you must provide a value for this parameter.


Custom Identity Private Key Passphrase File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the custom identity private key password.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses DemoTrust as the keystore, you can leave this parameter blank. The same type of store will be created in the target environment.

If the Startup Mode is DEVELOPMENT and the source environment uses CustomTrust as the keystore, you must provide a value for this parameter.


Properties in the CLUSTER_CONFIG configGroup:

Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster configuration properties


Messaging Mode

The cluster messaging mode. Acceptable values are unicast and multicast.


Cluster Address

The cluster address.


Unicast Channel

The name of the unicast channel.


Multicast Address

The multicast address.

Multicast Port

The port number of the multicast address.


Frontend Host

The name or IP address of the front-end host for the cluster.


Frontend HTTP Port

The HTTP port number for the front-end host for the cluster.


Frontend HTTPS Port

The HTTPS port number for the front-end host for the cluster.


Properties in the MACHINE_CONFIG configGroup:

Machine configuration properties


Machine Name

The name of the machine.


Node Manager Listen Address

The Listen address of the machine running Node Manager.


Node Manager Listen Port

The port number of the Listen address of the machine running Node Manager.


Property in the DEPLOYMENT_PLAN_CONFIG configGroup:

Deployment plans


Application Name

The name of the application.


Deployment Plan

The location where an application's deployment plan is to be extracted. The location is relative to the location of the move plan.


Properties in the AUTHENTICATORS configGroup:

Authenticator configuration


Host Name

The LDAP server host name.



The LDAP server port number.



The administration user for the LDAP server.


Password File

The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the LDAP user. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


User Base DN

The user base distinguished name (DN).


User Object Class

The user object class.


Group Base DN

The group base distinguished name (DN).


GUID Attribute

The global unique identifier.


Properties in the DATASOURCE configGroup:

Data source configuration


Driver Class

The driver class of the data source. Refer to "Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server" in the Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server to choose the appropriate class.



The URL of the database for the data source. It contains the host name, the database port number, and SID.

It has the following format:



The schema name of the data source.


Password File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the password of the database schema. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration of the data source.


ONS Node List

The list of Oracle Notification Service (ONS) hosts and ports, in the following format:


ONS Wallet File

The absolute path to the credential store file, which contains keys and certificates. This property is configured only if SSL is enabled.


ONS Wallet Password File

The absolute path to the file containing the password for the wallet.


Properties in the OPSS_SECURITY configGroup, in the configProperty with the ID of LDAP.

LDAP-based policy and credential store configuration.

If the source is a file-based store, these properties, as well as the LDAP-based and database-based Policy and Credential Store properties are present in the move plan. When you configure the move plan, you can change from a file-based to an LDAP or database-based store.

If the source is LDAP-based, only the LDAP properties are present in the move plan. You cannot change it to a different type, but you can change the LDAP endpoints.

If the source is database-based, only the database properties are present in the move plan. You cannot change it to a different type, but you can change the database-based endpoints.

You can only use one type of store. To use one, uncomment the section in the move plan and ensure the other is commented.


Password File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the password of the LDAP Server Administrative user. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration of the LDAP Server.



The LDAP Server administrative user name.


Jps Root

The LDAP Server context root.



The name of the domain.



The URL of the LDAP connection. It contains the host name and port number of the LDAP store.


Properties in the OPSS_SECURITY configGroup, in the configProperty with the ID of DB:

Database-based policy and credential store configuration.

If the source is a file-based store, these properties are present in the move plan. (The LDAP-based store is not present and you cannot move from a database-based to an LDAP-based store.) When you configure the move plan, you can change from a file-based to an LDAP or database-based store.

You can only use one type of store. To use one, uncomment the section in the move plan and ensure the other is commented.

If the source is database-based, only the database properties are present in the move plan. You cannot change it to a different type, but you can change the database-based endpoints.


Password File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the password of the OPSS schema owner. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


DataSource Name

The name of the data source. The name cannot contain a slash (/).


DataSource Jndi Name

The JNDI name of the data source.


Jps Root

The LDAP Server context root.



