7 BEA-000001 to BEA-2163006

BEA-000001: Server must be started by Node Manager when consensus leasing is enabled.
Cause: The server was not started by Node Manager.
Action: Start the server using Node Manager.

Level: 1


Impact: ConsensusLeasing

BEA-000002: Failed to initialize a Coherence cluster due to {0}
Cause: Failed to initialize a Coherence cluster due to {0}
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000003: Shutting down a Coherence cluster scoped to classloader {0}
Cause: Shutting down a Coherence cluster scoped to classloader {0}
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000004: Failed to shut down a Coherence cluster due to {0}
Cause: Failed to shut down a Coherence cluster due to {0}
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000005: Deployed a GAR ({0}) without a CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean definition on this server.
Cause: Deployed a GAR ({0}) without a CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean definition on this server.
Action: Create a CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean appropriately and associate it with the server, or the cluster of which this server is a member.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000006: Using localhost as the ListenAddress when generating a Coherence WKA list will not operate correctly across multiple machines.
Cause: Server {0} is configured with 'localhost' as the ListenAddress. When using Coherence WKA and not explicitly defining a WKA list, the configuration may not operate correctly across multiple machines.
Action: Specify an appropriate hostname as the ListenAddress for this server.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000007: Could not find a referenced JNDI resource.
Cause: Could not find the JNDI resource [{0}] referenced by {1}.
Action: Define the JNDI resource [{0}] referenced by {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: weblogic-coherence-integration

BEA-000101: Cannot resolve ClusterAddress: {0}
Cause: The cluster address {0} could not be resolved. ClusterAddress should be a DNS name that maps to multiple IP addresses.
Action: Set the correct ClusterAddress property for the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000102: Joining cluster {0} on {1}:{2}
Cause: The server has joined cluster {0}.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000103: Disconnecting from cluster {0}
Cause: When a server is suspended, it is no longer a member of cluster {0}.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000104: Cluster members are running incompatible versions. Local version: {0}. Remote version ({1}): {2}
Cause: This server is a different version than other servers in this cluster.
Action: Ensure that all members of this cluster are running the same version.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000105: The server is leaving the cluster because it is an incompatible version.
Cause: This server is running a different version of WebLogic Server.
Action: Set a different multicast address for this cluster. Use an address in the range of - Avoid the reserved range -

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000107: Failed to install {0} in place of those currently installed due to {1}.
Cause: An error occurred while resolving non-local conflicting offers for a node in the JNDI tree.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000108: Attempt to retract offer {0}, which is neither installed nor pending.
Cause: An attempt was made to retract an offer, which was neither previously installed nor is in the conflict resolution stage.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000109: An error occurred while sending multicast message: {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to send a message over multicast.
Action: WebLogic Server will try to recover from this error. If the problem continues to persist, make sure that the network infrastructure and NIC are functioning properly. If you believe no environment problems exist, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000110: Multicast socket receive error: {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to receive a message over the multicast.
Action: Ensure that the NIC is functioning properly. If it appears that no environment problems exist, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000111: Adding {0} with ID {2} to cluster: {1} view.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000112: Removing {0} from cluster view due to timeout.
Cause: Removing {0} from cluster as it failed to send heartbeats over the multicast in the past 30 seconds.
Action: If a server has been shut down or suspended, no action is required. If the remote server {0} appears to be hung, take thread dumps and send them to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000113: Removing {0} from cluster view due to PeerGone.
Cause: The TCP/IP connection to server {0} was lost.
Action: If a server has been shut down or suspended, no action is required. If the remote server {0} appears to be hung, take thread dumps and send them to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000114: Failed to find cluster license: {0}
Cause: A valid license file is required to run clusters.
Action: Contact an Oracle sales representative for a valid license.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000115: Lost {0} multicast message(s).
Cause: This is an informational message. When a server joins a stable cluster, this message will appear since multicast messages sent out by servers in the cluster were not received.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000116: Failed to join cluster {0} at address {1} due to: {2}.
Cause: This happens if you specify an incorrect multicast address for the cluster. Use an address in the range of - Avoid the reserved range -
Action: Set a valid multicast address and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000117: Received a stale replication request for object {0}.
Cause: This happens when a network problem exists, or one of the servers is taking a long time to collect garbage, causing the virtual machine to freeze.
Action: Tune garbage collection so that it does not pause. If the problem still persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000118: Lost {0} replication updates of object {1}.
Cause: If the secondary failed to receive some of the updates, it indicates this to the primary server by causing a NotFoundException to the primary so that the primary server can recreate the session state.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000119: Missing multicast address for cluster: {0}. Set the MulticastAddress="a.b.c.d" property for the cluster. Use an address in the range of - Avoid the reserved range -
Cause: The cluster does not have a defined multicast address.
Action: Specify a valid multicast address.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000120: Received error while creating ClusterRuntimeMBean.
Cause: The JMX framework failed to initialize the ClusterRuntimeMBean.
Action: Check the cluster configuration. If it appears that there are no configuration problems, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000121: Two domains in the same LAN should not use the same multicast address. Domains in conflict are {0} and {1}.
Cause: Two clusters on the local area network are using the same multicast address.
Action: Change the multicast address of either domain {0} or {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000122: Clusters {0} and {1} cannot use the same multicast address.
Cause: Multiple clusters in the same domain are using the same multicast address.
Action: For efficiency purposes, use two different multicast addresses.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000123: Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under the name {0} in the JNDI tree. The object {1} is non-clusterable, and you have tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only be deployed from one server.
Cause: The cluster is not homogeneous. Two servers in the cluster are providing different services under the same name {0}. If the object is non-clusterable, only one server in the cluster can provide this service.
Action: There are various options. 1. Make the object clusterable. 2. Change the JNDI name of the object under which it is bound. 3. Make sure the object gets deployed only on one server. 4. Deploy the service on all the servers. However, binding it into the JNDI tree, set the replicate bindings property to false.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000124: Conflict start: The object {1} you tried to bind under the name {0} in the JNDI tree is clusterable but is incompatible. Ensure that all the servers in the cluster use an identical copy of the object.
Cause: The object {1} is clusterable. However, it implements different or incompatible interfaces on different servers.
Action: Ensure that all the servers in the cluster use an identical copy of the object.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000125: Conflict resolved: {0} for the object {1} under the bind name {0} in the JNDI tree.
Cause: Corrective action was taken to resolve the conflict.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000126: All session objects should be serializable to replicate. Check the objects in the session. Failed to replicate a non-serializable object.
Cause: Objects in the session are not serializable or externalizable.
Action: Ensure that all user-defined objects in the HTTP session are serializable.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000127: Adding {0} to the cluster.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000128: Updating {0} in the cluster.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000129: Removing {0} from the cluster.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required unless you did not shut down a server.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000133: Waiting to synchronize with other running members of {0}.
Cause: The cluster member is waiting to synchronize cluster information with other cluster members before completing startup and entering running mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000137: Error sending multicast message: {0}.
Cause: The multicast message failed to send due to an IOException.
Action: Enable cluster debugging to see a detailed message.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000138: Listening for announcements from cluster {0} on {1}:{2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000139: There are two clusters in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server. These two clusters probably have the same name {0} and they are using the same address {1} and port {2}.
Cause: There are two clusters in the network that are possibly running different versions of WebLogic Server. These two clusters probably have the same name {0} and they are using the same address {1} and port {2}.
Action: Change either the multicast address or the multicast port.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000140: Failed to deserialize statedump from server {0} with {1}.
Cause: The server failed to deserialize an object since it does not have the class definition. This usually happens if the application classes are not deployed on all the nodes in the cluster. It is preferable to deploy beans to all the nodes of the cluster.
Action: Ensure that all the classes are available on all the nodes of the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000141: TCP/IP socket failure occurred while fetching state dump over HTTP from {0}.
Cause: An IOException occurred in the operating system.
Action: Ensure that no problems exist in the network. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support with the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000142: Trying to download cluster JNDI tree from server {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000143: Trying to download JNDI tree from a server listening on {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: If this message continues to appear, ensure that the network is stable. Contact My Oracle Support for further assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000144: Managed Server {0} has been suspended or shut down.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000145: Managed Server {0} is tagged as a migratable server. A cluster that has migratable servers should configure a JDBC data source to ensure that the migratable server is highly available.
Cause: The cluster is misconfigured.
Action: Configure the DataSourceForAutomaticMigration property.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000147: Server "{0}" failed to renew lease in the {1}.
Cause: The server failed to renew the lease on time.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000148: Migratable server "{0}" is misconfigured. For automatic migration, a pool of machines should be assigned to the cluster or each migratable server in the cluster should have at least a couple of machines assigned to it for automatic migration.
Cause: The migratable server is misconfigured.
Action: Ensure that the server is targeted to a machine and restart the migratable server.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000149: Server failed to get a connection to the {1} during {0}.
Cause: The database or the consensus leasing basis appears to be down.
Action: Ensure that the database is accessible to the cluster. In the case of consensus leasing basis the server is in the minority partition and the leasing basis is in some other partition that is not reachable.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000150: Server failed to get a connection to the {1} in the past {0} seconds for lease renewal. Server will shut itself down.
Cause: The database or consensus leasing basis appears to be down.
Action: Ensure that the database is accessible to the cluster. In the case of consensus leasing basis, the server is in the minority partition and the leasing basis is in some other partition that is not reachable.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000151: Server "{0}" has taken over the role of Cluster Master.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000152: Server "{0}" lost the privileges to be the Cluster Master.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000153: Cluster is misconfigured. For automatic migration, a pool of machines should be assigned to the cluster or each migratable server in the cluster should at least have a couple of machines assigned to it for automatic migration.
Cause: The cluster is misconfigured.
Action: Assign a pool of machines for automatic migration and refer to WebLogic Server documentation for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000154: Cluster is misconfigured. The remote cluster address {0} is not a valid URL.
Cause: The server is misconfigured.
Action: Set the correct remote cluster address and restart the servers. If it is not clear on how to set remote ClusterAddress, refer to WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000155: Configured cluster address is invalid : {0}. Constructing cluster address dynamically.
Cause: The cluster configuration is invalid.
Action: Ensure that the cluster address contains either a DNS name or a comma-separated host list (or IP list) or a comma-separated host:port list (or IP:port list).

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000156: Could not send out new attributes for cluster member {0}: {1}.
Cause: There was a problem sending out changed member attributes.
Action: Examine the server logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000158: Server has stopped sending cluster heartbeats and announcements. It is still receiving heartbeats and announcements from other cluster members.
Cause: The server is going out of the cluster as a result of the suspend or shutdown operation.
Action: No action is required

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000159: The clocks of the machines hosting local server and remote server "{0}" are off by {1} seconds
Cause: The clocks of the machines hosting servers in the cluster are not synchronized.
Action: Ensure that all the machines are synchronized to the same time.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000160: A request to synchronize the JNDI tree has been made over an insecure channel. Configure a secure HTTP channel for all of the servers in the cluster.
Cause: The cluster was configured to encrypt multicast data but the request to synchronize the JNDI tree was done on a non-secure channel (HTTP). To secure the cluster completely, configure a secure HTTP channel for all of the servers in the cluster.
Action: Configure a secure HTTP channel on all of the servers in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000161: Multicast message from server {0} appears to have been tampered with.
Cause: The authenticity of the message could not be verified.
Action: Ensure that the network is not being hijacked.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000162: Starting "{0}" replication service with remote cluster address "{1}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000163: Stopping "{0}" replication service
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000164: Synchronized cluster JNDI tree from server {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000165: Some other domain has a cluster that is configured to use the same multicast address and port as a cluster in {0}. Two domains in the same LAN should not use the same multicast address.
Cause: Two clusters on the local area network are using the same multicast address.
Action: Change the multicast address of either domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000166: Some other cluster in this domain is configured to use the same multicast address as {0}. Clusters cannot use the same multicast address.
Cause: Multiple clusters in the same domain are using the same multicast address.
Action: For efficiency purposes, use two different multicast addresses.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000167: Some services failed to roll back successfully when trying to abort the migration: {0}.
Cause: An exception caused the rollback to fail: {0}.
Action: It would be safest to shut down this server so that any lingering services will stop. They will not be automatically restarted upon reboot. Once the cause of the rollback has been fixed, attempts to migrate to this server should be successful.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000168: Failed to restart/migrate server "{0}" because of {1}
Cause: There was an error while restarting migratable server: {1}
Action: Examine the server logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000170: The server {0} did not receive the multicast packets that it sent.
Cause: Each WebLogic Server instanec is expected to receive the messages it multicast to its multicast group. Since the server does not receive its own messages, the multicast address configuration in the cluster configuration or the interface address specification may be wrong.
Action: Ensure that the cluster configuration and server interface configuration are valid

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000171: Failed to load the custom Singleton Services SQL Query Helper: {0}, because of {1}.
Cause: The most likely cause for failing to load the named class is either a typo in the name of the class or that the class is missing from the server classpath.
Action: Ensure that the provided classname is valid and that the class exists in the classpath of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000172: TCP/IP socket failure occurred while fetching state dump over HTTP from {0}. Error message received: {2}. The request was generated by {3}. {1}
Cause: An IOException occurred in the operating system.
Action: Ensure that no problems exist in the network. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support with the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000176: {0} does not specify a machine.
Cause: {0}'s configuration does not specify the machine on which it is running. Machines must be specified if scripts are to be executed when migrations happen.
Action: Specify the machine on which {0} is running in the server's console page.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000178: Failed to execute {0} because of {1}.
Cause: While trying to run {0}, an exception occurred: {1}.
Action: Check that the script, {0}, is fully debugged. It may help to run the script by hand to see if any errors are raised.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000179: {0} failed while altering its lease.
Cause: An exception occurred: {1}.
Action: Ensure that, if a database is being used for leasing, it is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000180: Unable to retrieve Job {0} from the database. The retrieval failed with {1}
Cause: An error occurred while reading a job from the database.
Action: ENsure that the classes corresponding to the job are present in the server classpath and are of the correct version.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000182: Job Scheduler created a job with ID {0} for TimerListener with description {1}
Cause: Job Scheduler created an entry in the database for a submitted job.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000183: Successfully cancelled job with ID {0}
Cause: Job Scheduler removed a job entry from the database based on application request
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000184: This server did not attempt to renew its lease for {0} seconds. The server may need to be restarted or migrated.
Cause: The thread that is supposed to regularly renew the lease has become blocked for some reason.
Action: Ensure that the server is not overloaded with work and that there are enough system resources available on the machine.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000185: Despite the delay in the lease-renewing thread, the server has successfully renewed its lease. It is no longer in imminent risk of being migrated or restarted.
Cause: The thread that is supposed to regularly renew the lease became blocked, but is running properly again and has successfully renewed the lease.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000186: An error was encountered while migrating {0}: {1}
Cause: See the error in the message body.
Action: Ensure that there are enough candidate servers running in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000187: The Singleton Service {0} is now registered on this server. This server may be chosen to host this service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000188: The Singleton Service {0} is no longer registered on this server.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000189: The Singleton Service {0} is now active on this server.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000190: The Singleton Service {0} has been deactivated on this server.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000191: Now monitoring the Migratable Server {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000192: A running server was not found to host {0}. The server will retry in a few seconds.
Cause: All running servers failed when asked to activate {0}.
Action: Ensure that there is at least one active candidate server for this service and that there is no bug in the activate() method. The service will be tried on all running servers in another few seconds.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000193: The JTA service for {0} has failed, but {0} is still running. JTA cannot be migrated from a running server.
Cause: The JTA service failed.
Action: Check the logs of {0}; {0} should be restarted once the cause of the error has been determined and fixed. Upon restart, the JTA service will be migrated and running transactions recovered.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000194: An error was encountered while trying to report a migration event: {0}.
Cause: The most likely cause is the Administration Server being unavailable. If this is intended, this message can be ignored.
Action: If monitoring information is desired, the Administration Server should be running and reachable.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000195: An error was encountered while trying to save a migration event. The error was: {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred while trying to create a runtime MBean to encapsulate this data.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000196: Received data about a migration of type {0}, but no such type is recognized by the Administration Server.
Cause: If the Managed Servers have been upgraded to a newer version of WebLogic Server, they may be reporting data that the Administration Server does not know how to handle.
Action: Upgrade the Administration Server to the same version as the cluster members.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000197: Listening for announcements from cluster using unicast cluster messaging
Cause: Unicast cluster messaging mode is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000198: All replication calls for cluster {0} must be made over channel {1}
Cause: All replication calls for cluster {0} must be made over channel {1}
Action: Check the configured channel for replication calls.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000199: Replication calls can only be made by {0} over {1} channel
Cause: Replication calls can only be made by {0} over {1} channel
Action: Check the roles of the users for whom the replication calls are being made.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-000214: WebLogic Server "{1}" version: {0} Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Cause: The startup banner used when a server starts.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000215: Loaded license: {0}.
Cause: This prints from the location from which the license file was loaded.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000220: Cannot shut down the server because the request was from a null user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to shut down since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Only users within the Administrators group can shut down the server. Retry the command with a user who has administrator credentials.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000221: Cannot shut down the server because the request was from a nameless user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to shut down since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Only users within the Administrators group can shut down the server. Retry the command with a user who has administrator credentials.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000222: Cannot disable server logins because the request was from a null user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to lock itself since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Retry the command with a user who has the privileges necessary to perform this operation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000223: Cannot disable server logins because the request was from a nameless user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to lock itself since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Retry the command with a user who has the privileges necessary to perform this operation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000224: Cannot enable server logins because the request was from a null user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to unlock itself since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Retry the command with a user who has the privileges necessary to perform this operation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000225: Cannot enable server logins because the request was from a nameless user (Principal).
Cause: The server refused to unlock itself since the command came from an unauthorized user.
Action: Retry the command with a user who has the privileges necessary to perform this operation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000226: The enabling of server logins has been requested by {0}.
Cause: The server has been requested to unlock itself and enable server logins again.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000227: Server logins have been enabled.
Cause: Server logins have been enabled.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000228: The disabling of server logins has been requested by {0}.
Cause: A LOCK command was issued by an administrator.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000229: Server logins have been disabled.
Cause: A LOCK command was issued by an administrator.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000231: Waiting {0} seconds for server shutdown.
Cause: A shutdown command was issued with a wait time. The server will wait the specified number of seconds before starting shutdown.
Action: A cancel shutdown command can be issued during the wait time to cancel the shutdown process. Otherwise no action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000232: Server shutdown is commencing now and is irreversible.
Cause: A shutdown command was issued by an administrator.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000236: Stopping execute threads.
Cause: An administrator issued a shutdown command.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000238: Shutdown has completed.
Cause: Shutdown has completed.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000240: Cannot cancel the server shutdown because the request was from a null user (Principal).
Cause: Server shutdown could not be canceled because the user account that was used to issue the cancel command does not have the appropriate privileges.
Action: The command can only be executed by a user from the administrator group. Retry the command with a user account that has administrator privilieges.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000241: Cannot cancel the server shutdown because the request was from a nameless user (Principal).
Cause: Server shutdown could not be canceled because the user account that was used to issue the cancel command does not have the appropriate privileges.
Action: The command can only be executed by a user from the administrator group. Retry the command with a user account that has administrator privilieges.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000242: Cannot cancel server shutdown because there is no shutdown in progress.
Cause: The server shutdown cannot be canceled as the server is not in the state 'Shutdown in Progress'.
Action: No action is needed. Check the Administration Console for the state of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000243: It is too late to cancel the server shutdown because the shutdown is already in progress.
Cause: The server has already started to shut down. It is too late to cancel shutdown at this point.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000244: Canceling server shutdown.
Cause: An administrator has issued a cancel shutdown operation.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000246: Server shutdown has been canceled and logins are enabled.
Cause: The cancel shutdown operation was successful.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000248: An exception occurred while trying to find a localized T3Srvr message, message ID {0}, {1}
Cause: The localized version of the message could not be found.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000249: Because the weblogic.ConsoleInputEnabled property is set to true, the server can only be shut down from the command line. Type the command "shut" in the window in which the server was started.
Cause: The weblogic.ConsoleInputEnabled property was set true on the server startup command line.
Action: To shut down the server, type the command "shut" in the window in which the server was started.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000251: The server switched to the group "{0}".
Cause: A non-privileged group was specifed. The server switched to the specified group after starting.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000252: Cannot switch to the group "{0}". {1}
Cause: The server was unable to switch to the specified group.
Action: Ensure that the specified group exists.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000253: Switched to the user "{0}".
Cause: A non-privileged user was specified. The server switched to the specified user after starting.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000254: Cannot switch to the user "{0}". {1}
Cause: The server could not switch to the specified non-privileged user.
Action: Ensure that the specified user exists.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000256: Invoking {0}.main({1})
Cause: The server configuration specifies startup and shutdown classes to run.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000257: Exception reading command: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while reading commands from the shell window.
Action: Disable the shell command input property weblogic.ConsoleInputEnabled.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000258: Command [{0}]
Cause: The Administration Console received the specified command and is about to execute it.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000259: Administration Console: profiling enabled.
Cause: Profiling has been enabled in the Administration Console.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000260: Administration Console: profiling disabled.
Cause: Profiling has been disabled in the Administration Console.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000261: The system user is not permitted to shut down, {0}.
Cause: The server was not shut down because the user is not authorized to shut down the server.
Action: See the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem. See the previous log messages for more information on authorization failure. If the user does not have permission to shut down the server, but should, use the Administration Console to define a policy for this server that allows the user to shut down.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000262: No such command: {0}.
Cause: The unknown command was entered.
Action: Refer to the list of known commands.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000263: GC: before free/total={0}/{1} ({2}%).
Cause: The GS statistics are shown before forcing GC.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000264: GC: after free/total={0}/{1} ({2}%).
Cause: The GS statistics are shown after forcing GC.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000265: Attempt to unbind ClientContext "{0}" that is not bound.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000266: {0} has {1,choice,1#one pending ExecuteRequest|2#{1,number} pending ExecuteRequests}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000267: {0} had a negative workQueueDepth of {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000268: Failed to send unsolicted message "{0}" to client, {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality
Action: Deprecated functionality

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000269: The connection to the client using "{0}" has been unexpectedly lost due to {1}. The server is initiating a hard disconnect.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000270: Timing out "{0}" because it was idle.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000271: Ignoring a repeated request to schedule the death of "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000272: Scheduling the death of "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000273: Removing "{0}" because of hard disconnect timeout.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000274: Removing "{0}" because of soft disconnect timeout.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000275: Soft disconnect pending for {0,choice,0#less than a minute|1#one minute|2#{0} minutes}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000276: Hard disconnect pending for {0,choice,0#less than a minute|1#one minute|2#{0} minutes}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000277: Idle disconnect pending for {0,choice,0#less than a minute|1#one minute|2#{0} minutes}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000283: Failed to marshal response, {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality
Action: Deprecated functionality

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000284: Unexpected failure to marshal response, {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality
Action: Deprecated functionality

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000286: Failed to invoke startup class "{0}", {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in a startup class.
Action: Determine the error in the startup class code and restart the server. To work around the problem, set the "abort on startup failure" property to false.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000287: Invoking startup class: {0}.startup({1}).
Cause: The startup class was invoked with the specified arguments.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000288: {0} reports: {1}.
Cause: The return value of the startup class was logged.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000289: Failed to invoke shutdown class "{0}", {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in a shutdown class.
Action: Determine the error in the shutdown class code and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000290: Invoking shutdown class: {0}.shutdown({1}).
Cause: The server is invoking shutdown classes as a part of shutdown.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000291: {0} reports: {1}.
Cause: The server logs the return value of the shutdown class.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000297: Inconsistent security configuration, {0}
Cause: An exception occurred in SSL initialization.
Action: Look at the exception in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000298: Certificate expires in {0} days: {1}
Cause: The certificate is about to expire.
Action: Obtain a new server certificate or trusted CA certificate before it expires.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000306: Cannot use SSL because no certificates have been specified in the WebLogic Server configuration.
Cause: No certificates can be found for use by SSL.
Action: If using a keystore for the server certificate, set the ServerPrivateKeyAlias in the SSL MBean. If using the Server Certificate File, ensure that valid certificates are contained within the file.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000307: Exportable key maximum lifespan set to {0} uses.
Cause: The server logs the exportable key maximum lifespan so it is clear what lifespan is being used.
Action: Verify that the lifespan is the desired value.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000314: The execution class "{0}" did not retrieve a T3Executable or T3ExecutableLazy.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000315: Unexpected failure of T3ExecutableLazy, {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000316: enableWatchDog() is not permitted from within a server.
Cause: Deprecated functionality
Action: Deprecated functionality

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000317: disableWatchDog() is not permitted from within a server.
Cause: Deprecated functionality
Action: Deprecated functionality

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000320: Error creating runtime MBean for execute queue {0}.
Cause: An internal system error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support with the server logs.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000329: Started the WebLogic Server Administration Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" running in production mode.
Cause: The production mode of the server is enabled.
Action: Set the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled property of the domain in the startup script to change the server mode.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000330: Started the WebLogic Server Managed Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" running in production mode.
Cause: The production mode of the server is enabled.
Action: Set the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled property of the domain in the startup script file to change the server mode.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000331: Started the WebLogic Server Administration Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" running in development mode.
Cause: The production mode of the server is disabled (default).
Action: Set the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled property of the domain in the configuration script to change the server mode.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000332: Started the WebLogic Server Managed Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" running in development mode.
Cause: The production mode of the server is disabled (default).
Action: Set the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled property of the domain in the startup script to change the server mode.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000333: Queue usage is greater than QueueLengthThresholdPercent "{0}%" of the maximum queue size. An attempt will be made to allocate ThreadsIncrease "{1}" thread(s) to help.
Cause: The server is under high load.
Action: Review the execute queue settings.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000337: {0} has been busy for "{1}" seconds working on the request "{2}", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "{3}" seconds in "{4}". Stack trace: {5}
Cause: The server is extremely busy or the thread is hung.
Action: Monitor the method that the hung thread is running. Use the Administration Console monitor execute request feature or take a thread dump (weblogic.Admin THREAD_DUMP).

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000339: {0} has become "unstuck".
Cause: A thread previously stuck is now available.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000342: Unable to initialize the server: {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred during the server initialization.
Action: Analyze the weblogic.log file to determine why the server did not initialize completely.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000343: The health monitor for "{0}" failed to register because of exception "{1}".
Cause: Refer to the exception printed in the log message.
Action: Refer to the exception printed in the log message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000344: The health monitor for "{0}" failed to unregister because of exception "{1}".
Cause: Refer to the exception printed in the log message.
Action: Refer to the exception printed in the log message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000357: Started WebLogic Server independent Managed Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" running in development mode.
Cause: The server started with the Managed Server independence mode enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000358: Started WebLogic Server independent Managed Server "{0}" for the domain "{1}" running in production mode.
Cause: The production mode of the server is enabled.
Action: Set the ProductionModeEnabled property of the domain in the configuration file to change the server mode.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000360: The server started in {0} mode.
Cause: The startup mode was set to SUSPENDED.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000362: Server failed. Reason: {0}
Cause: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000365: Server state changed to {0}.
Cause: The server progressed through the startup or shutdown sequence.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000366: The server failed to shut down. Exception: {0}
Cause: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000371: An error occurred during server shutdown: {0}.
Cause: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000374: Waiting for ExecuteQueue {0} to finish {1} pending requests.
Cause: The server found pending requests in one of the execute queues while suspending. The server will wait for the requests to complete.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000377: Starting WebLogic Server with {0} Version {1} from {2}.
Cause: The server is starting.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000378: The server failed to shut down within the configured timeout of {0} seconds. The server process will now exit.
Cause: Forced shutdown is taking too long to complete.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000381: ServerLifeCycle operation failed. Message: {0} {1}
Cause: A server operation, such as shutdown, failed.
Action: If the error is not application related, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000382: A critical service failed. The server will automatically transition to the ADMIN state.
Cause: A server lifecycle operation or a critical service failed.
Action: The server logs contain information about the failure. If the error is not application related, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000383: A critical service failed. The server will shut itself down.
Cause: A critical service failed.
Action: The server logs contain information about the failure. If the error is not application related, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000384: A fatal configuration failure occurred during startup. Check if the config.xml file contains invalid entries. Reason: {0}
Cause: The server failed to start due to invalid configuration.
Action: Check if the config.xml file contains invalid entries. Contact My Oracle Support for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000385: Server health failed. Reason: {0}
Cause: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000386: Server subsystem failed. Reason: {0}
Cause: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000388: JVM called the WebLogic Server shutdown hook. The server will force shutdown now.
Cause: The JVM called the WebLogic Server shutdown hook. The server will force shutdown now.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000394: Deadlock detected: {0}.
Cause: There are threads deadlocked in the server.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support if the deadlock involves WebLogic Server internal code.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000395: The following extensions directory contents added to the end of the classpath: {0}.
Cause: Extensions directory contents were added to the classpath.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000396: Server {0} has been requested by {1}.
Cause: A request was made to perform the specified server operation.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000398: WebLogic Server "{0}" for domain "{1}" is running with class caching enabled in production mode. Class caching is not supported in production mode. Disable class caching by setting CLASS_CACHE to "false" in the startWeblogic script and then restarting the server.
Cause: Class caching is turned on by default when server production mode is enabled.
Action: Set the CLASS_CACHE to false in the startWeblogic script and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicServer

BEA-000401: Socket queue full, dropping socket {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000402: There are: {0} active sockets, but the maximum number of socket reader threads allowed by the configuration is: {1}. The configuration may need altered.
Cause: When non-native I/O is used, I/O is performed in a blocking manner. Therefore, if the number of socket reader threads is less than the number of active sockets, performance may degrade significantly.
Action: Optimally, increase the ThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders, or the ThreadPoolSize, or both. Optimally, decrease the SocketReaderTimeoutMinMillis, or the SocketReaderTimeoutMaxMillis, or both.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000403: IOException occurred on socket: {0} {1}.
Cause: An unexpected IOException occurred while performing I/O for the socket.
Action: Check network connectivity. If the situation persists after environmental issues are resolved, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000404: ThreadDeath in processSockets {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000405: Uncaught Throwable in processSockets {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000406: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000409: Problem on socket: {0} {1}
Cause: An exception occurred while registering the socket with the muxer. It is possible that the file descriptor cannot be obtained from the socket.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000414: Could not initialize the POSIX performance pack.
Cause: The shared library for the POSIX performance pack could not be loaded.
Action: Ensure that the muxer shared library (libmuxer.so) exists in a directory that is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000415: System has file descriptor limits of soft: {0}, hard: {1}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000416: Using effective file descriptor limit of: {0} open sockets and files.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000421: Uncaught Throwable in processSockets {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000429: Muxer received error: {0} {1}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while processing socket I/O requests.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000431: Accepted connection: filtering is set to: "{0}", remote address: "{1}", remote port: "{2,number,0}", local address: "{3}", local port: "{4,number,0}", protocol: "{5}"
Cause: This is an informational message for the administrator.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000432: Unable to load performance pack. Using Java I/O instead. {0}
Cause: The native library for the performance pack was unable to be loaded.
Action: Ensure that the classpath and the environment is set up properly. If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000435: Unable to initiate read for the socket. The maximum allowed number of pending I/O requests ({0}) has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000436: Allocating {0} reader threads.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000437: The default setting for MuxerClass was overridden and no muxer class name was specified. Resorting to implementation class: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000438: Unable to load performance pack. Using Java I/O instead. {0}
Cause: The native performance pack was unable to be loaded.
Action: Ensure that the appropriate path for the native libraries is set properly in the environment.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000439: Unable to create the Java socket muxer.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Ensure that the classpath is set properly. If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000440: Unable to initiate I/O for {0} {1}.
Cause: The initiation of the I/O operation failed, which could have been caused by the network, I/O or other problems. It could also have been an internal error.
Action: Correct any conditions as suggested by the error message, if applicable. If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000441: Unable to find internal data record for the socket {0}, with I/O completion result {1}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000442: The connection attempt was rejected because the incoming protocol is not enabled on channel "{0}".
Cause: The connection attempt was rejected because a protocol was not enabled for this server, as determined by the ServerMBean, or was not enabled on this particular channel.
Action: Enable the protocol on the channel.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000443: The connection attempt was rejected because the incoming protocol {1} is not enabled on channel {0}.
Cause: The connection attempt was rejected because the {1} protocol was not enabled for this server, as determined by the ServerMBean, or was not enabled on this particular channel.
Action: Enable the {1} protocol on the channel.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000444: Could not load the performance pack that can take advantage of the /dev/(e)poll device due to: {0}. Will attempt to use the performance pack that does not depend on the /dev/(e)poll device.
Cause: The operating system does not support the /dev/(e)poll or the device is not initialized.
Action: Ensure that the operating system supports the /dev/(e)poll device.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000445: Connection rejected, filter blocked {0}, {1}
Cause: The incoming message was not recognized as one of the supported protocols.
Action: Ensure that the server is configured for the relevant protocol.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000446: Native I/O enabled.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000447: Native I/O disabled. Using Java I/O.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000448: Socket channel support has been enabled for a JVM on which the feature is unsupported.
Cause: This error is caused by turning on a feature that is not supported on the underlying JVM.
Action: Either disable socket channel support or use a JVM version on which this feature is supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000449: Closing the socket, as no data read from it on {1}:{2} during the configured idle timeout of {0} seconds.
Cause: The WebLogic Server instance or the network may be overloaded, which is causing the socket to idle timeout.
Action: Capacity tuning of the server is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000451: Closing the socket, as end of file is encountered while reading from the socket to the ONS server at {0}.
Cause: The connection to the remote Oracle Notification Server (ONS) process might have been disconnected.
Action: Check the status of the remote ONS process.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000452: An exception occurred on the socket to the ONS server at {0}: {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred while reading from the socket. The connection to the remote Oracle Notification Server (ONS) process might have been disconnected.
Action: Check the network connectivity to the remote ONS process. If the situation persists after environmental issues are resolved, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000453: An exception occurred while processing the message sent from the ONS at {0}: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while parsing the message received from the remote ONS.
Action: Check the ONS log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000454: Unable to establish connection to the remote ONS process at {0}:{1}. Exception occurred while doing handshake: {2}
Cause: An exception occurred while doing handshake with the remote ONS process.
Action: Check the exception and ONS log file for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000455: Attempting to remove unregistered HandshakeCompletedListener: class={0}, instance={1}.
Cause: The unregistered HandshakeCompletedListener: class={0}, instance={1}, is attempting to be removed.
Action: The unregistered HandshakeCompletedListener: class={0}, instance={1}, is attempting to be removed.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000456: Unable to load performance pack. Using Java I/O instead.
Cause: The native library for the performance pack could not be loaded.
Action: Ensure that the classpath and the environment is set up properly. If the situation persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000457: NIOInputStream received error while closing java.nio.channels.Selector: : {0} {1}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while processing socket I/O requests.
Action: If the situation persists, capture the errors and send the server log files to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000458: {0}
Cause: See the message body.
Action: Review the message body to determine the appropriate action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Socket

BEA-000501: Peergone send failed - target unreachable.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000502: Peergone send failed - target already gone.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000503: Incoming message header or abbreviation processing failed. {0}
Cause: While processing an incoming message an error was encountered. It is likely that the message was corrupted.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000504: Unmarshal exception: received illegal command code: {0}
Cause: A message containing an invalid command code was received. This message cannot be processed. One of the possible reasons is that the message was corrupted in transit.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000505: Peer did not send us a valid heartbeat interval; using the default heartbeat specified as a property.
Cause: The incoming message has an invalid heartbeat interval. This is either due to message corruption in transit or to an invalid choice for the heartbeat interval on the peer that is attempting to establish communication with this JVM.
Action: If the peer that is attempting to establish communication is overriding the default heartbeat interval, ensure that a valid interval is used. If not, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000506: Closing: {0} because of {1}
Cause: This JVM has received an incoming message that is incompatible with the way the protocols are supposed to work.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000507: Could not create/send request to close duplicate connection message. {0}
Cause: Creation or sending of the message to request closing a connection caused an I/O error.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000508: ID: {0} in use by: {1}, can not install {2}
Cause: The ID {0} is already associated with and in use by {1} and hence cannot be used in association with {2}.
Action: Ensure that unique IDs are used in registration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000509: Finder not initialized.
Cause: This JVM was created without a valid finder.
Action: Ensure that a valid finder is used when creating this JVM.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000510: Unsolicited response: {0}
Cause: A duplicate response has been received for a request that has already received its response.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000511: Unsolicited error response for: {0}
Cause: A duplicate error response was received for a request that has already received its response or its error response.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is necessary. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000512: New heartbeat period: {0} is different from established heartbeat period: {1}; using established heartbeat period

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000513: Failure in heartbeat trigger for RJVM: {0}. {1}
Cause: This error indicates a temporary failure in the heartbeat trigger mechanism.
Action: No action is required. This is usually a temporary failure.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000514: openConnection() failed. {0}
Cause: Possible causes are an invalid target address or the target not being active or reachable.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000515: execute failed {0}
Cause: A failure was encountered when handling the incoming HTTP message.
Action: This is most likely a temporary situation. No action is required. If this situation continues, contact My Oracle Support with the server logs and configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000519: Unable to connect to a remote server on address {1} and port {2,number,0} with protocol {0}. The exception is {3}
Cause: The target is either not reachable or is not active.
Action: Ensure that the target is active.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000570: Network Configuration for Channel "{0}" Listen Address {1} Public Address {2} Http Enabled {3} Tunneling Enabled {4} Outbound Enabled {5} Admin Traffic Enabled {6}

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000572: The server rejected a connection attempt {0} probably due to an incorrect firewall configuration or administrative command.
Cause: The incoming connection attempt was probably made through an address translating firewall. WebLogic Server needs to be correctly configured for this to work. This message can also occur if an administration connection attempt, requiring administrator level security, is made on a non-administrative port.
Action: Configure the public and private addresses for this WebLogic Server instance to reflect the configuration of the firewall. The private address is the actual address the server is running. The public address is the address that external clients use to connect.

Level: 1


Impact: RJVM

BEA-000600: Callback {0} failed: {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000601: AdminProxyWatchDog: Enabled. Interval = {0} secs.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000602: AdminProxyWatchDog: Enable failed.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000603: AdminProxyWatchDog: Disabled.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000604: AdminProxyWatchDog: Disable failed.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000605: Connectivity lost to WatchDog Client. Shutting down.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000606: AdminProxyWatchDog: No echo received in last {0} minutes. Shutting down.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000607: AdminProxyWatchDog: Echo Received.
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000608: AdminProxyWatchDog: Tick. diff = {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000609: An error occurred during server shutdown: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000611: No resources in the pool {0} will be tested, as the specified MaxUnavailable {1} has been reached.
Cause: The application MaxUnavailable attribute for this pool has been configured. Since the number of unavailable resources in the pool has reached or exceeded the configured limit, no more resources will be tested. Resources become unavailable to the application during the testing.
Action: Tune the MaxUnavailable attribute for the pool if so desired.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000612: All {1} resource instances currently available in the pool {0} are being tested.
Cause: This is a warning indicating that all currently available resources in the pool are being tested, and therefore some or all of them may become unavailable to the application for a short time.
Action: Reduce the current setting of the MaxUnavailable attribute for the pool.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000613: Testing of resources upon creation has been dynamically enabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000614: Testing of resources upon creation has been dynamically disabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000615: Testing of resources when being reserved has been dynamically disabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000616: Testing of resources when being reserved has been dynamically enabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000617: Testing of resources when being released has been dynamically enabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000618: Testing of resources when being released has been dynamically disabled for pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000619: Unable to forcibly release resource "{1}" back into the pool "{0}". Received exception: {2}.
Cause: As part of the InactiveResourceTimeout feature, resources that are found to be inactive for the configured period of time are forcibly released back into the pool. The operation could not be performed for the indicated reason.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000620: Forcibly releasing inactive resource "{1}" back into the pool "{0}".
Cause: The resource was found to be unused by the application for the specified duration and is being forcibly released back into pool.
Action: Check application code for leakages of resource objects or tune the configured value of the relevant pool attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000621: Expected RemoteException, RuntimeException, or Error {0}
Cause: An unexpected low-level message was sent to the server.
Action: This is likely due to an internal client/server error that should be reported to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000622: Ignoring an attempt to release resource "{1}" to pool "{0}" after the pool has been shut down.
Cause: Application is trying to release a resource to a pool after the pool has been shut down.
Action: Check application behavior. All resources should be closed before the application is shut down.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000623: Setting CapacityIncrement for pool "{0}" to 1. The specified value of "{1}" is not valid.
Cause: The application had specified an invalid value for CapacityIncrement.
Action: Check and correct the specified value for CapacityIncrement for the indicated pool.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000624: Setting frequency of testing of free resources in pool "{0}" to five seconds since the specified value of "{1}" is not valid.
Cause: The application had specified an invalid value for the test frequency.
Action: Check and correct the specified value for TestFrequencySeconds for the indicated pool.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000625: The application has disabled periodic testing of free resources in pool "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000626: Free resources in pool "{0}" will be tested every "{1}" seconds.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000627: Reached maximum capacity of pool "{0}", making "{2}" new resource instances instead of "{1}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000628: Created "{1}" resources for pool "{0}", out of which "{2}" are available and "{3}" are unavailable.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000629: Recreated "{2}" out of "{1}" resources for pool "{0}".
Cause: As part of forcibly suspending a pool, all resources currently in use are destroyed and recreated. This message indicates that not all required resources were recreated.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000630: Unable to create "{1}" resources for pool "{0}".
Cause: As part of the ConnectionCreationRetry feature, pools periodically attempt to create unavailable resources. This message indicates that, in the current attempt, the indicated number of resources could not be created.
Action: Check if the failure condition that prevents the resources from being created (for example, database server or downed network connectivity to it) is still persisting.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000631: Unknown resource "{1}" being released to pool "{0}": {2}
Cause: The application is trying to release a resource to a pool that is no longer part of the pool. This could happen if the pool was forcibly suspended (which results in all borrowed resources being closed and replaced with new ones) while the resource was borrowed by the application.
Action: Check the application behavior.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000632: Resource Pool "{0}" shutting down, ignoring {1} resources still in use by applications.
Cause: The administrator is shutting down the pool while applications are still using resources they have obtained from the pool. It is possible that these resources may have been leaked by the applications.
Action: Check the application behavior.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000633: Resource Pool "{0}" suspending due to consecutive number of resource creation failures exceeding threshold of {1}
Cause: Resource creation or resource tests have repeatedly failed.
Action: Determine the cause of resource failures and take corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000634: Resource hang detected for pool "{0}", group "{1}". Waited {2} milliseconds where a typical test has been taking {3}.
Cause: Resource tests have been taking longer than expected.
Action: Correct the condition that causes the resource tests to block for extended periods of time.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000635: Resource Pool "{0}", group "{1}" disabled due to number of resource creation or test failures exceeding threshold of {2}.
Cause: Resource creation or resource tests have repeatedly failed.
Action: Determine the cause of resource failures and correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000636: Resource Pool "{0}", group "{1}" enabled.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000637: Resource Pool "{0}" resuming due to successful resource creation or test.
Cause: This is an informmational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000638: Resource Pool "{0}" is being suspended by an external command (multi data source or console or other).
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000639: Resource Pool "{0}" is being force-suspended by an external command (multi data source or console or other).
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000640: Resource Pool "{0}" resuming by external command (multi data source or console or other).
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Common

BEA-000701: Unable to mount the fileSystem named {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000702: Unable to unmount the fileSystem named {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000703: Unable to get fileSystem context from Root {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000704: Cannot create file system at {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000705: Created file system at {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000706: Unable to find remote file {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000707: Unable to open remote file {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000708: T3RemoteOutputStreamProxy: write timed out or interrupted - {0}, {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000709: T3RemoteOutputStreamProxy: flush timed out or interrupted - {0}, {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000710: TimeRepeat trigger scheduled to run at a date in the past : {0}, trigger will not repeat
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000711: Uncaught throwable in run {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000712: Exception invoking {0} {1}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000713: Exception closing stream {0}
Cause: Deprecated functionality.
Action: Deprecated functionality.

Level: 1


Impact: T3Misc

BEA-000800: {0} stopped.
Cause: A ThreadDeath exception caused a shutdown.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000801: ExecuteRequest: {0} cancelled.
Cause: This only happens when WebLogic Server is used in conjunction with an IDE, which uses JVMDI to cancel in-flight requests. If this occurs in normal operation, contact My Oracle Support.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000802: ExecuteRequest failed {0}.
Cause: An execute request generated an exception that was not handled.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000803: The Class {0} has a setter {1} for attribute {2} which does not have a constructor that could be initialized from a String value of {3}.
Cause: No constructor that takes a String argument was found for the declared attribute type.
Action: Provide a constructor with a String argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000804: The Class {0} attribute {1} could not be initialized with value {2}. The exception message is {3}.
Cause: See the exception stack trace for details.
Action: Take the appropriate action based on the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000805: The self-tuning thread pool is disabled. An execute queue will be created for each Work Manager definition.
Cause: The server is starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000807: Work Manager {0} has reached its capacity. It is rejecting from thread {1}. The message is {2}. Throwable is {3}.
Cause: This is a Work Manager bug.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000808: The executing thread is a non-WebLogic Server thread. Modify the application to use the Commonj Work Manager API.
Cause: The use of an application spawned a Java thread instead of the Commonj Work Manager API.
Action: Modify the application to use the Commonj Work Manager APIs.

Level: 1


Impact: Kernel

BEA-000902: A duplicate expression was found in the system property {0}.nonProxyHosts: {1}.
Cause: The system property {0}.nonProxyHosts contains a pipe character delimited list of hosts, which should be connected to directly and not through the proxy server.
Action: Check the system property {0}.nonProxyHosts. The value can be a list of hosts, each separated by a |. In addition, a wildcard character (*) can be used for matching. For example: -D{0}.nonProxyHosts="*.foo.com|localhost".

Level: 1


Impact: Net

BEA-000903: Failed to communicate with proxy: {0}/{1}. Will try connection {2}/{3} now.
Cause: An IOException was received while communicating with the proxy server.
Action: Check the exception for more information. Check if the proxy is running by pinging the proxy: {0}/{1} from the same machine.

Level: 1


Impact: Net

BEA-000904: {0} initializing the URL stream handler with custom factory: {1}.
Cause: The factory class that was specified against the system property weblogic.net.http.URLStreamHandlerFactory failed to load or invoke.
Action: Check the system property weblogic.net.http.URLStreamHandlerFactory. This property is used to set a custom URLStreamHandlerFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: Net

BEA-000905: Could not open connection with host: {0} and port: {1}.
Cause: The connection attempt failed.
Action: Ensure that the server is running on the specified host and port.

Level: 1


Impact: Net

BEA-001035: The following error has occurred: {0}.
Cause: The embedded message should contain an explanation of the failure.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001058: Could not get JNDI context: {0}
Cause: Look at the printed exception to see why the call failed.
Action: Correct the problem and re-run the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001064: Ignoring the property "enableTwoPhaseCommit" for JDBCTxDataSource "{0}". This property is used only for those drivers that do not natively support XA.
Cause: The property EnableTwoPhaseCommit was configured to "true" for an XADataSource and will be ignored.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001066: Delaying {0,number} seconds before making a {1} pool connection.
Cause: Some databases cannot handle a tight loop of making multiple connections from one application. If this is the case and the delay is more than 2 seconds, this message will be printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001067: Connection for pool "{0}" refreshed.
Cause: A connection for the specified pool has been refreshed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001068: Connection for pool "{0}" created.
Cause: A connection for the specified pool has been created.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001072: Connection for XA pool "{0}" created.
Cause: A connection for the specified XA pool has been created.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001073: Connection for XA pool "{0}" refreshed.
Cause: A connection for the specified XA pool has been refreshed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001074: A JDBC pool connection leak has been detected. A connection leak occurs when a connection obtained from the pool was not closed explicitly by calling close() and then was disposed by the garbage collector and returned to the data source connection pool. The following stack trace at create shows where the leaked connection was created. {0}
Cause: A JDBC pool connection leak was detected. A connection leak occurs when a connection obtained from the pool was not closed explicitly by calling close() and then was disposed by the garbage collector and returned to the data source connection pool. A stack trace is printed indicating where the leaked connection was created.
Action: Close the connection appropriately.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001076: An attempt has been made to release a connection that belongs to a non-existing pool. Ensure that the pool "{0}" has been destroyed by intent.
Cause: An attempt was made to release a connection that belongs to a non-existing pool.
Action: Correct the destroy operation to specify a valid pool name.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001083: Multi data source "{0}" was created with {1,number} connection pools for {2}.
Cause: A multi data source was created with the specified number of connection pools.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001084: Multi data source "{0}" will be shutdown
Cause: The specified multi data source is being shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001086: Data source "{0}" with JNDI name "{1}" will be shut down.
Cause: The specified data source is being shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001089: Data source connection pool {0} has been started for application {1}, module {2}.
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001099: Data source connection pool "{0}" reset by "{1}".
Cause: The specified connection pool has been reset.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001100: Data source connection pool "{0}" shut down by "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been shut down, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001101: Data source connection pool "{0}" disabled by "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been disabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001102: Data source connection pool "{0}" enabled by "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001104: A globally scoped data source connection pool named ({0}) already exists.
Cause: When adding or referencing a JDBC data source connection pool that is an application-scoped pool, a globally scoped data source connection pool with the same name already exists. The locally scoped pool has precedence over the global pool.
Action: If you want to reference the global pool in your application, the name of the global pool or the application-scoped pool must be changed to be unique.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001105: Referenced global pool ({0}) has the same name as a locally defined data source connection pool or data source ({1}).
Cause: When deploying a JDBC data source connection pool (not application-scoped) an application (locally) scoped data source connection pool with the same name already exists. The locally scoped pool has precedence over the global pool.
Action: If you want to reference the global pool in your application, the name of the global pool or the application-scoped pool must be changed to be unique.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001107: There is a globally defined data source ({0}) with the same JNDI name ({1}) as a locally defined data source.
Cause: It is possible to use a resource descriptor with application-scoped pools. If the local JNDI lookup reveals that there is a pool with the JNDI name that is specified in the resource descriptor, it is assumed that this is a pool that the application meant to use and it is bound into comp/env. However, a check in the global namespace indicates that there is also a global pool with the same JNDI name.
Action: If you want to reference the global pool in your application, the JNDI name of the global pool or the application-scoped pool must be changed to be unique.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001108: A locally scoped pool ({0}) was bound into comp/env with the JNDI name ({1}).
Cause: It is possible to use a resource descriptor with application-scoped pools. If the local JNDI lookup reveals that there is a pool with the JNDI name specified in the resource-descriptor, it is assumed that this is the pool that the application meant to use and it is bound into comp/env.
Action: No action is required. If this association is not desired, specify a unique JNDI name in the resource descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001109: A globally scoped pool ({0}) was bound into comp/env with the JNDI name ({1}).
Cause: It is possible to use a resource descriptor with global data source connection pools. If the JNDI lookup reveals that there is a pool with the JNDI name that is specified in the resource descriptor, it is assumed that this is the pool that the application was meant to use and it is bound into comp/env.
Action: No action is required. If this association is not desired, specify a unique JNDI name in the resource descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001110: No test table set up for pool "{0}". Connections will not be tested.
Cause: TestConnectionsOnReserve, TestConnectionsOnRelease, TestConnectionsOnCreate, TestFrequencySeconds were configured but TestTableName was not configured.
Action: Configure a valid TestTableName for the data source connection pool.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001111: Unable to verify the test "{1}" set up for pool "{0}". Connections will not be tested. The test will not be used by isValid either.
Cause: While creating a data source connection pool with the attributes specified to test the pool connections, a test is run during the pool initialization. This test failed with the printed error.
Action: Check the SQL error that occurred and correct the problem. The specified TestTableName might not exist.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001112: Test "{1}" set up for pool "{0}" failed with exception: "{2}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been configured with one or more attributes to test the pool connections. One of those test attempts failed. The associated error is printed.
Action: Check the associated error to see what the problem is and correct it. Normally, this indicates that a connection was lost to the database (the database is down). This needs to be corrected by the database administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001113: Data source connection pool "{0}" shrunk by "{1}".
Cause: The data source connection pool has been shrunk by the specified amount as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001114: Soft shutdown called on data source connection pool "{0}" by "{1}".
Cause: A soft shutdown operation on the specified data source connection pool has been started, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001115: Hard shutdown called on data source connection pool "{0}" by "{1}".
Cause: A hard shutdown operation on the specified data source connection pool has been started, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001116: Disable and freeze users called on data source connection pool "{0}" by "{1}".
Cause: An operation to disable and freeze users on the specified data source connection pool has been started, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001117: Disable and drop users called on data source connection pool "{0}" by "{1}".
Cause: An operation to disable and drop users on the specified data source connection pool has been started, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001118: Unable to register for receiving MBean notifications of dynamic configurations changes for data source connection pool "{0}": "{1}". Pool will not be dynamically reconfigured.
Cause: The server was unable to register for receiving MBean notifications of dynamic configurations changes for the specified data source connection pool. The connection pool will not be dynamically reconfigured.
Action: Check the exception that is printed along with this message to see what the cause of the failure was.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001119: Unable to delete configuration MBean for pool "{0}": "{1}"
Cause: While doing a forced shutdown, the data source connection pool was removed but the associated MBean for the connection pool was not removed.
Action: Check the exception that is printed along with this message to see what the cause of the failure was.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001120: Created data source named {0} for Pool {1}.
Cause: There was a user request to create a data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001121: Created TX data source named {0} for Pool {1}.
Cause: The user requested that the TX data source be created, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001122: Destroyed TX data source named {0} for Pool {1}.
Cause: There was a user request to destroy the TX data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001123: Destroyed data source named {0} for Pool {1}.
Cause: There was a user request to destroy the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001124: Created Connection Pool named {0}.
Cause: There was a user request to create the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001125: Created multi data source named {0}.
Cause: There was a user request to create the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001126: Destroyed Connection Pool named {0}.
Cause: There was a user request to destroy the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001127: Destroyed multi data source named {0}.
Cause: There was a user request to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001128: Connection for pool "{0}" has been closed.
Cause: A connection for the specified data source connection pool has been closed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001129: Received exception while creating connection for pool "{1}": {0}.
Cause: The exception message should indicate the probable cause of the error.
Action: Check the error to see why the connection creation failed and correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001130: Disabled statement caching for connection in pool "{0}" as it is using the WebLogic Type-2 XA driver.
Cause: Statement caching was disabled for the specified data source connection pool because it is using the WebLogic Type-2 XA driver. This driver has a limitation based on the implementation using the ORACLE OCI interface. Cursors are closed when the XAResource.end is called, causing all prepared statements to be no longer valid.
Action: No action is required. Use a different driver if you want to use the prepared statement cache with the driver.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001131: Received an exception when closing a cached statement for the pool "{0}": {1}.
Cause: When closing a prepared statement in the prepared statement cache for the specified data source connection pool, an error occurred.
Action: Check the associated error that is printed and, if possible, correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001132: Initialized statement cache of size "{1}" for connection in pool "{0}".
Cause: A prepared statement cache has been enabled for a connection in the specified data source connection pool.
Action: No action is required. If you do not want statement caching turned on for the pool, do not configure or disable it.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001133: Statement caching is not enabled for connection in specified data source connection pool "{0}".
Cause: A configured data source connection pool has been started without statement caching being enabled.
Action: No action is required. If you want statement caching turned on for the pool, configure and enable it.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001134: Statement caches of connections in the data source connection pool "{0}" have been cleared by "{1}".
Cause: The statement caches for connections in the specified data source connection pool have been cleared, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001135: Initializing the JDBC service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001136: Initialization failed.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001137: Initialization complete.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001138: Resuming the JDBC service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001139: Resume failed.
Cause: Check earlier messages that are printed in the log.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001140: Resume complete.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001141: Suspending the JDBC service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001142: Suspend of JDBC service failed.
Cause: Check earlier messages that are printed in the log.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001143: Suspend completed.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001144: Force Suspending the JDBC service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001145: Force suspend of the JDBC service failed.
Cause: Check earlier messages that are printed in the log.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001146: Force suspend of the JDBC service completed.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001147: Shutting down the JDBC service.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001148: Shutdown of the JDBC service failed.
Cause: Check earlier messages that are printed in the log.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001149: Shutdown of the JDBC service has completed.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001150: Connection pool "{0}" deployment failed with the following error: {1}.
Cause: The cause should be indicated in the exception message.
Action: Correct the problem described in the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001151: Data source "{0}" deployment failed with the following error: {1}.
Cause: The cause should be indicated in the exception message.
Action: Correct the problem described in the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001152: Cannot enable statement caching for connection in pool "{0}", because it is using the WebLogic Type-2 XA driver.
Cause: Statement caching has been disabled for the specified data source connection pool because the connection pool is using the WebLogic Type-2 XA driver. This driver has a limitation based on the implementation using the ORACLE OCI interface. Cursors are closed when XAResource.end is called, causing all prepared statements to no longer be valid.
Action: No action is required. Use a different driver if you want to use the prepared statement cache with the driver.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001153: Forcibly releasing inactive/harvested connection "{1}" back into the data source connection pool "{0}", currently reserved by: {2}.
Cause: The connection was found to be unused by the application for the specified duration (configured using InactiveConnectionTimeoutSeconds attribute of the pool MBean), and therefore is being forcibly released back into pool. Alternatively, the connection was harvested and the application callback did not close the connection.
Action: Check the application code for leakages of connection objects, or tune the configured value of the specifed connection pool attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001154: Disabling statement caching for connection in pool "{0}".
Cause: Statement caching has been disabled for the specified data source connection pool for one or more reasons. 1. The size is explicitly configured to 0. 2. The Oracle replay driver is being used. 3. The Oracle statement cache is enabled.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001155: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Look for the associated exception in the log or your program to see what the results are. In general, this stack trace will help with debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001156: Stack trace associated with message {0} follows:
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001157: Data source connection pool "{0}" being suspended by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being suspended, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001158: Data source connection pool "{0}" being forcibly suspended by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being forcibly suspended, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001159: Data source connection pool "{0}" is being resumed by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being resumed, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001160: Data source connection pool "{0}" being forcibly destroyed by user "{1}"
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being forcibly destroyed, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001161: Data source connection pool "{0}" being destroyed by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being destroyed, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001162: Data source connection pool "{0}" being forcibly shutdown by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being forcibly shutdown, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001163: Data source connection pool "{0}" being shut down by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being shut down, as requested by the application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001164: Unable to initialize connection in pool "{0}". Initialization SQL = "{1}". Received exception: "{2}".
Cause: The exception message should contain a reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001165: Invalid statment cache size "{1}" specified for connection in pool "{0}".
Cause: An invalid value has been specified for statement cache size for connections in the indicated data source connection pool.
Action: Check the allowed limits for statement cache size for this data source connection pool and fix the specified value.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001166: Activation of application-scoped data source connection pool "{1}":"{2}":"{0}" failed. Received exception: "{3}".
Cause: The error message should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001167: Deactivation of application-scoped pool "{1}":"{2}":"{0}" failed. Received exception: "{3}".
Cause: The error message should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001168: Attempt to resume JDBCService when it is already running...Ignoring.
Cause: The application attempted to resume JDBCService, although the service is already running.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001169: Error occured during shutdown of pool "{0}". Received exception: "{1}".
Cause: The exception should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001170: Unable to initialize JDBC Log. Received exception: "{0}".
Cause: The message should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001171: Unable to close connection "{0}". Received exception: "{1}".
Cause: The message should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take suitable action if possible. Otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001172: Error occurred during shutdown of data source "{0}". Received exception: "{1}".
Cause: The message should contain the reason for the failure.
Action: Take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001173: "TestTableName" attribute for pool "{0}" being dynamically changed to "{1}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001174: Creating data source named {0}, JNDI Name = {1}.
Cause: The user requested that the data source be created, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001175: Creating transactional data source named {0} for Pool {1}.
Cause: The user requested that the transactional data source be created, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001176: Creating multi data source named {0}.
Cause: The user requested that the multi data source be created, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001177: Creating data source connection pool named {0}, URL = {1}, Properties = {2}.
Cause: A request was issued to create the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001178: Attempt to set query timeout on a statement failed : {0}.
Cause: The reported message should contain a description of the failure.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001250: Unable to load application configured callback {1} for multi data source {0}, got error: {2}. Application control of multi data source failover behaviour will not work.
Cause: This is most likely because the application-defined class location has not been added to the CLASSPATH environment varible.
Action: Please check that you specified the correct class name and that your CLASSPATH includes this class.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001251: Application configured callback {1} for multi data source {0} does not implement required interface {2}. Application control of multi data source failover behaviour will not work.
Cause: The configured callback {1} does not implement the required interface {2}.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001252: Unable to add notification listener for Config MBean for multi data source {0} failed, got exception: {1}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001254: Multi data source {0} unable to disable connection pool {1}, got exception: {2}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001255: Multi data source {0} unable to disable connection pool {1}, got exception: {2}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001256: Dynamically changing the value of attribute FailoverRequestIfBusy for multi data source {0} from {1} to {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001257: Dynamically changing value of attribute HealthCheckFrequencySeconds for multi data source {0} from {1} to {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001258: Unable to setup timer for multi data source {0}, got exception: {1}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001259: Application has disallowed multi data source {0} from re-enabling data source connection pool {1}, which had previously been found dead and was disabled.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001260: Multi data source {0} unable to enable connection pool {1}, got exception: {2}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001261: Multi data source {0} unable to enable connection pool {1}, got exception: {2}.
Cause: The reported exception should indicate the cause of the failure.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001262: Registered application callback {1} for multi data source {0} to control multi data source failover behavior.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001500: Creating application-coped multi data source {0}, algorithm type {3} for Application {1}, Module {2}.
Cause: The user requested that the multi data source be created, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001501: Creating multi data source {0}, algorithm type {1}.
Cause: A request was made to create the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001503: Creating application-scoped data source connection pool {0} for Application {1}, Module {2}, URL = {3}, Properties = {4}.
Cause: A request was made to create the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001504: Destroying multi data source {0}, created for Application {1}, Module {2}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001505: Destroying multi data source Pool {0}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001507: Destroying data source connection pool {0}, created for Application {1}, Module {2}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001508: Destroying data source connection pool {0}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the data source connection pool, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001510: Creating application-scoped data source {0} for Application {1}, Module {2}, Application Context Name = {3}.
Cause: A request was made to create the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001512: Data source {0} has been successfully created.
Cause: A request was made to create the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001513: Destroying application-scoped data source {0}, created for Application {1}, Module {2}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001514: Destroying data source {0}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001515: Data source {0} has been successfully destroyed.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001516: Data source connection pool "{0}" connected to Database: "{1}", Version: "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001517: Data source connection pool "{0}" using Driver: "{1}", Version: "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001518: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Usage Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001519: Id : "{0}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001520: Timestamp : "{0}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001521: User : "{0}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001522: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Wait Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001523: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Leak Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001524: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Reserve Fail Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001525: Data source connection pool "{0}" Statement Cache Entry Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001526: Unable to load class "{0}", got exception : {1}. Driver Interception feature disabled.
Cause: This is most likely because the application-defined class' location has not been added to the CLASSPATH environment varible.
Action: Please check that you specified the correct class name and that your CLASSPATH includes this class.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001527: Application configured class {0} does not implement required interface {1}. Driver Interception feature disabled.
Cause: The configured class {0} does not implement the required interface {1}.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001528: Driver Interceptor class {0} loaded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001529: JDBC loggging last resource (LLR) connection pool {0} did not find its table and is creating a new one using the following SQL: {1}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001530: JDBC loggging last resource (LLR) connection pool {0} retrieved {1} record(s) from the database table {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001531: Received updated event for unexpected type of bean: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001532: Data source connection pool "{0}" Statement Usage Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001533: Pool Name : "{0}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001534: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Last Usage Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001535: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Multi-threaded Usage Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001536: Creating multi data source named {0}, JNDI Name = {1}.
Cause: A request was made to create the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001537: Creating application-scoped multi data source {0} for Application {1}, Module {2}, Application Context Name = {3}.
Cause: A request was made to create the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001538: Created multi data source named {0}.
Cause: A request was made to create the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001539: Destroying multi data source {0}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001540: Destroying application-scoped multi data source {0}, created for Application {1}, Module {2}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001541: Destroyed multi data source named {0}.
Cause: A request was made to destroy the multi data source, either implicitly or explicitly.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001542: JVM DriverManager Login Timeout value set to {0}.
Cause: The application has specified this behavior to be enabled, via the corresponding configuration setting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001543: Received change event: {1} for unexpected type of bean: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001544: Received add event: {1} for unexpected type of bean: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001545: Received unexpected event: {1} for unexpected type of bean: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001546: Data source connection pool "{0}" is being started by user "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool is being started, as requested by the administrator.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001547: The "{0}" field value "{1}" in table reference "{2}" format [[[catalog.]schema.]table) is too long. The database supports a maximum length of "{3}" for this field.
Cause: This is a configuration error.
Action: When configuring a table name, choose a shorter name for the indicated field. Note that JDBC stores automatically append "WLStore" to the table name.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001548: Empty field value in table reference "{0}" (format [[[catalog.]schema.]table).
Cause: This is a configuration error.
Action: Ensure that the entire table reference is blank, or that the table field is not blank. If there is no schema, ensure that there are no periods "." in the table reference. Do not start the table reference with a period ".". Note that JDBC stores automatically append "WLStore" to table references.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001549: An old style WebLogic driver URL {0} is used. Because the WebLogic driver URL auto-convert switch is turned on, it is converted to {1}.
Cause: An old style WebLogic driver URL is used and the WebLogic driver URL auto-convert switch is turned on.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001550: WebLogic Oracle driver is being used. The driver URL is {0}. WebLogic Server no longer supports the WebLogic Oracle driver.
Cause: The WebLogic Oracle driver has been deprecated and removed.
Action: Stop using the WebLogic Oracle driver, use the Oracle Thin driver instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001551: Application context for member data source {1} not found for standalone multi data source module {0}. Ensure that multi data source standalone modules have a higher deployment order than member data source standalone modules.
Cause: The deployment order of the multi data source is the same or lower than one of its member datasources.
Action: Change the deployment order of the standalone multi data source to be greater than each member data source's deployment order.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001552: The logging last resource (LLR) data source {0} will not function when it is a participant in a global transaction that spans multiple WebLogic Server instances because remote JDBC support is disabled. LLR will function in single-server configurations.
Cause: Remote JDBC access over RMI is disabled.
Action: Either configure the data source to use an XA-capable driver, or enable remote JDBC on all servers.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001553: Unable to deploy JDBC data source {0}. No credential mapper entry found for password indirection user {1}
Cause: No credential mapper entry was found for user {1} on data source {0}
Action: Ensure that a credential mapper entry is defined for the data source {0} that maps the specified user name {1} to a password. The WebLogic Server administration console provides support for managing data source credential mapper entries.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001554: Data source connection pool "{0}" Connection Unwrap Data:
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001555: Invalid member data source {1} specified for multi data source {0}. GridLink data source may not be used in multi data source configurations.
Cause: A GridLink data source was specified as a multi data source member.
Action: Either use a single GridLink data source or define generic data sources for use in a multi data source configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001556: Data source {0} for service {1} registering with ONS daemons using configuration string {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001557: Data source {0} for service {1} unregistering with ONS daemons {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001558: Data source {0} for service {1} received a service down event for instance {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001559: Data source {0} for service {1} received a node down event for node {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001560: Data source {0} for service {1} received a service up event for instance {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001561: Data source {0} for service {1} received a node up event for node {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001562: Data source {0} for service {1} not registering for Fast Application Notification (FAN) events.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001563: ADM_DDL LLR (logging last resource) connection pool {0} did not find its table {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001564: JTSLoggableResourceTable.existsForADMDDL about to return: return value = {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001565: Logging last resource (LLR) data source {0} using LLR table {1} defined by system property weblogic.llr.table.{0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001566: JTSLoggableResourceTable.init for ADMDDL is generating SQL statement(createSQL): {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001567: SQLRuntimeException caught at existsForADMDDL for poolName: {0} ddlName: {1} by: {2}.
Cause: Look at the printed exception to see why the call failed.
Action: Correct the problem and run the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001568: Data source {0} for service {1} received a service up event
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001569: Data source {0} failed to create runtime MBean for RAC instance {1}. Exception={2}
Cause: Refer to the exception error message for the cause of the failure.
Action: Try redeploying the data source or restart the WebLogic Server instance.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001570: Attempt to enable Fast Application Notification (FAN) support for a non-GridLink data source {0}, which is not supported.
Cause: Subscribing to FAN events is only supported by GridLink data sources.
Action: Either set the FAN enabled attribute to false or configure a GridLink data source.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001571: Unable to load the connection labeling callback class "{0}", got exception : {1}.
Cause: This is most likely because the application-defined class' location has not been added to the CLASSPATH environment varible.
Action: Please check that you specified the correct class name and that your CLASSPATH includes this class.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001572: Application-configured connection labeling callback class {0} does not implement required interface {1}.
Cause: The configured class {0} does not implement the required interface {1}.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001573: Connection labeling callback class {0} loaded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001574: Unable to load the connection Initialization callback class "{0}", got exception : {1}.
Cause: This is most likely because the application-defined class' location has not been added to the CLASSPATH environment varible.
Action: Please check that you specified the correct class name and that your CLASSPATH includes this class.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001575: Application configured connection initialization callback class {0} does not implement required interface {1}.
Cause: The configured class {0} does not implement the required interface {1}.
Action: Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001576: Connection Initialization callback class {0} loaded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001580: An exception was thrown from the ConnectionHarvestingCallback: {0}.
Cause: The application callback threw an exception when the callback was called.
Action: Look at the associated message. If more information is desired, turn on connection debuggging.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001581: An invalid scope of Application instead of Global is specified for data source {0}, URI = {1}.
Cause: The configuration is invalid. The specified datasource must have a Global scope.
Action: Correct the configuration for the specified datasource.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001582: oracle.jdbc.DRCPConnectionClass must be specified if and only if a Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) pool is defined.
Cause: The configuration is invalid.
Action: Correct the configuration for the specified data source.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001583: The WebLogic statement cache size is disabled because Oracle statement cache is configured.
Cause: The WebLogic statement cache is disabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001584: Data source connection pool "{0}" disabled by multi data source "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been disabled by a multi data source.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001585: Data source connection pool "{0}" re-enabled by multi data source "{1}".
Cause: The specified data source connection pool has been re-enabled by a multi data source.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001586: EndRequest failed: {0}
Cause: This generally happens because the application failed to complete a local transaction before closing the connection. See the associated message to determine if this is the case.
Action: The error is ignored if the connection can be cleared. This is, however, an application error to not complete the transaction. Fix the software.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-001587: For LLR RAC DataSource {0} Member of MultiDataSource, test-on-reserve is disabled, and the health of the DataSource can not be verified.
Cause: Test on Reserve is disabled in the DataSource configuration.
Action: Enable Test on Reserve in the DataSource configuration. If all memeber DataSources are marked as unhealthy and the WLS admin server fails to boot use WLST to change configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JDBC

BEA-002001: Received an unknown message type.
Cause: This should not occur. This indicates that the client is sending garbaged messages. It might also indicate that malicious third parties are trying to access the server using IIOP.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002002: Failed to parse method name {0}.
Cause: This can happen for a variety of reasons. Normally, it is because the caller made a request for a non-existent method. Alternatively, the IDL mangling of the method name may be ambiguous, so WebLogic Server cannot decide which method to call.
Action: If the IDL mangling is causing a problem, try changing the name of the method. In particular, names such as getSomedata() (where somedata is also the name of an attribute or method) can cause problems. Also, some bugs with name mangling exist in JDK 1.3.1. Try using a JDK 1.4 client.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002003: Unable to send the message: {0}.
Cause: Some sort of communication failure has occurred. This could be because the target closed the IIOP connection or because of some transient network fault.
Action: Verify that the client-server network connection is working.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002005: OutOfMemoryError in adapter: {0}.
Cause: This is often caused by marshalling mismatches between the client and the server and is generally a bug in either the client or the server or both.
Action: Restart the server and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002006: Cannot scavenge idle connections, {0}
Cause: The server was unable to schedule a trigger to watch for idle IIOP connections. The fact that it was unable to do so indicates some core failure in the server.
Action: Restart the server. If this occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002008: Failed to export {0}. The following exception occurred: {1}.
Cause: This is most often caused by the server being unable to find or generate an IIOP stub for the remote object. Ensure that the Common Object Request Broker API (CORBA) objects have corresponding _Stub classes in the server classpath. RMI-IIOP object stubs should be generated automatically.
Action: For CORBA objects, ensure that the idlj was run on the server class. For RMI-IIOP objects, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002011: Failed to marshal exception {0}: {1}.
Cause: The server could not find the appropriate exception definitions in its classpath. For Common Object Request Broker API (CORBA) exceptions, the application must contain the exception helper classes as well as the exception classes.
Action: Add missing exception classes to the application.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002012: Failed to send exception {0}: {1}.
Cause: This only happens if the connection between the client and server was very unreliable.
Action: Verify that the client-server network connection is working. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002013: Complete failure to send exception {0}: {1}.
Cause: Some sort of communication failure has occurred. This could be because the target closed the IIOP connection or because of some transient network fault.
Action: Verify the client-server network connection.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002014: IIOP subsystem enabled.
Cause: The IIOP subsystem is operational and is listening for incoming IIOP requests.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002015: Using javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass {0}; The IIOP subsystem requires a WebLogic Server-compatible UtilClass.
Cause: Some application code, or a foreign object request broker (ORB), set the system property javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass or tried accessing javax.rmi.CORBA.Util functions before the IIOP subsystem had initialized.
Action: The IIOP subsystem will not function correctly in this scenario. Correct the application code and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002016: Using javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass {0}, the IIOP subsystem requires a WebLogic Server-compatible PortableRemoteObjectClass.
Cause: Some application code, or a foreign object request broker (ORB), set the system property javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass or tried accessing javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject functions before the IIOP subsystem had initialized.
Action: The IIOP subsystem will not function correctly in this scenario. Correct the application code and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002017: LocateRequest is {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002018: Default GIOP version is 1.{0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002019: LocationForward policy is {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002021: SecurityService registered under {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002022: Could not bind SecurityService {0}.
Cause: This is an internal JNDI problem.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002023: Could not resolve SendingContext RunTime: {0}.
Cause: An invalid object reference for SendingContext RunTime was provided by the client.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002026: Transaction mechanism is {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002027: Complete failure to rewrite exception from {0}: {1}.
Cause: This error should not occur.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002028: An OTS error occurred: {0}, {1}.
Cause: OTS errors are generally not bugs but always result in exception information being lost when propagated to the caller. Thus, the root cause is always logged, so that system administrators can determine the real cause. OTS errors are generally caused by some transaction subsystem operation (for instance, a transaction being rolled back).
Action: Ensure that this is an expected error.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002033: Codeset for {0} data set to {1}, OSF registry entry {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002037: CosNaming Service registered under {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002038: Could not bind the CosNaming Service {0}.
Cause: This is an internal JNDI problem.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002039: Replacer: {0}
Cause: The replacer did not have enough information to do a proper replacement.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002041: Connection attempt was rejected because IIOP is not enabled on this channel.
Cause: The connection attempt was rejected because IIOP is not enabled at all for this server, as determined by the ServerMBean, or is not enabled on this particular channel.
Action: Enable IIOP.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002043: Naming exception: {0}
Cause: A standard exception was generated by the naming implementation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: IIOP

BEA-002605: Adding address: {0} to the licensed client list.
Cause: The server accepted a connection from the specified client.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002606: The server is unable to create a server socket for listening on channel "{3}". The address {0} might be incorrect or another process is using port {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: The address was incorrect or another process was using the port.
Action: Use ipconfig or ifconfig to check if the listen address is valid, and use netstat to check that the specified port is not in use by another process.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002607: Channel "{2}", listening on {0}:{1,number,0}, was shut down.
Cause: The server or channel was shut down.
Action: No action is required. If this was an unexpected error, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002608: The ListenThread failed because of an error: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when the server socket was unable to accept client connections.
Action: Check the file descriptor limit. Tune the operating system parameters that handle socket creation using ServerSocket.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002609: Channel Service initialized.
Cause: The Channel subsystem is operational.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002610: Dynamic Listener Service initialized.
Cause: The dynamic listener subsystem is operational.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002611: The hostname "{0}", maps to multiple IP addresses: {1}.
Cause: The host name of the server resolved to multiple IP addresses, which can cause problems for the Administration Server.
Action: Check if this was done on purpose.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002612: Channel "{2}", listening on {0}:{1,number,0}, did not start did not start properly.
Cause: Some of the listen ports did not open or failed within the configured grace period.
Action: Ensure that none of the configured listen ports are in use by other processes.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002613: Channel "{2}" is now listening on {0}:{1,number,0} for protocols {3}.
Cause: The server successfully started the listen thread and server socket.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002614: Reopening channel "{2}" on {0}:{1,number,0}.
Cause: The server backed off because a socket exception occurred while accepting client connections. The server is now ready to accept connections.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002615: After having failed to listen, the server is now listening on channel "{2}" on {0}:{1,number,0}.
Cause: The server backed off because a socket exception occurred while accepting client connections. The server is now ready to accept connections.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002616: Failed to listen on channel "{2}" on {0}:{1,number,0}, failure count: {3}, failing for {4} seconds, {5}
Cause: An exception occurred while trying to accept client connections. The server will try to back off to aid recovery.
Action: The operating system (OS) limit for the number of open file descriptors (FD limit) needs to be increased. Tune the OS parameters that might help the server to accept more client connections (for example, TCP accept back log).

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002617: Attempting to close and reopen the server socket on channel "{2}" on {0}:{1,number,0}.
Cause: The server listener could not accept a socket connection and failed after several simple retries. It has closed and reopened the server socket.
Action: Check if the file decriptor limit needs to be increased. Tune the operating system parameters that might help the server accept more client connections.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002618: An invalid attempt was made to configure a channel for unconfigured protocol "{0}".
Cause: The server configuration specified a channel that uses a protocol that is not enabled.
Action: Enable the protocol in the server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002619: One or more listen ports did not start properly.
Cause: One or more listen ports failed to open during server startup.
Action: Ensure that none of the configured listen ports are in use by other processes.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002620: An invalid attempt was made to configure a channel for server "{0}" on an unknown listen address "{1}".
Cause: The server configuration specified a channel that uses a listen address that does not exist.
Action: Correct the server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002621: The connection was rejected because the server license only allows connections from {0} unique IP addresses.
Cause: Clients tried to connect from more distinct addresses than the license allows.
Action: Use a server license that allows for more clients to connect.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002622: The protocol "{0}" is now configured.
Cause: The server has loaded a protocol making it available for outbound traffic and configurable for inbound traffic.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002623: Connection rejected, the server is in the {0} state. Starting service {1}, {2} of {3}. Last service {4} took {5} milliseconds.
Cause: Clients tried to connect to the server before it was in the RUNNING state.
Action: Connect to the server after it has started.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002624: The administration protocol is "{0}" and is now configured.
Cause: The server has loaded the administration protocol making it available for outbound traffic and configurable for inbound traffic.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002625: An attempt to configure channel "{0}" failed because of {1}.
Cause: The cause is detailed in the accompanying exception.
Action: Review the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002626: The protocol "{0}" could not be loaded: {1}
Cause: Consult the exception for why the protocol could not be loaded.
Action: Consult the exception for why the protocol could not be loaded.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002627: The domain configuration must have at least one administration channel on every server or no administration channels at all.
Cause: The server was contacted by a server that did not reflect the same administration state as itself.
Action: Modify the domain configuration so that all servers have administration channels, or enable the domain-wide administration port.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002628: Unable to export RemoteLifeCycleOperations RMI object due to {0}.
Cause: The RMI export failed.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support and provide the logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002630: Accepting connections again.
Cause: The server is accepting client connections again after refusing connections as part of server throttling.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002631: Max threshold reached for open sockets [total open sockets: {0}, allowed max: {1}]. No more connections allowed.
Cause: The MaxOpenSocketCount attribute of the server configuration defines the upper bound of the number of open sockets.
Action: Increase the MaxOpenSocketCount attribute of the server configuration. Use the server tuning tab in the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002632: Found jrmp.jar in {0} directory. JRMP service is now enabled.
Cause: JRMP is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002633: A port conflict was detected in the server configuration. The server is configured to listen on two ports that have the same port number and IP address. Channel "{0}" address "{1}" conflicts with channel "{2}" address "{3}".
Cause: The server is configured to listen on two ports that have the same port number and IP address.
Action: Ensure that the address identities [ListenAddress and ListenPort combinations] are distinct and unique.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002634: The server "{0}" disconnected from this server.
Cause: The remote server may have crashed, been shut down normally or been partitioned from the network.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002635: The server "{0}" connected to this server.
Cause: The remote server may have been booted or a network partition may have been resolved.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002636: Unable to update server "{0}" with local channel information.
Cause: The remote server may have crashed, been shut down normally or been partitioned from the network.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002637: Failed to register a disconnect listener because of {0}
Cause: This can happen during server startup when the incoming network connection is not suitable for callbacks and the booting server does not yet have a listen port open.
Action: No action is required. The server should eventually be connected properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002638: {0} was issued remotely from {1}.
Cause: Log the host address of the machine that issued the SLC operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002639: ServerRuntime:{0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002640: A request has been received to force a shutdown of the server.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002641: -DserverType is set to an unrecognized value: {0}. The server will start with all services enabled.
Cause: An undefined server type was specified or a typographical error was made.
Action: See the WebLogic Server documentation for valid values for -DserverType.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002642: {0} not found. The server will start with all services enabled.
Cause: The file was deleted or moved.
Action: Replace the file from the WebLogic Server installation.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002643: Attempt to read {0}, failed: {1}
Cause: The file has been corrupted or had its permissions changed.
Action: Replace the file with one from the WebLogic Server installation.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002644: The JAR file {0} being processed as a potential service plug-in could not be read: {1}
Cause: The file may be damaged.
Action: Check the file, replace & and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002645: The manifest of the JAR file {0} being processed as a potential service plug-in, could not be read: {1}
Cause: The manifest may be corrupted.
Action: Replace the file and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002646: Unable to load the service plug-in activator class from {0}: {1}
Cause: The plug-in JAR file does not meet the service plug-in requirements.
Action: Check the contents of the JAR file and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002647: The service plug-in, {1}, was added from {0}.
Cause: The plugin was placed in the domain lib directory.
Action: No action is required. To remove the plug-in, remove it from the domain lib directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002648: Could not obtain the relevant ServerRuntimeMBean for server {0}.
Cause: The remote server runtime object for server {0} could not be obtained. This can happen if the server has already been shut down or is otherwise unavailable.
Action: If the server is active when this error occurs, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002649: A port conflict was detected in the server configuration. Both TCP and SDP channels are configured to listen on the same port number and IP address. Channels "{0}" and "{1}" on address "{2}".
Cause: Both TCP and SDP channels are configured to listen on the same port number and IP address.
Action: Ensure that the channels with the same [ListenAddress and ListenPort combinations] either all support SDP or do not support SDP.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002650: Unable to schedule reconnection to a disconnected server.
Cause: The default timer manager has stopped. This is normal during server shutdown.
Action: None required if the server is in the process of shutting down.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002651: The process for the server {0} has not completely shut down. This problem should be reported and you may have to kill the process manually.
Cause: The process for the server {0} has not completely shut down.
Action: Kill the process manually.

Level: 1


Impact: Server

BEA-002900: Initializing self-tuning thread pool.
Cause: The server is starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002901: Creating Work Manager "{2}" for module "{0}" and application "{1}"
Cause: The application is being initialized.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002902: Creating execute queue "{0}".
Cause: The server is starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002903: Creating Work Manager from "{1}" WorkManagerMBean for application "{0}"
Cause: The application is being initialized.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002905: Removing {0} threads from the thread pool.
Cause: The server has realized that some threads are not needed to handle the present load.
Action: No action is required as the server auto tunes.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002908: Unable to create runtime MBean for Work Manager {0}. {1}
Cause: A fatal error occurred while creating the runtime MBeans.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support with the server logs.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002911: Work Manager {0} failed to schedule a request due to {1}
Cause: Work Manager did not schedule a request due to a fatal failure.
Action: This is a critical failure. Report to My Oracle Support with the logs.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002912: Overload Manager {0} rejected request as current length {1} exceeds max capacity of {2}
Cause: A request was rejected as the overload capacity was reached or exceeded.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002913: Work Manager {0} rejected request as the server is low on memory
Cause: A request was rejected as the server was low on memory.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002914: Shutdown callback invocation failed with: {0}
Cause: There was an internal error in the application shutdown.
Action: Report to My Oracle Support with the logs.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002916: Request belonging to Work Manager {0}, application {1} is rejected as the WorkManager is shutdown.
Cause: The request was refused entry because the Work Manager was shutdown.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002917: Enqueued request belonging to Work Manager {0}, application {1} is cancelled as the Work Manager is shutdown.
Cause: The request was refused because the Work Manager was shutdown.
Action: No action was required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002918: Server detected execute queue(s) in self-tuning mode. Execute queues will not be self-tuned. They retain their behavior from earlier releases. Consider using Work Managers to take advantage of self-tuning.
Cause: The execute queues were detected in the self-tuning server.
Action: Consider removing the execute queues. The server automatically adjusts the thread pool size for optimal performance. Work Managers can be used to change the default behavior where needed.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002919: Unable to find a Work Manager with name {0}. Dispatch policy {0} will map to the default Work Manager for the application {1}
Cause: There is no Work Manager with the given name.
Action: This could indicate a configuration error. Check the dispatch-policy and ensure that it matches the name of a Work Manager defined either within the same application or globally.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002920: An instance of the mSA Work Manager

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002921: The name of the Work Manager

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002922: The number of waiting requests in the queue

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002923: The number of requests that have been processed

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002924: An instance of the MinThreadsConstraint for a particular Work Manager

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002925: Completed request count

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002926: Pending requests that are waiting for an available thread

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002927: Number of requests that are currently executing

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002928: Number of requests executed out of turn to satisfy this constraint

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002929: Number of requests that must be executed to satisfy the constraint

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002930: The maximum time a request had to wait for a thread. Only requests whose execution is needed to satisfy the constraint are considered.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002931: Number of requests that must be executed to satisfy the constraint

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002932: An instance of the MaxThreadsConstraint for a particular Work Manager

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002933: Number of requests that are currently executing

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002934: Number of requests that are denied a thread for execution because the constraint is exceeded

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002935: request-class-name reference within ContextCase element for entry {0} with value: {1} ;cannot be resolved for Work Manager.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002936: maximum thread constraint {0} is reached
Cause: The number of threads assigned to this work manager has reached the configured value in the maximum threads constraint
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002937: The maximum thread constraint {0} is no longer reached.
Cause: The number of threads assigned to this Work Manager has dropped below the configured value in the maximum threads constraint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002938: Global work manager "{0}" created with customized configuration
Cause: The default configuration for a global work manager has been overriden and the work manager is created with a customized configuration
Action: no action needed

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002939: The maximum thread constraint {0} has been reached {1} times for the last {2} seconds.
Cause: The number of threads assigned to this work manager has reached the configured value for the maximum threads constraint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-002940: Shutting down work manager "{0}" according to the configured work manager shutdown trigger.
Cause: A work manager is being shut down because the number of stuck threads has reached the configured value in a work manager shutdown trigger.
Action: Monitor the stuck threads to determine the reason why the requests have been taking a long time to process. If resumeWhenUnstuck is true, the work manager will be resumed when there are no more stuck threads for the work manager.

Level: 1


Impact: WorkManager

BEA-003000: Could not send cache multicast message for key "{0}", {1}.
Cause: UThis error is usually caused by some communication failure.
Action: Check the exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Cache

BEA-003001: Leasing failure: {0}
Cause: This error is usually caused by some communication failure.
Action: Check the exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Cache

BEA-003002: Replication failure: {0}
Cause: This error is usually caused by some communication failure.
Action: Check the exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Cache

BEA-003004: Unexpected failure {0}
Cause: This is a general purpose warning message.
Action: No action is required. The cache will try to adjust to the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Cache

BEA-003005: CacheFilter not caching the response for uri: {0} reason: {1}
Cause: CacheFilter does not cache responses unless the status is 200.
Action: Check the message for information on how to fix the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Cache

BEA-003090: Could not send cache multicast message for key "{0}", {1}.
Cause: This error is usually caused by some communication failure.
Action: Check the exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: LLD

BEA-003101: Modified non-dynamic {0} property on the Administration Server.
Cause: The non-dynamic {0} property was updated while the server was in a running state.
Action: Reboot the Administration Server so that the {0} property takes effect.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003102: There was a failure in the execution of the post script {0} while deactivating MigratableTarget {1}. Since post script failure is marked as fatal, the MigratableTarget will not be automatically migrated. To enable automigration, fix the post script failure and manually migrate the failed migratable target or disable the post script failure fatal flag.
Cause: The execution ofthe post deactivation script failed.
Action: Fix the post deactivation script and migrate the MigratableTarget manually.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003103: {0} failed to release its lease because of {1}. This may affect its automatic migration behavior.
Cause: An exception occurred: {1}.
Action: If a database is being used for leasing, ensure that it is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003104: Failed to notify the execution failure of the post script {1} for {0} to the SingletonServiceStateManager because of {2}. This may affect its automatic migration behavior.
Cause: An exception occurred: {2}.
Action: Ensure that the network is working properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003105: The asynchronous replication request timed out while attempting to add object {0} to the replication queue. This session has not been replicated to any backup at this point.
Cause: The asynchronous replication request timed out while attempting to add object {0} to the replication queue. Once full, the queue waits until it has space for the object. This wait took longer than the ClusterMBean specified AsyncSessionQueueTimeout, thus the session object was not put into the queue and will not be replicated at this time.
Action: This could be due to the secondary server or persistent store slowing down the replication process. To better handle this, the SessionFlushInterval and the SessionFlushThreshold can be reduced to replicate less at a time and to replicate more often. Checking the performance of the secondary server or persistent store is advised.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003106: An unexpected exception occured during replication: {0}. Future session updates should replicate as expected.
Cause: An unexpected runtime exception occured during replication probably from the Remote Management Interface (RMI) stub. Future session updates should replicate as expected.
Action: Ensure that no problems exist in the network. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support. with the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003107: Lost {0} unicast message(s).
Cause: This is an informational message. When a server joins a stable cluster, this message will appear since the server did not receive unicast messages sent out by other servers in the cluster.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003108: Unicast receive error : {0}
Cause: An error occurred while trying to receive a message over the cluster broadcast.
Action: Ensure that the NIC is functioning properly. If it appears that no environment problems exist, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003109: Cluster {0} uses a database as the migration basis but no data source for migration has been configured.
Cause: Cluster {0} uses a database as the migration basis but no data source for migration has been configured.
Action: Ensure that the data source is created and set for database migration basis.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003110: Connection attempt was rejected because the incoming protocol {1} is not enabled on channel {0}.
Cause: The connection attempt was rejected because the {1} protocol is not enabled at all for this server, as determined by the ServerMBean, or is not enabled on this particular channel.
Action: Enable the {1} protocol on the channel.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003111: No channel exists for replication calls for cluster {0}
Cause: No channel exists for replication calls for cluster {0}
Action: Configure the channels for replication calls.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003112: Channels "{0}" configured for replication traffic.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003113: Using one-way RMI for replication
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003114: Ignoring one-way RMI calls for replication because multiple replication channels are not present.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003115: Failed to synchronize a secondary session due to missing updates.
Cause: The Work Manager queue might be full and as a result update messages were dropped.
Action: Either increase the number of servers in the cluster (preferred) or add more replication channels (requires server re-start).