The name of the domain.


Driver Class

The driver class of the data source. Refer to "Selecting a JDBC Driver" in the Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server to choose the appropriate class.



The URL of the database for the data source. It contains the host name, the database port number, and SID.

It has the following format:



The name of the OPSS schema owner of the data source.


Properties in the RDBMS Security Store configGroup:

Database-based security store configuration



The URL of the database for the data source. It contains the host name, the database port number, and SID.

It has the following format:


Driver Class

The driver class of the RDBMS Security Store connection. Refer to "Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server" in the Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server to choose the appropriate class.



The name of the schema owner.


Password File

The absolute path to the secure file containing the password of the security store schema owner. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Property in the ADAPTER configGroup:

Resource adapter configuration


Deployment Plan

The path to the deployment plan to be used during movement to the target. The path can be absolute, or relative to the location of the move plan.

The deployment plan is extracted by the extractMovePlan script.


Table A-14 describes the move plan properties that you can change if you are using Oracle ADF connections. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment. The table is divided by component. For some components, the description column lists the OBJECT_NAME_PROPERTY type. You can search for the type to locate the relevant section.

Table A-14 Move Plan Properties for Oracle ADF Connections

Property Description Sample Value

Oracle ADF URL Connection




The port number used for the URL connections.



The URL used for the connection.


Oracle ADF Business Components Service Connection

OBJECT_NAME_PROPERTY type is ADFBCServiceConnection


The Business Components service endpoint provider.



The JNDI initial factory class.



The URL of the JNDI provider.



The JNDI security principal name.



The Web service connection name.


Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

OBJECT_NAME_PROPERTY type is EssConnection


The Oracle Enterprise Scheduler notification service URL.



The path of the directory where request logs for jobs from OES ConcurrentProcessor (CP) extension is to be created.



The SAML Policy URI to be used by CP extension.



The security policy to be used in the WS-Security headers for Web service invocations from Oracle Enterprise Scheduler for Web service callbacks.


Oracle Essbase

OBJECT_NAME_PROPERTY type is EssbaseConnProvider


The host name for the Oracle Essbase server.



The name of the cluster of which the Oracle Essbase server is a member.



The Listen port number of the Oracle Essbase server.



The user name.


Oracle Web Services

OBJECT_NAME_PROPERTY type is WebServiceConnection


The URL for the WSDL.


Oracle Web Services



The service endpoint URL.



The name of the host on which the proxy server is running.



The port number to which the proxy server is listening.


Table A-15 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle Coherence. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

Table A-15 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Coherence

Property Description Example

Properties in the COHERENCE_SERVER_CONFIG configGroup

The configuration of Oracle Coherence servers.


Unicast Listen Address

The unicast listen address. This property is not present in the move plan if the value is localhost or a loopback address or the value is empty.

Unicast Listen Port

The unicast listen port.


Properties in the COHERENCE_CLUSTER_CONFIG configGroup

The configuration of Oracle Coherence clusters.


Custom Cluster Configuration File

An external custom configuration file used to configure this cluster.


Unicast Listen Address

The unicast listen address. If the clustering mode is unicast, the properties Unicast Listen Address and Unicast Listen Port are present in the move plan. However, This property is not present in the move plan if the value of Unicast Listen Address is localhost or a loopback address or the value is empty.

Unicast Listen Port

The unicast listen port. This property is present in the move plan if the clustering mode is unicast.


Multicast Listen Address

The multicast listen address. If the clustering mode is not unicast, this property is present in the move plan.

Multicast Listen Port

The multicast listen address. This property is present in the move plan if the clustering mode is not unicast.


Listen Address

The listen address for the Well Known Address Name configuration property.


Listen Port

The listen port for the Well Known Address Name configuration property


Properties in the SERVER_TEMPLATES_CONFIG configGroup:

Server templates configuration properties. These properties are visible in the move plan if the Coherence cluster configuration is overridden in server templates.


Unicast Listen Address

The unicast listen address.

Unicast Listen Port

The unicast listen port.