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003116: Starting Member Death Detector.
Cause: None.
Action: None.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003117: Starting Member Death Detector Heartbeat Receiver.
Cause: None.
Action: None.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003118: WLS Server "{0}" does not have an associated machine configured. Member Death Detector will not be enabled for this server.
Cause: No associated machine configured with the server.
Action: Please associate a machine with this server.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003119: The singleton service {0} is now registered on this server but will not be activated because this server is not part of a cluster.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003120: hostname {0} is failed to resolve in cluster initialization
Cause: name service like DNS is unavailable or unstable.
Action: Please check name service configuration or name service availability.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003121: Unicast cluster may not function correctly as the listen address of server {0} is not specified.
Cause: The listen address of the Managed Server is not specified.
Action: Set the listen address of the Managed Servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003122: {0} : A cluster that has migratable servers could not create/execute SQL statement when validating the database connection. The cluster is misconfigured. Check the leasing table on the database and connection configuration.
Cause: The cluster is misconfigured.
Action: Check the leasing table on the database and connection configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003501: The migration of server {0} from machine {1} has failed. No suitable candidate machines could be found.
Cause: No candidate machines are available, or the server {0} has encountered an error on booting independent of its location.
Action: Further migration of server {0} has been disabled. When the cause of the problem has been determined and fixed, the server {0} should be started by the user, at which point it will resume standard automatic migration behavior.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003502: Beginning the migration of server {0} from machine {1} to machine {2}
Cause: The failure of server {0} has provoked a migration attempt to a new machine, machine {2}.
Action: No action is required, but the logs of server {0} should be examined to determine why it crashed and could not successfully restart on machine {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003503: The migration of server {0} from machine {1} to machine {2} has succeeded.
Cause: The failure of server {0} provoked a migration attempt to a new machine, machine {2}. The migration is now complete.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-003504: The migration of server {0} from machine {1} to machine {2} has failed, because machine {2} is not reachable.
Cause: Machine {2} was not reachable. A new machine for server {0} will be chosen.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Cluster

BEA-010000: Exception occurred during ejbActivate: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while calling ejbActivate() on the bean.
Action: Check your implementation of the ejbActivate method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010001: While deploying EJB "{0}", class {1} was loaded from the system classpath. As a result, this class cannot be reloaded while the server is running. To prevent this behavior in the future, make sure the class is not located in the server classpath.
Cause: The specified class is located in the server classpath.
Action: Remove this class from the server classpath. It should only be located in the packaged application.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010002: An error occurred while undeploying: {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while undeploying.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010003: Exception occurred while loading _WL_TIMESTAMP FILE.
Cause: The container generates the _WL_GENERATED file, which stores the server version of the appc compiler. If the current server version is different from the version specified in the _WL_GENERATED file, appc recompiles the beans. There was an error reading this file.
Action: The container will automatically recompile the beans.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010006: Error occurred while saving ejb deployment timestamps. {0}
Cause: The container generates the _WL_GENERATED file, which stores the server version of the appc compiler. if the current server version is different from the version specified in the _WL_GENERATED file, appc recompiles the beans. There was an error writing this file.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message. The container will recompile the beans if this file is not found.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010007: License validation passed for {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010008: EJB Deploying file: {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010009: EJB deployed EJB with JNDI name {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010011: Exception looking up current transaction: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010012: Exception looking up current transaction: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010014: Error occurred while attempting to rollback transaction: {0}
Cause: There was an error when rolling back the transaction.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010015: Error occurred while marking transaction for rollback: {0}.
Cause: The container was unable to mark the transaction for rollback.
Action: Please check the exception for exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010016: Exception occurred while marking transaction for rollback: {0}.
Cause: The container was unable to mark the transaction for rollback.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010017: Exception occurred during rollback of transaction {0}: {1}.
Cause: The container was unable to rollback the transaction.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010018: Error occurred while resuming caller transaction: {0}
Cause: The container was unable to resume the transaction.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010019: Running in a cluster, but DNS name of cluster is not set. This may prevent EJB handles from operating properly.
Cause: The DNS name of the cluster is not set.
Action: Set the DNS cluster name.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010020: EJB-20 - MessageDriven - Could not start the JMS connection: {0}
Cause: The JMS provider may not be available, or the Message-Driven Bean deployment descriptors or annotation or both may not be correct.
Action: Verify that the JMS provider is running and accessible through the network. Verify that the deployment descriptors or annotation or both specify the correct configuration information for the JMS provider.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010022: Error occurred in ejbPassivate: {0}.
Cause: There was an error passivating the bean.
Action: Please check the exception for the exact error message. Verify the implementation of the ejbPassivate method in the bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010024: Error occurred during passivation: {0}
Cause: The container was unable to passivate the bean.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010025: Exception occurred during rollback of transaction {0}: {1}
Cause: An error occurred when rolling back the transaction.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010026: Exception occurred during commit of transaction {0}: {1}.
Cause: An error occurred when committing the transaction.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010029: Exception occurred during commit of transaction {0}: {1}.
Cause: An error occurred while committing the transaction.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010030: Ignoring exception that occurred when rolling back a transaction during undeployment of {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while undeploying the bean.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010031: EJB exception in method: {0}: {1}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010032: Exception during ejbActivate(): {0}
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010033: Exception from ejbLoad: {0}
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010034: Exception from ejbStore: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010036: Exception from ejbStore: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010038: Exception from __WL_superEjbLoad: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010039: Exception in ejbStore: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010040: Exception in ejbStore: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010043: Exception in ejbActivate: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010044: Exception trying to resume transaction: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010045: Exception in afterBegin: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010046: Exception in beforeCompletion: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010047: Exception during setRollbackOnly: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010048: Exception in afterCompletion: {0}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010049: EJB exception in method: {0}: {1}.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010050: A stateless session bean with bean-managed transactions must commit or roll back a transaction before the business method completes.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010051: EJB exception occurred during invocation from home: {0} generated exception: {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010052: An exception occurred while creating the free pool for EJB {0}. Since this occurred during server startup, when a dependent resource may be unavailable, the error will be ignored and deployment will proceed. The EJB container will instead attempt to create the bean instances on demand. The exception was: {1}
Cause: An exception occurred while the EJB container was initializing the free pool of bean instances. The root exception should be printed as part of the warning message issued by the EJB container. Check the server log for further details.
Action: If you believe the root exception is due to a temporary condition that will automatically be resolved, no action is required. If this exception was not due to a temporary condition, fix the cause of the root exception. If changes to your application are required to fix this issue, redeploy the updated application.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010054: EJB deployment: {0} has a class {1} that is in the classpath. This class should only be located in the ejb-jar file.
Cause: {1} is in the classpath.
Action: Remove this class from the classpath. It should only be in the ejb-jar.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010055: Could not load the RDBMS deployment descriptor for EJB {0} from the file {1}. The file was not found in the JAR file {2}.
Cause: {1} is missing from the JAR file.
Action: Please add the missing file to the JAR file.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010057: Could not find a license for EJB 3.0. Please contact Oracle to get a license.
Cause: Unable to get license for EJB 3.0.
Action: Contact Oracle to get a license.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010058: The EJB deployment named {0} is being recompiled within the WebLogic Server instance. Please consult the server logs if there are any errors. It is also possible to run weblogic.appc as a standalone tool to generate the required classes.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010059: An error occurred while attempting to invalidate the target Read-Only Entity EJB: {0}. The error was: {1}
Cause: The invalidation of read-only beans failed.
Action: Check the message for the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010060: The Message-Driven EJB {0} has connected or reconnected to the JMS destination {1}.
Cause: The JMS connection has been re-established.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010061: The Message-Driven EJB {0} is unable to connect to the JMS destination {1}. The Error was: {2}
Cause: The JMS destination is not available due to a network problem or a problem with the JMS provider, or the configuration information in the MDB deployment descriptor or annotation or both is incorrect. This warning may also occur during WebLogic cluster startup if the JMS destination is located on another server.
Action: Check that the JMS provider is running and that network connectivity is available. Also check that the configuration information in the MDB deployment descriptor and/or annotation is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010065: MessageDrivenBean threw an Exception in onMessage(). The exception is: {0}.
Cause: The onMessage method of the MDB may have generated an exception for a legitimate reason, such as the loss of a database connection. If that is not the case, then the MDB may have a programming error that causes it to generate an unchecked Java exception, such as a NullPointerException.
Action: Unless you are sure that the MDB has generated the exception on purpose, check the source code to ensure that it does not contain any programming errors that might cause it to generate an unchecked Java exception such as a NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010066: The Entity EJB {0} generated an exception when its unsetEntityContext was called. This error is ignored by the EJB container. The error is: {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010067: Exception during ejbRemove: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010071: Error occurred while performing Pop of Caller Principal: {0}
Cause: This is a possible internal container error.
Action: Check the security settings related to the run-as roles and principals setting.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010072: Error occurred while starting EJB module {0}. Exception is: {1}
Cause: The container was unable to start the EJB module.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010073: Unable to add the {0} interface "{1}" and any dependent classes to the client-jar since it was loaded from the classpath.
Cause: EJB interface and other dependent classes exist in the system classpath.
Action: Please remove the classes from the system classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010074: Unable to create the client-jar file due to classes being loaded from the classpath rather than the input JAR. Please modify your classpath so that it does not contain these classes and try again.
Cause: EJB interface and other dependent classes exist in the system classpath.
Action: Please modify your classpath so it does not contain these classes and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010075: Skipping creation of the client-jar since no EJBs with a remote client view are contained in the JAR file.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010076: Client-jar {0} created.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010079: An error occurred while attempting to receive a message from JMS for processing by a Message-Driven Bean: {0} The exception is : {1}
Cause: The JMS provider for the MDB may have been shut down or has crashed, or network connectivity may have been lost.
Action: Check that the JMS provider is available and accessible through the network.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010080: An error occurred while attempting to process a message inside a Message-Driven Bean: {0} Exception is : {1}
Cause: This error usually occurs if the onMessage method of the MDB throws an exception.
Action: Check that the MDB is able to process messages by ensuring that any resources it uses (such as database connections) are available. Check the MDB source code to ensure that it does not have any bugs that cause an exception (such as a NullPointerException) to be generated.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010081: The Message-Driven Bean {0} was configured to use a JMS Topic, requires container-managed transactions, and uses a foreign JMS provider. Only one thread will be used to receive and process all messages.
Cause: The nature of the JMS API does not permit this in a standard way.
Action: No action is required. However, if you require better performance for a foreign JMS provider and do not need exactly-once transactional semantics, redeploy the MDB so that it has a transaction mode of NotSupported.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010082: Failed to undeploy security role for resource {0}, while undeploying EJB.
Cause: Unable to remove the role from the security layer.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010083: Failed to undeploy security policy for resource {0}, while undeploying EJB.
Cause: The policy could not be removed from the security layer.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010084: The Message-Driven Beans are being suspended. This may take a minute or two.
Cause: The server is being suspended or shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010085: The Message-Driven Beans have all been suspended.
Cause: The server is being suspended or shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010086: The deployment unit {0} that contains Message-Driven Beans is undeployed already. The server cannot start the Message-Driven Beans that are part of undeployed unit.
Cause: The beans were started after having been undeployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010087: The EJB deployment named {0} is being recompiled within the WebLogic Server instance. Please consult the server logs if there are any errors. It is also possible to run weblogic.appc as a standalone tool to generate the required classes. The generated source files will be placed in {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010088: Could not find a license for in-memory replication of the EJB. This feature is disabled.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010089: Failed to create copy of bean {0} with error: {1}.
Cause: The server was unable to create the secondary server.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010090: Failed to update secondary copy with: {0}
Cause: The server was unable to update the secondary.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010091: Failure during stateful session bean replication: {0}
Cause: The container was unable to replicate the stateful session bean.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010092: Failure while updating secondary server during replication of {0}. The error was: {1}
Cause: The server was unable to update the secondary server.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010094: Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean from home {0}.
Cause: The server was unable to update the secondary server.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010096: The Message-Driven EJB {0} is unable to connect to the JMS destination or bind to JCA resource adapter {1}. The onnection failed after {2} attempts. The MDB will attempt to reconnect/rebind every {3} seconds. This log message will repeat every {4} seconds until the condition clears.
Cause: The JMS provider or JCA resource adapter is not available, or the configuration is incorrect and WebLogic Server is not able to connect.
Action: Ensure that the JMS provider is running and is reachable using the network, or the JCA resource adapter is deployed. Also ensure that the configuration information in the MDB deployment descriptor or the annotation or both are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010097: Exception occurred during the invocation of EJB {0} with primary key {1}.
Cause: The bean generated a system exception.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010098: The database type {0} mentioned in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml does not match the database type returned by the driver {1}.
Cause: The database type {0} mentioned in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml does not match the database type returned by the driver {1}.
Action: Check the database-type tag inside weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010099: WARNING(S) from EJB QL Compiler. {0}
Cause: The compilation of EJB-QL succeeded. These are some non-fatal warnings.
Action: Check the message for the exact warnings.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010100: This server is not part of a cluster. Therefore the InMemory replication feature for StatefulSession EJB {0} will have no effect on this server.
Cause: The bean has been deployed on a server, which is not a part of cluster. Hence the InMemory replication feature will be ignored.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010102: Error encountered while attempting to create default DBMS table {0}. Error text: {1}
Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to create the default DBMS table.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the logged error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010124: Method SecurityHelper.{0} returned a NULL principal. The CallerPrincipal stack has been corrupted.
Cause: One cause of corruption might be that a bean has created its own threads. Note that this would be in violation of EJB2.0 Final Spec Chapter: Runtime Management 24.1.2.
Action: Review your code about thread safety. If a bean does not create its own thread, this is likely a bug in the EJB subsystem and you should probably contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010127: Incorrect data source type detected. The data source with JNDI name {0}, specified in the RDBMS deployment descriptor for the EJB {1}, does not support global transactions.
Cause: The EJB container requires that a data source which supports global transactions be specified for transactions to be managed correctly.
Action: Specify the correct data source for the EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010128: Error during deployment of EJB {0}. The EJB references an application-level cache, {1}, that is not defined in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor.
Cause: The weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor for the EJB refers to an unknown application-level cache.
Action: Ensure that the application-level cache is defined in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor and ensure the cache name defined in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010129: Error during deployment of EJB {0}. The EJB references a MultiVersion application-level cache {1}, but it must use an Exclusive cache instead. EJBs with a concurrency-strategy of Exclusive must use an Exclusive cache.
Cause: An incorrect concurrency strategy is specified. The concurrency-strategy you specify for the bean must be compatible with the caching-strategy specified in weblogic-application.xml.
Action: Specify the correct concurrency strategy.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010130: An error occurred during deployment of EJB {0}. The EJB references an Exclusive application level cache {1}, but it must use a MultiVersion cache instead. EJBs with a concurrency-strategy of Database, ReadOnly, or Optimistic must use a MultiVersion cache.
Cause: An incorrect concurrency strategy is specified. The concurrency-strategy you specify for the bean must be compatible with the caching-strategy specified in weblogic-application.xml.
Action: Specify the correct concurrency strategy.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010132: Error during deployment of EJB {0}. The EJB has been deployed with use-select-for-update set to true. The database indicates it does not support SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.
Cause: The database indicates it does not support SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.
Action: Modify use-select-for-update to false, or use a different database that supports SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010139: Bean with primary key {0} already exists.
Cause: A bean with the indicated primary key value already exists.
Action: Do not use a non-unique value as a primary key.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010141: Creation of Many-To-Many relationship for primary key: {0} and {1} effected {2} rows in {3}, instead of just 1.
Cause: JoinTable contains a non-unique row for specified primary keys, indicating a Many-To-Many relationship.
Action: Check the JoinTable to remove the duplicate row.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010144: The setXXX method for a primary key field may only be called during ejbCreate.
Cause: The setXXX method for a primary key field may only be called during ejbCreate.
Action: Remove the setXXX method call (for a primary key field) from places other than ejbCreate.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010145: When a cmp-field and a cmr-field (relationship) are mapped to the same column, the setXXX method for the cmp-field may not be called.
Cause: The cmp-field is read-only.
Action: Remove the setXXX method call if cmp-filed is also used as cmr-field.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010146: The setXXX method for a cmr-field that is mapped to a primary key may not be called.
Cause: The cmr-field is read-only.
Action: Remove the setXXX method call if it is cmr-field mapped to a primary key.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010147: The setXXX method for a cmr-field may not be called during ejbCreate. The setXXX method should be called during ejbPostCreate instead.
Cause: The setXXX method should be called during ejbPostCreate instead.
Action: Move the setXXX method call for a cmr-field to ejbPostCreate.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010148: In EJB {0}, the primary key field {1} was not set during ejbCreate.
Cause: All primary key fields must be initialized during ejbCreate.
Action: Be sure to initialize the primary key field during ejbCreate.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010149: According to the EJB 2.0 specification, a value of "null" may not be assigned to a collection valued cmr-field.
Cause: This violates the EJB 2.0 specification.
Action: Avoid using a null argument for a collection valued cmr-field.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010152: Illegal value for concurrency-strategy. Value was {0}, but must be one of ReadOnly, Exclusive, Database, or Optimistic.
Cause: An illegal value was used for concurrency-strategy.
Action: Specify a correct value for concurrency-strategy. It must be one of ReadOnly, Exclusive, Database, or Optimistic

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010153: Only instances of beans with a remote client view can invoke getEJBObject().
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Remove the getEJBObject() method call from the local client.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010154: Only instances of beans with a local client view can invoke getEJBLocalObject().
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Remove the getEJBLocalObject() method call from remote client.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010155: Only instances of beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use getRollbackOnly().
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Remove the getRollbackOnly() method call if container-managed transaction is not used, or enable container-managed transaction for EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010156: Illegal attempt to call EJBContext.getRollbackOnly() from an EJB that was not participating in a transaction
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Make sure to begin the transaction before calling the getRollbackOnly() method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010157: Only instances of beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use setRollbackOnly().
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Remove the setRollbackOnly() method call if container-managed transaction is not used, or enable container-managed transaction for EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010158: Illegal attempt to call EJBContext.setRollbackOnly() from an EJB that was not participating in a transaction
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Begin the transaction before calling the setRollbackOnly() method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010159: To support the use of Handles and HomeHandles, an EJB must be deployed with a JNDI name. This EJB, {0}, was deployed without specifying a JNDI name. To specify a JNDI name for this EJB, add a jndi-name element to the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for this EJB.
Cause: This EJB, {0}, was deployed without specifying a JNDI name.
Action: To specify a JNDI name for this EJB, add a jndi-name element to the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for this EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010160: Security violation: User {0} has insufficient permission to access EJB {1}.
Cause: The specified user has insufficient permission to access the EJB.
Action: Grant sufficient permissions to the user to enable to access the EJBResource.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010166: Error occurred while starting transaction: {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred while starting the Message-Drive Bean transaction.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the text of the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010167: Message-Driven Beans are not allowed to call {0}.
Cause: The method is unavailable for MDBs.
Action: Remove the method call from the MDBs.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010168: Method {0} has been declared in an assembly-descriptor exclude-list and cannot be executed.
Cause: The specified method is declared in the exclude-list.
Action: Remove the method name from the exclude-list or remove the method call.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010173: env-entry for type java.lang.Character had length = 0.
Cause: If there is env-entry for type java.lang.Character, the parameter value should not be length = 0.
Action: Use a non-zero length value for java.lang.Character env-entry.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010188: Error encountered while attempting to drop Default DBMS Table {0}.
Cause: See the exception stack trace included in the logged message.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception stack trace in the logged message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010189: Error encountered while attempting to alter Default DBMS Table: {0}.
Cause: See the exception stack trace included in the logged message.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception stack trace in the logged message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010191: The alter table option is not supported in {0}. Use the DropAndCreate option.
Cause: The alter table option is not supported in the given database.
Action: Use the DropAndCreate option.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010194: Only instances of beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation can use getUserTransaction().
Cause: An illegal invocation was made to the getUserTransaction() method on a Container Managed Bean.
Action: Remove the getUserTransaction() method call from EJBs that are using container-managed transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010195: Security violation: User {0} has insufficient permission to access method {1}.
Cause: The specified user has insufficient permission to access the specified method.
Action: Grant sufficient permissions to the user to enable access to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010197: The entity bean {0} uses optimistic concurrency with read-verification enabled. The database indicates that exclusive row locks are not supported. Read-verification will not guarantee data integrity if the isolation level of the transaction is lower than repeatable read.
Cause: This is a mismatch problem between the concurrency strategy and the transaction isolation level.
Action: If data integrity should be guaranteed under a read-verification enabled configuration, use the appropriate transaction isolation level.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010198: An exception occurred while uninitializing the EJB module {0}.
Cause: Check the exception for the exact cause.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message, and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010199: EJB {0} with run as role {1} has no run-as-principal-name specified in its deployment descriptor or annotation. The EJB container has chosen principal-name {2} from the security-role-assignment list for role {1} to be the run as principal name.
Cause: The specified EJB with the specified run as role has no run-as-principal-name specified in its deployment descriptor or annotation.
Action: Specify run-as-principal-name explicitly if the chosen principal-name is not the appropriate one.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010201: The Message-Driven Bean {0} encountered an error while recovering a JMS session. This is a secondary error. The original error occurred while the Message-Driven Bean was processing a message. The recover action was taken in an attempt to recover from the original error, which will be logged separately.
Cause: The Message-Driven Bean may have generated an exception, or there may be a problem with the JMS provider.
Action: Check that the JMS provider is running and accessible through the network. In addition, check that the Message-Driven Bean onMessage method does not generate any unchecked Java exceptions such as NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010202: Call-by-reference is not enabled for EJB {0}. The server will have better performance if it is enabled. To enable call-by-reference, set the enable-call-by-reference element to True in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for this EJB.
Cause: Call-by-reference is not enabled.
Action: If appropriate, enable call-by-reference in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for the EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010204: The EJB component, {0}, will be rolled back and redeployed to update class {1}. This class is not a bean implementation class. Only bean implementation classes can be updated without redeploying the entire module, and only when enable-bean-class-redeploy is set to True in weblogic-ejb.jar.xml.
Cause: A command was issued to update the specified class.
Action: No action is necessary. This is just an informative message indicating why the EJB module is being redeployed, since this can cause disruption to clients using an EJB in this EJB module.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010205: The EJB module, {0}, will be rolled back and redeployed to update the class {1}. Bean implementation classes, such as this, can be updated without redeploying the entire EJB module. However, this can only be done if enable-bean-class-redeploy is set to True in weblogic-ejb.jar.xml or the corresponding annotation. If this is the behavior you want, set this value to True and redeploy.
Cause: A command was issued to update the specified class.
Action: No action is necessary. This is just an informative message indicating why the EJB module is being redeployed since this can cause disruption to clients using an EJB in this EJB module.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010206: The EJB module, {0}, will be rolled back and redeployed to update the class {1}. This bean implementation class could not be updated without redeploying the entire EJB module because it was changed incompatibly. Incompatible changes are any changes that cause the EJB compiler to be run. This includes modifying a public variable name or a public method signature.
Cause: A command was issued to update the specified class.
Action: No action is necessary. This is just an informative message to let the user know why the EJB module is being redeployed since this can cause disruption to clients using an EJB in this EJB module.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010207: License validation not passed for {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010208: ddl-file {0} created.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010209: ddl-file {0} could not be deleted.
Action: Check the file permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010210: Unable to write to ddl-file {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010211: Unable to alter the table, as the primary key has changed.
Action: Use the DropAndCreate option to create the table.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010212: The EJB {0} contains at least one method without an explicit transaction attribute setting. The default transaction attribute of {1} will be used for the following methods: {2}.
Cause: The ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation does not contain transaction attribute settings for the specified EJB methods.
Action: Assign transaction attributes for all methods of your EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010213: Message-Driven EJB: {0}'s transaction was rolled back. The transaction details are: {1}.
Cause: The transaction was rolled back by the MDB container.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010214: Error starting MDB {0}.
Cause: This error itself does not provide the cause of the error. The log file will contain an exception stack indicating the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010215: The durable subscription store with jms-client-id equal to {0} is deleted when MDB {1} is removed from the server.
Cause: The durable subscription store is deleted when the MDB is removed from the server and its durable-subscription-deletion is set to true.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010216: The Message-Driven EJB: {0} is generating an exception when processing the messages. Delivery failed after {1} attempts. The EJB container will suspend the message delivery for {2} seconds before retry.
Cause: The Message-Driven Bean is generating an exception.
Action: Check the message delivery methods and resolve the exception condition.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010221: The Message-Driven EJB: {0} is unable to bind to the JCA resource adapter: {1}. The Error was: {2}
Cause: The JCA resource adapter is not deployed, or the configuration information in the MDB deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation is incorrect.
Action: Check that the JCA resource adapter is deployed and the configuration information in the MDB deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010222: The aggregate query {0} has a primitive return type but the query returned null because there were no values to which to apply the aggregate function.
Cause: There were no values to which to apply the aggregate function
Action: Handle ObjectNotFoundException correctly on the application side.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010223: EJB deployed Message Driven Bean {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010224: The EJB Timer: {0} has failed to successfully time out in {1} consecutive attempts. The container will delay the timeout for {2} milliseconds as configured for the timer.
Cause: This was caused by a failed ejbTimeout.
Action: It is possible that no action needs to be taken. However, it may be good to investigate why the original ejbTimeout failed.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010225: The EJB Timer: {0} has failed to successfully time out in {1} consecutive attempts. Since no retry delay was configured for this timer, the container will automatically delay the timeout for {2} seconds.
Cause: This was caused by a failed ejbTimeout.
Action: It is possible that no action needs to be taken. However, it may be good to investigate why the ejbTimeout has consecutively failed.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010226: Error executing clustered EJB timer for EJB {0} of module {1} of application {2}. While executing, the timer was unable to find a necessary internal resource required to execute. The most likely cause of this issue is that the EJB is no longer configured to use the clustered EJB timer service but timers still exist in the database.
Cause: The most likely cause of this error is that the EJB associated with this timer is no longer configured to use the clustered EJB timer service.
Action: If the EJB in question is no longer configured to use EJB timers, the timers associated with it should be removed from the database. This can be achieved by re-enabling clustered EJB timers for the EJB and then undeploying the EJB. This will cause any timers associated with the EJB to be removed from the database.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010227: EJB exception occurred during invocation from home or business: {0} generated exception: {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010228: Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean business: {0}.
Cause: The server was unable to update the secondary server.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010230: EJB {0} : method name {1} and method name {2} are equal under case-insensitive comparison but both methods have declarative security settings. Declarative security checks are case-insensitive.
Cause: Both of the specified methods have declarative security settings.
Action: Avoid case-insensitive method name conflicts if method permissions are configured.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010231: The lock request from EJB {0} with primary key {1} timed-out after waiting {3} ns. The transaction or thread requesting the lock was {2}.
Cause: See error message body.
Action: See error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010232: The version of EJB in Module "{0}" is "{1}". However, the deprecated "enable-bean-class-redeploy" feature is not supported in EJB 3.
Cause: See error message body.
Action: Use the FastSwap feature instead and remove the "enable-bean-class-redeploy" settings in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-010233: The configuration of "MessagesMaximum" is ignored for non Weblogic JMS.
Cause: See error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011047: In ejb-jar.xml or annotation, EJB {0} has container-transactions set when the EJB has a transaction-type of Bean. The container-transaction settings will be ignored.
Cause: The specified EJB has container-transactions set when the EJB has a transaction-type of Bean.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011057: The table {0} was created by the user. The container does not drop or alter user-created tables. The container would verify the table in this case.
Cause: The table was already created by the user.
Action: Drop the table if the existing table is not correct. The container will then be able to create the table.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011059: The container was unable to create the DDL file.
Cause: This error does not provide the cause of the error. The log file will contain an exception stack indicating the root cause of the failure.
Action: Inspect the log file for indications of the root cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011061: Stack trace associated with message {0} follows:
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: Look for the associated exception in the log or your program to see what the results are. In general, this stack trace will help with debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011062: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: Review the stack trace, which will help with debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011063: Stateless session beans with bean-managed transactions must commit or roll back their transactions before completing a business method. The method {0} of EJB {1} either returned or generated an Exception without properly completing a transaction.
Cause: A transaction started by the stateless session bean method did not complete before the method completed.
Action: Check the bean code to determine what caused the transaction to not commit or roll back, and fix code. Pay special attention to any exceptions that may be generated by the method, causing commit or rollback calls to be skipped. Blocks can be used to ensure transactions are properly completed in all situations.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011070: In the <weblogic-rdbms-bean>, for <ejb-name> {0}, some <field-group>(s) are defined but are not used in any <weblogic-query>, <weblogic-relationship-role> or <relationship-caching> <caching-element>s. The <group-name>(s) of the unreferenced <field-group>(s) are: {1}
Cause: Some field group definitions are not referenced in any query or relationship.
Action: Remove the field groups listed in the logged message from the descriptor or include its usage appropriately.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011071: In the <weblogic-rdbms-bean>, for <ejb-name> {0}, some <relationship-caching>(s) are defined but are not used in any <weblogic-query>. The <caching-name>(s) of the unreferenced <relationship-caching>(s) are: {1}
Cause: There are unused relation cachings defined in the weblogic-rdbms descriptor.
Action: Remove the unused relationship cachings listed in the logged message from the descriptor or include its usage appropriately.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011073: An error occurred while the EJB container was attempting to obtain information about the table {0} from the database. This information is necessary to validate the mapping between the fields of the EJB {1} and the table. The exception is: {2}
Cause: The most likely cause is an error communicating with the database. The error message should include the specific error message.
Action: The action depends on the specific error that occurred. Actions may range from retrying the failed deployment to seeking help from your database administrator. Also, ensure that you are using a supported database.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011076: Unable to deploy the EJB {0} because the database table {1} is not accessible. Ensure that this table exists and is accessible.
Cause: A required database table was not accessible.
Action: Ensure that the database table exists and is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011077: The EJB deployment contains settings for automatically creating or altering database tables. However, the server is in production mode, so no database tables will be created or altered.
Cause: The server is in production mode so the create-default-dbms-tables settings are being ignored.
Action: No action is required. To suppress the warning, remove the create-default-dbms-tables setting from your EJB deployment.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011078: An exception occurred while starting the freepool idle timeout timer for ejb: {0}, {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011079: An exception occurred while stopping the freepool idle timeout timer for ejb: {0}, {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011080: An exception occurred while starting the Cache idle timeout timer for cache: {0}, {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011081: An exception occurred while stopping the Cache idle timeout timer for cache: {0}, {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011082: Error: The message-destination-link {0} for the Message-Driven Bean {1} in the application module {2} could not be resolved. The target message-destination for the Message-Driven Bean could not be found. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The target of the message-destination-link could not be found in the application.
Action: Fix the message-destination-link to point to a valid message-destination.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011083: The EJB specification prohibits stateful session beans from using the TimerService.
Cause: An illegal call was made to the getTimerService() method on the stateful session beans SessionContext.
Action: Correct the stateful session bean code so that it does not call the getTimerService() method from the bean class.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011084: This EJB class does not support EJB timers and therefore is prohibited from using the TimerService. To use EJB timers, the bean class must implement javax.ejb.TimedObject or have a method that is annotated with @Timeout.
Cause: An illegal call to the getTimerService() method on the EJBContext.
Action: Correct the EJB class so it either implements the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface or ensure that it does not call the getTimerService() method on the EJBContext.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011085: This timer has either expired or been canceled and therefore cannot be invoked.
Cause: An illegal call to a timer object after the timer had expired or was canceled.
Action: Ensure your bean class does not invoke expired or canceled timers.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011086: The timer associated with this TimerHandle has either expired or been canceled.
Cause: The timer associated with the TimerHandle has expired or been canceled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011087: This TimerHandle is being invoked outside of the context of the application in which it was created. Since timers are local objects, they can only be called from within the same application in which they were created.
Cause: This TimerHandle is being invoked outside of the context of the application in which it was created.
Action: Ensure that your application does not pass any TimerHandle references outside of the scope of the application.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011088: The following error occurred while invoking the ejbTimeout(javax.ejb.Timer) method of EJB {0}.
Cause: This could be caused by erroneous code in the ejbTimeout method or by the failure of a dependent resource.
Action: All exceptions that occur while invoking or attempting to invoke the ejbTimeout method should be investigated and resolved. If the ejbTimeout method is non-transactional, that is, has a transaction attribute of NotSupported, or if the bean uses bean-managed transactions, the ejbTimeout method may not be retried, leading to missed timeout notifications.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011089: The following error occurred while attempting to remove an EJB timer from the persistent store for EJB {0}.
Cause: This is an unexpected error so the cause is unknown. The accompanying exception and stack trace should provide information as to the cause of the error.
Action: This cause of this error should be investigated and resolved promptly.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011090: The following error occurred while preparing to invoke the ejbTimeout(javax.ejb.Timer) method of EJB {0}.
Cause: This is an unexpected error so the cause is unknown. The accompanying exception and stack trace should provide information as to the cause of the error.
Action: All exceptions that occur while attempting to invoke the ejbTimeout method should be investigated and resolved.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011091: The table {0} cannot be dropped or created since it uses a trigger to update the optimistic column of the EJB. The container will only verify the existence of the table.
Cause: The table uses a trigger to update the optimistic column of the EJB.
Action: To suppress this warning, set the create-default-dbms-tables value in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to Disabled.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011092: In production mode, the DropAndCreate, DropAndCreateAlways, and AlterOrCreate options are ignored. The container will only attempt to verify the existence and increment value of the sequence {0}.
Cause: Options that apply only to development mode are ignored in production mode.
Action: Do not use these values for Automatic Oracle SEQUENCE Generation in production mode.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011093: The SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT {1} was not found in the database. This SEQUENCE was specified in the CMP deployment descriptor to be used for automatic primary key generation.
Cause: The SEQUENCE was not found.
Action: Examine the <automatic-key-generation> tag in the CMP deployment descriptor. In particular, re-examine the <generator-name> and verify that this is the correct name of the SEQUENCE. Also, re-examine the <key-cache-size> and verify that this is the correct size of the SEQUENCE INCREMENT value.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011094: The SEQUENCE named {0} does not have INCREMENT value of {1} in the database as specified in the CMP deployment descriptor. Either modify the key-cache-value for this SEQUENCE in the deployment descriptor or update the SEQUENCE in the database.
Cause: The SEQUENCE named {0} does not have an INCREMENT value of {1} in the database as specified in the CMP deployment descriptor.
Action: In the <automatic-key-generation> tag of the CMP deployment descriptor, re-examine the <key-cache-size> and verify that this is the correct size of the SEQUENCE INCREMENT value.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011095: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while attempting to CREATE the SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}. {2}
Cause: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while attempting to CREATE the SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}.
Action: The message contains the cause of the error. See the message body and resolve the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011096: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while setting up The SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}. {2}
Cause: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while setting up The SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}.
Action: The message contains the cause of the error. See the message body and resolve the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011097: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while attempting to ALTER the SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}. {2}
Cause: During EJB deployment, error(s) were encountered while attempting to ALTER the SEQUENCE named {0} with INCREMENT value {1}.
Action: The message contains the cause of the error. See message body and resolve the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011098: No generated primary key was returned from the database insert statement as expected. Verify that the primary key database column for this EJB is an IDENTITY column as declared in the CMP deployment descriptor for this EJB.
Cause: This is most likely caused by a database configuration error. It may also be caused by a JDBC driver that does not support the getGeneratedKeys() method on java.sql.Statement.
Action: Verify that the primary key column in the database is marked as an IDENTITY column (or a functional equivalent is setup for the column such as a database trigger to insert a value into the primary key column).

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011099: Multiple generated keys were returned from the database insert statement. The EJB container is unable to determine which generated key corresponds to the primary key column. To use the IDENTITY primary key generator, you must only have a single automatically generated database column per EJB.
Cause: This is most likely caused by a database configuration error. Each EJB may only have a single automatically generated database column.
Action: Verify that the database table corresponding to the EJB only has a single generated column.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011109: Failed to register JACC policy context handlers for the EJB container.
Cause: An unexpected error condition occurred while registering JACC context policy handlers.
Action: See the error message stack trace for details on how to resolve this issue.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011110: The SEQUENCE named {0} has key-cache-size set to {1}, which is less than the INCREMENT_BY value for the sequence in the database. This may generate missing keys.
Cause: The SEQUENCE named {0} has key-cache-size set to {1}, which is less than the INCREMENT_BY value for the sequence in the database.
Action: In the <automatic-key-generation> tag, re-examine the <key-cache-size> and verify that it is set correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011111: The SEQUENCE named {0} has key-cache-size set to {1} which is greater than the INCREMENT_BY value for the sequence in the database. This is not allowed as it may generate duplicate keys.
Cause: The key-cache-set size for the SEQUENCE is not valid.
Action: in the <automatic-key-generation> tag, re-examine the <key-cache-size> and set it to a value less than or equal to the INCREMENT_BY value for the sequence in the database.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011120: The CMP EJB {0} has enable-batch-operations set to true. The update queries, however, are not suitable for batching. Batched operations are turned off for this batch and the queries will be executed with multiple update statements.
Cause: Batching is turned off for update queries.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011121: Error in Message-Driven Bean EJB {0}. The plugin-class {1} could not be found in the server classpath.
Cause: The plugin-class could not be found in the server classpath.
Action: Add the plugin-class in the server classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011122: Error in Message-Driven Bean EJB {0}. The plugin-class {1} could not be instantiated.
Cause: The plugin-class could not be instantiated.
Action: Add the plugin-class in the server classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011123: Error in Message-Driven Bean EJB {0}. The plugin-class {1} could not be found in the server classpath.
Cause: The plugin-class could not be accessed.
Action: Add the plugin-class in the server classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011124: Error in Message-Driven Bean EJB {0}. The plugin-class {1} does not implement weblogic.ejb.spi.SecurityPlugin.
Cause: The plugin-class does not implement weblogic.ejb.spi.SecurityPlugin.
Action: Make the plugin-class implement weblogic.ejb.spi.SecurityPlugin.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011125: An unexpected error was encountered while attempting to remove any EJB timers from the persistent store for the EJB {0}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to remove EJB timers from the persistent store.
Action: See the particular error message for details about the error. If your application is failing to deploy because of this error, it may be necessary to manually remove the timers from the store.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011126: The same exception has consecutively caused the expiration to fail for EJB timer {0}. Consecutive errors of this type will no longer be logged for the current timer expiration.
Cause: The same exception has consecutively caused expiration of an EJB timer to fail.
Action: Investigate what caused the ejbTimeout method to fail. The original exception will be logged in a previous error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011127: Error deserializing one or more EJB timers from the persistent store for the EJB deployment {0}. An incompatible change to the class of a Serializable object associated with the timer may be the cause. If this is the case, you can either undeploy your application entirely to remove the EJB timers from the persistent store or revert the incompatible changes to the Serializable class so the EJB timer can be deserialized. The error was: {1}
Cause: A common cause of this error is an incompatible serializable class change in your application.
Action: If the error is due to an incompatible serializable class change in your application, there are two options for dealing with the serialization errors. The first option is to completely undeploy the EJB. which will cause all of the EJB timers in the persistent store to be permanently removed. The second option is to revert changes to the serializable class that is associated with the EJB timer and redeploy the application. This allows the EJB timer to be deserialized.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011128: Error creating an instance of the EJB {0}: {1}
Cause: See the reported error message for the cause. This error may be due to a configuration issue or a bug in the EJB container.
Action: See the specific error message for details and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011129: Error deploying EJB {0} to server {1}. This EJB is configured to use the clustered EJB Timer implementation but this server is not part of a cluster.
Cause: It is illegal to deploy an EJB that uses clustered EJB timers to a server that is not part of a cluster.
Action: You must either set the timer-implementation attribute of your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor to Local or ensure that any servers to which you deploy the EJB are part of a cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011130: Error deploying EJB {0}. This EJB is configured to use the clustered EJB timer implementation but the data-source-for-job-scheduler cluster attribute is not configured.
Cause: While deploying this EJB, the EJB container determined the data-source-for-job-scheduler cluster attribute has not been set.
Action: You must either set the timer-implementation attribute of your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor to Local or configure the data-source-for-job-scheduler attribute for your cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011132: Error deploying EJB {0}. While binding a business interface to the JNDI name {1}, the following error occurred: {2}
Cause: See the specific error for details.
Action: The action to take depends on the specific error that occurred. If the error was a JNDI naming conflict, you may need to choose a different JNDI name for the interface.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011135: The EJB {0} is a singleton session bean. EJB 2.1 client views are not supported for singleton session beans.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011136: wasCancelCalled() should only be invoked from within an asynchronous business method invocation with return type Future.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011137: A singleton session bean with bean-managed transactions must commit or roll back a transaction before the business method completes.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011138: Singleton session beans with bean-managed transactions must commit or rollback their transactions before completing a business method. The method {0} of EJB {1} either returned or generated an exception without properly completing a transaction.
Cause: A transaction started by the singleton session bean method did not complete before the method completed.
Action: Check the bean code to determine what caused the transaction to not commit or roll back and fix the code. Pay special attention to any exceptions that may be generated by the method, causing commit or rollback calls to be skipped. Blocks can be used to ensure transactions are properly completed in all situations.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011139: The following exception occurred when processing the asynchronous invocation : {0}.
Cause: There error was encountered during the asynchronous invocation.
Action: See the exception stack trace for details.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011140: The argument {0} is not a valid local client view for the EJB {1}.
Cause: The argument is not a valid local client view for the EJB.
Action: Review the EJB configuration and calling code to determine the discrepancy.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011141: This EJB has already been removed.
Cause: The EJB has already been removed.
Action: Avoid the call for removed objects.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011142: Error creating EJB reference: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while creating an EJB reference.
Action: The reported exception contains the root cause of the issue. Review the exception to identify the exact problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011143: Error removing stateful session bean: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occured while trying to remove a stateful session bean.
Action: The reported exception has the root cause of the issue. Review the exception to identify the actual problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011144: Singleton EJB {0} failed to initialize.
Cause: A singleton EJB {0} failed to initialize.
Action: The message body has the root cause of the issue. Review it to identify the essential problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011145: Illegal call to a Write method from a Thread holding Read lock.
Cause: An illegal call to a Write method was made
Action: Remove or rewrite the call.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011146: Timed out while trying to aquire lock on Singleton {0} to invoke method {1}.
Cause: A timeout occurred while trying to aquire a lock.
Action: Check Singleton concurrency. A timeout has been reached.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011147: Singleton {0} is in use by another thread.
Cause: While this Singleton is being invoked, it cannot be called from other threads.
Action: Check Singleton concurrency.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011148: Singleton {0} not initialized as Singleton {1} from the DependsOn transitive, closure failed initialization.
Cause: A singleton was not initialized as a Singleton from the DependsOn transitive, closure failed initialization.
Action: Check the server log for the cause of the dependent Singleton initialization error and resolve it.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011149: The EJB {0} contains an illegal value for the activation config property MessagesMaximum. The specified value is {1} but the legal values are -1, and 1 through 2î63-1.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011223: Cannot invoke stateful callback on {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011224: Unable to bind the interface {0} to {1}. Another EJB has already bound an interface to that name.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011225: Unable to bind the interface {0} to {1}. This EJB has declared another interface already bound to that name.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011226: Error during {0}. Could not get connection: {1} {2}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011227: Error during finder {0}. Exception while preparing query: {1} {2} {3}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011232: Error during finder {0}. Exception while setting parameters for query {1} {2} {3}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011233: Error during finder {0}. Exception while executing query {1} {2}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011234: Could not find an EJB with a field that is mapped to table {0} and column {1}. The SQL query is {2}. Try using an SqlShape annotation to describe the query results or check that the SqlShape annotation in use is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011235: Error in {0}, could not map relationship {1} role {2} to an EJB populated by the query {3}. EJBs populated by this query are: {4}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011236: Error executing finder {0}: SqlShape {1} contains {2} columns, but the result set returned by JDBC contains {3} columns. The number of columns in the SqlShape and the JDBC result set must match.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011237: A stored procedure or function is used by {0}, but no SqlShape is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011238: Error in {0}. SQL query {1} does not select column values for all primary key fields of bean {2}. No columns were selected for the following fields: {3}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011239: Query-caching is not supported for read-write beans.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011240: Error obtaining nativeQuery: {0}, {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011241: An attempt was made to do an executeQuery on query {0}, using a non-WebLogic EntityManager.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011242: Internal Error: Extended Persistence Context has been closed!

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011243: attempt at illegal state transaction from {0} to {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011244: An illegal call was made to the EJBContext method. getMessageContext can only be called from SLSBs with web-service endpoint interfaces.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011245: The EJB {0} is not an EJB3.0 bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011246: The EJB {0} does not declare a {1} home interface.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011247: The EJB {0} does not implement the business interface {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011248: The bean has not been invoked through a business interface.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011249: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in ejbCreate or the PostConstruct method of a Message-Driven Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011250: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in ejbRemove or the PreDestroy method of a Message-Driven Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011251: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in setSessionContext or a dependency injection of a Message-Driven Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011252: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in setSessionContext or a dependency injection of a stateful session bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011253: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in ejbCreate or the PostConstruct method of a stateless session bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011254: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in ejbRemove or the PreDestroy method of a stateless session bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011255: It is illegal to invoke UserTransaction methods in setSessionContext or a dependency injection of a stateless session bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011256: Single expiration timers cannot be cancelled from within ejbTimeout.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011257: It is illegal to invoke Timer methods in ejbRemove or a PreDestroy method from asession bean or Message-Driven Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011258: It is illegal to invoke Timer methods in ejbActivate or a PostActivate method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011259: It is illegal to invoke Timer methods in ejbPassivate or a PrePassivate method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011260: It is illegal to invoke Timer methods during a dependency injection.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011261: Invocation timed out. Timer is busy.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011262: Error cancelling timer

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011263: EjbJarBean is not set yet.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011264: Method {0} is marked TX_NEVER, but was called within a transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011265: Unexpected exception in afterDelivery(): {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011266: An attempt was made to execute getDatabaseProductName using a non-WebLogic EntityManager.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011267: Error calling getDatabaseProductName: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011268: An attempt was made to execute nativeQuery on query {0}, using a non-WebLogic EntityManager.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011269: Error obtaining nativeQuery: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011270: Error preparing query: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011276: An illegal attempt was made to make a re-entrant call to a stateful session bean: {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011277: An illegal attempt was made to make a re-entrant call to a stateful session bean from home: {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011278: The following dependency that was declared by {0} is not a Singleton Session Bean: {1}.
Cause: A dependency that was specified by a Singleton Session Bean must also be a Singleton Session Bean.
Action: Remove the illegal dependency from the dependency list or replace it with a Singleton Session Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-011279: The following exception occured in PreDestroy processing for singleton session bean {0}: {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012030: Illegal DOCTYPE for a WebLogic RDBMS CMP EJB11 descriptor file. DOCTYPE {0} not permitted. Only DOCTYPE {1} permitted here.
Cause: An illegal DOCTYPE was used.
Action: Make sure to update appropriate DOCTYPE to the descriptor file.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012031: The EJB {0} has a finder {1} for which the sql-select-distinct attribute has been specified. This attribute has been deprecated and will not be supported in future releases.
Cause: The deprecated sql-select-distinct attribute was used.
Action: Use the EJB-QL DISTINCT clause instead. The container will automatically filter duplicates if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012032: For EJB {0}, a weblogic-query element in the CMP deployment descriptor has no matching query element in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. The settings specified in the weblogic-query element will be ignored. The EJB method referred to by the weblogic-query element is {1}.
Cause: The weblogic-query element references a wrong or non-existent query method for this entity EJB.
Action: Remove the weblogic-query element or update it so that it references the correct query method.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012033: Compiling generated EJB classes produced the following Java compiler output: {0}
Cause: While compiling EJB generated classes, the Java compiler produced output.
Action: Typically, there is no action to take. The Java compiler output is printed for informational purposes. If the Java compiler is unable to successfully compile the generated classes, this is likely a bug in the EJB subsystem and you should probably contact support.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012035: The Remote interface method: {0} in EJB {1} contains a parameter of type {2} which is not serializable. Though the EJB {1} has call-by-reference set to false, this parameter is not serializable and hence will be passed by reference. A parameter can be passed using call-by-value only if the parameter type is serializable.
Cause: The EJB has call-by-reference set to false. A parameter can be passed using call-by-value only if the parameter type is serializable. As this parameter is not serializable, the parameter will be passed by reference.
Action: The parameter should implement the java.io.Serializable interface for it to be passed by value.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012036: Compiling generated EJB classes produced the following Java compiler error message: {0}
Cause: While compiling EJB generated classes, the Java compiler produced output.
Action: If the Java compiler is unable to successfully compile the generated classes, this is likely a bug in the EJB subsystem and you should probably contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-012037: In weblogic-ejb-jar.xml or annotation, a singleton-session-descriptor element was found for EJB {0}. This EJB was not declared as a singleton session bean in ejb-jar.xml or annotation.
Cause: There is an incompatible configuration between weblogic-ejb-jar.xml and ejb-jar.xml.
Action: Modify weblogic-ejb-jar.xml or ejb-jar.xml to keep configuration consistency whether singleton or non-singleton.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014000: Problem, encountered illegal value for transaction-isolation {0}.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Specify one of the following legal values: TransactionSerializable, TransactionReadCommitted, TransactionReadCommittedForUpdate, TransactionReadCommittedForUpdateNoWait, TransactionReadUncommitted, or TransactionRepeatableRead.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014001: RDBMS descriptor {0} contains transaction-isolation settings. These settings may conflict with isolation-level settings in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor and will be lost if you edit this descriptor in the console.
Cause: The specified RDBMS descriptor contains transaction-isolation settings.
Action: Move the isolation-level settings to the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014003: EJB {0} uses optimistic concurrency and contains a finder or select method, {1}, for which include-updates is true. This combination of features does not work properly with database {2}.
Cause: Optimistic concurrency is implemented by reading data in a local transaction to avoid holding database locks, unless Oracle is used as the database. Oracle read consistency does not hold read locks, so in this case reads are performed using the current JTA transaction. When reads are performed in a local transaction updates that have been flushed prior to commit of the transaction are not visible.
Action: Set include-updates for the query to false to avoid this warning message, or if you are using Oracle as your database, set the database-type to Oracle in weblogic-cmp-jar.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014004: In EJB {0}, <generator-type> is set to {1}. It is incompatible with Batch Operations due to database limitations. Both order-database-operations and enable-batch-operations are turned off by EJB container.
Cause: These are database limitations.
Action: Turn off automatic-key-generation in order to use batch operations.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014005: The configured dispatch policy {1} for Message-Driven Bean (MDB) {0} will be ignored: the MDB is not running in a WebLogic thread.
Cause: The queue MDB is driven asynchronously by a non-WebLogic JMS implementation and runs in a non-WebLogic thread mechanism, so the MDBs application thread pool is not configurable.
Action: To disable this warning, remove the dispatch-policy setting from the MDBs WebLogic descriptor file.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014006: The Message-Driven Bean (MDB) named {0} has a dispatch policy {1} that refers to an unknown execute queue thread pool. The default execute thread pool will be used instead.
Cause: The specified MDB named has a dispatch policy that refers to an unknown execute queue thread pool.
Action: Create an execute thread queue pool for the server named {1}, or modify the dispatch-policy attribute in the MDBs WebLogic descriptor file to the name of an already existing execute queue thread pool.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014007: The bean named {0} contains BLOB or CLOB fields or both, and uses Optimistic Concurrency but no version or timestamp column has been specified. This may result in corruption of BLOB and CLOB data.
Cause: The specified bean contains BLOB or CLOB fields or both, and uses Optimistic Concurrency but no version or timestamp column has been specified.
Action: Specify "version" or "timestamp" in the <table-map> <verify-columns> element and specify the name of the <version> or <timestamp> column in the <optimistic-column> element.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014008: In EJB {0}, {1} references an SqlShape element {2} that is not defined. The list of SqlShape elements that are defined for this EJB is: {3}.
Cause: An undefined SqlShape element was referenced.
Action: Use an existing SqlShape or create the SqlShape that you wish to use.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014009: The Message-Driven Bean {0} of application {1} will now be suspended, as it listens to global JMS destination {2} and a new application version {3} is being redeployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014010: The Message-Driven Bean {0} of application {1} will now be suspended, as it listens to global JMS topic {2} and a new application version {3} is being redeployed. Note also that the current Message-Driven Bean is not a durable subscriber to the topic, and messages published by the topic after the currently active version of the Message-Driven Bean is suspended may not be received by the new application version.
Cause: The specified Message-Driven Bean listens to the specified global JMS topic and a new application version is being redeployed.
Action: To ensure that the new application version will receive all messages published while the Message-Driven Bean was suspended, set the activation config property "subscriptionDurability" to "durable" in the deployment descriptor or annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014011: EJB {0} uses optimistic-concurrency and has the use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor set to true. This combination of features is incompatible. The use-select-for-update is turned off by the EJB container in this case.
Cause: Optimistic concurrency is implemented by reading data in a local transaction to avoid holding database locks. The element use-select-for-update in the RDBMS deployment descriptor when set to true, will cause SELECT ... FOR UPDATE to be used whenever the bean is loaded from the database, thus locking the table. This conflicts with the Optimistic Concurrency strategy.
Action: Set use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to false to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014012: EJB {0} uses optimistic-concurrency and disables cluster invalidation, but does not have verify-rows set to Read. This combination will prevent detection of stale data if the bean is never modified in a transaction.
Cause: Optimistic concurrency beans verify consistency of data only if the bean has been modified, unless verify-rows is set to Read. If some other member of a cluster modifies a bean, other members will not be notified of this modification and will continue to store stale data unless the other members also attempt to modify the bean.
Action: Set either of the elements verify-rows to Read or cluster-invalidation-disabled to false in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014013: EJB {0} does not have a concurrency-strategy of either optimistic or readOnly and disables cluster invalidation. Cluster invalidation is relevant only for these concurrency strategies.
Cause: When an EJB is using either optimistic or readOnly concurrency-strategy and is deployed to a cluster, the container invalidates such beans on modification to avoid throwing OptimisticConcurrencyExceptions. This invalidation can be turned off by setting the cluster-invalidation-disabled to true in the RDBMS deployment descriptor.
Action: Set cluster-invalidation-disabled to false in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014014: The Message-Driven Bean (MDB) named {0} has a dispatch policy {1} that refers to an unknown work manager. The default work manager will be used instead.
Cause: The specified MDB has a dispatch policy that refers to an unknown work manager.
Action: Create a work manager for the server named {1}, or modify the dispatch-policy attribute in the MDBs WebLogic descriptor file to the name of an already existing work manager.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014016: EJB {0} uses readonly-concurrency and has the use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor set to true. As the bean is read-only, select-for-update is unnecessary.
Cause: Read-only beans cannot be updated. Therefore, use-select-for-update is unnecessary.
Action: Set use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to false to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014017: EJB {0} uses exclusive-concurrency and has the use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor set to true. As the bean is locked at the server level during a transaction, select-for-update on the database is unnecessary.
Cause: Exclusive concurrency is implemented by locking the bean at the server level when the bean participates in a transaction. Setting the element use-select-for-update in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to true causes SELECT ... FOR UPDATE to be used whenever the bean is loaded from the database, thus locking the row in the database too. This may be unnecessary, as the bean is locked by the container.
Action: Set use-select-for-update element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to false to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014018: EJB {0} uses a verify-columns element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor. This element is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. Since this bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Cause: verify-columns is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. As the bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Action: Remove verify-columns element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014019: EJB {0} uses a verify-rows element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor. This element is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. Since this bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Cause: verify-rows is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. As the bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Action: Remove the verify-rows element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014020: EJB {0} uses an optimistic-column element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor. This element is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. Since this bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Cause: optimistic-column element is applicable only for optimistic concurrency beans. If the bean does not use optimistic concurrency, this element will be ignored.
Action: Remove the optimistic-column element in the RDBMS deployment descriptor to avoid this warning message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014021: The EJB {0} has been successfully deployed. The following remote interfaces have been bound into JNDI with the specified JNDI names:

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-014022: {0} is bound with JNDI name {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015000: The following exception occured while processing annotations: {0}.
Cause: See the exception to determine the cause.
Action: See the exception to determine the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015001: Unable to link class {0} in Jar {1} : {2}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015002: Unable to load class {0} in Jar {1} : {2}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015003: Unable to create virual Jar {0} : {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015004: The super class {0} of session bean class {1} is also a session bean class.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015005: The session type is not set in the deployment descriptor or annotation for session bean {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015007: No ejbCreate method was found for init method {0} in bean {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015008: No matching create method for @Init method {0} in bean {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015009: Could not load interceptor class {0}: {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015010: In bean {0}, there are multiple method permission annotations for method {1}, which is illegal.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015011: There are multiple method permission annotations for class {0}, which is illegal.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015012: Unable to load interface class {0}: {1}

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015013: Bean class {0} does not implement interface method {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015014: ServiceEndpoint class {0} was specified but cannot be found.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015015: The super class {0} of Message-Driven Bean class {1} is also a Message-Driven Bean class.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015016: Message-Drive Bean {0} does not implement the message listener interface, has no messaging-type specified in the deployment descriptor, or has no messageListenerInterface specified by using @MessageDriven annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015017: In bean class {0}, the @EJB annotation is at class level, so the beanInterface must be explicitly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015018: In interceptor class {0}, the @EJB annotation is at class level, so the beanInterface must be explicitly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015022: {0} is not valid in this context. Bean class: {1}.
Cause: {0} is not valid in this context. Bean class: {1}.
Action: Remove {0} from the invalid location.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015023: {0} is not valid in this context. Bean method: {1}.{2}.
Cause: {0} is not valid in this context. Bean method: {1}.{2}.
Action: Remove {0} annotation from invalid location.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015024: Could not specify @JNDIName on local business interface {0} of Bean {1}.
Cause: The @JNDIName could not be specified on the local business interface {0} of Bean {1}.
Action: Remove the annotation from the local business interface.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015025: Unable to load a class that is specified in your ejb-jar.xml: {0}.
Cause: A class that is specified in your ejb-jar.xml cannot be loaded.
Action: Check ejb-jar.xml in the EJB JAR file.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015026: Reference name {0} of @{1} annotation on class {2} is not unique.
Cause: Reference name {0} of @{1} annotation on class {2} is not unique.
Action: Change the reference name {0} of @{1} annotation on class {2}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015027: The Message-Driven EJB is transactional, but the JMS connection factory referenced by the JNDI name {0} is not a JMS XA connection factory.
Cause: The Message-Driven EJB is transactional, but the JMS connection factory referenced by the JNDI name {0} is not a JMS XA connection factory.
Action: Make the Message-Driven EJB non-transactional, or use a different connection factory that supports XA.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015028: The EJB {0} contains an illegal value for the activation config property DistributedDestinationConnection. The specified value is {1} but the legal values are EveryMember and LocalOnly.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015029: The EJB {0} contains an illegal value for the activation config property TopicMessagesDistributionMode. The specified value is {1} but the legal values are Compatibility, One-Copy-Per-Server, or One-Copy-Per-Application.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015030: The EJB {0} has an illegal permutation on distributed topic type and topicMessagesDistributionMode. Replicated distributed topics work with Compatibility, One-Copy-Per-Server, or One-Copy-Per-Application, but partitioned distributed topics only work with One-Copy-Per-Server or One-Copy-Per-Application. The EJB is configured to partitioned distributed topic and Compatibility.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Review the compatibility of distributed topic types and topicMessagesDistributionMode and fix them.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015031: The EJB {0} has a distributedDestinationConnection configured but the EJB is configured to connect to a remote cluster. Since the distributedDestinationConnection configuration is only valid in a local cluster, the setting will be ignored.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Connect to a local cluster, or remove the distributedDestinationConnection configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015032: The EJB {0} is configured with the activation config property topicMessagesDistributionMode but the EJB is configured to connect to a JMS Queue. The topicMessagesDistributionMode is valid only for JMS Topic destinations.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015033: The EJB {0} has an invalid value configured for the activation config property {1}. Only WebLogic JMS server 10.3.4 or later versions support the values One-Copy-Per-Server or One-Copy-Per-Application. Prior to Weblogic JMS server or other non-Weblogic JMS vendors, only the Compatibility value is supported.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015034: This destinaiton {1} is a remote replicated distribution topic which does not support durable subscriptions when the Message-Drive Bean {0} works in Compatibility mode.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Review and fix the compatibility of the activation config property SubscriptionDurability and topicMessagesDistributionMode.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015035: The EJB {0} is configured to support One-Copy-Per-Server mode but the partitioned topic is configured as LocalOnly. To support One-Copy-Per-Server mode, the LocalOnly setting will be overridden with EveryMember.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Change distributed-destination-connection to EveryMember to remove the warning.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015036: In the EJB {0}, the value for the activation config property {1} will be ignored since it is overridden with the value {2}.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: To remove this warning, remove the duplicated configuration from the activation config property.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015037: In EJB {0}, the throws clause for method {1} in the bean class contains exceptions that are NOT in the throws clause of the corresponding {2} interface method.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Correct the throws clause. Implementation methods must have all exceptions that are provided by the corresponding interfaces.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015038: Problems definitively matching up the interface method {0} with a method in the bean class. Please modify your bean class to implement the interface {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015039: Cannot start an inactive Message-Driven Bean {0}. A redployment may be needed.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Redeploy the application and restart it.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015040: The Message-Driven Bean {0} is inactive now.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015041: The Message-Driven Bean {0} is active now.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015042: The JNDI name {0} is set for {1} home interface of EJB {2}, but cannot find {1} home in deployment descriptor. Specify {1} home in ejb-jar.xml.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: Specify {1} home in ejb-jar.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015043: A concurrent-call attempt failed on a stateful session bean instance because the lock was held by another thread or transaction, either because concurrent-access is prohibited or access could not be granted in a specific time period. You may change the concurrent-access behavior using the @AccessTimeout annotation or a corresponding element in deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015044: @JNDIName is specified on multiple classes for the same business interface {0} but the value is different. Class: {1}; Class: {2}.
Cause: @JNDIName is specified on multiple classes for the same business interface {0} but the value is different. Class: {1}; Class: {2}.
Action: Remove @JNDIName from either {1} or {2}.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015045: @JNDIName on the bean implementation class does not provide the class of the client view, but more than one client view exists. Class: {0}.
Cause: @JNDIName on the bean implementation class does not provide the class of the client view, but more than one client view exists. Class: {0}.
Action: Remove @JNDIName from {0} or provide the class name of each client view.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015046: Illegal operation, context data is not supported for the Entity Bean.
Cause: An illegal operation has occurred, context data is not supported for the Entity Bean.
Action: Remove the retrieval operation for the Entity Bean's context data.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-015047: Unable to bind portable JNDI name {0}.
Cause: The portable JNDI name could not be bound. See the exception for the cause.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: EJB

BEA-040010: JMSServer "{0}" configured {1,choice,0#no session pools|1#1 session pool|2#{1} session pools}.
Cause: This message indicates the number of session pools that were configured or deployed for the JMSServer while processing the configuration file.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040014: Failed to start JMSServer. JMS is shutting down.
Cause: The JMS server failed to initialize.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system. There should be earlier messages that indicate the cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040015: JMS shutdown is complete.
Cause: JMS has been shut down, either at the request of the administrator or due to configuration errors.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040017: JMSServer "{0}" connection factory JNDI binding failed, {1}. JMS is shutting down.
Cause: An error was found when binding the connection factory to a JNDI name during configuration.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040018: Could not obtain a replicated or non-replicated InitialContext from the default provider, {0}.
Cause: An error was encountered when binding a JMS Server to a JNDI name during configuration.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040019: JMSServer "{0}" failed to bind to JNDI name: {1}.
Cause: An error was encountered when binding a JMS Server to a JNDI name during configuration.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040024: JMSServer "{0}" byte threshold for destination {1} has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040025: JMSServer "{0}" byte threshold condition for destination {1} has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040026: JMSServer "{0}" message threshold for destination {1} has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040027: JMSServer "{0}" message threshold condition for destination {1} has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040028: JMSServer "{0}" byte threshold for the server has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040029: JMSServer "{0}" byte threshold for server has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040030: JMSServer "{0}" message threshold for the server has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040031: JMSServer "{0}" message threshold for the server has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040068: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering destination {1}.
Cause: Look for earlier messages that might explain the error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040069: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering producer {1}.
Cause: Look for earlier messages that might explain the error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040070: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering connection {1}.
Cause: Look for earlier messages that might explain the error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040071: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering session {1}.
Cause: Look for earlier messages that might explain the error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040072: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering consumer {1}.
Cause: Look for earlier messages that might explain the error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040089: JMSServer "{0}". JMS messages in store ({1}) were migrated from version {2} to 600.
Cause: Message migration happens automatically when starting JMS and an old store exists.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040090: Deployed {0,choice,0#no default connection factories|1#1 default connection factory|2#{0} default connection factories}.
Cause: This message indicates the number of default connection factories deployed while processing the configuration file.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040095: JMSServer "{0}". Store I/O failure, {1}.
Cause: There is no more of file space, a disk failure occurred, or a database failure occurred.
Action: Restart the database, if applicable, and restart JMS.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040107: Undeployed {0,choice,0#no default connection factories|1#1 default connection factory|2#{0} default connection factories}.
Cause: This message indicates the number of default connection factories that were undeployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040108: User connection factory "{0}" is started.
Cause: The specified user connection factory has been started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040109: JMSServer "{0}" is started.
Cause: The specified JMS Server has been started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040113: JMSServer "{0}", Opening file store "{1}" in directory "{2}". Starting scan of {3,choice,0#0 files|1#1 file|2#{3} files} totaling {4} bytes.
Cause: A JMS server has opened its persistent file store and is about to scan its contents for messages.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040119: Failed to deploy a JMS connection factory "{0}" due to {1}.
Cause: The JMS connection factory failed to initialize. Usually this is a configuration error. This may also happen when the server is shutting down but JMS still attempts to create a new connection factory.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040120: Failed to bind JMS connection factory "{0}" with its JNDI name due to {1}.
Cause: This is a JNDI failure.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040121: JMSServer "{0}". Cannot be deployed on multiple servers.
Cause: A JMS Server was deployed on more than one WebLogic Server instance, and this is not allowed.
Action: Change the configuration file and reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040122: Failed to deploy JMS Server "{0}" due to {1}.
Cause: The JMS server failed to initialize. Usually this is a configuration error. This may also happen when the server is shutting down but JMS still attempts to create a new JMS server.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040123: Failed to start JMS Server "{0}" due to {1}.
Cause: A JNDI failure occurred, or there was a failure when starting destinations, server session pools and/or connection consumers.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040124: JMSServer "{0}". Failed to create JMS server session pool "{1}" due to {2}.
Cause: The JMS server session pool failed to initialize. Usually this is a configuration error. This may also happen when the server is shutting down but JMS still attempts to create a new JMS server session pool.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040125: JMSServer "{0}". Failed to create JMS connection consumer "{1}" due to {2}.
Cause: The JMS connection consumer failed to initialize. Usually this is a configuration error. This may also happen when the server is shutting down but JMS still attempts to create a new JMS connection consumer.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040127: Failed to create JMS multicast socket due to {0}.
Cause: The JMS multicast socket failed to initialize.
Action: Reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040215: JMS server "{0}". Cannot set "{1}" to -1 when paging is enabled. The value of the attribute remains unchanged.
Cause: This is caused by an invalid configuration.
Action: Disable paging before setting this value to -1.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040305: JMS service is initialized and in standby mode.
Cause: The initialization phase of the JMS service is completed and the JMS service is in standby mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040306: JMS service is active now.
Cause: The activation phase of the JMS service is completed, and the JMS service is in active mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040307: JMS service is suspending gracefully.
Cause: The JMS service has started the suspension phase. No new work will be accepted and JMS Service will attempt to complete all existing work before it brings itself to standby mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040308: JMS service is suspending.
Cause: The JMS service has started the suspension phase. No new work will be accepted and all the existing work will be terminated immediately before the JMS service brings itself to standby mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040321: JMSServer "{0}" is resuming.
Cause: The JMSServer "{0}" is resuming.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040324: JMSServer "{0}" is suspending.
Cause: The JMSServer "{0}" is suspending.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040325: JMSServer "{0}" is suspended.
Cause: The JMSServer "{0}" is suspended.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040351: ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID={0} > {1} {2} </ExpiredJMSMessage
Cause: A message has been expired and the policy is to log the message header fields and messages properties so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040352: ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID={0} > {1} </ExpiredJMSMessage
Cause: A message has been expired and the policy is to log the message header fields so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040353: ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID={0} > {1} </ExpiredJMSMessage
Cause: A message has been expired and the policy is to log the messages properties so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040354: ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID={0} > </ExpiredJMSMessage
Cause: A message has been expired and the policy is to log only the MessageId, or there are no matching message header fields or message properties.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040359: Distributed Destination "{0}", member "{1}" is not associated with a physical destination.
Cause: This was caused by a onfiguration error.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040368: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Look for the associated exception in the log or your program to see what the results are. In general, this stack trace will help in debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040370: Linked Exception -----------
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040371: JMSServer "{0}" JMS server session pool is invalid and has not been started "{1}". Exception is "{2}".
Cause: The server session pool is invalid because it has an invalid Connection Factory or Listener.
Action: Edit the JMS session pool, verify that it has valid attributes, and reboot the server. Alternatively, delete the session pool and add a new valid JMS session pool.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040372: JMSServer "{0}" error occurred while unregistering the runtime MBean, {1}.
Cause: Unable to contact the Administration Server or unable to find the runtime MBean.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040373: Could not find a license for JMS. Please contact Oracle to get a license.
Cause: Unable to get a license for JMS.
Action: Contact your Oracle sales representative to get a license.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040376: Destination {0} has been paused for new message production.
Cause: A Production Pause request was issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040377: Destination {0} has been resumed for new message production.
Cause: A Production Resume request was issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040378: Destination {0} has been paused for insertion of messages from in-flight work completion.
Cause: An Insertion Pause request was issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040379: Destination {0} has been resumed for insertion of messages from in-flight work completion.
Cause: An Insertion Resume request was issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040380: Destination {0} has been paused for consumption.
Cause: A Consumption Pause request has been issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040381: Destination {0} has been resumed for consumption.
Cause: A Consumption Resume request has been issued for the specified destination.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040382: JMSServer {0} has been paused for new message production.
Cause: A Production Pause request was issued for the specified JMSServer.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040383: JMSServer {0} has been resumed for new message production.
Cause: A Production Resume request was issued for the specified JMSServer.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040384: JMSServer {0} has been paused for insertion of messages from in-flight work completion.
Cause: An Insertion Pause request was issued for the specified JMS server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040385: JMSServer {0} has been resumed for insertion of messages from in-flight work completion.
Cause: An Insertion Resume request has been issued for the specified JMS server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040386: JMSServer {0} has been paused for consumption.
Cause: A Consumption Pause request has been issued for the specified JMS server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040387: JMSServer {0} has been resumed for consumption.
Cause: A Consumption Resume request has been issued for the specified JMS server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040404: Foreign JMS Server "{0}" is started.
Cause: The specified foreign JMS server was started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040405: Failed to bind an entity of Foreign JMS Server "{0}" with their JNDI names due to {1}.
Cause: This was caused by a JNDI failure.
Action: Modify the JMS module descriptor of the corresponding application and redeploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040406: Distributed destination "{0}" is started.
Cause: The specified distributed destination was started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040407: Default connection factory "{0}" with its JNDI name "{1}" is started.
Cause: The specified default connection factory was started.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040408: Failed to bind default connection factory "{0}" with its JNDI name "{1}" due to {2}.
Cause: This was caused by a JNDI failure.
Action: Modify the configuration and restart the server file. Then reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040409: FailedJMSMessage for store-and-forward: JMSMessageID={0} > {1} {2} </FailedJMSMessage
Cause: A message was expired before it was successfully forwarded by the SAF agent, and the policy is to log the message header fields and messages properties so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040410: FailedJMSMessage for store-and-forward: JMSMessageID={0} > {1} </FailedJMSMessage
Cause: A message was expired before it was successfully forwarded by the SAF agent, and the policy is to log the message header fields and messages properties so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040411: FailedJMSMessage for store-and-forward: JMSMessageID={0} > {1} </FailedJMSMessage
Cause: A message was expired before it was successfully forwarded by the SAF agent, and the policy is to log the message header fields and messages properties so that they are printed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040412: FailedJMSMessage for store-and-forward: JMSMessageID={0} > </FailedJMSMessage
Cause: A message was expired before it was successfully forwarded by the SAF agent, and the policy is to log only the MessageId. Alternatively, there are no matching message header fields or message properties.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040420: The JMS transaction branch {1} for destination {0} was administratively committed.
Cause: This was caused by an administrative action.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040421: An administrative request to commit the JMS transaction branch {1} on destination {0} failed with the following exception. {2}
Cause: The cause of the failure may be indicated by the exception provided in the error message.
Action: The transaction may be in an invalid state to allow commit processing. Attempt the operation again or wait for the Transaction Manager to resolve the transaction branch.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040422: The JMS transaction branch {1} for destination {0} was administratively rolled back.
Cause: This was caused by an administrative action.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040423: An administrative request to rollback the JMS transaction branch {1} on destination {0} failed with the following exception. {2}
Cause: The cause of the failure may be indicated by the exception provided in the error message.
Action: Attempt the operation again or wait for the Transaction Manager to resolve the transaction branch.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040430: The "UserTransactionsEnabled" attribute on the JMSConnectionFactory "{0}" has been deprecated and replaced by the "XAConnectionFactoryEnabled" attribute. The changes are propagated to/from this new attribute.
Cause: A deprecated attribute was used.
Action: Use the XAConnectionFactoryEnabled attribute instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040431: The "XAServerEnabled" attribute on the JMSConnectionFactory "{0}" has been deprecated and replaced by the "XAConnectionFactoryEnabled" attribute. The changes are propagated to/from this new attribute.
Cause: A deprecated attribute is used.
Action: Use the XAConnectionFactoryEnabled attribute instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040442: While attempting to bind JNDI name {0} for destination {1} in module {2}, a JNDI name conflict was found. This destination has not been bound into JNDI.
Cause: Some other entity has already bound this JNDI name globally.
Action: Determine the owner of the currently bound JNDI name and remove it if it should not be there, or change the JNDI name of this destination so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040443: While attempting to change the JNDI name from {0} to {1} for destination {2} in module {3}, a JNDI name conflict was found. This destination is no longer globally bound into JNDI under any name.
Cause: Some other entity has already bound this JNDI name globally.
Action: Determine the owner the currently bound JNDI name and remove it if it should not be there, or change the JNDI name of this destination so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040444: While attempting to unadvertise the JNDI name {0} for destination {1} in module {2}, an error occurred. The name may or may not be unadvertised globally.
Cause: A network connection between the local server and the Administration Server may have gone down.
Action: Make sure that network connectivity is working properly and that the Administration Server is reachable.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040445: While attempting to change the JNDI name from {0} to {1} for destination {2} in module {3}, a JNDI name conflict was found. This destination is no longer locally bound into JNDI under any name.
Cause: Some other entity has already bound this JNDI name locally.
Action: Determine the owner of the currently bound JNDI name and remove it if it should not be there or change the JNDI name of this destination so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040446: While attempting to unadvertise the JNDI name {0} for destination {1} in module {2}, an error occurred. The name may or may not be unadvertised locally.
Cause: A network connection between the local server and the Administration Server may have gone down.
Action: Make sure that network connectivity is working properly and that the Administration Server is reachable.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040447: While attempting to bind the JNDI name {0} for destination {1} in module {2}, a JNDI name conflict was found. This destination has not been bound into JNDI locally.
Cause: Some other entity has already bound this JNDI name locally.
Action: Determine the owner of the currently bound JNDI name and remove it if it should not be there, or change the JNDI name of this destination so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040448: JMSFileStoreMBean has been deprecated, and has been replaced with FileStoreMBean. The JMSFileStoreMBean "{0}" has been replaced in the configuration with a FileStoreMBean with the same name.
Cause: A deprecated MBean was replaced in the configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040449: JMSJDBCStoreMBean has been deprecated, and has been replaced with JDBCStoreMBean. The JMSJDBCStoreMBean "{0}" has been replaced in the configuration with a JDBCStoreMBean with the same name.
Cause: A deprecated MBean was replaced in the configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040450: The "PagingStore" attribute on the JMSServerMBean "{0}" has been deprecated. It is being replaced in the configuration with the new "PagingDirectory" attribute.
Cause: A deprecated MBean attribute was replaced in the configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040451: The PagingStore attribute on the JMSServerMBean {0} has been deprecated. Since it currently refers to a JMSJDBCStoreMBean, and paging to a JDBC store is not supported, the JMS server will page messages to its local working directory.
Cause: A deprecated MBean attribute was replaced in the configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040452: The server session pool feature has been deprecated, and it will be removed in an upcoming release. New applications should use message-driven beans (MDBs) instead.
Cause: A deprecated feature was detected in the configuration.
Action: Plan to replace use of server session pools in your application.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040453: The BytesPagingEnabled and MessagesPagingEnabled parmeters on the JMSServer {0} have been deprecated. These parameters are now ignored. The MessageBufferSize parameter should be used to configure paging in this release.
Cause: A deprecated parameter was encountered.
Action: Plan to use the new MessageBufferSize to control paging.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040455: Flow control has been enabled on JMS server "{0}" because memory is low
Cause: Too much memory is being used.
Action: Either increase the amount of memory available to the server, or decrease the MessageBufferSize parameter on the JMS server so that fewer messages remain in memory.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040456: An entity of type "{3}" with name "{2}" in JMS module "{0}" is not targeted. There is no subdeployment with name "{1}" in the configuration repository (config.xml). Therefore, this entity will not exist anywhere in the domain.
Cause: The entity of the given name and type in the given JMS module does not have a corresponding subdeployment in the configuration repository (config.xml). In order for this entity to exist in the domain, it must be targeted with a sub-deployment element.
Action: Add a sub-deployment stanza to the appropriate deployment descriptor in config.xml. This will either be a jms-system-resource for a system module, or an app-deployment for a stand-alone JMS deployable module. If the JMS module is inside a J2EE application (an EAR file), then you must add the sub-deployment stanza to the subdeployment that represents this JMS module in the J2EE application. You do not necessarily have to target the subdeployment yet. Simply adding the subdeployment with no targets will remove this warning. However, if you wish for this entity to exist somewhere in your domain you must target the sub-deployment.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040457: The Template named "{1}" element of Distributed Destination "{0}" is not supported and hence ignored. Please consider using a Uniform Distributed Destination.
Cause: An unsupported attribute JMSTemplate is used in a Distributed Destination.
Action: Use a Uniform Distributed Destination instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040458: Unable to unprepare {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The prepared entity could not unprepare itself in a failure case.
Action: Refer to the available exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040459: Unable to deactivate {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The activated entity could not deactivate itself in a failure case.
Action: Refer to the available exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040460: Unable to close the JMS component of module {0} due to {1}.
Cause: The JMS component could not close itself.
Action: Refer to the available exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040461: Unable to deactivate {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The activated entity could not deactivate itself in a failure case.
Action: Refer to the available exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040464: Unable to destroy {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The initialized entity could not destroy itself in a failure case.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040467: Unable to deactivate {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The activated entity could not deactivate itself in a failure case.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040470: Unable to deactivate {0} in module {1} due to {2}.
Cause: The activated entity could not deactivate itself during dynamic deletion.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040475: The destination {0} does not have an associated quota object. The setting of bytesMaximum to {1} will have no effect.
Cause: Quotas have been reworked. They are no longer hierarchical in nature. Instead, they are objects that can be pointed to explicitly and can be optionally shared between destinations. Hence quotas no longer work as they did in previous releases. When converting from older releases, a decision is made about how to handle quotas based on the setting of the old parameters. These decisions may have been wrong, which would cause this warning to happen.
Action: Please consider removing this destination from the interop module. Put it in another module. This will allow you to use the new quota features.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040476: The destination {0} does not have an associated quota object. The setting of messagesMaximum to {1} will have no effect.
Cause: Quotas have been reworked. They are no longer hierarchical in nature. Instead, they are objects that can be pointed to explicitly and can be optionally shared between destinations. Hence quotas no longer work as they did in previous releases. When converting from older releases a decision is made about how to handle quotas based on the setting of the old parameters. These decisions may have been wrong, which would cause this warning to happen.
Action: Please consider removing this destination from the interop module. Put it in another module. This will allow you to use the new quota features.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040477: An error occurred while unbinding a remote JNDI object from local JNDI name "{0}". The exception encountered was {1}.
Cause: There may be an error in the JNDI subsystem. See the exception for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040478: The JMS subsystem could not deploy or undeploy the default JMS connection factories due to {0}.
Cause: There may be an error in the JNDI subsystem. See the exception for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040479: The system failed to roll back an added connection consumer of name {0}. The exception received was {1}.
Cause: See the exception for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040480: The system failed to remove a connection consumer of name {0}. The exception received was {1}.
Cause: See the exception for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040490: {0} {1} has a conflicting name attribute value, which is now changed to have a unique name with its JMSServer name. The new destination-name attribute now holds the original name value.
Cause: A name conflict has been detected during upgrade for JMS destinations, maybe because in WebLogic Server versions prior to 9.2, more than one destination was allowed to have the same name, as long as the destinations belonged to different JMS servers.
Action: Ensure that destinations are created with their name decorated with the target JMS server name to avoid conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040491: A {0} {1} with multiple targets has been split into multiple deployments one for each unique target.
Cause: A JMS Deployment found with multiple unique targets configured.
Action: In WebLogic Server versions prior to 9.2, both JMSConnectionFactory and ForeignJMSServer were allowed to be targeted to more than one server, cluster, or both. During upgrade of this configuration to WebLogic Server 9.2, these configuration entities are split into more than one entity, one for each unique target.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040494: An error occurred while shutting down the JMS server {0}: {1}.
Cause: See the detail message.
Action: The server should still shut down normally. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040496: The template {0} does not have an associated quota object. The setting of bytesMaximum to {1} will have no effect.
Cause: Quotas have been reworked. They are no longer hierarchical in nature. Instead, they are objects that can be pointed to explicitly and can be optionally shared between destinations. Hence quotas no longer work as they did in previous releases. When converting from older releases a decision is made about how to handle quotas based on the setting of the old parameters. These decisions may have been wrong, which would cause this warning to happen.
Action: Please consider removing this template from the interop module. Put it in another module. This will allow you to use the new quota features.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040497: The template {0} does not have an associated quota object. The setting of MessagesMaximum to {1} will have no effect.
Cause: Quotas have been reworked. They are no longer hierarchical in nature. Instead, they are objects that can be pointed to explicitly and can be optionally shared between destinations. Hence quotas no longer work as they did in previous releases. When converting from older releases a decision is made about how to handle quotas based on the setting of the old parameters. These decisions may have been wrong, which would cause this warning to happen.
Action: Consider removing this template from the interop module. Put it in another module. This will allow you to use the new quota features.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040498: An error occurred while forwarding a message for distributed destination member {0}: {1}
Cause: There may be a temporary network problem, or one of the members of the cluster may be unavailable.
Action: See the detail message.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040499: An error occurred while pushing messages to a JMS client: {0}
Cause: There may be a network failure.
Action: The JMS protocol will recover automatically from such a problem eventually. Check for networking issues or crashed clients.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040500: Unable to deactivate entity "{0}" in module "{1}" due to {2}.
Cause: The activated entity could not rollback the proposed targeting change.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040501: Unable to roll back targeting change of the entity "{0}" in module "{1}" due to {2}.
Cause: The changed entity could not roll back in a failure case.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040502: While attempting to change the targeting of JMS module "{0}", an error occurred while activating the change. The exception returned is: {1}
Cause: The JMS module failed to activate a prepared change during a targeting update.
Action: More information may be available from the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040503: The delivery mode override value of destination "{0}" hosted on JMS server "{1}" has been changed from {2} to {3}.
Cause: During the upgrade process, a configuration was detected that would force all messages through the given destination to be non-persistent. Therefore, the upgrade process made that override explicit.
Action: Review your application code and configuration. If you need a behavior other than the one that the upgrade process chose, you can modify the resulting configuration using the DeliveryMode parameter of the OverridesParams of the destination, or with the HasStore or AllowsPersistentDowngrade parameters of the JMS server on which the destination is targeted.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040504: While attempting to add an entity with name "{0}", an error occurred while trying to convert the old style entity to the new style entity. The error was "{1}".
Cause: See the description of the exception that occurred for more information on the cause of this failure.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the determined cause.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040505: The JMS module named "{0}" inside application "{1}" does not have a sub-deployment stanza named "{0}". Without such a stanza, no entities inside the module will be deployed, since the subdeployments inside of the sub-deployment stanza named "{0}" control where JMS entities inside this module are targeted.
Cause: When a JMS module is inside an EAR file, the targeting information for entities inside that module are nested within a sub-deployment named after the name of the JMS module found in the weblogic-application.xml file of the EAR file. If no sub-deployment exists with the name of the JMS module, then no targeted entities inside the module will become available. This is usually an oversight on the part of the administrator.
Action: Add a sub-deployment stanza with the name of the JMS module as specified in the weblogic-application.xml file to the app-deployment stanza. Nested inside that sub-deployment, you can target the entities in the module as you normally would.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040506: The JMS store-and-forward (SAF) forwarder has successfully connected to the remote destination "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040507: The JMS store-and-forward (SAF) forwarder failed to connect to the remote destination "{0}", because of {1}.
Cause: This is either due to a configuration error, a network failure, or the remote destination being temporarily unavailable.
Action: Check the configuration, network connection, or remote destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040508: BridgeDestinationMBean has been deprecated. The BridgeDestination "{0}" has been replaced in the configuration with a JMSBridgeDestination with the same name.
Cause: A deprecated MBean is being replaced in the configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040509: Failed to ${1} JMS Server "{0}" because the earlier attempt to ${2} was failed.
Cause: This error occurred during deployment of the JMS server.
Action: Fix any deployment errors related to this JMS server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040510: While attempting to rename a connection factory named "{0}", an error occurred while attempting to establish a JNDI listener. The cause was {1}.
Cause: There was an error while attempting to establish a JNDI listener. The description of the cause may provide more information about the true cause of the error.
Action: The cause of this problem may give an indication of the source of this problem. If this problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040511: The system is waiting to unbind connection factory "{0}". An attempt is being made to change the JNDI name of this connection factory from "{1}" to "{2}".
Cause: An attempt is being made to unbind a connection factory from a JNDI name in order to dynamically change the JNDI from one name to another. This message will repeat every twenty seconds for five minutes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040512: An attempt is being made to change the JNDI name of connection factory "{0}" from "{1}" to "{2}". The system has waited to unbind "{1}" for five minutes. The new JNDI name "{2}" may or may not be bound properly.
Cause: The connection factory was not fully unbound after five minutes. Some error may have occurred while attempting to unbind this connection factory.
Action: In order to maintain the integrity of the connection factory it is recommended you untarget and retarget the connection factory that failed. Otherwise, the connection factory is in an indeterminate state.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040513: While attempting to rename a connection factory named "{0}", an error occurred while attempting to remove a JNDI listener. The cause was {1}.
Cause: There was an error while attempting to remove a JNDI listener. The description of the cause may provide more information about the true cause of the error.
Action: The cause of this problem may give an indication of the source of this problem and the action to take. If this problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040514: While attempting to rename a connection factory named "{0}" an error occurred in the JNDI listener. The error was {1}
Cause: While attempting to dynamically change the JNDI name of a connection factory, a JNDI error occurred. The error itself will tell more about the cause of this failure.
Action: The cause of this problem may give an indication of the source of this problem and the action to take. If this problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040515: A failured occured while attempting to unregister an InterceptionPoint, {0}.
Cause: An exceptoin coccurred while attempting to unregister an InterceptionPoint. The error will provide more details about the cause of this failure.
Action: The cause of this problem may give an indication of the source of this problem. If this problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040520: One or more Weighted Distributed Destination (WDD) resources were detected in JMS configuration module "{1}": {0}. This resource type was deprecated as of WebLogic Server Consider using a Uniform Distributed Destination (UDD) instead. If you want to suppress this warning, set system property "weblogic.jms.WDD.SuppressDeprecationWarnings" to true when starting each WebLogic Server instance.
Cause: Deprecated resource was used.
Action: Use the Uniform Distributed Destination instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-040521: The JMS resource "{0}" that you are trying to create in module "{1}" is a Weighted Distributed Destination (WDD). This resource type was deprecated as of WebLogic Server Consider using a Uniform Distributed Destination (UDD) instead. If you want to suppress this warning, set system property "weblogic.jms.WDD.SuppressDeprecationWarnings" to true when starting each WebLogic Server instance.
Cause: A deprecated resource is trying to create.
Action: Use the Uniform Distributed Destination instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMS

BEA-045002: An error occurred while binding the remote JNDI object to the local JNDI name "{0}".
Cause: The local JNDI name that is attempting to bind to may not be valid.
Action: Check the JNDI name to see if its syntax is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045028: The messages threshold for the JMS server {0} has been exceeded for more than one hour.
Cause: The threshold of the JMS server was exceeded.
Action: Verify that the messages are being consumed and that sufficient memory is available.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045029: The messages threshold for the JMS server {0} has been exceeded for more than 90 percent of the running time of the server.
Cause: The messages threshold of the JMS server was exceeded.
Action: Verify that the messages are being consumed and that sufficient memory is available.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045030: The bytes threshold for the JMS server {0} has been exceeded for more than one hour.
Cause: The bytes threshold of the JMS server was exceeded.
Action: Verify that the messages are being consumed and that sufficient memory is available.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045031: The bytes threshold for the JMS server {0} has been exceeded for more than 90 percent of the running time of the server.
Cause: The bytes threshold of the JMS server was exceeded.
Action: Verify that the messages are being consumed and that sufficient memory is available.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045032: While attempting to create destination {1} in module {2} the JMS server {0} could not be found.
Cause: The JMS server may be shutting down or may not have completed startup.
Action: Deploy the module again once the JMS server has completed startup.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045039: An attempt was made to add a JMS entity of an unknown type {1} in the module {0}.
Cause: The JMS module given to the update was invalid. It contained an unknown type.
Action: Ensure that the JMS module is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045040: While attempting to add a {1} named {2} in module {0}, an error occurred.
Cause: A linked ModuleException will contain more detail about the cause of the failure.
Action: Examine the linked exception, which will contain more information about the cause of this failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045041: An attempt was made to remove a JMS entity of an unknown type {1} in the module {0}.
Cause: The JMS module given to the update was invalid. It contained an unknown type.
Action: Ensure that the JMS module is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045042: An error occurred while adding {1} to the JMS module {0}.
Cause: See the linked exception for more detail.
Action: The linked exception will contain more information about why this add operation failed.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045043: An error occurred while removing {1} from the JMS module {0}.
Cause: See the linked exception for more detail.
Action: The linked exception will contain more information about why this add operation failed.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045045: A subdeployment named {1} was not found in the module {0}.
Cause: A subdeployment removal was attempted, but the subdeployment was unknown to the module.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045047: The SubDeploymentMBean {0} in deployment {1} can only be targeted to one JMSServerMBean because an entity that can only be targeted to a single JMS server (for example a queue, topic or quota) has a sub-deployment-name element with value {0}
Cause: The SubDeploymentMBean of the given name cannot be targeted to anything but a single JMS server because an element of the JMS module that points to that subdeployment can only be targeted to a single JMS server.
Action: Modify the target of the subdeployment so that it only contains a single JMS server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045048: The JMS server named {0} has a temporary template configured. The JMSSystemResourceMBean name of the module containing the temporary template is {1}, and the template name is {2}. However, a JMSSystemResourceMBean of name {1} could not be found. The JMS server {0} will not boot until this problem has been fixed.
Cause: The temporary template for a JMS server must come from a JMSSystemResourceMBean. A common mistake is to put the temporary template into an AppDeployment. However, because the temporary template must be owned by the administrator, all temporary templates must come from JMSSystemResourceMBeans, not AppDeployments.
Action: Put the temporary template into a JMSSystemResource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045049: JMS server {0} does not have a configured temporary template. However an attempt was made to create a temporary destination. This is not allowed.
Cause: A JMS server without a configured temporary template was used to create a temporary destination. This usage is not allowed.
Action: Create a JMSSystemResource that contains a template. Use that template as the temporary template for this JMS server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045050: A destination named {3} has a jms-create-destination-identifier named {1}. However, another destination named {2} has the same jms-create-destination-identifier. Two destinations with the same jms-create-destination-identifier cannot both be located on the JMS server named {0}.
Cause: Two destinations cannot both have the same jms-create-destination-identifier on the same JMS server, even if the two destinations are from different modules.
Action: Either deploy the destination with the offending jms-create-destination-identifier to a different JMS server, or change the value of the jms-create-destination-identifier attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045051: Two destinations with name {1} were deployed to the JMS server {0}.
Cause: Two destinations with the same fully qualified name cannot be deployed to the same JMS server. This error should have been caught during the validation phase of the JMS module.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045052: An attempt was made to change the target of a JMS entity that cannot have its target changed. The entity has name "{0}". The original target has name "{1}". The proposed target has name "{2}"
Cause: An attempt was made to change the target of an entity that cannot have its target changed dynamically.
Action: Untarget a subdeployment and then retarget that subdeployment elsewhere. However, by doing so, the persistent state maintained for entities retargeted in this fashion will not be kept on the old target and may or may not be removed by the system.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045054: Cannot dynamically add member {1} to sistributed destination {0}.
Cause: This member has either not been prepared yet or has already been removed.
Action: Ensure that the distributed destination member is not removed and is in a prepared state.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045055: Cannot dynamically remove member {1} from distributed destination {0}.
Cause: This member has either not been activated yet or is an invalid member.
Action: Ensure that the distributed destination member is valid and is in an activated state.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045060: The JMS module named "{0}" is neither an AppDeployment nor a JMSSystemResource.
Cause: An invalid application context was passed to a JMS module.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045061: An attempt was made to create a durable subscription on a queue named "{3}". The client identifier is "{0}", the subscriptionName is "{1}" and the selector is "{2}". Durable subscriptions may only be created on topics.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a durable subscription on a queue.
Action: Do not attempt to create a durable subscription on a queue.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045062: There can be no more than one jms-interop-module element in the config.xml file.
Cause: More than one jms-interop-module element was found in the config.xml file.
Action: Do not attempt to define more than one jms-interop-module element in the config.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045063: The jms-interop-module must have name interop-jms and a descriptor file name jms/interop-jms.xml. This has name "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to use a jms-interop-module with a name other than interop-jms.
Action: Do not attempt to define a jms-interop-module element in the config.xml file with a name other than interop-jms.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045064: The target named "{1}" of a JMS module inside a deployment named "{0}" must be a WebLogic Server instance or a cluster. Instead, it is of type "{2}".
Cause: An attempt was made to target a JMS module to an invalid type of target.
Action: Do not attempt to target a JMS module to anything other than WebLogic Server instances or clusters. Any other type of target is not understood.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045065: A JMS module with fully qualified name "{1}" in an application named "{0}" does not have the proper hierarchy of targets. In particular, the subdeployment named "{2}" has a target "{3}" that is not a subtarget of any of the targets of "{0}". For example, the target "{3}" is not a subtarget of "{4}".
Cause: A target of a subdeployment of a JMS module was not contained within the targets of the whole JMS module.
Action: Ensure that the JMS module is targeted to a super-set of all the targets of the subdeployment, or retarget the subdeployment within the set of targets for the JMS module.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045066: The target named "{1}" of a JMS subdeployment named "{3}" inside a deployment named "{0}" must be a JMS server, WebLogic Server instance, or a cluster. Instead, it is of type {2}.
Cause: An attempt was made to target a JMS subdeployment to an invalid type of target.
Action: Do not attempt to target a JMS subdeployment to anything other than JMS servers, WebLogic Server instances or clusters. Any other type of target is not understood.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045067: The field "destination-name" was set to "{3}", in the distributed destination member "{2}", in the distributed destination "{1}", in the module "{0}". The destination-name field of a distributed destination may only be set in the interop module.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the destination-name field of a distributed destination member type. This is only allowed in the interop module in order to accommodate older clients.
Action: Change the name of the distributed destination member to the name of the physical queue or topic being referenced, and unset the destination-name field.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045068: The physical destination named "{3}", in the distributed destination member "{2}", in the distributed destination "{1}", in the module "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An attempt was made by a distributed destination member to reference a destination that does not exist. The physical destination referenced to by a distributed destination must already exist.
Action: Create the physical destination before referring to it, or create the physical destination in the same edit session as the creation of the distributed destination member.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045069: The JMS module entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" does not exist in the JMSSystemResource "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a JMS module entity that does not exist in the specified JMSSytemResource.
Action: Create the JMS module entity in the specified JMSSystemResource before referring to it.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045070: The configuration entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" does not exist in the domain "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a configuration entity that does not exist in the specified domain.
Action: Create the configuration entity in the specified domain before referring to it.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045071: The JMS module entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" cannot be created in JMSSystemResource "{0}".
Cause: The JMS module entity creation using the the JMSModuleHelper API failed. See the accompanying exception for details.
Action: Resolve the problem identified by the accompanying exception, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045072: The configuration entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" cannot be created in domain "{0}".
Cause: The configuration entity creation using the JMSModuleHelper API failed. See the accompanying exception for details.
Action: Resolve the problem identified by the accompanying exception, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045073: The JMS module entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" cannot be deleted from JMSSystemResource "{0}".
Cause: The JMS module entity deletion using the JMSModuleHelper API failed. See the accompanying exception for details.
Action: Resolve the problem identified by the accompanying exception, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045074: The configuration entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" cannot be deleted from the domain "{0}".
Cause: The configuration entity deletion using the JMSModuleHelper API failed. See the accompanying exception for details.
Action: Resolve the problem identified by the accompanying exception, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045075: The JMS module managed entity named "{2}" of type "{1}" cannot be found in the JMSSytemResource "{0}" for modification.
Cause: The JMS module entity modification using the JMSModuleHelper API failed. See the accompanying exception for details.
Action: Resolve the problem identified by the accompanying exception, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045076: An attempt was made to find and modify a JMS module entity named "{2}", of type "{1}", from the JMSSystemResource "{0}" using a null modifier.
Cause: The JMSEntityModifier argument for the findAndModifyEntity() helper API cannot be null.
Action: Use a valid weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSEntityModifer implementation as the modifier argument.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045077: The destination named "{0}" on the JMS server "{1}" would have caused the JMS server not to boot because the destination StoreEnabled value is true, but the JMS server does not have a store.
Cause: This configuration does not work in older releases because the destination StoreEnabled value is true, but the JMS server does not have a store.
Action: Modify the configuration to remove this discrepency, and re-run the upgrade process. Either add a store to the JMS server or change the value of the StoreEnabled parameter on the destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045078: The destination named "{0}" on the JMS server "{1}" has a DeliveryParamsOverrides.DeliveryMode parameter set to persistent, but the JMS server does not have a store.
Cause: Messages cannot be made persistent on this JMS server because it does not have a store.
Action: Modify the configuration to remove this discrepency, and re-run the upgrade process. Either add a store to the JMS server or change the value of the DeliveryParamsOverrides.DeliveryMode parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045079: An attempt was made to send a persistent message to the destination "{0}" hosted on the JMS server "{1}". This JMS server does not have a store, so the quality of service requested is not available.
Cause: An attempt was made to send a persistent message to a destination hosted by a JMS server that does not have a store. Since the message cannot be persisted, this message cannot be sent at the required quality of service.
Action: There is a parameter on the JMS server called "AllowsPersistentDowngrade". If this parameter is set to true, then persistent messages sent to this JMS server will be downgraded to non-persistent.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045080: The flow steps value {1} is larger than the flow interval value {2} in the connection factory "{0}". The flow steps value must be less than or equal to the flow interval value.
Cause: This is an invalid configuration. The flow steps value must be less than the entire flow interval.
Action: Modify the configuration of the connection factory to have the flow steps value be less than or equal to the flow interval.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045081: The SessionsMaximum attribute of a JMSSessionPoolMBean has the bad value {0}. The value should be -1 or a positive integer.
Cause: This is an invalid configuration.
Action: Modify the configuration of the JMSSessionPoolMBean.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045082: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding the destination "{0}" to the JNDI name "{1}".
Cause: The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.
Action: See the attached naming exception message, which should have more information about why this operation failed.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045083: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding the destination "{0}" to the JNDI name "{1}" to the local JNDI context.
Cause: The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.
Action: See the attached naming exception, which should have more information about why this operation failed.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045084: An unexpected naming exception occurred while binding the destination "{0}" to the JNDI name "{1}" to the application JNDI context.
Cause: The naming exception should contain more information about why this operation failed.
Action: See the attached naming exception, which should have more information about why this operation failed.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045085: Could not find a license for JMS. Contact Oracle to obtain a license.
Cause: A license for JMS was not obtained.
Action: Contact Oracle to obtain a license.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045086: The jms-system-resource cannot have the name interop-jms.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a jms-system-resource with the name interop-jms.
Action: Do not attempt to define a jms-system-resource element in the config.xml file with the name interop-jms.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045087: The JMS deployment "{0}" has the descriptor file name "{1}", which is reserved for internal use only.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a JMS deployment with the reserved file name "interop-jms.xml". This name is reserved by the system for use as the interop module.
Action: Do not attempt to define a JMS deployment with the reserved name "interop-jms.xml" as its file name.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045088: The JMS module descriptor file "{1}" used by the JMS system resource "{0}" is illegal. Either the descriptor file name does not end with -jms.xml or the descriptor is being used by another JMS system resource in the configuration.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a JMS system resource with the illegal descriptor file name.
Action: Do not attempt to define a jms-system-resource element in the config.xml file with the illegal descriptor file name.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045089: SAF error destination {2} of {1} is targeted to a different subdeployment from {0}.
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Correct the deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045090: The error handling {1} configured for {0} does not exist in the module.
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Correct the deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045091: One of the target ("{1}") of the subdeployment "{2}" for the imported destinations "{0}" is not a legal target type.
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045092: Imported destinations "{0}": its subdeployment is targeted to a target ("{1}"), which is a receiving-only SAF agent.
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045093: A UDQ named "{0}" was found in the JMS interop module. UDQs were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WebLogic Server, and therefore cannot be in the JMS interop module. Create another JMS module and put the UDQ in that module.
Cause: An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.
Action: Place the entity into another JMS module, and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045094: A UDT named "{0}" was found in the JMS interop module. UDTs were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WebLogic Server, and therefore cannot be in the JMS interop module. Create another JMS module and put the UDT in that module.
Cause: An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.
Action: Place the entity into another JMS module, and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045095: An SAF imported destinanation named "{0}" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF imported destinations were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WebLogic Server, and therefore cannot be in the JMS interop module. Create another JMS module and put the SAF imported destinations in that module.
Cause: An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.
Action: Place the entity into another JMS module, and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045096: An SAF remote context named "{0}" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF remote contexts were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WebLogic Server, and therefore cannot be in the JMS interop module. Create another JMS module and put the SAF remote context in that module.
Cause: An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.
Action: Place the entity into another JMS module, and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045097: An SAF error handlings named "{0}" was found in the JMS interop module. SAF error handlings were not available prior to the 9.0 release of WebLogic Server, and therefore cannot be in the JMS interop module. Create another JMS module and put the SAF error handlings in that module.
Cause: An invalid entity type was found in the JMS module that handles interoperating clients. This element should be placed into a different JMS module.
Action: Place the entity into another JMS module, and either deploy that module as a system resource or as a deployable resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045098: There is a JMS system resource and an application deployment both named "{0}". The names of all JMS system resources and all application deployments must be different.
Cause: Both a JMS system resource and an application deployment have the same name. This would cause similarly named resources in a JMS module descriptor file to have conflicting runtime names, and therefore is not allowed.
Action: Change the name of either the JMS system resource or application deployment so that there is no name conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045099: An attempt was made to create a temporary destination. However, no JMS server in the cluster is able to host temporary destinations. Ensure that at least one of the JMS servers in the cluster has the HostingTemporaryDestinations parameter set to true (which is the default).
Cause: None of the JMS servers in the cluster are available for hosting temporary destinations.
Action: Modify the HostingTemporaryDestinations parameter on at least one JMS server in the cluster. Note that in releases prior to 9.0, the default for the ability to host temporary destinations was false, while in 9.0 and beyond, the default for the ability to host temporary destinations is true.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045100: The createQueue or createTopic call was made with a null or zero length destination name.
Cause: The createQueue or createTopic call must be made with the name of a destination to find.
Action: Do not pass a null or zero length string to createQueue or createTopic.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045101: The destination name passed to the createTopic or createQueue "{0}" is invalid. If the destination name does not contain a "/" character, then it must be the name of a distributed destination that is available in the cluster to which the client is attached. If it does contain a "/" character, then the string before the "/" must be the name of a JMS server or a ".". The string after the "/" is the name of a the desired destination. If the "./" version of the string is used then any destination with the given name on the local WebLogic Server instance will be returned.
Cause: Either a distributed destination of the given name does not exist in the cluster to which the client is attached or the destination name passed to createTopic or createQueue does not contain a "/" character, or there is nothing before the "/" character.
Action: Ensure that the distributed destination is available on the same cluster where the client is located, or format the destination name string properly.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045102: A destination named "{0}" was not found on WebLogic Server instance "{1}".
Cause: An attempt was made to find a destination of a given name on a particular WebLogic Server instance. No destination of that name could be found on that WebLogic Server instance.
Action: It is possible that the createTopic or createQueue call was routed to a WebLogic Server instance that does not contain a destination with the given name. The set of WebLogic Server instances where this request can be routed can be controlled by using a connection factory that is only targeted to WebLogic Werver instances that have destinations of the desired name.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045103: While trying to find a topic or a queue, the specific JMS server requested could not be found. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.
Cause: A specific JMS server was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not locate the JMS server of that name.
Action: The WebLogic Server instance on which that JMS server is targeted may be down. The JMS server may be suspended. Check on the status of the JMS server and also on the status of the communication between the servers in the cluster. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045104: While trying to find a topic or a queue, the specific JMS server requested could not be found.
Cause: A specific JMS server was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not locate the JMS server of that name.
Action: Ensure that the JMS server requested exists in the configuration of the cluster to which the client is attached.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045105: While trying to find a topic or a queue, communication failed with the specific JMS server requested. The linked exception may contain more information about the reason for failure.
Cause: A specific JMS server was requested by a call to createTopic or createQueue. However, the system could not communicate with the JMS server of that name.
Action: The WebLogic Server instance on which that JMS server is targeted may be down. The JMS server may be suspended. Check on the status of the JMS server and also on the status of the communication between the servers in the cluster. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045106: A destination named "{0}" was found. However, the requested destination was of type "{1}", and the destination found was not of that type.
Cause: Either the user called createTopic and the destination found was a queue or the user called createQueue and the destination found was a topic.
Action: Ensure that the destination name requested is of the correct type.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045107: A communication failure occurred while attempting to remove a durable subscription. The linked exception may contain more details about the cause of the failure.
Cause: While attempting to remove a durable subscription a communication failure occurred.
Action: Check on the status of WebLogic Server instance where the destination which the durable subscription refers to resides. Check the linked exception for more information about the cause of this failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045108: The JMS system does not understand request ID {0}.
Cause: An invalid request ID was presented to the front end manager.
Action: If this condition persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045109: A foreign server named "{0}" was found which does not have a connection URL specified. However, it contains a "{2}" named "{1}" that has the same local and remote JNDI name value "{3}". This is an invalid configuration and is not allowed.
Cause: The user has configured a foreign server without a connection URL and has either a foreign connection factory or a foreign destination with both the local and remote JNDI name matching.
Action: Ensure that either the foreign server has a connection URL to the foreign server or that the local and remote JNDI names are different.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045110: The JMS resource named "{0}" has incorrect targeting information. This resource has the default-targeting-enabled attribute set to true and has a valid sub-deployment-name value specified.
Cause: A JMS resource cannot have both default targeting enabled and a subdeployment name specified.
Action: Ensure that either the default targeting is enabled or that the valid subdeployment name is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045111: The JMS resource named "{0}" has incorrect targeting information. A JMS physical destination cannot have the default-targeting-enabled attribute set.
Cause: A JMS physical destination cannot have the default-targeting-enabled attribute set.
Action: Ensure that the default-targeting-enabled attribute is not set for the physical destinations.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045112: The flow minimum value {1} is larger than or equal to the flow maximum value {2} in connection factory "{0}". The flow minimum value must be less than the flow maximum value.
Cause: This is an invalid configuration. The flow minimum value must be less than the flow maximum value.
Action: Modify the configuration of the connection factory to have the flow minimum value be less than the flow maximum value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045113: JMS distributed destination forward request denied for the destination named "{1}". Reason "{0}".
Cause: JMS distributed destinations may not have been fully initialized.
Action: If forwarding does not begin after a few minutes, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045114: Failed to unsubscribe the subscription "{0}", client ID "{1}". This connection has a client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED and cannot unsubscribe a durable subscription without a topic object.
Cause: An attempt was made to unsubscribe a durable subscription using the standard javax.jms.Session.unsubscribe(String name) method from a connection that has a client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED.
Action: Use the weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name) API to unsubscribe a durable subscription from a connection that has a client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED. If using a pre-AS11gR1PS3 Java client, upgrade to a AS11gR1PS3 client. If using a non-Java client, clean up the durable subscription from the Administration Console or use WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands or scripts.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045115: The SubDeploymentMBean {0} in JMS Module {1} can only be targeted to a single non-clustered JMSServer as it contains a standalone queue, topic or quota that can only be targeted to a single non-clustered JMSServer.
Cause: The SubDeploymentMBean of the given name cannot be targeted to anything but a single non-clusterd JMSServer.
Action: Modify the target of the subdeployment so that it contains only a single non-clustered JMSServer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045116: The Replicated Distributed Topic (RDT) cannot have its members hosted by a cluster targeted JMSServer. The RDT named {0} in JMS Module {2} has its subdeployment {1} targeted to the Clustered JMSServer {3}.
Cause: The RDT named {0} in JMS Module {2} has its subdeployment {1} targeted to the Clustered JMSServer {3}.
Action: Modify the target of the subdeployment so that it does not contain a cluster targeted JMSServer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045117: An SAFAgent (store-and-forward agent) cannot be targeted to cluster {0} which has dynamic servers enabled (dynamic servers exist in clusters where the MaximumDynamicServerCount is greater than zero). Instead of using cluster targeting, SAFAgents can be targeted directly to one or more of non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.
Cause: An SAFAgent cannot be targeted to cluster {0} which has dynamic servers enabled (dynamic servers exist in clusters where the MaximumDynamicServerCount is greater than zero). Instead of using cluster targeting, SAFAgents can be targeted directly to one or more of non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.
Action: Modify the target of the SAFAgent such that it is either targeted directly to one or more non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045118: MaximumDynamicServerCount cannot be set higher than 0 for the DynamicServers {0} in cluster {1}. One or more SAFAgents (store-and-forward agents) are currently targeted to the same cluster, and SAFAgents are not supported for a cluster in which dynamic servers are enabled. Instead of using cluster targeting, SAFAgents can be targeted directly to one or more non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.
Cause: MaximumDynamicServerCount cannot be set higher than 0 for the DynamicServers {0} in cluster {1}. One or more SAFAgents are currently targeted to the same cluster, and SAFAgents are not supported for a cluster in which dynamic servers are enabled. Instead of using cluster targeting, SAFAgents can be targeted directly to one or more non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.
Action: Modify the target of the SAFAgent or SAFAgents that are targeted to this cluster such that they are either targeted directly to one or more of non-dynamic WebLogic Servers or any one of their migratable target counterparts.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-045119: A JMS message send request failed for distributed destination {0}. Neither Unit-of-Order (UOO) nor Unit-of-Work (UOW) messages are supported for distributed destinations that have a member hosted by a clustered JMS Server. Distributed destination {0} has one or more of its members hosted by a clustered JMS server.
Cause: A JMS message send request failed for distributed destination {0}. Neither Unit-of-Order (UOO) nor Unit-of-Work (UOW) messages are supported for distributed destinations that have a member hosted by a clustered JMS Server. Distributed destination {0} has one or more of its members hosted by a clustered JMS server.
Action: To produce either UOO or UOW messages on a distributed destination, either use a distributed destination that is hosted only on one or more non-dynamic JMS servers, or send messages directly to a member of the distributed destination. Note that when an application sends messages directly to a distributed destination member, the application is responsible for making sure that all messages with the same UOO/UOW string are sent to the same distributed destination. This ensures strictly ordered message processing for the given UOO/UOW.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSExceptions

BEA-050000: {0} is an obsolete property. Use {1} to create the context instead.
Cause: Property {0} is obsolete. However, this property name can still be used to retrieve the property value.
Action: Use property {1} instead of {0} in the future.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050001: WLContext.close() was called in a different thread than the one in which it was created.
Cause: The threads used to create and close the context are different. As a result, the context entries associated with the creating thread might not be cleaned up.
Action: Close the context in the creating thread.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050002: Cannot replicate the object that is bound in the JNDI under the name {0}.
Cause: A non-serializable object cannot be serialized.
Action: If the object was not intended to be replicated, set the replicate bindings to false. If the object should be replicated to all nodes in the cluster, ensure that the object is serializable or externalizable.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050003: Cannot create initial context. Reason: {0}
Cause: Initial context cannot be created.
Action: Check the exception in the message body.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050004: Unable to bind. Reason: {0}
Cause: This was unable to bind.
Action: Check the exception in the message body.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050005: Unable to unbind. Reason: {0}
Cause: This was unable to unbind.
Action: Check the exception in the message body.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050006: An attempt was made to look up the versioned object "{0}" from an external client or another application. This can potentially cause in-flight work of the application version not being tracked properly, and thus, be retired prematurely.
Cause: An attempt was made to look up the versioned object "{0}" from an external client or another application. This can potentially cause in-flight work of the application version not being tracked properly, and thus, be retired prematurely.
Action: Ensure that the possibility of premature retirement of the application version is either tolerated or handled properly. To disable this check, set the JNDI environment property as specified by weblogic.jndi.WLContext.ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LOOKUP to "true" when performing lookup of the versioned object.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-050007: An attempt was made to look up the non-versioned global resource "{0}" from an application version "{1}". This can potentially cause conflict of the global resource usages among multiple application versions.
Cause: An attempt was made to look up the non-versioned global resource "{0}" from an application version "{1}". This can potentially cause conflict of the global resource usages among multiple application versions.
Action: Ensure that usages of the global resource by multiple application versions do not conflict. To disable this check, set the JNDI environment property as specified by weblogic.jndi.WLContext.ALLOW_GLOBAL_RESOURCE_LOOKUP to "true" when performing lookup of the global resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JNDI

BEA-055001: Invalid time-to-deliver, must be >= -1
Cause: The time-to-deliver parameter passed to setTimeToDeliver was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a time-to-deliver parameter that is >= -1.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055002: Cannot convert {0} to a boolean.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a boolean, and not a string could not be converted to a boolean value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a boolean or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055003: Cannot convert null to a byte.
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a byte value
Action: Avoid passing null where a byte value is expected

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055004: Cannot convert {0} to a byte.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a byte, and not a string could not be converted to a byte value
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a byte or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055005: Cannot convert null to a short.
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a short value.
Action: Avoid passing null where a short value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055006: Cannot convert {0} to a short.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a short, and not a string could not be converted to a short value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a short or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055007: Could not serialize object.
Cause: An object could not be serialized. The linked exception may contain more details.
Action: See the linked exception which may contain more details.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055008: Invalid RedeliveryLimit, must be >= -1.
Cause: The RedeliveryLimit parameter passed to setRedeliveryLimit was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a RedeliveryLimit parameter that is >= -1.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055009: Invalid SendTimeout, must be >= 0
Cause: The SendTimeout parameter passed to setSendTimeout was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a SendTimeout parameter that is >= 0.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055014: Error sending message
Cause: The linked exception will contain more details concerning the failure to send the message.
Action: The action will depend on the error that occurred. More information about the specific error that occurred can be found in the linked exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055015: Invalid DeliveryMode
Cause: The DeliveryMode parameter passed to setDeliveryMode was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid DeliveryMode value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055016: Invalid Priority
Cause: The Priority parameter passed to setPriority was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid Priority value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055017: Durable connection consumers are not supported.
Cause: The system does not support durable connection consumers.
Action: Do not attempt to create a durable connection consumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055018: QueueSessions do not support multicast.
Cause: The MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE flag was set in createQueueSession.
Action: Do not use MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE when creating a QueueSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055019: Duplicate session
Cause: The cause is unknown.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055021: ClientID is null
Cause: ClientID is null in a call to setClientID.
Action: Do not use null in a call to setClientID.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055022: Zero length clientID
Cause: The clientID passed to setClientID was zero length.
Action: The clientID must not be zero length.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055023: Invalid value for messagesMaximum, {0}
Cause: The value given for messagesMaximum in createConnectionConsumer is invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid messagesMaximum value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055024: No such method {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055025: Invalid messagesMaximum value
Cause: The messagesMaximum parameter passed to setMessagesMaximum was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid messagesMaximum value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055026: Invalid overrunPolicy value, {0}
Cause: The overrun policy passed to setOverrunPolicy is invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid overrun policy value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055027: Invalid redelivery delay, must be >= -1
Cause: The redeliveryDelay parameter passed to setRedeliveryDelay was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid redeliveryDelay value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055028: Name must not be null.
Cause: The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber was null.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid name to createDurableSubscriber.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055029: Name must not be an empty string.
Cause: The name parameter passed to createDurableSubscriber had a length of zero.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid name to createDurableSubscriber.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055030: This topic does not support durable subscriptions.
Cause: Durable subscribers are not supported on Distributed Topics and no subscribers at all are supported on SAF topics
Action: Avoid attempting to create a durable subscriber on a distributed topic or do not create a subscriber on an SAF topic.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055031: This connection does not have a clientID.
Cause: Unsubscribe was called on a connection without a clientID.
Action: Avoid attempting to unsubscribe a connection with no clientID

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055032: An attempt was made to create a named consumer ({0}) on a connection with no clientID.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a named consumer on a connection with no clientID.
Action: Avoid attempting to create a named consumer on a connection with no clientID.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055033: Queues do not support multicast.
Cause: Queues do not support multicast.
Action: Avoid attempting to create a multicast consumer on a queue

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055034: Topic {0} does not support multicast.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a multicast consumer on a topic that does not support multicast.
Action: Avoid attempting to create a multicast consumer on the given topic.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055035: Cannot open multicast socket, {0}.
Cause: An attempt was made to open a multicast socket and failed. The reason for the failure may be in the exception
Action: For more details, check the printed exception on the failure to open the multicast socket.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055036: Cannot join multicast group ({0}) {1}
Cause: An attempt was made to join a multicast group and failed. The reason for failure may be in the exception.
Action: For more details, check the printed exception on the failure to join the multicast group.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055037: Subscription {0} is in use.
Cause: Two subscriptions with the same name are not allowed.
Action: Avoid attempting to use a subscription name more than once. If necessary, unsubscribe the previous subscription

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055038: An unexpected response ({0}) was received from the server.
Cause: An internal protocol error has occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055039: A system error has occurred. The error is {0}.
Cause: The cause of this error may be contained in the printed exception.
Action: The action will depend on the error that has occurred. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055040: Subscription {0} is in use.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the named subscription while the subscription was in use.
Action: Avoid attempting to remove a subscription that is currently in use.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055041: Cannot leave multicast group ({0}) {1}
Cause: An attempt was made to leave a multicast group and failed. The reason for failure may be in the exception.
Action: For more details, check the printed exception on the failure to leave the multicast group.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055042: No such method {0} for class {1}
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055043: No such method {0} for class {1}
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055044: Multicast sessions do not support synchronous receives.
Cause: An attempt was made to do a synchronous receive on a multicast consumer.
Action: Avoid attempting to make a synchronous receive with a multicast consumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055045: An invalid value ({0}) for timeout was specified.
Cause: The timeout given to a receive call is invalid. Timeout values must be positive.
Action: Change the code so that it does not pass a negative number into a receive call.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055046: A listener already exists.
Cause: A call to receive cannot be made if the consumer already has a listener.
Action: Avoid attempting to call receive if a listener already exists for the consumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055047: No such method {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055048: Multicast selectors are not supported in the thin client.
Cause: Multicast selectors are not supported in the thin client.
Action: If selectors are required, avoid using the JMS thin client. If selectors are not required, avoid using them while using the thin client.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055049: Internal error {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred. More detail about the error can be found in the exception.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055050: Internal error {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. More detail about the error can be found in the exception.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055051: Internal error {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. More detail about the error can be found in the exception.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055052: Invalid selector {0}
Cause: An error occurred while parsing a selector. The printed exception should have more detail.
Action: The course of action will depend on the nature of the error. Use a well-formed selector.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055053: Error creating connection to the server: {0}.
Cause: The printed exception may have information regarding the cause of this failure.
Action: The course of action will depend on the error printed out in the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055054: Error finding dispatcher: {0}.
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055055: No transaction
Cause: A call to commit was made on a session but there is no current transaction.
Action: Avoid calling commit on a session that is not currently in a transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055056: Error committing session
Cause: An error occurred while committing an XA session.
Action: Examine the transaction logs to see what occurred to the transaction

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055057: No transaction
Cause: A call to rollback was made on a session but there is no current transaction.
Action: Do not call rollback on a session that is not currently in a transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055058: Error committing session
Cause: An error occurred while committing an XA session.
Action: Examine the transaction logs to see what occurred to the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055059: getXAResource can be called only from the server.
Cause: A call to getXAResource was made from a client JVM; getXAResource is not supported in the client.
Action: Avoid calling getXAResource from a client JVM.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055060: No transaction.
Cause: A call to commit was made on a session but there is no current transaction.
Action: Avoid calling commit on a session that is not currently in a transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055061: No transaction.
Cause: A call to rollback was made on a session but there is no current transaction.
Action: Avoid calling rollback on a session that is not currently in a transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055062: This session is transacted.
Cause: A call to recover was made on a transacted session.
Action: Avoid calling recover on a transacted session. Use rollback instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055063: This session has consumer listeners.
Cause: The session on which setMessageListener was called already has consumer listeners.
Action: Avoid calling setMessageListener on a session that already has consumer listeners.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055064: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cause: A call to createTopic was made on a QueueSession.
Action: Avoid calling createTopic on a QueueSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055065: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cause: A call to createDurableSubscriber was made on a QueueSession.
Action: Avoid calling createDurableSubscriber on a QueueSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055066: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cause: A call to createTemporaryTopic was made on a QueueSession.
Action: Avoid calling createTemporaryTopic on a QueueSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055067: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cause: A call to unsubscribe was made on a QueueSession.
Action: Avoid calling unsubscribe on a QueueSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055068: There is no subscription from which to unsubscribe.
Cause: The user called unsubscribe on a session that does not have a subscription.
Action: Avoid calling unsubscribe on a session that does not have a subscription.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055069: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cause: A call to createQueue was made on a TopicSession.
Action: Avoid calling createQueue on a TopicSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055070: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cause: A call to createBrowser was made on a TopicSession.
Action: Avoid calling createBrowser on a TopicSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055071: Unsupported queue operation on a topic session
Cause: A call to createTemporaryQueue was made on a TopicSession.
Action: Avoid calling createTemporaryQueue on a TopicSession.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055072: Wrong connection for this temporary destination
Cause: An attempt was made to call createConsumer on an invalid connection from a temporary destination.
Action: Create consumers using the same connection that was used to create the temporary destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055073: Dropping new message
Cause: A new message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived.
Action: Either consume messages faster or produce messages slower for this session.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055074: Dropping old message
Cause: An old message is being dropped because too many messages have arrived.
Action: Either consume messages faster or produce messages slower for this session.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055075: It is possible that the client is malfunctioning: a RuntimeException was thrown from its onMessage method.
Cause: The onMessage method of the client threw a RuntimeException.
Action: Modify the code such that the RuntimeException does not occur from within the body of the user code. This warning is required by section 4.5.2 of the JMS Specification.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055076: The session is closed.
Cause: An operation was attempted on a closed session.
Action: Avoid attempting this operation on a closed session.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055077: Cannot override producer destination.
Cause: A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination.
Action: Avoid calling send with a non-null destination on a producer that is already bound to a destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055078: Cannot override producer destination
Cause: A call to send with a non-null destination was made on a producer that is already bound to a destination.
Action: Avoid calling send with a non-null destination on a producer that is already bound to a destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055079: Must provide destination to send to
Cause: There is no destination to send to.
Action: Use the version of send that has a destination or bind a destination to the producer before calling send.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055080: Must provide destination to send to
Cause: There is no destination to send to.
Action: Use the version of send that has a destination or bind a destination to the producer before calling send.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055081: Unsupported topic operation on a queue session
Cause: A call to createDurableConnectionConsumer was made on a QueueConnection.
Action: Avoid calling createDurableConnectionConsumer on a QueueConnection.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055082: The connection is closed.
Cause: The connection has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed connection.
Action: Avoid calling any illegal operations on a closed queue connection.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055083: Cannot set clientid to {0}. The client ID is already set to {1}
Cause: The clientID {1} is already set on this connection. The clientID cannot be set to {0}
Action: Avoid attempting to set a clientID on a connection that already has one.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055084: A connection consumer works only on the server.
Cause: A connection consumer can be created only in the same JVM in which the server is running.
Action: Avoid attempting to create a connection consumer on a JVM that is not running the server.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055085: Destination is null.
Cause: In a call to createConnectionConsumer or createConsumer, the destination parameter was null.
Action: Avoid using null for the destination in a call to createConnectionConsumer or createConsumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055086: Foreign destination
Cause: Foreign destinations are not supported when creating connectionConsumers.
Action: Avoid using a foreign destination in a call to createConnectionConsumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055087: The session already has a message listener.
Cause: A consumer may not have an individual message listener if its parent session already has one defined.
Action: Avoid attempting to set a message listener for a consumer if the session already has a listener defined.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055088: The consumer is closed.
Cause: The consumer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed consumer.
Action: Avoid calling any illegal operations on a closed consumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055089: Destination is null.
Cause: In a call to send, the destination parameter was null.
Action: Avoid using null for the destination in a call to send.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055090: Foreign destination
Cause: Foreign destinations are not supported when sending.
Action: Avoid using a foreign destination in a call to send.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055091: Destination {0} must be a queue.
Cause: An attempt was made to publish to a queue.
Action: Avoid using publish to a queue. Use send instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055092: Destination {0} must be a topic.
Cause: An attempt was made to send to a topic.
Action: Avoid using send to a topic. Use publish instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055093: Error converting foreign message
Cause: An I/O exception occurred while converting a foreign message. The cause of the failure may be contained in the linked exception.
Action: Examine the linked I/O exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055094: The producer is closed.
Cause: The producer has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed producer.
Action: Avoid calling any illegal operations on a closed producer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055095: The browser is closed.
Cause: The browser has been closed. Only a few operations are valid on a closed browser.
Action: Avoid calling any illegal operations on a closed browser.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055096: Cannot convert null to a char.
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a char value.
Action: Avoid passing null where a char value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055097: Cannot convert {0} to a char.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a character, and not a string could not be converted to a char value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a character or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055098: Cannot convert null to an int.
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to an int value.
Action: Avoid passing null where an int value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055099: Cannot convert {0} to an int.
Cause: An object that was not null, not an integer, and not a string could not be converted to an int value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either an intenger or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055100: Cannot convert null to a long.
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a long value.
Action: Avoid passing null where a long value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055101: Cannot convert {0} to a long.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a long, and not a string could not be converted to a long value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a long or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055102: Cannot convert null to a float
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a float value.
Action: Avoid passing null where a float value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055103: Cannot convert {0} to a float
Cause: An object that was not null, not a float, and not a string could not be converted to a float value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a float or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055104: Cannot convert null to a double
Cause: The null object cannot be converted to a double value.
Action: Avoid passing null where a double value is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055105: Cannot convert {0} to a double.
Cause: An object that was not null, not a double, and not a string could not be converted to a short value.
Action: Ensure that the object passed in is either a double or a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055106: A byte[] cannot be converted to a string.
Cause: A byte[] cannot be converted to a string.
Action: Avoid passing a byte array that needs to be converted to a string.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055107: Cannot convert {0} to a byte[].
Cause: The given object could not be converted to a byte[].
Action: Ensure that the object passed in can be converted to a byte array.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055108: Read past end of message
Cause: An attempt was made to read past the end of a StreamMessage. A linked EOFException may contain more information
Action: Avoid attempting to read past the end of a StreamMessage. See the linked EOFException for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055109: Error reading from stream
Cause: There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information.
Action: See the linked IOException for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055110: Error writing to stream
Cause: There was an error writing to the stream of a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information.
Action: See the linked IOException for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055111: Cannot convert from {0} to {1}
Cause: A StreamMessage was unable to convert one type to another.
Action: Ensure that the two types are compatible. Avoid attempting to convert incompatible types

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055112: Error reading from stream
Cause: There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may contain more information.
Action: See the linked ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055113: Error reading from stream
Cause: There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked ArrayStoreException may contain more information.
Action: See the linked ArrayStoreException for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055114: There was an eeror when deserializing an object. Some typical reasons for failure are: missing application class, application class version mismatch, or Java objects not being supported.
Cause: There was an error deserializing an object. A linked IOException may have more details.
Action: See the linked IOException for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055115: Error deserializing an object
Cause: There was an error deserializing an object. A linked ClassNotFoundException may have more details.
Action: See the linked ClassNotFoundException for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055116: Internal error unknown message type {0}
Cause: This error should never happen.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055117: Invalid delivery mode {0}
Cause: The delivery mode passed into setJMSDeliveryMode is invalid
Action: Change the code so that it calls setJMSDeliveryMode with a valid delivery mode.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055118: Invalid redelivery limit, must be >= -1
Cause: The redelivery limit parameter passed to setJMSRedeliveryLimit was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a redelivery limit parameter that is >= -1.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055119: Invalid priority, {0}
Cause: The priority parameter passed to setJMSPriority was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid priority value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055121: Invalid property name, "{0}"
Cause: The property name passed to setObjectProperty was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid property name.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055122: Property write attempted in READ mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to write a property but the message is read-only.
Action: Avoid attempting to write a property to a message in read-only mode.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055123: Invalid property value, {0}
Cause: The property value passed to setObjectProperty was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid property value.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055125: Unknown underlying stream type, cannot convert 6.0 class.
Cause: While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WebLogic Server, a failure occurred.
Action: It may not be possible to read the older version of the message. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055126: Stream is corrupted. Possible older version
Cause: While attempting to read a message created by an older version of WebLogic Server, a failure occurred.
Action: It may not be possible to read the older version of the message. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055127: Unsupported version
Cause: The version of the message being read is unsupported.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055128: Read attempted in WRITE mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to read a message in WRITE mode.
Action: Avoid attempting to read a message in WRITE mode.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055129: Write attempted in READ mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to write a message that is read-only.
Action: Avoid attempting to write to a message in read-only mode.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055130: Invalid data type: {0}
Cause: The class name given is not a valid data type. The type for setObject must be number, string, boolean, byte, character, or null.
Action: Pass one of the acceptable data types to setObject in a MapMessage.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055131: Illegal name: {0}
Cause: The given name is not legal. It is either null or of zero length.
Action: Pass a non-null or non-zero-length string as the name of a MapMessage element.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055132: Could not copy message.
Cause: The system could not copy a MapMessage. The linked IOException should contain more information about the nature of the error.
Action: Examine the linked exception to discover what caused the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055133: Could not deserialize message.
Cause: The system could not deserialize a MapMessage. The linked IOException should contain more information about the nature of the error.
Action: Examine the linked exception to discover what caused the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055134: Unsupported class version {0}. Expected a value between {1} and {2} inclusive.
Cause: While attempting to interoperate between different releases or service packs, an error occurred while attempting to serialize or deserialize an object. The version number of the object was not in the expected range. If {0} is larger than {1} then it is possible an attempt was made to access a newer JMS version than the current version. Otherwise a possible attempt has been made to interoperate with an unsupported older version of JMS.
Action: Ensure that the versions of Oracle products that are interoperating are supported. If the versions should be supported, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055135: Could not write object, expected simple type, but got class {0}
Cause: The given object class could not be written because it is not a simple type.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055136: Could not read object, unrecognized class code {0}.
Cause: An unknown class code was received. The object cannot be read.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055137: JMSProducerSendResponse versions {0}, {1} not compatible with peer: {2}
Cause: An interoperability error occurred.
Action: Only use versions of Oracle products that can interoperate with each other. If the versions being used should interoperate, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055138: Peer not compatible with DistributedDestinationImpl version {0}. Peer Major Version is less than 6.
Cause: An interoperability error occurred.
Action: Only use versions of Oracle products that can interoperate with each other. If the versions being used should interoperate, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055139: Invalid Temporary Destination
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an invalid temporary destination.
Action: Avoid attempting to delete invalid temporary destinations.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055140: Internal error or marshalling error, unknown destination type {0}
Cause: An unknown type was encountered when marshalling a destination.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055141: Destination is null.
Cause: While checking a destination type, the incoming destination was null.
Action: Avoid attempting to discover the type of a null destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055142: Foreign destination, {0}
Cause: While checking a destination type, the incoming destination was foreign.
Action: Avoid attempting to discover the type of a foreign destination.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055143: Destination must be a queue, {0}
Cause: The given destination must be a queue, but it is not a queue.
Action: Use the proper type of destination when checking types.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055144: Destination must be a topic, {0}
Cause: The given destination must be a topic, but it is not a topic.
Action: Use the proper type of destination when checking types.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055145: Unknown stream version: {0}
Cause: The given version number is invalid for a buffered stream.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055146: The stream cannot handle raw objects.
Cause: The stream is probably from an unintended source, such as a Web browser.
Action: Only connect to the Oracle product TCP port with a proper client. If the client is a proper client, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055147: Not implemented
Cause: readLine was called, but it has not been implemented.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055148: The stream cannot handle raw objects.
Cause: A raw object could not be written to the buffered stream.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055149: Attempt to read past end of message ({0})
Cause: The end of the BytesMessage was reached, but an attempt was made to read past it. {0} indicates where the attempt was made and will only be significant to My Oracle Support.
Action: Avoid attempting to read past the end of the BytesMessage.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055150: Error reading from stream ({0}).
Cause: The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure.
Action: Examine the linked exception to discover what caused the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055151: Length ({0}) is negative.
Cause: In a call to readBytes, the length parameter is negative.
Action: Fix the code to ensure a negative length is not passed to readBytes.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055152: length ({0}) is greater than the length of the array ({1}).
Cause: In a call to readBytes, the length parameter is larger than the size of the bytes array to fill.
Action: Fix the code to ensure the length passed to readBytes is less than or equal to the length of the output array.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055153: Error writing to stream ({0}).
Cause: The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure.
Action: Examine the linked exception to discover what caused the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055154: Invalid object type: {0}
Cause: The object passed to writeObject is not valid.
Action: Only send valid object types to writeObject. Example valid types include boolean, byte, short, and integer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055155: Cannot forward message
Cause: Modified received messages are not supported when using forward methods.
Action: Avoid modifying a received message in a call to forward.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055156: Peer neither compatible with {0} or {1} or {2} or {3}. PeerInfo is {4}.
Cause: A version mismatch occurred in a message.
Action: This is an internal error that should not occur. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055157: Invalid compression threshold
Cause: The compression threshold was invalid.
Action: Change the code to pass a valid compression threshold.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055158: WebLogic Server JMS failed to decompress the message body.
Cause: The linked IOException will have more detail on the cause of the failure.
Action: Examine the linked exception to discover what caused the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055159: Message consumer received a compressed message with unknown compression tag - {0}
Cause: Contact My Oracle Support.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055160: WebLogic Server JMS failed to deserialize the text message.
Cause: Contact My Oracle Support.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055161: Cannot forward foreign messages.
Cause: Foreign messages are not supported when using forward methods.
Action: Avoid forwarding a foreign message.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055162: WebLogic Server JMS failed to serialize the text message for interoperability.
Cause: Contact My Oracle Support.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055163: WebLogic Server JMS failed to serialize the XML message for interoperability.
Cause: Contact My Oracle Support.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055164: Cannot forward a message to a WebLogic Server instance prior than version 9.0.
Cause: Cannot forward a message to a WebLogic Server instance prior than 9.0.
Action: Avoid forwarding a message to a WebLogic Server instance prior than 9.0.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055165: The following exception has occurred: {0}.
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Look for the associated exception in the log or the program to see what the results are. In general, this stack trace will help in debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055167: Single session cannot support more than one synchronous message-prefetching consumer.
Cause: There is another opened synchronous message-prefetching consumer.
Action: Close the other synchronous message-prefetching consumer.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055168: Synchronous message-prefetching consumer cannot support user transaction.
Cause: Synchronous message-prefetching consumer cannot support user transaction.
Action: Disable the user transaction or the synchronous message-prefetching consumer in the jms connection factory setting.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055169: Network connection to server was lost.
Cause: The network connection to the server was lost.
Action: This is usually a recoverable error when the JMS client is using the auto-reconnect/failover feature. This error is exposed to the user (JMS client code developer) when the auto-reconnect feature cannot make a decision without user input on a particular course of action after failover. The user can consciously code to continue to use relevant refreshed JMS objects with a potential lowered quality of service such as duplicate/lost/out-of-order messages, or decide to close the relevant JMS object.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055170: Cannot convert string property from its internal format.
Cause: The string property cannot be converted from its internal format.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055171: Failed to unsubscribe subscription "{0}", client ID "{1}". This connection has a client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED and cannot unsubscribe a durable subscription using the standard javax.jms.Session.unsubscribe() API.
Cause: An attempt was made to unsubscribe a durable subscription using the standard javax.jms.Session.unsubscribe(String name) method from a connection that has a Client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED.
Action: Use weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name) API to unsubscribe a durable subscription from a connection that has a Client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055172: Failed to unsubscribe subscription "{0}", client ID "{1}". This connection has a Client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED and cannot unsubscribe a durable subscription with a null topic or distributed topic instance.
Cause: An attempt was made to unsubscribe a durable subscription with a null Topic object or a distributed topic object from a connection that has a Client ID policy of UNRESTRICTED.
Action: Provide a standalone topic object or a member of a distributed topic when calling weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.unsubscribe(String topic, String name).

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055173: Read past end of message ({0})
Cause: An attempt was made to read past the end of a StreamMessage. A linked EOFException may contain more information
Action: Do not attempt to read past the end of a StreamMessage. See the linked EOFException for more information

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055174: Error reading from stream ({0})
Cause: There was an error reading the stream from a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information
Action: See the linked IOException for more information

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055175: Error writing to stream ({0})
Cause: There was an error writing to the stream of a StreamMessage. A linked IOException may contain more information
Action: See the linked IOException for more information

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-055176: Active transaction detected during send, publish, or receive while using a non-XATransaction Resource Adapter.
Cause: An active transaction was detected during send, publish, or receive while using a non-XATransaction Resource Adapter.
Action: Use the XATransaction Resource Adapter instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSClientExceptions

BEA-080001: Error in dispatcher {0}
Cause: A runtime error occurred while dispatching a request to the server.
Action: If the error is not application related, contact My Oracle Support with the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080002: Unexport failed for: {0}.
Cause: The remote object was unexported twice.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080003: A RuntimeException was generated by the RMI server: {0} {1}.
Cause: A runtime exception occurred while dispatching the request to the server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080004: An error was generated by the RMI server: {0} {1}.
Cause: A runtime error occurred while dispatching a response to the client.
Action: The associated stack trace contains information about the error. Check the server logs for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080005: An exception was generated by the RMI server: {0} {1}.
Cause: The error response could not be sent to the client. The underlying socket caused an IOException while dispatching the error response.
Action: The associated stack trace contains information about the error.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080006: Failed to associate the transaction context with the response while marshalling an exception to the client: {0}.
Cause: An IOException occurred while associating a transaction context with the response. This happened when marshalling an exception in the response. Most likely, the socket has been torn down or an error occurred in the stream.
Action: Check the server logs for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080007: RMI runtime is disabled, since it could not initialize the DGC {0}.
Cause: RMI runtime could not be initialized.
Action: Restart the server. If the problem continues, contact My Oracle Support with the stack trace information.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080008: Failed to send error reply to client {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred while dispatching an error response to the client.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080009: An error was generated by the RMI server: {0} invoking: {1}.
Cause: A java.lang.Error occurred while invoking method {1} on {0}. A ServerError occurred due to the server side RMI method call.
Action: Check the nested exception in the ServerError for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080011: Empty workingSet found while assembling the heartbeat for {0}.
Cause: An empty set of references for {0} was found while assembling the deterministic garbage collector (DGC) heartbeats for all remote virtual machines that are referenced from this virtual machine.
Action: If a java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException occurs, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080012: No workingSet found for {0} residing in {1}.
Cause: An empty working set for {0} was found while periodically scanning the list of finalized references and decrementing the count for any reference found. This is related to the deterministic garbage collector (DGC).
Action: If a java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException occurs, contact My Oracle Support for further analysis of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080013: Reference for {0} not found in working set.
Cause: Did not find {0} in the working set while attempting to decrement the reference count. This is related to the deterministic garbage collector (DGC).
Action: If a java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException occurs, contact My Oracle Support for further analysis of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080015: Could not mark references {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred during the execution of the DGC trigger.
Action: If a java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException occurs, contact My Oracle Support for further analysis of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080016: No connection available to: {0}. References to objects hosted by it are in jeopardy.
Cause: The client lost connection to the server {0}. If the server does not receive lease renewal messages on the server, RMI runtime removes the remote objects whose leases are not renewed.
Action: If the server {0} has been shut down or crashed, no action is required. Otherwise, ensure that the network is healthy.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080017: Failed to renew lease for: {0} objects hosted by: {1}.
Cause: This message is logged only in debug mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080019: Marked in: {0} milliseconds
Cause: This message is logged only if the LogDGCStatistics debug flag is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080020: An exception occurred in the DGC server sweep {0}.
Cause: A runtime error occurred while the DGC server (host of remote objects) requested a sweep to periodically clean up server references.
Action: Provide the log files to My Oracle Support for further analysis of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080021: Sweep freed: {0} objects in: {1} milliseconds. {2} exported objects remain.
Cause: This message is logged only if the LogDGCStatistics debug flag is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080022: Tried to enroll lost reference: {0}.
Cause: This message is logged when an attempt is made to increment the reference count of a lost reference. The reference may have already been released.
Action: If a java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException occurs, contact My Oracle Support for further analysis of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080023: Tried to unenroll a lost reference: {0}.
Cause: This message is logged only if the DebugDGCEnrollment flag is enabled for debugging.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080024: Tried to renew the lease on the lost reference: {0}.
Cause: This message is logged only if the DebugDGCEnrollment flag is enabled for debugging.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080026: Exporting remote object {0} with ID {1}.
Cause: When a remote object is exported into RMI, RMI runtime assigns an object ID to it, thus setting up the environment for remote invocation.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-080027: A heartbeat was not sent due to probable client disconnect.
Cause: A thin-client was disconnected from the server.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: RMI

BEA-090000: Unsupported circular group definition, {0}.
Cause: This is an unsupported feature.
Action: Do not define circular groups.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090001: Failed to broadcast LoginFailureRecord to the other cluster servers, {0}.
Cause: An I/O exception occurred.
Action: For more information on how the invalid login attempts are handled, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090002: Failed to broadcast unlock user {0} to the other clustered servers. {1}
Cause: An I/O exception occurred.
Action: For more information on how locked user account lockouts are handled, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090004: Problem closing enumeration: {0}.
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.
Action: Review the exception message in the log message to see if it identifies the cause of the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090010: ACL {0} contains non-existent principal {1} - ignoring principal.
Cause: The principal contained in the ACL does not exist.
Action: Modify the ACL and remove the principal.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090020: User lockout expired, unlocking user {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090022: Explicitly unlocked, user {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: For information about unlocking a user account, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090034: Not listening for SSL, {0}.
Cause: An IOException occurred when creating the SSL listen thread.
Action: Read the exception text for more help on diagnosing the problem. Contact the system administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090038: Checking User {0} for Permission {1} {2}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090039: Access failed (Thread = {0}), caused {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090040: The File realm contains more users than the specified maximum. Maximum = {0}, currently have {1}.
Cause: The File realm sets a limit on the maximum number of supported users. The system has exceeded that limit.
Action: Raise the value of the Max Users attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090041: The File realm contains more groups than the specified maximum. Maximum = {0}, currently have {1}.
Cause: The File realm sets a limit on the maximum number of supported groups. The system has exceeded that limit.
Action: Raise the value of the Max Groups attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090042: The File realm contains more ACLs than the specified maximum. Maximum = {0}, currently have {1}.
Cause: The File realm sets a limit on the maximum number of supported ACLs. The system has exceeded that limit.
Action: Raise the value of the Max ACLs attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090043: Group {0} should exist but does not.
Cause: When adding members to a group, the specified group was not found.
Action: Verify that the group is defined in the fileRealm.properties file or in the Groups tab of the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090044: Principal {0} does not exist and therefore cannot be added to group {1}.
Cause: When specifying group members, a principal that does not exist was specified.
Action: Add the specified principal to a security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090045: Permission {0} does not exist.
Cause: When loading access control lists (ACLs), the specified permission was not found.
Action: Verify that the ACL and the permission are specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090046: ACL {0} does not exist.
Cause: When loading ACLs, the specified permission was not found.
Action: Verify that the ACL is specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090047: Principal {0} does not exist thus cannot be added to ACL {1}.
Cause: The principal specified in the access control list (ACL) does not exist in any security realm.
Action: Add the principal to a security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090048: Made an in-memory only change to the File realm.
Cause: Changes made to the File realm cannot be written to filerealm.properties.
Action: Make the changes on the Administration Server and the changes are propagated to the Managed Servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090049: System user {0} does not exist, creating it.
Cause: The system user is required.
Action: Ensure that the system user was created in a security realm before booting the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090051: Error creating security runtime management.
Cause: During initialization, the security runtime registers with the OAM infrastructure. If this process fails, a management exception occurs.
Action: Verify that the user booting the server is a member of the Administrator group.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090052: Server installed as Windows NT service with incorrect password for user {0}. The password may have been changed since the server was installed as a Windows NT Service. Contact the Windows NT system administrator.
Cause: The server is incorrectly configured as a Windows NT service.
Action: Contact the Windows NT system administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090055: The LDAP realm V1 is deprecated. Please use the LDAP realm V2.
Cause: The LDAP realm V1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Action: Use LDAP realm V2 or one of the LDAP authentication providers.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090056: User {0} had{1,choice,1# one invalid login attempt|2# {1,number} invalid login attempts}, locking account for {2} minutes.
Cause: User exceeded the value of Lockout Threshhold attempts within the period of time specified in the Lockout Reset Duration attribute. The user account is locked.
Action: For more information about protecting user accounts, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090060: The AccessDecision class "{0}" returned an error: {1}
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090063: The DeployableRoleMapper "{0}" returned an error: {1}
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090064: The DeployableAuthorizer "{0}" returned an error: {1}
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090065: Getting boot identity from user.
Cause: The boot identity not provided by the command line argument or a problem exists with the boot.properties file.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090066: Problem handling boot identity. The following exception was generated: {0}
Cause: Security permissions are not correct.
Action: Contact the system administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090067: User lockout expired, unlocking user {0} in security realm {1}.
Cause: The period of time specified for the Lockout Duration attribute has expired for this user account. The user account was locked for exceeding the number of invalid login attempts specified in the Lockout Threshold attribute within the period of time specified in the Lockout Reset Duration attribute.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090070: Failed to broadcast unlock user {0} in security realm {1} to the other cluster servers, {2}.
Cause: An IOException occurred.
Action: For more information about unlocking user accounts, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090072: Boot problem with filter rules. The reason was: {0}. The problem is in the rules for the connection filter.
Cause: Rules for the filter are possibly corrupted.
Action: Contact the system administrator and have the rules corrected.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090073: Problem with updating filter rules. The reason was: {0}. The problem is in the rules for the connection filter. The rules will not be updated in the repository.
Cause: Rules for the filter are incorrect.
Action: Correct the offending rules.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090074: Initializing {0} provider using LDIF template file {1}.
Cause: Either this is the first time this security provider has been initialized or the marker file indicating initialization (with a .initialized extension) has been removed from the system.
Action: Look for a matching LoadedLDIFFForProvider message which indicates the successful loading of the LDIF information for this security provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090075: The {0} provider has had its LDIF information loaded from: {1}.
Cause: The provider was requested to import data.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090076: A failure occurred while attempting to load LDIF for provider {0} from file {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred while attempting to open a temporary file as part of the load process.
Action: Examine the exception and correct the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090077: A failure occurred while attempting to create {1} for the {0} provider had been loaded. The exception is {2}.
Cause: Read the exception to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action to keep the exception from happening again. The marker file can be created manually.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090078: User {0} in security realm {1} has had {2,choice,1# one invalid login attempt|2# {2,number} invalid login attempts}, locking account for {3} minutes.
Cause: User exceeded the number of invalid login attempts specified in the Lockout Threshhold attribute within the period of time specified in the Lockout Reset Duration attribute. The user account is locked.
Action: For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090079: Failed to broadcast LoginFailureRecord for security realm {0} to the other cluster servers, {1}.
Cause: An I/O exception occurred.
Action: For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090080: The Server Private Key for server {0} was found in SSL.ServerKeyFileName.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090082: Security initializing using security realm {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: Verify that the correct security realm is configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090083: Storing boot identity in the file: {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: Do not delete this file if you want the server to continue to boot without prompting for username and password.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090087: Server failed to bind to the configured administrator port. The port may already be in use by another process.
Cause: Most likely another process opened the administrator port, thus causing a port conflict.
Action: Inspect the log file for messages that identify the reason why none of the listen ports could be opened.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090088: Private Key keystore alias is not specified in the SSL configuration of server {0}, security realm {1}. Assuming 6.x private key configuration. Loading the private key from a file.
Cause: The keystore alias is not specified in the Server Private Key Alias attribute.
Action: Set the Server Private Key Alias attribute with the alias used to load the private key of the server into the keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090089: SSL did not find the passphrase for the private key of the server on server {0} for security realm {1}. This may cause an error when SSL attempts to load the private key of the server.
Cause: Either the Server Private Key PassPhrase attribute is not set or the Identity PassPhrase attribute is not set.
Action: If a passphrase is required to retrieve the private key from a keystore, set the Server Private Key PassPhrase attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090091: SSL was unable to get a required Security Service.
Cause: A security service was requested, but no value was returned.
Action: It is likely that the server's configuration has been corrupted. Restore the configuration files from backup. For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090093: No pre-WLS 8.1 Keystore providers are configured for server {0} for security realm {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: To use pre-WLS 8.1 keystores with the SSL configuration, at least one Keystore Provider must be configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090095: SSL cannot instantiate the keystore {1} on server {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred while creating the keystore. This exception caused the create to fail.
Action: Most likely, the keystore was not configured correctly. Ensure that the keystore provider has been configured on the named server. Review the server log for subsequent messages that contain the exception from the keystore provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090096: The MBeans configured for the keystore provider on server {0} for security realm {1} are not Keystore MBeans.
Cause: The MBeans passed to the WebLogic Server key management initialization method are not Keystore MBeans.
Action: Most likely, the keystore provider was not configured correctly. Check that the keystore provider has been configured on the named server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090097: The KeyManager class for private keys server {0} for security realm {1} could not be instantiated.
Cause: The Key Manager Security service is null.
Action: There was a problem with the installation of WebLogic Server because the KeyManager is an internal class that supports the WebLogic Security service.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090101: A keystore exception was returned when the server {1} attempted to load trusted CAs from the keystore file {0}.
Cause: The keystore JDK method threw a keystore exception.
Action: There is a problem with the keystore file. Verify that the file is intact and valid. Use the JDK keytool utility to display the contents of the file. If the file is corrupt, down load a new file from the JavaSoft web site or configure a trusted CA keystore. For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090108: The server was unable to retrieve the private key aliased by {2} from the configured keystore on server {0} for security realm {1}. Private key password might be invalid.
Cause: An exception was returned by the keystore getKey method.
Action: Check that a private key keystore is configured on the server. Verify that the private key keystore exists. Ensure that the keystore is valid and contains the private key necessary to use SSL on the server. Verify that the passphrase configured for the private key was the one used to load the private key into the keystore when the private key was created. This exception most often occurs when the passphrase is invalid. Check the log for subsequent messages that contain the key store exception. For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090109: The server was unable to find the configured private key on server {0} in the file specified by the SSL Server Key File Name attribute.
Cause: The server looks at the Server Key File Name attribute to load the private key of the server when it cannot find the private key in a configured keystore using the alias that is specified in the Server Private Key Alias attribute as the alias string. One possible cause of this error is that server is not configured with a private key keystore or the server is configured to use the pre-7.0 SSL attribute Server Key File Name.
Action: A pre-7.0 configuration is being used for SSL connections, however that configuration does not specify a value for the Server Key File Name attribute. Either provide a value for the Server Key File Name attribute or configure a keystore for the server. SSL will not be able to initialize until the configuration is corrected. For more information, see the security documentation available at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090110: The server was unable to find the configured certificate on server {0} in the file specified by the Server Certificate File Name attribute {1}.
Cause: The server looks at the Server Certificate File Name attribute to load the certificate for the server. One possible cause of this error is that the server is not configured with a certificate, or there is a problem with the file configured as the server's certificate.
Action: Verify that a certificate file is configured for the server and that the certificate contained in the file is valid. For more information, see the security documentation available at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090112: SSL is configured to require clients to present their certificates, however, no trusted certificates have been loaded. The trusted certificates are necessary for validating client certificates.
Cause: Either the "Client Certificates Enforced" option was set by mistake or the problem is with SSL trusted certificates configuration.
Action: Clear the "Client Certificates Enforced" option or specify the location of keystore that contains the trusted certificates.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090113: Loaded {0} client trusted CAs from keystore.
Cause: Loaded the specified number of trusted certificate authority from the trust keystore. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090116: The server {0} is using the private key it retrieved from keystore aliased by {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090118: LDIF template file {1} was empty. The WebLogic provider {0} has been bootstrapped but has not been initialized with any LDIF data.
Cause: A WebLogic provider LDIF template file may have been overwritten with an empty file.
Action: If the server boots successfully, no action is needed. If the server does not boot successfully then an attempt should be made to recover non-empty LDIFT template file from the WebLogic Server kit.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090119: LDIF template file {1} not found. The WebLogic Server provider {0} has been bootstrapped but has not been initialized with any LDIF data.
Cause: A WebLogic Server provider LDIF template file may have been deleted by mistake.
Action: If the server boots successfully, no action is needed. If the server does not boot successfully, an attempt should be made to recover the LDIFT template file from the WebLogic Server kit.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090120: Cannot find the file specified by SSL.TrustedCAFileName {0} on server {1}.
Cause: The specified file was not found.
Action: Verify that the specified file exists in the expected directory and/or that the value of Trusted CA File Name attribute refers to an existing file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090121: Loaded {0} client root CAs from TrustedCA File.
Cause: Trusted CA certificates were loaded from a trusted CA file.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090122: Loaded {0} client root CAs from Default Key Store file {1}
Cause: Trusted CA certificates were loaded from the default keystore.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090123: Cannot access specified trusted CA file {0} on server {1}.
Cause: File might be read-protected
Action: Ensure that the trusted CA file is accessible by the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090124: Cannot read certificates from the trusted CA file {0} on server {1}.
Cause: The file format is not supported by the server.
Action: Ensure that the file format is valid and is supported by the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090125: Loaded {0} trusted certificates from keystore file specified on the command line: {1}.
Cause: Trusted certificates were loaded from the keystore specified on the command line.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090126: Unable to read a valid version number for property {0} from file {1}. Received exception {2}.
Cause: The value for the {0} property may have been corrupted.
Action: Shut down the server. Attempt to determine what the proper value for the {0} property should be and edit the file so that it reflects that value. If it is not possible to determine the proper value for the {0} property, edit the file and reset the {0} value to 0. Restart WebLogic Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090127: Encountered a {2} exception while attempting to read from file {1} for WebLogic {0} provider.
Cause: The {1} file may have been deleted while it was being accessed.
Action: Shut down the server. Attempt to restore the file from a backup. If no backup is available, restart the server. Note that the default WebLogic Server provider might not be correctly initialized.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090129: Updating {0} provider to version {2} using LDIF update template file {1}.
Cause: This security provider has not yet been updated or the marker file indicating initialization (with a .initialized extension) has been removed.
Action: Look for a matching LoadedLDIFFForProvider message in the log file which indicates success loading the LDIF information for this security provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090130: Failure {3} while attempting to update the LDIF to version {2} in file {1} for WebLogic {0} provider.
Cause: The directory into which the {1} is to be written may not be writable, the file may not be writable, or the file may not be a valid properties file.
Action: Ensure that both the directory and file are writable. If they are writable, restore the file from backup or open the file and see if the properties within it are corrupt and correct accordingly. The version for provider {0} needs to be set to {2} in the file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090131: Could not create a {0} JDK keystore instance. Exception: {1}
Cause: {0} is not a valid JDK keystore type or the JDK keystore type is not properly configured.
Action: Verify that the correct keystore type was specified and that the keystore type is correctly specified in the java.security file. Verify that the code for the JDK keystore is in the JDK extensions directory. Restart the serverr after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090132: Could not open the keystore file {0} for read access. Exception: {1}
Cause: The file does not exist, the file is a directory rather than a regular file, or the file cannot be opened for reading.
Action: Verify that the correct path to the keystore file was specified and that the keystore file exists. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090133: Could not load a {1} keystore from the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: There is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data.
Action: Verify that the path to the keystore, the keystore type, and the password for the keystore were specified correctly. Note that some keystore types (for example, JKS) do not require a password for read-only access. Read the exception text for more help on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090134: Could not load a {1} keystore from the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: Some certificates in the keystore could not be loaded.
Action: Verify that the crypto providers required by the certificates in the keystore are properly configured in the java.security file and that their code is in the JDK extensions directory. Look at the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090135: Could not load a {1} keystore from the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: The algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found.
Action: Verify that the algorithm used to check the keystore integrity is properly configured in the java.security file and that the code is in the JDK extensions directory. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090136: Could not open the keystore file {0} for write access. Exception {1}
Cause: The file may exist but is a directory rather than a regular file, the file does not exist and cannot be created, or the file cannot be opened.
Action: Verify that the correct pathname to the keystore was specified and that the parent directory exists. If neither of these problems exist, read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090137: Could not store a {1} keystore in the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: There was an I/O problem with the keystore data.
Action: Verify that the passphrase is correct. Some JDK keystore implementations require the use of the password for a previous keystore. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090138: Could not store a {1} keystore in the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: Some certificates included in the keystore could not be stored.
Action: Verify that the crypto providers required by the certificates in the keystore are properly configured in the java.security file and that their code is in the JDK extensions directory. Look at the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090139: Could not store a {1} keystore in the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: The data integrity algorithm for the keystore could not be found.
Action: Verify that the algorithm used to check the keystore integrity is properly configured in the java.security file and that the code is in the JDK extensions directory. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090140: Could not store a {1} keystore in the file {0}. Exception: {2}
Cause: The keystore has not been initialized (loaded).
Action: Make sure to load the keystore before storing it. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem. Reboot the server after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090141: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for private keys because its private key keystore was not configured.
Cause: The Private Key Store Location attribute was not specified.
Action: To use the WebLogic keystore provider to store private keys, perform the following steps. Create a JDK keystore and load the private keys into the keystore. Use the Administration Console to attributes on the WebLogic keystore provider. Set the Private Key Store Location attribute to the path of the JDK keystore file. Set the Private Key Store Passphrase attribute to the passphrase of the JDK keystore file (some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access). Set the Type attribute to the type of the JDK keystore (the Type attribute may be left empty if the JDK keystore uses the default keystore type configured in the java.security file). Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090142: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for trusted (root) CAs because its trusted (root) CA keystore was not configured.
Cause: The Root Key Store Location attribute was not specified.
Action: To use the WebLogic keystore provider to store trusted CAs, perform the following steps. Create a JDK keystore. Load the trusted CA certificates into the keystore. Set attributes on the WebLogic keystore provider. Set the Root Key Store Location attribute to the path of the JDK keystore file. Set the Root Key Store Passphrase attribute to the passphrase of the JDK keystore file (some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access). Set the Type attribute to the JDK keystore type (the type may be left empty if the JDK keystore uses the default keystore type configured in the java.security file). Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090143: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for private keys because its configured private key keystore file {2} does not exist.
Cause: The file {2} does not exist as a global pathname or in the domain directory.
Action: To use the WebLogic keystore provider to store private keys, perform the following steps. Create a JDK keystore and load the private keys into the keystore. Use the Administration Console to set attributes on the WebLogic Keystore provider. Set the Private Key Store Location attribute to the path of the JDK keystore file. Set the Private Key Store Passphrase attribute to the passphrase of the JDK keystore file (some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access). Set the Type attribute to the type of the JDK keystore (the Type attribute may be left empty if the JDK keystore uses the default keystore type configured in the java.security file). Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090144: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for trusted (root) CAs because its configured trusted (root) CA keystore file {2} does not exist.
Cause: The file {2} does not exist as a global pathname or in the domain directory.
Action: To use the WebLogic keystore provider to store trusted CAs, perform the following steps. Create a JDK keystore. Load the trusted CA certificates into the keystore. Set attributes on the WebLogic keystore provider. Set the Root Key Store Location attribute to the path of the JDK keystore file. Set the Root Key Store Passphrase attribute to the passphrase of the JDK keystore file (some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access). Set the Type attribute to the JDK keystore type (the type may be left empty if the JDK keystore uses the default keystore type configured in the java.security file). Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090145: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for private keys because its private key {3} keystore could not be loaded from the file {2}.
Cause: See the error logged before this one for details.
Action: Verify that the Root Keystore Location attribute is specified correctly. Verify that the Root Keystore PassPhrase attribute matches the passphrase of the keystore. Some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access. Verify that the Type attribute is correct. The Type attribute may be left empty if the JDK keystore uses the keystore type configured in the java.security file. Verify that the private key keystore exists and is properly configured. Verify that a keystore for the specified type is properly configured. After correcting the problem, restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090146: The WebLogic keystore provider {1} in security realm {0} cannot be used for trusted CAs because its trusted CA {3} keystore could not be loaded from the file {2}.
Cause: See the error logged before this one for details.
Action: Verify that the Private Keystore Location attribute is correct. Verify that the Private Keystore PassPhrase attribute matches the passphrase of the keystore. Note that some keystore types (for example, JKS) allow an empty passphrase for read-only access. Verify that the Type attribute is correct. The Type attribute may be empty if the JDK keystore uses the keystore type configured in the java.security file. Verify that the private key keystore exists and is properly configured. Verify that a JDK keystore for the type specified is properly configured. After correcting the problem, reboot the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090152: Demo trusted CA certificate is being used in production mode: {0}. The system is vulnerable to security attacks, since it trusts certificates signed by the demo trusted CA.
Cause: A trusted CA keystore contains a demo certificate.
Action: Remove the demo certificate from the trusted CA keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090153: Demo identity certificate is used in production mode: {0} The system is vulnerable to security attacks, since the server private key is available to the public.
Cause: The server is configured with Demo identity and is running in production mode.
Action: Configure the server to use a certificate obtained from a reputable certificate authority.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090154: Identity certificate has expired: {0}.
Cause: Certificate for the server has expired.
Action: Configure the server to use a certificate obtained from a reputable certificate authority.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090155: Identity certificate is not yet valid: {0}.
Cause: The server certificate is not yet valid.
Action: Replace the server certificate with a certificate obtained from a reputable certificate authority.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090156: Invalid identity certificate signature: {0}
Cause: The certificate of the server or the certificate authority that issued the certificate is invalid.
Action: Replace the certificate of the server with a valid certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090157: Unable to verify certificate signature: {0}.
Cause: The certificate of the server or the certificate authority that issued the certificate is invalid.
Action: Replace certificate of the server with a valid certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090158: The server was unable to find the private key with alias {0} at location {1} on server {2}, security realm {3}. Ensure that the keystore exists and contains the key entry under the specified alias.
Cause: The private key alias {0} was not found at location {1} on server {2}, security realm {3}.
Action: Verify that a keystore is configured on the server displayed in the log file. Verify that the keystore for the private key exists, the keystore is a valid, and contains the private key for the server. For more information, see the security documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090160: Cannot find default trusted CA keystore file {0} on server {1}.
Cause: The keystore does not exist.
Action: Configure a trusted CA keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090161: A failure occurred while attempting to save LDIF for security provider {0} using file {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred while attempting to open a temporary file as part of the export process.
Action: Examine the exception and correct the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090162: The {0} provider has had its LDIF information saved in: {1}.
Cause: The security provider was requested to export data.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090163: The {0} provider did not import a duplicate LDAP entry: {1}
Cause: The security provider already contained the imported data.
Action: Delete the existing data and import data into the security provider again.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090164: Failed to load trusted certificates from keystore {0} of type {1}
Cause: The keystore file cannot be loaded because of invalid password or Keystore type.
Action: Ensure that the keystore configuration is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090165: Cannot find identity keystore file {1} on server {0}
Cause: The identity keystore does not exist.
Action: Correct the SSL configuration of the server. Specify a valid identity keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090166: Failed to load identity keystore of type {2} from file {1} on server {0}
Cause: File is not a valid keystore file or it is of a different keystore type.
Action: Ensure that the keystore file specified in SSL configuration of the server is valid and of the specified keystore type.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090167: Cannot retrieve identity certificate and private key on server {0}, because the keystore entry alias is not specified.
Cause: The alias for the private key entry in the identity keystore was not specified.
Action: Correct the private key alias in the SSL configuration of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090168: No identity key/certificate entry was found under alias {2} in keystore {1} on server {0}.
Cause: The private key entry does not exist in the specified keystore under the specified alias. The wrong alias or keystore was specified or the entry under the specified alias is not a private key.
Action: Ensure that the entry for the private key exists in the specified keystore under the specified alias.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090169: Loading trusted certificates from the {1} keystore file {0}.
Cause: The server is loading trusted CA certificates from the specified keystore.
Action: Verify that the correct trusted CA certificate and keystore are being used.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090171: Loading the identity certificate and private key stored under the alias {2} from the {1} keystore file {0}.
Cause: The server is loading the identity certificate and the corresponding private key from the specified keystore.
Action: Verify that the certificate information such as keystore location, alias, and type are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090172: No trusted certificates have been loaded. Server will not trust to any certificate it receives.
Cause: Keystores specified in the SSL configuration of the server do not contain certificates or do not exist.
Action: Correct the trusted CA information in the SSL configuration of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090173: The server's trust keystore configuration (specified on the command line or in boot.properties) is incorrect.
Cause: Either TrustKeyStores was set to an illegal value or TrustKeyStores was set to CustomTrust but CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName was not specified.
Action: If specifying the server's trust keystore on the command line: To use the trusted CAs in DemoTrust.jks and in the JDK''s cacerts, specify: -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust defaults to DemoTrust -Dweblogic.security.JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase=passphrase defaults to no passphrase which means read-only access to the JDK''s cacerts. To use the trusted CAs in the JDK''s cacerts, specify: -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=JavaStandardTrust -Dweblogic.security.JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase=passphrase defaults to no passphrase which means read-only access to the JDK''s cacerts. To use the trusted CAs from another keystore, specify: -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName=filename either an absolute pathname or a pathname relative to the directory in which the server was started. -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreType=type defaults to the default keystore type specified in the JDK''s java.security file. -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase=passphrase defaults to no passphrase. Some keystore types allow this but only grant read-access (for example, JKS). Other keystore types require a keystore passphrase even for read-access. If specifying the server's trust keystore via boot.properties, set the same properties as for the command line to boot.properties but remove the weblogic.security prefix. For example, set TrustKeyStore=JavaStandardTrust.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090174: The trust keystore configuration specified on the command line or in boot.properties does not match the trust keystore configuration specified in config.xml.
Cause: Either the trust keystore type does not match (for example, one specifies CustomTrust and the other specifies JavaStandardTrust) or the configuration values do not match (for example, the CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName values are not the same).
Action: To always specify the trusted CA keystore for the server on the command line or the boot.properties file, set the server's Keystores value in the config.xml file to CustomIdentityAndCommandLineTrust. Otherwise, ensure that the trust keystore configuration for this server in config.xml matches the trust keystore configuration specified on the command line or in boot.properties.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090175: Unrecognized Callback
Cause: Only callbacks of NameCallback or PasswordCallback are supported.
Action: Remove the unsupported callback from the list of callbacks.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090176: Illegal null Subject passed as a parameter.
Cause: The Subject parameter cannot be null.
Action: Verify that the subject passed as a parameter is not null. If no subject utility methods are being called, this exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. This exception should not normally occur. Check with My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090177: Invalid Message Digest requested, only MD5, SHA, and MD2 are supported.
Cause: The Message Digest type is not supported.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090178: null Class
Cause: The class used to filter principals is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090179: Null action
Cause: The doAs method expects the action to not be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090180: Could not convert AS to AU: {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred when converting.
Action: Look at the exception text to diagnose the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090181: Attempting to modify a sealed subject.
Cause: A sealed subject is read-only and cannot be modified.
Action: This exception is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090182: {0} is not a java.security.Principal.
Cause: The object is not a principal. Only principals can be added to a subject.
Action: Verify that the authentication provider is correctly creating principals.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090183: Got a NullPointerException in AuthenticatedUser.hashCode() with actual type {0}.
Cause: The authenticated user name, qos, or localPort is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090184: invalid constraints
Cause: None of the specified constraints are supported.
Action: Remove the unsupported constraints or pass-in supported constraints. Supported constraints are @quot;users@quot; and @quot;groups@quot;.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090185: No CallbackHandler was specified.
Cause: The callback handler is null.
Action: Pass a non-null callback handler when initializing the UsernamePasswordLoginModule.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090186: Error: Callback {0} is not available.
Cause: The callback handler does not support one of callbacks required by the UsernamePasswordLoginModule. The UsernamePasswordLoginModule requires 3 callbacks: NameCallback, PasswordCallback, and URLCallback.
Action: Verify that the callback handler that is specified in the initialize method of UsernamePasswordLoginModule supports the three required callbacks.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090187: {0} (Unable to delete)
Cause: The file could not be deleted.
Action: Verify that the file can be deleted and is not locked by some other process.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090188: Cannot update a read-only PermissionCollection.
Cause: The collection is read-only and permissions cannot be added.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090190: Error creating {0}
Cause: Either the file does not exist, the file is a directory rather than a regular file, or the file cannot be opened for reading.
Action: Verify the filename. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090191: Error writing realm contents to {0}.
Cause: An error occurred while writing the file.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090192: Could not create temporary file for {0}, .new, {1}.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the temporary file.
Action: Verify the filename and directory. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090193: Could not create temporary file for {0}, .old, {1}.
Cause: An error occurred when creating the temporary file.
Action: Verify the filename and directory. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090194: Could not clear temporary file {0}.
Cause: The delete method returned false.
Action: Verify that the file can be deleted and is not locked by some other process.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090195: Could not rename {0} to {1}.
Cause: The rename method returned false.
Action: Verify that the file can be renamed and is not locked by some other process.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090196: Could not delete {0}.
Cause: The delete method returned false.
Action: Verify that the file can be deleted and is not locked by some other process.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090197: Cannot find permission {0}.
Cause: A ClassNotFound exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Verify that the class is contained in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090198: No appropriate constructor for {0}
Cause: A NoSuchMethod exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Verify that the permission class implements the constructor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090199: Cannot instantiate abstract class {0}.
Cause: An Instantiation exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090200: No permission to instantiate constructor for {0}
Cause: An IllegalAccess exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090201: Incorrect argument for constructor for {0}
Cause: An IllegalArgument exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Verify that the permission class implements the appropriate constructor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090202: Exception in constructor for {0}
Cause: An InvocationTarget exception occurred when instantiating the permission.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090203: Trailing text after grant string
Cause: Text is present after the closing bracket and semicolon.
Action: Remove the text after the closing bracket and semicolon.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090204: Unexpected end of string in grant statement
Cause: The grant statement is not complete.
Action: Verify the grant statement and add the necessary text.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090205: Expected "{0}" but found "{1}".
Cause: The syntax is incorrect.
Action: Verify the syntax and add the specified expected construct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090206: Expected a guote (") but found "{0}".
Cause: An expected quote was not found.
Action: Verify the syntax and add the quote.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090207: Version mismatch, have {0}, expected {1}.
Cause: The version number does not match the expected value.
Action: Verify that the SerializedSystemIni.dat file has not been corrupted.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090208: Corrupt {0}
Cause: An IOException occurred when reading bytes from the file.
Action: Verify that the SerializedSystemIni.dat file is valid. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090209: Could not close stream: {0}.
Cause: An IOException was returned by the input stream close method.
Action: Verify that the SerializedSystemIni.dat file is valid. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090210: Error opening {0}
Cause: A FileNotFound exception occurred while opening the input stream.
Action: Verify that the SerializedSystemIni.dat file exists and is accessible. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090218: decoding error: {0}
Cause: An IOException occurred.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090219: Error decrypting Secret Key {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when getting the secret key for the encryption service.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090220: rule {0}
Cause: A connection filter rule denied access.
Action: None. This exception is used to deny access to the server as specified in the rules of the connection filter.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090221: Connection filter internal error!
Cause: An unknown connection filter rule was encountered.
Action: Verify the connection filter rules. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090222: unknown protocol "{0}"
Cause: The protocol specified in the connection filter is not supported.
Action: Verify the protocol and ensure it is listed in the rules of the connection filter.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090223: bad netmask: "{0}"
Cause: The netmask is greater than 32 bits or less than 0.
Action: Verify the netmask in the connection filter.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090224: bad netmask: "{0}"
Cause: The number of tokens in the netmask is not 4.
Action: Verify the netmask.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090225: bad netmask: "{0}"
Cause: The number in the netmask is less than 0 or greater than 255.
Action: Change the number in the netmask to be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 255.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090226: bad netmask: "{0}"
Cause: A NumberFormat exception occurred when calling Integer.parseInt on the netmask token.
Action: Verify the netmask token to ensure it is an integer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090227: bad action "{0}"
Cause: The action is not deny or allow.
Action: Verify the action and change it to deny or allow.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090228: null filter
Cause: A connection filter cannot be null.
Action: Verify the connection filter and ensure that a connection filter is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090229: Attempt to set connection filter more than once
Cause: A connection filter was set more than once.
Action: Modify the application code to only call the setFilter method once.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090230: Zero length PEMInputStream
Cause: The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) input stream contained zero bytes.
Action: Verify that the PEM file or PEM input stream is valid and does not contain zero bytes.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090231: Security already configured
Cause: The Security service initialization method was called twice.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090232: salt is not set
Cause: The salt obtained from the MBean is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090233: problem with connection filter rules
Cause: An exception occurred while setting the connection filter rules. The filter class may not have been loaded or some other error may have caused the exception.
Action: Verify the connection filter class and rules. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090238: could not create User Name Mapper
Cause: An exception occurred while loading the User Name Mapper class.
Action: Verify that the User Name Mapper class exists in the class path and the class implements the UserNameMapper interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090239: Identity Assertion type cannot be null
Cause: The token type was null.
Action: The containers should not be passing a null token type. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090240: Identity Assertion token cannot be null
Cause: The identity assertion token was null.
Action: The containers should not be passing a null token. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090241: Identity Assertion type of {0} is not a configured active type.
Cause: The identity assertion token type was not configured in the WebLogic Identity Assertion provider.
Action: Configure the identity assertion type {0} in the Active Types attribute of the WebLogic Identity Assertion provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090242: Client principal {0} is not trusted to assert identity.
Cause: Client principal {0} is not in the list of clients trusted to assert identity via CSIv2 identity assertion tokens.
Action: Add the client principal to the Trusted Client Principals attribute of the WebLogic Identity Asserter provider or specify asterisk (*) to allow any client to assert any identity.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090243: user Name Mapper class not configured - cannot assert identity
Cause: No User Name Mapper is configured.
Action: Configure a User Name Mapper. Use either the default User Name Mapper or a custom User Name Mapper. To use the default implementation, set the Use Default User Name Mapper attribute for the WebLogic Identity Assertion provider. To use a custom User Name Mapper, set the User Name Mapper Class Name attribute to the name of the custom implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090244: Unknown Identity Assertion type {0}
Cause: Identity Assertion type {0} is not supported.
Action: Use a supported identity assertion type or write a custom Identity Assertion provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090245: No mapping for Identity User Name
Cause: The identity assertion token could not be mapped to a username.
Action: If this is not the expected outcome, modify the custom User Name Mapper to correctly map the desired token to a username.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090246: Token not of type {0}
Cause: The token does not match the token type.
Action: The containers should not be passing a token that is not an AuthenticatedUser. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090247: Unable to verify {0}
Cause: The authenticated user is invalid.
Action: Verify that the user identity was from this domain or from a domain that is trusted by this domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090248: Unrecognized Callback
Cause: Callback type is not supported.
Action: Verify that the LoginModule for the configured Authentication provider is only passing a NameCallback when calling the handle method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090249: Cursor is null
Cause: A null cursor is not supported.
Action: Modify the code to pass a non-null cursor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090250: Cursor not found {0}
Cause: Cursor was not found in the list of valid cursors.
Action: Verify that the cursor passed to the method is valid and was returned from a method that creates cursors. Examples of such methods are listUsers, listGroups and listRoles.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090251: haveCurrent error for cursor name {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred during the haveCurrent method.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090252: advance error for cursor name {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred while advancing the list.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090253: close error for cursor name {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred while closing this list cursor.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090258: max cannot be < 0
Cause: The maximumToReturn value cannot be less than zero.
Action: Pass in a maximumToReturn parameter value that is greater or equal to zero.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090259: Group {0}
Cause: Group {0} does not exist in the LDAP server.
Action: Pass in a group that exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090261: Wildcard cannot be null.
Cause: The wildcard parameter is null.
Action: Pass a non-null wildcard parameter to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090262: Error listing groups {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred while searching for the groups in the LDAP server.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090263: parent group cannot be null
Cause: The parent group name is null.
Action: Pass a non-null parent group name parameter to this method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090264: member cannot be null
Cause: The member name is null.
Action: Pass a non-null member name parameter to this method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090265: member cannot be parent group
Cause: The member name and parent group name are the same value.
Action: Change either the member name or parent group name parameters of this method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090266: group name cannot be null
Cause: The group name cannot be null.
Action: Pass a non-null group name to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090271: Member {0}
Cause: The member does not exist.
Action: Pass in a member name that exists in the LDAP server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090278: Error listing member groups {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred while listing the member groups in the LDAP server.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090279: Error listing users {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred while listing the users in the LDAP server.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090281: user name cannot be null
Cause: The user name cannot be null.
Action: Pass a non-null user name to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090283: User {0}
Cause: User {0} already exists in the LDAP server.
Action: Pass in another user name.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090287: User {0}
Cause: User {0} does not exist in the LDAP server.
Action: Pass a user name that exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090294: could not get connection
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred because an LDAP connection could not be obtained from the connection pool.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090296: invalid URL {0}
Cause: An LDAP exception occurred because of an invalid dynamic group URL.
Action: Verify the dynamic group definition. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090297: No CallbackHandler specified
Cause: The callback handler is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090298: No Delegate specified
Cause: The LDAP delegate is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090299: Username not supplied.
Cause: The user name returned from the NameCallback cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090300: Identity assertion failed: User {0} does not exist.
Cause: The user does not exist in the LDAP server.
Action: Add the user to the LDAP server or configure the Identity Assertion provider to return a user that exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090301: Password not supplied.
Cause: The password cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090302: Authentication failed: User {0} denied.
Cause: The username and password could not bind to the LDAP server.
Action: Verify the username and password.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090305: Authentication failed getting groups for User {0} {1}.
Cause: A group to which the user belongs was not found.
Action: Verify the groups to which the user belongs.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090307: DefaultAuthenticatorImpl constructor failed: {0}
Cause: A exception was thrown in the constructor for the WebLogic Authentication provider.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090309: null subject
Cause: The subject cannot be null.
Action: Pass a non-null subject to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090310: Failed to create resource.
Cause: An EnCreateException occurred when creating the security policy.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090311: Failed to set resource expression.
Cause: An EnCreateException occurred when setting the security policy expression.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090313: policy removal error
Cause: A EnRemoveException occurred during the deletion of security policies for the application.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090314: Entitlement Engine unable to connect to the embedded LDAP server {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when initializing the entitlement engine for the WebLogic Authorization provider.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090315: DefaultAuthorizerImpl init failed: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred during the initialization of the WebLogic Authorization provider.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090316: null helper
Cause: The helper cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090318: DefaultRoleMapperImpl init failed: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred in the initialization method of the WebLogic Role Mapping provider.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090319: Unknown resource type: {0}
Cause: The role id cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090320: Failed to create role
Cause: An exception occurred during the createRole method.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090321: Failed to set role expression
Cause: An exception was thrown during the setRole method.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090322: role removal error
Cause: An EnRemoveException occurred during the delete operation.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090323: Map cannot be modified.
Cause: Not all Map object methods are unsupported.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090330: DefaultCredentialMapperImpl.getCurrentMappingWLSUsername failed: No such resource maps list cursor available
Cause: The cursor is invalid.
Action: Verify that the cursor was returned from the listMappings method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090344: A valid security realm name must be specified when initializing.
Cause: The security realm name is null or does not exist.
Action: Verify the security configuration. Ensure that the default security realm is set and that the security realm exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090347: Auditor not yet initialized
Cause: The Auditing provider was not initialized before the writeEvent method was called.
Action: This exception that indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090348: No AuthorizerMBeans and no AdjudicatorMBean provided.
Cause: No provider MBeans were passed during the initialization of the Authorization Manager.
Action: Configure at least one Authorization provider for the security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090349: Need at least one AuthorizerMBean
Cause: An empty array of provider MBeans were passed during the initialization of the Authorization Manager.
Action: Configure at least one Authorization provider for this security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090350: The RoleManager must be initialized prior to initializing an Authorization Manager.
Cause: Role Manager is not initialized.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090357: Calling isProtectedResource before the AuthorizationManager is initialized.
Cause: The Authorization Manager must be initialized before any method calls.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090358: Required parameter not supplied to isAccessAllowed.
Cause: A required parameter was null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090359: Required parameter not supplied to isProtectedResource.
Cause: A required parameter was null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090361: Exception: CredentialManager.initialize, Invalid or missing CredentialMapperMBean Mbean
Cause: The array of Credential Mapping MBeans was null or empty.
Action: Verify the security realm configuration and ensure that a Credential Mapping provider is configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090364: Exception: CredentialManager.getCredentials, credentialsType = null
Cause: The credentialType parameter cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090365: LoginModule error: loginModuleName {0}
Cause: A ClassNotFound, IllegalAccess, or Instantiation exception occurred while loading the delegate LoginModule.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090366: LoginModule error: null delegateLoginModuleName
Cause: The delegate LoginModule is null.
Action: Verify the Authentication provider has correctly implemented the getLoginModuleConfiguration method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090368: MBeans are not instances of Keystore MBean.
Cause: An MBean is not of type Keystore MBean.
Action: Verify the WebLogic Keystore provider is configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090369: Problem instantiating Keystore provider
Cause: An exception occurred during the creation or initialization of the WebLogic Keystore provider.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090370: Invalid configuration, no AuthenticationProviderMBean passed to initialize.
Cause: No Authentication provider MBeans were passed.
Action: Verify the security realm configuration and ensure that an Authentication provider is configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090372: No CallbackHandler Supplied
Cause: The callback handler is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090375: Null TokenType parameter
Cause: The token type is null.
Action: The containers should not pass a null token types. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090376: Null Token parameter
Cause: The identity assertion token was null.
Action: The containers should not pass null tokens. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090384: No Provider MBeans
Cause: No MBeans were passed during the initialization of the Role Manager.
Action: Configure a Role Mapping provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090389: RoleManager not yet initialized.
Cause: The Role Manager must be initialized before the getRoles method can succeed.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090391: Null user identity
Cause: The identity for the runAs method cannot be null.
Action: Ensure that the subject passed to the runAs method is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090392: SecurityServiceManager not yet initialized.
Cause: The Security service must be initialized before any method calls.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090393: Security service not yet initialized: {0}.
Cause: The Security service must be initialized before it can be used.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090394: Must specify a Security realm.
Cause: The security realm name cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090395: Must specify a SecurityService.ServiceType.
Cause: The Security service type cannot be null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090396: Security Realm {0} does not exist.
Cause: The security realm is not a valid.
Action: Verify the security realm has all the required providers configured and the realm is set as the default (active) security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090397: Principal set does not contain a RealmAdapterUser.
Cause: A RealmAdapterUser is required to send a authenticated user to a previous version of WebLogic Server.
Action: Configure the Realm Adapter provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090398: Invalid Subject: {0}
Cause: Principal validation failed for this subject.
Action: Ensure that the subject was created by this domain or in a domain trusted by this domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090399: Security services unavailable
Cause: Authentication and Authorization services are required to perform the boot authorization checks.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090402: Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid. The user name or password or both from the boot identity file (boot.properties) is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted.
Cause: The user name or password or both from the boot identity file may have been changed since the boot identity file was created.
Action: Update the boot identity file with the correct username and password for the boot identity.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090403: Authentication for user {0} denied.
Cause: The user supplied an invalid password or the user name was invalid.
Action: Reboot the server and specify the current user and password.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090404: User {0} is not permitted to start the server. The server policy may have changed in such a way that the user is no longer able to start the server. Restart the server with the administrative user account or contact the system administrator to update the server policy definitions.
Cause: The server policy may have changed in such a way that the user is no longer able to boot the server.
Action: Reboot the server from the administrative user account or contact the system administrator to update the server policy definitions.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090405: Can only initialize the SecurityService once.
Cause: The initialize method of the Security Service Manager was called more than once.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090407: Invalid security configuration, no default security realm found.
Cause: A default security realm is not defined.
Action: Set one of the configured security realms as the default (active) security realm by setting the Default Realm attribute at the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090408: Security configuration is unavailable.
Cause: The security configuration MBean was null.
Action: Verify that the SecurityConfiguration MBean is defined in the config.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090409: Security credential is unavailable, a credential value must be supplied for the Security configuration.
Cause: The Credential attribute is invalid.
Action: Set the Credential attribute for the security configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090410: Invalid security realm name: {0}
Cause: The Realm MBean is null.
Action: Verify that the security realm name {0} refers to a valid configured security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090411: Security Realm [{0}] is improperly configured.
Cause: One or more exceptions occurred when the security realm was validated.
Action: Read the exception text and correct the configuration of the security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090412: Failed to initialize realm: {0}.
Cause: No security services were found in the security realm.
Action: Configure an Authentication, Authorization, Adjudication, Role Mapping, and Credential Mapping provider in the security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090413: No Realm MBean found. Bad configuration, unable to initialize Security.
Cause: A default security realm is not configured.
Action: Set one of the configured security realms as the default (active) security realm by setting the Default Realm attribute at the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090414: Need to configure at least one RoleMapperMBean.
Cause: The array of Role Mapping providers for this security realm is null or empty.
Action: Configure at least one Role Mapping provider for this security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090415: Need to configure at least one AuthorizerMBean.
Cause: The array of Authorization providers for this security realm is null or empty.
Action: Configure at least one Authorization provider for this security realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090416: Cannot configure the Keystore providers : {0}
Cause: A Security exception occurred during the get or set of the Alg.Alias.KeyStore property.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090419: Subject "{0}" is not the kernel identity.
Cause: The current subject is not the kernel identity.
Action: Verify that the subject in {0} is the correct identity. If so, this exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090420: Security provider error: providerClassName {0} creation exception.
Cause: An Instantiation exception or an IllegalAccess exception occurred while creating and initializing the security provider.
Action: Read the associated exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090421: Security provider error: providerClassName {0} not found.
Cause: A ClassNotFound exception occurred when loading the security provider {0}.
Action: Ensure that the class name in {0} is present. Read the associated exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090423: The Server {0} was unable to find the server certificate file {1} specified by the SSL ServerCertificateFileName attribute.
Cause: The server certificate file was not found.
Action: Verify that the Server Certificate File attribute for server is specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090424: Cannot find the private key with alias {0} in the keystore at location {1}.
Cause: The alias was not found.
Action: Verify that the alias specified in the Server Private Key Alias attribute. Also, verify the contents of the keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090425: Cannot read private key file {0}. Exception is {1}
Cause: An I/O exception was thrown when loading the private key.
Action: Read the exception text in {1} for more information in diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090426: Cannot read private key from file {0}. Ensure that the password specified in environment property {1} is valid. Exception is {2}
Cause: A KeyManagement exception occurred when loading the private key.
Action: Verify that the password specified in environment property {1}. Verify the format of the private key. Read the exception text in {2} for more information in diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090427: The server {0} was unable to find private key in the file {1} specified by the SSL ServerKeyFileName attribute.
Cause: The file {1} could not be found.
Action: Modify the Server Key File Name attribute to specify a file that exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090428: Cannot call setJava2SecurityMode more than once.
Cause: The setJava2SecurityMode method can only be called once.
Action: Ensure that the setJava2SecurityMode method is only called once.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090431: Received a null user name.
Cause: The user name cannot be null.
Action: Verify that the specified username is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090433: Inconsistent InvalidLogin record
Cause: The vector of failures is null.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090434: Enumerator returned a null element for a key.
Cause: The invalid login information entry is null.
Action: Check the list of locked out users and unlock any users manually. Reboot the server if necessary. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090435: Subject {0} does not have permission to unlock user {1} in security realm {2}.
Cause: No permission to unlock the user.
Action: Use an identity that does have permission to unlock this user.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090436: Inconsistent hashtable, key exists but not value.
Cause: The invalid login information entry is null.
Action: Check the list of locked out users and unlock any users manually. Reboot the server if necessary. This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090437: Security service is unavailable.
Cause: The authentication service is null.
Action: If a security realm name is specified in the login method, verify that the name of the security realm is correct. Otherwise, this exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090438: Invalid parameter
Cause: The user, password, or output directory is null or a zero length string.
Action: Pass in a valid user, password, and output directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090439: Invalid file parameter {0} specified for adminstrator account creation.
Cause: Either the template file does not exist or is not a file, or the output directory does not exist or is not a directory.
Action: Pass in a valid template file and a valid output directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090440: Encryption error
Cause: The encrypted password was null.
Action: Verify that a non-zero length password was passed to the wizard.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090442: location null or empty
Cause: A keystore filename cannot be null or a zero length string.
Action: Set the keystore location to a valid filename.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090443: null file
Cause: The load and store methods require a non-null filename.
Action: Pass a valid filename to the keystore load or store method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090444: null keystore
Cause: A valid keystore is required for the store method. It cannot be null.
Action: Pass in a non-null keystore to the store method.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090445: null or empty passphrase
Cause: A passphrase is required for the store method. It cannot be null or a zero length string.
Action: Pass in a valid passphrase.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090446: Invalid base template
Cause: The file did not contain the appropriate templates for the user or password.
Action: If the Domain Configuration wizard was used, this exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support. If the Domain Configuration wizard is not being used, verify the contents of the specified template file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090447: invalid flag value {0}
Cause: The value specified for the LoginModule control flag is not supported.
Action: Pass in a valid value for the LoginModule control flag. Valid values are REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, REQUISITE, or SUFFICIENT.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090448: Invalid Format: {0}
Cause: Import format was either null, zero length, or not supported by this provider.
Action: Pass in a supported format.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090449: Invalid constraints
Cause: Constraints are not supported.
Action: Do not pass constraints to the provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090450: Invalid name supplied
Cause: The filename, domain name, or security realm name cannot be null.
Action: Pass a non null filename, domain name, or security realm name.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090451: Unable to read file: {0}
Cause: The import file cannot be read.
Action: Check the import file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090452: Import is only available on the Administration Server.
Cause: Import operation was attempted on a Managed Server.
Action: Run the MBean client on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090453: Import file error
Cause: An IO exception occurred while importing from the file.
Action: Verify the import filename. Read the exception text or the associated log message for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090454: No base data to export
Cause: The base DN to export from is null or empty.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090455: Export File Error
Cause: An I/O exception occurred while exporting to the file.
Action: Verify the export filename. Read the exception text or the associated log message for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090456: Three arguments are required.
Cause: Three arguments are not specified.
Action: Verify the signature condition in the Administration Console to ensure that three arguments are specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090457: Type must be {0} or {1} value is {2}.
Cause: The Type argument is not valid.
Action: Verify the signature condition in the Administration Console to ensure that the Type argument is @quot;user@quot; or @quot;group@quot;.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090458: Signature type cannot be null.
Cause: The Signature type value cannot be null.
Action: Verify the signature condition in the Administration Console to ensure that the signature type argument is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090459: Signed by cannot be null.
Cause: The Signed by value cannot be null.
Action: Verify the signature condition in the Administration Console to ensure that the Signed by argument is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090461: Class not Found {0}
Cause: An class not found exception occurred when getting an instance of the wrapper class.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem and determining which class was not found.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090462: Illegal access on context wrapper class {0}
Cause: An illegal access exception occurred when getting an instance of the wrapper class.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem and determining which class was not found.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090463: Instantiation exception on context wrapper class {0}
Cause: An instantiation exception occurred when getting an instance of the wrapper class.
Action: Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem and determining which class was not found.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090464: Problem accessing private key
Cause: A key management exception occurred when adding the private key and certificates to the SSL identity.
Action: Verify the private key. Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem and determining which class was not found.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090465: Problem with certificate chain {0}
Cause: A certificate exception occurred when adding the private key and certificates to the SSL identity.
Action: Verify the certificates. Read the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem and determining which class was not found.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090466: Assertion: illegal keystores value: {0}
Cause: The keystore attribute is not valid.
Action: Verify that value {0} is one of the legalvalues listed in the Server MBean Keystores attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090467: problem with connection filter
Cause: An exception occurred while calling the setRules method.
Action: Verify that the connection file class is specified correctly and present in the classpath. Verify that the setRules method is implemented correctly. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090468: Set the AuditProviderClassName attribute to a valid value
Cause: An exception occurred while loading the class.
Action: Verify that the class is specified correctly and present in the classpath. Read the exception text from the log message for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090469: Invalid file format
Cause: LDIF template file did not contain any substitution entries and does not have the correct file format.
Action: Verify that the file specified to the import operation is really an LDIF template file produced by an export operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090470: Inconsistent security configuration, the {0} security realm has been configured to use security data in deployment descriptors but no {1} has been configured with deployment enabled.
Cause: The {0} security realm has been configured to use security data in deployment descriptors but no {1} has been configured with deployment enabled.
Action: Either uncheck the "Ignore security data in deployment descriptors" attribute for the security realm to ignore all deployment descriptor security information or configure at least one {1} to have deployment enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090473: DefaultAuthorizerImpl search failed: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when trying to access the data store.
Action: Look at the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090474: Unable to create temporary file: {0}
Cause: The java.io.tmpdir system property is not set correctly or the temporary directory is not writeable.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090475: Plaintext data for protocol {0} was received from peer {1} instead of an SSL handshake.
Cause: A peer is trying to send plaintext data directly instead of using SSL.
Action: Check the port and protocol settings on the peer that is trying to connect. It may be pointing to the SSL port by mistake or it may be specifying a plaintext protocol by mistake.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090476: Invalid/unknown SSL header was received from peer {0} during SSL handshake.
Cause: A peer is either sending invalid data, trying to connect using a newer version of SSL that is incompatible with the version of SSL used by WebLogic Server, or is trying to connect using plaintext data from a protocol for which WebLogic Server does not check.
Action: Check the peer that is trying to connect. It may be trying to connect using a plaintext protocol over SSL by mistake, or it may be using some newer incompatible version of SSL.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090477: Certificate chain received from {0} was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that the server does not trust.
Action: Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the server trusted CA configuration to trust the CA certificate that signed the peer certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090478: Certificate chain received from {0} was not signed properly causing SSL handshake failure.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that was not signed correctly.
Action: Correct the peer certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090479: Certificate chain received from {0} failed date validity checks.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that is either not yet valid or has expired.
Action: Correct the peer certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090480: SSL alert ({1}) received from {0}. Check the peer SSL configuration, or enable SSL debug tracing on the peer.
Cause: The peer determined something was not correct, sent an alert, and ended the SSL session.
Action: Check the peer to determine why it sent the alert and what alert it believes it sent. This action may require enabling SSL debug tracing to determine the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090481: NO_CERTIFICATE alert was received from {0}. Verify that the SSL configuration has a proper SSL certificate chain and private key specified.
Cause: The SSL configuration for this server needs to supply a certificate chain.
Action: If using one-way SSL, verify that the certificate chain and private key are being specified for the SSL server. If using two-way SSL, verify that the certificate chain and private key are being specified for both the SSL server and the client.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090482: BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from {0}. Check the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain (trusted CA configuration, hostname verification). SSL debug tracing may be required to determine the exact reason for which the certificate was rejected.
Cause: The certificate chain sent to the peer may not be valid, or the peer may not be configured to accept the certificates.
Action: Check the peer configuration to see if the certificate chain was rejected because the certificate was not trusted or because there was a hostname violation. Verify that the certificate chain sent to the peer had valid dates and had the correct issuer ordering. This action may require enabling SSL debug tracing to determine the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090483: CERTIFICATE_REVOKED alert was received from {0}. The certificate chain sent to the peer was rejected because it was revoked by the certificate authority.
Cause: A certificate in the configured certificate chain was revoked by the certificate authority and is no longer valid.
Action: A new certificate chain needs to be issued by the certificate authority, the SSL configuration then needs to be updated to use the new certificate chain and the new private key that corresponds to it.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090484: CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED alert was received from {0}. A certificate in the certificate chain expired or is not yet valid, or the peer and local machine have a date/time mismatch.
Cause: A certificate in the chain is either expired or is not yet valid. Another possible cause is the peer machine date/time is not set properly causing the check to fail.
Action: Verify the certificate validity and expiration dates in the certificate chain are correct. If they are not, obtain new certificates issued by the certificate authority and update the SSL configuration with the new certificates and private key. If the dates are valid, check the peer machine date/time setup.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090485: CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN alert was received from {0}. The peer has an unspecified issue with the certificate. SSL debug tracing should be enabled on the peer to determine what the issue is.
Cause: The exact cause is unclear. To determine the cause, check messages from the peer to see if they explain the problem.
Action: Review the SSL messages from the peer by turning on SSL debug tracing.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090486: UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE alert was received from {0}. The peer rejected a certificate in the chain because it was an unsupported type. Verify all certificates in the chain are valid X.509 RSA certificates.
Cause: This problem could be caused by an incorrect type of certificate in the certificate chain or the peer not being able to handle certain attributes in a valid certificate.
Action: The certificate chain should first be checked to ensure the certificates are all valid X.509 RSA certificates and are using the proper strength. If that is correct, SSL debug tracing may be required on the peer to see if it gives more detail on what was specifically not supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090487: UNKNOWN_CA alert received from {0}. The peer is rejecting the certificate chain as being untrusted or incomplete.
Cause: The peer is not configured to trust the CA that signed the certificate chain.
Action: Review the certificate chain and the peer trusted CA configuration to determine whether the peer should be trusting the certificate chain or whether a new certificate chain is required that is trusted by the peer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090488: PROTOCOL_VERSION alert received from {0}. Check that the peer supports the same level of the SSL/TLS protocol being used (SSL V3.0 and TLS V1.0).
Cause: The peer may not support the same level of the SSL/TLS protocol, or there was some sort of data corruption occurring with the low-level SSL records.
Action: The peer needs to be checked to determine whether it supports SSL V3.0 and TLS V1.0. If it does, SSL debug tracing may be required to see if the SSL record was rejected for another reason.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090489: NO_RENEGOTIATION alert was received from {0}. The peer does not support renegotiation.
Cause: The peer does not support renegotiation and is responding to a renegotiation request with a warning to indicate it is not supported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090490: ACCESS_DENIED alert received from {0}. The peer recognizes the certificate chain but a higher-level access control is rejecting it.
Cause: The peer is likely doing an authorization check, perhaps above the SSL layer and is rejecting the connection because of an authorization check failure.
Action: Check the peer configuration to determine why the authorization check is failing.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090491: INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY alert received from {0}. The peer requires stronger ciphers to be supported.
Cause: The peer requires stronger ciphers than those specified in the SSL configuration of the server.
Action: Determine the ciphers required by the peer and update the SSL configuration. This update may not be possible if the required ciphers are stronger than allowed by the WebLogic Server license.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090492: UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE alert received from {0}.
Cause: This message indicates a problem in the SSL implementations or data corruption.
Action: Enable SSL debug tracing on both sides of the SSL connection. Also, check the network for possible problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090493: BAD_RECORD_MAC alert received from {0}. The peer indicated it received a record with an invalid MAC.
Cause: The certificate does not match the private key or data corruption has occurred.
Action: Check the SSL configuration to ensure the certificate and private key match, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090494: DECRYPTION_FAILED alert received from {0}. The peer detected errors when decrypting.
Cause: A cryptography error or a data corruption error.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090495: RECORD_OVERFLOW alert received from {0}. The peer received an invalid record with a length greater than allowed.
Cause: A problem in the SSL implementation or a data corruption error.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090496: DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE alert received from {0}. The peer was unable to decompress data.
Cause: WebLogic Server does not support data compression. This message likely indicates a data corruption problem.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for any relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090497: HANDSHAKE_FAILURE alert received from {0}. Check both sides of the SSL configuration for mismatches in supported ciphers, supported protocol versions, trusted CAs, and hostname verification settings.
Cause: There is a mismatch in the SSL configurations.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL configuration for mismatches in supported ciphers, supported protocol versions, trusted CAs, and hostname verification settings. SSL Debug tracing may be needed on both sides to determine the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090498: ILLEGAL_PARAMETER alert received from {0}.
Cause: This message is most likely caused by a data corruption error.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090499: DECODE_ERROR alert received from {0}.
Cause: This message is most likely caused by a data corruption error.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090500: DECRYPT_ERROR alert received from {0}. A decryption error occurred during the SSL handshake.
Cause: This message is most likely caused by a data corruption error.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090501: EXPORT_RESTRICTION alert received from {0}.
Cause: This message could be caused by an SSL configuration mismatch between the implementations.
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information, check the network, and verify the routes between the machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090502: INTERNAL_ERROR alert received from {0}. Check for unrelated failures such as insufficient resources.
Cause: There may be failures because of an insufficient resource (memory, file descriptors, or other resource).
Action: Check both sides of the SSL connection for relevant error information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090503: The public key from the configured server certificate and the configured server private key do not match.
Cause: The server SSL configuration is incorrect. Either the certificate, the private key, or both are incorrectly specified.
Action: Check the SSL configuration. Check that the server certificate corresponds to the server private key.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090504: Certificate chain received from {0} failed hostname verification check. Certificate contained {1} but check expected {2}
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that did not pass the hostname verification check.
Action: Check that the hostname in the peer certificate matches the hostname expected by the hostname verifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090505: No certificate chain was received from {0}, hostname verification check failed.
Cause: The peer is most likely not configured to support a cipher that presents a certificate.
Action: Check the supported ciphers on the peer and ensure that it supports a cipher that provides a certificate.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090506: Unspecified exception occurred handling hostname verification for {0}.
Cause: The hostname verifier failed.
Action: Enable SSL debug tracing to determine the exact exception. If this is a custom hostname verifier, there may be coding problems in the implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090508: Certificate chain received from {0} was incomplete.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that was incomplete (it did not contain a trusted CA).
Action: Check the peer certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the server trusted CA configuration to trust the CA that signed the certificate chain. If the chain was incomplete, correct the chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090509: The SSL ListenPort attribute {0} cannot be the same as the non-secure ListenPort for the server.
Cause: The same value was specified for the server Listen port and the SSL Listen port.
Action: Correct the configuration of the SSL Listen port. The value must be different that than the server Listen port.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090510: Error: username not specified.
Cause: The username supplied in the NameCallback is null.
Action: Set a username when a NameCallback is passed to the CallbackHandler.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090511: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Read the associated exception in the log or in the application to determine the problem. In general, the stack trace can be used to debug an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090513: ServerIdentity failed validation, downgrading to anonymous.
Cause: Trust has not been properly established between two domains. If the domains are not configured properly, a hacker could make an attempt to guess the server identity for this domain.
Action: See the documentation on "Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Domains" at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090514: The server certificate chain has settings that might cause it to be rejected by peers during SSL handshaking. No action is required unless peers are rejecting the certificate chain.
Cause: The server certificate chain has CA certificates that have BasicConstraints settings which are either missing or set in such a way that a peer may reject it during SSL handshaking.
Action: No action is necessarily required. If peers have trouble handshaking, check that the BasicConstraints settings in the CA certificates in the chain are specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090515: The certificate chain could not be completely checked for issues that could cause it to be rejected by a peer during SSL handshaking. No action is required unless peers are rejecting the certificate chain.
Cause: The configured certificate chain was incomplete.
Action: No action is necessarily required. If the entire certificate chain is to be checked, ensure that the entire certificate chain is specified in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090516: The {0} provider has pre-existing LDAP data.
Cause: The provider was initialized during a previous boot of the WebLogic Server instance.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090518: Could not decrypt the {1} attribute value of {2} from the file {0}. If an encrypted attribute was copied from boot.properties from another domain into {0}, change the encrypted attribute to its clear text value, and then restart the server. The attribute will be encrypted again. Otherwise, change all encrypted attributes to their clear text values, then restart the server. All encryptable attributes will be encrypted again. The decryption failed with the exception {3}.
Cause: An invalid encrypted value was found in boot.properties.
Action: If an encrypted attribute was copied from boot.properties from another domain into {0}, change the encrypted attribute to its clear text value, and then restart the server. The attribute will be encrypted again. Otherwise, change all encrypted attributes to their clear text values, then restart the server. All encryptable attributes will be encrypted again.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090519: The realm {0} is not properly configured. Follow the directions in subsequent errors to correctly configure the realm.
Cause: See the subsequent errors.
Action: Follow the directions in the subsequent errors to correctly configure the realm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090520: The realm {0} does not have an authenticator configured. To correct the problem, configure an authenticator.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have an authenticator configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure an authenticator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090521: The realm {0} does not have a role mapper configured. To correct the problem, configure a role mapper.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a role mapper configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a role mapper.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090522: The realm {0} does not have a deployable role mapper configured. To correct the problem, configure a deployable role mapper.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a deployable role mapper configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a deployable role mapper.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090523: None of the deployable role mappers in realm {0} have deployments enabled. To correct the problem, enable deployments in one of the deployable role mappers.
Cause: None of the deployable role mappers in realm {0} have deployments enabled.
Action: To correct the problem, enable deployments in one of the deployable role mappers.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090524: The realm {0} does not have an authorizer configured. To correct the problem, configure an authorizer.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have an authorizer configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure an authorizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090525: The realm {0} does not have a deployable authorizer configured. To correct the problem, configure a deployable authorizer.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a deployable authorizer configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a deployable authorizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090526: None of the deployable authorizers in realm {0} have deployments enabled. To correct the problem, enable deployments in one of the deployable authorizers.
Cause: None of the deployable authorizers in realm {0} have deployments enabled.
Action: To correct the problem, enable deployments in one of the deployable authorizers.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090527: The realm {0} does not have a credential mapper configured. To correct the problem, configure a credential mapper.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a credential mapper configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a credential mapper.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090530: The realm {0} has more than one identity asserter configured with the token type {1} selected as an active type. To correct the problem, decide which of the identity asserters should handle this token type. Set it as an active type in that identity asserter, and unset it as an active type for all the other identity asserters.
Cause: The realm {0} has more than one identity asserter configured with the token type {1} selected as an active type.
Action: To correct the problem, decide which of the identity asserters should handle this token type. Set it as an active type in that identity asserter, and unset it as an active type for all the other identity asserters.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090531: The realm {0} has multiple authorizers but no adjudicator. To correct the problem, configure an adjudicator.
Cause: The realm {0} has multiple authorizers but no adjudicator.
Action: To correct the problem, configure an adjudicator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090532: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but no realm adapter authorizer. To correct the problem, configure a realm adapter authorizer.
Cause: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but no realm adapter authorizer.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a realm adapter authorizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090533: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but no default authorizer. To correct the problem, configure a default authorizer.
Cause: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but no default authorizer.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a default authorizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090534: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but multiple default authorizers. To correct the problem, remove all the default authorizers except one.
Cause: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but multiple default authorizers.
Action: To correct the problem, remove all the default authorizers except one.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090535: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but is using an authorizer that is neither a realm adapter authorizer nor a default authorizer. To correct the problem, remove all authorizers except the realm adapter authorizer and the default authorizer.
Cause: The realm {0} has a realm adapter adjudicator but is using an authorizer that is neither a realm adapter authorizer nor a default authorizer.
Action: To correct the problem, remove all authorizers except the realm adapter authorizer and the default authorizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090536: The realm {0} has multiple realm adapter authorizers. To correct the problem, remove all the realm adapter authorizers except one.
Cause: The realm {0} has multiple realm adapter authorizers.
Action: To correct the problem, remove all the realm adapter authorizers except one.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090537: The realm {0} has multiple realm adapter authenticators. To correct the problem, remove all the realm adapter authenticators except one.
Cause: The realm {0} has multiple realm adapter authenticators.
Action: To correct the problem, remove all the realm adapter authenticators except one.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090538: The realm {0} has a realm adapter authorizer but no realm adapter authenticator. To correct the problem, configure a realm adapter authenticator.
Cause: The realm {0} has a realm adapter authorizer but no realm adapter authenticator.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a realm adapter authenticator.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090539: The realm {0} has keystore configured that is not a default keystore. To correct the problem, remove the non-default keystore.
Cause: The realm {0} has keystore configured that is not a default keystore.
Action: To correct the problem, remove the non-default keystore.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090540: The realm {0} has more than one default keystore configured for trusted CAs. To correct the problem, ensure that only one default keystore provider has its root CA keystore location configured.
Cause: The realm {0} has more than one default keystore configured for trusted CAs.
Action: To correct the problem, ensure that only one default keystore provider has its root CA keystore location configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090541: The realm {0} has more than one default keystore configured for private keys. To correct the problem, ensure that only one default keystore provider has its private key keystore location configured.
Cause: The realm {0} has more than one default keystore configured for private keys.
Action: To correct the problem, ensure that only one default keystore provider has its private key keystore location configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090542: Certificate chain received from {0} was not trusted, causing SSL handshake failure. Check the certificate chain to determine whethr or not it should be trusted. If it should be trusted, then update the client trusted CA configuration to trust the CA certificate that signed the peer certificate chain. If you are connecting to a WebLogic Server instance that is using demo certificates (the default WebLogic Server behavior), and you want this client to trust demo certificates, then specify -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust on the command line for this client.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server which the server does not trust.
Action: Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the client trusted CA configuration to trust the CA certificate that signed the peer certificate chain. If you are connecting to a WLS server that is using demo certificates (the default WLS server behavior), and you want this client to trust demo certificates, then specify -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust on the command line for this client.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090543: Certificate chain received from {0} was incomplete. Check the peer certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the client trusted CA configuration to trust the CA that signed the certificate chain. If the chain was incomplete, correct the chain. If you are connecting to a WLS server that is using demo certificates (the default WLS server behavior), and you want this client to trust demo certificates, then specify -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust on the command line for this client.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that was incomplete (it did not contain a trusted CA).
Action: Check the peer certificate chain to determine whether or not it should be trusted. If it should be trusted, then update the client trusted CA configuration to trust the CA that signed the certificate chain. If the chain was incomplete, correct the chain. If you are connecting to a WebLogic Server instance that is using demo certificates (the default WebLogic Server behavior), and you want this client to trust demo certificates, then specify -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust on the command line for this client.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090544: No search filter was supplied.
Cause: The search filter was empty or not supplied.
Action: Supply a search filter when exporting data.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090545: DefaultRoleMapperImpl search failed: {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred when trying to access the data store.
Action: Look at the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090546: The server is configured to use custom identity and command line trust, but either demo trust or no trust was specified on the command line or in boot.properties.
Cause: The server's KeyStore value in config.xml is CustomIdentityAndCommandLineTrust, but, on the command line to boot the server or in boot.properties, either no trust or DemoTrust was specified.
Action: To correct the problem, either specify -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=JavaStandardTrust or -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust and -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName on the command line when booting the server (or specify TrustKeyStore=JavaStandardTrust or TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust and CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName in boot.properties).