Table A-16 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle User Messaging Service. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

Table A-16 Move Plan Properties for Oracle User Messaging Service

Property Description Sample Value

Properties for the componentType UMS:

These properties apply to all driver types.


The default address of the sender.



The list of sender addresses that the driver supports.


Properties in the EmailDriver componentType:

These properties apply to email drivers.


The host name of the incoming mail server.



Port number of IMAP4 (that is, 143 or 993) or POP3 (that is, 110 or 995) server.



The list of user names of the mail accounts from which the driver instance is polling. Each name must be separated by a comma, for example, user1,user2.



The email addresses corresponding to the user names. Each email address is separated by a comma and must reside in the same position in the list as its corresponding user name appears on the usernames list.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

The file contains a list of passwords corresponding to the user names. Each password is separated by a comma and must reside in the same position in the list as their corresponding user name appears on the usernames list.



The name of the SMTP server.



The port number of the SMTP server.



The default FROM address (if one is not provided in the outgoing message).



The user name used for SMTP authentication.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password used for SMTP authentication. This is required only if SMTP authentication is supported by the SMTP server. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

The file includes the type of password (choose from Indirect Password/Create New User, Indirect Password/Use Existing User, and Use Cleartext Password) and Password.


Properties in the ExtensionEndpoint configGroup:

These properties apply to extension drivers.


Remote endpoint listener URL



The extension endpoint used to deliver messages where the domain part of the recipient URI matches this value.


Properties in the SMPPDriver componentType:

These properties apply to SMPP drivers.


The Account Identifier on the SMS-C.



The name (or IP address) of the SMS-C server.



The account ID that is used to send messages.



The account ID that is used to receive messages.



The type of transmitter system.



The type of receiver system.



The TCP port number of the transmitter server.



The TCP port number of the receiver server.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password of the transmitter system You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

The file contains the type of password (choose from Indirect Password/Create New User, Indirect Password/Use Existing User, and Use Cleartext Password) and Password.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password of the receiver system You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

The file contains the type of password (choose from Indirect Password/Create New User, Indirect Password/Use Existing User, and Use Cleartext Password) and Password.


Property in the WorklistDriver componentType:

This property applies to the Worklist drivers.


The URL of the BPEL server to connect to. The format is 'http://bpel-host:bpel-port'. The default behavior, if this property is not set, is to use the local container's HTTP connection URL.


Properties in the XMPPDriver componentType:

These properties apply to XMPP drivers.


The Jabber/XMPP server host name.



The corresponding Jabber/XMPP server port. The default is 5222.



The Jabber/XMPP user name with which you log in. You may also enter a complete Jabber ID if its domain name is different from the Jabber/XMPP server host name.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the corresponding password for the IMServerUsername. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.

The file contains the type of password (choose from Indirect Password/Create New User, Indirect Password/Use Existing User, Use Cleartext Password) and Password.


Table A-17 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle HTTP Server. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

For Oracle HTTP Server, there are many configGroup elements in the move plan. Each configGroup element is associated with one Oracle HTTP Server configuration file. As a result, there may be more than one instance of a particular property, such as User.

Table A-17 Move Plan Properties for Oracle HTTP Server

Property Description Sample Value


The Listen address. It can include the host name and port or just the port.

orcl3.example.com:8888 or 8888


The Oracle HTTP Server administration user.



The group for the user.



The administrator's email address.



The name of the server for Oracle HTTP Server. If the host does not have a registered DNS name, use the IP address.



The name of the host on which Oracle WebLogic Server is listening for requests.



The port number that Oracle WebLogic Server uses to listen for requests.



The name of the host on which an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster is running and its port number.



The name of the virtual host. The port number listed should also be listed in the Listen directive.



Specific to the PLSQL module, the name of a secure file containing the password. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.



Specific to the PLSQL module, the service name of the database.



Specific to the PLSQL module, the NLS_LANG variable for the database access descriptor (DAD).



Specific to the oradav module, the Oracle database to which to connect.



Specific to the oradav module, the database user (schema) to use when connecting to the service specified by the ORAConnectSN property.