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090547: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate which had basic constraints that were not marked critical. This is being rejected due to the strict enforcement of basic constraints.
Cause: Strict basic constraints checking was explicitly enabled, and a certificate chain received by the peer contained a CA that failed due to the strict check but would have passed the strong check.
Action: If strict compliance of RFC 2459 for basic constraints is really required, then the peer certificate chain was correctly rejected and needs to be corrected. If strict compliance is not really required, consider setting the constraints checking back to the default value of strong to accept the certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090548: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate that was missing the basic constraints extension
Cause: The certificate chain received by the peer contained a V3 CA certificate that does not contain a basic constraints extension indicating that it really is a CA. This is rejected by the basic constraints checking for strong and strict, which protects against a specific certificate chain attack on SSL.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to determine which CA was missing the basic constraints extension. If the certificate chain really is from a valid peer, you should look at updating the peer certificate chain with valid CA certificates. If this is not possible, you can disable the basic constraints checking to allow the certificate chain to be accepted and allows this vulnerability to be exploited.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090549: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate that did not indicate it really is a CA.
Cause: The certificate chain received by the peer contained a V3 CA certificate that contained a basic constraints extension which was not marked as being a CA. This is rejected by the basic constraints checking for strong and strict, which protects against a specific certificate chain attack on SSL.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to determine which CA is not correct. If the certificate chain really is from a valid peer, you should look at updating the peer certificate chain with valid CA certificates. If this is not possible, you can disable the basic constraints checking to allow the certificate chain to be accepted and allows this vulnerability to be exploited.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090550: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate that indicated a certificate chain path length in the basic constraints that was exceeded.
Cause: The certificate chain received by the peer contained a V3 CA certificate that specified a path length in the basic constraints that was exceeded. This is rejected by the basic constraints checking for strong and strict, which protects against a specific certificate chain attack on SSL.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to determine which CA indicated the path length limit that was exceeded. The path length, if specified, limits how many CA certificates are allowed to follow a CA certificate in a certificate chain. A path length of 0 indicates only an end entity certificate may follow it in the chain, positive values indicate how many CA certificates may be in the chain between that CA and the end entity certificate. If the certificate chain really is from a valid peer, you should look at updating the peer certificate chain with valid CA certificates. If this is not possible, you can disable the basic constraints checking to allow the certificate chain to be accepted and allows this vulnerability to be exploited.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090551: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate that could not be converted to be checked for basic constraints.
Cause: The certificate chain received by the peer contained a V3 CA certificate that could not be converted to a format which allows the basic constraints to be checked. This is rejected by the basic constraints checking for strong and strict, which protects against a specific certificate chain attack on SSL.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to confirm they are valid. If the certificates are all valid, this indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact Oracle support. If the certificate can not be processed, you can disable the basic constraints checking as a workaround to allow the certificate chain to be accepted and allows this vulnerability to be exploited

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090552: The public and private key could not be checked for consistency.
Cause: The failure could be due to a keystore being used to hold the private key that does not allow access to private key material. Hardware keystores generally do not give access to the private key material that is needed to perform this operation.
Action: If a keystore is being used the warning should be ignored. If handshaking errors occurs with all clients, check that the private key and public key match.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090554: Set the RealmClassName attribute of the BasicRealm {0} used by the CachingRealm to a valid value.
Cause: The RealmClassName attribute was not properly configured.
Action: Verify that the class is specified correctly and is present in the classpath. Read the exception text from the log message for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090560: Could not load the {0} class named {1}. The exception was {3}. The class was specified via the {2} system property value.
Cause: Could not load the {0} class named {1}.
Action: Ensure that the {2} system property is set to the proper {0} class. Also ensure that the class is in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090561: Could not instantiate a {0} of class {1}. The exception received is {3}. The class was specified via the {2} system property value.
Cause: Could not instantiate a {0} of class {1}.
Action: Ensure that the {2} system property is set to the proper {0} class. Also ensure that the class is a correct {0} implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090562: Could not create a {0} of class {1} because it is not assignable as a {2}. The class was specified via the {3} system property value.
Cause: Could not create a {0} of class {1} because it is not assignable as a {2}.
Action: Ensure that the {3} system property is set to the proper {0} class. Also ensure that the class is a correct {0} implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090563: Cannot create instance of Hostname Verifier {0}.
Cause: The class {0} was not found, does not have a public constructor without arguments, or has thrown an exception in its constructor.
Action: Ensure that the {0} class is in the class path, and has a public constructor without arguments.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090564: Specified HostnameVerifier class {0} is invalid. It does not implement weblogic.security.SSL.HostnameVerifier interface.
Cause: An invalid HostnameVerifier class specified.
Action: Specify a different HostnameVerifier class, or ensure that the {0} class implements weblogic.security.SSL.HostnameVerifier interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090565: The server SSL identity key algorithm {0} is not supported.
Cause: The server SSL identity key algorithm {0} is not supported.
Action: Configure the server identity with a different key pair using a supported RSA algorithm.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090566: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 certificate with unrecognized critical extension: {1}.
Cause: The certificate cannot be validated because it contains an unrecognized critical extension.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to confirm that they are valid. If the certificates are all valid, this indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090567: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 certificate for which key usage constraints forbid its key use by the key agreement algorithm.
Cause: Certificate key usage constraints forbid certificate key use in a quality required by the key agreement algorithm.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to confirm that they are valid. If the certificates are all valid, this indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090568: Cannot check key usage constraints of certificate received from {0} because of the failure to determine the key agreement algorithm.
Cause: A NoSuchAlgorithmException occurred while trying to obtain the key agreement algorithm.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to confirm that they are valid. If the certificates are all valid, this indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090569: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V3 CA certificate for which key usage constraints indicate its key cannot be used to sign certificates.
Cause: One of certificate in the check cannot pass validation check because its key is used to sign another certificate while key usage constraints indicate that it cannot be used for that.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to confirm that they are valid. If the certificates are all valid, this indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090570: {0} has been specified without enabling the SecurityManager.
Cause: The server has been told to boot with a JACC property enabled without also enabling a SecurityManager by setting the java.security.manager property. JACC depends on a SecurityManager being in place.
Action: If JACC is desired, then a SecurityManager must be enabled. This can be done by specifying a value for the java.security.manager property. If JACC is not desired then remove the specification of the JACC property.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090571: Successfully loaded the JACC Policy object using {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090572: The javax.security.jacc.policy.provider property points to a non-existant {0} class.
Cause: JACC has been enabled by setting the javax.security.jacc.policy.provider property but the class it points to cannot be found.
Action: Ensure that the class is present or change javax.security.jacc.policy.provider property to point to an existing class.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090573: {1} exception occurred while attempting to access {0}.
Cause: The class was not accessible.
Action: Check to make sure that the class is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090574: {1} exception occurred while attempting to instantiate {0}.
Cause: The class was could not be instantiated.
Action: Check to make sure that the class is instantiatable.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090575: The {0} class is not an instance of java.security.Policy.
Cause: An non-Policy object was passed as the value of the javax.security.jacc.policy.provider property.
Action: Change javax.security.jacc.policy.provider to point to an instance of a java.security.Policy object.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090576: A PolicyConfigurationFactory could not be obtained successfully.
Cause: The javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.provider property may not be set to a valid implementation of PolicyConfigurationFactory.
Action: Change javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.provider to point to an instance of a javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory object.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090577: Successfully obtained a {0} PolicyConfigurationFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090578: The JACC provider returned a {0}.
Cause: JACC returned a PolicyContextException.
Action: Look at the details of the PolicyContextException to determine the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090579: The javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.provider property points to a non-existant class {0}.
Cause: JACC has been enabled by setting javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.provider property but the class it points to cannot be found.
Action: Ensure that the class is present or change javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.provider property to point to an existing class.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090580: The CertPathBuilderParameters constructor was passed an illegal realm name.
Cause: The realm name must not be empty or null.
Action: Pass a valid security realm name to the CertPathBuilderParameters constructor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090581: The CertPathBuilderParameters constructor was passed an illegal CertPathSelector.
Cause: The CertPathSelector must not be null.
Action: Pass a valid CertPathSelector to the CertPathBuilderParameters constructor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090582: The CertPathValidatorParameters constructor was passed an illegal realm name.
Cause: The realm name must not be empty or null.
Action: Pass a valid security realm name to the CertPathValidatorParameters constructor.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090589: The WLSJDKCertPathBuilder was passed an illegal CertPathParameters.
Cause: The CertPathParameters must be a weblogic.security.pk.CertPathBuilderParameters.
Action: Pass a weblogic.security.pk.CertPathBuilderParameters as the CertPathParameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090590: The WLSJDKCertPathValidator was passed an illegal CertPathParameters.
Cause: The CertPathParameters must be a weblogic.security.pk.CertPathValidatorParameters.
Action: Pass a weblogic.security.pk.CertPathValidatorParameters as the CertPathParameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090591: The realm {0} does not have any Certification Path providers configured. To correct the problem, configure at least one Certification Path provider.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have any Certification Path providers configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure at least one Certification Path provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090592: The realm {0} does not have a Certification Path builder configured. To correct the problem, select one of the realm"s Certification Path providers as the realm"s Certification Path builder.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a Certification Path builder configured.
Action: To correct the problem, select one of the realm"s Certification Path providers as the realm"s Certification Path builder.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090593: The realm {0} has an illegal Certification Path builder configured. To correct the problem, select one of the realm"s Certification Path providers as the realm"s Certification Path builder.
Cause: The realm {0} has an illegal Certification Path builder configured.
Action: To correct the problem, select one of the realm"s Certification Path providers as the realm"s Certification Path builder.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090598: Unable to update the domain controller list
Cause: The most likely cause is that the attempt to lock the domain controller list for update timed out. This may happen if there are concurrent updates occurring to the configuration for the same provider instance, and the updates are taking a while to execute (perhaps a long domain controller list or slow network).
Action: If this is an update from the Administration Console, and the domain controller list was modified, apply the changes again.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090599: Unable to initialize the domain controller list
Cause: The domain controller list was not able to be locked for initialization. This should not occur and was likely caused by an internal coding error.
Action: This indicates an internal coding error or limitation in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090600: Failed to retrieve the local machine name.
Cause: There may be a configuration error with either the user account rights required or the local NT machine.
Action: Verify that the user running the server has the specific NT account rights that are required to use the NT authentication provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090601: Cannot access domain controller {0}.
Cause: The domain controller name may not be valid, may be down or unavailable on the network, or the user may not have permission to access it.
Action: If the domain controller is simply down, or temporarily unavailable, it may be retried later on depending on the domain controller retry settings. If the domain controller is available, check that the user account running the server has permission to access the domain controller. This may require logging into the domain controller that failed and verifying the user has been granted access.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090602: The java and native library versions do not match for the WindowsNTAuthenticator.
Cause: The native library being found and loaded is not in synch with the java portion of the provider.
Action: Verify the correct native library for the WindowsNTAuthenticator is in the PATH and that the correct PATH is being used.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090615: A CertPathBuilderParameters or CertPathValidatorParameters object was constructed with a list of trusted CAs that includes a null trusted CA.
Cause: A CertPathBuilderParameters or CertPathValidatorParameters object was constructed with a list of trusted CAs that includes a null trusted CA.
Action: Ensure that the list of trusted CAs passed in does not include a null trusted CA.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090623: Failed to get the default trusted CAs for this server.
Cause: This exception is returned when an exception occurs when finding this server's trusted CAs.
Action: Look at the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090625: Policy context {0} not in open state.
Cause: Policy context must be in open state.
Action: Ensure that the policy context is open before attempting an operation on it that requires an open Policy Context. This indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090626: Received a {0} when attempting to delete Policy Directory {1}.
Cause: Received a {0} when attempting to delete Policy Directory {1}.
Action: Ensure that files in the policy directory are not open.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090627: Cannot link a PolicyConfiguration to itself.
Cause: Cannot link a PolicyConfiguration to itself.
Action: This indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090628: Cannot have circular policy configuration links.
Cause: A PolicyConfiguration is linked to another PolicyConfiguration which ultimately is linked back to the original PolicyConfiguration. This means that no PolicyConfiguration actually holds the role to principal mapping.
Action: This indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090629: Received a {0} when attempting to use the passed role to principal map for PolicyConfiguration with a ContextID of {1}.
Cause: Received a {0} when attempting to use the passed role to principal map for PolicyConfiguration with a ContextID of {1}. The code attempts to do some simple validation the map.
Action: This exception indicates an internal coding error in the server. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090631: Unable to create the PolicyWriter directory {0}.
Cause: Unable to create the PolicyWriter directory {0}.
Action: Unable to create the PolicyWriter directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090632: Cannot create {0}. Non directory file already exists with the same name. Please remove it.
Cause: A non directory file already exists with the same name.
Action: Remove the non directory file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090633: Cannot open policy file {0}. Received exception {1}.
Cause: If the exception is a FileNotFoundException, the file path name may be too long for the operating system, or the directory may have been deleted before the policy file was written to it.
Action: Try to shorten the file path name if it is too long for the operating system. The error may also occur if the directory has been deleted before the file was written to it.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090634: Cannot write to policy file {0}. Received exception {1}.
Cause: The file may have been opened for exclusive access by something other than WebLogic Server.
Action: Ensure that the policy file is writable.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090635: No results
Cause: There are no policies that match the search criteria.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090636: No results
Cause: There are no roles that match the search criteria.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090637: No role name was supplied.
Cause: The role name is null or contains no data.
Action: Specify a valid role name.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090638: No resource data
Cause: The resource data parameter was not supplied or is empty.
Action: Specify valid resource data.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090639: No resource type
Cause: The resource type information was not supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource type.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090640: No resource identifier
Cause: The resource identifier parameter was not supplied or is empty.
Action: Specify a valid resource identifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090641: No resource keys were found.
Cause: An invalid resource identifier was supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource identifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090642: Invalid data type for {0} resource key value
Cause: The data type of a resource key value is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid resource key data type value.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090643: Invalid resource type: "{0}"
Cause: An invalid or unknown resource type was supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource type.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090644: Expected resource type: {0}
Cause: An invalid or unknown resource type was supplied.
Action: Verify that a valid resource type was supplied and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090645: Expected resource key: {0}
Cause: An invalid resource identifier was supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource identifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090646: Unknown resource key: {0}
Cause: The resource key supplied in the resource data is unknown.
Action: Specify only resource keys valid for a specific resource type.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090647: Invalid application name
Cause: The application name parameter was empty or contains invalid values.
Action: Specify a valid application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090648: Invalid component name
Cause: The component name parameter was empty or contains invalid values.
Action: Specify a valid component name.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090649: Illegal application search name
Cause: The application name was not a legal search string.
Action: Specify a valid application name search string.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090650: Illegal component search name
Cause: The component name was not a legal search string.
Action: Specify a valid component name search string.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090651: No component type
Cause: The component type parameter is empty.
Action: Specify a valid component type of EJB, WebApp, Connector or WebService.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090652: Invalid component type: "{0}"
Cause: The specified component type parameter is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid component type of EJB, WebApp, Connector or WebService.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090653: Empty array value found
Cause: An empty string was supplied for an array element of the resource key.
Action: Specify a valid string.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090654: Unexpected resource identifier data: "{0}"
Cause: An invalid resource identifier was supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource identifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090655: Unexpected resource key array value: "{0}"
Cause: An invalid resource identifier was supplied.
Action: Specify a valid resource identifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090658: Unable to convert file {0} to URL. Got exception {1}.
Cause: File {0} could not be converted to a URL.
Action: This exception is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090660: Certificate chain received from {0} was not validated by the custom trust manager {1} causing SSL handshake failure.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that the custom trust manager did not validate.
Action: Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the custom trust manager to trust the peer certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090661: Certificate chain received from {0} was not validated by the custom trust manager {1} causing SSL handshake failure. Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the custom trust manager to trust the certificate chain.
Cause: A peer presented a certificate chain to the server that the custom trust manager did not validate.
Action: Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the custom trust manager to trust the certificate chain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090662: The DeployableAuthorizer "{0}" implements the deprecated {1} interface.
Cause: At security provider initialization, a deprecated security interface was detected.
Action: No immediate action is required. However, the security provider should be updated.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090663: The DeployableRoleMapper "{0}" implements the deprecated {1} interface.
Cause: At security provider initialization a deprecated security interface was detected.
Action: No immediate action is required. However, the security provider should be updated.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090666: Deployment handle was not supplied.
Cause: The deployment handle is null.
Action: This exception is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090667: Application information was not supplied.
Cause: The application information is null.
Action: This exception is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090668: Ignored deployment of role "{0}" for resource "{1}".
Cause: The application has been configured to ignore security data from deployment descriptors.
Action: Remove role mapping from the application deployment descriptor or change the security configuration to allow deployment of role mappings.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090669: Ignored deployment of policy for resource "{0}".
Cause: The application has been configured to ignore security data from deployment descriptors.
Action: Remove security policy from the application deployment descriptor or change the security configuration to allow deployment of security policy.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090670: Unable to verify user name token for user {0}
Cause: The UsernameToken could not be verified.
Action: Verify that the user exists in the WebLogic authentication provider, that the authentication provider has the PasswordDigestEnabled attribute set to true, and that the user entry has set the password since the attribute was set to true.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090672: Identity assertion object for token type {0} was of type {1} instead of expected type of {2}.
Cause: The token object was not an instance of the correct type.
Action: If called from an application via the identity assertion public API, then modify the application to pass the expected token. If called from the container, then the container should not be passing a token that is not a UsernameToken, and this exception indicates an internal coding error in the server; contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090673: Digest data source {0} was not found. Disabling digest authentication.
Cause: The configured data source does not exist.
Action: Modify the DigestDataSourceName attribute on the WebLogic Identity Assertion provider to be the name of a valid WebLogic data source configured for this domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090674: Digest data source {0} was not initialized due to an exception. Disabling digest authentication. The exception text is {1}.
Cause: An exception was thrown when initializing the configured data source.
Action: Verify that the DigestDataSourceName attribute on the WebLogic Identity Assertion provider is valid and a WebLogic data source configured for this domain. Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090675: An SQL connection could not be obtained from a digest data source {0} due to an exception. Disabling digest authentication. The exception text is {1}.
Cause: An exception was thrown when obtaining a connection from the configured data source.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090676: The SQL statement {0} could not be prepared due to an exception. Disabling digest authentication. The exception text is {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred when preparing the SQL statement.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090677: The {0} table could not be created due to an exception. Disabling digest authentication. The exception text is {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred when validating or creating the table.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090678: Authentication failed with digest {0} due to an exception that occurred while detecting the replay attack. The exception text is {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred when inserting the digest information row into the database.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090679: Authentication failed due to detection of a replay attack for nonce {0} and digest {1}.
Cause: An entry for this nonce and digest has already been used for authentication in this domain.
Action: Ensure that the client is not performing a replay attack. Investigate the client performing the digest authentication and check that it is using unique nonce, digest, and created values.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090680: Unable to verify the digest authentication for user {0} since the created time is not within the expiration time period.
Cause: The created timestamp of the digest authentication is not within the expiration time period.
Action: Increase the expiration time for the identity assertion provider or synchronize the system clocks on the client and server machines.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090681: Digest authentication for user {0} has been disabled due to a previous fatal error in initializing replay detection
Cause: A previous fatal error disabled digest authentication. Therefore, digest authentication for this user has failed.
Action: Look in the log, identity the previous error, and correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090682: Problem handling security deployment validation: {0}
Cause: An initialization error or exception from a security provider occurred.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090700: There is a problem with the class {0} pointed to by the weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider property.
Cause: JACC Was enabled by setting weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider property but there are problems instantiating the class.
Action: Ensure that the class is present or change weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider property to a class that can be instantiated.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090701: Unable to successfully obtain a RoleMapperFactory.
Cause: The weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider property may not be set to a valid implementation of RoleMapperFactory.
Action: Change weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider to point to an instance of a weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory object.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090705: The PolicyConfigurationFactory, Policy, RoleMapperFactory class names are not specified or not compatible with each other.
Cause: Incompatible class names have been specified. Generally this is caused by specifying but not specifying all three or by specifying class names that are not designed to work with each other.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure that compatible class names are set for the three system properties.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090707: Successfully obtained a {0} RoleMapperFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090709: Inconsistent security configuration.
Cause: The security command line properties are not consistent with each other.
Action: Address the inconsistency and reboot.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090714: The certificate chain from the peer could not be validated. Chain : {0}. Reason : {1}.
Cause: Either the certificate chain from the peer should not be allowed to access the server or the server or one of the configured CertPathProviders is not properly configured to trust the peer.
Action: If the server is not supposed to trust the peer, inform the peer that it should use a different certificate chain. If the server should trust the peer, then either a configured CertPathProvider is improperly configured to not trust the peer, or the server is improperly configured to use the configured CertPathProviders for perform extra validation of SSL peer certificate chains. Check the server SSL configuration and the configured CertPathProvider configurations.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090716: Failed to retrieve identity key/certificate from keystore {1} under alias {2} on server {0}.
Cause: An incorrect key password was used.
Action: Correct the server SSL configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090717: Invalid server {0} SSL configuration
Cause: The server SSL configuration parameters are inconsistent.
Action: Verify that the SSL and keystore configuration options are consistent.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090718: Security initializing using java security manager.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090719: Security initializing using JACC for EJB and Servlet authorization.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090720: The Managed Server could not start because the NodeManager's encryption service data was not found.
Cause: The Managed Server could not start because the NodeManager's NodeManagerProperties file was not found. The NodeManager's encryption service could not be instantiated.
Action: Verify the existence and location of the NodeManager's NodeManagerProperties file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090721: The Managed Server could not start because it could not read the NodeManager's encryption service data.
Cause: The Managed Server could not start because it could not read the NodeManager's encryption service data.
Action: Verify the existence and location of the NodeManager's NodeManagerProperties file. Check that the read permissions are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090724: Challenge identity assertion has not completed, subject is not available yet.
Cause: The method to get the subject was called before the identity assertion completed.
Action: Call the hasChallengeIdentityCompleted method before calling the method to get the subject.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090725: Challenge identity assertion has completed, challenge token is not available.
Cause: The method to get the challenge token was called after the identity assertion completed.
Action: Call the hasChallengeIdentityCompleted method before calling the method to get the challenge token.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090764: The ApplicationVersioner "{0}" for application "{1}" returned an error: {2}.
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090765: Failed to create policies for application version {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred during the application version created method.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090766: Failed to create roles for application version {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred during the application version created method.
Action: Read the exception text for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090772: The security realm {0} does not support application versioning. Unable to deploy the application {1}.
Cause: The security realm {0} as configured does not support application versioning, and thus the deployment of the application version failed.
Action: Deploy the application using a security realm that supports application versioning.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090773: Failure in creating security application version information for the application {0}.
Cause: An attempt to create security version information for application {0} failed.
Action: Check the server log for additional security error messages, correct security errors, and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090774: This method requires an encrypted argument but the argument passed to it was in clear text.
Cause: This method was called with a clear-text argument but requires an encrypted argument.
Action: To call this method programattically, call the non-encrypted set() method on the MBean. This will automatically encrypt the argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090777: Exception when trying to sign a SAML assertion: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred during the signing of a SAML assertion.
Action: Read the exception text from the log message for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090779: Identity {0} failed validation, downgrading to anonymous.
Cause: Trust has not been properly established between two domains. If the domains are not configured properly, a hacker could make an attempt to guess the server identity for this domain.
Action: See the documentation on "Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Domains" at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/weblogic/index.html.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090780: The values specified by -Dweblogic.security.URLResourceCaseMapping({0}) and WebAppFilesCaseInsensitive Attribute on SecurityConfiguraitonMBean({1}) do not match.
Cause: The value of the property -Dweblogic.security.URLResourceCaseMapping is different from the value for WebAppFilesCaseInsensitive attribute of the SecurityConfiguraitonMBean.
Action: Correct -Dweblogic.security.URLResourceCaseMapping to start the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090782: Server is running in production mode, and the Native Library (terminalio) to read the password securely from the command line was not found.
Cause: Server could not start because it didn't find the Native Library in the PATH to read the password securely from command line.
Action: Verify that the terminalio library exists in the path. You can set this by setting -Djava.library.path to the directory where this library exists, you can use boot.properties to store the password, or you can use -Dweblogic.management.allowPasswordEcho=true to enter the password in echo mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090783: Server is running in development mode and the Native Library (terminalio) to read the password securely from the command line wes not found.
Cause: Either the server could not start because it did not find the Native Library in the PATH to read the password securely from command line or -Dweblogic.management.allowPasswordEcho=false is set.
Action: Verify that the terminalio library exists in the path. You can set this by setting -Djava.library.path to the directory where this library exists, you can use boot.properties to store the password, or you can use -Dweblogic.management.allowPasswordEcho=true to enter the password in echo mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090787: A null data source name was specified.
Cause: A configuration setting that required a data source name was null.
Action: Check configuration settings that require data source names to verify they are correctly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090788: Problem with data source or connection pool configuration, verify that data source name {0} is correct and pool configurations are correct.
Cause: A configuration setting that required a data source name was likely incorrect, or the pool settings associated with it are incorrect.
Action: Check configuration settings to ensure that the data source name is correct and the associated pool configuration settings are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090812: Could not create a {0} keystore instance for provider {1}. Exception: {2}
Cause: {0} is not a valid keystore type, or keystore provider {1} was not properly configured.
Action: Verify that the correct keystore type was specified and that the keystore provider is correctly specified in the java.security file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090814: Security Service is shutting down the security realm {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090817: These configuration changes cannot be activated because a default realm is not configured for the domain.
Cause: The quot;DefaultRealm" is not set for the domain's SecurityConfiguration.
Action: To correct the problem, set the "DefaultRealm" for the domain's SecurityConfiguration to one of its realms. If it does not have any realms, create and configure one.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090818: These configuration changes cannot be activated because the domain does not have a properly configured default realm.
Cause: The "DefaultRealm" is not properly configured for the domain's SecurityConfiguration. See the nested exceptions that accompany this error for details.
Action: To correct the problem, review and address the nested exceptions that accompany this error.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090819: The JACC property {0} is not set.
Cause: A JACC provider is attempting to initialize but {0} property has not been set.
Action: Set the property and reboot.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090820: The internal variable {0} is null and it should not be.
Cause: The cause is unknown.
Action: This exception is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090823: Could not register the WebLogic Server X509CertificateFactory as the default X509CertificateFactory for this JVM.
Cause: The WebLogic Server X509CertificateFactory could not be registered as the default X509CertificateFactory for this JVM.
Action: The WebLogic Server X509CertificateFactory orders the certificates in a CertPath that was created from PKCS7. Specify -Dweblogic.security.RegisterX509CertificateFactory=false on the command line for booting this server to indicate that WebLogic Server should not register the WebLogic Server X509CertificateFactory as the default X509CertificateFactory when the server boots (since your JDK does not support this). Also, since the WebLogic Server X509CertificateFactory cannot be registered with the JDK as the default X509CertificateFactory, the JDK will use its current default X509CertificateFactory. The default one (for example, the SUN implementation) may not properly convert PKCS7 to an ordered CertPath.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090827: LDIF template file {1} was empty. The WebLogic provider {0} has been bootstrapped but has not been initialized with any LDIF data.
Cause: A WebLogic provider LDIF template file may have been overwritten with an empty file.
Action: If the server boots successfully, no action is needed. If the server does not boot successfully then an attempt should be made to recover non-empty LDIFT template file from the WebLogic Server kit.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090838: The required WebLogic JACC RoleMapperFactory was not specified. Please specify the factory class using the weblogic.security.jacc.RoleMapperFactory.provider system property.
Cause: A WebLogic JACC RoleMapperFactory class is required.
Action: Check the documentation and ensure that the WebLogic JACC RoleMapperFactory system property is set properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090839: Unexpected exception while registering SAML {0} service in application context {1}.
Cause: This is an internal server error.
Action: Check server status.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090840: Registered SAML service {0} at URI {1} in application context {2}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090846: {0} provider initialization failed: Invalid {1} attribute "{2}".
Cause: This was caused by an incorrect provider configuration.
Action: Check and update the indicated provider attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090847: {0} provider initialization failed: Missing {1} attribute.
Cause: This was caused by an invalid provider configuration.
Action: Check and update the indicated provider attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090859: The realm {0} does not have a certification path validator configured. To correct the problem, configure a cert path provider that supports cert path validation.
Cause: The realm {0} does not have a certification path validator configured.
Action: To correct the problem, configure a certification path provider that supports certification path validation.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090861: Certificate policies extension processing failed. PolicyId: {0} does not exist in the allowed list.
Cause: Certificate policies extension processing failed. PolicyId: {0} does not exist in the allowed list.
Action: Add the Policyid to the Allowed Policyids list.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090862: Certificate policies extension processing failed. PolicyQualifierID: {0} is not CPS.
Cause: Certificate policies extension processing failed. PolicyQualifierID: {0} is not CPS.
Action: Check the Certificate Presented, as certificates containing a PolicyQualifierID other than CPS are not supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090865: The realm {0} is not configured to handle MBean authorization. To correct the problem, configure an authorization provider that supports MBean authorization.
Cause: The realm {0} is not configured to handle MBean authorization.
Action: To correct the problem, configure an authorization provider that supports MBean authorization.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090866: The deployment of an unchecked policy for the resource "{0}" has been ignored. Unchecked policy is the default policy for URL and EJB resources. An unchecked policy can result if a deployment descriptor specifies a transport guarantee without the use of an authorization constraint.
Cause: The application has been configured to ignore security data from deployment descriptors.
Action: When the deployment descriptor specifies a transport guarantee without the use of an authorization constraint, no action is needed. Otherwise, remove the security policy from the application deployment descriptor or change the security configuration to allow deployment of security policy.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090868: The realm {0} has an invalid SAML configuration. To correct the problem, ensure that there is only one of each SAML provider type and that the version of the SAML providers are the same.
Cause: The realm {0} has an invalid set of SAML providers.
Action: To correct the problem, ensure that there is only one of each SAML provider type and that the version of the SAML providers are the same.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090869: The PolicyConsumer "{0}" returned an error: {1}.
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090870: The realm "{0}" failed to be loaded: {1}.
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090871: The RoleConsumer "{0}" returned an error: {1}.
Cause: There are multiple possible causes.
Action: Carefully read the returned error to determine if any action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090872: The {0} service can not be found for {1}.
Cause: A null was returned when performing a service lookup.
Action: Check the configuration to determine if the missing service was actually configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090873: Expected a {0} object but did not get one.
Cause: There is a possible configuration problem.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090874: {0} returned a null {1}.
Cause: This should never happen.
Action: Examine the specific objects referenced in the error message to see what may be the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090875: Null parameter supplied to method {0}.
Cause: A parameter was not correctly specified.
Action: This is most likely a coding error.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090876: {0} Consumer not configured.
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a Consumer, but none are configured
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090877: Service {0} unavailable, see exception text: {1}
Cause: The exception text should indicate the cause. This is likely a configuration error.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090878: Unknown token type: {0}
Cause: This is likely caused by the token type not being properly configured.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090880: Could not load JAAS configuration file for JVM.
Cause: A class similar to com.sun/ibm.security.auth.login.ConfigFile was not located in the classpath.
Action: Ensure that com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile/com.ibm.security.auth.login.ConfigFile is available as part of the classpath or that -Dweblogic.security.authentication.Configuration=class name is passed as a startup system property and is available as part of the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090882: SSL has established a session that uses a Null cipher.
Cause: The connecting SSL client presented a ciphersuite list to the server that contains only ciphersuites with null ciphers. This may or may not be a problem, depending on your domain configuration.
Action: Verify that the client's security providers are configured correctly, or disable the use of Null ciphers on the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090883: Resource name is null or empty.
Cause: Resource name should not be null or empty.
Action: Check that the resource name is not null or empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090884: User name is null or empty.
Cause: User name should not be null or empty.
Action: Check that the User name is not null or empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090885: Remote user name is null or empty.
Cause: Remote user name should not be null or empty.
Action: Check that the remote user name is not null or empty.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090886: List number should not be negative.
Cause: The list number should not be negative.
Action: Check that the list number is not negative.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090888: The SSL client running within the server does not have a certificate. It will use the server's certificate.
Cause: The SSL client running within the server does not have a certificate, but client certificates are required.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090889: The SSL client running within the server could not obtain the server's certificate.
Cause: An exception occurred when the SSL client running within the server tried to obtain the server's certificate.
Action: Check that the server's SSL configuration is correct, and that the server has a certificate and private key configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090890: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider class {0} failed due to a problem in creating the OPSS java security policy provider instance {0}. Illegal access to the constructor of the class.
Cause: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider class {0} failed due to an IllegalAccessException.
Action: Ensure that the correct version of the OPSS java security policy provider {0} is used.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090891: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider failed due to a problem in instantiating the OPSS java security policy provider. An InstantiationException was received when creating an instance.
Cause: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider class {0} failed due to InstantiationExceptions.
Action: Ensure that the correct version of the OPSS java security policy provider {0} is used.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090892: The loading of an OPSS java security policy provider failed due to an exception. See the exception stack trace or the server log file for the root cause. If there is no obvious cause, enable the debug flag -Djava.security.debug=jpspolicy to get more information. Error message: {1}
Cause: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider class {0} failed due to an exception: {1}.
Action: Check the stack trace or server log file for the root cause of the exception, check for a possible configuration error, or enable the debug flag -Djava.security.debug=jpspolicy to get more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090893: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider stopped due to a conflict with the JACC Policy provider. Only one security policy provider can be enabled.
Cause: The loading of the OPSS java security policy provider stopped due to a conflict with the JACC Policy provider. Only one security policy provider can be enabled.
Action: If enabling the OPSS java security policy provider {0}, please do not enable the JACC setting.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090894: Successfully loaded the OPSS Policy Provider using {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090895: OPSS Java Security Policy Provider {0} has already been loaded statically, programmatical loading has been skipped.
Cause: OPSS Java Security Policy Provider {0} has already been loaded statically, programmatical loading has been skipped.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090896: The SSL ListenPort attribute {0} cannot be the same as the Administration Port for the server.
Cause: The same value was specified for the Administration Port and the SSL Listen port.
Action: Correct the configuration of the SSL Listen port or the Administration port. The SSL Listen port value must be different that than the Administration port.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090897: A failure occurred while attempting to update XACML global policies for security provider {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred while attempting to update XACML global policies.
Action: Examine the exception and correct the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090898: Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "{0}". Loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception {1}.
Cause: It is possible that the CA to be added used a signature algorithm that is not supported by the SSL stack.
Action: The server has a long list of trusted CAs, and the one that caused the exception in the server is ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090899: User attribute name cannot be null.
Cause: The user attribute name is null for the request.
Action: Pass in a user attribute name that is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090900: User attribute name is not supported for the specified operation.
Cause: The user attribute name is not supported.
Action: Pass in a user attribute name that is supported. Refer to documentation for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090901: Invalid group name: {0}. Cannot contain {1}.
Cause: There was improper usage of {1}.
Action: Never use a group name carrying {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090902: The certificate chain received from {0} contained a V1 certificate which cannot be a CA.
Cause: The certificate chain received by the peer contained a V1 certificate which cannot be a CA. This was rejected by the basic constraints checking for strong and strict and not allowing V1 certificates as CAs, which protects against a specific certificate chain attack on SSL.
Action: The peer certificate chain needs to be looked at carefully to determine which certificate is not correct. If the certificate chain really is from a valid peer, look at updating the peer certificate chain with valid CA certificates. If this is not possible, disable the basic constraints checking to allow the certificate chain to be accepted and to allow this vulnerability to be exploited.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090903: The JPS or JRF JAR is present in the classpath, but the jps-config.xml file was not supplied in the command line: the required system property "{0}" has not been defined.
Cause: System parameter "oracle.security.jps.config" is not supplied in the command line, but a JPS or JRF JAR is present in the classpath.
Action: If this is not a JRF domain, remove the JPS or JRF JAR from the classpath; otherwise, and add the system parameter "oracle.security.jps.config" in the command line to supply the path to the jps-config.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090904: The JPS or JRF JAR is present in the classpath, but no system property was supplied for "{0}" and "{1}". The server will start without setting the OPSS java policy provider.
Cause: System parameters "oracle.security.jps.config" and "oracle.domain.config.dir" are not supplied in the command line, but jps-internal.jar or jrf.jar is present in the classpath.
Action: If this is not a JRF domain, removed the jps-internal.jar and jrf.jar from the classpath. Otherwise, add the required system parameters for the JRF domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090905: Disabling the CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To enable this check, specify -D{0}=true.
Cause: The CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check incurs some performance penalty at server startup.
Action: No action is requirecx.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090906: Changing the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from {1} to {2}. To disable this change, specify -D{0}=true.
Cause: CryptoJ's default RNG ECDRBG causes certain cryptographic operations to be slower.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090907: Invalid user name: {0}. Cannot contain {1}.
Cause: There was improper usage of {1}.
Action: Never use a user name carrying {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090908: Using the default WebLogic SSL Hostname Verifier implementation.
Cause: TBD
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090909: Using the configured custom SSL Hostname Verifier implementation: {0}.
Cause: TBD
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090910: Grant statement has invalid syntax: {0}
Cause: There is an error in the syntax of the grant statement.
Action: Verify that the grant statement syntax is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090911: Permission found in grant statement has invalid syntax: {0}
Cause: There is an error in the syntax of the permission within the grant statement.
Action: Verify that the grant statement permission syntax is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090912: Attempting to check revocation status for certificate with subject: {0}
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090913: Unknown revocation status not causing failure for certificate with subject: {0}
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled, however, certificate revocation status cannot be determined, and is configured not to fail on an unknown status.
Action: If validation failure is required, configure certificate revocation status to fail on an unknown status. To determine why the status is unknown, enable debug logging.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090914: Certificate revocation status: {0}
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090915: Nonce was ignored by the OCSP responder, forcing certificate revocation status to be ignored and considered unknown: {0}.
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled, and OCSP is configured with nonces enabled.
Action: To enable use of the ignored status, configure to disable OCSP nonces.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090916: Unknown revocation status causing failure for certificate with subject: {0}.
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled, certificate revocation status cannot be determined, and is configured to fail on an unknown status.
Action: If validation failure is not required, configure certificate revocation status to not fail on an unknown status. To determine why the status is unknown, enable debug logging.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090917: Revoked certificate causing validation failure, certificate with subject: {0}.
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled, and the checked certificate was reported revoked.
Action: Contact the certificate presenter (for example, SSL peer) and request that the revoked certificate be updated.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090918: Non-revoked certificate with subject: {0}.
Cause: X.509 certificate revocation checking is enabled, and the checked certificate was reported NOT revoked.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090919: The configured SSL minimum protocol version {0} is invalid or not supported. The minimum has been changed to {1}.
Cause: The current SSL implementation does not support the configured SSL minimum protocol version.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090920: Certicom SSL is available, however JSSE is being used for SSL, since JSSE has been selected by system property {0}, either explicitly or by default.
Cause: The system property {0} is selecting JSSE either explicitly or by default.
Action: To use Certicom for SSL, set the system property {0} to false.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090921: JSSE has not been selected by system property {0}, however Certicom SSL is not available, so JSSE is being used for SSL.
Cause: Certicom SSL is not available, so JSSE is being used for SSL, even though JSSE was not selected.
Action: To use Certicom for SSL, install Certicom.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090922: Certicom SSL is available, however JSSE is being used for SSL, since JSSE has been selected by the SSLMBean.JSSEEnabled attribute, either explicitly or by default.
Cause: The attribute SSLMBean.JSSEEnabled is selecting JSSE either explicitly or by default.
Action: To use Certicom for SSL, set the attribute SSLMBean.JSSEEnabled to false.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090923: JSSE has not been selected by the SSLMBean.JSSEEnabled attribute, however Certicom SSL is not available, so JSSE is being used for SSL.
Cause: Certicom SSL is not available, so JSSE is being used for SSL, even though JSSE was not selected.
Action: To use Certicom for SSL, install Certicom.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090924: JSSE has been selected by default, since the SSLMBean is not available.
Cause: This usually occurs early in server startup, before Management Service runtime access is available.
Action: No action is required. Eventually the Management Service will start and normal operation will commence.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090925: JSSE has been selected by default, since the system property {0} has the invalid value "{1}".
Cause: The system property {0} was not set to "true" or "false".
Action: Change the system property {0} value to be either "true" or "false".

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090926: Illegal key store source value [keyStoreType="{0}", source="{1}", exception="{2}", message="{3}"]
Cause: The configured key store source value is not valid for the key store type.
Action: Correct the key store source value, ensuring that the source is appropriate for the key store type. For example, the "jks" key store type requires that the source be a file path to an existing key store file.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090927: Illegal or unknown key store type value [keyStoreType="{0}", source="{1}"]
Cause: The configured key store type value is not recognized.
Action: Correct the key store type value. For example, the "jks" key store type requires the type value to be "jks".

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090928: Unable to instantiate key store [keyStoreType="{0}", provider="{1}", exception="{2}", message="{3}"]
Cause: Key store instantiation failure usually occurs because no appropriate specified or default provider is available. See the exception for details.
Action: Verify that key store type is correct, and that a supporting Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) provider is available in the Java Runtime Environment. A "jks" key store provider is usually available by default. An Oracle Key Store Service (type "kss") provider is only available if Oracle Java Required Files (JRF) is installed.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-090929: Unable to load key store [keyStoreType="{0}", source="{1}", exception="{2}", message="{3}"]
Cause: A key store could fail to load due to an invalid source or password. Since key store instantiation succeeded, the key store type is valid. See the exception for details.
Action: Check the configured key store source and password values.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-099000: Invalid property value: {0}={1}
Cause: An exception occurred while processing the value for the specified property.
Action: Correct the property and restart. This exception should not normally occur as the properties are only used internally.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-099001: Caught exception while evaluating policy expression: {0} associated with: {1}
Cause: The evaluate method of the predicate used by the policy failed with a RuntimeException.
Action: Ensure that parameters which are passed to the predicates in the expression or context are valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-099002: An invalid predicate {0} was retrieved from the database. Ensure that the predicate class is in the server classpath.
Cause: The class file belonging to the condition was not in the server classpath.
Action: Update the classpath and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-099003: Evaluation of policy associated with role {0} failed because the policy expression contains unregistered predicate: {1}.
Cause: The predicate that is specified in the log message is not registered, or the policy is out of date.
Action: Register the predicate or remove its reference from the policy.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-099004: Evaluation of policy associated with resource {0} failed because the policy expression contains unregistered predicate: {1}.
Cause: The redicate that is specified in the log message is not registered, or the policy is out of date.
Action: Register the predicate, or remove its reference from the policy.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BEA-100000: Invalid call to the deprecated method {0}.
Cause: The method was deprecated in the latest servlet specification.
Action: Check the specification for an alternative. If not corrected, unpredictable behavior might occur.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100005: Could not remove session: "{0}".
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while removing the session.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100006: HTTP session file persistence: storing sessions in directory: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: Ensure that the directory stores the sessions per the PeristentStoreDir session parameter (weblogic.xml).

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100007: Erasing the directory tree for persistent HTTP sessions: {0}.
Cause: The storage directory is being deleted as a result of session invalidation.
Action: Ensure that deletion is occurring while removing sessions.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100008: Cannot delete "{0}".
Cause: The storage directory failed to be deleted.
Action: Ensure that the permissions on this directory are correct and that the file and directory are not in use by another process.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100011: An error occurred while serializing session data. Deleting this session.
Cause: This might be due to a change in the class definition or serialVersionUID.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100013: {0} not invalidated. The session that was serialized into the file system does not exist.
Cause: The session was not found and does not exist.
Action: This session might have been deleted by a trigger in another server, which is pointing to the same storage location.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100015: Deleted file-based session persistent store file: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the storage file is being deleted.
Action: Ensure that the deletion is consistent with the path defined in the PersistentStoreDir (weblogic.xml)

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100016: Session expiration check failed for: {0}. Invalidating the session expiration check.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while checking the session for expiration.
Action: The session will be removed from the persistent store. Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100018: An error occurred while loading the serialized session data for session {0}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message. The file could be corrupted.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100019: The file-based persistent session ID: "{0}" was stored in file: "{1}". File exists: {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the session was stored in this path.
Action: Ensure that the file-based persistent session storage is consistent with the PersistentStoreDir (weblogic.xml).

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100020: Received malformed cookie ID: {0}.
Cause: The cookie could not be parsed properly.
Action: Check the cookie format and the exception text for the exact problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100022: Session invalidation interval: {0}
Cause: The session invalidation trigger is being created.
Action: Ensure that the session invalidation interval is consistent with the InvalidationIntervalSecs (weblogic.xml).

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100025: An unexpected error occurred in the HTTP session timeout callback while deleting sessions.
Cause: The invalidation trigger failed unexpectedly while deleting sessions.
Action: Check the exception message for the probable cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100026: An unexpected error occurred in the HTTP session timeout callback while checking session expiration.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while checking the sessions for expiration.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100028: The session data could not be deserialized.
Cause: The session data could not be deserialized.
Action: Ensure that the object being put into the session is serializable and that the non-transient objects it aggregates are also serializable. If any of the non-transient objects in the entire object graph are not serializable, this error message will occur.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100030: HTTP session expired. Session ID: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the session with ID {0} has expired.
Action: If the session expired sooner than expected, check the SessionTimeout parameter in the weblogic.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100031: An error occurred while unregistering the servlet session runtime MBean: {0}.
Cause: This MBean could not be removed.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100032: An error occurred while creating a servlet session runtime MBean.
Cause: This MBean could not be created.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100033: The license for replicated sessions is invalid: {0}. Downgrading sessions to memory, which are not replicated.
Cause: The license was not valid to support replicated sessions.
Action: Check the license. An upgrade to a clustering and replication license may be desired. Alternatively, file and JDBC persistence can be used for session store reliability.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100035: The timer invalidated session ID: {0}, Web application: {1}, because it expired.
Cause: This message was logged by the Web application level timer, which periodically checks the sessions for expiration. The session expired.
Action: If the session expired too soon, check the SessionTimeout in the weblogic.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100038: Unknown persistent type: {0} for Web application: {1}. Valid types are: memory, file, replicated, JDBC, cookie, and replicated_if_clustered.
Cause: The specified persistent store type for this Web application was not recognized.
Action: Check the PersistentStoreType parameter in the weblogic.xml file. The valid values are: memory, file, replicated, cookie, JDBC, and replicated_if_clustered.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100039: Replicated HTTP sessions were specified for the Web application: {0}, but clustering was not enabled.
Cause: The session replication mechanism relies on clustering, which was not been configured.
Action: Set up clustering or change the PersistentStoreType in the weblogic.xml file to either memory, file, JDBC, or cookie.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100040: The getAttribute(): {0} was a handle. Reconstructing the EJB object.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the container is storing only the handle for the EJB object placed into the session.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100041: The setAttribute(): {0} was an EJB object. Storing the handle into the session.
Cause: The container found an EJB handle stored in the session. It will reconstruct the EJB object before returning it.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100042: An error occurred while reconstructing the EJB object: {0}, which was put into the session.
Cause: The container found an EJB handle stored in the session. However, it failed to reconstruct the EJB object using that handle.
Action: Ensure that the handle is still valid. Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100043: An error occurred while finding the handle for the EJB object: {0}.
Cause: The container stores only the handle for an EJB object put into the session. However, in this case, it failed to find the handle.
Action: Check the RemoteException for the exact error message details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100044: Found WLCookie cookie {0}={1}.
Cause: The cookie persistence mechanism relies on setting the cookie header.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100045: Malformed WLCookie. Value: {0} will be ignored.
Cause: The cookie persistence mechanism relies on setting the cookie header.
Action: The cookie was found to be malformed. Only strings are supported for cookie-based persistence. Ensure that there are no characters in the attribute names and values, which can break the cookie syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100046: Creating new session with ID: {0} for Web application: {1}.
Cause: A new session was created.
Action: Ensure that the length is equal to the IDLen parameter in the weblogic.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100047: Performing the database operation: {0} with ID: {1} and Web application: {2}.
Cause: This is an informational message for JDBC-based persistence. It is meant for debugging purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100048: Looked up ROID: {0} from host {1}:{2} for ID: {3}.
Cause: The replicated session ID was not found in the current server, perhaps because this server is not the primary or secondary server. Another attempt to retrieve the session from the assigned secondary server will be made if it is alive.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100049: An error occurred while looking up the session with ID:{0}.
Cause: A RemoteException occurred when looking up the session from the secondary server.
Action: Check if the secondary server is down. Note that it is not recommended to stop both the primary and secondary server at the same time. Because replication happens lazily, upon request, if the secondary server needs to end, give sufficient time so that the active end users hit their sessions and get replicated.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100050: The current server is becoming the primary server for replicated session ID: {0}.
Cause: The current server is taking the role of the primary server for the given session.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100051: The current server is becoming the secondary server for replicated session ID: {0}.
Cause: The current server is taking the role of the secondary server for the given session.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100052: Unregistering replicated session ID: {0}.
Cause: The current server will unregister the given session.
Action: The session was invalidated. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100053: Failed to update the secondary server for HTTP session ID: {0}.
Cause: Failed to update the secondary server for the modification that occurred in the current request.
Action: Verify that the secondary server is alive, and ensure that the objects put into the session are all serializable. Also, check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100054: Failed to find the secondary server for HTTP session ID: {0}.
Cause: The secondary server could not be found for the replicated session.
Action: Verify that the clustering is configured properly and that there is more than one server in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100055: The generated session ID: {0} contains a reserved keyword and is regenerating.
Cause: On Windows 32-bit systems, if the session ID contains a reserved keyword, the file-based persistence fails. This is because it relies upon successful creation of subdirectories. The reserved keywords are: "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL" "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", " COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", " COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", " LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", " LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "CLOCK$"
Action: No action is required. The session ID will be regenerated.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100056: For {0}: The session with ID: {1} was invalidated before the session creation and registration could complete.
Cause: This is a past-release problem.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support and file a bug report.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100057: This server does not have deployment for the Web application with context path: {0}. The callback: {1} failed while replicating the session. Check the configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported.
Cause: WebLogic Server clustering relies on uniform Web application deployment across the cluster. It seems the Web application was not deployed on all the servers.
Action: Redeploy the Web application, and ensure that it targets the cluster and all members in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100058: The PersistentStoreType for the Web application with context path: {0} is not replicated. The callback: {1} failed while replicating the session. Check the configuration; only uniform configurations in a cluster are supported.
Cause: WebLogic Server clustering relies on uniform Web application deployment across the cluster. It seems the Web application was not deployed on all the servers with uniform configuration.
Action: Redeploy the Web application, and ensure that it targets the cluster and all members in the cluster. Also, the PersistentStoreType should be set to "replicated" for all cluster members.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100059: An unexpected error occurred while cleaning up sessions during undeployment of Web application: {0}.
Cause: The trigger failed to clean up the expired session.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message. When using JDBC-based HTTP session persistence, ensure that the database is set up properly. For file-based persistence, ensure that the permissions on the storage directory are appropriately set.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100060: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the session for Web application: {0}.
Cause: The session from persistent store could not be retrieved.
Action: Check the configuration, and check the exception text for the exact error message. Also, check the WebLogic Server documentation for more details about how to configure session persistence for Web applications.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100061: Web application: {0} tried to place a non-serializable attribute: {1} into the session: {2}. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment. This message is logged only once per session.
Cause: The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for memory-based sessions.
Action: If the session data should survive redeployment, ensure that all attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon redeployment.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100062: Web application: {0} tried to place a non-serializable attribute: {1} into the session: {2}. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be replicated to the secondary server. This message is logged only once per session.
Cause: The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for a replicated session.
Action: If the session data should survive redeployment and session failovers, ensure that all attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover and redeployment.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100063: Web application: {0} tried to place a non-serializable attribute: {1} into the session: {2}. This attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the disk. This message is logged only once per session.
Cause: The session.setAttribute(name, value) was invoked with a non-serializable value for a file-based persistent session.
Action: If the session data should survive redeployment and session failovers, ensure that all the attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover and redeployment.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100064: Web application: {0} tried to place a non-serializable attribute: {1} into the session: {2}. The attribute will be lost upon redeployment or session failover. Also, such attributes will be scoped to the current server only and will not be persisted to the database. This message is logged only once per session.
Cause: The session.setAttribute(name, value) attribute was invoked with a non-serializable value for a JDBC-based persistent session.
Action: If the session data should survive redeployment and session failovers, ensure that all the attributes are serializable. Otherwise, the non-serializable data will be lost upon failover and redeployment.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100065: {0}. Failed to remove attributes for HTTP session ID: {1}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during HTTP session invalidation.
Action: Check the error message for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100066: Failed to look up the replicated session object for Web application: {0}, session ID: {1}.
Cause: The ReplicationManager returned the NotFoundException.
Action: This happens if the object has been cleaned up underneath or the version number does not match with the secondary object. This should not happen normally. Unwanted failovers at the front end can cause unnecessary session failovers in the back end, which could result in this error in certain situations. Check the error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100067: Failed to look up the secondary information for Web application: {0} session ID: {1}.
Cause: The ReplicationManager returned the NotFoundException. This happens if the object has been cleaned up underneath or the version number does not match with the secondary object. This should not happen normally. Unwanted failovers at the front end can cause unnecessary session failovers in the back end, which could result in this error in certain situations.
Action: Check the error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100068: Failed to look up the secondary information for Web application: {0} session ID: {1}.
Cause: The ReplicationManager failed to look up the secondary information for a valid session.
Action: This is an unexpected error. Check the error message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100069: The getAttribute(): {0} was a HomeHandle, reconstructing the EJBHome.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the container is storing only the handle for the EJBHome placed into the session.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100070: Error reconstructing the EJBHome put into session for name: {0}
Cause: The container found an EJBHome handle stored in the session. However, it failed to reconstruct the EJBHome using that EJBHome handle.
Action: Ensure that the HomeHandle is still valid. Check the exception text for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100071: The setAttribute(): {0} was an EJBHome, storing the HomeHandle into the session.
Cause: The container found an EJBHome handle stored in the session. It will reconstruct the EJBHome object before returning.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100072: Error in finding the HomeHandle for the EJBHome: {0}.
Cause: The container stores only the handle for an EJBHome put into the session. However, in this case, it failed to find the HomeHandle.
Action: Check the RemoteException for the exact error message details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100073: Exception while serializing session object: {0}.
Cause: The session object failed to serialize.
Action: Check the exception text for the exact error message details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100079: WAN failover configuration missing.
Cause: The JDBCTxDataSource or the backup cluster address was not properly configured.
Action: Set the JDBCTxDataSource or the backup cluster address to store session state.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100081: Persistent store settings cannot be changed between versions. The persistent store settings for application {0} is different from the settings for previous versions.
Cause: The persistent store settings of the new version were different from previous versions.
Action: Ensure that the persistent store settings are not changed when deploying a new version of an application.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100082: Failed to deploy {0} because the JDBC data source was missing. Target a JDBC data source to the cluster.
Cause: The configuration was incomplete.
Action: Target a JDBC data source to the cluster. Refer to the cluster documentation for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100083: The Web application: {0} in application: {1} has its PersistenceStoreType set to: {2} for HTTP sessions. However, the target list does not contain all members of cluster: {3}. Non-homogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
Cause: Non-homogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster.
Action: Fix the targets for this Web application. Specify a cluster or virtual host as the target.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100084: The Web application: {0} in application: {1} has its PersistenceStoreType set to: {2} for HTTP sessions. However, the target list contains virtual host: {3}, for which the target list does not contain all members of cluster: {4}. Non-homogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed.
Cause: Non-homogeneous deployment for replicated sessions is not allowed. The target list must be a cluster or a virtual host which is targeted to a cluster.
Action: Fix the targets for this Web application.Specify a cluster or virtual host as the target.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100087: The JDBC session data for session ID: {0} has been modified by another server in the cluster.
Cause: The front-end Web server failed to maintain server affinity.
Action: Ensure that the front-end Web server or load balancer has been properly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100089: The session ID: {0} has been accessed from {1}, a server that is neither the primary ({2}) nor the secondary ({3}). The request URL was: {4}
Cause: The most likely cause is a configuration error on a front end hardware loadbalancer or webserver plugin. They should be configured to respect the values of primary/secondary in the cookie (i.e., stickiness), when possible.
Action: Please ensure that the front end webserver or load-balancer has been properly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100090: An unexpected error occurred during a batched update of the last accessed time attribute of the updated sessions in application {0}.
Cause: Check the exception message for details.
Action: Check the exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100094: The session ID: {0} has been accessed from {1}, a server that is not the primary ({2}). The request URL was: {3}.
Cause: The most likely cause is a configuration error on a front-end hardware load balancer or Web server plug-in. These should be configured to respect the values of the primary or secondary in the cookie (for example, stickiness), when possible.
Action: Ensure that the front-end Web server or load balancer has been properly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100095: persistent-data-source-jndi-name is required for an async-jdbc session.
Cause: persistent-data-source-jndi-name was not used to specify the data source JNDI name for the JDBC connection, but persistent-store-type is async-jdbc.
Action: Use persistent-data-source-jndi-name to specify the data source JNDI name for the JDBC connection.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100096: persistent-data-source-jndi-name will take effect and persistent-store-pool will be ignored for async-jdbc session in application {0}.
Cause: This is debug information.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100097: The IDLength {0} is too short. It is not secure. WebLogic Server will increase the length to {1}.
Cause: The IDLength of Session Descriptor is smaller than {1}.
Action: Mofify the Weblgoic deployment descriptor. Ensure that the IDLength of Session Descriptor is equal to or greater than {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-100098: persistent-data-source-jndi-name or persistent-store-pool is required when persistent-store-type is jdbc.
Cause: persistent-data-source-jndi-name or persistent-store-pool was not used to configure the database connection, but persistent-store-type is jdbc.
Action: Use persistent-data-source-jndi-name or persistent-store-pool to configure the database connection.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Session

BEA-101002: [{0}] Could not deserialize the context attribute.
Cause: The classloader changed. When this happens, the old attributes will be deserialized using the new classloader.
Action: Ensure that the attribute class is available to the Web application scope and is serializable.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101003: [{0}] {1} called with a null document root.
Cause: The Web application did not initialize correctly.
Action: Check the log file for error messages about this Web application.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101005: [{0}] {1} called with unsafe path: "{2}".
Cause: The virtual path that was passed in points to a resource outside of the Web application scope.
Action: Check the virtual path being passed to the method and rectify the problem accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101008: [{0}] Cannot get InputStream of resource "{1}".
Cause: The getResourceAsStream() method failed to get an InputSteam for the resource.
Action: Ensure that the resource exists.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101017: [{0}] Root cause of ServletException.
Cause: The Web application container caught an unexpected exception.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101019: [{0}] Servlet failed with an IOException
Cause: An unexpected IOException was caught while processing the request.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101020: [{0}] Servlet failed with an Exception
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101024: [{0}] Unsupported error status code for the error-page element in web.xml.
Cause: The format of the error status code was invalid.
Action: Check the web.xml and fix the error-page element error status code.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101025: [{0}] Document root is null.
Cause: This should never happen. The initialization failed.
Action: Check the log file for error messages during the Web application initialization phase.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101027: [{0}] Document root: "{1}" does not exist.
Cause: This is an unexpected error message.
Action: Ensure that the directory exists.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101029: [{0}] cannot make temporary directory "{1}". Will not be able to compile JSPs.
Cause: The creation of the temporary directory failed.
Action: Check the write permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101040: [{0}] Error occurred while trying to set "{1}{2}".
Cause: A NumberFormatException occurred while parsing the value assigned to the reloadCheckSecs parameter in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the value was entered correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101045: [{0}] {1}
Cause: This is a general purpose error message.
Action: Check the message for the exact cause and take proper action.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101046: [{0}] {1}
Cause: This is a general purpose error message.
Action: Check the exception for exact cause and take proper action.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101047: [{0}] {1}
Cause: This is a general purpose informational message for debug purpose only.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101051: [{0}] started
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the Web server has been started.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101052: [{0}] Initialized
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the Web server has been initialized.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101053: [{0}] Loading Web application: {1}
Cause: The Web application is being deployed.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101054: [{0}] {1} is the default Web application for {2}.
Cause: The given Web application is being registered as a default Web application.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101060: [{0}] Loading "{1}" from directory: "{2}"
Cause: The Web application was deployed using an exploded directory structure.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101061: [{0}] Could not find Web application "{1}".
Cause: The descriptor for the Web application with the name given could not be loaded.
Action: Check the error message for details and ensure that the Web application was configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101062: [{0}] Error reading Web application "{1}".
Cause: An IOException occurred while reading the descriptors for the Web application.
Action: Ensure that the web.xml and weblogic.xml descriptors exist in the right place.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101064: [{0}] Error parsing descriptor in Web appplication "{1}"
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while reading the descriptors for the Web application.
Action: Ensure that web.xml and weblogic.xml exist in the right place

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101066: [{0}] Cannot initialize HTTP URL resources. Could not get JNDI context: {1}.
Cause: The URL contexts could not be registered because the JNDI context was not found.
Action: Ensure that the JNDI resources were properly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101067: [{0}] Disregarding null URL resource value for property {1}
Cause: The URL for the JNDI resource specified in URLResource was null.
Action: Correct the configuration (WebServerMBean). The URLs cannot be null.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101068: [{0}] Could not parse URL resource value {1}.
Cause: The URL for the JNDI resource specified in the URL resource was malformed.
Action: Correct the configuration (WebServerMBean). Specify a valid URL.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101069: [{0}] Could not bind URL {1} to JNDI name {2} error message: {3}.
Cause: The URL failed to bind with the JNDI name.
Action: Correct the configuration (WebServerMBean).

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101070: [{0}] Bound URL resource "{1}" to JNDI name "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101075: [{0}] HttpServer is shutting down.
Cause: The Web server is shutting down.
Action: This is a debug message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101083: Connection failure.
Cause: The connection failed while writing data into the stream.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101086: No host in HTTP header. Dispatching to default HTTP server.
Cause: Host header missing.
Action: Ensure that the requests are accompanied with a host header in order for virtual hosting to work. Also, proper HTTP redirects must have a host header.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101087: {0} is not a virtual host. Dispatching to default HTTP server.
Cause: The host header is missing from the HTTP request.
Action: Make sure the requests are accompanied with a host header in order for Virtual Hosting to work. Also, proper HTTP redirects must have a host header.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101088: Dispatching request to {0}.
Cause: Dispatching the request to the Web server (Virtual Host) defined by the host header.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101093: A problem occurred while dispatching the servlet request.
Cause: The request could not be dispatched into the execute queue.
Action: The request could be malformed. Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101095: POST time exceeded the configured MaxPostTimeSecs of {0,number}.
Cause: The parameter makes sure that a malicious user does not send slow POSTs to cause a denial of service attack.
Action: If you think the time was too short, try increasing the value of MaxPostTimeSecs using the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101096: POST size exceeded the MaxPostSize={0,number}.
Cause: The parameter makes sure that a malicious user does not send huge POSTs to cause a denial of service attack.
Action: If you think the post size is unreasonable, try increasing MaxPostSize using the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101100: [{0}] Got bad cookie header: {1} from User-Agent: {2}
Cause: A cookie was malformed.
Action: Refer to the cookie specifications for the correct format: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2965.txt (Oct 2000; Obsoletes: 2109) http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2109.txt (Feb 1997) http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt (Jun 1999; Obsoletes: 2068) http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2068.txt (Jan 1997)

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101101: [{0}] Unable to create new session.
Cause: A new session could not be created.
Action: Ensure that the persistent store has been properly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101104: Servlet execution in servlet context "{0}" failed, {1}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while serving the request. This is not a simple client connection reset error.
Action: Check the error message for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101105: [{0}] error-page location: "{1}" for the error-code: "{2,number}" does not exist. Serving the default error page.
Cause: The error-page you configured in web.xml does not exist. A configuration error has occurred.
Action: Correct the web.xml descriptor, or make the resource available.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101106: [{0}] Could not serve custom error page: "{1}" for the error code: "{2,number}"
Cause: The error-page configured in web.xml does not exist. A configuration error has occurred.
Action: Correct the web.xml descriptor or make the resource available.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101107: [{0}] Problem occurred while serving the error page.
Cause: The error-page configured in web.xml could not be served.
Action: Check the configuration in web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101108: [{0}] Unsupported encoding: "{1}" specified.
Cause: The encoding specified is not supported by the underlying virtual machine(VM).
Action: Ensure that the encoding specified is valid or install the additional encoding classes.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101122: [{0}] Servlet: "{1}" is permanently unavailable.
Cause: The Web application is not currently available.
Action: Ensure that the Web application has been deactivated. Check to see if redeployment is in progress.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101123: [{0}] Servlet: "{1}" will be unavailable for the next: "{2,number}" seconds.
Cause: The servlet has been marked as unavailable.
Action: Make the request again after the specified time.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101125: [{0}] Error occurred while instantiating servlet: "{1}".
Cause: The servlet failed to instantiate.
Action: Ensure that the servlet has been configured properly in web.xml. Also, check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101126: [{0}] Error casting servlet: "{1}" to javax.servlet.Servlet
Cause: The servlet class that has been configured does not implement javax.servlet.Servlet.
Action: Fix the definition of the class.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101128: Initializing HTTP services.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: Ensure that the resources are available now.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101129: Initializing the Web application container.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101133: Initializing Web server {0}.
Cause: The Web server was just initialized.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101135: {0} is the default Web server.
Cause: The default Web server name is being logged.
Action: This is an informational message for debug purposes only. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101136: Registering virtual host: {0}.
Cause: A Virtual Host (non-default Web server) has been registered.
Action: This is an informational message for debug purposes only. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101138: {0} One of the getParameter family of methods was called after reading from the ServletInputStream. Not merging post parameters.
Cause: If the servlet reads the data from the input stream directly, then the request data will not be available for the getParameter family of methods.
Action: If the code relies on post parameters being available through the getParameter method, fix the code.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101140: An error occurred while creating servlet {1} (class: {2}, initArgs: {3}) for Web application {0}.
Cause: The servlet instance failed to initialize.
Action: Check the configuration and the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101142: There was an error unregistering servlet runtime {0}.
Cause: The servlet runtime MBean that is used for monitoring could not be destroyed.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101143: An error occurred while unregistering Web application component runtime {0}.
Cause: The Web application runtime MBean that is used for monitoring could not be destroyed.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101159: [{0}] Received IllegalAccessException while instantiating servlet: "{1}". Ensure that the servlet implementation is a public class.
Cause: This occurs if WebLogic Server attempts to instantiate a servlet class that is not declared public.
Action: Ensure that the servlet implementation is a public class.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101160: Deployment descriptor is malformed; check against the DTD: {0}.
Cause: The web.xml file is not in strict conformance to the DTD. There may be deployment problems if this is not corrected.
Action: Check the web.xml file against the DTD to ensure conformance. Remember that the ordering of elements is important.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101162: User defined listener {0} failed: {1}.
Cause: The listener failed while processing the event fired by the container.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message and fix the listener code.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101163: Could not load user defined listener: {0}
Cause: The listener class could not be loaded or instantiated.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message and fix the listener code.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101164: User defined class {0} is not a listener, as it does not implement the correct interface(s).
Cause: The class is invalid.
Action: Fix the listener code to implement the appropriate interfaces.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101165: Could not load user defined filter in web.xml: {0}.
Cause: The filter class could not be loaded.
Action: Check the configuration and ensure that the class is avaliable to the context classloader.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101168: The security-role-assignment references an invalid security-role: {0}.
Cause: The security-role-assignment specified in weblogic.xml is not valid.
Action: Ensure that the role-name defined in web.xml, is valid. Also, check the DTD and examples for the correct syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101169: The servlet {0} is referenced but not defined in web.xml.
Cause: The servlet-mapping element in web.xml refers to a servlet name that was not defined.
Action: Ensure that the servlet-name that is used for the mapping is defined. Check the DTD for the correct syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101170: The servlet {0} is referenced in servlet-mapping {1} but not defined in web.xml.
Cause: The servlet-mapping element in web.xml refers to a servlet name that was not defined.
Action: Ensure that the servlet-name that is used for the mapping is defined. Check the DTD for the correct syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101171: The web.xml descriptor has no resource-ref entries for the reference-descriptor defined in weblogic.xml.
Cause: The resource-ref-name referred to by the reference-descriptor in weblogic.xml should have a corresponding resource-ref-name defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the resource-ref-name matches a resource-ref-name defined in web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101172: The web.xml descriptor has no ejb-ref entries.
Cause: The ejb-ref-name referred to by the reference-descriptor in weblogic.xml should have a corresponding ejb-ref-name defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-ref-name matches a ejb-ref-name defined in web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101173: Did not find resource-ref in web.xml matching {0}.
Cause: The resource-ref-name referred to by the reference-descriptor in weblogic.xml should have a corresponding resource-ref-name defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the resource-ref-name matches a resource-ref-name defined in web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101174: Did not find ejb-ref in web.xml matching {0}.
Cause: The ejb-ref-name referred to by the reference-descriptor in weblogic.xml should have a corresponding ejb-ref-name defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-ref-name matches a ejb-ref-name defined in web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101175: [{0}] Exception occurred while closing zip file {1}.
Cause: A zip file failed to close while undeploying a Web application.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101180: The auth-constraint references security-role: {0}, which is not defined in web.xml.
Cause: The auth-constraint should refer to roles that have been defined in web.xml.
Action: Add the definition of this role in the security-role element of web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101188: A bad exception-type exists in web.xml: {0}.
Cause: An invalid class can cause this exception while registering the Web application.
Action: Check the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101189: Could not load the url-match-map class defined in weblogic.xml: {0}.
Cause: An invalid classname will cause this exception while registering the Web application.
Action: Check the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101194: The preprocessor {0} is referenced but not defined in weblogic.xml.
Cause: The preprocessor element is not defined in weblogic.xml.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101196: [{0}]: Error while parsing the Tag Library Descriptor at "{1}".
Cause: A TLD parsing exception occurred.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101198: Could not deploy role: {0} for Web application: {1} application: {2}.
Cause: The Web application could not deploy the role defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the security is configured properly in the server. Also, check the stack trace for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101199: Could not deploy policy for resource: {0}.
Cause: The Web application failed to deploy the policy for the security-constraint defined in web.xml.
Action: Ensure that the security is configured properly in the server. Also, check the stack trace for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101200: CacheFilter not caching the response for URI: {0} reason: {1}
Cause: The CacheFilter does not cache responses unless the status is 200.
Action: Check the message for information on how to fix the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101212: {0}:{1} Failure while precompiling JSPs: {2}.
Cause: The JSPs failed to precompile at startup.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101214: Included resource or file "{0}" not found from requested resource "{1}".
Cause: The included resource or file is missing.
Action: Add the missing resource or file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101215: Malformed request "{0}". Request parsing failed, Code: {1}
Cause: The request does not follow the pattern specified by the HTTP 1.0/1.1 specification(s).
Action: Fix the client that sent the invalid request.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101216: Servlet: "{0}" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "{1}".
Cause: The servlet that was marked as load-on-startup failed to preload on startup.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101217: Cannot deploy {0} from {1} on {2}, because there is already a Web application named {3} loaded from {4}, using the context path {5}.
Cause: The Web application that is being deployed has been assigned a context path that is already in use.
Action: Choose a different context path.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101218: An error exists in web.xml for servlet "{0}". Neither servlet-class nor jsp-file is defined.
Cause: The servlet element should contain either servlet-class or jsp-file. Both are missing.
Action: Update the web.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101220: An error occurred while setting the document root for "{0}" to "{1}".
Cause: Setting the document root for the Web application failed. The Web application will not be deployed.
Action: Check the IOException message for exact cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101221: The url-pattern is empty or null for url-pattern {0} in {1}.
Cause: Not a valid url-pattern for the servlet.
Action: If the servlet is intended to be a default servlet, then specify / or /*.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101223: {0}: The server {1} is temporarily suspended.
Cause: The server has been suspended by the administrator.
Action: Wait until it comes back up again.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101226: AuthFilter: {0} invocation failed in: {1} phase for URI: {2}
Cause: The authentication filter that acts before and after the authentication phase failed to execute.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101228: Failed to undeploy security policy for resource: {0} while undeploying Web application.
Cause: The security policy defined in web.xml failed to undeploy upon Web application undeployment.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101229: Failed to undeploy security policy for resource: {0} while undeploying the Web application.
Cause: The security role defined in web.xml failed to undeploy upon Web application undeployment.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101231: The HTTP log file does not use version 1.0 of the Extended Log File format.
Cause: The ELF headers in the existing log file specify a version other than 1.0.
Action: Only version 1.0 is supported. Delete the existing log file and startover again.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101232: An exception occurred while reading headers of HTTP log file.
Cause: An IOException was received while reading the headers.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101234: Attempting to initialize ExtendedLogFormat application specific header: {0}. However, initialization failed due to an exception.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while initializing the log file format.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101235: Attempting to initialize ExtendedLogFormat application specific header: {0}. However, initialization failed because class: {1} is not an instance of weblogic.servlet.logging.CustomELFLogger.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while initializing the ExtendedLogFormat.
Action: Check the exception for the exact error message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101236: The format of log field {0} is incorrect.
Cause: The format of the log field is invalid.
Action: Check the log field and fix the format.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101237: HTTP logging has been disabled for the Web server: {0}.
Cause: This is a debug message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101242: Failed to roll the HTTP log file for the Web server: {0}.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Check the exception message for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101247: {0}: Public ID references the old version of the Servlet DTD. Change the public ID in web.xml file to "{1}".
Cause: The public ID in WEB-INF/web.xml references the old version of servlet DTD.
Action: Generally, this will not cause any problems with the application unless the DTD has changed in a way such that the web.xml cannot be parsed. To avoid the message, change the public ID in the web.xml file to the current version of the servlet DTD.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101248: [{0}]: Deployment descriptor "{1}" is malformed. Check against the DTD: {4} (line {2}, column {3}).
Cause: The descriptor file is not in strict conformance to its DTD. There may be deployment problems if this is not corrected.
Action: Check the descriptor file against the DTD to ensure conformance. Remember that the ordering of elements is important.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101249: [{0}]: Servlet class {2} for servlet {1} could not be loaded because the requested class was not found in the classpath {3}. {4}.
Cause: The servlet class was not recognized by the Web application classloader.
Action: Ensure that the servlet class is available either in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib or the system classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101250: [{0}]: Servlet class {2} for servlet {1} could not be loaded because a class on which it depends was not found in the classpath {3}. {4}.
Cause: One of the classes the servlet class uses was not recognized by the Web application classloader.
Action: Make sure the class is available either in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib or system classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101251: [{0}]: Could not load servlet class {2} for servlet {1} because a resource on which it depends was not found in the classpath {3}. {4}.
Cause: This exception occurs if the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot find an appropriate native-language definition of a method that is declared native.
Action: This could be due to a problem with path/LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Check if the resource it complains about exists.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101252: [{0}]: Servlet class {2} for servlet {1} could not be verified. {3}.
Cause: This exception occurs when the "verifier" detects that a class file, though well formed, contains some sort of internal inconsistency or security problem.
Action: Verify the servlet class.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101253: [{0}]: Servlet class {2} for servlet {1} could not be defined. The class file could be corrupt. {3}.
Cause: This exception occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) attempts to read a class file and determines that the file is malformed or otherwise cannot be interpreted as a class file.
Action: Check to see if the class file is corrupt.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101254: [{0}]: Servlet class {2} for servlet {1} could not be handled by the classloader with classpath {3}. {4}.
Cause: Subclasses of LinkageError indicate that a class has some dependency on another class; however, the latter class has incompatibly changed after the compilation of the former class.
Action: Check the class and its dependencies.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101256: The run-as user: {0} for the servlet: {1} for Web application: {2} could not be resolved to a valid user in the system. Verify that the user exists.
Cause: The run-as element in weblogic.xml refers to an invalid user.
Action: Check to see if the user exists.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101257: Failed to parse the client certificate in header: {0}. Ignoring this certificate.
Cause: The format of the client certificate was invalid.
Action: Check the exception for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101258: Invalid JSP parameter in weblogic.xml with name: {0}.
Cause: The JSP parameter was not recognized.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml descriptor and refer to the DTD for the correct syntax and element information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101260: The JSP parameter name in weblogic.xml is empty.
Cause: One of the mandatory elements in weblogic.xml was found to be empty.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101261: Invalid session parameter name in weblogic.xml: {0}.
Cause: One of the session parameters configured in weblogic.xml was invalid.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml and correct the session parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101262: The session parameter name "{0}" in weblogic.xml is deprecated.
Cause: This parameter has been deprecated.
Action: See the WebLogic Server documentation for an alternative. This parameter might be removed from future releases.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101263: The session parameter name in weblogic.xml is empty.
Cause: The param-name element is a mandatory element.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101264: {0}: CLIENT-CERT-based authentication failed.
Cause: Authentication failed.
Action: Either the certificate was missing or the user the certificate resolves to is not a valid user in the system.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101267: Failed while destroying filter: {0}.
Cause: Destroying the filter on the Web application undeploy failed.
Action: There might be a problem in the implementation of the destroy method. Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101268: {0}: Failed while destroying servlet: {1}.
Cause: Destroying a servlet on the Web application undeploy failed.
Action: There might be a problem in the implementation of the destroy method. Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101271: The url-pattern element is not specified for the web-resource-collection/web-resource-name: {0} in the web.xml descriptor.
Cause: The url-pattern element is a mandatory element.
Action: If you want the security constraint to apply for all requests, specify url-pattern=/*.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101275: Server has detected non-replicated sessions while SUSPENDING. Server will wait for non-replicated sessions to either become invalidated or timed out or will wait until a secondary is chosen using the lazy process (meaning if a session does not have a secondary, the server waits until the next request to create the secondary). The current timeout value is {0} seconds. To terminate non-replicated sessions immediately, use the FORCESHUTDOWN option.
Cause: During graceful shutdown, the server waits for inflight work to complete. This includes non-replicated sessions.
Action: No action is required. Use FORCESHUTDOWN to ignore inflight work and force shutdown of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101276: Web application(s) {1} still have non-replicated sessions after {0} minutes of initiating SUSPEND. Waiting for non-replicated sessions to finish.
Cause: The server is waiting for sessions to finish before gracefully shutting down.
Action: No action is required. Use FORCESHUTDOWN to ignore inflight work and shutdown the server.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101277: Web application(s) {0} has {1} non-replicated session(s) respectively.
Cause: The server has detected non-replicated sessions while gracefully shutting down.
Action: No action is required. Use FORCESHUTDOWN to ignore inflight work and shut down the server.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101278: There are no active sessions. The Web service is ready to suspend.
Cause: All active sessions have completed. The Web service is ready to gracefully shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101280: Failed to create WebServerRuntimeMBean for the Web server: {0}.
Cause: The Web server creates a runtime MBean during the initialization phase for monitoring.
Action: Check the exception for exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101282: {0}: jspServlet "{1}" defined in weblogic.xml could not be registered. It should be a subclass of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.
Cause: The user-defined class should be a subclass of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.
Action: The jspServlet class must be a subclass of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101283: {0}: jspServlet "{1}" defined in weblogic.xml could not be loaded.
Cause: The user-defined class was unable to load.
Action: Ensure that the class appears in the webapp-classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101287: {0}. The servlet: {1} received an exception during servlet destroy. Ensure that the super.init(config) is called in the init() method.
Cause: This is due to a bug in javax.servlet.GenericServlet.
Action: Ensure that the super.init(config) is called in the init() method for the servlet.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101288: Application:{0} WebAppModule: {1} failed to set contextPath: {2}.
Cause: The set context path call failed for the MBean.
Action: Check that the context path assigned to this Web application module is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101291: The webAppModule: {1} in application: {0} is unable to reload classes because it shares a classloader with other modules.
Cause: An attempt to reload a class was made when the classloader was shared by other modules.
Action: Ensure that the module has its own classloader or reload all modules that share the classloader at once.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101292: Validation failed for the descriptor: {0} param: {1}.
Cause: The container found an illegal value assigned to this parameter.
Action: Check the error message for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101295: Recompiling JSP [{0}], resource [{1}], because it is stale. It was previously compiled using a different version of WebLogic Server. JSP build version: {2} WebLogic Server build version: {3}.
Cause: A JSP was compiled using a different version of WebLogic Server or JSPC.
Action: To precompile JSPs, ensure that you precompile them using the same version, service pack, rolling patches, and temporary-patches in your classpath for WebLogic Server or JSPC. This will ensure the same version string and compatibility at runtime.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101296: Unable to load the default compiler class "{0}". Using the default javac compiler to compile JSPs.
Cause: The compiler class was not found and hence could not be loaded.
Action: Ensure that the class exists in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101297: The value assigned to the container-descriptor parameter: index-directory-sort-by in weblogic.xml is invalid: {0}. The valid values are "NAME", "LAST_MODIFIED", or "SIZE".
Cause: An invalid value is specified in weblogic.xml for the container-descriptor parameter: index-directory-sort-by.
Action: Fix the values in the weblogic.xml descriptor. Valid values are "NAME", "LAST_MODIFIED", or "SIZE".

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101299: The servlet-mapping for servlet-name "{0}" will override the default mapping for *.jsp. This can lead to a show code vulnerability.
Cause: The url-pattern *.jsp is being overriden in the web.xml by a user-defined servlet.
Action: Since the default JSP servlet will be overriden, care must be taken to ensure that JSP source code does not appear directly on the browser.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101302: Web application: {0}, the {1} role: {2} defined in the descriptor: {3} has not been mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml. Will use the first principal-name: {4} specified in security-role-assignment as the run-as-identity. The run-as role can be mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml using either run-as-role-assignment element or the servlet-descriptor/run-as-principal-name.
Cause: No mapping was found for the run-as role in weblogic.xml.
Action: Since the server has decided to use the implicit map, ensure that this is the principal-name you intended to use. The run-as role can be mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml using either the run-as-role-assignment element or the servlet-descriptor/run-as-principal-name.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101303: Web application: {0}, the {1} role: {2} defined in the descriptor: {3} has not been mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml. Also there is no security-role-assignment defined for this role. Will use the rolename itself as a principal-name for {1} for the servlet. The run-as role can be mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml using either the run-as-role-assignment element or the servlet-descriptor/run-as-principal-name.
Cause: No mapping was found for the run-as role in weblogic.xml.
Action: Since the server has decided to use the implicit map, ensure that this is the principal-name you intended to use. The run-as role can be mapped to a principal name in weblogic.xml using either the run-as-role-assignment element or the servlet-descriptor/run-as-principal-name.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101304: Web application: {0}, the {1}: {3} defined in web.xml {2} not been mapped to principals in security-role-assignment in weblogic.xml. Will use the rolename itself as the principal-name.
Cause: Did not find a mapping for the roles which were supposed to be mapped to a principal in security-role-assignment in weblogic.xml.
Action: Since the server has decided to use the implicit map, ensure that this is the principal-name you intended to use.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101305: [{0}] Error-page location: "{1}" for the error code: "{2,number}" causes an infinite loop condition as it throws the same code for which it has been mapped.
Cause: The servlet for the error-page, which maps to the given error code, throws the same error code. This causes an infinite loop condition.
Action: Fix the error page

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101306: Could not resolve entity "{0}" for the webapp at: "{1}". Check the DTD reference in the corresponding descriptor (web.xml/weblogic.xml).
Cause: The descriptor validation failed.
Action: Check the DTD and ensure that the descriptors comply with that. Check the exception message for more details. Also, ensure that there are no typos in the DOCTYPE header.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101307: Got an error while resolving entity "{0}" for the Web application at: "{1}". Check the DTD reference in the corresponding descriptor (web.xml/weblogic.xml).
Cause: The descriptor validation failed.
Action: Check the DTD and ensure that the descriptors comply with that. Check the exception message for more details. Also, ensure that there are no typos in the DOCTYPE header.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101310: Web server: {0}, failed to perform batched update for replicated sessions against jndiname: {1} on the secondary server: {2} http-port: {3} https-port: {4}
Cause: The Remote Management Interface (RMI) call from the trigger, which was intended to periodically update the read-only replicated sessions on the secondary server, failed.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101317: The Web application: {0} has specified "DIGEST" as the auth-method in web.xml, which is not implemented. Will default to BASIC.
Cause: DIGEST authentication is not yet implemented. The Web application will fallback to BASIC authentication.
Action: Choose either BASIC, FORM, or CLIENT-CERT.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101318: The Web application: {0} has specified: {1} as the auth-method in web.xml, which is not valid. Valid values are BASIC (default), FORM, and CLIENT-CERT.
Cause: An invalid authentication method was specified in web.xml.
Action: The valid values are BASIC, FORM, and CLIENT-CERT. Fix the web.xml file for the Web application.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101319: The Web application: {0} has "FORM" based authentication specified but the mandatory element: {1} is left blank.
Cause: The form-login-page and form-error-page are mandatory elements when auth-method is "FORM."
Action: Fix the web.xml for the specified Web application.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101325: The local-path: {1} specified for the virtual-directory-mapping specified in weblogic.xml for the Web application: {0} (docroot={2}), is not valid.
Cause: A relative path was possibly assigned to the local-path. If so, the container makes the path relative to the document root.
Action: Ensure that the relative path exists with respect to the document root.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101326: The element: {1} contains an undefined security-role: {0}
Cause: The security-role definition is mandatory.
Action: Ensure that the security role-name is defined in web.xml. Also check the DTD and examples for the correct syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101327: The element: {0} is not allowed to appear more than once in the descriptor: {1}
Cause: The parser found more than one occurrence for the element
Action: Ensure that than the element appears only once (check the schema).

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101328: {0}: invalid dispatcher: {2} for filter-mapping: {1}
Cause: An invalid value was found for the filter mapping dispatcher.
Action: Valid values are: "REQUEST," "FORWARD," "INCLUDE," or "ERROR."

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101331: Cannot deploy {0} from {1} on {2}, because there is already a non-versioned Web application named {3} loaded from {4}, using the context path {5}.
Cause: The Web application version that is being deployed has been assigned a context path that is already in use by a non-versioned Web application.
Action: Choose a different context path or undeploy the conflicting Web application.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101332: Failed to register JACC policy context handlers for the Web application container.
Cause: This is an unexpected error.
Action: See the error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101337: Received a SecurityException during: {0}, for : {1}, Web application: {2}
Cause: The user does not have enough privileges.
Action: See the error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101338: The context parameter "weblogic.httpd.defaultServlet" has been deprecated. Instead, use the servletMapping = "/" to define the default servlet.
Cause: A deprecated context parameter was used.
Action: The servlet weblogic.servlet.FileServlet is the default servlet. If you want to override the default, define a new servlet-mapping in web.xml with url-pattern = "/".

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101339: The context parameter: {0} has been deprecated. Instead, use the element: {1} in weblogic.xml.
Cause: A deprecated context parameter was used.
Action: Replace it with the suggested alternative in weblogic.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101340: The context parameter "weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath" has been deprecated. Instead use manifest classpath or WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes or virtual-directories in weblogic.xml
Cause: A deprecated context parameter was used.
Action: There are better ways to extend the classpath exposed to the Web application classloader, including virtual-directories and a manifest classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101341: {0}: Class file up-to-date for JSP: {1}
Cause: This message indicates that the class file associated with the JSP is up-to-date.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101342: {0}: Error(s) encountered while precompiling JSP {1} {2}
Cause: The JSP file shown by the error message had errors and could not be precompiled.
Action: Correct the errors shown by the message so that it gets precompiled without errors.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101343: {0}: Attempting to precompile {1}, since the class file associated with it was found to be out-of-date.
Cause: This message indicates that the class file associated with the given JSP was out of date and needs recompilation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101344: {0}: Attempting to precompile {1}, since the class file associated with it was not found in the Web application classpath.
Cause: This message indicates that the class file associated with the given JSP was not found in the Web application classpath and thus needs to be compiled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101345: A change in value was detected for the "Fields" directive in access.log for webserver: {0}. Rotating the access.log. The value defined for the WebServerMBean will take precedence. Default being "time cs-method cs-uri sc-status". Old value: "{1}" and new value: "{2}".
Cause: This message indicates that the value from WebServerMBean.getELFFields() was different that the value in the "Fields" directive on the top of access.log.
Action: Changing the ELF fields by hand editing access.log is no longer supported. Change the access.log "Fields" using the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101346: The virtual host name: {0} being used by the Virtual Host: {1} is already in use by: {2}
Cause: There is duplicate name usage for VirtualHostNames.
Action: Fix the VirtualHostNames fields for the Virtual Host and choose a unique name.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101347: The server channel name (NetworkAccessPoint): {0} being used by the Virtual Host: {1} is already in use by: {2}
Cause: There is uplicate name usage for ServerChannelName for Virtual Hosts.
Action: Fix the ServerChannelName field for the Virtual Host and choose a unique name.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101348: The server channel name (NetworkAccessPoint): {0} being used by the Virtual Host: {1} is not defined. This virtual host will not be deployed.
Cause: The NetworkAccessPoint is not yet defined.
Action: Choose a different NetworkAccessPoint name or define a new one using the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101349: Failed to save the WorkContexts into the session or cache for the request: {0}
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.
Action: At the end of the request, the Web application container saves the WorkContexts into the session and the local cache in order to propagate them between successive HTTP requests. Contact My Oracle Support and report this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101350: Web application(s) {2} of module {1} of application {0} has {3} pending session(s) respectively.
Cause: The server has detected pending sessions for the Web application module while the application is gracefully transitioning from running to administration mode.
Action: No action is required. Use the -force option to ignore inflight work and bring the application to administration mode.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101351: Server has detected pending sessions while gracefully transitioning webapp module {1} of application {0} from running to administration mode. Server will wait for pending sessions to either become invalidated or timed out. The current timeout value is {2} seconds. To terminate sessions immediately, use the -force option.
Cause: During graceful transition of the application from running to administration mode, the server waits for inflight work to complete. This includes pending sessions.
Action: No action is required. Use the -force to ignore inflight work and force transition of the application from running to administration mode.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101352: There are no active sessions. The Web application module {1} of application {0} is ready to go into administration mode.
Cause: All active sessions have completed. The Web service is ready to gracefully transition to administration mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101354: Web application(s) {3} of module {1} of application {0} still have pending sessions after {2} minutes of initiating transition from running to administration mode. Waiting for pending sessions to finish.
Cause: The server is waiting for the application sessions to finish before gracefully shutting down.
Action: No action is required. Use the -force option to ignore inflight work and force transition of the application into administration mode.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101355: [{0}] Version {2} is specified for Web Services {1}, but versioning of Web Services is not supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy Web Services with versioning.
Action: Deploy the Web Services (or the application containing the Web Services) without versioning.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101356: Web application: {0} failed to load the shared library (fastfile) for using native I/O in the FileServlet, falling back to the standard I/O.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to load the native library (fastfile) for using native I/O in the FileServlet.
Action: Ensure that the shared library (fastfile) exists in a directory that is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH. Also, note that native I/O is supported on Windows, Linux, and Solaris. If problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101357: A force graceful production to administration mode transition was initiated. The Web application module {1} of application {0} is ready to go into administration mode.
Cause: A force graceful production to administration mode transition was initiated. The Web service is ready to transition to administration mode.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101359: The servlet {0} initilization method failed while it was run in the background. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: The servlet initilization method caused an exception.
Action: The cause of the exception must be corrected and then the application should be redeployed.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101360: Recompiling JSP [{0}], resource [{1}], because it is stale.
Cause: The JSP was changed from the last time it was compiled.
Action: The JSP will be always recompiled if it is different from the last compiled version.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101361: [{0}] A library reference in weblogic.xml has an illegal Specification-Version: {1}. The Specification-Version must be a valid version string: int(.int)*, int >=0. For example: 2.1.1.
Cause: The Specification-Version of a library reference in weblogic.xml cannot be parsed.
Action: Fix the library's Specification-Version in weblogic.xml to conform to the required version string syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101362: [{0}] could not deserialize the {1} scoped attribute with name: "{2}"
Cause: Classloader changed. When this happens, the old attributes will be deserialized using the new classloader. The classloader can change either as the result of a dynamic reload of classes (controlled by weblogic.xml parameter "reload-check-secs" or upon across webapp dispatch (include or forward).
Action: Ensure that the attribute class is available to the Web application scope and that the attribute class and all the references it holds are serializable.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101363: Application: {0}, Web application: {1} has context-root specified in application.xml: "{2}". The context-root specified in weblogic.xml: "{3}" will be ignored.
Cause: The context-root specified in application.xml takes higher precedence than the one in weblogic.xml.
Action: This is an informational message. PEnsure that this is what you intended to do.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101364: {0}:{1} Failure while precompiling JSP: {2}.
Cause: The JSP failed to precompile on a partial update.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101366: The server could not send the HTTP message during the configured timeout value. The socket has been closed.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: Bump up the value of CompleteMessageTimeout. The default is 60 seconds. If you have slow clients that cannot complete the messsage transfer and are getting timed out, raise the value.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101367: An error occurred while extracting archived file for "{0}", located at "{1}".
Cause: An error occurred while extracting the archived WAR file, due to path length limitations on some OS's
Action: Some OS's only allow a certain number of characters in the file name. This limitation can be noticed when extracting an archive in a deeply nested directory. Since the default temporary directory for extracting all archives is relative to the server root directory, it is recommended that one use the system property weblogic.j2ee.application.tmpDir and set it to a shorter file path, or one could ensure that the server is started in a directory with a shorted file path.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101369: {0}: The encoding jsp-descriptor parameter has been deprecated. Consider declaring the encoding in the jsp-config element (web.xml) or as a page directive (pageEncoding) instead.
Cause: {0}: The encoding jsp-descriptor parameter has been deprecated.
Action: Consider declaring the encoding in the jsp-config element (web.xml) or as a page directive (pageEncoding) instead.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101370: There was a failure when merging library descriptors into the application descriptors for application {0}. Ensure that the descriptors are valid. The error is {1}
Cause: The library or the application descriptors are invalid.
Action: Fix the descriptors in the application or the library.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101371: There was a failure when processing annotations for application {0}. Ensure that the annotations are valid. The error is {1}
Cause: The descriptor has an invalid servlet-class, filter-class, or listener-class.
Action: Fix the descriptors in the application or the library.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101372: There was a failure in application {0} when attempting to inject dependencies into {1}. Dependencies will not be injected into this class.
Cause: The annotations defined in the class may be invalid or the descriptor may have conflicting entries.
Action: Check the annotations defined in this class. Also, verify that the descriptor has valid entries.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101373: Reloading classes in application {0} failed due to change of annotations on a refreshed class. Modified or new annotations will not be processed during servlet reload as they involve a non-dynamic change. Redeploy the application for these annotations to be processed.
Cause: New or modified annotations will not be processed in application {0} due to a servlet refresh.
Action: Redeploy the application for reloading classes when annotations are modified.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101374: The Web container failed to lookup the transaction associated with the current thread for Web application: ${0}.
Cause: After the response is sent, the container needs to check if there is any active transaction associated with the thread so that it can abort the transaction. See the exception message for more details.
Action: See the exception message for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101375: [{0}]: Error while parsing the JSF Configuration Descriptor at "{1}".
Cause: A JSF Configuration Descriptor parsing exception occurred.
Action: Check the exception for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101376: Unable to purge cache of Bean classes from BeanELResolver, error occurs at "{0}".
Cause: Unable to get the cache property of BeanELResolver.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support and report this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101377: Filtering class loader configuration ignored for web module {1} of application {0}
Cause: Filtering class loader configuration is only supported in descriptors at the main level of the deployment (for example, in enterprise applications or standalone web applications). Such configuration is not supported in web modules of an enteprise application.
Action: Remove the filtering class loader configuration from the deployment descriptor of web module {1} of application {0}

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101378: The version of OpenJPA shipped with WebLogic Server does not support JPA 2.0. Recompile the application with the JPA 1.0 API JAR available at http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/summary?id=220
Cause: The Kodo-OpenJPA persistence provider that ships with WebLogic Server does not support JPA 2.0
Action: Recompile the application with the JPA 1.0 API jar available at http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/summary?id=220 or use TopLink if you wish to use a JPA 2.0 persistence provider

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101379: Starting with WebLogic Server, some methods changed in the OpenJPA interfaces that ship with WebLogic Server. Recompile the application with the OpenJPA JAR in your WebLogic Server installation.
Cause: Some methods in the OpenJPA interfaces that ship with WebLogic Server have changed.
Action: Recompile the application with the OpenJPA JAR in your WebLogic Server installation.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101380: More than one web fragments with the same name: "{0}".
Cause: More than one web fragments with the same name.
Action: Change one or more web fragment names to avoid the conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101381: Both before others and after others found in web fragment: "{0}".
Cause: Both before others and after others found in web fragment.
Action: Make the Others element appeared in before or after only.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101382: WLServlet annotation can't be used with WebServlet together
Cause: WLServlet annotation can't be used with WebServlet together.
Action: Suggest to use servlet 3.0 annotations only

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101383: WLFilter annotation can't be used with WebFilter together
Cause: WLFilter annotation can't be used with WebFilter together.
Action: Suggest to use servlet 3.0 annotations only

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101384: {0} annotation is deprecated, please use servlet 3.0 annotation instead. App:{1}, Class:{2}
Cause: The older WL annotations are deprecated, and replaced by servlet 3.0 annotations , for example WLServlet is replaced by WebServlet, WLFilter is replaced by WebFilter.
Action: Suggest to use servlet 3.0 annotations instead if WL annotations

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101385: WebListener annotation is used illegally, the class annotated by WebListener must implement listener interface
Cause: WebListener annotation is used illegally, the class annotated by WebListener must implement listener interface, for example: javax.servlet.ServletContextListener and so on, please check the servlet 3.0 specification.
Action: The class annotated by WebListener must implement listener interface, for example: javax.servlet.ServletContextListener and so on, suggest to check the servlet 3.0 specification.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101386: The ServletSecurity Annotation is illegal, the root is {0}
Cause: The ServletSecurity Annotation is illegal, the root is {0}.
Action: Suggest not to correct ServletSecurity Annotation accroding to the Servlet 3.0 Specification.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101387: ServletContext has already been initialized, cannot call method {0} any longer.
Cause: ServletContext has already been initialized, cannot call method {0} any longer.
Action: Check Servlet 3.0 Specification and the corresponding javadoc.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101388: The ServletContext was passed to the ServletContextListener.contextInitialized method of a ServletContextListener that was neither declared in web.xml or web-fragment.xml, nor annotated with javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener.
Cause: The ServletContext was passed to the ServletContextListener.contextInitialized method of a ServletContextListener that was neither declared in web.xml or web-fragment.xml, nor annotated with javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener.
Action: Check Servlet 3.0 Specification and the corresponding javadoc.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101389: Cannot add this ServletContextListener
Cause: Because this ServletContext was passed to the ServletContextListener's contextInitialized() method of a ServletContextListener that was neither declared in web.xml or web-fragment.xml, nor annotated with javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener.
Action: Check Servlet 3.0 Specification and the corresponding javadoc.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101390: It is illegal to use both value and urlPatterns attributes together in the same WebServlet/WebFilter annotation: {0}.
Cause: As per the Servlet 3.0 specification, section 8.1, both the value attribute and urlPatterns attribute were detected in the identical WebServlet/WebFilter annotation.
Action: Use either the value attribute or urlPatterns attribute, but not both at the same time in the same annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101391: Circular references found in web fragments relative ordering.
Cause: Circular references found in web fragments relative ordering.
Action: Use absolute ordering to overwrite relative ordering or change relative ordering config.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101392: Glassfish Descriptor element <{0}> was successfully parsed and applied.
Cause: This is an information message.
Action: No action is required if the element parsing was successful.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101393: Glassfish Descriptor element <{0}> is not supported by WebLogic.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required. Note that the element is ignored by the descriptor parser.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101394: The exception "{0}" occurred when processing getParameter or getParameterValues from a multipart value of a ServletRequest.
Cause: The exception "{0}" occurred when processing getPart or getParts from a ServletRequest.
Action: Check whether the size of the uploaded file exceeds the size limit. Check that the content of the post-multipart form data is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101395: Application or module {0} is deployed as a web application.
Cause: The spplication or module {0} was deployed as a web application because there was no hint (descriptors or classes annotated by component annotations) detected. WebLogic Server deploys applications without deployment descriptors or classes annotated by component annotations as web application.
Action: No action is required if the application is a web application or a web module. Otherwise, add the corresponding deployment descriptors so that WebLogic Server can detect the application type correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101396: Either the urlPatterns or the value attribute in the WebServlet annotation MUST be present: {0}.
Cause: As per the Servlet 3.0 specification, section 8.1.1, neither the value attribute nor the urlPatterns attribute was detected in the WebServlet annotation.
Action: Use either the value attribute or urlPatterns attribute, but not both at a same time in the same annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-101397: The urlPatterns attribute, servletNames attribute, or value attribute of the WebFilter annotation MUST be specified: {0}.
Cause: As per the Servlet 3.0 specification, section 8.1.2, neither the urlPatterns attribute, servletNames attribute, nor value attribute was detected in the WebFilter annotation.
Action: Use either the urlPatterns, servletNames, or value attribute in the annotation. Do not use both the urlPatterns and value attributes at a same time in the same annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP

BEA-110000: Transaction log record class name encoding error [{0}]: {1}
Cause: An internal error occurred while writing a record to the transaction log.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110001: Transaction log record encoding error [{0}]: {1}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110003: onError() callback exception: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred while writing a record to the transaction log.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110004: Unable to read transaction log record checksum.
Cause: The transaction log file is corrupted, possibly due to a crash or file system error. If this error occurs only once per system reboot, a crash caused the transaction being logged at that time to be rolled back.
Action: No action is required. Recovery is automatic.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110005: Transaction log record checksum failure [{0}].
Cause: A record in the transaction log file is corrupted, possibly due to a crash or file system error. If this error occurs only once per system re-boot, a crash caused the transaction being logged at that time to be rolled back.
Action: No action is required. Recovery is automatic.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110007: Log record class instantiation problem [{0}]: {1}
Cause: An internal error occurred. This may have also occurred due to crash recovery processing of a new transaction log file performed by an older WebLogic Server software version.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110008: Log record class readExternal problem [{0}]: {1}
Cause: An internal error occurred. This may have also occurred due to crash recovery processing of a new transaction log file performed by an older WebLogic Server software version.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110011: onRecovery() callback exception: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110013: An error occurred while writing transaction log: {0}.
Cause: The file system is full or permission problems exist.
Action: Verify the transaction log file location and locate any file system problems.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110015: A version error occurred while reading the transaction log header file.
Cause: File corruption exists. A new transaction log file may have been given to an older version of WebLogic Server.
Action: The system will automatically create an empty transaction log.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110020: Error reading transaction log file [{0}]: {1}
Cause: There are file system or permission problems, or possible corruption of the transaction log.
Action: Verify the transaction log file location and check for file system problems. Crash recovery processing continues as best it can.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110021: Format error [{0}] occurred while reading transaction log file [{1}]
Cause: The transaction log file was possibly corrupted.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110022: Format error [{0}] occurred while reading transaction log file [{1}]: {2}
Cause: The transaction log file is possibly corrupted.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110023: Transaction log record checksum failure [{0}]: {1}.
Cause: A record in the transaction log file is corrupted, possibly due to a crash or file system error. If this error occurs only once per system reboot, a crash caused the transaction being logged at that time to be rolled back.
Action: No action is required. Recovery is automatic.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110026: Missing transaction log file [{0}]
Cause: File system or permission problems exist, or the transaction log might be corrupted. The file might also have been manually deleted.
Action: Verify the transaction log file location and check for file system problems. Crash recovery processing will continue.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110028: The transaction manager did not call XA.forget() for transaction [{1}] on resource [{0}], which reported a heuristic decision during commit.
Cause: See the message details for probable cause.
Action: After correcting any data inconsistencies due to the heuristic outcome, use the resource manager administrative commands to instruct the resource to ignore the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110029: The transaction manager did not call XA.forget() for transaction [{1}] on resource [{0}], which reported a heuristic decision during rollback.
Cause: See the message details for the probable cause.
Action: After correcting any data inconsistencies due to the heuristic outcome, use the resource manager administrative commands to instruct the resource to ignore the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110030: XA resource [{0}] has not responded in the last {1} second(s).
Cause: The resource is unavailable (possibly the resource is down, or network problems exist).
Action: Check the resource manager and network condition. When the resource is available again, take the following actions to inform the Transaction Manager: For JDBC connection pools, refresh the connection pool. You can also enable the auto-refresh feature of the connection pool to do this automatically. For other third-party XA resources, the resource provider should re-register the resource by calling weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.unregisterResource(), followed by weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.registerStaticResource() or weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.registerDynamicResource().

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110033: Recovered transaction log header file from backup location [{0}].
Cause: This error is probably caused by a crash that occurred when the the transaction log header file was being rewritten.
Action: No action is required. Recovery is automatic.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110101: No license exists for two-phase commit (2PC) processing.
Cause: The 2PC license is not present.
Action: Contact an Oracle sales representative to obtain a 2PC license.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110102: A transaction with multiple resources was rolled back due to an invalid two-phase commit (2PC) license.
Cause: The 2PC license is not present.
Action: Contact an Oracle sales representative to obtain a 2PC license.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110200: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke startCommit on a transaction branch.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternately, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110201: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke startRollback on a transaction branch.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110202: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke rollback on a transaction branch.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack, or alternately, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110204: XA resource [{0}] returns XAER_RMFAIL and is unavailable.
Cause: The resource is unavailable because is down or network problems exist.
Action: Check the resource manager and network conditions. When the resource is available again, take the following actions to inform the Transaction Manager: For JDBC connection pools, refresh the connection pool. You can also enable the auto-refresh feature of the connection pool to do this automatically. For other third-party XA resources, the resource provider should re-register the resource by calling weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.unregisterResource(), followed by weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.registerStaticResource() or weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.registerDynamicResource().

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110207: A previously unavailable XA resource [{0}] is now available.
Cause: The previously unavailable resource is now available. It is possible that the resource has recovered from earlier failures or that previous network problems were cleared.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110208: Unregistration of Transaction Recovery Service for server [{0}] failed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110209: Registration of Transaction Recovery Service for server [{0}] failed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110210: Failback of Transaction Recovery Service for server [{0}] failed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Examine the migration errors and perform manual migration of the Transaction Recovery Service back to server [{0}].

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110211: Failback retry of Transaction Recovery Service for server [{0}] failed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Examine the migration errors and perform manual migration of the Transaction Recovery Service back to server [{0}].

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110212: An attempt was made to manually migrate the Transaction Recovery Service of the current server away from the server while it is still active.
Cause: An attempt was made to manually migrate the current Transaction Recovery Service away from the server while it is still active.
Action: For controlled migration, suspend or shut down the current server first before manually migrating it to a backup server.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110213: The activation of Transaction Recovery Service for server [{0}] failed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Examine the error details, correct the error conditions, and perform the necessary manual migration again if possible. If unsuccessful, My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110400: An error occurred while unregistering Resource Runtime MBean: {0}
Cause: The MBean may have been unregistered previously or there may be an issue with the JMX Administration Server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110401: Ignoring error in afterCompletion. Object={0}, Exception={1}
Cause: The application-defined javax.transaction.Synchronization callback may have caused an exception.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110402: Unknown state in getStatus(): {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110403: An unexpected exception occurred while processing a transaction during a transaction manager timer event. Exception={0}.
Cause: Refer to the exception information found in the error message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110405: Resource {0} was not assigned to any of these servers: {1}
Cause: The transaction coordinator maintains information regarding where resources are registered among all the servers that are known to the coordinator. The participating resource may have been unregistered or became unavailable prior to attempting the operation. This condition may also occur if the cache belonging to the coordinator was out of date or has not completed initialization at the time the operation was invoked.
Action: Verify the state of resource managers participating in the transaction and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110406: Internal error interpreting heuristic status. Expected={0}, Actual={1}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110407: Unknown state in getStatus(): {0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110408: An attempt to add a duplicate transaction to the transaction manager list was ignored.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110409: Unable to advertise resource {0}: {1}
Cause: A problem may exist with the JNDI provider, or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110410: Unable to create resource runtime MBean for resource {0}: {1}
Cause: There may be a problem with the JMX Administration Server, or another MBean with this name is already registered with the Administration Server.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110411: Failed to construct local ServerCoordinatorDescriptor: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110412: {0} completed heuristically: {1}.
Cause: The resource manager may have failed, timed out, or detected locking conflicts that prompted it to commit or roll back work for the transaction branch. If the heuristic error was due to a resource manager failure, the resource may not be able to determine if work for the transaction branch was committed, aborted, or both. In this case, the condition is considered a HAZARD or MIXED heuristic.
Action: Check the participants of the transaction should be checked for possible data corruption. The resource manager reporting the heuristic may maintain state information related to the updates involved in the heuristic error. If the JTA ForgetHeuristics configuration parameter is set to false, this information may be preserved in the resource manager. This information might be useful in correcting any data inconsistencies.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110414: Illegal State (expected: Prepared or Committing): {0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110415: Illegal state. Proceeding with rollback anyway. {0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110419: An attempt was made to add an incompatible object as a transaction property: keys must be strings and values must be serializable.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an incompatible object as a transaction property (the class of the key object must be a string and the class of the value object must be serializable).
Action: Change the application to assign the transaction property using a String key and a serializable value.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110420: An attempt was made to add an incompatible object as a local transaction property: keys must be String.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an incompatible object as a local transaction property (the key object must be of the class String).
Action: Change the application to add the local property with a String key.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110421: Internal error (possibly harmless): Timer method was called on committed transaction {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error, possibly due to a race condition.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110422: Forcibly aborting a transaction found in an unexpected internal state. Details={0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Check for any data inconsistencies among participating resources. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110423: Abandoning transaction after {0} seconds: {1}
Cause: A resource or participating server may have been unavailable for the duration of the AbandonTimeoutSeconds period.
Action: Check participating resources for heuristic completions and correct any data inconsistencies.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110424: An unexpected exception was caught during begin: {0}
Cause: Check the exception detail portion of the log message.
Action: Correct the condition described in the exception detail portion of the log message.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110425: Error advertising TransactionManager object: {0}
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110426: An error occurred while advertising UserTransaction object: {0}
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider, or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110427: An error occurred while advertising Coordinator object: {0}
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider, or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110428: An error occurred while exporting Coordinator object ID: {0}
Cause: Another remote object may be bound to this object ID.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110429: Error advertising SubCoordinator object: {0}.
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider, or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110433: Unable to obtain ownership of the transaction log.
Cause: The Transaction Recovery Service associated with the current server is currently owned by other servers.
Action: Migrate the Transaction Recovery Migratable Service back to the current server before restarting it.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110442: An administrative request was made to locally roll back the transaction associated with Xid {0}
Cause: The forced local rollback operation was initiated by an administrative application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110443: An administrative request was made to locally commit the transaction associated with Xid {0}
Cause: The forced local commit operation was initiated by an administrative application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110444: An administrative request was made to globally commit the transaction associated with Xid {0}.
Cause: A forced global rollback operation was initiated by an administrative application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110445: An administrative request was made to globally commit the transaction associated with Xid {0}.
Cause: A forced global commit operation was initiated by an administrative application.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110446: The administrative request to locally roll back the transaction associated with Xid {0} failed because the transaction does not exist.
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative request was made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110447: The administrative request to locally commit the transaction associated with Xid {0} failed because the transaction does not exist.
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative request was made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110448: The administrative request to globally roll back the transaction associated with Xid {0} failed because the transaction does not exist.
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative request was made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110449: The administrative request to globally commit the transaction associated with Xid {0} failed because the transaction does not exist
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative request was made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110450: The administrative request to locally roll back the transaction {0} encountered an error {1}.
Cause: Refer to the exception information in the error message.
Action: Check to see if the transaction still exists. The operation may have resolved the transaction. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110451: The administrative request to globally roll back the transaction {0} encountered an error {1}.
Cause: Refer to the exception information in the error message.
Action: Check to see if the transaction still exists; the operation may have resolved the transaction. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110452: The administrative request to locally commit the transaction {0} encountered an error {1}.
Cause: Refer to the exception information in the error message.
Action: Check to see if the transaction still exists. The operation may have resolved the transaction. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110453: The administrative request to globally commit the transaction {0} encountered an error {1}.
Cause: Refer to the exception information in the error message.
Action: Check to see if the transaction still exists. The operation may have resolved the transaction. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110454: The administrative request to locally roll back the transaction {0} failed because the transaction is in an invalid state. {1}
Cause: The administrative request is invalid.
Action: Issue a forced commit operation instead to resolve the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110455: The administrative request to globally roll back the transaction {0} failed because the transaction is in an invalid state. {1}
Cause: The administrative request is invalid.
Action: Issue a forced commit operation instead to resolve the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110456: The administrative request to locally commit the transaction {0} failed because the transaction is in an invalid state. {1}
Cause: The administrative request is invalid.
Action: Issue a forced rollback operation instead to resolve the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110458: The administrative request to globally roll back the transaction {0} failed, because the coordinator {1} could not be contacted. {2}
Cause: The coordinating server for the transaction is either not running or is unreachable.
Action: Verify that the coordinating server is available and retry the operation. Alternatively, perform local operations to resolve the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110459: The administrative request to globally commit the transaction {0} failed, because the coordinator at {1} could not be contacted. {2}
Cause: The coordinating server for the transaction is either not running or is unreachable.
Action: Verify that the coordinating server is available and retry the operation. Alternatively, perform local operations to resolve the transaction.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110460: The administrative request to globally rollback the transaction {0} failed, because the coordinator does not support manual transaction resolution.
Cause: The coordinating server is an older version of WebLogic Server that does not support manual transaction resolution.
Action: Perform local commit operations on all participants that support manual transaction resolution.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110462: The administrative request to locally commit the transaction {0} failed, because the transaction has been marked for rollback.
Cause: The transaction has been marked for rollback by an application component.
Action: Attempt to resolve the transaction by using a forced rollback operation instead.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110464: The forced commit operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} was not performed, because the resource is busy.
Cause: There may be a blocked resource operation for this transaction. The resource may be experiencing problems or it may be slow to respond.
Action: Attempt to retry the commit operation. The associated resource changes for the transaction may need to be manually resolved using a resource-specific utility.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110465: The forced rollback operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} was not performed, because the resource is busy
Cause: There may be a blocked resource operation for this transaction. The resource may be experiencing problems or it may be slow to respond.
Action: Attempt to retry the commit operation. The associated resource changes for the transaction may need to be manually resolved using a resource-specific utility.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110466: The forced commit operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} was not performed because the resource has already been committed.
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative client invoked the commit operation.
Action: No action is required. The transaction has been resolved.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110467: The forced rollback operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} was not performed because the resource has already been rolled back.
Cause: The transaction may have completed before the administrative client invoked the rollback operation.
Action: No action is required. The transaction has been resolved.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110468: The forced commit operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} encountered an error. {2}
Cause: Refer to the resource exception in the error message and any appropriate resource-specific error logs.
Action: Determine if administrative operations are required in the resource to resolve the transaction branch.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110469: The forced rollback operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} encountered an error. {2}
Cause: Refer to the resource exception in the error message and any appropriate resource-specific error logs.
Action: Determine if administrative operations are required in the resource to resolve the transaction branch.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110470: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke a forced global rollback.
Cause: The authenticated principal making the request does not have adequate privileges to perform a forced rollback operation on the transaction.
Action: Authenticate using an identity with adequate privileges prior to invoking the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110471: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke a forced global commit.
Cause: The authenticated principal making the request does not have adequate privileges to perform a forced commit operation on the transaction.
Action: Authenticate using an identity with adequate privileges prior to invoking the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110472: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke a forced local rollback.
Cause: The authenticated principal making the request does not have adequate privileges to perform a forced rollback operation on the transaction.
Action: Authenticate using an identity with adequate privileges prior to invoking the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110473: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke a forced local commit.
Cause: The authenticated principal making the request does not have adequate privileges to perform a forced commit operation on the transaction.
Action: Authenticate using an identity with adequate privileges prior to invoking the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110474: Unable to advertise non-XA resource {0}: {1}
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider, or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110475: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke commit on a non-XA resource transaction branch.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110476: The server has detected pending transactions during graceful shutdown. The server will wait for the pending transactions to complete before suspending the RMI service. A forced shutdown command can be issued to shut down the server immediately.
Cause: The server has detected pending transactions during graceful shutdown.
Action: No action is required. Use a forced shutdown command to ignore inflight work and shut down the server immediately.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110477: The unregisterResource operation for resource {0} timed out after {1} seconds.
Cause: It was requested that the specified resource be unregistered from the transaction manager and transactions that refer to the resource still exist on the server.
Action: Monitor inflight transactions to determine if there are still active transactions that depend on the unregistered resource. Options include using the Administration Console to manually resolve dependent transactions, or the resource may be redeployed for a sufficient period to allow the dependent transactions to complete.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110478: One-phase transaction [{1}] is in an unknown state for logging resource [{0}]. The transaction operations either all rolled back, or all committed, or are blocked. Transaction detail: [{2}]. Root cause: [{3}].
Cause: If the logging last resource is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shut down or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potential deadlock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit.
Action: Examine the exception caused by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110479: Two-phase transaction [{1}], with logging resource [{0}], is an unknown state. The transaction manager will periodically retry determining the state of the transaction every [{3}] seconds. When the state is determined, the remaining resources in the transaction will be either rolled back or committed accordingly. Transaction detail: [{2}]. Root cause: [{4}].
Cause: If the logging last resource is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shutdown or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potention dead-lock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit.
Action: Examine the exception caused by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem. Note that no action may be required as the transaction manager will periodically retry the transaction until it can automatically rollback or commit accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110480: The transaction manager is completing logging resource [{0}] transaction [{1}]. The transaction, which was previously in an unknown state, is now resolved and in the [{2,choice,0#rollback|1#commit}] state.
Cause: See previous log messages for the same transaction to determine the root cause.
Action: See previous log messages for the same transaction to determine the root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110482: A logging last resource (LLR) failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless all configured LLRs initialize. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: If the logging last resource is a JDBC LLR connection, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shut down or crashed, the database connection may have failed during boot, or the database connection may have incorrect database permissions.
Action: Examine the root exception thrown by the LLR to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110483: The JTA health state has changed from {0} to {1}.
Cause: An internal event has caused the JTA health state to transition to the normal state. Refer to previous health log entries for the conditions that have been corrected to trigger the state change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110484: The JTA health state has changed from {0} to {1} with reason codes: {2}.
Cause: Refer to the message body for information regarding the events that caused the health change.
Action: Refer to the message body for the cause of the JTA state change and take the appropriate action to correct the exception condition.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110485: The JTA health state has changed from {0} to {1} with reason codes: {2}.
Cause: Refer to the message body for information regarding the events that caused the health change.
Action: Refer to the message body for the cause of the JTA state change and take the appropriate action to correct the exception condition.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110486: Transaction {0} cannot complete commit processing because resource [{1}] is unavailable. The transaction will be abandoned after {2} seconds unless all resources acknowledge the commit decision.
Cause: The resource may have been undeployed or is unresponsive and declared unavailable.
Action: Check for related server log messages that may provide additional details regarding the state of the resource. If the resource is undeployed, deploy the resource or the application module if the resource is application scoped. If a problem exists with the resource manager, correct the problem and redeploy the resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110487: Transaction {0} cannot complete rollback processing because the pending resource [{1}] is unavailable. The transaction will be abandoned after {2} seconds unless all resources acknowledge the rollback decision.
Cause: The resource may have been undeployed or is unresponsive and declared unavailable.
Action: Check for related server log messages that may provide additional detail regarding the state of the resource. If the resource is undeployed, deploy the resource or the application module if the resource is application scoped. If a problem exists with the resource manager, correct the problem and redeploy the resource.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110488: The LLR resource(s) {0} are not available and may contain transaction commit records required for recovery processing. Recovery of XA resources will not occur until these resources are deployed.
Cause: Prior to server restart, one or more global transactions were processed that had a LLR participant and may not have completed before the server was restarted. This potentially left a commit record in a LLR resource and prepared resource transaction branches that are awaiting a commit or rollback decision from the coordinator.
Action: Redeploy the specified LLR resources, wait for all in progress transactions to complete, and shut down the server gracefully.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110490: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke Commit on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack, or alternately, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110491: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke AckPrePrepare on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110492: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke CheckStatus on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110493: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke AckCommit on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110494: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke NakCommit on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110495: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke AckRollback on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110496: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke NakRollback on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110500: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke GetSubCoordinatorInfo on a SubCoordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110501: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke GetProperties on a SubCoordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110502: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke Recover on a SubCoordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110503: The migrator (the Administration Server for manual JTA migration policy or the Singleton Master for automatic JTA migration policy) is not available. Will skip JTA TRS failback because isStrictOwnershipCheck is [false]. This may lead to potencial TLOG corruption if the TRS of {0} has been migrated to a backup server and the backup server is accessing the TLOG of {0}. More safety can be achieved by setting isStrictOwnershipCheck to [true].
Cause: The Administration Server or Singleton Master is not running or cannot be reached.
Action: Start Administration Server or Singleton Master before starting any Managed Server in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110504: There was an error advertising TransactionSynchronizationRegistry object: {0}.
Cause: There may be a problem with the JNDI provider or another object is already bound to this context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-110505: An attempt was made to set an invalid TRANSACTION_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_PROPERTY_KEY for transaction property: keys must be number and values must be between -1 and max value of integer.
Cause: See the message detail.
Action: Change the application to assign the proper TRANSACTION_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_PROPERTY_KEY property value.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111001: The Transaction Manager is being started in standalone mode and will not be able to participate in distributed transactions.
Cause: There are no suitable RMI or JNDI providers configured.
Action: Configure the appropriate RMI and JNDI context providers.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111002: The Transaction Manager is being started in distributed mode.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111003: An error occurred while creating the transaction log persistent store: {1}.
Cause: Refer to the associated exception.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111004: Transaction could not set CoordinatorURL to use AdminChannel downgrading {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111005: An in-progress XA operation for transaction {0} on resource {1} could not complete within {2} seconds, or was interrupted. Allowing subsequent calls to proceed.
Cause: The call to the resource manager may have been affected by a server or network problem and could have been interrupted.
Action: Verify that the resource manager is functioning properly and accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111006: Transaction could not set CoordinatorURL to use SSL URL downgrading {0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111007: The commit operation for one-phase transaction {0} on resource {1} encountered an error. {2}
Cause: Refer to the resource exception in the error message and any appropriate resource-specific error logs.
Action: Determine if administrative operations are required in the resource to resolve the transaction branch.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111008: Transaction Log failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless Transaction Log initialize. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111009: activateDeployments failed during initialization. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111010: SetPrimaryStore failed. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111011: A Transaction Log PrimaryStore failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless configured Transaction Log Primary Store initialize. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Examine the root exception thrown by the Transaction Log Primary Store to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111012: SetPrimaryStore close failed when retry. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111013: Recover JDBCStore init store exception: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-111014: There is a naming conflict for resource = [{0}]. This resource is being registered by this server and has already been registered in: [{1}].
Cause: This resource is trying to be registered as a NonXAResource but was already registered as an XAResource.
Action: Correct the configuration either by making the resource name unique or by making the resource consistently either an XAResource or a NonXAResource.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-114089: User [{0}] is not authorized to invoke ackPrepare on a Coordinator.
Cause: This might be a symptom of a potential security attack or, alternatively, a problem with the "system" security identity of the server.
Action: Verify that the client software is not directly invoking an internal WebLogic Server system object.

Level: 1


Impact: JTA

BEA-119000: One-phase transaction [{1}] for logging last resource [{0}] is in an unknown state.
Cause: If the LLR is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shut down or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potential deadlock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit.
Action: Examine the root exception generated by the LLR to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119001: Two-phase transaction [{1}] for logging last resource [{0}] is in an unknown state.
Cause: If the LLR is a database, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shut down or crashed during the call to local commit, the database connection may have failed, the database local transaction may have timed out, or the database may have detected a potential deadlock condition introduced by application operations within the local commit.
Action: Examine the root exception generated by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119002: A LLR failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless all configured LLRs initialize. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: If the LLR is a JDBC LLR connection, there are a number of possible root causes. Among them are: the database may have shut down or crashed, the database connection may have failed during boot, or the database connection may have incorrect database permissions.
Action: Examine the root exception generated by the LLR resource to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119003: LLR [{0}] failed during initialization, as one of its records is corrupted. Failure reason: {1}
Cause: The cause is unknown, but could be possible disk corruption.
Action: Examine the root exception generated by the LLR to determine the root cause of the problem. Possible solutions are: restore LLR resource tables from backup, delete the failing LLR table (which risks producing heuristic hazards), or contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119004: The user-preferred server of JTAMigratableTargetMBean [{0}] cannot be set to [{1}].
Cause: The value of the user-preferred server is invalid. It must be [{0}].
Action: Change the value of the user-preferred server of JTAMigratableTargetMBean [{0}] from [{1}] to [{0}].

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119005: JTA subsystem failed. A forced shutdown of the server was done because the server is in automatic JTA migration mode.
Cause: The JTA subsystem failed.
Action: JTA Transaction Recovery Service will be automatically migrated to back up the server.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-119006: A Transaction Log Primary Store failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless the configured Transaction Log Primary Store initialize. Failing reason: {0}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Examine the root exception generated by the Transaction Log Primary Store to determine the root cause of the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: JTAExceptions

BEA-130000: Insertion of {0} into XML entity cache rejected. Entity size, {1}, exceeded cache size, {2}.
Cause: The cache may be too small or a specific item might be very large. The worst case is that this indicates a denial of service attack.
Action: No action is required. However, performance will be best if items are cached.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130001: Entity cache appears to be broken. This impacts the performance of XML parsing.
Cause: Unknown
Action: No action is required. However, performance will increase if items are cached. Also the cache provides a backup in the case of a network failure. While the cache is not operating, this backup is not in effect.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130002: The entity that was just put in the cache cannot be retrieved: "{0}". Timeout may be too short.
Cause: Usually this indicates that the entity timeout was set to a very small value. Otherwise, there is some unknown problem with the cache module itself.
Action: No action is required, but XML parse performance will be impacted. Also, there is no cached copy to act as a backup in the event of a network failure.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130003: Could not instantiate the specified factory class. {0}.
Cause: The class name of the factory was not correct or it was not in the CLASSPATH.
Action: Check the CLASSPATH or verify the Administration Console entry or MBean value.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130006: XML cache warning for registry {0}: entry rejection due to entry being larger than the cache memory size. entry: {1} Entry memory size: {2}
Cause: The entry is larger than the cache.
Action: No action is required unless the item should be cached next time. If so, increase the cache memory size.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130007: XML cache event: memory purge of {0} entries of combined size {1}. Current memory usage is {2} bytes.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130008: XML cache event: disk purge of {0} entries of combined size {1}. Current disk usage is {2} bytes.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130009: XML cache warning for registry {0}: entry persist attempt rejected due to entry being larger than the cache disk size. Status changed to transient. entry: {1} entry disk size: {2}
Cause: The size of the entry on the disk exceeds the allocated disk space.
Action: No action is required. If the entry should be persisted next time, increase the disk size of the cache.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130010: XML cache event for registry {0}: entry added. entry: {1}, entry memory size: {2}, storage type: {3}, current memory usage (bytes): {4}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130011: XML cache event for registry {0}: entry deleted. entry: {1}, entry memory size: {2}, entry disk size: {3}, current memory usage (bytes): {4}, current disk usage (bytes): {5}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130012: XML cache event for registry {0}: entry persisted. entry: {1}, entry disk size: {2}, current disk usage (bytes): {3}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130013: XML cache event for registry {0}: entry loaded. entry: {1}, entry memory size: {2}, current memory usage (bytes): {3}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130014: XML cache event: statistics checkpointed.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130015: XML cache event: cache created. current memory usage (bytes): {0}, current disk usage (bytes): {1}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130016: XML cache event: cache loaded. Current memory usage (bytes): {0}, current disk usage (bytes): {1}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130017: XML cache event: cache closed. current disk usage (bytes): {0}

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130018: XML cache error: cache file {0} is corrupted. Creating new cache from scratch.
Cause: The cache file was corrupted. This normally does not occur.
Action: The server should be restarted. If a backup of the cache files exists, restore the cache files, and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130019: XML cache error for registry {0}: entry file {1} is corrupted. Removing from cache. entry: {2}
Cause: The cache file was corrupted. This normally does not occur.
Action: The server should be restarted. The entry will be re-cached on the next access of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130020: XML cache error: statistics file {0} is corrupted, reinitializing. Previous statistics are lost.
Cause: The cache file was corrupted. This normally does not occur.
Action: The server should be restarted.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130021: XML cache error for registry {0}: entry file {1} cannot be written. Status changed to transient. entry: {2}
Cause: This is often a file protection issue.
Action: Determine why the file cannot be saved and make the appropriate adjustments.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130022: XML cache error: cache file {0} cannot be written.
Cause: This is often a file protection issue.
Action: Determine why the file cannot be saved and make the appropriate adjustments.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130023: XML cache error: statistics file {0} cannot be written. There are no futher cache statistics for this session.
Cause: This is often a file protection issue.
Action: Determine why the file cannot be saved and make the appropriate adjustments.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130024: XML cache error for registry {0}: out of memory loading entry. Entry removed from cache. entry: {1}, file: {2}
Cause: The entry might be unusually large or perhaps the JVM heap size is too small.
Action: Check the size of the rejected entry. If entries of that size need to be handled, increase the heap size.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130025: XML cache error: out of memory loading cache. Cache not opened. file: {0}
Cause: The cache file is not large, so memory usage is almost full.
Action: Increase the JVM heap size.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130026: XML cache error: out of memory loading statistics. File: {0}
Cause: The cache file is not large, so memory usage is almost full.
Action: Increase the JVM heap size.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130027: XML cache warning: the requested memory size of the XML cache, {0}, exceeds the available memory, {1}.
Cause: Either the provided parameters are not in sync with the usage, or a lot of the available memory is being used.
Action: Reduce the cache size or increase the JVM heap size. If there should be more available memory, determine what is using all of the available memory.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130028: XML cache warning: the requested memory size of the XML cache, {0}, is a large percentage of the available memory, {1}.
Cause: Either the provided parameters are not in sync with the usage, or something is using a lot of the available memory.
Action: Reduce the cache size or increase the JVM heap size. If there should be more available memory, determine what is using all of the available memory.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130029: XML cache error: an unexpected error occurred in the XML cache. {0}
Cause: The cause is unknown.
Action: Refer to the associated text at the end of the message and contact My Oracle Support for help resolving the error.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130030: XML cache error for registry {0}: the file, {1}, representing entry {2} cannot be read.
Cause: The file is read-protected.
Action: Check the access rights of the file and make the appropriate changes.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130031: XML cache error: the cache file, {0}, cannot be read.
Cause: The file is read-protected.
Action: Check the access rights of the file and make the appropriate changes.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130032: XML cache error: statistics file {0} cannot be read.
Cause: The file is read-protected.
Action: Check the access rights of the file and make the appropriate changes.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130033: Parser or DocumentBuilder cannot be created to satisfy the configuration requested. {0}
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Verify that the factory that creates the parser and the properties or features set on this parser are configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130034: Failed to parse the given XML document. {0}
Cause: An error occurred in the structure of the XML document.
Action: Verify the XML syntax of the document.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130035: Failed to open XML document. {0}
Cause: The file does not exist.
Action: Check the file name, the file location and its associated permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130036: Initializing XMLRegistry

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-130037: The stack trace associated with message {0} follows:
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: XML

BEA-140008: Internal error. Failed to save configuration changes to the configuration repository - {0}.
Cause: The config.xml file is either write-protected, or the user that started the server is not authorized to write to this file or directory.
Action: Ensure that the operating system user who starts the server has authorization to write to the config.xml file and that the config.xml file is not write-protected.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-140013: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141009: Error occurred in the file distribution servlet while processing the request type "{0}", {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141010: Error occurred in the file distribution servlet and received an unacceptable request of type "{0}".
Cause: An invalid request was made to the file distribution servlet.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141011: The file distribution servlet failed to distribute the security properties file, because the file was not found at the configured location: {0}.
Cause: The identified file was not available to the Administration Server.
Action: Verify the configuration of this file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141021: The cluster property {0} was ignored because the server is not part of a cluster.
Cause: A non-applicable cluster property was specified at server startup.
Action: Modify the configuration to identify that this Managed Server is, in fact, a member of a cluster, or eliminate the specification of the cluster property from the start command.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141023: An error occurred while setting the attribute value in the MBean proxy {0}, method {1} with value {2} ({3}).
Cause: An invalid attribute value was specified.
Action: Verify that the provided attribute value (specified either in the configuration or through a dynamic setting) is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141051: The operation failed with message: {0}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Take action based upon the details of the provided error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141052: The auto deployment poller has started.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141053: The auto deployment poller has not started for the production server.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141062: The user does not have permission to perform {1} operation on MBean {0}. Method = {3}, attribute = {2}
Cause: No access control list (ACL) permissions are defined for the user to complete this operation.
Action: The system administrator must add ACL permissions in order for the user to perform this operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141063: The user does not have permission to perform {1} operation on MBean {0}. Method: {2}.
Cause: The user has no defined access control list (ACL) to perform this MBean operation.
Action: The system administrator must define permissions in order for the user to perform this MBean operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141071: The file distribution servlet failed to distribute the embedded LDAP initial replica data file because the file was not found at the configured location: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error that should not occur during normal operation.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141073: Migration task ({0}) - {1}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141076: No module with URI ({1}) was found in ({0}).
Cause: The application is potentially misconfigured relative to this module.
Action: Verify that the application archive and its descriptors are correctly configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141077: An error occurred during the parsing of descriptors for {0}. Exception {1} occurred.
Cause: Refer to the exception details for the exact cause of this parsing error.
Action: Take action based upon provided exception details to either correct the identified component or its descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141078: A descriptor initialization error occurred for module {0} in EAR file {1}. Creation of the temporary file {2} failed.
Cause: The extraction of the EAR file failed due to an I/O error. See the logged for details.
Action: Ensure that the file referred to in the exception can be created, and there is no directory by the same name.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141081: The file distribution servlet failed to distribute the embedded LDAP initial replica data file due to the following error: {0}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141086: An error occurred while setting a value for {0}.
Cause: The specified command line property provided an invalid value for attribute {0}.
Action: Verify that the specified command line property provides a valid attribute value.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141087: Property: {0} is not a recognized MBean attribute or special property used for management. It is most likely being used by subsystems and will continue to work as expected if it is a supported option.
Cause: An unrecognized property has been specified on the start command.
Action: Eliminate the invalid properties from the start command.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141089: Starting the server based on the WebLogic Server 6.x configuration directory structure.
Cause: The startup directory does not contain the config.xml configuration file. The file was located in the config/domain directory.
Action: Start the server from the directory that contains the domain configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141102: Subject: {0} does not have access to perform {1} actions.
Cause: Either the named subject is not allowed to perform this action and is appropriately being denied this access, or the named subject should be allowed to perform this action and the role membership of the subject is not properly configured.
Action: Contact the system administrator to modify role definitions.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141107: Version: {0}
Cause: This is normal system initialization processing.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141124: An invalid system property was specified while booting the server {0}.
Cause: The server might have been started using an invalid system property. For example, starting the server using java -D weblogic.Server will generate this exception.
Action: Correct the invalid system property.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141126: The configuration file {0} is read-only.
Cause: This occurs when the write permissions on the file are not set to allow the user that booted the server to write to the config.xml file. Write access is often intentionally denied in production environments.
Action: In many cases, write access is intentionally denied. In such cases, this is just an informational message. If the file needs to be writable, change the permissions on the file or ask the system administrator to do so.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141133: The Name attribute cannot be modified after the MBean {0} has been created.
Cause: The Name attribute is being modified by a setName operation.
Action: Specify the name of the MBean during creation.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141145: An attempt was made to connect to the Administration Server without credentials.
Cause: The requirement to supply credentials on all requests was added in version 8.1 of the product. It is most likely that an old version of a utility is being used that is not properly supplying these credentials. It is also possible that this represents an attempt to compromise the server.
Action: Determine the source of the request. If it is a legitimate request, ensure that updated software is being used which properly supplies the credentials. It is also important to restrict access to the Administration Server. Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation to ensure that all of the proper security precautions have been taken.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141146: An attempt was made to connect to the Administration Server by the user {0} and a password which does not match.
Cause: The requirement to supply credentials on all requests was added in version 8.1 of the product. In this case, the password is not valid for the specified user. This may be the result of supplying an improper user name and password when using the deployment utilities.
Action: Determine the source of the request. If it is a legitimate request, ensure that updated software which properly supplies the credentials is in use. It is also important to restrict access to the Administration Server. Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation to ensure that all of the proper security precautions have been taken.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141147: An attempt was made to upload a file to the Administration Server by the unauthorized user {0}.
Cause: The requirement to supply credentials on all requests was added in version 8.1 of the product. In this case, the user specified is not configured with the authorization to upload files.
Action: To enable the user to upload files to the Administration Server, it is necessary that the user be added to the administrator or deployer role. Alternatively, it is possible to authorize a user specifically for "FileUpload". Consult the WebLogic Server documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141148: An invalid attempt was made to download a {1} resource from the Administration Server by the unauthorized user {0}.
Cause: The requirement to supply credentials on all requests was added in version 8.1 of the product. In this case, the credentials of the user that is being used to boot the Managed Server are used to authorize the request. That user is not authorized to access files of the type {1}.
Action: Ensure that the proper credentials are being used to initiate the connection. In most cases, this involves ensuring that the credentials being used to boot the Managed Server are properly authorized on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141149: An invalid attempt was made to connect to the Administration Server with a salt of {0} and a signature of {1}, likely due to private key mismatch.
Cause: The requirement to supply credentials on all requests was added in version 8.1 of the product. In this case, the password is not valid for the specified user. This may be the result of supplying an improper user name and password when using the deployment utilities.
Action: Determine the source of the request and ensure that the Managed Server and the Administration Server share the same security credential. That credential is stored in the domain configuration and distributed at server startup. In this case, where the Managed Server is booted using a configuration that is different from that of the Administration Server, perhaps in Managed Server independence mode. Refer to the WebLogic Server documentation to ensure that all of the proper security precautions have been taken.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141151: The Administration Server could not be reached at {0}.
Cause: The Administration Server is not available at the specified URL or the URL is not specified in the correct format, such as http://myhost:7001.
Action: Ensure that the Administration Server is running at the specified host and port. Check that the URL is specified in the correct format. The URL is specified by the protocol://host:port, for example http://myhost:7001.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141187: Java system properties are defined as follows: {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141190: The commit phase of the configuration update failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the commit of the update.
Action: Retry the activate. Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141191: The prepare phase of the configuration update failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the prepare of the update.
Action: Ensure that the update is valid. Take action based upon the provided exception details, make any required changes, change the changes, and retry the activate.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141192: The read of the edit lock file failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the read of the edit lock file.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details. Try to get the edit lock again.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141193: The write of the edit lock file failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the write of the edit lock file.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details. Try to get the edit lock again.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141194: The registration of the configuration subsystem with the deployment subsystem failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the registration of the configuration subsystem.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details. Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141196: The Managed Server could not update the configuration files during the registration with the deployment service. The update failed due to an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the update of configuration files.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details, make any required changes, and try to restart the Managed Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141197: The deployment of {0} failed.
Cause: An exception occurred during a resource deployment.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details, make any required changes, and try to restart the Managed Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141198: The undeployment of {0} failed.
Cause: An exception occurred during a resource undeployment.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details, make any required changes, and try to restart the Managed Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141199: In the compatibility MBean server, the operation {1} on the MBean {0} modified the configuration without starting an edit session and activating the changes.
Cause: The impact information was incorrect for the MBean operation.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support as this is an internal coding error that should not occur.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141200: Detected a domain that was created from an earlier release of WebLogic Server. The domain will be upgraded to the current {0} release.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141201: Unable to modify the configuration using the compatibility MBean server, as other changes are pending. Activate the pending changes before modifying the configuration with the compatibility MBean server.
Cause: The configuration was not modified because pending changes were present.
Action: Activate the changes before using the compatibility server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141202: The addition of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141203: The addition of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141204: The addition of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141205: The removal of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141206: The removal of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141207: The removal of the bean {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141208: The modification of the property {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141209: The modification of the property {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141210: The modification of the property {0} failed during the activate phase because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141211: An attempt to initialize the property {0} failed because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141212: An attempt to initialize the property {0} failed because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141213: An attempt to initialize the property {0} failed because of {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141214: The add of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141215: The add of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141216: The add of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141217: The removal of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141218: The removal of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141219: The removal of the bean {0} failed. The encountered exception was {1}
Cause: See the exception message for more information on the cause of this error.
Action: The exception message may have more information about the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141220: A required class was not found while upgrading the domain. This could be possible if the security provider JAR files were not upgraded to conform with WebLogic Server version 9.0. Upgrade these providers using java weblogic.Upgrade -type securityproviders.
Cause: The security provider JAR files were not upgraded to conform with new WebLogic Server 9.0 classes.
Action: Run the upgrade tool to upgrade the provider.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141221: An error occurred while performing an undo of unactivated changes in the compatibility MBean server: {0}.
Cause: See the exception message for more information.
Action: Check the exception message for more detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141223: The server name {0} specified with -Dweblogic.Name does not exist. The configuration includes the following servers {1}.
Cause: The -Dweblogic.Name command line property specifies a server that does not exist in the configuration.
Action: Check the configuration for the list of configured servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141224: The Administration Server is not reachable.
Cause: This could be a network issue.
Action: Check the status of the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141225: The delete of pending directory file {0} failed.
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the file.
Action: Ensure that no processes have the file open for write.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141226: An invalid deployment service prepare callback with ID {0} was received.
Cause: This indicates an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141227: Making a backup copy of the configuration at {0}.
Cause: This happens during certain server lifecycle transitions and during configuration changes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141228: An attempt to back up the configuration to {0} failed with {1}.
Cause: See the message text for the exception message.
Action: Check the exception information included in the message text.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141229: The upgrade process has been canceled by the user. The server process will not be started.
Cause: The server startup cannot proceed without upgrading the domain.
Action: Upgrade the domain, and then start the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141230: Could not locate the descriptor file for System Resource: {0}.
Cause: The descriptor file could not be located in the specified path.
Action: Ensure that the descriptor file is in the appropriate location.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141231: Could not register the JSR object: {0}.
Cause: There are many possible causes for this warning.
Action: Look at the stack trace and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141232: Could not decrypt the {1} attribute value of {2} from the file {0}. The edit session has been canceled. The decryption failed with the exception {3}.
Cause: An invalid encrypted value was found in the edit lock file.
Action: Start a new edit session.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141233: Could not decrypt the edit lock file {0}. The edit session has been canceled. The decryption failed with the exception {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred when decrypting the edit lock file.
Action: Start a new edit session.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141234: A rollback of a dynamic change failed. The message for the failure is "{0}". The cause of the exception is "{1}".
Cause: See the message body for the cause.
Action: Look at the possible causes of this error. The cause may give some indication of the possible actions to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141237: Extraneous text found in the config.xml file: {0}.
Cause: This is generally caused by mistakes in hand-edited config.xml files. The config.xml file is a valid XML document, however, the extraneous text is not related to any MBean attributes.
Action: Review the config.xml file for mistakes, such as extra delimeters near the text listed in the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141238: A non-dynamic change has been made which affects the server {0}. This server must be rebooted in order to consume this change.
Cause: This happens when one or more of the changes made to the configuration affect non-dynamic settings. When this occurs, the affected Managed Servers are determined, and those servers are not updated when the change is activated. In order to consume the change, these servers must be rebooted.
Action: Reboot the named server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141239: The non-dynamic attribute {1} on {0} has been changed. This may require redeploying or rebooting configured entities.
Cause: This happens when one or more of the changes made to the configuration affect non-dynamic settings.
Action: The required action, if any, will be indicated in a later log message.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141240: Found a version {0} config.cml file, but expected a version 9 or higher config.xml file. This could happen if an attempt to boot was made from the config directory rather than the domain root.
Cause: This could happen if an attempt was made to boot from the config directory rather than the domain root. Otherwise, the configuration could be corrupted.
Action: Ensure that the config.xml file is not corrupted and that the boot is attempted from the domain root.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141241: Found a version {0} config.xml file, but expected a pre-version 9 config.xml file. This could happen if an attempt was made to boot from the config directory rather than the domain root.
Cause: This could happen if a 9.x config.xml file was put in the top level, rather than in the config directory.
Action: Ensure that the config.xml file is in the correct location in the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141242: Invalid configuration version found at {1} version = {0}.
Cause: WebLogic Server found a config.xml file with a version that does not match any known version of the product.
Action: Ensure that the version string in the config.xml file is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141243: The property {0} in element {1} has been deprecated in version {2} - {3}.
Cause: The config.xml file contained elements that have been deprecated.
Action: Replace or remove the deprecated configuration artifacts.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141244: Schema validation errors while parsing {0} - {1}.
Cause: The WebLogic Server configuration files are defined by a schema. When parsing these files, they are validated against the schema. This warning indicates that there were problems found during validation. The problems may or may not be fatal, depending on the setting of the system property weblogic.configuration.schemaValidationEnabled.
Action: See the error details for more information on the validation problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141245: Schema validation error in {0}. See the log for details. Schema validation can be disabled by starting the server with the command line option: {1}.
Cause: The WebLogic Server configuration files are defined by a schema. When parsing these files, they are validated against the schema. This warning indicates that there were problems found during validation. The problems may or may not be fatal, depending on the setting of the system property weblogic.configuration.schemaValidationEnabled.
Action: See the error details for more information on the validation problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141246: The configuration directory {0} does not exist.
Cause: The server was booted from a directory that does not contain a configuration directory.
Action: Ensure that the server is booted from a valid domain directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141247: The configuration directory {0} does not exist, and the Administration Server is not available.
Cause: The configuration directory is missing and the Administration Server is not available to download a copy. In this case, the Managed Server cannot boot.
Action: Ensure that either the server is booted from a valid domain directory or that the Administration Server is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141248: The configuration directory {0} is missing the file {1}.
Cause: The server was booted from a directory that does not contain a valid domain configuration.
Action: Ensure that the server is booted from a valid domain directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141249: The configuration directory {0} is missing the file {1}, and the Administration Server is not available to download it.
Cause: The server was booted from a directory that does not contain a valid configuration, and the Administration Server is unavailable to download the current configuration files.
Action: Ensure that either the server is booted from a valid domain directory or that the Administration Server is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141251: The attribute {1} from the element {0} was introduced in version or later and is not valid in a pre-9.0 config.xml file.
Cause: An attribute that was introduced in release 9.0 or later was found in a pre-9.0 config.xml file.
Action: Verify that the upgrade process correctly handles the named elements by reviewing the upgraded configuration files.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141252: The domain version {0} is greater than the release version {1} of this server.
Cause: The DomainVersion in the configuration used by the Administration Server is not compatible with the release version of this Managed Server.
Action: Update the WebLogic Server installation for this server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141253: An error occurred while loading the configuration translator {0} : {1}.
Cause: The message includes the specific cause.
Action: Repair or remove the configuration translator.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141254: Generating new domain directory in {0}.
Cause: There was no domain directory at the specified location. Either a command line option or user input specified creation of the domain, so generation of the domain is commencing.
Action: No action is required. The domain directory will be generated, and the server will continue to boot normally.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141255: Domain generation completed in {0} milliseconds.
Cause: A new domain has been generated.
Action: No action is required. The server will continue to boot normally.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141256: A RuntimeException occurred while adding or removing a configuration element: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141257: An exception occurred while translating a configuration file: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141258: An exception occurred while constructing an ObjectName: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141259: An exception occurred while sending a Notification: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141260: An exception occurred while removing a Notification: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141261: An exception occurred while unregistering a Notification: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141262: An exception occurred while adding a Filter: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141263: An exception occurred in an MBean customizer: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141264: An exception occurred in an MBeanProxy: {0}.
Cause: See the exception text for details.
Action: The message includes information on the root cause. Review this message to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141265: Could not get the configuration lock used to serialize access to the configuration files.
Cause: The lock could not be obtained before the specified timeout period had elasped.
Action: Verify the configuration files and ensure that no server has hung, thereby not releasing the lock.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141266: Parsing failure in {0}: {1}.
Cause: This error occurs when the configuration file has invalid XML syntax or other errors.
Action: Validate the contents of the configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141267: Parsing failure in {0} on line {1}: {2}.
Cause: This error occurs when the configuration file has invalid XML syntax or other errors.
Action: Validate the contents of the configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141268: Parsing failure in {0} on line {1}, column {2}: {3}.
Cause: This error occurs when the configuration file has invalid XML syntax or other errors.
Action: Validate the contents of the configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141269: The temporary bean tree {0} was allocated for an undo, get, or activate operation, but has not been garbage collected.
Cause: The temporary bean tree has not been garbage collected.
Action: Repeat the specified operation and determine if memory usage in the server is increasing.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141270: Could not get the configuration lock used to serialize access to configuration files. Retrying for another {0} seconds.
Cause: Another server was reading or writing to the configuration files, and the lock could not be obtained before the specified timeout period had elasped.
Action: No action is required. If the configuration subsystem fails to get the lock, and the number of retries is exhausted, a different message with error severity will be displayed.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141271: An IOException occurred while recording setAttribute {1} on MBean {0}. Exception: {2}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141272: An IOException occurred while recording invoke {1} on MBean {0}. Exception: {2}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141273: An upgrade framework class was not found. Exception: {0}. The configuration and upgrade framework component may not have been installed.
Cause: The configuration and upgrade framwork component may not have been installed.
Action: Install the Configuration Wizard and pgrade framework component by running the installer again.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141274: Production mode has been specified at the command line using the the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled system property. This system property overrides the development mode setting contained in the config.xml file. However, the Administration Console and WLST show the attribute values and defaults that correspond to the development mode specified in the config.xml file.
Cause: The command line overrides are not persisted to the config.xml file.
Action: If the Administration Console or WLST should display production mode defaults for attributes, then enable production mode in the Administration Console or WLST and activate the changes.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141275: Development mode has been specified at the command line by setting the weblogic.ProductionModeEnabled system property to false. This system property overrides the production mode setting contained in the config.xml file. However, the Administration Console and WLST show the attribute values and defaults that correspond to the production mode specified in the config.xml file.
Cause: The command line overrides are not persisted to the config.xml file.
Action: If the Administration Console or WLST should display development mode defaults for attributes, then enable development mode in the Administration Console or WLST and activate the changes.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141276: An exception occurred while obtaining the class for interface {0}. The exception is: {1}
Cause: A resource or classloader issue caused the class lookup to fail.
Action: See the underlying exception to troubleshoot further.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141277: The JMX MBean PlatformMBeanServerUsed attribute is true, but the Platform MBeanServer was created without the hooks for the WebLogic Server security infrastructure. The Platform MBeanServer will not be used and Platform MBeans will not be available using the WebLogic Server Runtime or Domain Runtime MBeanServers. This can occur if Platform MBeanServer system properties or JVM options (-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote or JRockit -XManagement) were defined. To allow the Platform MBeanServer to be used, either remove the system properties and JVM options or start WebLogic Server with the following system property: -Djavax.management.builder.initial=weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerBuilder To eliminate this log error if Platform MBeans do not need to be available when using WebLogic Server, set the PlatformMBeanUsed attribute in the JMXMBean to false.
Cause: A system property was specified that caused the Platform MBeanServer to be created before the WebLogic Server Runtime MBeanServer.
Action: Remove the system properties or start WebLogic Server with the following system property: -Djavax.management.builder.initial=weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerBuilder.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141278: Java entropy configuration is: {0}.
Cause: This message is informational and is printed every time WebLogic Server starts.
Action: Change your jave entropy configuration, if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141279: Detected BLOCKING java entropy configuration. This is the most secure setting, but may cause performance issues on machines with few sources of entropy.
Cause: This message is informational and is printed every time WebLogic Server starts.
Action: Change your jave entropy configuration, if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141280: Detected NON-BLOCKING java entropy configuration. This setting will provide the best performance on machines with few sources of entropy, but is less secure than a blocking entropy configuration.
Cause: This message is informational and is printed every time WebLogic Server starts.
Action: Change your jave entropy configuration, if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141281: A ForeignJNDIProvider named {0} has two child ForeignJNDILinks named {1} and {2}, which both have the same LocalJNDIName {3}. This duplication of LocalJNDIName is invalid.
Cause: Two links cannot share the same LocalJNDIName because it would be unclear as to which remote JNDI name to link to.
Action: Change the LocalJNDIName of one of the ForeignJNDILinks.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141282: Server name {0} not found in domain {1}.
Cause: A managed server is started with -Dweblogic.Name with a value that is not configured in the domain.
Action: Specify the correct value of the param -Dweblogic.Name.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141283: Server name could not be determined.
Cause: Either the name is not specified or the specified name does not exist in the config.xml file.
Action: Specify the correct value of the -Dweblogic.Name parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141284: A deprecated MBean for {0} has been removed from the current version of WebLogic Server but still exists in an application configuration file.
Cause: A deprecated MBean for {0} has been removed from the current version of WebLogic Server but still exists in an application configuration file.
Action: Update the configuration file to remove the deprecated MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141285: The network access point property {0} was ignored because the specified network access point name was not found.
Cause: The specified network access point does not exist in the configuration.
Action: Modify the system property, and specify a valid network access point name.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141286: The creation of the dynamic server failed with an exception.
Cause: An exception occurred during the creation of the dynamic server.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details, make any required changes, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141287: No matching machines were found based on the MachineNameMatchPrefix property. No machine has been calculated for servers from dynamic servers {0}.
Cause: The MachineNameMatchPrefix did not match any of the existing machines in the domain.
Action: Set the MachineNameMatchPrefix property so it matches the machine names in the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141288: Unable to obtain file lock but will retry.
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: If WebLogic Server fails to start because it was unable to obtain the file lock, then the lock files need to be removed manually before restarting WebLogic Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141289: Upgrade of 8.1 or prior domains is no longer supported. Convert the {1} from version {0} to 10.x format using weblogic.Upgrade.
Cause: WebLogic Server found a config.xml file with a version that is no longer supported.
Action: Upgrade the config.xml file to a newer version using weblogic.Upgrade from a 10.3 or lower version of the product.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141290: Configuration plug-in not found for component type "{0}" in location "{1}"
Cause: The plug-in JAR file was not found.
Action: Verify the installation to ensure that the plug-in was installed correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141291: A system component for component type "{0}" was not defined in config.xml. The file "{1}" will not be distributed to the external server.
Cause: The system component is not defined in config.xml
Action: Define the corresponding system component in config.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141292: A machine was not specified in the system component "{0}" in config.xml. The file "{1}" will not be distributed to the external server.
Cause: The machine for the system component is not defined in config.xml
Action: Define the corresponding machine in the system component in config.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141293: Bad CAM replication exclusive file {0} : {1}.
Cause: See the error message for details.
Action: Correct the error in the CAM replication exclusive file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141294: Found invalid entries in CAM replication exclusive file {0}: {1}.
Cause: There are invalid entries in the file.
Action: Correct the invalid entries in the file.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141295: Unable to contact Node Manager on "{1}". Activation for system component "{0}" is deferred until "{1}" becomes available.
Cause: Contact with Node Manager on "{1}" could not be made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141296: Unable to contact Node Manager on "{1}". Activation for system component "{0}" is deferred until "{1}" becomes available.
Cause: Contact with Node Manager on "{1}" could not be made.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141297: Could not get the server file lock. Ensure that another server is not running in the same directory. Retrying for another {0} seconds.
Cause: Another server is running and still has the server lock.
Action: Check to see if another server is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-141298: Could not register with the Administration Server: {0}
Cause: A network connection failed or an IO exception occurred.
Action: Check the underlying exception and determine why the managed server could not connect to the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Management

BEA-149000: Unable to create DeployerRuntimeMBean.
Cause: This may occur if an error at the JMX level exists.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149001: No application named "{0}" exists for operation {1}
Cause: The application name was likely misspelled.
Action: Verify that the application is correctly named.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149002: The source file was not provided for activation of application: "{0}".
Cause: Source files do not exist for the application to be deployed.
Action: Make source files available for the application to be deployed in the said path.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149003: Unable to access application source information in "{0}" for application "{1}". The specific error is: {2}.
Cause: Source files for the application to be deployed are not accessible.
Action: Ensure that no other process is using the source file(s).

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149004: Failures were detected while initiating {1} task for application "{0}".
Cause: Task creation can fail for many reasons.
Action: Check the error message and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149007: New source location, "{0}", cannot be deployed to the configured application, "{1}". The application source is at "{2}". Changing the source location is not allowed for a previously attempted deployment. Try deploying without specifying the source.
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to change the source location for a previously configured application.
Action: Deploy the application with the same source location that was configured in the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149011: Some of the targets in the deployment request are not configured in this domain. The named targets are: "{0}".
Cause: This error occurs when a deployment request is made to a target that is not configured.
Action: Ensure that the target list in the request is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149013: Application "{0}" does not define the module, "{1}". {2} are the known valid module(s) for this application.
Cause: Incorrect deployment information was provided in the activate request.
Action: Ensure that the module information in the request is accurate. If adding modules, ensure that the source file is specified again so that it is reloaded and any new modules are deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149014: Target "{0}" is not defined.
Cause: Incorrect deployment information was provided in the activate request.
Action: Ensure that the target information in the request is accurate.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149015: Unable to add "{0}" to component "{1}".
Cause: The component is already targeted to the server, cluster, or virtual host.
Action: Check the target list.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149021: Rejecting {2} request for application "{1}". The specified ID, {0}, is already being used.
Cause: A {1} request included an ID provided by a user that is already assigned to another task.
Action: Choose a different ID or allow the system to allocate an ID for the request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149025: An invalid attempt was made to target a non-Web application component, "{1}", in application "{0}" to a virtual host, "{2}".
Cause: An invalid attempt was made to target a non-Web application to virtual hosts.
Action: Correct the target list.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149026: {2} application {0} on {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message about the task description.
Action: This is an informational message about the task description.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149027: Unable to activate the application "{1}" from source "{0}". Reason: {2}
Cause: The application was improperly defined.
Action: Define the application properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149028: An invalid path, "{1}", was specified for the application "{0}".
Cause: The configured path for this application does not exist.
Action: Provide the application files in the specified location.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149031: The staging mode of "{0}" is invalid. The legal values are "stage" or "nostage".
Cause: An invalid staging mode has been specified.
Action: Specify a valid staging mode for the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149032: An attempt to restart a task has been rejected. The task has already been started.
Cause: This error results if start is called on a task that has already been started.
Action: Do not call start on a task that has already been started.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149033: {2} application {0} on {1}.
Cause: An application-level deployment notification has been reported.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational log message.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149034: An exception occurred for task {0}: {1}.
Cause: An error occurred while reporting the application status.
Action: The error may be due to server instability. Check the health of the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149035: Module {0} reported error: {1}.
Cause: The deployment request failed.
Action: Check the exception log and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149038: Initiating task for {1} : {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149040: An attempt to change the staging mode for the application "{0}" has been rejected.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the staging mode for the application.
Action: The staging mode cannot be changed once it is set. Try deploying again without changing the staging mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149043: The staging mode cannot be changed for an application that has already been configured. The staging mode change has been rejected for application "{0}" from {1} to {2}.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the staging mode on an application.
Action: Try deploying without changing the staging mode.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149045: An attempt to add cluster target "{0}" was rejected, since cluster member "{1}" is also targeted by module "{2}". Targeting to a cluster member results in different behaviors than targeting to the entire cluster.
Cause: A cluster member is already in the target list of the module.
Action: Remove the cluster member from the target list, or re-target the cluster member rather than the cluster itself.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149048: An attempt to add server target "{1}" to module "{2}" has been rejected. This is because its parent cluster, "{0}", is also targeted by the module.
Cause: The module is already targeted to a cluster that contains the server.
Action: Remove the cluster from the target list or remove the cluster member from the target list.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149054: An attempt to add a virtual host target "{0}" to a non-Web application module "{1}" has been rejected.
Cause: An EJB or connector was attempting to target a virtual host.
Action: Remove the host from target list.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149055: Adding server {1} of cluster {0} as a target for module {3}. This module also includes server {2} that belongs to this cluster as one of its additional targets. Having multiple individual servers of a cluster as targets instead of having the entire cluster as the target can result in non-optimal load balancing and scalability. Therefore, this is not usually recommended.
Cause: The module is already targeted to a different cluster member.
Action: Target the entire cluster to the module.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149058: Distribute can only have stage as its staging mode. Application "{0}" has {1} as its staging mode.
Cause: This is an unexpected error.
Action: Specify a valid staging name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149059: Module {1} of application {0} is transitioning from {2} to {3} on server {4}.
Cause: A module is being deployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149060: Module {1} of application {0} successfully transitioned from {2} to {3} on server {4}.
Cause: A module is being deployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149061: Module {1} of application {0} failed to transition from {2} to {3} on server {4}.
Cause: An error was encountered during a module deployment.
Action: Details of the specific failure are documented in the associated log entries. Take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149062: The task containing ID {0} cannot be canceled, since it has already completed execution.
Cause: An attempt has been made to cancel a deployment task that has completed execution.
Action: Do not attempt this operation on a completed task.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149066: Unable to deploy application "{0}", because module "{1}" does not provide a valid URI.
Cause: The application is incorrectly configured.
Action: Provide a URI for the module, or remove the application from the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149068: This is an unexpected exception.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149069: Deploying {0} using a deprecated protocol.
Cause: The application is configured with TwoPhase=false or is not a recognized type of application. For example, an application that is not an EAR file (no application.xml) but has multiple modules will not be deployed with the two-phase protocol.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149073: The application "{0}" has no configured modules.
Cause: The application is improperly configured.
Action: The application will be marked as undeployable. After resolving configuration issues with the application, the administrator can retry the deployment.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149074: Successfully completed deployment task: {0}.
Cause: A deployment operation was requested.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149078: Stack trace for message {0}
Cause: A deployment failure occurred.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149080: A partial update of an archived application is not allowed. Application "{0}" cannot be redeployed.
Cause: There was an attempt to partially redeploy an archived application.
Action: Try deploying the entire application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149081: Cannot {2} application, "{0}", with version "{1}". The application was previously deployed without a version.
Cause: An attempt was made to {2} a versioned application when it was previously deployed without a version.
Action: Try {2} without a version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149082: Cannot {2} application "{0}" without a version. The application was previously deployed with version "{1}".
Cause: An attempt was made to {2} an application without a version when it was previously deployed with a version.
Action: Try {2} with a version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149083: An attempt was made to activate the application "{0}" when stop was in progress.
Cause: An attempt was made to activate the application "{0}" when stop was in progress.
Action: Try to activate the application "{0}" again after the stop is done. If it is a graceful stop, stop the application forcefully to end the graceful stop immediately.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149085: No application version was specified for application "{0}". The {2} operation will be performed against the currently active version "{1}".
Cause: No application version was specified for the operation.
Action: Verify that the currently active version is the desired version for the operation. If not, perform the operation again with the -app_version operation to specify a particular version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149086: The application {0} is being retired gracefully.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149087: The application {0} will be retired after {1} seconds.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149088: The retirement for application {0}, which was scheduled to happen after {1} seconds, is canceled.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149089: An attempt was made to activate the application "{0}" when retirement was in progress.
Cause: An attempt was made to activate the application "{0}" when retirement was in progress.
Action: Try to activate the application "{0}" again after the retirement is done. If it is a graceful retirement, undeploy the application to end the graceful retirement immediately.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149091: An attempt was made to deploy application "{0}" with specified archive version "{1}". However, the application archive, as specified in the source, has version "{2}".
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to specify a version that is different from the manifest version of the application archive in the source location.
Action: Perform the deployment again without specifying the version, or specify version "{2}" instead of "{1}".

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149092: The source is not specified for the deployment operation of application "{0}", and the expected version is "{1}". However, the application archive at the source location for a previous deployment of version "{1}" now has version "{2}".
Cause: The source is not specified for the deployment operation of application "{0}", and the expected version is either explicitly specified or the currently active version. However, the application archive at the previously configured source location of the expected version has a different manifest version.
Action: Perform deployment again specifying either the source location or version "{2}".