Specific to the oradav module, the absolute path to the secure file containing the password for oradav. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.



The location of the SSL wallet, if the wallet is not in the default location.



The directory that stores the main content for the Web site.



The location of the alias, if it is not in the default location. Note that you change the value within the double quotation marks.



The location of the script alias, if it is not in the default location. Note that you change the value within the double quotation marks.



The location of the WebGate installation directory, as specified in the webgate.conf file.



The primary Oracle Access Manager server host.

Note that the configuration for the secondary Oracle Access Manager server host is updated automatically the first time that WebGate communicates with the primary server.



The port number for the Oracle Access Manager primary host.


Table A-18 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle Web Services Manager. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment. Do not edit the value of the configProperty id.

Table A-18 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Web Services Manager

Property Description Sample Value

Properties in the bootstrap.configmanager componentType

The bootstrap properties used by the Oracle Web Services Manager agent to connect to the Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Manager.


The URL of the policy manager. If you are using the same policy manager in the target environment as in the source environment, you do not need to modify this property.



The keystore path. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.



The truststore path. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.


Properties in the wsm.respository componentType

The Oracle Web Services Manager repository configuration in the move plan if the Policy Manager is installed in the domain. However, if you set the -mdsDataExport parameter of the copyConfig script to false, this component type will not be present in the move plan.

This component will not be present if wsm-pm is not installed in the domain.

Properties in the configurations configGroup

The domain configuration. This configGroup is present in the move plan if applications or domains are registered in the source environment or domain configuration documents are created on the source environment.

There is one configGroup per domain.


The domain name of the context for which a configuration document is created in the repository. This property is present in the move plan when you have made changes to the default configuration for a particular context.

If you do not modify this property, the configurations properties will have same context as on source environment.



The name of the principal to be used.



The path to the keytab to get the secret key for the principal. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.



The URL that specifies the location of the policy accessor.



The path to the keystore. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.



The truststore path relative to the domain configuration directory. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.



The location of the keystore used for message protection. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.


Properties in the policysets configGroup

The configuration of policy sets. This configGroup is present in the move plan if policy sets have been created in the source environment.

attach To

The scope of the policy sets. If the attachTo expression scope is DOMAIN or DOMAIN term, this property is present in the move plan. However, an exception is if it is DOMAIN("*"). In this case, the property will not be present in the move plan.


Properties in the policies configGroup

The configuration of policies. This configGroup is present in the move plan if policies with assertions have been modified in the source environment.There can be multiple configGroups, one for each policy. The ID attribute is the name of the policy for which configGroup is created.


The actual endpoint URI of the WSDL.



The actual endpoint URI of the STS port.



The name of the principal that should be used by the service.



The location of the client's keytab file. This property is present when Security Token Service (STS) is configured with Kerberos tokens.



Client's principal name.



The name of the principal that should be used by the service.



Client's principal name.



The location of the client's keytab file.


Table A-19 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle Data Integrator. Edit all properties, such as host names, port numbers, listen addresses, that have different values in the target environment.

Table A-19 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Data Integrator

Property Description Sample Value

Properties in the Master Repository configGroup:

Master repository configuration



JDBC URL for connecting to the master repository.


Schema name

The name of the schema in the target database where the target ODI repository will be created.


Schema password file

The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the schema.



The name of the ODI user SUPERVISOR.


SUPERVISOR password file

The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the ODI user SUPERVISOR.


Properties in the Physical Data Servers configProperty:

Data servers configuration


Schema name

The name of the schema for the database data servers or the directory location for file type data servers.


Work Schema

The name of the Work schema for the database data servers or the directory location for file type data servers.



JDBC URL for connecting to the data server.



User name for the physical data servers connection.


Password File

The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the user for the physical data servers connection.


Properties in the Agents configProperty:

Agents configuration


Host name

The Agent host name.


Host port

The Agent host port number.


Properties in the Work Repositories configProperty:

Work repositories configuration



JDBC URL for connecting to the work repository.



User name for connecting to the work repository.


Password File

The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the user for the physical data servers connection.