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149093: No version specified for the versioned application named "{0}" for operation {1}, and no active version is available.
Cause: The version was not specified for the operation when no currently active version was available.
Action: Specify the version of the application for the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149094: New version "{1}" of application "{0}" cannot be deployed to the source location, "{2}". The source location is the same as the nostage source location of a previously deployed application version "{3}".
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to deploy a new application version with the same source location as the nostage source location of a previous application version.
Action: Deploy the new application version with a different source location. Also ensure that the old application source is still available at the old nostage source location.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149095: The application {0} is being retired now.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149096: Operation {1} is deprecated and cannot be applied to versioned application "{0}". Use operation {2} instead.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform the deprecated operation {1} on a versioned application. Use operation {2} instead.
Action: Use operation {2} instead.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149097: The retirement for application "{0}" failed.
Cause: This may happen due to a problem in accessing the persistent store or an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149098: An attempt was made to gracefully undeploy the application "{0}" when retirement was in progress.
Cause: An attempt was made to gracefully undeploy the application "{0}" when retirement was in progress.
Action: To stop the graceful retirement, force the application to undeploy.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149099: Unexpected errors occurred while sending deployment event {1} on behalf of application "{0}".
Cause: Deployment event listeners that are registered to receive a deployment event generated unexpected exceptions when processing the deployment event {1} on behalf of application "{0}".
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149100: Unexpected errors occurred while sending a vetoable deployment event on behalf of application "{0}".
Cause: Deployment event listeners registered to receive a vetoable deployment event generated unexpected exceptions when processing the deployment event {1} on behalf of application "{0}".
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149101: Application "{0}" is not deployed on target "{1}". Therefore, it cannot be undeployed or removed. The requested operation {2} is valid only on the deployed targets of the application.
Cause: Incorrect target information was provided in the {2} operation request.
Action: Ensure that the target information in the request is accurate.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149102: Production redeployment is not supported for application "{0}", which is of module type {1}. Production redeployment is supported for the following module types only: {2}. If not attempting to perform production redeployment, try deploying without a version.
Cause: Attempt was made to perform production redeployment for an unsupported module type.
Action: Ensure that the module type is supported before performing production redeployment. Or, try deploying again without a version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149103: An exception occurred while executing task {0} for application "{1}": {2}.
Cause: An exception occurred while executing the deployment task for the application.
Action: If it is an application error, correct it if possible. If it is a system error, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149104: Update request for "{0}" does not specify any descriptors to be updated
Cause: The deployment plan does not include any module overrides.
Action: Ensure that the deployment plan is properly constructed.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149105: An attempt was made to deploy a library located at "{2}" with name "{0}", which is different from the one specified in the manifest of the library: "{1}".
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to specify a name that is different from the one in the manifest of the library in the source location.
Action: Perform deployment again without specifying the name of the library.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149106: An attempt was made to deploy a library located at "{0}" without specifying a name, and the library does not have "Extension-Name" specified in its manifest.
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to deploy a library without specifying a name, and the library module does not have "Extension-Name" specified in its manifest.
Action: Perform deployment again specifying the name of the library either during deployment or in the manifest of the library, using the "Extension-Name" attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149107: An attempt was made to deploy library "{0}" with specified specification version "{1}" and implementation version "{2}". However, the library manifest has specification version "{3}" and implementation version "{4}".
Cause: This error occurs when an attempt is made to specify a version that is different from the manifest version of the library.
Action: Perform deployment again without specifying the version or after specifying the same version as specified in the manifest.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149108: Failures were detected while initiating {0} task.
Cause: Task creation can fail for many reasons.
Action: Check the error message and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149110: An exception occurred while processing the completion of the task {0}, {1}. The active application version state may not have been updated.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149111: Application "{0}" is non-versioned, and an attempt was made to redeploy application "{0}" with the source. Redeploying with the source is only allowed when redeploying a new version of a versioned application. Try redeploying again without specifying the source.
Cause: An attempt was made to redeploy with the source specified for a non-versioned application "{0}". Redeploy again without specifying the source.
Action: Try redeploying again without specifying the source.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149112: Application "{0}" is already deployed, and the attempt was made to redeploy application "{0}" again with source. Redeploying with the source is only allowed when redeploying a new version of the application. Try redeploying again without specifying the source or with a new version.
Cause: An attempt was made to redeploy with the source specified for application "{0}", but application "{0}" was already deployed. Redeploy again without specifying the source or with a new version.
Action: Try redeploying again without specifying the source or redeploy with a new version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149113: Cannot deploy or redeploy application "{0}" because the maximum number of application versions ({2}) for application "{1}" has been exceeded. Currently deployed versions are: "{3}".
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy or redeploy application "{0}" when the maximum number of application versions ("{2}") for application "{1}" has been exceeded.
Action: Try undeploying the existing application version(s) before deploying or redeploying the new version(s).

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149114: Cannot deploy or redeploy application "{0}" with version identifier "{1}" because the maximum length of the version identifier ({2}) has been exceeded.
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy or redeploy application "{0}" with version identifier "{1}" that exceeded the maximum length ({2}).
Action: Try reducing the version identifier length when deploying or redeploying the application version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149115: Cannot deploy or redeploy application "{0}" with invalid version identifier "{1}". Version identifiers may only contain alphanumerics, period, underscore, and hyphen and must be less than 215 characters in length.
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy or redeploy application "{0}" with invalid version identifier "{1}".
Action: Try changing the version identifier to a valid one when deploying or redeploying the application version. Version identifiers can only consist of alphanumeric, period, underscore, or hyphen characters and must not be "." or "..".

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149116: Cannot obtain the deployment configuration.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149117: {2} library {0} on {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message about the task description.
Action: This is an informational message about the task description.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149118: "{1}" is not targeted to "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to undeploy the application from a target where it is not deployed.
Action: Correct the target list for the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149119: Different targets cannot be specified when deploying a new version "{1}" of application "{0}". The targets specified, "{3}", are different from those of the previous version, "{2}".
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy a new application version with targets that are different from that of the previous version.
Action: Try deploying again without specifying targets, or specify the exact same target as the previous version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149120: The plan version "{1}" cannot be specified when deploying a non-versioned application "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy a non-versioned application with a plan version.
Action: Try deploying again with an application version or without the plan version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149121: Rejecting {1} request for application {0} because the deployment service is not started.
Cause: A deployment operation was attempted when the server was starting or shutting down.
Action: Perform the deployment operation again after the server has started or before the server has shut down.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149122: Deployment perations on internal application "{0}" are not permitted;.
Cause: Deployment operations are not permitted on internal applications.
Action: Do not attempt any deployment operations on internal applications.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149123: The application "{0}" currently has security model "{1}", and an attempt was made to redeploy the application again with a different security model "{2}". The specified security model will be ignored for the current deployment operation. To change the security model, undeploy the application and deploy it again with the new security model.
Cause: An attempt was made to redeploy the same application with a different security model.
Action: Undeploy the application and deploy it again with the new security model.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149124: Failures were detected while initiating {1} task for application "{0}". Error is: "{2}"
Cause: Task creation can fail for many reasons.
Action: Check the error message and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149125: No application version was specified for the {0} operation of application "{1}". The {0} operation will be performed against the retired application version "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149126: No application version was specified for the {0} operation of application "{1}". The application version "{2}" will not be removed as its retirement is still in progress. Oracle recommends that the application version "{2}" be undeployed explicitly after the retirement is done. An explicit undeploy of the application version can also be performed before retirement is done; however, exercise caution as this may interrupt inflight work.
Cause: No application version was specified for the {0} operation of application "{1}".
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149127: Failures were detected while initiating "{0}" task. Error is: "{1}"
Cause: Task creation can fail for many reasons.
Action: Check the error message and take appropriate actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149128: The "{1}" option was specified for the {0} operation of application "{2}". The {0} operation will be performed against the retired application version "{3}".
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149129: The "{1}" option was specified for the {0} operation of application "{2}". The {0} operation will be performed against the retiring application version "{3}". Note that retirement is still in progress for version "{3}" and any inflight work will be interrupted.
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149130: The "{1}" option was specified for the {0} operation of application "{2}". The {0} operation will be performed against the currently active version "{3}".
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149131: Cannot perform operation {2} because application "{0}" is in state {1}
Cause: The application is no longer active.
Action: Ensure that the application is active. Deploy again if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149132: Split directory application {0} can only be deployed on the Administration Server.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform the deployment operation on the split directory application on a server other than the Administration Server.
Action: For split directory application {0}, perform deployment operations on the Administration Server alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149133: Auto-deployed application {0} can only be deployed on the Administration Server.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform the deployment operation on the auto-deployed application on a server other than the Administration Server.
Action: For auto-deployed application {0}, perform deployment operations on the Administration Server alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149134: A redeploy was performed without specifying -source for the archived versioned application "{0}". Partial update of an archived application is not allowed. To perform production redeployment of versioned applications, specify -source with the redeploy operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to partially redeploy an archived application.
Action: Specify -source for production redeployment, or redeploy the entire application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149135: Operation {2} cannot be performed since application "{0}" is not deployed on the target "{1}".
Cause: Operation {2} could not be performed because the application was not deployed on the provided target.
Action: Rery with a valid target.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149137: {0} is an invalid path for partial redeployment. The URI of the file or directory to be redeployed should be relative to {1}, the root of the enterprise application, or to the standalone module being redeployed.
Cause: The file could not be located in the application.
Action: Use a valid specification for the file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149138: A subset of the originally configured targets for the application "{0}" was specified. This can potentially lead to out-of-sync applications between the different server targets. The targets specified, "{2}", are different from those of the previous version, "{1}".
Cause: A deployment operation was performed on an existing application with a subset of the originally configured targets.
Action: If the application content has changed since the last operation, Ensure that all configured targets are updated. To do so, repeat the operation without specifying targets in order to automatically use the configured targets.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149139: Application "{0}" is targeted to cluster "{1}", and provided the target for {3} operation is "{2}". The {3} operation on a subset of the targeted clustered servers is not supported.
Cause: The {3} operation was attempted on one or more servers in the targeted cluster.
Action: Retry with the targeted cluster, or undeploy from the cluster and deploy to the desired individual servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149140: The task cannot be processed further until the current edit session is activated. When this occurs, task processing will continue. The user can exit the deployer tool without affecting the task.
Cause: The user is the current owner of the domain configuration edit lock.
Action: Activate (or cancel) the edit session. The user can exit the deployer tool without affecting the task.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149141: The AppDeploymentMBean already exists for application "{0}".
Cause: The AppDeploymentMBean already exists for application "{0}".
Action: Ensure that different applications do not have the same name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149142: Cluster target "{0}" is configured with no servers, and therefore configuration is updated.
Cause: A deployment to a cluster target was attempted, but the cluster contains no servers.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149143: Submodule targets in an application must be specified with the correct module name.
Cause: A submodule target was specified incorrectly.
Action: Ensure that the submodule target was specified with the correct syntax and with the correct module name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149145: Unable to contact "{0}". Deployment is deferred until "{0}" becomes available.
Cause: Contact with "{0}" could not be made. Deployment is deferred until "{0}" becomes available.
Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149146: Attempt to reach the Administration Server with alternate URL: "{0}" failed.
Cause: The attempt to reach the Administration Server with the alternate URL: "{0}" failed.
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149147: Could not reach the Administration Server through any of its URLs: "{0}".
Cause: The Administration Server could not be reached through any of its URLs: "{0}".
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149148: Exception occurred while receiving a message on loopback.
Cause: An exception occurred while receiving a message on loopback.
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149149: Malformed URL: "{0}".
Cause: The URL: "{0}" was malformed.
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149150: An IOException occurred while reading the input.
Cause: An IOException occurred while reading the input.
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149151: Could not find a registered DeploymentReceiver to handle requests for "{0}".
Cause: A registered DeploymentReceiver could not be found to handle requests for "{0}".
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149152: No deployment request for which to set up the context.
Cause: No deployment request for which to set up the context.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149153: A "prepare" message was received for ID "{0}" that has already been completed or canceled.
Cause: A "prepare" message was received for ID "{0}" that has already been completed or canceled.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149154: A "get deployments response" message was received for ID "{0}" that has no request. It may have already been completed or may have been canceled.
Cause: A "get deployments response" message was received for ID "{0}" that has no request. It may have already been completed or may have been canceled.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149155: Received "get deployments response" message "{0}" while already handling one. Ignoring the second request.
Cause: A "get deployments response" message "{0}" was received while another was being handled. The second request was ignored.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149156: Illegal state for operation start: "{0}".
Cause: The start operation was called on an application that either had an update pending or was used with the administration mode flag.
Action: To move the application from active to administration mode, use the stop operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149157: There is nothing to do for task "{0}".
Cause: There is nothing to do for task "{0}".
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149158: No application files exist at "{0}".
Cause: No application files exist at "{0}".
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149159: There was an attempt to create a staging directory that is null.
Cause: There was an attempt to create a staging directory that is null.
Action: Ensure that the staging directory is properly configured. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149160: There was an attempt to create a staging directory for a null application name.
Cause: There was an attempt to create a staging directory for a null application name.
Action: Ensure that the application name is properly configured. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149161: This operation requires that a target be specified.
Cause: This operation requires that a target be specified.
Action: Ensure that the deployment request is complete and contains the required targeting information.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149162: This operation requires that a deployment plan be specified.
Cause: This operation requires that a deployment plan be specified.
Action: Ensure that the deployment request is complete and contains the required deployment plan information.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149163: The domain edit lock is owned by another session in non-exclusive mode. This deployment operation requires exclusive access to the edit lock and therefore cannot proceed. If using "Automatically Aquire Lock and Activate Changes" in the Administration Console, then the lock will expire shortly, so retry this operation.
Cause: The domain edit lock is owned by another session in non-exclusive mode. This deployment operation requires exclusive access to the edit lock and therefore cannot proceed.
Action: Ensure that the domain edit lock is available, and try again. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149164: The domain edit lock is owned by another session in exclusive mode. Therefore, this deployment operation cannot proceed.
Cause: The domain edit lock is owned by another session in exclusive mode. Therefore, this deployment operation cannot proceed.
Action: Ensure that the domain edit lock is available, and try again. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149165: Invalid target specified.
Cause: An invalid target was specified.
Action: See the exception cause and check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149166: Deployments cannot be triggered through configuration updates and through the Deployment APIs simultaneously.
Cause: Deployments cannot be triggered through configuration updates and through the Deployment APIs simultaneously.
Action: Ensure that the domain edit lock is available, and try again. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149167: No action was needed to commit the request for "{0}" on "{1}".
Cause: No action was needed to commit the request for "{0}" on "{1}".
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149168: Request "{0}" has already been completed or was canceled.
Cause: The request "{0}" has already been completed or was canceled.
Action: Check the preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by following one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149169: Requires server restart for completion.
Cause: In order to complete the action, the server must be restarted.
Action: Restart the required servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149170: Invalid targeting was specified for this operation. Module and submodule targets cannot both be specified for this type of request.
Cause: The operation specified both module and submodule targeting, which is invalid for this operation.
Action: Perform the operation separately for both module and submodule targets.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149171: Deferred deployment task: {0}
Cause: A deployment operation was requested with targets that were unreachable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149172: Deployment request {0} is affecting the system resource {1}, which involves a non-dynamic property {2} in {3}. Therefore, a restart of the resource or the appropriate server targets is required for the changes to be active.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating that deployment involves a non-dynamic property.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149178: Application "{0}" is targeted to cluster "{1}", and the provided target for {3} operation is "{2}". This can potentially lead to client request problems on the cluster.
Cause: An operation was performed on a subset of a cluster for an application targeted to the cluster.
Action: Ensure that the cluster properly serves requests by performing operations on the cluster rather then on individual servers within the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149181: Deployment service encountered an error while aborting the edit session before start. Initiator for this edit session is "{0}". Error is "{1}".
Cause: See the reported error.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149182: An invalid alternate descriptor was specified for the redeploy operation. Alternate descriptors cannot be changed during a redeploy operation.
Cause: An invalid alternate descriptor was specified for the redeploy operation. Alternate descriptors cannot be changed during a redeploy operation.
Action: Repeat the redeploy operation without the alternate descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149183: An invalid retiretimeout option was specified for the deploy operation. The retiretimeout option was specified as "{2}" for the initial deployment of application "{0}". Retirement policies must be set during the deploy or redeploy of the next version in order to apply to version "{1}" of "{0}".
Cause: An invalid retiretimeout option was specified for the deploy operation.
Action: Specify the retiretimeout option during the deploy or redeploy of subsequent versions in order for the retirement to occur correctly at that time.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149184: The application "{0}" was autodeployed and may only be redeployed by touching the REDEPLOY file in the domain autodeploy directory for the respected application.
Cause: Autodeployed applications cannot be redeployed through tools.
Action: See the WebLogic Server documentation on autodeployed applications for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149185: The application "{0}" was autodeployed and may only be deleted by removing the files from the domain autodeploy directory.
Cause: Autodeployed application cannot be undeployed through tools.
Action: See the WebLogic Server documentation on autodeployed applications for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149186: The application "{0}" was autodeployed and cannot be redistributed.
Cause: Autodeployed application cannot be redistributed.
Action: See the WebLogic Server documentation on autodeployed applications for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149187: An unexpected error occurred when specifying configuration information for the application "{0}" due to {1}.
Cause: Application configuration upgrade requires targeting information.
Action: Inspect the problematic application parts and deploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149188: No application named "{0}" exists for operation {1}. Operation cannot be performed until the server is restarted.
Cause: The application was created after non-dynamic changes were activated. The server needed to be restarted.
Action: Restart the server and then start the application. In the future, start the application before making non-dynamic changes to the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149189: An attempt was made to execute the "{0}" operation on an application named "{1}" that is not currently available. The application may have been created after non-dynamic configuration changes were activated. If so, the operation cannot be performed until the server is restarted so that the application will be available.
Cause: The application may have been created after non-dynamic changes were activated. The server needed to be restarted.
Action: Restart the server and then perform the operation on the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149190: Changes are pending from another session whose lock has expired. This deployment operation will not activate changes from another edit session and therefore cannot proceed. Either cancel the edit lock or activate the pending changes using the Administration Console or WLST.
Cause: Changes were made with an edit session that has now expired.
Action: Cancel the edit lock or activate the pending changes using the Administration Console or WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149191: Operation "{0}" on application "{1}" is initializing on "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message indicating deployment status change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149192: Operation "{0}" on application "{1}" is in progress on "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message indicating deployment status change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149193: Operation "{0}" on application "{1}" has failed on "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message indicating deployment status change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149194: Operation "{0}" on application "{1}" has succeeded on "{2}".
Cause: This is an informational message indicating deployment status change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149195: Operation "{0}" on application "{1}" has been deferred since "{2}" is unavailable.
Cause: This is an informational message indicating deployment status change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149196: Rejecting {1} request for application {0} because {2} request is running for the application.
Cause: A second operation for an application was requested when an operation for the application was runnning.
Action: Perform the operation again when the operation that is running is completed.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149197: Cannot perform operation {2} because application "{0}" is in state {1}
Cause: The application is in the wrong state for the operation.
Action: Ensure that the application is in the correct state before attempting the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149198: Cannot rename directory "{0}" to {1}.
Cause: The rename operation failed since the source directory is not present or there is a privilege issue.
Action: Check that the source directory is present and has the required permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149199: Security permissions declared in the "{0}" deployment descriptor are not allowed due to the server's configuration.
Cause: The server is configured not to allow Java security permissions to be declared in the Weblogic deployment descriptors.
Action: Remove Java security permissions from the deployment descriptor before re-deployment.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149202: Encountered an exception while attempting to commit the {0} task for the application "{1}".
Cause: The cause of this error is likely in the application or the application subsystem for that application type.
Action: Review the exception and attempt to repair the application level. Then re-initiate the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149205: Failed to initialize the application "{0}" due to error {1}
Cause: The cause of this error is likely in the application or the application subsystem for that application type.
Action: Review the exception and attempt to repair the application level. Then reinitiate the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149209: The Slave Deployer is resuming.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149229: Server "{0}" in cluster "{1}" is unable to initialize due to failed deployments.
Cause: This problem occurred due to failed deployments, which are already logged.
Action: Correct the deployment problem, and restart the server in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149231: Unable to set the activation state to {1} for the application "{0}".
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149233: An unexpected error occurred during the deployment process.
Cause: There was a problem with the internal implementation that was not anticipated.
Action: Report the error and any useful information needed to reproduce the problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149239: Application deployment failures were detected during startup of the Administration Server, "{0}", member of cluster "{1}".
Cause: One or more applications could not be deployed during the startup of the Administration Server.
Action: Oracle recommends that the Administration Server not be part of a cluster. One response to this warning is to remove it from the cluster and restart the Administration Server. Alternatively, review the Administration Server log to understand why the deployment failed, fix the problem, and redeploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149243: The internal application "{0}" could not be deployed. An attempt will be made to retry deploying this application after synchronizing the application files again.
Cause: It is likely that the internal staged directory was corrupt or there was a failure when deploying the staged application.
Action: No action is necessary if the retry succeeds. Otherwise, the nature of the failure should provide an indication of the problem and its resolution. If this is not clear, contact My Oracle Support with the relevant logs and configuration files.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149245: The deployment plan at "{0}" for application "{1}" does not define a valid deployment plan.
Cause: The application is configured with an incorrect deployment plan document.
Action: Deploy the application using a valid deployment plan.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149246: The security realm "{0}" does not support application versioning. Deployment of application "{1}" failed.
Cause: The security realm "{0}" does not support application versioning. The deployment of the application version failed.
Action: Deploy the application using a security realm that supports application versioning.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149247: Failed to transition the application "{0}" to running mode due to error {1}
Cause: The cause of this error is likely in the application or the application subsystem for that application type.
Action: Review the exception and attempt to repair the application level. Then reinitiate the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149248: Failed to transition the application "{0}" to administration mode due to error {1}.
Cause: The cause of this error is likely in the application or the application subsystem for that application type.
Action: Review the exception and attempt to repair the application level. Then reinitiate the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149250: Unable to unprepare the application "{0}".
Cause: This was an unexpected error.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149251: Operation {0} failed for application "{1}". Error: {2}
Cause: See the exception in the message body.
Action: Typically, no action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149252: No deployment "{1}" found for operation {0}.
Cause: See the message body.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149256: Failed to find deployment for application "{0}".
Cause: The cause of this error is likely that the deployment was not properly created, possibly because it may not have proper descriptors.
Action: Review the exception and attempt to repair the application level. Then reinitiate the deployment request.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149257: Rejecting the attempt to distribute application "{0}" while the application is running.
Cause: The application was not stopped.
Action: Stop the application or redeploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149258: The server failed to completely remove the staged files "{1}" for application "{0}". Check the directory and ensure that no other application is using this directory. This will result in inappropriate results when this server is partitioned and tries to deploy this application.
Cause: Another application might be using the files under a staging directory.
Action: Delete the appropriate staged files manually.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149259: Server "{0}" in cluster "{1}" is being brought up in administration state due to failed deployments.
Cause: This problem occurred due to failed deployments, which are already logged.
Action: Correct the cause of the deployment errors, redeploy the failed deployments, and resume or restart the server in the cluster.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149260: A failure occurred during application startup.
Cause: Check the error stack trace for details of the failure.
Action: Correct the cause of the application failure, if possible, and redeploy the application or restart the server. If it is an Oracle internal application, report it to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149264: Invalid redeploy attempt on application "{0}". There was an attempt to redeploy the application when the application was not running.
Cause: The application was stopped.
Action: Start the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149265: Failure occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID "{0}" for task "{1}". Error is: "{2}"
Cause: See the reported error in the message body.
Action: Start the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149266: Illegal state for operation deploy: "{0}".
Cause: The deploy operation was called on an application that was not new.
Action: Verify that the specified application name and operation are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149267: Cancel operation on deployment task "{0}" on server "{1}" failed.
Cause: See the underlying exception.
Action: Take action based on the underlying exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149268: Static deployment of non-versioned application "{0}" failed due to a version being defined in its manifest file.
Cause: The manifest file was modified with a version for a non-versioned application.
Action: Remove the application and redeploy it with a version.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149269: Static file redeployment and module level redeployment cannot be in the same deployment task. Check the usage.
Cause: The server cannot determine which type of redeployment should be processed.
Action: Correct the deployment option.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149400: Activating application: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149401: Removing application: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149403: Application {0} deployed from the applications directory has components that are deployed on servers other than the Administration Server. Refresh of static content (such as JSPs and HTML pages) will not be automatically propagated to the Managed Servers. To propagate your changes to the Managed Servers, you must redeploy the application by touching the REDEPLOY file.
Cause: This is a warning message only.
Action: Touch the REDEPLOY file to properly redeploy the application. The REDEPLOY file is located in the same directory as the deployment descriptor. For EAR files, it is located in META-INF/REDEPLOY.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149407: An error occurred while undeploying application {0} : {1}.
Cause: Undeployment can fail for many reasons.
Action: Review the error message and take corrective action.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149408: An exception occurred while deploying an application {0}: {1}.
Cause: Deployment of an application can fail for many reasons. Refer to the exception details.
Action: Review the exception. To redeploy the application after correcting the error condition, touch the file called REDEPLOY in the META-INF or WEB-INF directory of the exploded application.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149409: Caught exception while starting the applications poller on server start {0}.
Cause: A misconfigured application may be present in the applications directory.
Action: Review the exception message in the server log.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149410: Runtime deployment error while deploying - {0}.
Cause: The cause of this error is unknown.
Action: Refer to the runtime error in the message.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149411: I/O exception was encountered {0}.
Cause: An I/O exception can occur during file read/write while deploying an application.
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception message details.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149412: Application "{0}" is being redeployed, because it changed since the previous server run.
Cause: This application is deployed using auto-deployment. The application was modified while the server was down, hence it will be redeployed by the auto-deployment poller. Another possible cause is that the internal file used by the poller was removed or moved from disk. In that case, it assumes applications have changed.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message to explain why this deployment was redeployed after its deployment at startup.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149414: Could not create directory for autodeployed applications: {0}
Cause: This may be an error on the local file system of the Administration Server.
Action: Correct the error by creating the directory or making sure read/write permissions exist.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149415: An exception was encountered while migrating application poller applications {0}.
Cause: An exception occurred while modifying application's path.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149416: Application migrated {0} - {1}
Cause: This is informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149417: Another process is using the file "{0}". The server will attempt to deploy the application once it is unlocked by the other process.
Cause: Another process has a lock on the file that is in the hot deploy directory. The application could still be in the process of being copied.
Action: Ensure that no other process is attempting to lock part or all of this application file. If the copy is ongoing, then no action should be necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Poller

BEA-149500: An exception occurred while registering the MBean {0}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: This is an internal error and should be reported as a bug to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149501: An exception occurred while registering the MBean {0} at property {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: This is an internal error and should be reported as a bug to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149502: An exception occurred while unregistering the MBean {0}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: This is an internal error and should be reported as a bug to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149503: An exception occurred while unregistering the MBean {0} at property {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: This is an internal error and should be reported as a bug to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149504: The Administration Server was unable to establish JMX Connectivity with the {0} at the JMX Service URL of {1}.
Cause: This is likely due to a misconfiguration of the Managed Server. Often this is associated with the use of the administration channel.
Action: Ensure that the Managed Server adminstration ports are properly configured. It may be helpful to review the documentation on the administration channel configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149505: The Administration Server was unable to establish JMX Connectivity with the {0} at the JMX Service URL of {1}.
Cause: This is likely because the Managed Server is simply not running. It may indicated that the administration channels are not properly configured.
Action: Ensure that the Managed Server administration ports are properly configured. It may be helpful to review the documentation on the administration channel configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149506: Established JMX Connectivity with {0} at the JMX Service URL of {1}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149507: JMX Connectivity has been discontinued with the Managed Server {0}.
Cause: This message is logged whenever a Managed Server is shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149508: Unable to establish JMX Connectivity with the Administration Server.
Cause: This may have occurred because the Administration Server is not currently available or it may indicate a misconfiguration of the administrative channels.
Action: If the Administration Server is currently running, the administrator should consult the documentation on the administration channel configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149509: Unable to establish JMX connectivity with the Administration Server {0} at {1}.
Cause: This may have occurred because the Administration Server is not currently available or it may indicate a misconfiguration of the administrative channels.
Action: If the Administration Server is currently running, the administrator should consult the documentation on the administration channel configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149510: Unable to establish JMX Connectivity with the Administration Server {0} at {1}.
Cause: This may have occurred because the Administration Server is not currently available or it may indicate a misconfiguration of the administrative channels.
Action: If the Administration Server is currently running, the administrator should consult the documentation on the administration channel configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149511: Established JMX Connectivity with the Administration Server {0} at {1}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149512: JMX Connector Server started at {0}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149513: JMX Connector Server stopped at {0}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149515: An error was encountered getting the attribute {1} on the MBean {0} during a call to getAttributes.
Cause: This problem is the result of an internal error in the WebLogic Server JMX implementation.
Action: Report this message to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149516: An error was encountered when setting the attribute {1} on the MBean {0} during a call to setAttributes.
Cause: This problem is the result of an internal error in the WebLogic Server JMX implementation.
Action: Report this message to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149518: An attempt was made to unregister the {0} WebLogic Server MBean through JMX.
Cause: Avoid using the JMX API to unregister a WebLogic Server MBean.
Action: Use the WebLogic Server APIs to control the configuration of the server environment.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149519: The JMX Service URL {1} for Managed Server {0} was malformed.
Cause: The URL used to contact a Managed Server was malformed.
Action: See the exception included with this message to determine the proper action.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149520: An attempt was made to register an MBean with ObjectName {0} ObjectName in com.bea domain.
Cause: An attempt was made to register an MBean with the com.bea domain name.
Action: Register your MBeans with another domain name.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149521: An exception occurred during the processing of JMX Connectivity with the Administration Server: {0}
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details and troubleshoot based on that information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149522: No credentials were provided.
Cause: Credentials are required when connecting through Remote MAnagement Interface (RMI).
Action: Retry the connection, supplying a username and password.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149523: RmiServerManager not found.
Cause: This problem is the result of an internal error in the WebLogic Server JMX implementation.
Action: Report this message to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149524: JMX Connector Server started at "{0}".
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149525: JMX Connector Server stopped at "{0}".
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMX

BEA-149601: The deployment framework was unable to resume accepting requests.
Cause: This is an internal server error.
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149603: The deployment framework was unable to cleanly shut down.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149605: Failed to create App/Comp MBeans for AppDeploymentMBean {0}. Error - {1}.
Cause: An error was found in the AppDeploymentMBean.
Action: Reconfigure the AppDeploymentMBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149606: Failed to configure deployment MBean for {0}.
Cause: An error was found while configuring a deployment MBean.
Action: Review the application and reconfigure it.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149607: Failed to persist state for deployment with name {0}. {1}
Cause: See the exception for more details on the cause of this problem.
Action: See the exception. Undeploy and deploy after correcting the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149608: Unknown type of deployable: "{0}"
Cause: The type of deployable: "{0}" is unknown.
Action: See the exception and check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149609: AppRuntimeStateRuntime only available on the Administration Server.
Cause: AppRuntimeStateRuntime only available on the Administration Server.
Action: Ensure that the Administration Server is running and check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149610: Problems were encountered while creating the persistent store.
Cause: An exception occurred: {0}
Action: See the exception and check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149611: Problems were encountered while creating the persistent store.
Cause: An exception occurred: {0}
Action: See the exception and check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149612: Problems were encountered while saving to the persistent store for "{0}".
Cause: {1}
Action: See the exception and check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149613: Problems were encountered while deleting from the persistent store for "{0}".
Cause: {1}
Action: Check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149614: There were problems during the server disconnect for listener "{0}". {1}
Cause: {1}
Action: Check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149615: Unrecognized type: "{0}".
Cause: There was an unrecognized type: "{0}".
Action: Check for preceding messages in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149616: A critical internal application {0} was not deployed. Error: {1}
Cause: The cause of this error is unknown.
Action: Check for preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149617: Non-critical internal application {0} was not deployed. Error: {1}
Cause: An internal application may not have been installed.
Action: Install the WebLogic Server internal application by running the WebLogic Server installer and choosing the relevant option.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149618: Unable to deploy an internal management Web application - {0}. Managed Servers may be unable to start.
Cause: WebLogic Server was unable to find the relevant WAR files in RootDirectory/lib. This might also be an internal failure. See the exception stack trace for more details.
Action: If you are not running the server from the directory where WebLogic Server was installed, ensure that the value of the provided RootDirectory matches the directory where the WebLogic Server product was installed. Verify that a file with the application name in the log message (with a .war extension) is present in RootDirectory/lib. If not, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149619: The deletion of configuration file {0} failed.
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the file.
Action: Ensure that no processes have the file open for write. Ensure that the permissions on the directory allow for delete of this file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149621: An error occurred while the Administration Server was performing configuration recovery. Error is : "{0}".
Cause: See the exception details for the cause.
Action: Stop the server and do configuration recovery manually.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149622: Could not get file lock used to serialize access to configuration files.
Cause: The lock could not be obtained before the specified timeout period has elapsed.
Action: Verify the configuration files and ensure no server has hung, thereby not releasing the lock.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-149623: Unable to create DeploymentManagerMBean.
Cause: This may occur if an error at the JMX level exists.
Action: Report this problem to Oracle Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployer

BEA-150000: An error occurred while establishing a connection back to the Adminstration Server {0} during startup. Since bootstrap succeeded, check that {0} uniquely identifies the Administration Server.
Cause: An improper Administration Server URL has been specified, or the Administration Server is not available at the specified URL. Commonly this is because the Managed Server shares an adminstration URL with the Administration Server. Another possibility is that the host identified by {0}, or the local host, is not configured properly. For instance, an /etc/hosts or DNS lookup on the hostname results in a loopback address.
Action: Verify that the URL specified for the Administration Server is valid, unique and that the Administration Server is available and listening at the specified URL. A common problem is that the administration port is enabled and both the Administration Server and Managed Server are running on the same machine. In this instance a different administration port should be selected for the Managed Server. Another possibility is that the host identified by {0}, or the local host, is not configured properly. For instance, an /etc/hosts or DNS lookup on the hostname results in a loopback address.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150001: An error occurred while connecting to the Administration Server to bootstrap through the URL: {0}, user: {1}.
Cause: The Administration Server might currently be unavailable or the specified URL: {0} or username: {1} might be invalid.
Action: Confirm that the designated Administration Server is running and that the specified URL: {0} and username: {1} are valid for this configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150014: The Managed Server Independence feature is disabled for this server ({0}).
Cause: The specified Administration Server is either incorrect or not reachable on the network.
Action: Ensure that the Administration Server is running and reachable by this server, or set the ManagedServerIndependenceEnabled attribute on this server to true.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150018: This server is being started in Managed Server independence mode in the absence of the Administration Server.
Cause: The Managed Server was unable to communicate with the Adminstration Server at the provided URL because the specified Administration Server either was not running or was partitioned.
Action: Restart the Administration Server with Managed Server discovery enabled so that the running Managed Server can synchronize its configuration with the Administration Server and become centrally managed.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150020: The Managed Server could not reach the Administration Server at {0}.
Cause: The Managed Server was given a URL on which the Administration Server could not be contacted.
Action: Inspect the Administration Server address:port provided to the Managed Server that is being started. This address should be changed to point to the Administration Server rather than resolving locally on the Managed Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150021: The Administration Server failed to authenticate the identity of the user {0} starting the Managed Server. The reason for the error is {1}.
Cause: The username and password combination was not correct.
Action: Inspect the username and password of the user starting the Managed Server and supply the correct credentials. The username and password are specified on startup with -Dweblogic.management.username and -Dweblogic.management.password command line options to the java weblogic.Server command.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150024: The server name {0} is being started again as a Managed Server.
Cause: The Administration Server is being started as the Managed Server.
Action: Specify a different server name to start.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150026: The server {0} being started is at an invalid release level {1} with respect to the Administration Server {2}. The major version of the Administration Server must be less than or equal to the major version of the Managed Server.
Cause: A Managed Server of a different major release is attempting to start from the Administration Server.
Action: Point the Managed Server to an Administration Server at the correct release level.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150027: Server name {0} not found in domain {1}.
Cause: A Managed Server is started with -Dweblogic.Name with a value that was not configured in the domain.
Action: Specify the correct value of the parameter -Dweblogic.Name.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150028: A security failure or an exception occurred when retrieving the bootstrap information for the Managed Server.
Cause: An invalid username and password might have been supplied while starting the Managed Server.
Action: Supply the correct credentials. Take corrective action based on the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150032: The Managed Server did not provide any version details at initial contact.
Cause: A Managed Server of a different major and minor release is attempting to start from the Administration Server.
Action: Point the Managed Server to an Administration Server at the correct release level.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150034: An attempt was made to download the configuration for the server {0} without the required credentials.
Cause: This should not happen during normal operations and may represent an attempt to compromise the server.
Action: Identify the server from which the connection was made and ensure that the username and password are being properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150035: An attempt was made to download the configuration for the server {0} by the user {1} with an invalid password.
Cause: This should not happen during normal operations and may represent an attempt to compromise the server.
Action: Identify the server from which the connection was made and ensure that the username and password are being properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150036: An attempt was made to download the configuration for the server {0} by the unauthorized user {1}.
Cause: This should not happen during normal operations and may represent an attempt to compromise the server.
Action: Identify the server from which the connection was made and ensure that the username and password are being properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150038: A configuration file was found in the parent directory {0}, but the root directory is empty.
Cause: This message indicates that a configuration file exists in the parent of the root directory.
Action: If the specified root directory is not correct, then take appropriate action. Otherwise, this message may be ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150039: The server name could not be determined.
Cause: The name was not specified or the specified name does not exist in the config.xml file.
Action: Specify the correct value of the parameter -Dweblogic.Name.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150041: The server name {0} is unknown to the Administration Server. Check if restart is required.
Cause: The -Dweblogic.Name command line property specifies a server that does not exist in the configuration that is active on the Administration Server. This can occur if the Managed Server was added to the configuration along with non-dynamic changes that affect the Administration Server. In this case, the Administration Server must be restarted.
Action: Check to see if the Administration Server is marked as needing a restart. If it is, then restart the Administration Server before trying to start this Managed Server. Check the configuration for the list of configured servers.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150042: The -Dweblogic.management.server value of {0} does not specify a port that has administrator privileges. Change the startup command to specify a -Dweblogic.management.server value of {1}. This server will remain in Managed Server independence mode until it is started with a port that has administrator privileges.
Cause: The specified Administration Server port does not support the administrator traffic required to allow the Managed Server to communicate with the Administration server.
Action: Change the -Dweblogic.management.server property to specify a port that has administator privileges.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-150043: Cannot delete server {0} in domain {1} while the server is running. Please shut down the server in order to delete the server.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a static or dynamic Managed Server while it was still running.
Action: Shut down the server and retry the change that deleted the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Management

BEA-159900: USER {0} CREATED {1}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159901: USER {0} CREATE {1} FAILED {2}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159902: USER {0} REMOVED {1}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159903: USER {0} REMOVE {1} FAILED {2}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159904: USER {0} MODIFIED {1} ATTRIBUTE {2} FROM {3} TO {4}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159905: USER {0} MODIFY {1} ATTRIBUTE {2} FROM {3} TO {4} FAILED {5}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159907: USER {0} INVOKED ON {1} METHOD {2} PARAMS {3}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159908: USER {0} INVOKED ON {1} METHOD {2} PARAMS {3} FAILED {4}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159909: USER {0}, configuration auditing is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159910: USER {0}, configuration auditing is disabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-159911: Invalid number {0} was found while encrypting clear text passwords.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration Audit

BEA-160001: Error deploying {0}: {1}
Cause: The application is misconfigured. See the logged exception for more details.
Action: Check the config.xml to ensure that the component MBean is wrapped in a valid application MBean and that it has a valid URI and target attribute. Check the server log for errors.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160032: Unable to create mbean Name: {0} Type: {1} Exception: {2}
Cause: See message body.
Action: See exception message logged.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160039: Failed to undeploy a mail session.
Cause: There was a JNDI unbind error.
Action: Check the error that is reported in the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160040: Deployed MailSession named {0}

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160041: Undeployed MailSession named {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160069: Error while looking for Web services files: {0}
Cause: An IOException occurred while accessing Web services files.
Action: See the stack trace for details.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160083: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" could not be resolved. The ejb-jar file "{4}" could not be found in this EAR file.
Cause: The path to the target EJB does not exist in the application.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to the module containing the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160084: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the module "{2}" could not be resolved. The ejb-jar file "{3}" could not be found in this ear file.
Cause: The path to the target EJB does not exist in the application.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to the module containing the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160085: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" could not be resolved. The EAR module "{4}" does not contain an EJB with the name "{5}".
Cause: The specified EJB does not exist in the module.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160086: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the module "{2}" could not be resolved. The EAR module "{3}" does not contain an EJB with the name "{4}".
Cause: The specified EJB does not exist in the module.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160087: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" did not resolve to a bean with component interfaces. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The link did not resolve to a valid EJB.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160088: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the module "{2}" did not resolve to a bean with component interfaces. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The link did not resolve to a valid EJB.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160089: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" could not be resolved. No EJB named "{0}" with component interfaces exists in the application. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The specified EJB does not exist in the module.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160090: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the module "{2}" could not be resolved. No EJB named "{0}" with component interfaces exists in the application. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The specified EJB does not exist in the module.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160091: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" is ambiguous. The following list of application modules contain an EJB with the name "{0}": {4}. Qualify this ejb-link to remove the ambiguity.
Cause: The ejb-link is unqualified and resolves to multiple EJBs in the application.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a single EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160092: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the module "{2}" is ambiguous. The following list of application modules contain an EJB with the name "{0}": {3}. Qualify this ejb-link to remove the ambiguity.
Cause: The ejb-link is unqualified and resolves to multiple EJBs in the application.
Action: The ejb-link must be fixed to point to a single EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160093: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the {1} "{2}" for EJB "{3}" in the module "{4}" could not be established. The target of the ejb-link does not have {5} interfaces. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The ejb-link resolves to an EJB which does not expose interfaces compatible with the ref type.
Action: Ensure that the target of the ejb-link is correct. If it is, either add component interfaces to this EJB that are compatible with the ref type or change the ref type to be compatible with the interfaces exposed by the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160094: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the {1} "{2}" in the module "{3}" could not be established. The target of the ejb-link does not have {4} interfaces. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The ejb-link resolves to an EJB which does not expose interfaces compatible with the ref type.
Action: Ensure that the target of the ejb-link is correct. If it is, either add component interfaces to this EJB that are compatible with the ref type or change the ref type to be compatible with the interfaces exposed by the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160095: Warning: The {0} "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" has an invalid {4} element value "{5}". The target bean does not declare that {4} interface. Ensure that the values are correct.
Cause: The home or component interface name in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref does not match the home or component interface name of the target EJB.
Action: Ensure that the target of the ejb-link is correct. If it is, fix the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref so that the names of the home and component interfaces match the names of the home and component interfaces of the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160096: Warning: The {0} "{1}" in the module "{2}" has an invalid {3} element value "{4}". The target bean does not declare that {3} interface. Ensure that the values are correct.
Cause: The home or component interface name in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref does not match the home, component or business interface name of the target EJB.
Action: Ensure that the target of the ejb-link is correct. If it is, fix the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref so that the names of the home and component interfaces match the names of the home and component interfaces of the target EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160098: Unable to parse the file "{0}" because it uses an invalid encoding name, "{1}". All deployment descriptors must use an IANA or Java encoding name. Change the encoding of the descriptor to be a supported encoding.
Cause: The encoding name used by the deployment descriptor is not supported.
Action: Change the encoding name of the deployment descriptor to an IANA or Java encoding name.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160100: Could not deploy role: {0} for application: {1}.
Cause: The application could not deploy the role defined in application.xml.
Action: Ensure that the security is configured properly in the server. Also, check the stack trace for the exact cause.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160101: Error: The ejb-link "{0}" declared in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref "{1}" in the application module "{2}" could not be resolved. The target EJB for the ejb-ref could not be found. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The target of the ejb-link could not be found in the application.
Action: Fix the ejb-link to point to a valid EJB.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160104: Invalid local reference in application {0}. A local reference from module {1} to {2} is not allowed because the referencing module does not have visibility to the classes of the referenced module.
Cause: The current module does not have visibility to the classloader of the EJB being referenced.
Action: Look at the classloader organization defined by the classloader-structure element in weblogic-application.xml and ensure that the calling module is either using the same classloader as the module containing the referenced EJB or that the calling module is using a classloader that is an offspring of the classloader of the EJB module.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160106: ERROR: The source file, "{0}", could not be found.
Cause: The source file could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the specified source file exists and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160108: ERROR: Error accessing input file "{0}": {1}
Cause: The source file could not be accessed.
Action: Ensure that the source file is accessible and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160109: ERROR: Error copying files to the directory "{0}": {1}
Cause: The compiler was unable to extract the source archive to a directory. This can be caused by a lack of permission to write to the directory or a lack of disk space.
Action: Ensure that the directory is writable and that there is enough free disk space to extract the archive. Alternatively, manually extract the archive to a directory and specify the directory name as the appc argument instead of the archive.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160110: ERROR: appc could not create the working directory, "{0}". Ensure that this directory can be created and try again.
Cause: A directory was specified in the appc command and it could not be created. appc will not be able to finish compiling the application because of this.
Action: Ensure that the directory can be created and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160111: ERROR: appc can not write to the working directory, "{0}". Ensure that you have write permission for this directory and try again.
Cause: The specified directory is not writable.
Action: Ensure that the directory is writable and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160112: Error: The directory, "{0}", does not contain a valid module. If the directory represents an EAR file, it must contain a META-INF/application.xml file. If the directory represents an ejb-jar file, it must contain a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file. If the directory represents a WAR file, it must contain a WEB-INF/web.xml file. Ensure that the source directory is a valid module and try again.
Cause: The specified directory does not contain a valid module to compile.
Action: Ensure that the specified source directory contains a valid module and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160113: Error: The source file, "{0}", is not a valid ejb-jar file. To be valid, it must contain a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file.
Cause: The specified source file is not a valid ejb-jar file.
Action: Ensure that the specified source file is a valid ejb-jar file and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160114: Error: The source file, "{0}", is not a valid WAR file. To be valid, it must contain a WEB-INF/web.xml file.
Cause: The specified source file is not a valid WAR file.
Action: Ensure that the specified source file is a valid WAR file and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160115: Error: The source file, "{0}", is not a valid EAR file. To be valid, it must contain a META-INF/application.xml file.
Cause: The specified source file is not a valid EAR file.
Action: Ensure that the specified source file is a valid EAR file and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160117: appc is unable to continue processing file "{0}": {1}
Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified source file.
Action: Find the cause of the exception and take any necessary steps to remedy it.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160118: appc is unable to continue processing the file "{0}". The following error occurred while accessing it: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified source file.
Action: Find the cause of the exception and take any necessary steps to remedy it.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160119: appc is unable to process the file "{0}". The following error occurred: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified source file.
Action: Find the cause of the exception and take any necessary steps to remedy it.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160120: Error: The module, "{0}", is declared either in the application.xml or in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor but cannot be found in the EAR file.
Cause: The specified module cannot be found in the EAR file.
Action: Ensure that either the application.xml or the weblogic-application.xml declaration is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160121: Errors encountered while compiling module "{0}": {1}
Cause: Errors were encountered while compiling the specified module.
Action: Investigate the specific errors and take any recommended actions.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160122: Errors validating EAR file: {0}
Cause: Errors were encountered while validating the EAR file.
Action: Investigate the specific errors and take any recommended actions.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160123: ERROR: Could not create output archive, "{0}", restoring previous archive. The error was: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while creating the output archive.
Action: Investigate the specific error and take any necessary actions.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160124: ERROR: Could not create output archive "{0}". The error was: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while creating the output archive.
Action: Investigate the specific error and take any necessary actions.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160125: ERROR: Could not delete old backup file: {0}.
Cause: An old backup file could not be removed.
Action: Determine why the old backup file could not be deleted and remedy the problem. Manually deleting the old backup file prior to running appc should fix this issue.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160126: ERROR: Could not create backup file "{0}". The error was: {1}
Cause: The specified backup file could not be created.
Action: Determine why the backup file could not be created and remedy the problem. In particular, ensure that you have write permission to the specified file and that the disk is not full.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160127: ERROR: Could not delete previous archive: {0}
Cause: The specified archive could not be removed.
Action: Determine why the archive could not be deleted and remedy the problem. In particular, ensure that you have permission to modify the specified file.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160128: ERROR: Incorrect appc command. Too many arguments were given. The appc command only takes a single argument, the source file, in addition to the supported options.
Cause: Too many arguments were specified in the appc command.
Action: Correct the command and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160129: ERROR: The alt-dd "{0}", specified for application module "{1}", could not be found. Remove the alt-dd entry from the application.xml descriptor or ensure that it points to a valid deployment descriptor.
Cause: The specified alt-dd could not be found.
Action: Remove the invalid alt-dd entry from application.xml or ensure that it points to a valid deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160130: ERROR: The application level alt-dd "{0}", specified in the appc command, could not be found. Ensure that the alt-dd points to a valid deployment descriptor or remove it from the command line.
Cause: The specified alt-dd could not be found.
Action: Correct or remove the invalid alt-dd setting in the appc command.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160132: Warning: The {0} "{1}" for EJB "{2}" in the module "{3}" has an ejb-ref-type of {4} but the ejb-link does not resolve to an EJB of that type. Ensure that the ejb-link and ejb-ref-type are correct.
Cause: The ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref resolves to an EJB of a different type than is declared in the ejb-ref.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref resolves to the correct EJB. Once this is verified, ensure that the ejb-ref-type declared in the ejb-ref corresponds to the type of EJB being referred to.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160133: Warning: The {0} "{1}" in the module "{2}" has an ejb-ref-type of {3} but the ejb-link does not resolve to an EJB of that type. Ensure that the ejb-link and ejb-ref-type are correct.
Cause: The ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref resolves to an EJB of a different type than is declared in the ejb-ref.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref resolves to the correct EJB. Once this is verified, ensure that the ejb-ref-type declared in the ejb-ref corresponds to the type of EJB being referred to.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160134: Error: The EJB with the name "{0}" in ear module "{1}" has an entity-cache-ref with the name "{2}" in its weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor but no application level entity cache with that name is defined in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor for the application.
Cause: The entity-cache referred to by the EJB could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the entity-cache-ref is correct in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor for the EJB. Also, ensure that an entity-cache with the same name is declared in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor for the application.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160137: Error: The message-destination-link "{0}" declared in the message-destination-ref "{1}" in the application module "{2}" could not be resolved. The target message-destination for the message-destination-ref could not be found. Ensure that the link is correct.
Cause: The target of the message-destination-link could not be found in the application.
Action: Fix the message-destination-link to point to a valid message-destination.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160138: Could not set active version state for application: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160139: The following library reference has "context-path" set, which has no effect when referencing a {1} library: {0}.
Cause: The library reference has "context-path" set, but is not referencing a WAR library.
Action: Remove "context-path" from the library reference.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160140: Unresolved optional package references (in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF): {0}. Ensure that the referenced optional package has been deployed as a library.
Cause: One or more MANIFEST.MF files contain references to optional packages (using the Extension-List attribute). One or more of the referenced optional packages are not available.
Action: Register the required optional packages or remove the reference(s) from the manifest(s).

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160141: Could not initialize the library {0}. Ensure that the deployment unit is a valid library type (WAR, EJB, EAR, plain JAR). {1}
Cause: Refer to the exception in the message body.
Action: Examine the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160142: The library at {0} has an illegal Specification-Version: {1}. The Specification-Version must be a valid version string: int(.int)*, int >=0; for example: 2.1.1
Cause: The Specification-Version for the library at {0} cannot be parsed.
Action: Fix the library Specification-Version to conform to the required version string syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160143: Library {0} has an illegal Specification-Version: {1}. The Specification-Version must be a valid version string: int(.int)*, int >=0. For example: 2.1.1.
Cause: The library cannot be statically deployed because its MBean has an invalid Specification-Version.
Action: Undeploy the library and deploy it again with a correct Specification-Version.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160144: Failed to register library {0}: {1}
Cause: The error is: {1}
Action: Examine the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160145: Failed to deploy library {0}, because of conflicting library Manifest values, and library information registered with the server: {1}. Check the library MANIFEST.MF file and correct version information there to match server settings, or undeploy the misconfigured library.
Cause: Conflict between library manifest values and library settings in the LibraryMBean.
Action: Check the library MANIFEST.MF file and correct the version information there to match server settings, or undeploy the misconfigured library.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160146: Failed to process library at {0}, because of conflicting library manifest values and the library information provided on the appc command line: {1}.
Cause: There was a conflict between the library manifest values and the library information provided on the appc command line.
Action: Avoid setting the library name and version information on the appc command line if its already set in the manifest or remove values from the manifest and set them on the appc command line.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160147: One or more libraries could not be processed. See error above.
Cause: See error above.
Action: See error above.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160148: These libraries were not referenced by the compiled application: {0}.
Cause: The compiled application did not reference the libraries that were passed to appc.
Action: These libraries do not need to be passed to appc to compile this particular application.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160149: Error while processing library references. {0}
Cause: The application has library references that do not resolve.
Action: Ensure that the library references are accurate and that the required libraries are available.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160150: A library reference in weblogic-application.xml has an illegal Specification-Version: {0}. The Specification-Version must be a valid version string: int(.int)*, int >=0; example: 2.1.1
Cause: The Specification-Version of a library reference in weblogic-application.xml cannot be parsed.
Action: Fix the library Specification-Version in weblogic-application.xml to conform to the required version string syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160151: Registered library {0}.
Cause: Library registration was successful.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160152: The library at {0} was not recognized as a valid library type.
Cause: The library at {0} was not recognized as a valid library type.
Action: Ensure that the library is one of the supported library types.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160153: Error while cleaning up library {0}: {1}
Cause: Error while cleaning up library {0}: {1}
Action: Examine the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160154: Error while cleaning up library: {0}. {1}
Cause: Error while cleaning up library: {0}. {1}
Action: Examine the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160155: Cannot find library at: {0}.
Cause: {0} is not a file.
Action: Fix the path to the library.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160156: Cannot process libdir: {0} is not a directory.
Cause: {0} is not a directory.
Action: Fix the path to libdir.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160157: The referenced library, {0}, is not a supported application library.
Cause: {0} is not a supported application library.
Action: Remove the reference to library {0} from weblogic-application.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160158: Ignoring Extension-List reference {0}, because the manifest does not have an entry for {0}-Extension-Name. The manifest is at {1}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Cause: A declared Extension-List name does not have the required Extension-Name entry.
Action: Remove {0} from the Extension-List or add {0}-Extension-Name entry into the manifest.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160159: Bad optional package reference in manifest at {2}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, for optional package with Extension-Name: {0}. Illegal Specification-Version: {1}. The Specification-Version must be a valid version string: int(.int)*, int >=0; example: 2.1.1. Ignoring this Optional Package reference.
Cause: Cannot parse the Specification-Version of an optional package reference.
Action: Change the optional package reference Specification-Version to the required version string syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160161: Error while parsing the application descriptors for {0}: {1}.
Cause: The cause is {1}
Action: Examine the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160162: No META-INF/application.xml was found in the EAR at {0}.
Cause: The application.xml file could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the path to the EAR file is correct and add the missing application.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160163: No modules were found in application.xml for EAR: {0}. Nothing to do.
Cause: There are no modules in this EAR's application.xml
Action: Add module entries to the EAR's application.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160164: Error while importing library {0}: {1}
Cause: See the exception: {1}.
Action: Examine the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160165: The EAR library at {0} is organized using the splitdir directory structure. splitdir is not supported for libraries.
Cause: splitdir is not supported for EAR libraries.
Action: Archive this library. If a build file was generated using BuildXMLGen, run the EAR target in that file.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160166: References were found in the deployment plan for module "{0}" with URI, "{1}". The plan was merged.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160167: The module {1} in application {0} uses ejb-links but no EJB modules were found for this application.
Cause: The ejb-links must correspond to an EJB module deployed within the same application.
Action: Ensure that the EJB modules to which you intended to link exist and have been configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160168: An error occurred while merging descriptors: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while merging descriptors. Check the stack trace.
Action: Check the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160169: An error occurred while parsing descriptors: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while parsing descriptors.
Action: Check the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160170: Imported library {0} for Application {1}

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160171: ERROR: The plan file, "{0}", could not be found.
Cause: The plan file could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the specified plan file exists and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160172: ERROR: To run appc, specify a plan file ending with the suffix .xml.
Cause: The plan file type is not supported.
Action: Correct the plan argument and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160173: ERROR: Error accessing input file "{0}": {1}
Cause: The plan file could not be accessed.
Action: Ensure that the plan file is accessible and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160174: ERROR: Failed to parse deployment plan "{0}": {1}
Cause: The plan file could not be parsed.
Action: Resolve parse errors in the plan and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160175: ERROR: Could not find JMS module of name "{2}" specified in the resource-link named "{3}" in the "{1}" component named "{0}".
Cause: The JMS module used in the resource-link cannot be found in the application package.
Action: Package the missing JMS module as part of this application and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160176: ERROR: Could not find the JMS resource named "{4}" of type "{5}" inside the JMS module "{2}" that is specified in the resource-link named "{3}" in the "{1}" component named "{0}".
Cause: The JMS resource used in th resource-link was not found in the application package.
Action: Create the missing JMS resource in the corresponding JMS module and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160177: The application at "{0}" was not recognized as a valid application type. If this is an EAR file, please ensure the META-INF/application.xml exists. EJB-JARs should have a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml or corresponding annotations exist. If this is an exploded WAR, the name of directory must be end with ".war". RARs require a META-INF/ra.xml. A JMS deployment should be an XML file whose name ends with "-jms.xml". A JDBC deployment should be an XML file whose name ends with "-jdbc.xml". For other application types, consult the WebLogic Server documentation.
Cause: The application was not a valid J2EE application.
Action: Correct the application and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160180: An error was encountered and ignored while rolling back an update to application {0}. The error was: {1}
Cause: See the included error message.
Action: Correct the application based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160181: An error was encountered and ignored during undeployment. The error was: {0}
Cause: See the included error message.
Action: Correct the application based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160182: An error was encountered and ignored during transition to administration mode. The error was: {0}
Cause: See the included error message.
Action: Correct the application based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160183: Unable to find the jar-uri: {1} specified for the ApplicationLifecycleListener, Startup, or Shutdown class in the weblogic-application.xml of application: {0}.
Cause: The JAR URI is incorrect or the file does not exist or cannot be read.
Action: Correct the application based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160184: ERROR: Could not find JDBC module of name "{2}" specified in the resource-link named "{3}" in the "{1}" component named "{0}".
Cause: The JDBC module used in the resource-link was not found in the application package.
Action: Package the missing JDBC module as part of this application and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160185: ERROR: Could not find the JDBC resource named "{4}" of type "{5}" inside the JDBC module "{2}" that is specified in the resource-link named "{3}" in the "{1}" component named "{0}".
Cause: The JDBC resource used in the resource-link was not found in the application package.
Action: Create the missing JDBC resource in the corresponding JDBC module and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160186: Compiling EAR module "{0}"
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160187: weblogic.appc failed to compile the application. Recompile with the -verbose option for more details about the issue.
Cause: Compilation can fail for many reasons. See the specific error message for details.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, please contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160188: {0}.
Cause: The application has library references that do not resolve.
Action: Ensure that the library references are accurate and that the required libraries are available.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160189: There are no modules in the application that match URIs: {0}. Note that for Web applications, you should specify the context-root rather than the web-uri.
Cause: The specified URIs were not found in the running application.
Action: Specify the correct URIs which are typically found in your application's META-INF/application.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160191: While upgrading weblogic.xml, the server encountered "{1}" parameter "{0}". This parameter has been deprecated and will be removed
Cause: This is a deprecated parameter.
Action: Remove the deprecated parameter from the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160192: While upgrading weblogic.xml, the server encountered "{1}" parameter "{0}". This parameter is unknown and will be removed
Cause: The parameter is not defined in the schema.
Action: Check the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor and remove the parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160193: Error: The source file, ''{0}'', is not a valid RAR file. To be valid, it must contain a META-INF/ra.xml file.
Cause: The specified source file is not a valid RAR file.
Action: Ensure that the specified source file is a valid RAR file and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160194: The following modules cannot be started because they are already running: {0}.
Cause: The specified modules are already running.
Action: Remove the specified modules from the list of modules to partially stop.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160195: The application version lifecycle event listener {1} is ignored because the application {0} is not versioned.
Cause: The application is not a versioned application.
Action: If the application is deployed as a non-versioned application in error, undeploy the current application and deploy it as a versioned application. If the application version lifecycle listener is specified in error, remove it from the application or specify a non-versioned application lifecycle listener.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160196: Unable to find the jar-uri: {1} specified for the Singleton class in the weblogic-application.xml of application: {0}
Cause: The JAR URI is incorrect or the file does not exist or cannot be read.
Action: Correct the application based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160197: Unable to load descriptor {1} of module {0}. The error is {2}.
Cause: The descriptor is not valid.
Action: Correct the descriptor based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160198: Error: The ejb-ref "{3}" configured via an @EJB annotation in the module "{0}" is linked to the EJB "{1}". However, the EJB "{1}" does not declare the interface "{2}", as specified by the @EJB annotation. Ensure that the ejb-ref is linked to the correct bean and that the target bean declares the interface specified by the ejb-ref.
Cause: The @EJB has an incorrect beanName (ejb-link) attribute or the target bean must implement the interface declared by the @EJB annotation.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-ref is linked to the correct bean and that the target bean declares the interface specified by the ejb-ref.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160199: Error resolving ejb-ref "{0}" from module "{1}" of application "{2}". The ejb-ref does not have an ejb-link and the JNDI name of the target Bean has not been specified.
Cause: Attempts to automatically link the ejb-ref to its target Bean failed because multiple EJBs in the application were found to implement the "{3}" interface, including {4}.
Action: Specify a qualified ejb-link for this ejb-ref to indicate which EJB is the target of this ejb-ref.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160200: Error resolving ejb-ref "{0}" from module "{1}" of application "{2}". The ejb-ref does not have an ejb-link and the JNDI name of the target bean has not been specified. Attempts to automatically link the ejb-ref to its target bean failed because no EJBs in the application were found to implement the "{3}" interface. Link or map this ejb-ref to its target EJB and ensure the interfaces declared in the ejb-ref are correct.
Cause: See the error message for details.
Action: Link or map this ejb-ref to its target EJB and ensure the interfaces declared in the ejb-ref are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160201: Error resolving ejb-ref "{0}" from module "{1}" of application "{2}". The ejb-ref specifies an ejb-link but the target bean does not implement the interface "{3}" as specified in the ejb-ref declaration. Ensure that the ejb-link and interface name(s) declared in the ejb-ref are correct.
Cause: See the error message for details.
Action: Ensure that the ejb-link and interface name(s) declared in the ejb-ref are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160202: You have specified a {1} setting in your configuration for persistence unit {0}. This setting will be ignored and all log messages will be sent to the WebLogic Server logging subsystem. Trace-level logging is controlled by the various JPA-specific debug settings in config.xml, or through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
Cause: Persistence unit configuration specifies logging information, but WebLogic Server will ignore this information.
Action: Remove the {1} setting from persistence unit {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160203: You have specified a {1} setting in your configuration for persistence unit {0}. This value will be replaced with {1}.
Cause: The persistence unit configuration specifies ID information, but WebLogic Server will ignore this information.
Action: Remove the {1} setting from persistence unit {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160204: The ApplicationLifecycleListener "{1}" of application "{0}" has a run-as user configured with the principal name "{2}" but a principal of that name could not be found. Ensure that a user with that name exists.
Cause: The run-as principal configured for this ApplicationLifecycleListener does not exist in the security realm.
Action: Ensure that the user exists or choose another principal for the run-as configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160205: The ApplicationLifecycleListener "{1}" of application "{0}" has a run-as user configured with the principal name "{2}" but a principal of that name has higher privileges than the user performing the deployment. As a result, this deployment user cannot perform the current deployment action. Try the deployment action with an administrative privileged user.
Cause: Higher run-as privileges are needed to deploy an ApplicationLifecycleListener in this situation.
Action: Try the deployment action with an administrative privileged user.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160207: Error autowiring ejb-ref "{0}" from module "{1}" of application "{2}". The ejb-ref does not specify an interfaceName but multiple interfaces on the target bean were found. Specify a beanInterface to indicate which EJB is the target for ejb-ref "{0}".
Cause: There was a problem resolving the target of the specified ejb-ref.
Action: Specify a beanInterface to indicate which EJB is the target.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160210: ERROR: The moduleUri, "{0}", could not be found.
Cause: The moduleUri could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the specified moduleUri exists and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160211: Waiting for ExecuteQueue {0} to finish {1} pending requests
Cause: The server found pending requests in one of the execute queues while suspending. The server will wait for the requests to complete.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160212: This is an unexpected exception.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160213: * This directory contains internal files used by the deployment system. * Contents of this directory should never be removed while the corresponding server is running. * Removing sub-directories when the server is down will slow down the subsequent deployment of the corresponding applications because these sub-directories need to be created again. * The individual sub-directories are removed when the corresponding application is undeployed.
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160214: Output location exists {0}
Cause: The file pointed to by the output location already exists,
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160215: ERROR: The moduleUri, "{0}", is not Web module.
Cause: The moduleUri is not valid Web module.
Action: Ensure that the specified moduleUri is a valid Web module and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160216: Unexpected errors occurred while sending deployment event {1} on behalf of application ''{0}''.
Cause: The deployment event listener(s) registered to receive deployment event caused unexpected exceptions when processing deployment event {1} on behalf of application ''{0}''.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160217: Unexpected errors occurred while sending a vetoable deployment event on behalf of application ''{0}''.
Cause: The deployment event listener(s) registered to receive vetoable deployment events caused unexpected exception(s) when processing deployment event {1} on behalf of application ''{0}''.
Action: Report this problem to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160218: Filtering classloader configuration ignored for module {1} of application {0}
Cause: Filtering classloader configuration is only supported in descriptors at the main level of the deployment (for example, in enterprise applications or standalone Web applications). Such configuration is not supported in modules of an enterprise application.
Action: Remove the filtering classloader configuration from the deployment descriptor of module {1} of application {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160219: The JPA persistence unit {0} will use the following configured default persistence provider: {1}
Cause: No provider element was specified in the associated persistence.xml file.
Action: No action is required unless you want a different JPA provider to be used for the given persistence unit, in which case you can specify the provider in the persistence.xml file or change the default provider for the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160220: Compilation completed successfully.
Cause: The compilation task has completed successfully.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160221: env-entry for type java.lang.Character had length = 0.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: See the error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160222: Could not create a new JMS ConnectionFactory for the application: {0}.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: See the error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160223: The resource-env-ref ''{0}'' declared in the standard descriptor or annotation has no JNDI name mapped to it. The resource-env-ref must be mapped to a JNDI name using the resource-env-description element of the weblogic proprietary descriptor or corresponding annotation.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: See the error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160224: Encountered an error cleaning up references for application: ${0} - ${1}
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: See the error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160225: JPA 2.0 API methods cannot be invoked on JPA 1.0 persistence provider. Update the application to use a JPA 2.0 compliant provider, such as EclipseLink, or ensure that the application does not attempt to invoke JPA 2.0 methods.
Cause: The application is invoking a method defined in JPA 2.0 but the persistence provider configured in the application is only JPA 1.0 compliant. Note the deprecated Kodo-OpenJPA persistence provider that ships with WebLogic Server does not support JPA 2.0.
Action: Update your application to use a JPA 2.0 compliant persistence provider, such as EclipseLink, or modify the application to ensure that only JPA 1.0 API methods are invoked.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160226: Ignoring the configuration file [{0}: {1}]. Only applications that use Kodo as the JPA provider can be configured with this file.
Cause: This file can configure only persistence units that use Kodo.
Action: Remove the configuration file or specify the information in persistence.xml; otherwise, one or more persistence units in this application use Kodo.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160227: The persistence unit "{0}" in "{1}" does not use Kodo as a JPA provider. Ignoring the configuration for this persistence unit found in persistence-configuration.xml.
Cause: The persistence-configuration.xml file cannot configure persistence units that do not use Kodo.
Action: Remove the persistence unit from the persistence-configuration.xml file or specify in persistence.xml, or otherwise, that the persistence unit uses Kodo.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160228: AppMerge failed to merge your application. If you are running AppMerge on the command-line, merge again with the -verbose option for more details. See the error message(s) below.
Cause: AppMerge can fail for many reasons. See the specific error message for details.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160229: Ignoring plan file {0} as does not exist.
Cause: Either the plan specified is not a file or the plan file does not exist.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160230: Created working directory: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160231: Unable to identify application type for {0}
Cause: The source file type may not be supported.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160232: Unable to identify module type for {0}
Cause: The module specified in the application descriptor may not be supported.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160233: Unable to identify module type
Cause: A module specified in the application descriptor may not be supported.
Action: Use the provided error message to track down and fix the problem. If you believe the error is due to a bug in WebLogic Server, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160238: The message-destination {0} declared in the deployment descriptor or by annotation does not have a corresponding message-destination-descriptor element in the weblogic deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation. Alternatively, mapped-name or lookup-name of message-destination can be specified for the destination.
Cause: A declared message-destination is not mapped correctly.
Action: Map the declared message-destination to the actual message destination using the message-destination-descriptor element in the weblogic deployment descriptor, or specify mapped-name or lookup-name of message-destination.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160239: Conflicting environment entry {0}, name is {1}.
Cause: They have same environment entry name, but have different value.
Action: Make sure they have different environment entries names. Or have same names with identical values.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160240: The resource-ref ''{0}'' declared in the standard descriptor or annotation has no JNDI name mapped to it. The resource-ref must be mapped to a JNDI name using the resource-description element of the weblogic proprietary descriptor or corresponding annotation.
Cause: See the error message body.
Action: See the error message body.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160241: Error: There are environment entries conflict in module {0}. Multiple environment entries are defined with the same name but different values. {1}
Cause: With an EJB in WAR files, it is possible that environment entries names may clash. Care must be taken by the deployer or application assembler to avoid these name collisions, as they can cause the application to fail.
Action: Make sure they have different environment entries names. Or have same names with identical values.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-160242: Warning: Data source definition {0} in interceptor {1} may have been overwritten by EJB component in module {2}, ignored.
Cause: EJB component may overwrite data source definitions in its interceptors. In this case, data source definitions in interceptors will be ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE

BEA-169800: A PooledConnectionFactory object with an invalid external version of {0} was found.
Cause: The version of WebLogic Server that stored the PooledConnectionFactory object is not compatible with the version that is retrieving it.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169801: The JMS method {0} may not be called inside an EJB or servlet.
Cause: The application code has violated the J2EE specifications.
Action: Change the code to avoid calling the specified method.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169802: Cannot create a wrapped JMS connection using a username and password when the res-auth element is set to Container.
Cause: The application code is not using the J2EE APIs properly.
Action: Either remove the username and password, or set the res-auth element to Application.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169803: JNDI lookup of the JMS connection factory {0} failed
Cause: The remote JNDI server or JMS server is not available, or the name was incorrectly specified.
Action: Check that the server is running, and check the name in the deployment descriptor XML files.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169804: Cannot use a JMS connection factory because the object is of the wrong type.
Cause: Either the name of the connection factory in the deployment descriptor XML files is wrong, or the wrong object was bound into JNDI.
Action: Check the name in the XML files against what is actually registered in JNDI.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169805: A pooled JMS connection is being closed because an error was detected on the connection: {0}
Cause: The JMS server is unavailable or there is some other problem with it that makes it impossible to send or receive messages.
Action: Check the configuration parameters for the JMS server, and check that it is available on the network.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169806: Cannot use a JMS destination because the object is of the wrong type.
Cause: Change the application to use a valid destination type.
Action: Change the application to use a valid destination type.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169807: There was an error while making the initial connection to the JMS resource named {0} from within an EJB or a servlet. The server will attempt the connection again later. The error was {1}
Cause: See the error message from the JMS provider.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169808: There was an error while making the initial connection to the JMS resource named {0} from the EJB "{1}" inside application "{2}". The server will attempt the connection again later. The error was {3}
Cause: See the error message from the JMS provider.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169809: An error occurred while registering the JMS connection with JTA.
Cause: The JMS connection factory specified does not properly support XA or something is wrong with the transaction system.
Action: Check the linked exception and verify that the JMS provider properly supports XA.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169810: An error occurred while committing or rolling back a JTA transaction used for a JMS operation by the J2EE container
Cause: There was a problem with the transaction system.
Action: See the linked exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169811: The JMS object may not be used because it has been closed.
Cause: The object has been closed.
Action: Fix the programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169812: The pooled JMS session is enlisted in another transaction and may not be used elsewhere.
Cause: Check the application code to ensure that a pooled JMS session (retrieved from the JNDI java:comp/env/jms context) is not kept between transactions. It should be closed so that it is returned to the pool.
Action: Check the application code.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169813: There was an error while closing a JMS session pool or a pooled JMS connection: {0} The pool or object was forcibly closed.
Cause: See the linked exception for more information.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169814: The JMS session pool has been disabled.
Cause: An administrative action was taken.
Action: Re-enable the session pool.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169815: A JMS session pool could not be created because the {0} property was not specified.
Cause: If the JMSSessionPool class is not being used directly by the user, then this is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169816: The JMS session pool is shutting down.
Cause: The pool is being shut down, possibly because of an error.
Action: Check for other errors that indicate why the pool is being shut down and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169817: The JMS connection factory resource {0} declared in the EJB "{1}" as part of application "{2}" does not support XA. It cannot be used inside a transaction context.
Cause: If the specified JMS connection factory is intended to be used inside a transaction context, then the EJB was configured improperly.
Action: If the specified JMS connection factory is intended for use inside a transaction context, then the connection factory used by the EJB must be changed so that it supports XA, or the EJB descriptor must be changed to point to a different connection factory. However, if the connection factory will never be used inside a transaction context, then no action is necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169818: The JMS connection pool named "{0}" has a configured connection factory JNDI name of "{1}". However, an object that is not a javax.jms.ConnectionFactory is bound to that JNDI name. The object bound to that JNDI name has type "{2}".
Cause: An object other than a ConnectionFactory is bound to the configured JNDI name of the connection pool.
Action: Either change the JNDI name of the JMS connection pool property or change the JNDI name of the object that is currently bound into JNDI.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169819: There was an error with a resource pool used to pool JMS sessions
Cause: There is a problem with the resource pool.
Action: See the linked exception for details.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169820: A JMS message consumer could not be created using a temporary queue or topic that was created using another connection.
Cause: This is an application programming error.
Action: Change the application code.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169821: Error creating or instantiating a wrapper for class {0}
Cause: There may be an error with the classpath or with the underlying JMS provider's code.
Action: Check the classpath. If this does not fix the problem, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169822: Unable to use a wrapped JMS session in the transaction because two-phase commit is not available.
Cause: The JMS connection factory specified does not support two-phase commit.
Action: For WebLogic Server JMS, two-phase commit may be enabled by setting the "UserTransactionsEnabled" flag on the JMS connection factory. For other JMS providers, you must specify a JMS connection factory that supports XA.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169823: Failure occured on createQueueConnection. Unexpected return type.
Cause: Probable cause is the JMS 1.1 ConnectionFactory with the JMS 1.0.2 createQueueConnection() API. Some JMS providers do not support backward compatibility.
Action: Either change the API call to createConnection() or change the connection factory type to QueueConnectionFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-169824: Failure occured on createTopicConnection. Unexpected return type.
Cause: Probable cause is the JMS 1.1 ConnectionFactory with the JMS 1.0.2 createTopicConnection() API. Some JMS providers do not support backward compatibility.
Action: Either change the API call to createConnection() or change the connection factory type to TopicConnectionFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: JMSPool

BEA-170003: The DomainLogfile Handler is unable to open the domain logfile {0}. The domain logfile is disabled.
Cause: The filepath specified for the domain log is invalid or the server process cannot write to the domain log file.
Action: Specify a valid filepath for the domain log file.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170011: The LogBroadcaster on this server failed to broadcast log messages to the Administration Server. The Administration Server may not be running. Message broadcasts to the Administration Server will be disabled.
Cause: The Managed Server may not be able to reach the Administration Server. One of the possible causes could be that the Administration Server is shut down.
Action: To fix this problem, inspect the exception stack trace, and correct the problem. If the Administration Server is shut down, restart it to resume normal log broadcasting to the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170019: The server log file {0} is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170020: The server log file {0} could not be opened successfully.
Cause: The filepath configured for the server's log file is not valid.
Action: Please specify a valid filepath for the server's log file.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170022: Log4j failed to initialize for {0}. The default JDK Logging implementation will be used.
Cause: The Log4j libraries may not be in the server CLASSPATH.
Action: Take corrective action based on the stack trace details.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170023: The Server Logging is initialized with Java Logging API implementation.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170024: The Server Logging is initialized with Apache's Log4j Logging API implementation.
Cause: This message is only for informational purposes.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170025: Initialized Domain Logging. Domain log events will be written to {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170027: The server has successfully established a connection with the Domain level Diagnostic Service.
Cause: The server has successfully established contact with the Domain Diagnostic Service.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170028: The remote handler is not available, so the trap notification information can not be sent.
Cause: The Managed Server may not be able to reach the Administration Server. One of the possible causes could be that the Administration Server is shut down.
Action: If the Administration Server is shut down, restart it to resume normal communication for the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170029: The data gathering handler could not be initialized.
Cause: An error occurred while initializing the data gathering handler.
Action: Review the nested exception details for the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170030: There was an error initializing the global Log4j configuration.
Cause: The error could be due to incorrect configuration parameters in the log4j configuration file.
Action: Review the nested exception details for the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-170031: The default Server Logging bridge has been initialized successfully.
Cause: This message is logged for informational purpose only.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Log Management

BEA-171500: The embedded LDAP configuration file: {0} was not found, and the embedded LDAP server has not been started. To resolve the problem, ensure that weblogic.home is defined correctly (it should have a lib subdirectory that contains this file).
Cause: The embedded LDAP server cannot find the specified file. This file is installed as part of the installation process. Most likely, the default directory is not the server root directory and the lib subdirectory cannot be found.
Action: Set the default directory to the server root directory, or use the weblogic.EmbeddedLDAPConfigDirectory system property to set the location of the embedded LDAP server configuration files.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171503: The listen address for the Administration Server is obtained from either the Server MBean, the ServerRuntime MBean, or the URL specified by the weblogic.management.server command line property. None of these returned a listen address.
Cause: The listen address was null.
Action: Check if the listen address for the Administration Server is defined in either the Server MBean, the ServerRuntime MBean, or the URL specified by the weblogic.management.server command line property.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171507: The embedded LDAP replica file: {0} could not be written. The underlying exception was {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred when saving the replica properties to the replicas file.
Action: Verify that the file {1} can be written. Read the exception text for more information in diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171512: When attempting to clean up after a failed embedded LDAP replica initialization, the file {0} could not be deleted. The {1} directory and all its files must be deleted manually.
Cause: It is not always possible to delete files that are open by a process.
Action: Delete the {1} directory and all its files manually using the appropriate command for the operating system on which WebLogic Server runs.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171513: Could not schedule the trigger used for embedded LDAP timer activities. The underlying exception was {0}.
Cause: A TimeTrigger exception occurred when scheduling the trigger.
Action: See the exception text in {0} for more information on diagnosing the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171517: An error occurred while attempting to obtain exclusive access to the embedded LDAP data files directory: {0}. The exception that occurred is {1}.
Cause: An exclusive lock for the directory {0} could not be obtained because an exception occurred.
Action: Investigate the associated exception to determine why the exclusive lock failed.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171518: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Read the associated exception in the log. In general, a stack trace will help when debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171519: Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files directory: {0} because another WebLogic Server instance is already using this directory. Ensure that the first WebLogic Server instance is completely shut down and restart the server.
Cause: An exclusive lock for the directory {0} could not be obtained because another WebLogic Server is already using this directory.
Action: Ensure that the first WebLogic Server instance is shut down and try restarting the server.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171520: Could not obtain an exclusive lock for directory: {0}. Waiting for {1} seconds and then retrying in case the existing WebLogic Server instance is still shutting down.
Cause: An exclusive lock for the directory {0} could not be obtained because another WebLogic Server is already using this directory.
Action: If the server eventually boots, ignore this warning as the lock was obtained. If the server fails to boot, ensure that the first WebLogic Server is shut down and try restarting the server.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171521: An error occurred while initializing the embedded LDAP server. The exception that occurred is {0}. This may indicate a problem with the data files for the embedded LDAP server. This Managed Server has a replica of the data contained on the master embedded LDAP server in the Administration Server. This replica has been marked invalid and will be refreshed on the next boot of the Managed Server. Try to reboot this server.
Cause: There may be a problem with either the embedded LDAP server configuration files or the data files.
Action: Investigate the associated exception to determine why the exception occurred. Try to reboot the server and see if the refresh of the replica data files solves the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171522: An error occurred while initializing the embedded LDAP server. The exception that occurred is {1}. This may indicate a problem with the data files for the embedded LDAP server. If the problem is with the data files, and it cannot be corrected, backups of previous versions of the data files exist in {0}.
Cause: There may be a problem with either the embedded LDAP server configuration files or the data files.
Action: Investigate the associated exception to determine why the exception occurred. Try to reboot the server.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171523: Embedded LDAP server Credential unavailable: a credential value must be supplied for the embedded LDAP configuration.
Cause: The Credential attribute is invalid.
Action: Set the Credential attribute for the embedded LDAP server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171524: Cannot determine the listen address for the Administration Server. The Administration Server URI {0}, obtained from either the Server MBean, the ServerRuntime MBean, or the URL specified by the weblogic.management.server command line property, has invalid syntax.
Cause: The Administration Server URI has invalid syntax.
Action: Ensure that a valid listen address for the Administration Server is defined in either the Server MBean, the ServerRuntime MBean, or the URL specified by the weblogic.management.server command line property.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171525: Error loading initial replica file. Check the EmbeddedLDAP log for more details.
Cause: An error occurred during the loading of the initial replica file.
Action: Check the EmbeddedLDAP log for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171526: Error loading the initial replica file, attempting to reload.
Cause: An error occurred during the loading of the initial replica file.
Action: No action is required. The initial replica file will be loaded again.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-171527: Added all LDAP entries successfully for the initial replica.
Cause: An error occurred during the initial loading of the replica file.
Action: No action is required. The reload of the initial replica file was successful.

Level: 1


Impact: EmbeddedLDAP

BEA-180000: Start parsing the configuration MBean information.
Cause: All other initialization has completed, and this method is now ready to begin reading its own configuration information.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180001: WTC finished parsing the configuration MBean information.
Cause: All WTC configuration MBeans were parsed without any problems.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180002: Invalid attributes exception occurred while trying to create subcontext: {0}
Cause: An attempt was made to add an attribute set that has been specified incompletely or incorrectly.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180003: Naming exception error: {0}
Cause: The specified name could not be resolved.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180004: Name already bound error: {0}
Cause: The name used by the Tuxedo connection factory or Tuxedo CORBA connection factory already bonded to another object.
Action: Do not use the same name as the Tuxedo or Tuxedo CORBA connection factory.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180005: Invalid attributes exception when binding connection factory: {0}
Cause: An attempt was made to add an attribute set that has been specified incompletely or incorrectly.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180006: Naming exception error: {0}
Cause: The specified name could not be resolved.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180007: Unable to register the resource with transaction manager: {0}.
Cause: WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) was not running with the server transaction manager.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180008: A transaction identifier exists for a non-existent domain {0}.
Cause: The remote Tuxedo domain involved in the transaction is no longer in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration.
Action: Manually correct the transaction. If the removal of the remote Tuxedo domain is intentional, temporarily add the remote Tuxedo domain back to the configuration and wait for the transaction to complete. Otherwise, add the Tuxedo domain back to the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180009: Could not complete the execution for the MBean named: {0}.
Cause: The definition contains input information that is not consistent with the usage model.
Action: Check the MBean definition to see if the individual attributes are consistent with the rest of the MBean definitions.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180010: Could not create a TDMLocalTDomain {0}.
Cause: The AccessPoint attribute definition for the WTCLocalTuxDom MBean was invalid.
Action: Check the AccessPoint attribute of the WTCLocalTuxDom MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180011: Could not create a TDMRemoteTDomain {0}.
Cause: The AccessPoint attribute definition for the WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean was invalid.
Action: Check the AccessPoint attribute of the WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180012: The LocalTDomain {0} is unknown.
Cause: The LocalAccessPoint attribute for the WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean is not a valid name for a LocalTDomain.
Action: Verify that the WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean definition has a valid name for the LocalAccessPoint attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180013: The LocalTDomain {0} is unknown.
Cause: The LocalAccessPoint attribute for the WTCExport MBean is not a valid name for a LocalTDomain.
Action: Verify that the WTCExport MBean definition has a valid name for the LocalAccessPoint attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180014: Could not create a TDMExport {0}.
Cause: The ResourceName attribute definition for the WTCExport MBean is invalid or the LocalTDomain is not usable.
Action: Check the ResourceName attribute of the WTCExport MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180015: The LocalTDomain {0} is not known.
Cause: The LocalAccessPoint attribute for the WTCImport MBean is not a valid name for a LocalTDomain.
Action: Confirm that the WTCImport MBean definition has a valid name for the LocalAccessPoint Attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180016: The RemoteTDomain {0} is unknown.
Cause: The RemoteAccessPointList attribute for the WTCImport MBean does not contain a valid name for a RemoteTDomain.
Action: Verify that the WTCImport MBean definition has valid names in a comma-separated list defined in the RemoteAccessPointList attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180017: Could not create a TDMImport {0}.
Cause: The ResourceName attribute definition for the WTCImport MBean is invalid. The LocalTDomain or the RemoteTDomains are not usable.
Action: Check the ResourceName attribute of the WTCImport MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180018: Missing {0} Password or PasswordIV information.
Cause: The Password or PasswordIV attribute is not set.
Action: Verify that the Password and PasswordIV attributes are valid.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180019: The LocalTDomain {0} is unknown.
Cause: The LocalAccessPoint attribute for the WTCPassword MBean is not a valid name for a LocalTDomain.
Action: Verify that the WTCPassword MBean definition has a valid name for the LocalAccessPoint attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180020: The RemoteTDomain {0} is unknown.
Cause: The RemoteAccessPoint attribute for the WTCPassword MBean is not a valid name for a RemoteTDomain.
Action: Verify that the WTCPassword MBean definition has a valid name for the RemoteAccessPoint attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180021: Could not create a TDMPasswd {0}.
Cause: The LocalTDomain or the RemoteTDomain is not usable.
Action: Check the LocalAccessPoint and RemoteAccessPoint attributes of the WTCPassword MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180022: Could not set up the field table information for TDMResources: {0}.
Cause: The fully qualified name for any field table may be incorrect or could not be found.
Action: Check the FldTblClass definitions of the WTCResources MBean and verify that the fully qualified name is correct, that it is consistent with the current CLASSPATH usage, and that the system is able to access it.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180023: Commit of Xid failed with status {0}.
Cause: The transaction became a heuristic hazard, or the resource manager encountered an error.
Action: Correct the transaction manually if it became a heuristic hazard, or correct the resource manager problem.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180024: Unable to reply to unknown transaction with exception: {0}.
Cause: The connection to the remote Tuxedo domain was already terminated or an IOException occurred while writing to the network.
Action: If the TPException is TPEPROTO, try to reboot the remote Tuxedo domain. If the TPException is TPESYSTEM, check the network connection.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180025: Unknown field type requested {0}.
Cause: TypedFML32 data is possibly being used instead of TypedFML.
Action: Verify that the type of input data is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180026: While trying to use FML data, this Ferror exception occurred: {0}
Cause: The data was not created correctly.
Action: Check the data that was passed into this method.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180027: While trying to use FML data, an Unknown exception occurred: {0}
Cause: The data was not created correctly.
Action: Check the data that was passed into this method.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180028: Unknown field type requested {0}.
Cause: Possibly, TypedFML data is being used instead of TypedFML32.
Action: Verify that the type of input data was correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180029: The Ferror exception: {0} occurred. Additional exception information found: {1}.
Cause: The data was not created correctly.
Action: Check the data that was passed into this method.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180030: While trying to use FML32 data, an Unknown exception occurred: {0}
Cause: The data was not created correctly.
Action: Check the data that was passed into this method.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180031: XML argument is null.
Cause: The argument that was passed in was not initialized.
Action: Check the XML argument that was passed in.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180032: The FldTbl[] input argument is null or an empty array.
Cause: The argument that was passed in was not initialized.
Action: Check the FldTbl[] argument that was passed in.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180033: TypedFML argument is null.
Cause: The argument that was passed in was not initialized.
Action: Check the TypedFML argument that was passed in.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180034: An error occurred while searching {0} for the document root element.
Cause: The input XML string was not formatted correctly.
Action: Check for other listed errors that should indicate what was unacceptable about the XML input.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180035: TypedFML32 argument is null.
Cause: The argument that was passed in was not initialized.
Action: Check the TypedFML32 argument that was passed in.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180036: XML input {0} caused the SAX parser exception {1}
Cause: The Document Object Model (DOM) parser did not accept the XML string that it received.
Action: Check the SAX exception information that was returned and the XML string that was entered.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180037: XML input {0} caused IOException {1}.
Cause: The XML string was not convertible to an InputSource() class.
Action: Check the IOException information that was returned and the XML string that was entered.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180038: XML input {0} caused an unknown exception {1}.
Cause: The XML string was not able to be parsed.
Action: Check the exception information that was returned and the XML string that was entered.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180039: The DOM parser returned a null value for input {0}.
Cause: The input may not be a valid XML string.
Action: Check the string that was passed to the parser.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180040: Could not obtain a top document element from input {0}.
Cause: The XML input did not have any elements defined.
Action: Verify that the input string has a proper definition for a root element.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180041: Could not obtain a tag name for the root element in XML input {0}.
Cause: The XML input does not have a tag name for the root element.
Action: Verify that the root element has a proper definition.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180042: Internal TypedFML data is null.
Cause: The internal data that is using the XMLtoFML() API was not initialized.
Action: Use XMLtoFML to initialize the internal data.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180043: XML element name is null.
Cause: The XML element information was not properly defined.
Action: Check the XML element definition.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180044: XML element value is null for the element name {0}.
Cause: The XML element information was not properly defined.
Action: Check the XML element definition.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180045: Internal TypedFML32 data is null.
Cause: The internal data that was using the XMLtoFML32() API was not initialized.
Action: Use XMLtoFML32 to initialize the internal data.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180047: The tBridge must have at least one redirect command.
Cause: The tBridge was not configured properly.
Action: At least one redirect command must be configured in the WTC_CONFIG for the tBridge section.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180048: The tBridge cannot find the TuxedoConnectionFactory.
Cause: The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) was not properly configured.
Action: Review the WTC documentation and restart the WTC.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180049: The tBridge cannot locate the WLXT option for translation.
Cause: The WLXT package might not be loaded or might be in the proper CLASSPATH.
Action: Install the WLXT and properly configure the translator option.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180050: The tBridge internal FML-to-XML conversion failed.
Cause: The syntax of the incoming message could not be understood.
Action: Correct the message syntax and retry.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180052: Unable to cancel ON_STARTUP connection retry due to: {0}.
Cause: The timer service object for the ON_STARTUP connection policy could not be deleted during connection termination.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180053: Failure occurred during the token creating token: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support to report this problem with the token type information found in the log message.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180054: Failure occurred while reading the received domain security token: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support to report this problem with the token type information found in the log message.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180055: Received an unexpected token type, error information({0}, {1}, {2}).
Cause: The cause could be that WTC communicates with a newer version of the TDomain protocol or an unknown alien protocol, or a breach of security attempt was detected.
Action: Verify who is trying to connect to this WTC and determine whether there is a security violation or a need to upgrade WTC to a newer version.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180056: atntd(1) crypto error: {0}
Cause: There was not enough free memory space to continue, or an internal error occurred.
Action: Try to force garbage collection, and remove some services to reduce memory usage. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180057: Invalid return challenge
Cause: This is caused by an incorrect configuration and mismatched password.
Action: Correct the configuration and the password.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180058: atntd(3) I/O error: {0}
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180059: atntd(2) crypto error: {0}
Cause: There is not enough free memory space to continue, or an internal error occurred.
Action: Try to force garbage collection, and remove some services to reduce memory usage. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180063: Invalid handler address length: {0}.
Cause: The client did not talk to a valid listener.
Action: Check the listener address and correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180067: WSRPCRQ discriminator {0} is invalid.
Cause: The client is not talking to a valid handler.
Action: Check the configuration and correct the error.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180068: Invalid WSRPCRQ type {0}.
Cause: The client is not talking to a valid handler.
Action: Check the configuration and correct it.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180069: Unable to read {0}. The following exception occurred: {1}.
Cause: A general I/O exception occurred.
Action: Read the exception description to determine the actual cause and act accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180070: TypeFML32 received a pointer of unknown type {0}. Will replace with null.
Cause: The application was incorrectly written with an unknown data type.
Action: Correct the data type in the application.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180071: Invalid typed FML32 field {0}. Equals null.
Cause: The embedded FML32 buffer was incorrectly constructed in the FML32 buffer.
Action: Check the source of the embedded FML32 buffer, and correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180074: The tpinit buffer was not received.
Cause: The server is likely talking to an invalid handler.
Action: Check the configuration and correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180075: Invalid receive size {0}
Cause: The remote tuxedo domain gateway is not valid.
Action: Check the configuration of the remote Tuxedo domain and correct the error.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180076: Unable to format password. The following exception occurred: {0}.
Cause: An I/O error occurred.
Action: Check for system memory usage and see if force garbage collection is possible. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180077: Unable to close the domain socket. The following exception occurred: {0}.
Cause: An I/O error occurred while closing the socket.
Action: Check the network and system environment. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180078: Dropping OWS_AREPLY on ground.
Cause: The ACALL request already timed out.
Action: No action is required. This message is informational only.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180079: rsession.run read_tfmh failed.
Cause: The received message header is not properly formatted or it failed to decompress the data.
Action: Check the configuration of the remote Tuxedo domain and correct any problem in the configuration. Ensure that a supported version of the remote Tuxedo domain is being used. Also, check the network for possible network dropping of the packet. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180080: rsession.run tmmsg.ws was not provided.
Cause: There is no connection with a valid remote Tuxedo domain.
Action: Check the remote Tuxedo domain configuration and correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180081: Unexpected close on rsession socket. The following exception occurred: {0}
Cause: An I/O error occurred while reading the message header from the input stream.
Action: Check the system memory usage and force garbage collection. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180082: Unable to close the WSH socket. The following exception occurred: {0}.
Cause: An I/O error occurred.
Action: Check the network and system configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180083: An unknown TCM type was received: {0}.
Cause: WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) is communicating with an unsupported Tuxedo version.
Action: Check the configuration and correct the error.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180084: Unable to write TCM. The following exception occurred: {0}.
Cause: An I/O error occurred.
Action: Check the system memory usage and force garbage collection.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180085: Unable to send an unsolicited acknowledgment. The following exception occurred: {0}.
Cause: An I/O error occurred.
Action: Check the system memory usage.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180086: Accepted connection from the remote domain {0}.
Cause: The connection request was received from a remote domain.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180087: Established a connection to a remote domain {0}.
Cause: The connection request to a remote domain was initiated.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180088: Error occurred while building {0} message.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180089: Error occurred while decoding {0} message.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180090: Remote domain {0} rejected the connection request.
Cause: An error exists in the configuration.
Action: Check both sides of the configuration, including the password, to see whether a mismatch exists in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180091: Rejected remote domain {0} connection request.
Cause: An error exists in the configuration.
Action: Check both sides of the configuration, including the password, to see whether a mismatch exists in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180092: Failed security validation with remote domain {0}.
Cause: An error exists in the configuraiton, resulting in unauthorized access.
Action: Check both sides of the configuration, including the password, to see if a mismatch exists in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180093: Naming exception occurred during the lookup of the administrator name: {0}.
Cause: The specified name could not be resolved.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180094: The tBridge failed to initialize the JMS targetName queue.
Cause: The JMS targetName queue does not exist or the JMS server was not running on the system.
Action: Correct the JMS problem and restart the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) tBridge.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180095: The tBridge could not initialize the JMS sourceName queue.
Cause: The sourceName queue cannot exist in JMS or the JMS server was not started.
Action: Correct the JMS problem and restart the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) tBridge.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180096: The tBridge could not initialize the wlsErrorDestination JMS queue.
Cause: The JMS wlsErrorDestination queue may not be properly configured in WebLogic Server.
Action: Correct the JMS problem and restart the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) tBridge.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180097: Due to a translation error, the tBridge has redirected the message to the wlsErrorDestination.
Cause: A translation error was detected from XML-to-FML or from FML-to-XML.
Action: Correct the message structure and resend the message.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180098: The tBridge failed to send the message to wlsErrorDestination.
Cause: The JMS wlsErrorDestination could be full or paused.
Action: Recover the message from the sourceName JMS queue and resend.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180099: The MinEncryptionBits is greater then the MaxEncryptionBits in {0} domain {1}.
Cause: There is a configuration error.
Action: Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to modify the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration so that it will use the correct values for the MinEncryptionBits and MaxEncryptionBits.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180100: Configuration error: {0}
Cause: There is a configuration error.
Action: Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to modify the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration so that it will use the correct values for the corresponding error.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180102: Duplicated local domain ID {0} found.
Cause: Two local domains have the same ID.
Action: Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to modify the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration to use a unique ID for the local domain.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180103: There are two remote domains {0} with the same local domain {1}.
Cause: Two remote domains have the same local domain.
Action: Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to modify the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration to remove the redundant entry or correct the configuration information.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180104: Unsupported JMS message type
Cause: A JMS Stream or Mapped message type was sent to the tBridge.
Action: Correct the JMS message type and resend.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180105: A message has been dropped.
Cause: The most common cause of this failure is that an unrecognized buffer type has been received by the WTC gateway.
Action: Modify the application to ensure that unknown buffer types are not sent to the WTC gateway.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180106: Unable to find a transaction manager. Transaction recovery will not continue.
Cause: A transaction manager could not be found.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180107: While attempting to recover transactions, the recover method failed.
Cause: The recover method on the WebLogic Server XA sesource generated an exception.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180108: WebLogic Server rollback had a failure: {0}.
Cause: The rollback method on the WebLogic Server XA resource generated an exception.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180109: Internal FML to XML conversion failed.
Cause: The FML buffer that was received from Tuxedo contained field buffer names that were not provided to WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC). Therefore, the name translation failed.
Action: Verify that the field tables have been properly transfered as described in the WTC documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180110: Internal FML32-to-XML conversion failed.
Cause: The FML32 buffer that was received from Tuxedo contained field buffer names that were not provided to the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC). Therefore, the name translation failed.
Action: Verify that the field tables have been properly transferred as described in the WTC documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180111: Internal FML to XML conversion failed.
Cause: The FML buffer that was received from Tuxedo contained field buffer names that were not provided to the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC). Therefore, the name translation failed.
Action: Verify that the field tables have been properly transferred as described in the WTC documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180112: Internal FML32 to XML conversion failed.
Cause: The FML32 buffer that was received from Tuxedo contained field buffer names that were not provided to the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC). Therefore, the name translation failed.
Action: Verify the field tables have been properly transferred as described in the WTC documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180115: The tBridge cannot parse the configuration MBeans: {0}.
Cause: The MBeans for the tBridge contain invalid attributes.
Action: Correct the attribute definitions for the tBridge MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180116: The specified field table type {0} is incorrect.
Cause: The WTCStartup.getFldTbls() method was called with an invalid argument.
Action: Verify that the Type argument for this is either fml16 or fml32.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180117: The encoding {0} is not supported. JVM default encoding is used.
Cause: Specified encoding name is not supported.
Action: Correct the encoding name and restart WebLogic Server.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180118: Failed to find TPUSR file: {0}.
Cause: The specified file TPUSR file does not exist.
Action: Correct the configuration by specifying the correct TPUSR file or create it before using the file.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180119: The specified filename is not a valid file: {0}.
Cause: The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) had the incorrect configuration.
Action: Correct the WTC TPUSR file configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180120: The file {0} is not readable.
Cause: The user does not have the read permission to read the configured TPUSR file.
Action: Change the permissions of the TPUSR file.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180121: Cannot find file {0}.
Cause: The configured WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) TPUSR file does not exist.
Action: Correct the WTC TPUSR file configuration or create the file.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180122: No permission to read the file {0}.
Cause: The user does not have the read permission to read the configured TPUSR file.
Action: Change the permissions of the TPUSR file.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180123: File I/O error for file {0}, reason: {1}.
Cause: The file was corrupted or deleted.
Action: Correct the file corruption or use a new TPUSR file.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180124: The specified number is not in a valid number format: {0}.
Cause: The configured cache size was not in a valid number format.
Action: Correct the configuration in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) TpUsrFile.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180132: Custom AppKey generator class {0} not found.
Cause: The configured custom AppKey class full path name was incorrect.
Action: Ensure that the configuration is correct and that the custom class exists.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180133: AppKey plug-in initialization failed. Reason: {0}
Cause: The most likely reason is that the user database was not available or the initialization parameter was incorrect.
Action: Ensure that the user database is available and that the configuration is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180134: Create new AppKey class {0} instance failed.
Cause: Either the class is not accessible, there is no permission to create a new instance of this class, or the class is not valid.
Action: Ensure that the class is accessible with the correct permission. Also, the class must be based on the weblogic.wtc.jatmi.AppKey interface.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180136: The {0} attribute on the {1} MBean is undefined but required.
Cause: The attribute value must be defined, but it was not defined.
Action: Check that the MBean attribute is set correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180137: The {0} attribute on the {1} MBean is set incorrectly.
Cause: The attribute was defined improperly.
Action: Check that the MBean attribute is set correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180138: The {0} MBean appears to contain previously defined import service information.
Cause: The attributes defined on this MBean have already been used to define and import a service.
Action: Check that the Resourcename,RemoteAccessPointList, and LocalAccessPoint attributes are not all duplicated in another import MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180139: A {0} type MBean is not defined, but it is required to be defined.
Cause: An MBean was not defined, but it is required to be defined.
Action: Check that the MBean type specified is defined in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180141: Message header contains an invalid magic number, connection closed.
Cause: Either an invalid TDOMAIN protocol data unit was received, or the remote domain gateway did not have network encoding enabled.
Action: Ensure that the local access point is configured with the correct port number, and that the remote gateway does not have the same MTYPE configured for this TDOMAIN session.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180142: Local domain {0} in use and cannot be deleted.
Cause: The local domain was in use by another resource.
Action: Check for remote domains, imported or exported services, or passwords that use this local domain.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180143: Cannot find local domain {0}.
Cause: The local domain could not be found.
Action: Check the access point name.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180144: Duplicate remote domain {0}. Cannot add.
Cause: The access point name was duplicated.
Action: Check the access points and access point IDs for existing domains.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180145: Remote domain {0} in use. Cannot delete.
Cause: The remote domain is referenced by another resource or has an active connection.
Action: Shut down the connection to this remote domain. Check other resources that may reference this domain.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180146: Remote domain {0} cannot be found.
Cause: The specified remote domain cannot be found.
Action: Check the access point name for the remote domain.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180147: Cannot find imported service {0}.
Cause: The specified imported service could not be found.
Action: Check the name of the imported service.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180148: Cannot find exported service {0}.
Cause: The specified exported service could not be found.
Action: Check the name of the exported service.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180149: Cannot find password entry {0}.
Cause: The specified password entry could not be found.
Action: Check the local and remote access point names.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180150: Connection policy for {0} is INCOMING_ONLY.
Cause: The connection policy specified INCOMING_ONLY, so an outbound connection could not be started.
Action: Check the access point ID for the remote domain.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180151: Cannot modify resource {0} because it may be in use.
Cause: There is an active connection that may use this resource.
Action: Stop connections associated with this resource before attempting to delete the resource.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180152: Registration of notification listeners for the configured MBeans has failed.
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180153: No valid host Internet address for WTC remote access point {0}.
Cause: This is a configuration error.
Action: Correct the WTC remote access point's network address list.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180154: No valid listening address configured for local access point {0}.
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180155: No valid network address for TDomain session ({0}, {1}) to try to connect to.
Cause: Either there is a configuration error or the remote access point was not available and cannot be accessed using the configured information.
Action: Correct the configuration, or boot the remote access point.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180156: Failed to connect to remote access point(//{0}:{1}), try next address.
Cause: Either a configuration error exists or the remote access point was not available at the address specified.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180157: Failed to connect to remote access point(//{0}:{1}), no more address to try.
Cause: Either a configuration error exists or the remote access point was not available at the address specified.
Action: Correct the configuration or make the remote access point available.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180158: No more valid network addresses for the local access point {0} to listen.
Cause: There is a configuration error.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180159: Failed to listen for local access point {0} on address (//{1}:{2}), try next address.
Cause: Either a configuration error exists or this was intended.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180160: Failed to create listening endpoint for local access point {0} on address (//{1}:{2}), no more addresses to try.
Cause: There is a configuration error.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180161: Failed to find the imported service for QSpace {0}, so the tBridge has redirected the message to the wlsErrorDestination.
Cause: The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) import was incorrectly configured.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180162: Cannot find imported service {0}, so the tBridge has redirected the message to the wlsErrorDestination.
Cause: There is a configuration error.
Action: Correct the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180163: The received Tuxedo reply uses the unsupported buffer type {0}, so the tBridge has redirected the message to the wlsErrorDestination.
Cause: The Tuxedo server returned a reply with an unsupported buffer type.
Action: Modify the Tuxedo server to return the reply with a WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) supported buffer type.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180164: Failed to send message to JMS, so the tBridge has redirected the message to the WLSErrorDestination.
Cause: The JMS replyQ is configured incorrectly.
Action: Correct the configuration of the JMS queue to be used for the tBridge reply queue.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180165: TDomain session ({0}, {1}) disconnected because no keep alive acknowledgement was received.
Cause: A network outage may have occurred.
Action: Check the network connection between the two gateways to determine if it is connected.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180166: The remote gateway does not support application level keep alive. This feature is disabled for the TDomain session ({0}, {1}).
Cause: The remote gateway does not support this application level keep alive feature.
Action: Update the remote gateway to a version of Tuxedo that supports the TDomain application level keep alive feature.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180167: The imported resource {0} uses a TDomain session ({1}, {2}) that does not exist.
Cause: The imported resource was not configured properly.
Action: Correct the configuration for the imported service.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180168: A connection cannot be established between local domain {0} and remote domain {1} due to a problem with the local or remote password used to authenticate the connections between these domains.
Cause: The domain passwords were not configured properly.
Action: Encrypt the correct local and remote passwords for the connection using the weblogic.wtc.gwt.genpasswd utility and use the results to configure a WTCPasswordMBean.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180169: XA.end() failed: {0}
Cause: The transaction may have been marked as ROLLBACK_ONLY.
Action: Inspect the application logic to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180170: Unexpected exception while converting View {0} to XML: {1}
Cause: Refer to the exception details.
Action: Refer to the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180171: SSL null ciphers are not enabled and will be upgraded to the minimum 56 bits.
Cause: The null cipher suites were disabled by SSL configuration.
Action: This can be ignored because stronger encryption strength is allowed by WTC configuration and is also available by SSL. However, WTC configuration can be corrected to use only 56 bits and stronger cipher suites or SSL null ciphers can be enabled, if desired.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180172: SSL null ciphers are not enabled.
Cause: The null cipher suites were disabled by SSL configuration.
Action: Either the SSL null cipher suites must be explicitly enabled, or the WTC configuration must be updated to use stronger encryption cipher suites.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180173: Invalid private key for identity alias {0} from key store {1}, detected by {2}.
Cause: An invalid key store or the private key alias configuration does not exist in the key store, or an incorrect private key store passphrase was configured.
Action: Correct the key store or private key alias information in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180174: Invalid private key store {0}, detected by {1}
Cause: The private key store configured does not exist or is corrupted.
Action: Correct the private key store configuration information.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180175: Invalid trust certificate store {0}, detected by {1}
Cause: The private key store configured does not exist or is corrupted.
Action: Correct the private key store configuration information.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180176: An error occurred while retrieving the trusted certificate from trust store {0}, detected by {1}.
Cause: The configured trust certificate was corrupted or an incorrect passphrase was configured.
Action: Correct the trust certificate store configuration information.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180177: An error occurred while retrieving trusted certificates from WebLogic Server, detected by {0}.
Cause: The configured trust certificate was corrupted or an incorrect passphrase was configured.
Action: Correct the trust certificate store configuration information.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180178: The requested encryption strength of 256 bits of local access point {0} is not supported by LLE. Downgrade to 128 bits.
Cause: The configured encryption strength is not supported by LLE.
Action: Either change the encryption strength to the LLE supported strength or use SSL for connection privacy. LLE supports 0, 40, 56, and 128 bits encryption strength. SSL supports 0, 56, 128, and 256 bits encryption strength.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180179: When enabling access point {0} to support SDP, the SSL support setting for this access point was ignored.
Cause: When SDP is configured, SSL is not supported.
Action: No action is required if SDP support is expected. Otherwise, update the configuration to disable SDP support.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-180180: An error occurred while trying to open class com.oracle.net.Sdp when WTC support for SDP was enabled.
Cause: The current JRE does not support SDP.
Action: Use the JRockit version of the JRE provided with this release of WebLogic Server.

Level: 1


Impact: WTC

BEA-190000: Initializing J2EE Connector Service.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190001: J2EE Connector Service initialized successfully.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190004: ConnectionFactory not found for jndiName {0}.
Cause: This warning can occur upon viewing the JNDI tree for the Managed Server on the Administration Console. The other likely cause for this error is that an incorrect JNDI name was specified for the desired resource adapter or that the resource adapter is not deployed.
Action: Ignore the warning if it occurs while viewing the JNDI tree of a Managed Server. Otherwise, check the deployed connectors in the Administration Console and verify the name that was used to access it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190005: An error occurred while creating a connection factory for ManagedConnectionFactory with jndiName {0}.
Cause: The cause is unknown. Consult the resource adapter vendor documentation.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem. You may need to refer to the resource adapter vendor documentation to determine an appropriate course of action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190008: An error occurred while {2} the connection instance {1} for {0} resource adapter. Exception is: {3}
Cause: This error occurs as the result of an attempt to call cleanup() or destroy() on a resource adapter managed connection. The resource adapter can generate a ResourceException if the operation fails. It can also generate an IllegalStateException if, for example, an attempt was made to clean up a connection when a transaction was in progress. A ResourceAdapterInternalException may be generated if an internal error condition is detected in the resource adapter.
Action: Examine the log for the exact type of exception that was generated. In the case of an IllegalStateException, report the error to My Oracle Support. In the case of a ResourceAdapterInternalException, report the error to the resource adapter vendor.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190009: No ConnectionRequestInfo was provided for Application Managed Security Context.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190010: Unable to determine resource principal for the container-managed security context.
Cause: Improper security principal map configuration for resource adapter.
Action: Check the resource adapter configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190012: Component using JNDIName: {0} has {1} managed security.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190013: An error occurred while processing context: java:/comp/env/wls-connector-resref.
Cause: This is an internal WebLogic Server error.
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190019: < {0} > An error occurred when opening the log file {1} for the resource adapter.
Cause: The log file is either a directory rather than a regular file, or it could not be opened for some other reason.
Action: Check the log-filename configuration parameter in weblogic-ra.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190020: < {0} > An error occurred while setting the log file to the resource adapter.
Cause: An error occurred when WebLogic Server called the resource adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter() method.
Action: Contact your resource adapter supplier about the ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter() method.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190023: < {0} > Error invoking the ManagedConnectionFactory "set" method for the configuration property "{1}". Reason: {2}
Cause: The method required for setting the config-property could not be properly invoked.
Action: Check the config-property of the ra.xml file in the resource adapter and ensure that the indicated property is specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190024: < {0} > Error making initial connections for pool. Reason: {1}
Cause: The backend system to which the resource adapter connects may be down, or the resource adapter may be misconfigured.
Action: Check the availability of the backend system, then confirm the correct configuration of the resource adapter.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190032: < {0} > ResourceAllocationException generated by resource adapter on call to ManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(): "{1} "
Cause: The cause should be evident from the exception. One likely cause is a misconfigured weblogic-ra.xml or ra.xml. The property(ies) specifying the connection information may not be correct.
Action: Check the exception to determine the cause and attempt to remedy the indicated problem. You may need to consult the configuration for the resource adapter or the resource adapter documentation. You might also consult the resource adapter vendor support information or organization.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190033: < {0} > createManagedConnection returned a null ManagedConnection.
Cause: This generally is a resource adapter error. A resource adapter should never return a null managed connection.
Action: Check the exception to determine the cause and attempt to remedy the indicated problem. You may need to consult the configuration for the resource adapter or the resource adapter documentation, or consult the resource adapter vendor support information or organization

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190049: The connector service failed to initialize. ServiceMBean initialization error: {0}
Cause: This error should not occur under normal operations. Possible causes of this error could be low memory, file corruption, or machine instability.
Action: Try rebooting the machine and restarting the server again. If the problem persists, note the error details and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190050: An error occurred in the connector service shutdown. Error: {0}
Cause: The error occurred as a result of shutting down a connection pool or unregistering the ServiceMBean.
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190051: An error occurred while shutting down the connection pool with pool name: {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while shutting down the connection pool. The error occurred while unregistering the ConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean. pool name:{0}. Reason: {1}
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190052: An error occurred while creating a connection pool Runtime MBean with pool name: {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while creating a connection pool Runtime MBean. The error occurred while initializing the ConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean. pool name:{0}. Reason: {1}
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190053: An error occurred while creating a resource for a connection pool {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: Error occurred while instantiating a ConnectionRuntimeMBean for the connection being created. Pool name: {0}. Reason: {1}
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190054: An error occurred while destroying a resource for a connection pool {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while unregistering a ConnectionRuntimeMBean for the connection being destroyed. Pool name: {0}, Reason: {1}
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190056: An error occurred while reserving a resource from a connection pool {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while registering an XAResource for the connection being reserved with the transaction manager. Pool name:{0}. Reason: {1}
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190064: Access has been denied to {0}, Application: {1}, Module: {2}, EIS Type: {3}, while reserving a connection.
Cause: The entitlement check did not pass for the connection request to the connection pool with name: {0}.
Action: Check your entitlement configuration in the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190075: The resource adapter returned a null connection factory when createConnectionFactory was called for "{0}".
Cause: The resource adapter is not functioning according to the specification.
Action: Contact the resource adapter vendor.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190079: The descriptor element {0} has been replaced by {1}.
Cause: A deprecated descriptor element has been detected.
Action: Convert the old descriptor element to the replacement element.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190080: An inactive deprecated descriptor element {0} has been detected.
Cause: An inactive deprecated descriptor element has been detected.
Action: Refer to the connector documentation for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190081: Testing resource adapter "{0}" for viability of connection proxies.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190082: Proxy test passed. WebLogic Server will use connection proxies for resource adapter "{0}".

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190084: Unable to complete connection proxy test for "{0}" due to the following exception. WebLogic Server will attempt to use connection proxies for resource adapter "{0}" as usual.
Cause: WebLogic Server attempted to pose as an application component to determine whether a generated proxy class is compatible with a resource adapter (to support late transaction enlistment and leak and idle detection of connections). The connection proxy test failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190085: The linkref RAR {0} has been marked for late deployment since its base has not been deployed.
Cause: The base RAR that the linkref points to has not been deployed yet.
Action: Do not use the linkref until its base has been deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190088: Trying to deploy a connector with a JNDI name that already exists {0}.
Cause: Trying to deploy a connector with a JNDI name that already exists {0}.
Action: Use a unique JNDI name while deploying the connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190089: Unexpected error occurred while processing a resource adapter JAR file.
Cause: The cause is unknown.
Action: Examine the stack trace for the cause and action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190090: Call to implementation of ManagedConnection.getLocalTransaction in resource adapter with jndiName = {1} failed: {0}
Cause: Refer to the error message for more information.
Action: See the error message for more information. If it is still unclear, contact the resource adapter vendor or My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190091: Call to implementation of ManagedConnection.getXAResource in resource adapter with jndiName = {1} failed: {0}
Cause: Refer to the error message for more information.
Action: Refer to the error message for more information. If still unclear, contact the resource adapter vendor or My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190092: An error occurred while reserving a resource from a connection pool {0}. Reason: {1}
Cause: An error occurred while registering a non-XAResource for the connection being reserved with the transaction manager. pool name:{0}. Reason: {1}
Action: Report this error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190097: Unable to complete the connection proxy test for "{0}" due to an exception. WebLogic Server will attempt to use connection proxies for resource adapter "{0}" as usual. Exception: {1}
Cause: WebLogic Server attempted to pose as an application component to determine whether a generated proxy class is compatible with a resource adapter (to support late transaction enlistment and leak and idle detection of connections). The connection proxy test failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190098: Trying to release a resource that has already been released for {0}.
Cause: Trying to release a resource that has already been released for {0}. It is possible that the connection was already released due to an error that occurred with the connection.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190099: Attempting to close a connection that has already been closed for {0}.
Cause: An attempt was made to close a connection that has already been closed for {0}.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190100: A close() method was not found on the connection handle while testing for the viability for connection proxies : {0}
Cause: A close() method was not found on the connection handle while testing for the viability for connection proxies : {0}. As per the 1.0 specification, a close() method is required on the connection handle.
Action: Implement a close() method for the connection handle.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190101: Linkrefs are deprecated for 1.0 resource adapters: {0}
Cause: Linkrefs are deprecated for 1.0 resource adapters.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190102: Failed to unregister the Diagnostic Image for the Connector Service.
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190103: Failed to register the Diagnostic Image for the Connector Service.
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190104: While configuring an object of type: {0} of Resource Adapter {1}, the following errors/omissions were found: {2}
Cause: Properties have been specified in a resource adapter deployment descriptor which are inconsistent with those defined by the resource adapter code. There may be properties specified in the descriptor that do no exist in the object or are of the wrong type.
Action: Check that the specified properties are spelled properly. Check with the resource adapter documentation or the vendor to determine whether or not these warnings can be ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190105: Failed to initialize the AnonymousSubject.
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190106: Failed to find the RuntimeMBean for the module: {0}
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190107: Failed to unregister the RuntimeMBean for the module: {0}
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190108: Failed to initialize the Jndi Subcontexts for the adapter: appId = {0}, {1}
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190109: Extracting file {0} to {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190110: Resource adapter is calling BootstrapContext.createTimer() and allocating a Timer Thread that is not managed by WebLogic Server. This may adversely impact the performance or operation of WebLogic Server.
Cause: A resource adapter is calling BootstrapContext.createTimer() and allocating a Timer Thread that is not managed by WebLogic Server.
Action: Contact the resource adapter vendor and notify them of this warning condition.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190111: InvalidDyeException was generated: Module Name = {0}, {1}.
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190112: Failed to register the XAResource to be used for recovery: {0}
Cause: See the error description in the message body.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190113: Failed to Unregister the XAResource used for recovery: {0}
Cause: See the error description in the message body.
Action: See the stack trace and report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190114: Failed to apply dynamic pool changes: {0}
Cause: See the error description in the message body.
Action: See the error description in the message body.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190115: The ManagedConnectionFactory class does not implement the ResourceAdapterAssociation interface: {0}
Cause: See the error in the message body for information.
Action: Please contact the resource adapter vendor and notify them of this error condition.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190116: An invalid event was triggered on the XAResource used for recovery: {0}
Cause: This is a WebLogic Server internal error.
Action: Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190117: Invocation of ManagedConnection.cleanup() failed: {0}
Cause: See the error in the message body for information.
Action: Examine the stack trace and error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190118: ConnectionErrorOccurred event was triggered: {0}
Cause: The adapter has indicated an error occurred on the exception.
Action: Examine the stack trace and error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190119: Invocation of ManagedConnection.destroy() failed: {0}
Cause: The implementation of the resource adapter's cleanup() method threw an exception.
Action: Examine the stack trace and error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190120: Invocation of ManagedConnection.getXAResource() returned null.
Cause: The implementation of the resource adapter's getXAResource() returned null.
Action: Please contact the resource adapter vendor to determine why getXAResource() returned null.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190121: Failed to dissociate the Connection Handles from a ManagedConnection: Adapter JndiName = {0}, {1}
Cause: See the message body and stack trace for more details.
Action: See the message body and stack trace for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190122: The resource adapter passed a null ManagedConnection into WebLogic Server's implementation of ConnectionManager.lazyEnlist().
Cause: The resource adapter's implementation passed a null ManagedConnection into the lazyEnlist() method.
Action: Please notify the resource adapter's vendor about this error.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190123: Outbound adapter for jndiName = {0}, is using sharing scope = {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190124: Failed to deploy LinkRef Adapter, moduleName = {0}, baseRA = {1}, Exception: {2}
Cause: Refer to the message body and exception message for more information.
Action: Refer to the message body and exception message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190125: Internal error occurred, assertion failed: {0}
Cause: An internal consistency check failed, indicating a software defect.
Action: Please note the circumstances of the error, as well as any related log messages, and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190126: anonymous
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190127: CloseCount
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190128: CreateCount
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190129: FreePoolSize
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190130: PoolSize
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190131: WaitingThreadCount
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190133: Number of times create was called on the connection pool
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190134: Number of connections in the pool that are free for use
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190135: Size of the connection pool
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190136: Number of threads in the waiting state
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190137: Never
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190138: <Unavailable>
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190139: Running
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190140: Suspended
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190141: New
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190142: Initialized
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190143: Prepared
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190144: Activated
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190145: Unknown
Cause: This message is used only for localization (internationalization) purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190146: An error occurred while setting the log file to the resource adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory: {0}. The exception was "{1}" with cause "{2}".
Cause: An error occurred when WebLogic Server called the resource adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter() method.
Action: Examine the message and cause, or contact the resource adapter provider, or both.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190147: Profiling Record for Pool: PoolName = "{0}", Type = "{1}", Timestamp = "{2}", Properties : {3}
Cause: This message is informational. The Harvester logged this Profiling Record for debug purposes.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190148: The attempt to set the property "{1}" of type "{2}" of object "{0}" to value "{3}" failed with a PropertyVetoException generated by the resource adapter. The veto message was "{4}".
Cause: See the veto message for more information.
Action: See the veto message for more information. Contact the resource adapter provider if more assistance is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190149: No JNDI Name has been specified for the resource adapter in module {0} of application {1}. Since this is an inbound resource adapter, <jndi-name> must also be specified in weblogic-ra.xml for endpoint activation by a message endpoint MDB to work.
Cause: There is a missing <jndi-name> element in weblogic-ra.xml.
Action: Specify the <jndi-name> in weblogic-ra.xml that corresponds to the JNDI name expected by the MDB that is using this inbound resource adapter.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190150: The process of creating the Connector Diagnostic Image has been timed out by the Diagnostic Framework. The resulting image may be incomplete.
Cause: The process of creating the Connector Diagnostic Image has been timed out by the Diagnostic Framework.
Action: Please investigate the contents of the log and Diagnostic Images for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190151: Parsing error, buildOutboundResourceAdapter() error in parsing ra.xml. While looking for connectionfactory-interface, failed to find: "{0}"
Cause: There is an error in the XML configuration for this adapter.
Action: Please contact the vendor to obtain a resource adapter with a valid configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190152: Failed to create a new ConnectorInboundRuntimeMBeanImpl for "{0}", {1}
Cause: See the error in the logged message for more information.
Action: See the error in the logged message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190153: Failed to close the logging stream for pool: "{0}", {1}
Cause: See the error in the logged message for more information.
Action: See the error in the logged message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190154: Failed to create the logging stream for pool: "{0}", {1}
Cause: See the error in the logged message for more information.
Action: See the error in the logged message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190155: Compliance checking and validation of the resource adapter {0} resulted in the following warnings: {1}
Cause: The specified resource adapter failed to pass compliance and validity checking as indicated by the listed warnings and errors.
Action: Correct the ra.xml, weblogic-ra.xml or the resource adapter archive.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190156: There were no compliance or validation errors found in the resource adapter {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190157: There were {1} critical compliance or validation error(s), {2} non-critical compliance or validation error(s), and {3} warning(s) found in the resource adapter {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190158: This is a link ref resource adapter for {0}. No validation can be done at this time.
Cause: Since there is no ra.xml in this resource adapter, validation of the adapter cannot be performed until it and the base adapter are deployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190159: Connection Pool {0} has been reset.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190160: Connection pool {0} is in use and cannot be reset. Try forceReset instead.
Cause: Since there are connections reservered from connection pool {0}, reset of the pool cannot be performed.
Action: Try forceReset instead.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190161: Failed to extract adapter {0} to server temporary directory due to exception {1}.
Cause: Extraction of the adapter {0} to server temporary directory failed due to the exception.
Action: Check the permissions on the server temporary directory or check the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-190162: Failed to create server temporary directory {1} while extracting adapter {0}.
Cause: Creation of the server temporary directory {1} failed while extracting the adapter {0}.
Action: Check the permissions on the server temporary directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199000: Only positive values are allowed for initial-capacity unless initial and max capacity are equal.
Cause: Refer to the message body and exception for more information.
Action: Refer to the message body and exception for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199001: Zero value for max-capacity is allowed only for link-ref adapters.
Cause: The max-capacity is zero.
Action: Check the max-capacity and update it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199002: Negative values are not allowed for max-capacity.
Cause: The max-capacity is negative.
Action: Check the max-capacity and update it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199003: max-capacity should be greater than or equal to initial-capacity. {0}
Cause: The max-capacity is less than initial-capacity.
Action: Check the max-capacity and update it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199004: Only positive values are allowed for capacity-increment.
Cause: The capacity-increment is zero or negative.
Action: Check the capacity-increment and update it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199005: capacity-increment should be less than or equal to ( max_capacity-initial_capacity ). {0}
Cause: The capacity-increment is greater than max_capacity-initial_capacity.
Action: Check the capacity-increment and update it.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199006: Only positive values are allowed for shrink-frequency-seconds.
Cause: The shrink-frequency-seconds is zero or negative.
Action: Check the shrink-frequency-seconds.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199007: Only values greater than or equal to 0 are allowed for inactive-connection-timeout-seconds.
Cause: The value of inactive-connection-timeout-seconds must be positive.
Action: Please check the inactive-connection-timeout-seconds.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199010: No ra.xml or weblogic-ra.xml has been specified. The RAR is null and there is no alternate descriptor.
Cause: The deployment descriptor for this adapter cannot be found.
Action: Define the deployment descriptor in ra.xml or weblogic-ra.xml or an annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199011: No ra.xml or weblogic-ra.xml has been specified.
Cause: The deployment descriptor for this adapter could not be found.
Action: Define the deployment descriptor in ra.xml or weblogic-ra.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199012: Unable to find the schema.
Cause: The schema could not be found.
Action: Check the location of the schema for the XML file.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199013: Application {0} does not have any components in it.
Cause: The application does not contain any components.
Action: Add components in the application and define them in the deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199014: Application {0} is a RAR file, but it contains more than 1 component.
Cause: The application contains multiple adapter components.
Action: Check the deployment descriptor or the annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199015: Error occurred while trying to rollback the module: {0}
Cause: The module cannot be rolled back. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199016: Unable to create runtime MBean for connector: Module "{0}", {1}
Cause: The runtime MBean cannot be created. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199017: Error closing virtual JAR file for {0}, {1}
Cause: The virtual JAR file cannot be closed. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199018: Error creating virtual JAR file for {0}, {1}
Cause: The virtual JAR file cannot be created. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199019: Failed to initialize the connector-specific JNDI sub-contexts for the application, {0}, {1}
Cause: The connector-specific JNDI sub-contexts cannot be initialized. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199020: Failed to prepare changes for dynamic update, {0}, {1}
Cause: Changes for dynamic update cannot be prepared. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199021: JNDI name is null or empty.
Cause: The JNDI name must contain characters that are not spaces.
Action: Check the JNDI name.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199022: Unable to get InitialContext while attempting to verify JNDI name of a resource adapter object.
Cause: Failed to create the InitialContext.
Action: Check the environment properties of the InitialContext.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199023: ResourceLink is null or empty.
Cause: ResourceLink is null or empty.
Action: Check the ResourceLink.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199024: Unable to get InitialContext while attempting to verify resource link of resource adapter.
Cause: The InitialContext cannot be created.
Action: Check the environment properties of the InitialContext.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199028: Resource Adapter with JNDIName: {0} already deployed.
Cause: Multiple apdaters are deployed with the same JNDI name.
Action: Change the adapter's JNDI name in deployment descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199029: Bind operation failed: {0}, {1}
Cause: The JNDI name cannot be bound. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199031: Failed to unbind the ConnectionFactory, {0}, {1}
Cause: The ConnectionFactory cannot be unbound. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199032: Unable to getInitialContext() during unbindConnectionFactory, {0}
Cause: The getInitialContext() method cannot be called. See the reported exception for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199036: ResourceLink: {0} already bound into application-scoped JNDI tree.
Cause: The ResourceLink has been bound into the JNDI tree.
Action: Change the JNDI name of ResourceLink.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199037: Unable to bind to the app-scoped jndi tree: {0}#{1} : {2}
Cause: The ResourceLink cannot be bound. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199038: NamingException while trying to unbind references during unbindAdminObject of resource adapter, {0}
Cause: AdminObjects cannot be unbound. See the reported error for the cause.
Action: Examine the exception in the log for more information about how to correct the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199039: Unable to get the connection factory for {0}. Verify that the resource adapter has been deployed.
Cause: The connection factory cannot be found.
Action: Verify that the resource adapter has been deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199041: An exception occurred while calling newInstance in the Resource Adapter, classname = {0}, Exception = {1}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199042: An exception occurred while trying to create the Connector Diagnostic Image, Exception = {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199043: Trying to prepare a resource adapter that has not been initialized.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199044: Trying to activate a resource adapter that has not been prepared. Current state : {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199045: Trying to rollback an RA that is in the ACTIVATED state
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199046: Unable to create the native lib directory.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199047: Bad resource adapter class specification for class "{0}": {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199048: Trying to version a resource adapter that is not versionable.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199049: Unable to populate the Work Manager during resource adapter initialization.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199050: Caught exception while starting the resource adapter : {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199051: Caught exception while creating the BootstrapContext : {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199052: Unable to version the resource adapter.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199053: Unable to set up the work runtimer.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199054: Unable to introspect the object that was passed in. {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199055: Unable to get the setter method for the key: {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199056: Unable to invoke the setter method for the key: {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199065: An invalid type {0} has been specified for a key.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199066: For property "{0}", the type and value do not match. Type = {1}, Value = {2}, Exception: {3}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199067: LoginException while trying to establish security identity for user "{0}" in weblogic-ra.xml element {2}: {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199068: No deployed ResourceAdapter with adapter JNDI name = "{0}" was found.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199071: Unable to initialize ActivationSpec {0}. Cause unknown.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199072: Failed to instantiate class {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199073: {0} passed {1} of "{2}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199074: Required Configuration Properties Missing in ActivationSpec: {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199075: Located a resource adapter with JNDI name = "{0}", but that adapter is not yet fully deployed and active.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199076: Could not locate a resource adapter with JNDI name = "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199077: The resource adapter with JNDI name = "{0}" does not have a <messagelistener> element with a <messagelistener-type> of "{1}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199089: The resource adapter does not have a <inbound-resourceadapter> element in ra.xml.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199090: The resource adapter does not have a <messageadapter> element in ra.xml.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199091: The resource adapter does not have any <messagelistener> elements in ra.xml.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199092: Internal error occurred, Assertion Failed: {0}
Cause: An internal consistency check failed indicating a software defect.
Action: Please note the circumstances of the error as well as any related log messages and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199093: setDyeBits failed because diagnostic contexts are not enabled.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199094: Invalid dye value specified, {0}. Value must be between 0 and 15 in order to fit within a 4-bit space.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199095: getDyeBits failed, moduleName = {0}: {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199096: setDyeBits failed: Failed to obtain Diagnostic Context. ModuleName = {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199097: getDyeBits failed because Diagnostic Contexts are not enabled.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199098: This connection does not meet the criteria for manual deletion.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199099: Failed to setup the Resource Adapter Connection for enlistment in the transaction, Pool = "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199100: Resource Adapter threw Non-ResourceException from its implementation of ManagedConnection.getLocalTransaction(), Pool = "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199101: Resource Adapter returned null from its implementation of ManagedConnection.getLocalTransaction(), Pool = "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199102: Unable to register NonXAResource, {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199103: Commit Failed: {0}, Stack Trace: {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199104: Rollback Failed: {0}, Stack Trace: {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199105: Resource Adapter returned null from ManagedConnection.getXAResource() while trying to obtain XAResource for recovery.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199106: Resource Adapter threw non-ResourceException in call to ManagedConnection.getXAResource(): {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199107: Resource Adapter returned null from ManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection() while trying to create ManagedConnection for recovery.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199108: Failed to initialize ManagedConnection for recovery: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199109: Connector Internal Error: Illegal type found during enlistResource.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199110: Connector Internal Error: Invalid type found in registerResource: {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199111: Attempt to start an XA Transaction inside a Resource Adapter's Local Transaction is illegal.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199112: Failed to create managed connection: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199113: Failed to setup the ManagedConnection with WLS after successfully getting it from a call to the Resource Adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection method.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199114: Internal WLS Connector Error: Object Id is null.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Please contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199116: Resource Adapter Error: getConnection method returned null from the adapter's ManagedConnection implementation in class "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199117: The resource adaptor has returned the same connection handle that was returned on a prior call to getConnection(). A new connection handle must be returned with every call to getConnection() as per the JCA specification.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199118: While testing connection, the adapter's implementation of getInvalidConnections() threw ResourceException: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199119: While testing connection, the adapter's implementation of getInvalidConnections() threw non-ResourceException: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199120: Connections should not be tested for a ManagedConnectionFactory that does not implement ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199121: The ResourceAdapter with pool = "{0}" passed a null value to the Application Server's implementation of the lazyEnlist method for the ConnectionManager class.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199122: Access to resource adapter, with pool = "{0}", has been denied.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199123: Unable to get a connection for pool = "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199124: Pool "{0}" is disabled, cannot allocate resources to applications.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199125: The resource adapter's implementation of ManagedConnectionFactory returned null from the createConnectionFactory() method.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199126: Stack trace at connection create:
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199127: Local Transaction not supported for this Resource Adapter.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199128: The connection handle has not been set for the connection closed event as per the JCA specification.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199129: Error preparing the pool with key : "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199130: Unable to resume the pool, {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199131: Unable to bind to the jndi tree : "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199132: Key = {0}, Message = {1}, Exception = {2}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199133: Unable to shut down the pool : Key = "{0}", Message = {1}, Exception = {2}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199134: Attempting to create a connection factory with a JNDI name that already exists: "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199135: Attempting to create a connection factory with a resource link that already exists: "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199136: There was a problem verifying the JNDI name of the outbound connection: {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199137: The ManagedConnectionFactory class implementation "{0}" does not implement the ResourceAdapterAssociation interface and does not implement setResourceAdapter() and/or getResourceAdapter().
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199138: Unable to set the ResourceAdapter class for the mcf "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199139: Unexpected exception thrown by resource adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory implementation "{0}", {1}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause reported in the logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199140: Could not find the managed connection factory class "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199141: Failed to instantiate the resource adapter's implementation of the ManagedConnectionFactory class "{0}," {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199142: Unable to access the Resource Adapter' implementation of the ManagedConnectionFactoryClass "{0}", {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199143: Internal WebLogic Server Connector Error: Failed to get the connection pool for jndiName: "{0}".
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Please contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199144: A resource adapter may only be accessed from within the same application from which it was deployed.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199145: Operation is not supported, {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199146: If only a weblogic-ra.xml has been specified for the resource adapter, it must be a linkref.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199147: The resource adapter only has a weblogic-ra.xml specified. It also needs the ra.xml.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199148: Error Creating Native Lib Directory: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199149: FileNotFoundException when creating native lib dir for {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199150: Failure while creating native library directory for {0}, {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199151: An error occurred while starting the pool: {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199152: test-frequency-seconds is set to non-zero.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199153: Connection testing cannot be enabled for a pool when the ManagedConnectionFactory does not implement ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory. The following invalid settings have been detected:
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199154: Work instance passed in to the Work Manager is null.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199155: The Work Manager is currently not accepting doWork() calls.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199156: The Work Manager is currently suspended. New work is not being accepted.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199157: Unable to establish Execution Context or enlist work in imported transaction, {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199158: Global tx id "{0}" not associated with specified Work instance.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199159: Global tx id "{0}" not registered with the Work Manager.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199160: The <security-principal-map> element was deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0 and is no longer supported. Please remove the element from the weblogic-ra.xml for the Resource Adapter.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199161: Work instance with global tx id "{0}" already active; conncurrent work disallowed.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199162: Bad ManagedConnectionFactory class specification for class "{0}" : {1}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199164: Unable to activate the pool, {0}
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199165: test-connections-on-create is set to true.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199166: test-connections-on-release is set to true.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199167: test-connections-on-reserve is set to true.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199168: Unable to force log rotation: The connection pool for "{0}" is configured to use the server log.
Cause: Log rotation cannot be forced for pools that are configured to use the server log.
Action: Change the pool's logging parameters to use a different log other than the server log.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199169: Failed to get the Connection Factory for the pool "{0}", {1}
Cause: See the details of the error message for more information.
Action: See the details of the error message for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199170: For the setting {0}: "{1}" has higher privileges than the deployment user: "{2}".
Cause: The deployment user does not have the privileges to perform the current deployment action.
Action: Try the deployment action with a user account that has administrator privileges.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199171: The security-principal-map is not a valid element.
Cause: The security-principal-map is not a valid element. You will need to define the mapping using the Administration Console.
Action: Define the mapping using the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199172: The following error occurred in the ra.xml: {0}
Cause: Refer to the text of the message for the description of the problem and the likely cause.
Action: Correct the problem in the ra.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199173: The following error occurred in the weblogic-ra.xml file: {0}
Cause: Refer to the text of the message for the description of the problem and the likely cause.
Action: Correct the problem in the weblogic-ra.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199174: The resource adapter (RA) was deactivated previously when it was in "Suspended" state. The RA cannot be activated again since this will lead to inconsistent state. Redeploy the RA to bring it back to a normal state. Current state: {0}.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199175: This ManagedConnection is managed by a container for its transactional behavior and has been enlisted to a JTA transaction by a container; application/adapter must not call the local transaction begin/commit/rollback API. Reject event {0} from adapter.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199176: Unable to execute {1} on ConnectionManager. A stale Connection Factory or Connection Handle may be used. The connection pool associated with it has already been destroyed. Try to perform another lookup of the Connection Factory {0} from JNDI and get a new Connection Handle.
Cause: A stale Connection Factory or Connection Handle was used.
Action: Perform another lookup of the Connection Factory from JNDI and get a new Connection Handle.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199177: Trying to deserialize an obsolete ConnectionManager.
Cause: Check the logs for the cause of this exception.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199178: Deploy side-by-side versioning of resource adapter with JNDI name {0}; old version: {1}; new version: {2}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199179: This adapter will not be deployed as side-by-side versioning since there is no old version adapter instance deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199180: This application EAR is not deployed in side-by-side versioning style.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199181: Waiting complete callback from Side-by-side versioning adapter {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199182: The resource adapter with module name {0} version {1} called ExtendedBootstrapContext.complete() to indicate it is safe to undeploy.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199183: HintsContext: Ignore unknown hint name [{0}] and its value [{1}].
Cause: An unknown hint was used.
Action: Inspect the cause and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199184: ManagedConnectionFactory of connection pool [{0}] implements javax.resource.spi.TransactionSupport interface. Will use runtime TransactionSupport value [{2}] and igore the value [{1}] configured in DD or annotation.
Cause: A new feature was used, see Section 7.13 of the Connector 1.6 specification.
Action: No action is required if this behavior is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199185: There is no META-INF/validation.xml file in the adapter archive {0}. The default Bean Validation configuration will be used.
Cause: No META-INF/validation.xml file was found in the RAR archive.
Action: No action is required if this behavior is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199186: Found META-INF/validation.xml in adapter archive {0}.
Cause: A META-INF/validation.xml file was found in the RAR archive.
Action: No action is required if this behavior is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199187: Found {2} constraint violation error(s) for {0} on instance [{1}]: {3}
Cause: Bean Validation failed and got constraint violation errors.
Action: Check the adapter configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199188: Bean validation failed when validating for {0} on bean instance [{1}]. Exception: {2}
Cause: Bean validation failed.
Action: Check the adapter configuration and exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199189: A long-running work submission has been rejected because the count of current active long-running work requests has reached the MaxConcurrentLongRunningRequests limit {0}.
Cause: A long-running work submission was rejected because the count of current active long-running work requests has reached the MaxConcurrentLongRunningRequests limit {0}.
Action: Check the adapter configuration and increase MaxConcurrentLongRunningRequests if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199190: The max-concurrent-long-running-requests limit was changed from {0} to {1}.
Cause: The configuration was changed or initialized.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199191: Warning: Caller application {2} defines a shareable resource reference {1} to outbound connection pool {0}, but the pool does not support share by its design since its ManagedConnectionFactory class has @Unshareable annotation. Will treat as unshareable.
Cause: An invalid resource reference definition was made to an unshareable ConnectionFactory.
Action: Change the SharingScope of the resource reference definition to Unshareable.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199192: Warning: Caller application {2} defines a resource reference {1} to outbound connection pool {0} without define SharingScope explicitly. The pool does not support share by its design since its ManagedConnectionFactory class has @Unshareable annotation. Will treat as unshareable.
Cause: An invalid resource reference definition was made to an unshareable ConnectionFactory.
Action: Change the SharingScope of the resource reference definition to Unshareable.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199193: ManagedConnection {0} of connectionInfo {1} in Connection Pool {2} has been destroyed already. Previous destroy stacktrace: {3} New destroy stacktrace: {4}
Cause: The ManagedConnection was destroyed again.
Action: Check the server log.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199194: Resource adapter generated unexpected exception during work event notification for event {0}. Ignored. Exception: {1}
Cause: The resource adapter generated an unexpected exception during work event notification.
Action: Check the work event processing codes of the resource adapter.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199195: Connector annotation scan: Ignored unexpected error [{2}] when processing annotations on {0} while {1}.
Cause: Check the error message and stacktrace to determine the cause.
Action: Check error message and stacktrace to determine the appropriate action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199196: Ignore @javax.resource.Connector annotation on class {0} since ResourceAdapter Bean {1} is already specifed in ra.xml.
Cause: ra.xml already specifies the ResourceAdapter bean to use.
Action: No action is required if this behavior is expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199197: An exception occurred when removing admin object {0}. Exception is: {1}
Cause: This exception occurs as the result of an attempt to unbind the admin object from JNDI.
Action: Examine the log for the exact exception. Report the error to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199198: An exception occurred when invoking preDestroy on {0}: {1}. Exception is: {1}
Cause: This exception occurs as the result of the CDI container calling the preDestroy method.
Action: Examine the log for the exact exception. You may need to report the error the resource adapter vendor.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199199: The work was rejected because it has expired before WorkManager executed it.
Cause: The time value for the startTimeout argument is too short. The WorkManager cannot start the work within the specified time period.
Action: Increase the time value for the startTimeout argument and ensure that it is big enough for WarkManager to start the work.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199200: Annotation scan/process of the resource adapter {0} resulted in the following {1} warnings: {2}
Cause: The specified resource adapter failed to pass the annotation scan/process as indicated by the listed warnings.
Action: Check warning messages and fix the annotations that are involved.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199201: Failed to merge resource adapter {0} when processing annotations due to {1} error(s) found.
Cause: Failed to merge resource adapter {0} when processing annotations due to {1} error(s) found.
Action: Check the errors and fix them.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199202: Ignored unexpected exception [{1}] when unregistering runtime mbean {0}.
Cause: Check error message and stack trace to figure out the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199211: Compliance checking and validation of the resource adapter {0} resulted in the following non-critical errors: {1}
Cause: The specified resource adapter failed to pass compliance and validity checking as indicated by the listed warnings and errors.
Action: Correct the ra.xml or weblogic-ra.xml files, or check the resource adapter archive.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199212: Failed to create connection pool [{0}] due to error: {1}
Cause: Check the reported error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199213: A new error occurred when trying to destroy a connection pool [{0}] that was previously in a failed state : the following new error will be ignored: {1}
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199214: The connection pool [{0}] was in a HEALTH_CRITICL state already, therefore this method call is not allowed.
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199215: The connection pool [{0}] will move to a HEALTH_CRITICAL state because the adapter is not in deploy-as-a-whole mode. This pool failed due to errors: {1}
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199216: An error occurred when performing action {2} on connection pool [{0}]. The following error will be ignored: {1}
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the cause determined from the reported error message and stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199217: Connection pool [{0}] has validation errors and cannot be reset. Try to fix all validation errors and then do a dynamic update or redeploy this adapter.
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Try to fix all validation errors and then do a dynamic update or redeploy this adapter.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-199218: Unable to determine whether properties were changed for Connection pool [{0}]. If there are changed properties, they may be ignored during a dynamic update: {1}
Cause: Check the error message and stack trace to determine the cause.
Action: Try to fix all validation errors and then do a dynamic update or redeploy this adapter.

Level: 1


Impact: Connector

BEA-200000: Failed to initialize the messaging bridge service.
Cause: Most of the time, this results from configuration errors.
Action: Check the configuration file and reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200001: The messaging bridge service has successfully shut down.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge service has been shut down, either at the request of the administrator or due to errors.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200002: Failed to deploy the messaging bridge "{0}" because the messaging bridge service is shut down.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge service has been shut down, either at the request of the administrator or due to errors.
Action: Reboot the system.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200003: Failed to deploy the messaging bridge "{0}" due to error: {1}.
Cause: This is likely due to configuration errors or an internal error as indicated in the message body.
Action: Check the configuration file, and reboot the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200004: The messaging bridge "{0}" has been successfully deployed.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge has been successfully deployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200005: Failed to start messaging bridge "{0}" due to error: {1}
Cause: This is likely due to configuration errors or an internal error, as indicated in the message body.
Action: Check the configuration file, and reboot the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200008: Bridge "{0}" does not have a configured source destination.
Cause: This is likely due to configuration errors.
Action: Update the configuration, and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200009: Bridge "{0}" does not have a configured target destination.
Cause: This is likely due to configuration errors.
Action: Update the configuration, and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200011: The bridge "{0}" failed to find the adapter "{1}". The bridge will periodically retry to look up the adapter. If this message stops reappearing, it means that the bridge has finally successfully found the adapter.
Cause: One of the adapters was not deployed.
Action: Deploy the required adapters.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200012: Bridge "{0}" successfully found the adapters that are configured for it.
Cause: This message indicates that the bridge successfully found the adapters.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200013: Invalid properties are defined for the source destination of bridge "{0}".
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Update the configuration, and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200014: Invalid properties are defined for the target destination of bridge "{0}".
Cause: The configuration was invalid.
Action: Update the configuration, and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200015: An error occurred in bridge "{0}" during the transfer of messages ({1}).
Cause: An error occurred on one of the bridge destinations.
Action: Check the system on both the source and target sides, and restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200020: Bridge "{0}" is stopped.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge has stopped.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200021: Bridge "{0}" failed to get one of the adapters from JNDI ({1}).
Cause: At least one adapter was not deployed when the bridge started. It is also possible that the JNDI names configured in the bridge destinations do not match the ones in the adapter deployment descriptor file.
Action: Check to see if the adapter(s) required by the source and target destinations are deployed on the server where the bridge is configured. Ensure that the JNDI name in the adapter deployment descriptor file matches the one in the configuration of the bridge destinations. Otherwise, no action is required. The bridge will automatically try again later.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200022: Bridge "{0}" failed to obtain adapter metadata ({1}).
Cause: This is an internal error that should not occur.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200024: Bridge "{0}" refused to obtain connections and transfer any messages, because it has been stopped, suspended, or is shutting down.
Cause: The administrator has shut down or stopped the bridge, or the bridge is suspended for migration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200025: Bridge "{0}" failed to start because the quality of service configured ({1}) is unreachable. This is likely due to an invalid configuration or adapter limitations.
Cause: The configuration does not match the ability of the adapters and underlying systems.
Action: Change the configuration of the bridge with a reachable quality of service, or turn on the QOSDegrationAllowed boolean.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200026: Bridge "{0}" encountered problems in one of its adapters or underlying systems. It stopped transferring messages and will try to reconnect to the adapters shortly. (The exception that occurred was {1})
Cause: There was a problem in receiving or sending messages to one of the sides of the bridge.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200027: Bridge "{0}" works in asynchronous mode and has not received messages for the predefined maximum idle time. The connections to the adapters will be interrupted and reestablished.
Cause: This may occur because the source destination is empty or because the connection to the source was stale and needs to be reestablished.
Action: Check the source system.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200028: The bridge "{0}" has started transferring messages.
Cause: This message indicates that the bridge has just started transferring messages.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200030: Bridge "{0}" is configured to work in "{1}" mode, but it is actually working in "{2}" mode.
Cause: This message reveals what quality of service the bridge is actually providing.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200031: Bridge "{0}" is configured to allow degradation of its quality of service in cases where the configured quality of service cannot be reached.
Cause: This message indicates that the quality of service of this bridge is allowed to be downgraded if the required one is unreachable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200032: Bridge "{0}" is configured to disallow degradation of its quality of service in cases where the configured quality of service is unreachable.
Cause: This message indicates that the quality of service of the bridge is not allowed to be downgraded.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200033: Bridge "{0}" is obtaining connections to the two adapters.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge is obtaining connections to the two adapters.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200034: Bridge "{0}" is shut down.
Cause: This message indicates that the messaging bridge is shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200035: Bridge "{0}" has been started from the stopped mode.
Cause: This message indicates that the bridge was in stopped mode and has just been restarted.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200036: The started attribute of bridge "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}".
Cause: This is due to a configuration change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200037: The "{1}" attribute of bridge "{0}" has been changed from "{2}" to "{3}".
Cause: This is due to a configuration change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200038: Bridge "{0}" is inactive because it is configured to be stopped.
Cause: The bridge is configured to be stopped.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200039: Bridge "{0}" has the same destination as its source and target.
Cause: This is due to a configuration error.
Action: Update the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200040: Bridge destination {0}: connection URL cannot be null if the initial context factory is not weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.
Cause: This is due to a configuration error.
Action: Update the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200041: Bridge destination {0}: a bridge destination for JMS must have a connection factory JNDI name and a destination JNDI name configured.
Cause: This is due to a configuration error.
Action: Update the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200042: Bridge {0} failed to connect to the source destination and will try again in {2} seconds. This could be a temporary condition unless the messages repeat several times. ({1})
Cause: An error occurred on the source destination of the bridge. The error may occur because the source destination does not exist or has not been active yet.
Action: Check the source system and its configuration. Ensure that the destination is configured in the system and the system is running.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200043: Bridge "{0}" failed to connect to the target destination and will try again in {2} seconds. This could be a temporary condition unless the messages repeat several times. ({1})
Cause: The error occurred on the target destination of the bridge. The error may occur because the target destination does not exist or has not been active yet.
Action: Check the target system and its configuration. Ensure that the destination is configured in the system and the system is running.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200044: The following exception has occurred:
Cause: An error condition has occurred.
Action: Look for the associated exception in the log or the program to see the results. In general, this stack trace will help in debugging an existing problem.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200045: Bridge "{0}" failed to start because it has been suspended or is shutting down.
Cause: The administrator has shut down the bridge, or the bridge is suspended for migration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200046: The "{1}" attribute of bridge "{0}" has been changed from "{2}" to "{3}".
Cause: This is due to a configuration change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-200047: Bridge "{0}" failed to start because its migratable target has not been activated for this server.
Cause: The bridge is targeted to a migrable target that has not yet been activated on this server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MessagingBridge

BEA-220000: Web services startup
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220001: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The server may not be properly configured.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220002: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The HTTP header status length does not agree.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220003: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The server is not providing HTTP V1.0 or V1.1 protocol.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220004: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}
Cause: The returned server status code was not recognized.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220005: The server at {0} did not provide a valid HTTP response: {1}.
Cause: The server status code was given.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220006: Content-length was specified but no value was provided.
Cause: The content-length field must contain a value.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220007: The specified content-length {0} is invalid.
Cause: The provided content-length field is invalid.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220008: HTTP keep-alive was specified, but the content-length was not set.
Cause: The provided content-length field is invalid.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220009: Received EOF before reading the entire message from the server.
Cause: The server sent an EOF (end-of-file) before the entire message was received.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220010: A MIME-encoded SOAP response must include a content-type mime header specifying the MIME start and boundary.
Cause: The content-length was zero or the content-type was null. An attachment, however, was provided.
Action: Verify the server configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220011: A bad value was provided for {0} : {1}. The default value will be used: {2}.
Cause: The value was not correctly provided.
Action: Correct the system configuration and retry the request.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220012: The ID may not be null.
Cause: The XML stream may be corrupted.
Action: Check the content of the XML stream and retry the message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220013: The ID referenced by {0} is unknown.
Cause: The XML stream is invalid or corrupted.
Action: The unknown ID must be resolved and the action retried.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220014: Incorrect XML stream open. Use open(XMLNode node) to open this stream.
Cause: The module was incorrectly called.
Action: Correct the program to use XMLNode. After doing so, retry the action.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220015: Incorrect XML stream open. Use open(XMLNode node) to open this stream.
Cause: The module was incorrectly called.
Action: Correct the program to use XMLNode. After doing so, retry the action.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220016: The start element was not found.
Cause: The XML stream is corrupted.
Action: Correct the XML stream and retry the task.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220017: Element {0} is not a start element.
Cause: The XML stream is corrupted.
Action: Correct the XML stream and retry the task.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220018: The handler class:{0} issued an exception from its destroy method. This exception is ignored. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: A handler class issued an exception from its destroy method.
Action: Correct the handler Handler.destroy implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220019: The Web services server responded with an empty HTTP response. The content-length of the response was 0.
Cause: The HTTP response had a content-length of 0.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220020: The Web services call to {0}://{1}:{2} received an unexpected end of file (EOF) after reading {3} bytes.
Cause: The HTTP response had an unexpected EOF.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220021: The Web services call to {0} received an unexpected HTTP version {1}.{2} in the response:{3}.
Cause: The HTTP response had an unexpected version.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220022: Error reading the response from: {0}. Please ensure that this is a valid SOAP response. The message was: {1}
Cause: The HTTP response had an unexpected version.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220023: Ignoring an exception in destroy() from Handler: {0}. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in the handler destroy() method.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220024: Handler {0} issued an exception from its handleRequest method. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in the handler handleRequest() method.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220025: Handler {0} issued an exception from its handleResponse method. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in the handler handleResponse() method.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220026: Handler {0} issued an exception from its handleFault method. The exception was: {1}.
Cause: An exception occurred in the handler handleFault() method.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220027: Web services reliable agents have been started on the server.
Cause: Web services reliable agents have been started on the server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220028: Web services reliable agents are suspended.
Cause: Web services reliable agents are suspended.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220029: Web services reliable agents are shut down.
Cause: Web services reliable agents are shut down.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220030: Failed to create Web services reliable agents. {0}.
Cause: There is a configuration error Administration Server failure.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220031: The server does not support reliable SOAP messaging.
Cause: The server does not support reliable SOAP messaging.
Action: Check the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220032: Failed to create MessageContext after a SOAP message was recovered from the storage. {0}.
Cause: There was an invalid format from the store or an error accessing the store.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220033: Failed to access the store for reliable delivery. {0}.
Cause: There was a failure accessing JMS.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220034: A stack trace associated with message {0} follows:
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220035: A naming exception occurred while obtaining the initial context.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220036: An exception occurred while obtaining the JMS connection factory.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220037: An exception occurred while obtaining the JMS initial context.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220038: An exception was issued from the onMessage JMS.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220039: A naming exception was issued from the JMS send message.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220040: An exception was issued from JMS while obtaining the initial factory.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220041: An exception was issued from JMS when sending to the destination.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220042: A naming exception was issued from JMS for this queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220043: An exception was issued from JMS obtaining the factory.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220044: An exception was issued from JMS locating this queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220045: An exception was issued getting the conversational state.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220046: A remote exception was issued when getting the conversational state.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220047: An exception was issued from callReceive in the Client Dispatcher.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220048: An exception was issued from the client handler sending a JAXM message.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220049: A SOAP exception was issued from the client conversation handler.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220050: A SOAP exception was issued from the server conversation handler.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220051: A SOAP exception was issued from the Invoke handler.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220052: The target endpoint is a malformed URL.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220053: An unexpected exception was caught in the SOAP Envelope InputStream.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220054: An unexpected exception was caught in the SOAP Envelope Reader.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220055: A parse exception was caught in the SOAP Message content.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220056: A parse exception was caught in the get SOAP Message content.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220057: A messaging exception was caught while processing MIME SOAP Message content.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220058: A messaging exception was caught writing MIME SOAP Message content.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220059: A SOAP header exception was caught in setMustUnderstand.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220060: A SOAP header exception was caught in setActor.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220061: A Naming Exception was caught in the deployment descriptor verify.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220062: A Message Exception was caught in the Image Encoding Codec.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220063: A IO Exception was caught in the Image Encoding Codec.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220064: A Message Exception was caught in the XML Source Encoding Codec.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220065: A IO Exception was caught in the XML Source Encoding Codec.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220066: An InvalidAttributeValue Exception was caught trying to create the JMS Queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220067: A JMS Exception was caught when the listener was being closed.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220068: An exception was caught when introspecting the component.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220069: A Naming Exception was caught trying to locate the JMS transport.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220070: A JMS Exception was caught trying to create the JMS queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220071: A SOAPException was caught in the onMessage listening to the JMS queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220072: An IOException was caught in the onMessage listening to the JMS queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220073: A SOAPException was caught in the servlet base unable to invoke the service.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220074: A SOAPException was caught in the servlet base unable to send to the client.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220075: A SOAPException was caught in the servlet base unauthorized to send to the client.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220076: An exception was caught in the Web services servlet initialization.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220077: An exception was caught while processing the Web services deployment descriptor.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220078: An exception was caught when configuring the Web services servlet.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220079: An Interrupt exception was caught while waiting to send mail from the queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220080: An error was reported from the SMTP gateway.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220081: An IOException was reported from the SMTP quit command.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220082: An IOException was reported from the SMTP process read command.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220083: An IOException was reported from the SMTP process close command.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220084: A Binding exception was issued while trying to generate the implementation class.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220085: A JAXRPC exception was issued while trying to generate the implementation class.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220086: A IOException was issued while trying to generate the implementation class.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220087: A Binding exception was issued while trying to generate the EJB implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220088: A JAXRPC exception was issued while trying to generate the EJB implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220089: An IOException was issued while trying to generate the EJB implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220090: A Binding exception was issued while trying to generate the client implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220091: A JAXRPC exception was issued while trying to generate the client implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220092: An IOException was issued while trying to generate the client implementation.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220093: A naming exception was issued while trying to check compliance of the given EJB.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220094: An IOException was issued while trying to access the WSDL at the given URL.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220095: An IOException was issued while converting the file to a string.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220096: A naming exception was issued from JMS for this queue.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: Make sure that the queue can be accessed from this server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220097: An exception was issued from JMS while obtaining the factory.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: Make sure that the queue can be accessed from this server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220099: Web service for Web application named {0} contextPath {1} with Web services {2} has been initialized.
Cause: This indicates a successful Web service deployment.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220100: An error occurred while registering this Web service for monitoring. Although this does not affect the Web service itself, monitoring information about it may be unavailable. The specific error was {0}.
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220101: An error occurred while loading class {1} from handler-chain {0} in global handler configuration. Error is: {2}
Cause: The configured class is not present in the classpath.
Action: Check the classpath and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220102: An error occurred while loading global handler chain. Error is: {0}
Cause: An error may have occurred while parsing the server-handler-chain.xml file.
Action: Check the server-handler-chain.xml file and ensure that the syntax is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220103: Async Web service support is not fully configured. The async response Web service {0} for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: {1}. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async Web service applications. To completely disable async Web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.
Cause: The JMS queue JNDI name specified in the WebservicesMBean (or allowed to default) was not found on this server. The async response service requires this JMS queue in order to operate. To avoid obscure errors while processing Web service async responses, this service was not fully deployed. Not having this JMS queue available can indicate that Web services have not been configured/enabled for this domain. The server will periodically retry deploying the service, so there is no need to restart the server once the JMS queue is made available.
Action: If you do not intend to use async Web services in this domain, no action is required. To avoid seeing this message and completely disable async Web service support, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true. If you intend to use async Web services in this domain, define a non-distributed JMS queue with the local JNDI name given in WebservicesMBean (which has a default value), and after a short delay, the async response service will be fully deployed to use the newly defined queue. Oracle recommends that the JMS queue be located on a JMS server that is targeted to the same server as the Web service. Note that you can easily add async response Web services support to an existing domain by extending your domain with the Configuration Wizard and applying the wls_webservice.jar extension template. For more information, see the WebLogic Server online documentation in the 'Web Services->Get Started Using JAX-RPC' section.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220104: Web services async response service {0} for this server was just deployed because the reliability queue was found: {1}
Cause: The queue specified in the WebservicesMBean (or allowed to default) was recently deployed to this server. The async response service requiring this queue is now deployed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220105: Web services async/reliable invocations for service {0} are NOT available because the async/reliability queue was not found: {1}
Cause: You have deployed a Web service that indicates it can use async/reliable features, but the queue for async/reliable invocations (specified in WebservicesMBean, @Buffer or @ReliabilityBuffer annotations, or allowed to default) is not deployed to the local server. Therefore, async and reliable invocations will fail if attempted. Standard synchronous invocations will still work correctly despite this problem.
Action: Remove any async or reliable features from the Web service (e.g. @AsyncResponse, @Buffer, @ReliabilityBuffer annotations or @Policy annotations specifying reliable policy) or properly configure this server for async/reliable invocations. See the WebLogic Server online documentation in the 'Web Services->Get Started Using JAX-RPC' section for help on fixing this configuration problem. Once you have defined the proper async/reliable resources, you must redeploy your application.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220106: OWSM Security requires that a WSDL be associated with the Web service.
Cause: You have deployed a Web service that does not have a WSDL associated with it.
Action: Associate a WSDL with the Web service. For example you can add a wsdlLocation attribute to a WebService or WebServiceProvider annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220500: An unexpected error occurred: {0}
Cause: Unknown
Action: Contact Oracle support

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220501: The service port {1} bound to https transport in service {0} is NOT available, the https address cannot be resolved because SSL is not enabled for the server. The service port definition will be removed from WSDL that is being accessed through {2}.
Cause: While a WSDL is being retrieved through http protocol, the server requires replacing the service port address in WSDL with the actual address for the server. For any web service which defines one or more service ports bound to https transport, if the domain does not enable SSL functionality then the service port address could not be replaced correctly because https address for the server cannot be resolved.
Action: Enable SSL functionality for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220502: The Wsee Service is starting
Cause: This is an info message. No cause is needed
Action: No action required. This is an info message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220503: The Wsee Service is stopping
Cause: This is an info message. No cause is needed
Action: No action required. This is an info message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220504: The Wsee Service is halting
Cause: This is an info message. No cause is needed
Action: No action required. This is an info message.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-220505: Implicit/generated Client Identity {0} has been used in multiple calls to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() where these calls have used different services and/or sets of features. Monitoring statistics for this client will include all these different usages. Validation failures were: {1}
Cause: WebLogic JAX-WS web service clients are assigned a unique identity that is intended to represent the business purpose of that client. This identity can be specified directly using weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature or it can be allowed to be implicit. Implicit identity is generated automatically based on environmental information at the point where a Port/Dispatch instance is created. Your code has received an implicit client identity that is getting used (again implicitly) across multiple services or sets of features. All statistics gathered for a given client instance are rolled up under the client instance's client identity. If client instances using different services and/or feature sets contribute statistics to the same client identity, this can be confusing. It is even possible for clients to behave incorrectly when more advanced web service features are used.
Action: Best practice is to create a specific client identity (with a name representing a logical business purpose) for the client and denote this identity by passing weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature to the call to Service.getPort/createDispatch. Further, it is recommended that you pass a single/global set of web service feature objects to that call (e.g. Create WebServiceFeature instances as static class members or in a method annotated with @PostConstruct for containers compatible with this annotation). The actual call to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() should still be made in any way that makes sense for your uses (e.g. calling getPort on demand in a web service method, with Service created as a static class member).

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-225010: Error starting the JMS listener {0} {1}
Cause: A connection to the JMS replyToQueue could not be made.
Action: Verify that the proper queue name is being used, and check the status of JMS queue.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-225011: Error closing JMS connection {0} {1}
Cause: The JMS queue connection could not be closed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-225012: JMS onMessage exception {0} {1}
Cause: An error condition was reported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

BEA-240001: {0}
Cause: The Administration Console logs informational messages about console usage.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Console

BEA-240002: {0}
Cause: The Administration Console encountered an error that is potentially harmful.
Action: Review the warning message text to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Console

BEA-240003: Administration Console encountered the following error: {0}
Cause: The Administration Console encountered an error, but the console may continue to run.
Action: Review the error message text to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Console

BEA-240004: The Administration Console encountered the following error: {0}
Cause: The Administration Console encountered a critical error.
Action: Review the message text to determine the appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Console

BEA-240005: A Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) has been detected. Task={0}, address={1}, user={2}
Cause: The Administration Console encountered a CSRF.
Action: Take action based upon the provided exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Console

BEA-260000: WebLogic Local Deployment Manager
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260001: "{0}" does not identify a known Deployment Manager. The URI must be of the form: deployer:WebLogic:host:port. The host and port are required if attempting to acquire a connected Deployment Manager.
Cause: An invalid URI was provided when allocating a Deployment Manager.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260002: "{0}" is not a valid URI. The URI must be of the form: "deployer:WebLogic:protocol://host:port". The host and port are required if attempting to acquire a connected Deployment Manager. The protocol should be a well-known IP protocol.
Cause: Incorrect host/port used when attempting to allocate a Deployment Manager.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260003: Feature not available when in disconnected mode.
Cause: A deployment tool allocated a disconnected Deployment Manager or released it.
Action: Allocate a connected Deployment Manager.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260004: Locale, "{0}", is not supported.
Cause: The locale was incorrectly specified.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260008: J2EE version {0} not supported by this Deployment Manager.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260009: Exception caught for class "{0}" while attempting to create Deployment Manager: {1}
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260010: Unable to connect to "{0}" as user, "{1}". Error received: {2}
Cause: Authorization failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260012: No configured targets match provided target with name, "{0}", and type, "{1}"
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260013: The target array passed to Deployment Manager was null or empty.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260015: The "{0}" operation is not supported.
Cause: An invalid request was made; the operation is not supported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260016: "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260017: Unable to locate deployment task, "{0}"
Cause: The task was removed from the system.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260020: Module {1} of application {0} successfully transitioned from {2} to {3} on server {4}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260021: Module {1} of application {0} failed to transition from {2} to {3} on server {4}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260022: {2} application {0} on server {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260023: Deployment task does not exist for ProgressObject
Cause: The deployment task was removed from the system.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260024: Connection errors occurred while reporting a progress event. The event was from application, {0}, module, {1}, on server {2}. The event was {3}. The error was {4}.
Cause: There was a deployment failure.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260026: Task failed for unknown reason. Task description is {0}
Cause: The cause is unknown.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260027: Non-root module, "{1}", is not supported for {0} operations. All modules must represent root modules.
Cause: All modules must represent root modules. This operation does not support embedded modules.
Action: Use DeploymentManager.enableModuleTargeting.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260028: No targeting information was provided for {0} operation.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260029: "{1}" is not part of application, "{2}". Only one application allowed for {0} operation.
Cause: Multiple applications were specified in the same operation. An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260030: Module, "{0}", is not part of any application.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260031: No action performed or required for {0} request.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260036: Module type, "{0}", is not supported.
Cause: The operation is unsupported.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260037: Encountered unexpected descriptor for module "{0}".
Cause: An invalid application descriptor was used in the EAR file.
Action: Fix the application descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260040: No files provided in {0} request.
Cause: At least one file must be specified for update.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260041: Unable to upload "{1}" to "{0}"
Cause: Check the log for further details. Requested files need to be uploaded to a remote Administration Server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260050: "{0}" does not implement weblogic.deploy.api.spi.WebLogicDConfigBeanRoot, or cannot be instantiated: {1}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260052: null DConfigBeanRoot.
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260055: Unable to parse deployment plan: "{0}".
Cause: The document is invalid and could not be read or parsed during a deployment operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260056: MBean must be for Application or Component: "{0}".
Cause: An invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260061: Unable to recognize DDBean with xpath, "{0}".
Cause: Unable to restore configuration from an invalid descriptor; an invalid argument was used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260067: Restored configuration for module, {0}
Cause: DeploymentConfiguration.restoreDConfigBean was invoked
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260068: Removed configuration for module, {0}
Cause: DeploymentConfiguration.removeDConfigBean was invoked.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260070: Saved configuration for module, {0}
Cause: DeploymentConfiguration.saveDConfigBean was invoked.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260071: Restored configuration for application, {0}
Cause: DeploymentConfiguration.restore was invoked.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260072: Saved configuration for application, {0}
Cause: DeploymentConfiguration.save was invoked.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260073: Unable to introspect on bean, "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260078: No DConfigBean is available for invalid module, "{0}": {1}.
Cause: Check the error message for the specific problem.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260080: Unable to define the application install directory at "{0}". Directory could not be created or is a file.
Cause: The directory could not be created or is a file.
Action: Specify a valid directory.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260081: The descriptor at "{0}" could not be parsed.
Cause: The descriptor contains syntax errors and is invalid.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260082: A required descriptor, {0}, for a CMP bean is missing.
Cause: A descriptor file is missing.
Action: Place the necessary descriptor file in the archive file or its external configuration area.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260083: No plan document at "{0}"
Cause: The path for the plan may have been incorrectly specified. If this is the first time the application is being configured; this may not be a problem; the plan will be created.
Action: Specify the correct plan location as necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260085: The configuration descriptor for "{0}" already exists ( {1} ), or was not modified ( {2} ), and will not be saved.
Cause: The descriptors do not need to be saved.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260086: The descriptor information at {0} was saved to the configuration area.
Cause: The configuration was saved.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260087: The descriptor at "{0}" is missing the required {1} element for custom module with URI, "{2}", and provider, "{3}".
Cause: The named element is missing from the weblogic-extensions.xml descriptor.
Action: Correct the errors in the weblogic-extensions.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260088: The {1} descriptor at "{0}" is missing.
Cause: The referenced JMS/JDBC descriptor is not present in the archive.
Action: Ensure that all of the descriptors are in place.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260091: Errors were detected when reading "{0}": {1}
Cause: Check the error message to determine the probable cause.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260094: Registering config module descriptor support with base URI, {0}, and configuration URI, {1}.
Cause: The weblogic-extensions descriptor specified custom configuration descriptor support.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260095: Unable to create archive for "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to name a file with the appropriate extension failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260096: Unable to determine type of application for "{0}".
Cause: The archive does not contain standard descriptors.
Action: Ensure that the correct file was passed into the deployment operation.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260097: Unable to understand DDBeanRoot provided by deployer tool: "{0}".
Cause: The model API is not providing the expected information
Action: Resolve API problems in the class that implements javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DDBeanRoot.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260098: No descriptor type is registered for modules of type, {0}
Cause: The module type is not registered with a configurable descriptor.
Action: Register non-standard descriptors using the weblogic-extension.xml descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260099: No root element in {0} descriptor, {1} at {2}.
Cause: An invalid deployment descriptor was provided for the module.
Action: Either the wrong descriptor was specified or the module type is incorrect; take the appropriate actions to fix the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260100: Invalid value for Security Model, {0}; Should be one of {1}.
Cause: An unrecognized security model was requested.
Action: Use a valid security model

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260101: Parameter "{0}" may not be null.
Cause: A null parameter was passed to the method.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260102: Type parameter, "{0}", provided to export method is invalid
Cause: An invalid export type parameter was used.
Action: Use a valid export type.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260103: The provided bean is not part of this configuration: "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to export bean properties against the wrong DConfigBeanRoot object
Action: Invoke export on the correct DConfigBeanRoot.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260104: {0} is not a changable property
Cause: One of the properties is not changeable.
Action: Remove the property that is not changeable from the list.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260106: Failed to parse descriptor at "{1}" for module "{0}": {2}.
Cause: The descriptor is not valid
Action: Ensure that the application is accessible and contains valid descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260107: Failed to write descriptor for module "{0}" configuration: {1}.
Cause: Either an I/O error prevented the save operation or the descriptor is missing some required elements.
Action: Depends on the specific error. See the error message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260108: Failed to restore descriptors: {0}.
Cause: An I/O or parse error prevented the restore operation.
Action: The course of action depends on the specific error. See the error message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260109: Failed to write deployment plan: {0}.
Cause: Either an I/O error prevented the save operation or the plan is missing some required elements.
Action: The course of action depends on the specific error; see the error message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260110: Failed to create configuration for module: {0}
Cause: The configuration artifacts for the application could not be processed. This could result from simple access errors, descriptor parsing failures, or basic application architecture problems.
Action: The course of action depends on the specific error. See the error message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260111: Errors were detected while attempting to communicate with the Administration Server.
Cause: Depends on the specific error. The associated exception will contain the root exception.
Action: The course of action depends on the specific error. See the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260112: Unable to determine application name from null or empty TargetModuleID list.
Cause: No TargetModuleID objects were provided.
Action: Resolve the client programming error by providing a list of TargetModuleID objects.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260113: Plan at "{0}" is a directory. A deployment plan is always an XML document.
Cause: Plan at "{0}" is a directory, not an XML document.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260114: Application root at "{0}" is not a directory.
Cause: An invalid root directory was specified.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260115: Must specify application to configure.
Cause: No application was specified for the configuration.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260116: Configuration is not initialized
Cause: SessionHelper.initialize() was not yet invoked.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260117: Unable to load factory, "{0}"
Cause: The factory is not in the classpath.
Action: Ensure that the factory is in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260118: A null target was included in a deployment request.
Cause: The target list is invalid.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260119: The path provided, "{0}", does not represent a directory.
Cause: The first argument must be a directory.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260121: Initiating {0} operation for application, {1} [archive: {2}], to {3}.
Cause: A deployment operation is starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260122: Initiating {0} operation for application, {1}, from stream to {2}.
Cause: A deployment operation is starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260123: Unable to determine targets for deployment request on application, {0}
Cause: No targets were specified for the new deployment.
Action: Specify the targets to which you want to deploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260124: configured targets
Cause: No targets were specified.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260125: Errors were detected when attempting to communicate with Administration Server: {0}
Cause: Depends on the specific error. The associated exception will contain the root exception.
Action: The course of action depends on the specific error. See the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260126: Cannot override plan version, "{0}", with version from options, "{1}".
Cause: A plan version was specified in the deployment options, but the plan defines its own version.
Action: Avoid specifying the plan version.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260128: Changes not allowed to DTD based descriptors. The attempt to modify property "{0}" in {1} for module "{2}" will be vetoed if possible. The change will not be persisted in either case.
Cause: A property in a DTD based descriptor was modified.
Action: Upgrade the application with schema based descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260129: Export not allowed on DTD based descriptors. No properties for the {0} descriptor in module, "{1}", will be exported.
Cause: An attempt was made to export a DTD based descriptor.
Action: Upgrade the application with schema based descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260130: Shutting down Deployment Manager connection due to an internal error.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Allocate a new Deployment Manager.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260131: No URI was provided.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Deployment Manager without providing an appropriate deployer URI.
Action: Provide an appropriate deployer URI.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260132: "{0}" is not a child of "{1}".
Cause: "{0}" is not a child of "{1}".
Action: Check for a preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260133: The descriptor at "{0}" could not be parsed due to error: {1}.
Cause: The named descriptor is invalid.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260134: Unable to identify application for {0} operation.
Cause: Insufficient information was provided to identify which application to deploy.
Action: Resolve the client programming error.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260137: Failures were detected while restoring the original plan file {0}. The current plan may not reflect the accurate state of the application. Either attempt to update the application again with the current plan, or make use of the backup plan "{1}".
Cause: Failures were detected while restoring the original plan file {0}. The current plan may not reflect the accurate state of the application.
Action: Either attempt to update the application again with the current plan or make use of the backup plan "{1}".

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260138: Failures were detected while trying to create a backup plan.xml file at "{1}" {0}.
Cause: Failures were detected while trying to create a backup plan.xml file at "{1}" {0}.
Action: Failures were detected while trying to create a backup plan.xml file at "{1}" {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260139: Unchanged plan.xml was restored due to problems updating new plan {0}.
Cause: Unchanged plan.xml was restored due to problems updating new plan {0}.
Action: Unchanged plan.xml was restored due to problems updating new plan {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260140: Unable to remove descriptor bean {0} due to "{1}". The remover should first check to see if the bean is removable in the deployment plan prior to removing it.
Cause: Unable to remove descriptor bean {0} due to {1}.
Action: The remover should first check to see if the bean is removable in the deployment plan prior to removing it.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260141: An attempt to reinitialize this object by calling either inspect() or initializeConfiguration() was made without first calling close(). This SessionHelper object is stateful and must be properly closed by calling close().
Cause: An attempt to reinitialize this object by calling either inspect() or initializeConfiguration() was made without first calling close(). This SessionHelper object is stateful and must be properly closed by calling close().
Action: Call close() on the SessionHelper instance, and avoid reusing the same instance.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-260142: The descriptor at "{0}" in module "{1}" is not recognized, and could not be parsed.
Cause: The descriptor was not recognized and could not be parsed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: J2EE Deployment SPI

BEA-280008: Opening the persistent file store "{0}" for recovery: directory={1} requestedWritePolicy="{2}" fileLockingEnabled={3} driver="{4}".
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280009: The persistent file store "{0}" ({1}) has been opened: blockSize={2} actualWritePolicy="{3}" explicitIOEnforced={4} records={5}.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280012: Recovery is not yet complete.
Cause: This was caused by a programming error.
Action: Check the code and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280013: The specified file store record is longer than the maximum length of {0} bytes.
Cause: This was caused by a programming error.
Action: Either change the code or increase the size of the record.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280019: There was an error while writing to a file store file.
Cause: See the detail message for the cause.
Action: Ensure that the hardware and operating system are functioning properly and that there is enough disk space available for the file store files.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280020: There was an error while reading from the log file.
Cause: See the detail message for the cause.
Action: Ensure that the hardware and operating system are functioning properly and that all the persistent store files are available online.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280021: There was an error while opening the file store file "{0}".
Cause: Either the specified file does not exist, the server does not have permissions to open the file, or there is a hardware or operating system problem.
Action: Ensure that the file exists and that the directory name was specified correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280024: There was an error while creating a new file named "{0}" for the file store.
Cause: See the detail message. The disk may be full, or there may be a hardware or operating system problem.
Action: Ensure that there is enough disk space and that the hardware and operating system are working properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280026: The primary or cache file "{0}" is not both readable and writeable.
Cause: The file permissions are incorrect, or the server is running under the wrong user ID.
Action: Fix the file permissions or run the server under the correct user ID.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280029: The persistent store record {0} could not be found.
Cause: This is caused by a programming error.
Action: Ensure that the correct record ID was specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280031: The persistent store named "{0}" has not yet been opened.
Cause: This is a programming error.
Action: Fix the code and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280032: The persistent store suffered a fatal error and it must be reopened.
Cause: A fatal error occurred previously.
Action: Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280035: Unable to access the file store directory "{0}".
Cause: See the detail message.
Action: Check that the specified path name is correct, that it exists, and that the directory is readable and writeable by the server's user ID.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280036: Missing the file store file "{0}" in the directory "{1}".
Cause: The file has been accidentially deleted or moved, or the wrong directory name was specified, or the server process does not have permissions to read and write the file.
Action: Ensure that the directory name is correct and that the server process has permissions to read and write the files. If necessary, create an empty file with the same name.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280037: The file store has reached the maximum number of {0} files and no more files can be created.
Cause: There are too many records in the store.
Action: Delete data from the store and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280038: An error occurred while flushing the contents of a file store file.
Cause: See the detail message.
Action: See the detail message.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280039: The persistent store handle {0} is not valid.
Cause: This is caused by a programming error.
Action: Fix the code and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280040: An invalid record was found in the file store: Code={0}.
Cause: The file store has been corrupted, possibly by a hardware or operating system error.
Action: Change the DirectIOMode or restore from backup if the problem persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280041: A record was found in the file store with an invalid version of {0}
Cause: The file store may have been used with an incompatible version of WebLogic Server.
Action: Restore from backup.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280042: The file store primary or cache file "{0}" cannot be opened because it is actually a directory.
Cause: A directory was accidentially created in the file store's own main or cache directory, or the specified path is incorrect.
Action: Check that the file store path is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280044: The file store directory "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The directory has not yet been created, or its filesystem is not available.
Action: Check that the directory path has been correctly specified, and create the directory if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280045: The file store primary or cache directory "{0}" is not a directory.
Cause: The directory has not yet been created, or its filesystem is not available.
Action: Check that the directory path has been correctly specified, remove any file or directory that already exists in its place, and create the directory if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280046: The directory "{0}" is not both readable and writeable.
Cause: The file permissions are incorrect, or the server is running under the wrong user ID.
Action: Fix the file permissions or run the server under the correct user ID.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280051: The persistent store was not able to create a new record.
Cause: This is an internal Error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280052: The persistent store was not able to read a record.
Cause: This is an internal Error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280055: Invalid name for store write policy: "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal Error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support..

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280056: A persistent store error occurred: {0}
Cause: See the description of the underlying exception.
Action: See the description of the underlying exception

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280057: The persistent store named "{0}" is already open.
Cause: This is a programming error.
Action: Fix the code and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280059: "{0}" is not a valid store connection name.
Cause: This is a programming error.
Action: Fix the code and try again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280060: The persistent store "{0}" encountered a fatal error, and it must be shut down: {1}
Cause: There was a serious I/O error, either with file I/O or the JDBC connection to the database.
Action: Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280061: The persistent store "{0}" could not be deployed: {1}
Cause: See he detail message.
Action: See the detail message.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280062: The persistent store "{0}" could not be shut down: {1}
Cause: See the detail message.
Action: See the detail message.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280063: The "{0}" field value "{1}" in table reference "{2}" (format [[[catalog.]schema.]table) is too long. The database supports a maximum length of "{3}" for this field.
Cause: This is a configuration error.
Action: When configuring a table name, choose a shorter name for the indicated field. Note that JDBC stores automatically append "WLStore" to the table name.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280064: {0} (server="{1}" store="{2}" table="{3}")
Cause: See the exception text, and linked exception (if one exists).
Action: See the exception text, and linked exception (if one exists).

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280065: {0} (server="{1}" store="{2}" table="{3}"):(Linked Cause, "{4}")
Cause: See the exception text and linked exception text.
Action: See the exception text and linked exception text.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280066: Empty field value in table reference "{0}" (format [[[catalog.]schema.]table).
Cause: This is a configuration error.
Action: Ensure that the entire table reference is blank, or that the table field is not blank. If there is no schema, make sure there are no periods "." in the table reference. Do not start the table reference with a period ".". Note that JDBC stores automatically append "WLStore" to table references.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280067: JDBC store "{0}" did not find a database table at "{1}", so it created one using the commands in file "{2}".
Cause: The JDBC store did not find its backing table, so it created one.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280068: JDBC store failed to initialize. It did not find its database table and failed trying to create a new empty table using the commands in file "{0}".
Cause: See the linked exception text and linked exception stack trace.
Action: See the linked exception text and linked exception stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280069: JDBC store failed to initialize. It did not find an already existing database table and failed to create a new empty table because the JDBC driver is unknown and/or unsupported. To force table creation with an unknown and/or unsupported driver, see the JDBC store "CreateTableDDLFile" configuration attribute. Driver information: database product name = "{0}", driver name = "{1}".
Cause: See the exception text and exception stack trace.
Action: See the text exception text and exception stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280070: JDBC store failed to initialize. It did not find an already existing database table and failed to create a new empty table because it could not locate the configured DDL file "{0}".
Cause: The configured file is located in the server file path.
Action: For supported databases, consider the option of not configuring a custom DDL file. There is usually no need to configure a custom DDL file unless custom database-specific tuning commands have been added to the file. If a DDL file must be configured (perhaps because it is for an unsupported database), ensure that the configured file is located either in the server file path or server class path.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280071: JDBC store "{0}" opened table "{1}" and loaded {2,choice,0#0 records|1#1 record|2#{0} records}. For additional JDBC store information, use the diagnostics framework while the JDBC store is open.
Cause: A JDBC store booted.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280072: JDBC store "{0}" failed to open table "{1}".
Cause: See the linked exception.
Action: See the linked exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280073: The file store "{0}" could not be opened because it contained a file with an invalid version {1}. A file of version {2} was expected.
Cause: The file store has not been properly upgraded from a previous version of WebLogic Server, or the file has been corrupted on the disk.
Action: Ensure that the file store was upgraded using the weblogic.Upgrade tool.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280074: The persistent store "{0}" encountered an unresolvable failure while processing transaction "{1}". Shut down and restart to resolve this transaction. {2}
Cause: There was a serious I/O error, either with file I/O or the JDBC connection to the database, or an unexpected exception occurred while processing a transaction.
Action: Restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280075: JDBC store "{0}" failed to retain ownership of database table "{1}", either due to database access problems or due to concurrent accessors of the table. See the linked exception for more information.
Cause: Some other WebLogic server process or JDBC store has taken over ownership of the database table, or some database access error prevented this JDBC store from renewing ownership of the database table.
Action: The error message has information to identify potential owners in conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280076: Database table "{1}" for store "{0}" is currently owned by "{2}". Trying to wait for ownership.
Cause: Some other WebLogic Server process or JDBC store has ownership of the database table.
Action: The warning message has information to identify the current owner of the database table. If the current owner does not yield ownership within some time, this server will not be able to open the JDBC store and will log an error.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280077: JDBC store "{0}" in this server is not the owner of database table "{1}". Unexpected current owner is "{2}", expected current owner is "{3}".
Cause: Some other WebLogic Server process or JDBC store has ownership of the database table.
Action: The error message has information to identify and resolve the owners in conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280078: The handle that was passed was created from a different store connection.
Cause: This is a programming error.
Action: Ensure that the correct connection was used.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280079: An instance of the mSA PersistentStore

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280080: Number of create requests issued by this store.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280081: Number of read requests issued by this store.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280082: Number of update requests issued by this store

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280083: Number of delete requests issued by this store

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280084: Number of objects contained in the store

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280085: Number of times the store flushed its data to durable storage

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280086: An instance of an mSA PersistentStoreConnection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280087: Number of create requests issued by this store connection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280088: Number of read requests issued by this store connection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280089: Number of update requests issued by this store connection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280090: Number of delete requests issued by this store connection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280091: Number of objects contained in the store connection

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280092: Specified value "{1}" of the property "{0}" is not a valid Integer system property. Using default value "{2}" instead.
Action: Check the Javadoc for the valid formats of Integer system properties: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html#decode(java.lang.String).

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280093: Block size "{1}" specified by the property {0} is outside the valid range from {2} to {3}. Using default value "{2}" instead.
Action: Refer to the JMS chapter of the Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server guide for details of this setting.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280094: The size "{1}" specified by the property {0} is not power of 2. Rounding down to "{2}" instead.
Action: Refer to the JMS chapter of the Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server guide for details of this setting.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280095: Opening existing file store "{1}". The block size value specified by the property {0} is ignored because the block size of preexisting files cannot change.
Action: Refer to the JMS chapter of the Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server guide for details of this setting.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280096: Opening existing file store "{2}". The direct IO mode "{1}" specified by the property "{0}" is invalid and will be ignored. Using the default value "{3}"
Action: Use a valid direct I/O mode. The valid values are: "read-buffered", "single-handle-unbuffered", and "single-handle-buffered".

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280097: A file store failed to open file "{0}" in the Direct-Write read-buffered/write-unbuffered mode and is instead opening the file in a purely unbuffered mode. When there are high request loads, this may reduce file store performance. However, the store is still operating in a transactionally safe synchronous mode.
Action: To fix this problem, configure a different synchronous write policy, or if using the Direct-Write policy, force the store into read-write-buffered mode using the AvoidDirectIO command line property documented in the store chapter of the Performance and Tuning Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280101: The persistent file store "{0}" is forced to use buffered I/O because the Operating System or hardware environment does not support unbuffered I/O. The store is still operating in a transactionally safe synchronous mode. See store open log messages for the final write policy.
Cause: See the message body.
Action: See the documentation for store synchronous write policy configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280102: The perisistent file store "{0}" must reinitialize its cache: recovery may take longer than usual. The signature in the cache file "{1}" for the persistent store file "{0}" could not be verified, or the cache file is missing. Ignore this Warning if this is the first time the store has ever booted. Possible causes include: first boot of store (potentially after using a write policy different from Direct-Write-With-Cache), store migration, unclean shutdown, off-line store compression, and manual removal of cache files.
Cause: The cache file is missing, or the signature stored in the cache file does not match the signature of the primary file.
Action: Make sure that the configuration is correct, do not delete cache files, and ensure a clean shutdown.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280103: The persistent file store "{0}" will cache in {1}.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280104: The persistent file store "{0}" will use buffered writes instead of direct IO because the configured block size "{2}" is not a multiple of the environment's direct IO alignment "{1}". When there are high request loads, this may reduce file store performance. The store is still operating in a transactionally safe synchronous mode.
Cause: Direct I/O requires the block size to be a multiple of directIO granularity.
Action: Reconfigure the store with a block size that is a multiple of the direct I/O alignment for your environment. If the store is not empty and contains useful data, use the store admin compact utility to change block size, otherwise make sure that all store files are removed before starting WebLogic Server again.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280105: The persistent file store "{0}" cannot open file {1}.
Cause: An IOException occurred.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280106: The persistent file store "{0}" cannot memory-map the locked file "{1}" and has to downgrade to explicit buffered IO. For example, in some NFS environments memory-mapping and locking are not compatible. Consider configuring a local cache directory.
Cause: See the message body.
Action: Consult your storage vendor and operating system documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280107: The persistent store record {0}, connection "{1}", in the store named "{2}" does not exist because it has been deleted.
Cause: This was caused by a programming error.
Action: Ensure that the correct record ID was specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280108: The persistent store record {0}, connection "{1}" already exists in the store named "{2}".
Cause: This was caused by a programming error.
Action: Ensure that the correct record ID was specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280109: Unable to load the native wlfileio library for the persistent file store "{0}". The store will use buffered I/O. The store is still operating in a transactionally safe synchronous mode. See store open log messages for the requested and final write policies.
Cause: See message body.
Action: See the documentation for store synchronous write policy configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280110: The "{1}" attribute of Persistent Store "{0}" has been changed from "{2}" to "{3}".
Cause: This is due to a configuration change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280111: The "{1}" attribute of Persistent Store "{0}" has been changed from "{2}" to "{3}".
Cause: This is due to a configuration change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280112: [StoreBootOnError] "{0}" Ignoring AssertionError on bootHandle: record type: {1}, handle:{2}, row: {3}
Cause: There is some corruption of the JDBC store.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280113: The JDBC store "{0}" is initially pointing to RAC instance "{1}".

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-280114: The JDBC store "{0}" is configured with worker count as "{1}" but only started "{2}" workers as it is not able to acquire enough JDBC connections for the configured worker count.
Cause: The JDBC store was not able to acquire enough JDBC connections for the configured worker count.
Action: Modify the data source configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Store

BEA-281002: The SAF service has been started.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281003: The SAF service has been initialized.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281004: The SAF service has been suspended.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281005: The SAF service has been shut down.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281006: FailedMessage for store-and-forward: MessageId={0} > </FailedMessage.
Cause: A message expired before it was successfully forwarded by an SAF agent, and there is no error handling policy configured for the endpoint. The message ID was logged.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281007: SAF Agent "{0}" has been successfully prepared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281008: SAF Agent "{0}" has been successfully activated.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281009: SAF Agent "{0}" has been deactivated.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281010: SAF Agent "{0}" has been unprepared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281011: SAF Agent "{0}" failed to be prepared because of exception "{1}".
Cause: There was either an error in the configuration or an internal error.
Action: Check the agent's configuration and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281012: SAF Agent "{0}" failed to be started because of exception "{1}".
Cause: There was either an error in the configuration or an internal error.
Action: Check the agent's configuration and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281016: SAFAgent "{0}" byte threshold for the agent has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281017: SAFAgent "{0}" byte threshold for agent has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281018: SAFAgent "{0}" message threshold for the agent has been exceeded.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281019: SAFAgent "{0}" message threshold for the agent has cleared.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281020: SAF service has successfully connected to the remote endpoint "{0}".
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281021: SAF service failed to connect to the remote endpoint "{0}", because of {1}.
Cause: This is either due to a configuration error or a network failure, or the remote endpoint is temporarily unavailable.
Action: Check the configuration, the network connection, or the remote endpoint.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281022: SAF Agent "{0}" failed to resume because of exception "{1}".
Cause: There was either an error in the configuration or an internal error.
Action: Check the agent's configuration and contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281025: SAFAgent "{0}" has been paused for incoming messages.
Cause: An Incoming Message Pause request was issued for the specified SAFAgent.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281026: SAFAgent "{0}" has been resumed for new incoming messages.
Cause: An Incoming Message Resume request was issued for the specified SAFAgent.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281027: SAFAgent "{0}" has been paused for forwarding
Cause: A Forwarding Pause request was issued for the specified SAFAgent.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281028: SAFAgent "{0}" has been resumed for forwarding.
Cause: A Forwarding Resume request was issued for the specified SAFAgent.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281029: RemoteEndpoint "{0}" has been paused for new incoming messages.
Cause: An Incoming Pause Request was issued for the specified remote endpoint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281030: RemoteEndpoint "{0}" has been resumed for new incoming messages.
Cause: An Incoming Resume Request was issued for the specified remote endpoint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281031: RemoteEndpoint "{0}" has been paused for forwarding.
Cause: A Forwarding Pause Request was issued for the specified remote endpoint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-281032: RemoteEndpoint "{0}" has been resumed for forwarding.
Cause: A Forwarding Resume request was issued for the specified remote endpoint.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SAFService

BEA-282000: Unsupported class version {0}. Expected a value between {1} and {2} inclusive.
Cause: While attempting to interoperate between different releases or service packs, an error occurred while attempting to serialize or deserialize an object. The version number of the object was not in the expected range. If {0} is larger than {2}, then it is possible an attempt was made to access a newer version than the current version. Otherwise, a possible attempt has been made to interoperate with an unsupported older version.
Action: Ensure that the versions of Oracle products that are interoperating are supported. If the versions need to be supported, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282001: The messaging kernel {0} is beginning recovery of its persistent state.
Cause: This is normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282002: The messaging kernel {0} has recovered {1} persistent messages.
Cause: This is normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282003: The messaging kernel {0} will use up to {1} bytes of memory before paging begins.
Cause: This is normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282004: Message redirection has failed in a non-recoverable way for the messaging kernel {0}. Restart the server in order to restart message redirection.
Cause: See the previous error messages, which should explain the cause.
Action: Restart the WebLogic Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282005: An error occurred while redirecting a message for the messaging kernel {0}: {1}.
Cause: See the attached detail message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282006: An error occurred while deleting an expired message for the messaging kernel {0}: {1}.
Cause: See the attached detail message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282007: An error occurred in the transaction prepare phase of a message send operation for the messaging kernel {0}.
Cause: See the attached stack trace.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282008: A message send transaction for the messaging kernel {0} could not be committed because the kernel has been shut down.
Cause: A server was shut down or a destination was removed while a transaction was in progress.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282009: A message receive transaction for the messaging kernel {0} could not be committed because the kernel has been shut down.
Cause: A server was shut down or a destination was removed while a transaction was in progress.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282010: A sequence number update transaction for the messaging kernel {0} could not be committed because the kernel has been shut down.
Cause: A server was shut down or a destination was removed while a transaction was in progress.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282011: There was an error making a message visible after a delivery delay: {0}.
Cause: Most likely, a transient I/O error occurred.
Action: Consider restarting the server if the error persists. The message will not be lost.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282012: There was a failure while performing paging I/O.
Cause: Either a transient I/O error occurred, or the server did not have enough memory to complete the paging I/O request.
Action: Consider restarting the server if the error persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282013: Skipping unexpected null message encountered on store boot, {0}.
Cause: Message data corruption has occurred. The corrupted message will be skipped to allow data recovery on other non-corrupted messages.
Action: Report this issue to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-282014: [StoreBootOnError] "{0}" Ignoring 2PC record for sequence={1}, queue={2}, type={3}, id={4}, xid={5}; message reference element cannot be found.
Cause: Potential message data corruption has occurred. A 2PC record was found in the store without an associated message reference element. The 2PC record will be ignored.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Messaging

BEA-283002: Path Service has been started on server {0} with jndiName {1} with store {2}

Level: 1


Impact: PathService

BEA-290001: Error occurred in the deployment service servlet. It received an unacceptable request of type "{0}" with content type "{1}".
Cause: An invalid request was made to the deployment service servlet.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290003: Deployment service servlet encountered an exception while handling request of type "{0}". Exception is: "{1}".
Cause: Error occurred while handling the deployment servlet request.
Action: This is an internal error. Refer to the exception message and determine if the exception can be corrected. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290006: Deployment service servlet received a request of type "{0}" with no application name.
Cause: An invalid deployment service servlet request was made.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290007: Deployment service servlet unable to find upload directory while handling request of type "{0}" for application "{1}".
Cause: The servlet was unable to find the upload directory.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290008: Deployment service servlet encountered an error while extracting uploaded file to directory "{0}". Exception is: "{1}".
Cause: An exception occurred while extracting the uploaded file.
Action: This is an internal error. Refer to the exception message and determine if the exception can be corrected. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290009: Deployment service servlet failed to get initialized due to unavailable security service.
Cause: The WebLogic Server security service is not present in the installation files.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290010: Deployment service servlet failed to get initialized due to privileged action violation. Exception is: "{0}".
Cause: An exception occurred while initializing the deployment service servlet.
Action: This is an internal error. Refer to the exception message and determine if the exception can be corrected. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290011: Unauthorized request of type "{0}" for user "{1}"
Cause: The user is unauthorized for downloading files.
Action: Check the user and try again with an authorized user.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290012: Deployment service servlet received jspRefresh request with no upload file name.
Cause: The request parameter upload file name was null.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290013: No user name or password provided for the request.
Cause: The user name or password in the request were null.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290014: Invalid user name or password.
Cause: The request contained an invalid user name or password.
Action: Try again with a valid user name and password.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290015: Domain wide secret mismatch
Cause: Thee was an invalid signature between the Administration Server and Managed Servers.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify that the Administration Server and Managed Servers have the same SerializedSystemIni.dat file.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290016: Access not allowed for server "{0}" on boot.
Cause: The user does not have boot permission for the specified server.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290020: Exceptions encountered while invoking application lifecycle listeners
Cause: A registered lifecycle listener detected an error and generated an exception.
Action: Refer to the exception message from the lifecycle listener and determine if the error can be corrected.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290021: {0} does not exist.
Cause: The file does not exist on the Administration Server.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290022: This request needs to be initiated through a start control.
Cause: This is an internal protocol error.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290024: Deployment type {0} has already been registered with the DeploymentService.
Cause: More than one deployment handler was registered for this deployment type.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290025: Cannot call "start()" when DeploymentRequest has already been started.
Cause: The start method was called more than once.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290026: Request "{0}" is in "{1}" state - request has already been cancelled.
Cause: More than one cancel request was received.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290027: Request "{0}" is in "{1}" state - it is too late to attempt cancelling it.
Cause: A cancel request was received while the request was being committed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290028: Deployment "{0}" has been cancelled.
Cause: The request was already cancelled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290029: Deployment "{0}" timed out on Administration Server.
Cause: The request has timed out.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290030: No data handler registered for type "{0}".
Cause: A handler was not registered for the specified type.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290031: No tasks associated with this deployment request that can be cancelled.
Cause: Tasks have already completed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290032: Data Transfer Handler exists for handler type: "{0}".
Cause: The handler type is already registered
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290036: Deployment for request id "{0}" is deferred since target "{1}" is disconnected.
Cause: Target server "{1}" is disconnected.
Action: No action is required. When the server reconnects, the deployment will be performed.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290039: Unrecognized callback
Cause: The callback was not a supported type.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290040: The cancel call cannot be completed at this point because the deployment request "{0}" has already been partially committed.
Cause: A cancel was requested on a committed deployment task.
Action: Wait until the deployment task has completed and then perform the necessary actions to restore the application to the desired state.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290041: Commit failed message received for id: "{0}" that has no request. It may be completed or cancelled. Sending commit succeeded message anyway.
Cause: No corresponding request was found for the commit failure message.
Action: Check for a preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290042: Received a commit message call without a corresponding request. It may have been completed or cancelled. Sending commit failed message.
Cause: No corresponding request was found for the commit message.
Action: Check for a preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290043: Cancel failure encountered when attempting to cancel "{0}" due to optimistic concurrency violation.
Cause: A failure occurred during the cancel of the request.
Action: Wait until the deployment task has completed and then perform the necessary actions to restore the application to the desired state.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290044: {0} delivery
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290045: prepare
Cause: Not applicable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290046: commit
Cause: Not applicable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290047: cancel
Cause: Not applicable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290048: Request with id "{0}" timed out.
Cause: The request timed out.
Action: Try increasing the deployment timeout value. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290049: Deploy failed for id "{0}" since no targets are reachable.
Cause: No targets were reachable.
Action: Ensure targeted servers are alive and available from the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290050: Failed to deliver commit message to the following targets "{0}".
Cause: An exception occurred while committing the deployment request.
Action: Ensure that targeted servers are alive and available from the Administration Server. Check for a preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290051: The commit message for the deployment "{0}" could not be completed because the deployment timed out.
Cause: The deployment timed out.
Action: Try increasing the deployment timeout value. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290052: {0} timeout
Cause: Not applicable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290053: Request with id "{0}" timed out on the Administration Server.
Cause: The request timed out on the Administration Server.
Action: Try increasing the deployment timeout value. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290054: Deployment request "{0}" was explicitely cancelled.
Cause: Not applicable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290055: Deployment request "{0}" timed out on the Administration Server during "{1}".
Cause: The deployment request timed out.
Action: Try increasing the deployment timeout value. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290056: indeterminate
Cause: Not applicable
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290057: Invalid DeploymentRequest: the object returned by the DeploymentService has been modified in an incompatible way.
Cause: The deployment request is not of the expected type.
Action: Check for a preceding conflict start message in the logs. Try to avoid the conflict by taking one of the suggested actions. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290058: There is no request corresponding to request ID "{0}" currently being processed. The request will be cancelled if it is received in the future.
Cause: The specified request ID is not active.
Action: Check that your task ID is the task that you would like to cancel.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290059: Operation "{0}" is not one of the supported types when creating a Change Descriptor.
Cause: An invalid change descriptor type was specified.
Action: This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290060: Duplicate registration for "{0}".
Cause: Two different deployment instances were registered for the same type.
Action: This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290061: UnrecognizedTypes: "{0}", "{1}"
Cause: A deployment type is invalid.
Action: This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290062: The server configuration is out of date with the domain configuration and an attempt to synchronize with the Administration Server failed. This server needs to be restarted to enable it to synchronize with the domain configuration.
Cause: An attempt to synchronize with the Administration Server failed.
Action: Restart the server and if that does not resolve the problem, contact My Oracle Support and provide the stack trace for further analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290063: Commit for request "{0}" will not proceed further since its requires restart flag is set.
Cause: The changes in the deployment request require a restart.
Action: Restart either the server or the system resource that is part of the request.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290064: Deployment service servlet encountered an exception while handling the deployment service message for request id "{0}" from server "{1}". Exception is: "{2}".
Cause: Error occurred while handling the deployment service message request.
Action: This is an internal error. Refer to the underlying error message and determine if the error can be corrected. Verify that there are no network connection issues between the administration and managed servers.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290065: Deployment service servlet encountered an Exception while handling the deployment datatransfer message for request id "{0}" from server "{1}". Exception is: "{2}".
Cause: Error occurred while handling the deployment datatransfer request.
Action: This is an internal error. Refer to the underlying error message and determine if the error can be corrected. Verify that there are no network connection issues between the administration and managed servers.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290066: Error occurred while downloading files from Administration Server for deployment request "{0}". Underlying error is: "{1}"
Cause: The connection used for the file download received an error.
Action: Refer to the underlying error message and determine if the error can be corrected. Verify that there are no network connection issues between the administration and managed servers.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290067: Deployment request ''{0}'' was cancelled because servers: ''{1}'' were unreachable and the domain has cluster-constraints-enabled is set to true. To deploy to this cluster, either start the unreachable servers or remove the unreachable servers from the cluster, then reattempt the deployment. If this behaviour is not intended, set cluster-constraints-enabled on the domain to false and restart the Administration Server. This allows you to deploy the application only to those servers that can be reached.
Cause: Not all the servers in the cluster are running and cluster-constraints-enabled is set to true.
Action: Start all the servers in the cluster and try deployment again, or if this behaviour is not intended, set cluster-constraints-enabled on the domain to false and restart the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290068: A deployment service request has been received by this Managed Server that was intended for the Administration Server. The source of the request is "{0}".
Cause: The source Managed Server was started with a URL for the Administration Server that incorrectly identified this server.
Action: Start the source Managed Server with the correct URL for the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290069: Commit failed message received for id: "{0}", but exception details cannot be transported. Please look at target server log file for more details.
Cause: The send of the commit message failed.
Action: Check the exception details in the server log and determine if the failure can be corrected.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290070: Deployment service servlet encountered an exception while parsing the multipart/form-data request:"{0}". Exception is: "{1}".
Cause: The request is not an RFC 1867-compliant multipart/form-data request.
Action: This is an internal error. No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-290071: Deployment service servlet failed when parsing the request or uploading the file.
Cause: The request is not an RFC 1867-compliant multipart/form-data stream.
Action: The request should comply with RFC 1867. Verify that the Administration Server and Managed Servers are running versions that interoperate.

Level: 1


Impact: DeploymentService

BEA-300001: Could not execute command {0} for the Managed Server through the NodeManager, because the server name is not set.
Cause: No name has been specified for the Managed Server.
Action: Specify a name for the Managed Server in its configuration settings.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300002: Could not execute command {0} for the Managed Server {1} through the NodeManager because the domain name is not set.
Cause: No domain has been specified for the Managed Server.
Action: Verify that a domain has been specified for the Managed Server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300004: Could not execute command {0} for the Managed Server {1} through the NodeManager because this command can only be performed from an admin server.
Cause: The WebLogic Server instance where the Administration Console is running is not an Administration Server.
Action: Run the WebLogic Administration Console on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300005: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} through the NodeManager. This command {0} cannot be executed on the Administration Server using the NodeManager.
Cause: The NodeManager does not perform any operations on the Administration Server.
Action: No action is required as this operation is not supported on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300006: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager. Logs cannot be obtained for the Administration Server using the NodeManager.
Cause: The NodeManager does not perform any operations on the Administration Server.
Action: No action is required as this operation is not supported on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300007: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager, because the NodeManager does not monitor the Administration Server.
Cause: The NodeManager does not perform any operations on the Administration Server.
Action: No action is required as this operation is not supported on the Administration Server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300009: Server {0} cannot be started in the standby state because the administration port is not configured.
Cause: An attempt was made to start a server in the standby state without configuring an administration port.
Action: Configure an administration port for the domain and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300010: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the target machine configuration was not found.
Cause: No target machine has been associated with this server.
Action: Select a target machine to run this server on.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300011: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the target machine configuration was not found. This feature is applicable only for servers that are started up through the NodeManager.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the NodeManager to perform an operation on a server that is only valid if the server was started using the NodeManager.
Action: Start the server using the NodeManager.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300012: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the NodeManager configuration for target machine {2} was not found.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Associate a machine on which server {1} is to be started by the NodeManager, then execute command {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300013: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the NodeManager configuration for target machine {2} was not found. This feature is applicable only for servers that were started up using the NodeManager.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the NodeManager to perform an operation on a server that is only valid if the server was started using the NodeManager.
Action: Configure the NodeManager for machine {3}, then execute command {0} for server {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300014: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the NodeManager listen address is not set.
Cause: The NodeManager address has not been set.
Action: Set a valid NodeManager listen address.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300015: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the NodeManager listen port is not set.
Cause: The NodeManager port has not been set.
Action: Set a valid NodeManager listen port.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300016: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the remote start configuration was not found.
Cause: The remote start configuration is missing.
Action: Set the remote start configuration for server {1} in the Remote Start tab on the configuration page for this server in the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300017: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the username and password are not set.
Cause: The username and password to be used to boot the server are not set.
Action: Set the username and password in the Remote Start tab for the server in the Administration Console.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300018: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the server listen address is not set.
Cause: The server listen address has not been set.
Action: Set a valid server listen address.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300019: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager because the server listen port or protocol is not set.
Cause: The server listen port or protocol has not been set.
Action: Set a valid server listen port or protocol.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300020: Could not get logs for server {0} using the NodeManager because the specified log type {1} is invalid. This type can only be either WL_output or WL_error.
Cause: An attempt was made to get a log of an invalid type.
Action: Specify a valid type and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300021: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager. Failed to create output file {2} in the directory {3}.
Cause: The specified log file could not be created.
Action: Verify that the disk is not full and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300022: Could not execute command {0} for server {1} using the NodeManager due to an internal error.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300026: The NodeManager command servlet was unable to send a reply to the NodeManager health query.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300027: The NodeManager command servlet received an invalid command.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300028: Error: Authentication Failure - {0}.
Cause: This is a security configuration error. The identity (username/password) specified in the Remote Start configuration of this server, which is used to boot the server, is being denied access to the server at runtime.
Action: Ensure that the identity specified in the Remote Start parameters for this server also has the privileges to access this server at runtime.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300029: Error: Action Failure - {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300030: The socket close failed. Reason: {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300032: Could not execute command {0} on the NodeManager. Unable to create file {1} under directory {2}.
Cause: The specified log file could not be created.
Action: Verify that the disk is not full and that the directory is writeable, then retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300033: Could not execute command "{0}" on the NodeManager. Reason: "{1}".
Cause: The NodeManager command execution failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300034: Could not execute command "{0}" for server "{1}" using the NodeManager. Reason: {2}.
Cause: Command execution for the server using the NodeManager failed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300035: Warning : {0}
Cause: Details of the cause are provided in the message.
Action: Details of the action are provided in the message.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300036: Error :{0}
Cause: Details of the cause are provided in the message.
Action: Details of the action are provided in the message.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300037: The NodeManager at host {0} and port {1} seems to be down. Start the NodeManager and rerun the command.
Cause: The NodeManager is not running.
Action: Start the NodeManager and rerun the command.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300038: The NodeManager is unable to monitor this server. Could not create an SSL connection to the NodeManager. Reason : {0}
Cause: Check the message for details. This error might be due to a faulty SSL configuration.
Action: Check the message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300039: The state change notification registration failed. The server will only be able to respond to the GETSTATE messages by the NodeManager. Reason : {0}
Cause: See the message for details.
Action: Check the message for details and take corrective action accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300040: An I/O error occurred while writing a NodeManager status change message.
Cause: Possible causes are that the standard output stream has been closed or the NodeManager stopped monitoring.
Action: If this server requires monitoring, restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300041: Failed to register for startup mode change notification. Reason : {0}
Cause: Check the message for details.
Action: Check the message for details and take action accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300042: Failed to cancel the startup request to start the server {0} of domain {1}.
Cause: The server has advanced too far in the startup sequence.
Action: Shut down the server gracefully.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300043: NodeManager native library not found - server process ID not saved.
Cause: The NodeManager native library is not in the library search path or is unavailable on this platform.
Action: Ensure that the NodeManager native library is available and in the library search path.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300044: An I/O error occurred while writing the server PID file: "{0}".
Cause: The server PID file might be write protected.
Action: Ensure that the server PID file is not write protected. Also, check to see if the parent directory exists (should have been created by the NodeManager server before starting the server).

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300045: An I/O error occurred while executing command "{0}" on the NodeManager.
Cause: The NodeManager command execution failed due to a file I/O or socket exception.
Action: Ensure that the NodeManager is running and listening on the configured address

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300046: An I/O error occurred while executing command "{0}" for server "{1}" using the NodeManager.
Cause: The NodeManager command execution failed due to a file I/O or socket exception.
Action: Ensure that the NodeManager is running and listening on the configured address.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300048: Unable to start the server {0} : {1}
Cause: The most likely cause is a configuration error in the Shell/SSH/RSH NodeManager configuration.
Action: Ensure that you can access the remote NodeManager. This may require setting up SSH permissions for the SSH-based NodeManager. Also, ensure that the default PATH settings for the remote NodeManager are correct. See the NodeManager documentation for more information.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300049: An I/O error occurred while writing the server URL file: "{0}".
Cause: The server URL file might be write protected.
Action: Ensure that the server URL file is not write protected. Also, check to see if the parent directory exists (should have been created by the NodeManager server before starting the server).

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300051: An I/O error occurred while updating the startup properties for "{0}". This probably occured because the NodeManager is unreachable. This could mean that the servers boot.properties or startup.properties file is out of date, and the next time NodeManager attempts to automatically restart the server on a failure, it will use out of date properties. To resolve this issue, either ensure that the NodeManager is able to receive the updates and reset the properties, or restart the server.
Cause: An I/O error occurred while updating the startup properties for "{0}". This probably occured because the NodeManager is unreachable.
Action: Either ensure that the NodeManager is able to receive the updates and reset the properties, or restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300052: The specified script path, "{0}", contains improper characters. The script path must be a valid path that exists within the NodeManager script execution directory.
Cause: The specified script path, "{0}", contains improper characters.
Action: Ensure that the script path is a be a valid path that exists within the NodeManager script execution directory.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300053: A migratable server was not found to contain any specified IP address in the ServerMBean or custom network channels for migration. No IPs will be passed to NodeManager and no IPs will be migrated. The server may not start without an available address, or may not be accessible throughout migration without a consistent IP. Configure an appropriate floating listen address for the server.
Cause: A migratable server was not found to contain any specified IP address in the ServerMBean or custom network channels for migration. No IPs will be passed to NodeManager and no IPs will be migrated. The server may not start without an available address, or may not be accessible throughout migration without a consistent IP.
Action: Configure an appropriate floating listen address for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-300054: Could not find appropriate IP for ListenAddress "{0}" specified for a migratable server. Reason: "{1}". The NodeManager may not be able to bind the address specified and the server may not start without the available address. Configure an appropriate floating listen address for the server.
Cause: No appropriate IP was found for a migratable server's listen address. The NodeManager may not be able to bind the address specified and the server may not start without the available address. Configure an appropriate floating listen address for the server.
Action: Configure an appropriate floating listen address for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-309999: {0}
Cause: Debugging - please do not change.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: NodeManager

BEA-310001: Subsystem {0} has failed. Setting server state to FAILED.
Cause: One of the critical subsystems of the server has failed.
Action: Check the server log to determine the cause of the subsystem failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-310002: {0}% of the total memory in the server is free.
Cause: The percentage of free memory in the server has changed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-310003: Free memory in the server is {0} bytes. There is danger of receiving an OutOfMemoryError.
Cause: Free memory in the server is very low.
Action: Analyze heap memory usage for possible memory leak. Contact Oracle Support if the leak is in WebLogic server. If no memory leak is found, consider restarting server with a larger maximum heap size.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-310006: Critical subsystem {0} has failed. Setting server state to FAILED. Reason: {1}
Cause: One of the critical subsystems of the server has failed.
Action: Check the server log to determine the cause of the subsystem failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-310007: Subsystem {0} has failed because of: {1} However, notification did not occur because {0} was not registered with the HealthMonitorService.
Cause: One of the subsystems of the server has failed.
Action: Check the server log to determine the cause of the subsystem failure. MigratableTargets may need to be manually moved, since the automatic migration subsystem requires HealthMonitor notification to work properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-310008: Non-critical subsystem {0} has failed. Reason: {1}
Cause: One of the non-critical subsystems of the server has failed.
Action: Check the server log to determine the cause of the subsystem failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Health

BEA-320000: The Diagnostics subsystem is initializing on Server {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320001: The ServerDebug service initialized successfully.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320002: The Diagnostics subsystem is stopping on Server {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320004: The following unexpected exception was thrown: {0}
Cause: An exception was thrown unexpectedly.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320005: Diagnostic monitor of unknown type {1} used in instrumentation scope {0}.
Cause: The Diagnostic Monitor library is probably out of date.
Action: Update the Diagnostic Monitor library.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320008: Error occurred while collecting diagnostic metrics:
Cause: An error occurred while constructing a Harvester instance.
Action: Ensure that all harvester configuration parameters are set appropriately.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320009: The elapsed time of the last snapshot of diagnostic metrics exceeded the configured sample period by the following number of milliseconds: {0}.
Cause: Harvested MBeans and/or DataSources are taking too long to return sampled attribute values.
Action: Increase the sample period window.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320010: An error occurred while generating a diagnostic image: {0}
Cause: Permissions were abruptly changed on the zip/directory. The file system does not have sufficient disk space to continue writing the image.
Action: Allocate sufficient disk space and provide the proper permissions to create the image zip file.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320011: The following diagnostic image destination directory could not be created: {0}
Cause: You have not given write permissions to the absolute path for the default directory, or you have not allocated sufficient disk space for the directory to be created.
Action: You must give write permissions to the absolute path for the default directory if no configured destination directory is specified. You must also allocate sufficient disk space for the default directory to be created if no destination directory is specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320012: The following destination directory for diagnostic images could not be read/written: {0}.
Cause: The directory was not created the directory read/write permissions were not given to the directory.
Action: Create the destination directory with the appropriate read/write permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320013: Diagnostic image capture was attempted during a lockout period.
Cause: The ImageManager has locked image captures for a specified number of minutes.
Action: The lockout period must expire before a new image capture request is accepted.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320014: Lockout of {0} above allowed maximum lockout minutes for image captures.
Cause: The specified a number of minutes exceeds the maximum allowed lockout minutes.
Action: Specify a lockout period between the minimum and maximum.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320015: Lockout of {0} below allowed minimum lockout minutes for image captures.
Cause: The specified a number of minutes falls below the minimum allowed lockout minutes.
Action: Specify a lockout period between the minimum and maximum.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320016: Creating diagnostic image in {0} with a lockout minute period of {1}.
Cause: A FirstFailure has occurred, a diagnostic image notification handler was configured, or a capture image method was explicitly invoked on ImageManager.
Action: No action is required. The diagnostic image capture request will be scheduled and executed.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320018: Instrumentation engine configuration {0} could not be parsed due to: {1}
Cause: The instrumentation engine configuration is possibly malformed.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320019: Code generator class {1} for standard monitor {0} could not be found.
Cause: The standard monitor code generator was not on the class path.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320020: Code generator {1} for standard monitor {0} could not be instantiated.
Cause: The standard monitor code generator is missing the default constructor.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320021: The code generator {1} could not be accessed for standard monitor {0}.
Cause: The standard monitor code generator implementation has problems.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320022: An error was encountered while creating SerialVersionUID for class {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320023: File {0} does not contain a valid Java class
Cause: The file does not contain a valid Java class.
Action: Make sure that the file being instrumented is a valid Java class file.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320024: Class in file {0} could not be instrumented.
Cause: This can happen when the input file or output file cannot be read from or written to.
Action: Check the file permissions and disk space.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320025: Input file {0} for instrumentation engine cannot be found.
Cause: The input class file does not exist.
Action: Provide the correct path to the input class file.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320026: Monitor {0} could not be found in instrumentation engine configuration.
Cause: The monitor name may be misspelled.
Action: Specify the correct monitor name on the command line.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320030: Delegating monitor {1} in scope {0} allows using action of type {2}, which does not exist.
Cause: A delegating monitor was not properly configured in the instrumentation engine configuration.
Action: Contact My Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320031: An attempt to add a monitor of type {1} to instrumentation scope {0} failed because the monitor already exists in the scope.
Cause: Instrumentation configuration was incorrect.
Action: Remove multiple monitor entries with same types from the instrumentation scope configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320032: Attempt to add duplicate action {2} to monitor {1} in scope {0} failed.
Cause: Instrumentation scope configuration is incorrect. It has duplicate actions attached to the same monitor.
Action: Remove duplicate actions attached to the same monitor.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320033: Attempt to attach incompatible action of type {2} to a delegating monitor of type {1} in scope {0}.
Cause: Instrumentation configuration is incorect.
Action: Make sure that only compatible actions are used with delegating monitors.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320034: Instrumentation engine configuration {0} could not be parsed. {1}
Cause: The instrumentation configuration is malformed.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320035: Instrumentation configuration {0} could not be read.
Cause: The instrumentation configuration is missing or invalid.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320036: Instrumented method {1}{2} in class {0} exceeds size limit. Original method is preserved.
Cause: The original method is too large to begin with. The class to which it belongs is probably generated by a generator program.
Action: If possible, split the method into multiple methods. Exclude the class from instrumentation to speed up the instrumentation process.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320037: Class bytes for {0} do not conform to class format.
Cause: The class file is corrupt.
Action: Make sure that the class file is not corrupt.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320038: Could not instrument class {0}
Cause: This is a general instrumentation failure.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320039: Invalid class inclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation engine/scope {0}. Disabling instrumentation in scope {0}.
Cause: Inclusion patterns are malformed.
Action: Specify inclusion patterns in the correct format.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320040: Invalid class exclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation engine/scope {0}. Disabling instrumentation in scope {0}.
Cause: One or more exclusion patterns are malformed.
Action: Specify exclusion patterns in the correct format.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320041: Invalid lockout minutes {0} specified in image notification. Image capture was not performed.
Cause: The value is invalid.
Action: Recreate the notification with a valid lockout minutes value.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320042: Invalid diagnostic image location {0} specified in notification, exception message is {1}. Image capture was not performed.
Cause: The value is not a valid directory or file name.
Action: Recreate the notification with a valid image location. Take appropriate action based on the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320043: Image notification was not performed because the image capture was attempted before the lockout time expired. The exception message is {0}
Cause: An image capture was attempted before the lockout period expired.
Action: Recreate the image notification with a smaller value for lockout minutes. Optionally, use the watch alarm feature to ensure that the notification does not occur again before the lockout period has expired.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320044: Error occurred while performing a watch notification:
Cause: An error occurred while performing the operations required for the notification.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320047: Mail notification has not been sent due to an error that occurred while creating or sending a mail message:
Cause: An error occurred while performing the mail operations required for the notification.
Action: Verify the MailSession properties and email destination. Take appropriate action based on the Messaging exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320048: JMS notification message has not been sent due to an error that occurred while creating a JMS map message:
Cause: An error occurred while performing the JMS operation.
Action: Verify the JMS queue and connection factory configuration settings in the JMS notification. Take appropriate action based on the JMS exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320049: Exception occurred sending JMS notification message. Reinitializing JMS objects and retrying.
Cause: An error occurred while sending the JMS message.
Action: Look for additional error messages in the log from the reinitialization or resend of the message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320052: Error occurred while initializing a SMTP notification:
Cause: The mail session is incorrectly configured or not available.
Action: Ensure that the mail session JNDI name is correct. Ensure that the mail session MBean properties are valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320053: The SNMP Agent is not configured. The trap for the SNMP Watch notification cannot be sent.
Cause: The SNMP Agent is not enabled.
Action: Enable the SNMP Agent using the console.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320054: Error occurred while sending a SNMP notification:
Cause: An exception occurred in the SNMP Agent when sending the SNMP trap to the configured trap destinations.
Action: Ensure that the trap destinations are configured correctly. Take appropriate action based on the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320055: Could not read or create index on log file {0}
Cause: Disk may be full or directory is not writable
Action: Check if disk is full or directory is unwritable

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320056: Log index file {0} has invalid magic number.
Cause: The index file is corrupt or invalid.
Action: Delete the corrupt index file.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320057: Log index file {0} contents are inconsistent with its header.
Cause: The index file is corrupt or truncated.
Action: Delete the index file.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320058: Could not parse log record: {0}
Cause: The log record is malformed.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320063: An attempt to add watch {0} failed because the watch has already been defined.
Cause: Two different watch definitions have the same name.
Action: Remove one of the watch entries that has the same name.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320064: Watch {0} could not be created due to the following unexpected exception: {1}
Cause: An exception occurred unexpectedly.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320066: An attempt to add notification {0} failed because the notification has already been defined.
Cause: Two different notification definitions have the same name.
Action: Remove one of the notification entries with the same name.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320068: Watch "{0}" in module "{1}" with severity "{2}" on server "{3}" has triggered at {4}. Notification details: {5}
Cause: Configured watch evaluated to true and triggered.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320069: Watch {0} contains an invalid notification {1} that is not defined.
Cause: The notification does not exist.
Action: Define the notification or remove the notification from the watch.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320070: Error occurred while performing notification {1} for watch {0}. Notification may not have completed.
Cause: An exception occurred while performing the notification.
Action: Validate the definition for the specified watch and notification. Take appropriate action based on the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320071: Error occurred while creating watch notification {0}. Notifications may not have completed for this watch.
Cause: An exception occurred while creating the watch notification.
Action: Validate the definition for the specified watch and notification. Take appropriate action based on the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320073: Error while locating a record for timestamp {0} in the archive
Cause: There is a misconfigured or missing data archive for harvested data.
Action: Check that the harvested data archive exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320074: Error while executing query.
Cause: Internal error
Action: Contact Oracle Support

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320075: Error while reading a record from the archive
Cause: The harvested data archive may be corrupt due to internal error.
Action: Reconfigure the harvested data archive. Contact My Oracle Support to report this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320076: Could not initialize index information for harvester data archive.
Cause: The harvested data archive may be corrupt due to an internal error.
Action: Reconfigure the harvested data archive. Contact My Oracle Support to report this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320077: Initialized the Diagnostic Accessor Service.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320078: Could not initialize the Diagnostic Accessor Service Runtime during server startup.
Cause: The exception message includes the details about the cause of this problem.
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception stack trace. Contact My Oracle Support if this problem persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320079: Watch "{0}" rule expression evaluation failed with an exception. No notifications will be performed for this watch. The exception is:
Cause: An exception occurred during rule evaluation.
Action: Verify that the rule expression is valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320080: The log type {0} is unknown. Unable to lookup the DiagnosticDataAccessRuntimeMBean instance.
Cause: This message indicates that the logical name that was specified to look up the DiagnosticDataAccessRuntimeMBean is not correct.
Action: Verify that the log type is valid. Take appropriate action based on the exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320082: Configuration for diagnostic monitor {0} in instrumentation scope {1} has errors. The exception is:
Cause: An exception occurred while reading the configuration of a diagnostic monitor in a scope.
Action: Verify that the configuration for the diagnostic monitor is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320083: Custom diagnostic monitor {0} in instrumentation scope {1} has missing or invalid location attribute.
Cause: There is a missing or invalid value of the "location" attribute of a custom diagnostic monitor.
Action: Verify that the "location" attribute of the custom monitor has a correct value.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320084: The user {0} does not have authorization to view the logs.
Cause: A user with insufficient authorization attempted to access the server logs.
Action: Ensure that the right users are granted access to view the logs.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320085: The diagnostic data is accessible only through https in Production mode.
Cause: An attempt to access the diagnostic data was made over a non-secure protocol in Production mode.
Action: Ensure that the SSL is enabled in Production mode and that the servlet is accessed only over a secure protocol.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320086: The monitor type {1} in scope {0} contains unacceptable characters.
Cause: The monitor type contains unacceptable characters. It must start with an alphabetic character, followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters.
Action: Fix the assigned monitor type, which must start with an alphabetic character, optionally followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320087: The cursor {0} has timed out and is being removed from the registry of open cursors.
Cause: This message is emitted when a cursor has not been invoked and is being removed to free up the associated resources.
Action: Ensure that fetch is not called anymore on the closed cursor.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320088: The cursor with name {0} does not exist.
Cause: The cursor could have timed out or been closed by the user explicitly. Otherwise, or an invalid name has been provided.
Action: Invoke the fetch method with the name of a valid cursor.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320091: Attempt to use unknown action {1} in action group {0}
Cause: This is due to an incorrect or incomplete instrumentation engine configuration.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320092: Monitor {0} used empty or non-existent action group {1}
Cause: This is due to an incorrect or incomplete instrumentation engine configuration.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320093: Encountered problem while reading attributes of monitor {0}. Attributes: {1}
Cause: Possibly invalid attribute names were specified with the diagnostic monitor.
Action: Specify correct attributes for the diagnostic monitor.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320094: Could not initialize server instrumentation scope.
Cause: Internal error
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320096: Cannot create custom monitor {0} in server instrumentation scope.
Cause: Custom monitors can not be defined in the server instrumentation scope.
Action: Remove the custom monitor definition from the server instrumentation scope.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320097: Monitor {0} can be created only in an application instrumentation scope. It cannot be created in server instrumentation scope.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a monitor in the server scope, but it can only be created in the application scope.
Action: Remove the monitor definition from the server instrumentation scope.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320098: Monitor {0} can be created only in server instrumentation scope. It can not be created in application instrumentation scope {1}.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a monitor in the application scope, but it can only be created in the server scope.
Action: Remove the monitor definition from the application instrumentation scope.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320100: Configuration for JDBC-based diagnostic archives is invalid or incomplete. Using file based diagnostic archive.
Cause: The configuration for JDBC-based diagnostic archives is invalid or incomplete.
Action: Fix the configuration for JDBC-based diagnostic archives.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320101: Attempt to target more than one WLDFSystemResource to server {0}.
Cause: This error indicates that an invalid targeting was specified for a WLDFSystemResource.
Action: Ensure that only one WLDFSystemResource is targeted to a server.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320102: An error occcurred when trying to access the diagnostic data while executing the query expression {0}.
Cause: The query was not specified properly.
Action: Ensure that the query is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320103: An error occurred while creating the DiagnosticDataRuntimeMBean instance with the given logical name {0}.
Cause: The logical name is not a valid parameter or an error occurred while reading the diagnostic data.
Action: Ensure that the logical name is valid and take corrective action based on the reported error.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320104: An error occurrred when invoking the log4j operation while activating/deactivating log watch rules.
Cause: The log4j libraries may not be in the CLASSPATH.
Action: Ensure that the log4j libraries are available when using Log watch rules with Log4j enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320105: The watch rule expression {0} is not valid.
Cause: The watch rule expression does not conform to the correct syntax.
Action: Specify a valid watch rule expression.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320106: The watch notification configuration already contains a notification with the given name {0}.
Cause: The name for the WLDFNotification you are adding is not unique.
Action: Specify a unique name for the notification.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320111: The elapsed time since the last Harvester cycle ({0} milliseconds) is unacceptably short. Skipping this cycle in order to smooth out the responses.
Cause: The previous Harvesting process consumed a large percentage of the sample period. This can happen for 3 reasons: 1) you requested that a very large amount of data be harvested, 2) the system is consistently slow for some reason, 3) an intermittent service caused the process to slow down temporarily (for example, for garbage collection).
Action: No action is required. The Harvester will compensate by skipping cycles that occur too soon. If this happens consistently, either because you are harvesting a large amount of data, or the Harvester is running on a slow system, you can either increase the samplePeriod or increase system resources.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320113: The type {0} is no longer being harvested.
Cause: This is caused by an earlier problem. Sufficient log messages should have been issued at the point of failure to allow the problem to be debugged. Note that the type will remain deleted until the Harvester configuration is reloaded. At that time, if the problem is not yet resolved, this message may be issued again.
Action: No action is required. Typically, this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be harvested. It is advisable to fix the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320114: Initializing the Diagnostics Harvester.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320115: The Harvester is configured to be disabled.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320116: Harvester type {0} is configured to be disabled. No harvesting will occur for this type.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320117: The Harvester is being disabled because there are no valid Harvestable types configured.
Cause: This may occur because you did not provide any type specifications, or, if type specifications were provided, none of the specified types were harvestable.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320118: The Harvester timer has been initiated for an interval of {0} milliseconds.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320119: The Harvester is now in a {0} state.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320122: Unable to harvest attribute {0} on item {1} due to errors. This attribute will no longer be harvested.
Cause: The actual problem occurred at a previous point in time. Sufficient messages should have been issued at the point of failure to facilitate debugging the problem.
Action: No action is required. Typically, this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested. It is advisable to fix the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320123: Could not add MBean instance {0} to the harvested instance list for type {1}: {2}.
Cause: The actual problem occurred at a previous point in time. Sufficient messages should have been issued at the point of failure to facilitate debugging the problem.
Action: No action is required. Typically, this type of error will cause some of the requested data to not be Harvested. It is advisable to fix the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320124: The harvester has discovered a new instance of harvested type {1} named {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320125: Attention: {0}
Cause: This indicates a system error, not a user error. Further investigation is required to determine the cause.
Action: The user should contact Oracle support to debug this problem. It is often possible to turn on Harvester debug to obtain additional information.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320126: Reinitializing the Diagnostics Harvester.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320127: An error occurred while generating Image Source {0} as part of the diagnostic image zip file:
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while the subsystem was collecting or persisting the diagnostic image source information.
Action: Take appropriate action based on the unexpected exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320128: The WLDFResourceBean is not found for the WLDFSystemResource {0}.
Cause: This error is caused by either a deleted or corrupt WLDF descriptor file.
Action: Ensure that the descriptor file exists for the WLDFSytemResource and that it conforms to the expected schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320129: Instrumentation module {0} created.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320130: Instrumentation module {0} is disabled.
Cause: This instrumentation module for server or application is disabled.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320131: Instrumentation module {0} is configured, but disabled because a WLDF system resource is not targeted to the server, or its instrumentation component is not enabled.
Cause: There is no WLDF system resource targeted to the server, or its instrumentation component is disabled.
Action: Check if there is a WLDF system resource targeted to the server and its instrumentation component is enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320132: Updating classes within scope {0} since its instrumentation configuration has changed.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320133: Could not instantiate one of the known accessors during server startup.
Cause: The exception message includes the details about the cause of this problem.
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception stack trace. Contact My Oracle Support if this problem persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320134: An internal error occurred while creating a domain log handler: {0}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320135: JDBC-based {0} archive could not be created. Falling back on persistent store based archive.
Cause: This happens when the JDBC data source to be used with the archive is misconfigured or unavailable, or database tables are not available.
Action: Ensure that the JDBC data source is correctly configured and available, and that database tables have been created prior to use.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320136: Class {0} could not be instrumented, due to reason: "{1}".
Cause: This can happen because the class may contain constructs that are unsafe to transform, for example, custom attributes.
Action: Ensure that class does not have custom attributes or other such constructs.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320137: Invalid class inclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation monitor {1} in scope {0}. Disabling instrumentation in scope {0}.
Cause: There are malformed inclusion patterns in the instrumentation monitor.
Action: Specify inclusion patterns in the instrumentation monitor using the correct format.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320138: Invalid class exclusion pattern(s) for instrumentation monitor {1} in scope {0}. Disabling instrumentation in scope {0}.
Cause: There are malformed exclusion patterns in the instrumentation monitor.
Action: Specify exclusion patterns in the instrumentation monitor using the correct format.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320139: Archive {0} is not found during a data retirement operation.
Cause: Data retirement may be configured for a custom archive that does not yet exist.
Action: Ensure that the custom archive is created, or disable or remove this retirement configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320140: Scheduling data retirement tasks as per configuration.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320141: An error was encountered while performing age-based data retirement on archive {0}.
Cause: An error was encountered while performing age-based data retirement on the indicated archive.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320142: An error was encountered while performing size-based data retirement on archive {0}.
Cause: An error was encountered while performing size-based data retirement on the indicated archive.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320143: Scheduled {0} data retirement tasks as per configuration.
Cause: Finished processing the data retirement configuration.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320144: {0} operation started on archive {1}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320145: {0} operation completed on archive {1}. Retired {2} records in {3} ms.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320146: Failed to register dye {0} at index {1}.
Cause: A dye with the same name or index already exists.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320147: Instrumentation system is disabled because the instrumentation library is invalid.
Cause: The instrumentation engine configuration is corrupt or a required DyeInjection monitor cannot be found.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320148: Required diagnostic monitor {0} is missing from the instrumentation library.
Cause: The instrumentation engine configuration is corrupt.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320149: The DomainRuntime MBeanServer was not available for harvesting.
Cause: The DomainRuntime MBeanServer could not be loaded by the Harvester.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320151: The instance name {0} in the Watch configuration {1} is invalid.
Cause: The instance name or instance-name pattern was not a valid JMX ObjectName or instance name pattern supported by the WLDF Watch and Notifications framework.
Action: Check that the instance name is a valid ObjectName, or an instance-name pattern as specified in the WLDF Watch and Notifications framework documentation.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320152: An unexpected exception occurred while removing the set of watched metrics "{0}" from the harvester: {1}
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a set of watched metrics from the harvester that has already been removed, or one that was never activated within the harvester.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320153: Instrumentation configuration for application "{0}" has changed. However, it will take effect only after redeploying the application, since hot-swap is not enabled.
Cause: Hot-swap is not enabled.
Action: Redeploy the application, or restart the server with the diagnostic agent on the command line to enable hot-swap.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320154: Class redefinition failed after instrumentation configuration was changed for application "{0}" : {1}
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while redefining classes after the instrumentation configuration was updated.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320155: Inconsistent instrumentation handling information was specified in the same pointcut definition for {0} : {1} : {2}.
Cause: The instrumentation configuration contains a pointcut definition that specifies conflicting information for the method.
Action: Review the pointcuts that specify the method listed in the error, and verify that there are not multiple definitions for the methods with which they conflict. For example, one indicating an argument is not-sensitive while another indicates it is.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320156: The renderer class {0} could not be loaded due to {1}, the following renderer will be used instead: {2}.
Cause: The instrumentation configuration specified a renderer class that either was not found, is not accessible, or is not a renderer.
Action: Verify that the renderer class is correctly specified in the instrumentation configuration and that it is available to the server classloader.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320157: An error occurred when registering the log4j for data gathering operations.
Cause: The log4j libraries may not be in the CLASSPATH.
Action: Ensure that the log4j libraries are available when using Log watch rules with Log4j enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320158: An error was detected while capturing the flight recorder image.
Cause: The specified exception provides details on the error that was encountered.
Action: Review the provided exception information to determine the cause and action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320159: An error was detected while initializing the flight recording.
Cause: The specified exception provides details on the error that was encountered.
Action: Review the provided exception information to determine the cause and action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320160: The type-based renderer class {0} for type {1} could not be loaded due to {1}, that type-based renderer will not be used.
Cause: The instrumentation configuration specified a type-based renderer class that either was not found, is not accessible, or is not a renderer. It may also be that the type itself was not found or loadable.
Action: Verify that the type-based renderer class and type class are correctly specified in the instrumentation configuration and that they are available to the server classloader.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320161: Legacy Spring instrumentation API was called for an unknown method {0}.
Cause: A legacy Spring instrumentation API was called for an unknown method {0}.
Action: Instrument Spring using the tools in the current release.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320162: Legacy Spring instrumentation API was called.
Cause: A legacy Spring instrumentation API was called.
Action: Legacy Spring features should function normally, but you should instrument Spring using the tools in the current release.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320163: Wildcarded types are not allowed to be marked as being insensitive with %
Cause: A % character was specified for a wildcarded type, such as an asterisk or ellipses. This is not allowed, as it could lead to inadvertantly exposing a type that should be treated as being sensitive.
Action: Review the pointcuts that specify the % character to ensure that it is not supplied for any types that are wildcarded using an asterisk or ellipses.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320164: Circular class load detected during stackmap frame computation for {0}.
Cause: An attempt was made to class load the class currently being instrumented. This is not supported.
Action: Do not instrument the class that encountered the cycle.

Level: 1


Impact: Diagnostics

BEA-320300: The WLS ServerRuntime MBeanServer was not available for harvesting; custom MBean harvesting will not be available.
Cause: This could be the result of a serious error in the OA&M infrastructure. Check for other error messages in the log in that area.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsHarvester

BEA-320301: The WLDF Harvester could not activate the Watch and Notifications framework due to an exception: {0}
Cause: During server startup, the Watch and Notifications activation is deferred until the WLDF Harvester is fully activated. The deferred activation encountered an unexpected exception, potentially impairing the Watch and Notifications functionality.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsHarvester

BEA-320303: The namespace {1} for the harvested type specification {0} can not be serviced by a Managed Server instance; it is valid only when targed to an Administration Server.
Cause: A harvested type specifying the DomainRuntime namespace was targeted to a Managed Server. A Managed Server can only service the ServerRuntime namespace.
Action: Correct the namespace declaration of the harvested type, or retarget the WLDF configuration to an Administration Server in order to service this type.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsHarvester

BEA-320304: The following errors were reported during the validation of the metrics for watched values {0}: {1}
Cause: Some of the configured harvested types may have errors, resulting in the harvester being unable to process them for collection.
Action: Correct any issues with the harvested type configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsHarvester

BEA-320305: The instance name {0} is not a valid ObjectName or instance name pattern.
Cause: The instance name must be a valid JMX ObjectName, or a pattern conforming to the syntax supported by the WebLogic Diagnostics Framework.
Action: Correct the instance name in the harvested type.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsHarvester

BEA-320400: The log file {0} will be rotated. Reopen the log file if tailing has stopped. This can happen on some platforms, such as Windows.
Cause: This event happens whenever the log file is about to be rotated based on either size or time rotation criterion.
Action: On certain platforms, if some application is tailing the log, the rotation fails. Stop the application tailing and reopen the tail after the rotation is complete.

Level: 1


Impact: LoggingService

BEA-320401: The log file has been rotated to {1}. Log messages will continue to be logged in {0}.
Cause: This event happens after the log file is rotated based on either size or time rotation criterion.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: LoggingService

BEA-320450: The DebugScope name {0} is not valid.
Cause: The DebugScope with the given name is not defined in the ServerDebugMBean interface.
Action: Configure the debug scope with a valid name.

Level: 1


Impact: DebugModule

BEA-320451: An error occurred while applying the DebugScopes configuration.
Cause: This may be due to an I/O error while reading the DebugScopes from the disk.
Action: Take action based on the error stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: DebugModule

BEA-320500: The built-in WebLogic Diagnostics Framework resource descriptor ${0} for the selected level &quot;{1}&quot; could not be found; setting built-in resource to ${2}.
Cause: The WebLogic Diagnostics Framework resource descriptor for the desired built-in monitoring state could not be loaded due to either an issue with the WebLogic Server kit installation or an environmental issue in the domain configuration.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsRuntimeControl

BEA-320800: Failed to cache the instrumentation engine configuration at {0} with exception {1}
Cause: The destination file may not be writable or some other I/O error occurred.
Action: Check to see if the destination file is writable.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320801: Failed to load instrumentation engine configuration {0}.
Cause: The instrumentation engine configuraion may be missing or corrupt.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320802: Missing the name attribute for the instrumentation engine configuration at {0}.
Cause: The engine configuration does not have the required name attribute.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320803: Duplicate instrumentation engine configuration {0} found.
Cause: A duplicate instrumentation engine configuration was found.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320804: Invalid parent "{1}" for instrumentation engine configuration "{0}".
Cause: The instrumentation engine configuration has an incorrect parent configuration.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320805: Required root instrumentation engine configuration was not found.
Cause: The required root instrumentation engine configuration was not found.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320806: Found circular dependency with instrumentation engine configurations: {0}
Cause: The instrumentation engine configurations are invalid.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320807: Parent "{0}" for instrumentation engine configurations {1}.
Cause: The parent configuration for an instrumentation engine configuration cannot be located.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: DiagnosticsInstrumentor

BEA-320900: Agent will be unable to proxy for the agents specified due to Proxy initialization error.
Cause: Refer to exception message for cause of initialization failure.
Action: Take appropriate action based upon the specified exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320913: Failed to register Attribute Change listener {0} for MBean type {1} on server {2}.
Cause: This may be due to a misconfigured SNMPAttributeChange entry specification in config.xml. Please refer to the exception message for more specific cause information.
Action: Modify configuration of the SNMPAttributeChange entry or take appropriate action based upon the specific exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320918: Failed to add NotificationListener to logBroadcaster for SNMPLogFilter {0}.
Cause: Please refer to the exception message for more specific cause information.
Action: Take appropriate action based upon the specific exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320923: Error creating JMX Monitor {0} of type {1} for MBean {2}.
Cause: This may be due to a misconfigured Monitor entry specification. Please refer to the exception message for more specific cause information.
Action: Modify the configuration of the SNMPJMXMonitorMBean entry or take appropriate action based upon the specific exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320925: Failed to send Monitor trap for server {0} for type {1} for object {2}.
Cause: Please refer to the exception message for more specific cause information.
Action: Take appropriate action based upon the specific exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320927: SNMP agent is initializing.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320928: SNMP Agent initialization failed while accessing server information for the configured Domain.
Cause: Refer to earlier SNMP error log information for specific information on the cause of the problem.
Action: Take appropriate action based upon the specific exception message.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320929: SNMP agent initialization completed successfully.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320930: SNMP Agent Generic coldStart trap sent.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320931: The SNMP trap version is {0}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320937: Exception occurred sending SNMP message, {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error that occurred during the sending of an SNMP message using the TCP transport provider.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320938: SNMP Agent does not support setting values for MBean attributes through SNMP.
Cause: You attempted to set an MBean attribute using SNMP.
Action: Use JMX APIs to update the WLS configuration MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320939: An error occurred while adding a row to the SNMP table for MBean {1} of type {0}.
Cause: This could be due to a row already existing in the SNMP Agent for the MBean or an error condition in the SNMP Agent.
Action: Take appropriate action based on additional information in the error stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320940: An error occurred while deleting the row from the SNMP table for MBean {0}.
Cause: The specified MBean instance was not registered in SNMP or it could be due to an error condition in the SNMP Agent.
Action: Take appropriate action based on additional information in the error stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320941: An SNMP message was received over the default channel instead of the dedicated SNMP channel.
Cause: This occurs when a dedicated Network Access Point for SNMP traffic has been configured and activated and an SNMP request is received over the default server channel.
Action: Direct the SNMP request to the configured channel.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320942: The specified type name {0} is invalid.
Cause: The specified name is not recognized as a valid WebLogic Server MBean type.
Action: Please specify the correct name for a WebLogic Server Configuration or Runtime MBean type.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320943: The specified attribute name {1} is not valid for the given type {0}.
Cause: The specified attribute name that is not valid was specified as part of the configuration.
Action: Please specify the correct attribute name for the WebLogic Server Configuration or Runtime MBean type.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320944: The SecurityName attribute is not specified for the SNMPTrapDestination {0}.
Cause: The SNMP Agent's trap version is set to V3 and the SecurityName is not specified for the given SNMPTrapDestination.
Action: Please specify the SecurityName attribute for which the SNMP Agent will issue V3 traps.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320945: The SNMP Agent's TrapVersion needs to be V2 or higher to be able to send INFORM notifications.
Cause: The SNMPAgentMBean's SNMPTrapVersion attribute is set to V1.
Action: Set the SNMPTrapVersion to V2 or higher in the configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320946: The SNMP Agent {0} is already deployed to server {1}.
Cause: An attempt was made to target multiple SNMPAgentDeploymentMBeans to the same WebLogic Server instance.
Action: Ensure that only one SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean is targeted to any Server in the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320947: The AuthenticationProtocol for SNMP Agent {0} cannot be noAuth when PrivacyProtocol {1} is specified.
Cause: An invalid combination of authentication and privacy protocols was configured.
Action: Specify either MD5 or DES as the AuthenticationProtocol in combination with Privacy.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320948: The SNMPTrapDestinationMBean {0} has a higher SecurityLevel {1} than the SNMPAgent's SecurityLevel {2}.
Cause: An invalid combination of authentication and privacy protocols on the SNMPAgentMBean and security level on the SNMPTrapDestinationMBean has been configured.
Action: Specify the valid security level for the users and the trap destinations.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320949: SNMPAgent {0} is configured with a security level of {1}; the security level of {3} for proxy {2} must not exceed that of the SNMP agent.
Cause: A security level on the SNMP proxy was configured that exceeds the security level of the SNMP agent that corresponds to its configured authentication and privacy protocols.
Action: Configure a level of security on the proxy that is lower than the security level of the SNMP agent. For example, if the SNMP agent is configured with authentication but no privacy, configure the security level of NOAUTH_NOPRIV or AUTH_NOPRIV on the proxy.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320950: Failed to start the SNMP agent. If it failed to bind to the port, check if the port is available or the process has permission to bind to the port.
Cause: Binding to specified UDP and agentX ports is a common problem. The ports to which the agent binds may not be available. Also, on UNIX platforms, ports up to 1023 are protected and can be bound only by processes owned by root.
Action: Check whether the specified ports are available. On UNIX, the default UDP port (161) and master AgentX port (705) are protected to be used by processes owned by root. In that case, either start the server as root, or configure the SNMP agent to use port numbers higher than 1023.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320951: Failed to initalize the SNMP AgentX master subagent. One possible cause is the failure to bind the Master agentX port. If this is the case, check to see if the specified AgentX port is available, or ensure that the process has permissions to bind to the desired port.
Cause: A common problem is with binding to the specified agentX port. The port to which the agent binds may not be available. Also, on UNIX platforms, ports up to 1023 are protected and can be bound only by processes owned by root.
Action: Check whether the specified port is available. On UNIX, the default master AgentX port (705) is protected to be used by processes owned by root. In that case, either start the server as root, or configure the SNMP agent to use port numbers higher than 1023.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320952: Failed to send the SNMP trap or inform notification for trap OID {2}. Number of send attempts = {0}. Number of errors encountered = {1}. The detailed error message from the SNMP toolkit is {3}.
Cause: The SNMPTrapDestination(s) could be incorrectly configured or the SNMP Manager might not be running at the configured location.
Action: Ensure that the SNMP Manager is available at the configured SNMP TrapDestinations.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320953: The SNMP Agent has been started on port {0}.
Cause: The SNMP Agent tries to bind to the configured port. If this port is not available due to another SNMP Agent being deployed to the same machine on another WebLogic Server instance then the SNMP Agent tries to find the nearest port and binds to it.
Action: No action is needed. The port number is also reflected in the UDPListenPort attribute of the SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean interface on this Server.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320954: The SNMP Agent encountered an error while discovering Extensions {0}.
Cause: The SNMPAgent Extension provider implementations could not be loaded successfully.
Action: Take corrective action based on the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320955: SNMP agent has been shut down.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-320956: Error registering trap destination {0} for address {1}:{2}.
Cause: The host name specified in the SNMPTrapDestination configuraiton is not valid.
Action: Correct the configuration and start the SNMP agent again.

Level: 1


Impact: SNMP

BEA-340450: Descriptor {1} has no configuration-support in the weblogic-extension.xml file for application module {0}. JSR-88 updates will not be supported.
Cause: The configuration-support stanza was missing or has XML errors.
Action: Correct the weblogic-extension.xml file and redeploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: CustomModule

BEA-340451: URI mismatch for base-URI ({2}) in the weblogic-extension.xml file for descriptor {1} in module {0}. Unpredictable results from JSR-88 updates are likely.
Cause: The custom-module URI does not match the configuration-support base-URI.
Action: Correct the base-URI in the configuration-support stanza of the weblogic-extension.xml file to match the custom-module URI and redeploy the application.

Level: 1


Impact: CustomModule

BEA-340452: Prepare to deploy descriptor {1} in application module {0}.
Cause: This is normal behavior.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: CustomModule

BEA-340454: Prepare update for descriptor {1} in application module {0}.
Cause: This is normal behavior.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: CustomModule

BEA-400000: Initializing message interception service.
Cause: WebLogic Server starts the message interception service.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: messaging.interception

BEA-400200: Incorrect arguments. Expects 2 arguments.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400201: Migrating old security provider JARS from {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400204: No security provider JARs have been upgraded.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400205: Copying the upgraded security provider JAR to {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400206: Completed upgrading of {0} old security provider JARs.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400207: Skipped converting {0} since it is a security provider JAR built with 9.0.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400208: No MDFs (.xmls) found in the old security provider JAR with name {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400209: Created new security provider JAR {0} from {1}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400210: The XML file {0} is not a valid MDF, hence the upgrade tool will ignore this file.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400211: Not upgrading {0} because either this is an out-of-the-box Oracle security provider JAR or this security provider JAR is already upgraded or this is not a valid archive file (may not be a .jar).

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400212: Now processing {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400213: Could not convert from MDF {0}. This file may not be a valid MDF file; verify.

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400214: Running the first phase of Security Provider Upgrade process on {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-400215: First phase successful, now running the second and last phase of security provider upgrade process on {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Upgrade-SecurityProviders

BEA-420000: The message interception service cannot bind "{0}" to the local JNDI.
Cause: The JNDI name was already used.
Action: Avoid using JNDI names starting with weblogic. Correct this problem then try again.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420002: The addAssociation method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the addAssociation API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420003: The addAssociation method encounters some usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The interception point type is unknown either due to typo or the registerInterceptionPointNameDescription method didn't register the expected interception point type first.
Action: If this is caused by an external application then fix the related code. Otherwise, contact the customer support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420004: The removeAssociation method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the removeAssociation API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420005: The registerInterceptionPointNameDescription method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an llegal usage of the registerInterceptionPointNameDescription API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420006: The registerInterceptionPoint method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the registerInterceptionPoint API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420007: The registerInterceptionPoint method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The interception point type is unknown either due to a typo or the registerInterceptionPointNameDescription method did not register the expected interception point type first.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420008: The unRegisterInterceptionPoint method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the unRegisterInterceptionPoint API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420009: The registerProcessorType method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the registerProcessorType API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; Otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420010: The addProcessor method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the addProcessor API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420011: The addProcessor method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor type is unknown either due to a typo or the registerProcessorType method did not register the expected processor type first.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420012: The removeProcessor method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the removeProcessor API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420013: The getAssociationHandle method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of getAssociationHandle API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420014: The getProcessorHandles method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the getProcessorHandles API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420015: The getProcessorHandle method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the getProcessorHandle API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420016: The registerInterceptionPointNameDescriptionListener method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the registerInterceptionPointNameDescriptionListener API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420017: The removeAssociation method encountered an input error due to "{0}".
Cause: There was an illegal usage of the removeAssociation API.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420019: The process method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The required processor for the given association was not created at the time. To send a message to a target that has the given association defined, the processor specified in the association needs to be added beforehand.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420020: The process method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor generated an illegal error.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420021: The process method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor generated an illegal runtime exception.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420025: The addAssociation method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The added association already exists.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420026: The unregisterInterceptionPoint method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The interception point has already been removed.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420027: The interception point name argument is invalid due to "{0}".
Cause: The interception point name argument is invalid for several possible reasons. For example, the total number of name element differs from what is being registered with the interception service or one name element is invalid by itself.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420028: The removeProcessor method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor has been removed.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420029: The registerProcessorType method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor factory class cannot be instantiated.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420030: The registerProcessorType method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor factory class cannot be instantiated.
Action: If this is caused by an external application, then fix the related code; otherwise, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-420031: The process method encountered a usage error due to "{0}".
Cause: The processor is currently processing more intercepted messages than that the association's depth allows.
Action: Increase the depth on the association using the association handle object.

Level: 1


Impact: MIExceptions

BEA-1000000: The object to be used for reflection while looking up setter "{0}" is null.
Cause: The user may have passed null in as the object upon which to reflect.
Action: Contact BEA Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000001: While attempting to find a setter on object "{0}", the name of the setter is null.
Cause: The user may have passed null in as the name of the setter.
Action: Contact BEA Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000002: While attempting to find a setter on object "{0}", the type of the setter was null.
Cause: The user may have passed null in as the type of the setter.
Action: Contact BEA Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000003: The filter passed into the registerDependencyWithFilter method is null.
Cause: The user passed null in as the filter to the method registerDependencyWithFilter.
Action: Modify the code such that it does not pass null in as the filter to the method registerDependencyWithFilter.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000004: The filter passed into the registerDependencyWithFilter method is null.
Cause: The user passed null in as the filter to the method registerDependency.
Action: Modify the code such that it does not pass null in as the filter to the method registerDependency.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000005: The ServiceHelper service has been closed.
Cause: While waiting for a service object the ServiceHelper was closed.
Action: Do not close the ServiceHelper while waiting for a service object.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000006: The timer expired while waiting for a service object with filter "{0}".
Cause: The service object corresponding to the given filter was not available within the specified timeout.
Action: Ensure the service is available in the timeout period.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000007: Not yet implemented.
Cause: Using an unimplemented API.
Action: Contact BEA Customer Support.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-1000008: Could not find a setter named "{0}" for type "{1}" on an object of type "{2}".
Cause: There was no method of the given name of the given type on the given class.
Action: Ensure the setter name is correct. Ensure the object upon which it is looking for such a method has the method.

Level: 1


Impact: ServiceHelper

BEA-2004000: An error occurred while loading the Kodo-Oracle message dictionary.
Cause: This can happen if the Kodo-Oracle message dictionary is not available. This dictionary should be located at {0}.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Kodo Integration

BEA-2004001: The Kodo-Oracle message dictionary was not found.
Cause: This can happen if the Kodo-Oracle message dictionary is not available. This dictionary should be located at {0}.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Kodo Integration

BEA-2004003: Kodo localization key {0} has already been registered in the Kodo-Oracle message ID dictionary. Original value: {1}. New value: {2}. New definition from URL: {3}. The original value will be used.

Level: 1


Impact: Kodo Integration

BEA-2011000: The bundle {0} has started successfully.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterAPI

BEA-2011099: The bundle {0} has been successfully stopped.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterAPI

BEA-2011100: The bundle {0} has successfully started.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011101: An unexpected Exception occurred in harvester {0}. Logging it here and continuing processing... Context: {1}, Exception: {2}
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during the harvesting process.
Action: You should attempt to uncover the reason for the underlying Exception.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011102: An unexpected condition was encountered in harvester {0}. Logging it here and continuing processing... Context: {1}
Cause: An unexpected condition occurred during the harvesting process.
Action: The user should attempt to uncover the reason for the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011103: Service with name: {0} has been prepared.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011104: Service with name: {0} has been acivated.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011105: Service with name: {0} has been deactivated.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011199: The bundle {0} has successfully been stopped.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterJMX

BEA-2011300: The bundle {0} has successfully started.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterUtils

BEA-2011399: The bundle {0} has successfully been stopped.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HarvesterUtils

BEA-2012300: The bundle {0} has successfully started.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012301: Processing {0} MBeans.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012302: Processed {1} MBeans for MBean utility {0}.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012303: The MBeanTypeUtil cannot process an MBean instance due to excp {0} on MBeanServer: {1} and MBean: {2} stack trace: {3} --- Retrying once...
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012304: The MBeanTypeUtil failed for a second time to process an MBean instance due to excp: {0} on MBeanServer: {1} and MBean: {2} stack trace: {3} --- Skipping this MBean...
Cause: This ia an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012305: The MBeanTypeUtil failed to process two distinct MBeans in a row. The most recent problem was on MBeanServer: {0} and MBean: {1} stack trace: {2} --- No further MBeans will be processed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012306: {1} Unable to process the {2} of MBean: {0} due to internal errors. The managed process might be shutting down. Stack trace: {3}
Cause: The process is most likely shutting down, so it is safe to ignore this.
Action: If the process is known to be active, contact My Oracle Support to determine why the MBean cannot be processed. Setting the module debug flag will cause stack traces to be printed.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012307: {1} Unable to process the {2} of MBean: {0} due to internal errors. The managed process appears to be shutting down. Stack trace: {3}
Cause: The process is most likely shutting down, so it is safe to ignore this.
Action: If the process is known to be active, contact My Oracle Support to determine why the MBean cannot be processed. Setting the module debug flag will cause stack traces to be printed.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012308: An uexpected error occurred while scheduling work for MBeanTypeUtil instance {0} with work manager {1}: {2}
Cause: Possibly no work manager was set, or the work manager was unable to queue the request.
Action: If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012309: An uexpected error occurred while communicating with the MBeanServer: {0}
Cause: The MBeanServer or host process may no longer be available. If the MBeanServer is remote, there may be network issues.
Action: If the problem persists, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2012399: The bundle {0} has been successfully stopped.
Cause: This is a normal operation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: MBeanTypingUtil

BEA-2150001: Validation of weblogic-pubsub.xml descriptor file failed. The error is {0}
Cause: There are errors in the weblogic-pubsub.xml descriptor file.
Action: Correct the error in weblogic-pubsub.xml according to the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150002: No permission on channel operation: User {0} has no permission to create channel {1}
Cause: There are not sufficient privileges to create a channel.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration security settings.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150003: No permission on channel operation: User {0} has no permission to delete channel {1}
Cause: There are not sufficient privileges to delete a channel.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration security settings.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150005: Invalid persistent-client-timeout-secs: {0}.
Cause: The persistent-client-timeout-secs must be greater than the timeout-secs.
Action: Check the persistent-client-timeout in the PubSub server configuration

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150006: Invalid transport type: {0}
Cause: An invalid transport type was configured in the PubSub server configuration.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150007: Cannot find configuration for referenced message filter {0}; check message-filter in the PubSub server configuration.
Cause: There is a mismatch between the message filter name referenced in the channel setting and the message-filter setting.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150008: There is no message filter configured in the PubSub server configuration, but there is a message filter named {0} referenced in the channel setting.
Cause: The channel setting is requesting a message filter but the message filter was not specified in the PubSub server.
Action: Either specify the message-filter setting or remove the message-filter reference from the channel setting.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150009: Invalid message-filter configured: message-filter {0} is configured in PubSub server configuration, but its associated class {1} cannot be initialized correctly.
Cause: Class {1} associated with message filter {0} is incorrect.
Action: Check the message-filter-name and message-filter-class in the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150011: Action {1} on channel {0} is not allowed for any client.
Cause: The PubSub server configuration constraints do not allow this action on this channel. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150012: Client {0} is an anonymous user but channel {1} requests login.
Cause: Login is requested to perform this action. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150013: Client {0} is not allowed to perform action {2} on channel {1}.
Cause: The PubSub server configuration does not allow this action on this channel. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150014: Client {0} is allowed to perform action {2} on channel {1}
Cause: The PubSub server configuration is allowing this action to be performed on this channel. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150015: Client {0} has no permission to subscribe channel {1}
Cause: Client {0} has no permission to subscribe channel {1}, either because the client configuration does not allow the client to access the channel, or the client is anonymous and the channel configuration only allows specific clients to access the channel.
Action: Check the PubSub server security constraint configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150016: Client {0} has no permission to publish on channel {1}
Cause: The client is not configured to publish on the channel or the client is anonymous and the channel is configured to only allow access to specific clients.
Action: Check the PubSub server security constraint configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150017: Failed to register MBean for Channel {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while registering the ChannelRuntimeMBean.
Action: Check the stack trace for more detailed information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150018: Failed to unregister MBean for Channel {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while unregistering the ChannelRuntimeMBean.
Action: Check the stack trace for more detailed information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150019: Initialize PubSub server {0}
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150020: Duplicate initialize PubSub server {0}
Cause: There are multiple servlet and servlet-mapping definitions for com.bea.httppubsub.servlet.ControllerServlet in the web.xml file.
Action: Check the web.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150021: Cannot initialize service channel {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when initializing the service channel.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150024: Unknown meta channel found from Bayeux message: {0}
Cause: An incoming message specifies a channel other than /meta/handshake, /meta/connect, /meta/reconnect, /meta/disconnect, /meta/subscribe, or /meta/unsubscribe.
Action: Check the Bayeux client and the incoming Bayeux message.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150025: System property {0} is not set to specify an MBeanManagerFactory implementation.
Cause: System property {0} is not set.
Action: Ensure that runtime MBeans are not necessary; otherwise, set system property {0} to a proper implementation of MBeanManagerFactory.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150026: Can not initialize instance of MBeanManagerFactory with class {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while initializing MBeanManagerFactory.
Action: Check the stack trace for more detailed information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150027: Failed to register WebPubSubRuntimeMBean for PubSub server; the ContextPath is {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while registering WebPubSubRuntimeMBean.
Action: Check the stack trace for more detailed information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150028: Failed to unregister WebPubSubRuntimeMBean for PubSub server; the ContextPath is {0}
Cause: An exception occurred while unregistering WebPubSubRuntimeMBean.
Action: Check the stack trace for more detailed information.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150029: ControllerServlet initialization failed: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when ControllerServlet was initialized.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150030: Cannot fetch JSON message from incoming request
Cause: For long-polling request messages, messages are sent to the server as the body of a POST, encoded either as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or as "text/json". If sent as form encoded, the Bayeux messages are sent as the "message" parameter. For callback-polling request messages, messages are sent to the server either using POST requests as per long-polling transport or as the "message" URL parameter of a GET request.
Action: Check the incoming HTTP request and the Bayeux protocol specification.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150031: Cannot load properties from {0} in classpath.
Cause: The property file does not exist in the classpath.
Action: Check the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150032: Cannot find persistent store {0} specified to channel {1}; will use the default store.
Cause: The persistent store may not be configured properly.
Action: Check the configuration of the persistent store.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150033: Invalid client-timeout-secs: {0}.
Cause: Either a negative or a zero value was set for client-timeout-secs.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150034: Invalid interval-millisecs: {0}.
Cause: A negative value was set for interval-millisecs.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150035: Invalid multi-frame-interval-millisecs: {0}.
Cause: A negative value wass set for multi-frame-interval-millisecs.
Action: Check tue PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150036: Invalid persistent-client-timeout-secs: {0}.
Cause: Either a negative value or zero was set for persistent-client-timeout-secs.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150037: Invalid max-persistent-message-duration-secs: {0}.
Cause: Either a negative value or zero was set for max-persistent-message-duration-secs.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150038: Initializing channel authorization manager: {0}
Cause: This channel authorization manager will be used for authorizing channel actions.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150039: Error initializing channel authorization manager.
Cause: The initialization of channel authorization manager failed.
Action: See the exception stack trace for details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150041: Invalid channel {0}, cause is {1}.
Cause: An invalid channel field was found.
Action: Check the Bayeux client.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150042: A role {0} is being deployed implicitly without a pricipal mapping in the corresponding weblogic.xml.
Cause: There is no security-role-assignment for role {0}
Action: Create a security-role-assignment in weblogic.xml for role {0}

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150043: Security authorization has been disabled for the PubSub server.
Cause: PubSub server security has been disabled by an undocumented system property.
Action: If this property has not been set deliberately, verify all the system properties that begin with com.bea.httppubsub.security.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150044: Invalid connection-timeout-secs: {0}.
Cause: Either a negative or a zero value was set for connection-timeout-secs.
Action: Check the PubSub server configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150045: Incoming Bayeux message does not contain 'channel' field.
Cause: Incoming Bayeux message did not contain the 'channel' field.
Action: Turn on Bayeux message debug flag to check the Bayeux message sent by the client.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2150046: Invalid JSON format of a Bayeux message
Cause: A Bayeux message could not be recognized by the JSON parser.
Action: Turn on the Bayeux message debug flag to check the Bayeux message and exception for details.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server

BEA-2152001: Cannot create a default JmsProviderFactory instance.
Cause: The class loader could not find the default JmsProviderFactory class in the classpath or the default JmsProviderFactory class has no public non-argument constructor.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152002: Cannot create JmsProviderFactory instance for given class name [{0}].
Cause: The class loader could not find {0} in the classpath or {0} has no public no-argument constructor.
Action: Ensure that the correct JmsProviderFactory class name is used.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152003: JmsProviderFactory [{0}] registered.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152021: Try to initialize JmsProvider using the following configurations: JmsProviderUrl -> [{0}]; ConnectionFactoryJndiName -> [{1}]; TopicJndiName -> [{2}].
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152022: Cannot retrieve ConnectionFactory or topic.
Cause: There were incorrect JMSHandler configurations in the weblogic-pubsub.xml file.
Action: Check the JMSHandler configurations in the weblogic-pubsub.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152041: Channel-Handler mapping: [{0}] -> [{1}]
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152042: No ChannelBeans are configured in the descriptor file, ignore JMS channel mapping initialization.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152043: Total [{0}] JMS handler mapping configuration(s) found.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152044: JMS handler mapping: [{0}] -> [{1}]
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152061: Cannot initialize JMS channel [{0}].
Cause: A JMS-related exception occurred.
Action: Ensure that the JMS configurations are correct and that the JMS server has been started.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152081: Cannot publish message to JMS topic.
Cause: A JMS-related exception occurred.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152082: Cannot initialize publish functionality for JMS channel.
Cause: A JMS-related exception occurred.
Action: Check the configuration for the JMS connection factory and topic.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152101: No permission to publish to channel {0}.
Cause: The security permission was not configured properly.
Action: Check the security configuration in the weblogic-pubsub.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152102: Cannot initialize topic listener for JMS channel.
Cause: A JMS-related exception occurred.
Action: Check the configuration for the JMS connection factory and topic.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2152103: Error occurs when retrieving a message from the JMS topic.
Cause: A JMS-related exception occurred.
Action: Check the messages published to the JMS topic, and enable the JMS log for analysis.

Level: 1


Impact: HTTP Pubsub Server JMS support

BEA-2154000: Enabling FastSwap on application "{0}".
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: FastSwap

BEA-2154001: Starting FastSwap operation on application "{0}".
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: FastSwap

BEA-2154002: Finished FastSwap operation on application "{0}" with status {1}.
Cause: This message is for informational purposes only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: FastSwap

BEA-2154003: FastSwap operation on application "{0}" failed: {1}.
Cause: One or more classes could not be redefined.
Action: Redeploy the application for updates to classes to take effect.

Level: 1


Impact: FastSwap

BEA-2156001: "config-root" {0} is not a directory.
Cause: The "config-root" may not have been set properly.
Action: Verify that the "config-root" is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicDescriptorWL

BEA-2156002: Attribute "{0}": duration value "{1}" is not valid: {2}
Cause: The provided duration value was not a valid duration lexical representation.
Action: See the lexical rules for a javax.datatype.Duration, and ensure that the provided duration value is valid according to these rules.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicDescriptorWL

BEA-2156003: Attribute "{0}": logical store name value "{1}" is not valid.
Cause: The provided logical store name value was not a valid name. Logical store names must be valid Java identifiers.
Action: See the lexical rules for a Java identifier, and ensure that the logical store name follows these rules.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicDescriptorWL

BEA-2156004: Attribute "{0}": JNDI name value "{1}" is not valid.
Cause: The provided JNDI name value was not a valid name. JNDI names must be non-null and non-empty and meet the rules of the J2EE platform's JNDI implementation.
Action: See the lexical rules for a JNDI name, and ensure that the JNDI name follows these rules.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicDescriptorWL

BEA-2156200: Unable to load descriptor {1} of module {0}. The error is {2}.
Cause: The descriptor is not valid.
Action: Correct the descriptor.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156201: An error occurred while parsing descriptors: {0}.
Cause: Check the stack trace.
Action: Check the stack trace.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156202: References were found in the deployment plan for module "{0}" with URI, "{1}". The plan was merged.
Cause: The plan contained variable overrides.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156203: A version attribute was not found in element "{0}" in the deployment descriptor {1}. A version attribute is required, but this version of the WebLogic Server will assume that the latest version is used. Future versions of WebLogic Server will reject descriptors that do not specify the Java EE version. To eliminate this warning, add an appropriate "version=" to element "{0}" in the deployment descriptor.
Cause: The required version attribute was missing.
Action: Add the version attribute with the appropriate JEE version value.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156204: The root element {0} is missing in the descriptor file {1}.
Cause: The required root element was missing in the descriptor file.
Action: Add the root element to the descriptor file.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156205: Updating the configuration with the deployment plan overrides for module "{0}" with URI, "{1}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156206: No module overrides were found in the deployment plan for module "{0}" with URI, "{1}". If overrides were expected for this module, verify the deployment plan.
Cause: The plan contained no matching variable overrides.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message. It may be an expected action.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156207: The variable assignment from the deployment plan with variable name "{0}" and XPath "{1}" will be included when overriding the deployment configuration.
Cause: The plan contained matching variable overrides.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message used to troubleshoot deployment plan overrides.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156208: The variable assignment from the deployment plan with variable name "{0}" and XPath "{1}" will be included when overriding the deployment configuration.
Cause: The plan contained matching variable overrides.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message used to troubleshoot deployment plan overrides.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156209: Applying the overrides from the deployment plan for module "{0}" with URI, "{1}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156210: Applying the override for variable "{0}" with XPath "{1}" and operation "{2}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156211: After applying the overrides from the deployment plan, the descriptor "{0}" is: "{1}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application. The descriptor was updated.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156212: An error occurred while parsing the specifed XPath "{0}" : {1}.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid.
Action: Check the associated exception to determine the cause, and correct the XPath value.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156213: An error occurred while parsing the specifed XPath "{0}" : {1}.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid.
Action: Check the associated exception to determine the cause, and correct the XPath value.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156214: The XPath "{0}" specifies a key selection but the bean "{1}" does not have any keys defined.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid because no keys were defined for this element.
Action: Check the associated schema, and ensure that the element has the corresponding key.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156215: Removed the value matched by the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application, and an element has been removed.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156216: The deployment plan operation failed because there was no method named "{0}" on the bean "{1}" corresponding to the element "{2}".
Cause: A deployment plan operation requires a corresponding destroy, remove, or set method. This method was not present.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156217: An error occurred while performing the plan operation for variable "{0}" with element name "{1}" : {2}.
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during the deployment plan operation.
Action: Check the associated exception to determine the cause, and correct the issue.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156218: Updated the element matched by the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}" to have value "{2}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application, and a matching element has been updated.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156219: Created the element matched by the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application, and a matching element has been created.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156220: Created the element matched by the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}" to have name "{2}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application, and a matching element has been created.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156221: The remove operation for the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}" specified an array index of "{2}" but the array was smaller, so no elements were removed.
Cause: The specified array index was larger than the size of the array.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156222: The variable "{0}" specifies a property "{1}" that is a primitive array but no index is specified in the XPath.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid since no array index was defined for this element.
Action: Check the XPath, and specify an index.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156223: The variable "{0}" for the add operation does not specify a property in the XPath "{1}". This variable assignment has been ignored.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid since no property was specified for the add operation.
Action: Check the XPath, and specify a property.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156224: Added the element matched by the deployment plan variable "{0}" with element name "{1}" with value "{2}".
Cause: A deployment plan was specified for the application, and a matching element has been added.
Action: No action is required. This is an informational message.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156225: The XPath "{0}" contains a trailing invalid "/". It has been ignored. Remove it from the XPath expression.
Cause: The specified XPath value was invalid because it contained a trailing slash.
Action: Remove the trailing slash.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156226: Skipping the override for the deployment plan variable "{0}" and XPath "{1}" since the value is not set in the deployment plan.
Cause: A deployment plan did not contain a value for the variable.
Action: Add a variable value if one is desired, or remove the variable assignment if it is not needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Munger

BEA-2156250: The value {1} is illegal for {0}. Legal value for this attribute is >= -1. Although the current release of WebLogic Server is accepting this value, future releases may reject the configuration.
Cause: The current WebLogic Server version accepts this value to support prior releases that allowed arbitrary negative values.
Action: Fix the configuration to specify a value for this parameter in the valid legal range.

Level: 1


Impact: WebLogicJavaEEDescriptorValidator

BEA-2156300: Coherence JAR is in the system classpath and there are more than one CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean defined using {0}
Cause: Multiple CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean were targeted.
Action: When the Coherence JAR is in the system classpath, only one CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean should be targeted to the server.

Level: 1


Impact: CacheProvider

BEA-2156301: Failed to shut down application {0} due to {1}
Cause: Failed to shut down application {0} due to {1}
Action: Examine the exception details and take corrective actions.

Level: 1


Impact: CacheProvider

BEA-2156400: The validation.xml file, located at {0}, does not conform to the JSR 303 specifications.
Cause: The file does not conform to the JSR 303 specification. This maybe because the file is intended to configure another validation framework or because of a typo in the file.
Action: JSR 303 specifies the location of the validator descriptor as either WEB-INF for web application or META-INF for all other cases. A validation.xml file at that location should only be used for the purpose of configuring javax.validation. If the purpose of the file is to configure another validation framework, consider using a different name or placing the file in a different location.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2156401: Invalid URL, {0}, because {1}.
Cause: Internal Error
Action: Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2156402: Unable to process URL, {0}. Is from jar: {1} resourceDir: {2} resourcePath: {3}.
Cause: Internal Error
Action: Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2156403: Unable to process URL, {0}, because {1}.
Cause: The cause of the error is contained in the error message.
Action: Carefully examine the error message to determine the cause of the error and determine the best way to fix it.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2156404: Unable to find a Validation Context. {0}
Cause: Internal Error
Action: Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2156405: Unable to read resource, {0}, because {1}
Cause: An IOException has occurred.
Action: Insure that the resource is available for read.

Level: 1


Impact: Weblogic-Validation

BEA-2159000: An exception occurred while the listener {1} processed event {0}. The error is {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Fix the issue related to the embedded root exception. If the listener associated with the exception is an Oracle class, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2159001: An exception occurred while initializing WLS internal event bus {0}. The error is {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: This is an internal error and should be reported as a bug to My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2159002: An exception occurred while loading the listener class {0}. The error is {1}. This listener will not be registered.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Fix the issue related to the embedded root exception. If the listener associated with the exception is an Oracle class, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2159003: An exception occurred while instantiating an instance of listener class {0}. The error is {1}. This listener will not be registered.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Fix the issue related to the embedded root exception. If the listener associated with the exception is an Oracle class, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2159004: An exception occurred while registering listeners defined as resources. The error is {1}.
Cause: Refer to the embedded exception information for more details as to the probable cause of this error.
Action: Fix the issue related to the embedded root exception. If the listeners associated with the exception are Oracle listeners, contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2159005: An error occurred while processing the WebLogic internal events "{0}". The error is {1}.
Cause: See the embedded root exception.
Action: Fix the issue related to the embedded root exception.

Level: 1


Impact: InternalEventBus

BEA-2160000: Context "{0}" is not a web context. Spring runtime MBeans cannot be created.
Cause: The WeblogicSpringApplicationListener bean was added to (or registered as a listener on) an ApplicationContext that is not a web application context.
Action: Use WeblogicSpringApplicationListener only with a WebApplicationContext.

Level: 1


Impact: WeblogicSpring

BEA-2160001: WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean not found. Spring runtime MBeans cannot be created.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support. Please capture errors and send the server log files to support.

Level: 1


Impact: WeblogicSpring

BEA-2160002: "{0}" is not a registered scope name.
Cause: The scope name supplied to a runtime mbean operation is not registered.
Action: Supply a registered scope name to the runtime mbean operation.

Level: 1


Impact: WeblogicSpring

BEA-2162200: No Main-Class defined in the manifest file of Java Module: {0}. This module will be treated as a utility JAR and subsequent initialization steps will be skipped.
Cause: See the message body.
Action: No action is required unless you believe that this should be a Java client module. In this case, you should specify Main_Class for this module in MANIFEST.MF.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Client

BEA-2162206: Warning: Could not find an entry for javax.transaction.UserTransaction in the root context.
Cause: There is no entry for javax.transaction.UserTransaction in the root context.
Action: Contact My Oracle Support.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Client

BEA-2162210: No persistence unit named '{0}' is available in scope.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Client

BEA-2162224: No {0} was specified in your client-jar file: {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Application Client

BEA-2162500: Class, {0}, was compiled with an incompatible version of Java. Make sure that all the classes needed by the application have been compiled with a compatible java version. {1}
Cause: Class compiled with an incompatible Java compiler version.
Action: Insure that this and other classes are compiled with a compiler that is compatible with the JVM used by the application server.

Level: 1


Impact: Class Loaders

BEA-2162501: Class bytes found, but couldn't define class, '{0}' due to the following error: {1}
Cause: Unknown.
Action: Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Level: 1


Impact: Class Loaders

BEA-2163000: OSGi system {2} could not install bundle from file {0} due to {1}
Cause: The OSGi system failed to install a bundle from a file.
Action: Fix the problem that is indicated in the error message and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163001: OSGi system {2} could not advertise data source {0} due to {1}
Cause: The OSGi system failed to advertise a data source.
Action: Fix the problem that is indicated in the error message and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163002: OSGi system {0} could not install bundles from $WL_HOME/server/osgi-lib.
Cause: At least one bundle from the $WL_HOME/server/osgi-lib directory could not be installed.
Action: Examine the bundles that failed to install, fix them, and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163003: Started OSGi system {0}.
Cause: An OSGi system has started.
Action: Write modular code and deploy it onto your OSGi system.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163004: OSGi system {2} could not advertise work manager {0} due to {1}
Cause: The OSGi system failed to advertise a work manager
Action: Fix the problem that is indicated in the error message and then restart the server.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163005: An application could not be deployed because it had conflicting OSGi framework names in its metadata. The OSGi framework names {0} and {1} were found.
Cause: More than one OSGi system was referenced in the application metadata files.
Action: Modify the metadata files of the application such that the application references only one framework.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi

BEA-2163006: An application could not be deployed because it had conflicting OSGi bundle symbolic names in its metadata. The bundle symbolic names {0} and {1} were found.
Cause: More than one OSGi bundle was referenced in the application metadata files.
Action: Modify the metadata files of the application such that the application references only one bundle.

Level: 1


Impact: OSGi