A Error Message Reference

This appendix describes messages you might encounter when you run the migration utility.

If objects cannot be migrated or are migrated with warnings, error and warning messages are written to the migration utility log file in the following formats:

For more information about the migration utility log file, see Reviewing Log and Report Files.

Table A-1 provides example OWB and ODI error and warning messages. The message text is as it appears in the message.

Table A-1 Example OWB and ODI Error and Warning Messages

Message Cause Action

[ERROR][Migration][OWB] Unable to connect to OWB workspace! Details: {0}

The connection to the OWB workspace cannot be established. The credential information used to connect to the OWB workspace may be invalid.

Verify the following parameters in the migration utility configuration file when running the migration utility (migration.sh):




For more information about these parameters, see Configuration File Parameters.

Also verify the password for the OWB workspace owner.

[ERROR][Migration][ODI] Unable to connect to ODI repository! Details: {0}

The connection to the ODI repository cannot be established. The credential information used to connect to the ODI repository may be invalid.

Verify the following parameters in the migration utility configuration file when running the migration utility (migration.sh):






For more information about these parameters, see Configuration File Parameters.

Also verify the passwords for the ODI master repository and the ODI user.

[WARN][Migration][ODI] Found issues when parsing the expression on property {1} owned by {0}. The issues are: {2}

As described in the message.

Review the message to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action.

Table A-2 lists migration utility error and warning messages. Messages are listed in numeric order by message ID. The message text is as it appears in the message.

Table A-2 Migration Utility Error and Warning Messages

Message Cause Action

[MU-1001] Invalid number of parameters. You have to provide 4 parameters: password for ODI master repository, password for ODI user, password for OWB, full path for settings file.

Required parameters were not supplied when running the migration utility (migration.sh).

Provide the required parameters when running the migration utility (migration.sh).

For more information about the correct syntax, see Migration Utility Syntax and Parameters.

[MU-1004] Unable to load configuration file {0}. Details:{1}

The migration utility configuration file does not exist or is not readable or accessible.

Make sure the migration utility configuration file exists and is readable and accessible. Specify the full path to the configuration file and the file name.

For more information about the configuration file, see Creating the Migration Utility Configuration File.

[MU-1005] The selected object {0} does not exist or the selection is invalid. It will be skipped.

An invalid or nonexistent object is specified for the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file.

Verify the value specified for the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file.

For more information about this parameter, see MIGRATION_OBJECTS in Configuration File Parameters. Also see Migrating Specific Objects in an OWB Workspace.

[MU-1006] Invalid object name {0} in selection {1}, the selection will be skipped.

An invalid object name is specified for the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file.

Verify the value specified for the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file.

For more information about this parameter, see MIGRATION_OBJECTS in Configuration File Parameters. Also see Migrating Specific Objects in an OWB Workspace.

[MU-1007] Migration failed. Details: {0}

As described in the message.

Review the message to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action.

[MU-1008] Unable to write to log or report file {0}. Details:{1}

The log or report file is not accessible to the migration utility.

Verify the path specified for the MIGRATION_LOG_FILE parameter in the migration utility configuration file. Make sure the specified location permits new files to be created and that enough disk space exists to write the files.

For more information about this parameter, see MIGRATION_LOG_FILE in Configuration File Parameters.

[MU-2001] Unable to migrate location {0} in platform {1}.

The location for this platform is not supported for migration.

Review the file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/admin directory and verify that the platform of the location is mapped to an ODI technology in this file.

The file contains the mappings between OWB platforms and ODI technologies. For more information about this file, see OWB Platform to ODI Technology.

[MU-2002] Unable to migrate location {0} that is not associated with a platform.

The location is not associated with a platform.

Make sure the location is associated with a platform.

[MU-3001] Unable to load file {0}. Details: {1}.

The file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml does not exist in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/admin directory or the directory is not accessible to the migration utility.

Verify that the file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml exists in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/admin directory and that the directory is accessible to the migration utility (OWB_HOME is your OWB installation directory).

This file contains the mappings between OWB platforms and ODI technologies. For more information about this file, see OWB Platform to ODI Technology.

[MU-3002] Unable to find ODI technology corresponding to the OWB platform: {0}.

The mapping of the specified OWB platform to any ODI technology is missing in the file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml.

Add the mapping of the specified OWB platform to one ODI technology in the file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml.

This file contains the mappings between OWB platforms and ODI technologies. For more information about this file, see OWB Platform to ODI Technology.

[MU-3003] Unable to find technology: {0} in ODI.

The specified technology is not defined in the ODI repository.

Define the specified technology in ODI, or modify the file PlatformMappingsForMigration.xml to refer to a correct ODI technology.

This file contains the mappings between OWB platforms and ODI technologies. For more information about this file and these mappings, see OWB Platform to ODI Technology.

[MU-4001] Unable to migrate {0}:{1} where unsupported data type {3} is used in column {2}.

The data type used by the specified column is not supported for migration.

Change the data type in OWB if possible.

For more information about data types supported for migration, see Reference to Migration Details.

[MU-4002] {0}:{1} has multiple primary keys. Only one primary key is allowed in ODI, the redundant primary keys will be migrated as alternate keys.

An OWB table can be defined with several primary keys, but an ODI data store can have just one primary key. Only one of the primary keys in OWB will be migrated as the primary key in ODI. The rest will be migrated as alternate keys.

No action.

[MU-4003] Unable to migrate {0}:{1} that has multiple columns with the same name {2}.

An OWB table may have duplicate columns due to previous OWB issues.

Check the OWB table, and rename the columns. Make sure the name of the column is unique in the table.

[MU-5001] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1}.

The specified mapping operator is not supported for migration.

No action.

[MU-5002] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} with multiple return attributes.

Function operators with multiple return attributes are not migrated.

No action.

[MU-5003] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} with OUT parameter {2}.

Function operators with OUT parameters are not migrated.

No action.

[MU-5004] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} with INOUT parameter {2}.

Function operators with INOUT parameters are not migrated.

No action.

[MU-5005] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} with complex data type {2} used in attribute {3}.

Mapping operators with complex data types used in mapping attributes are not migrated.

No action.

[MU-5006] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} that does not define return attribute.

Function operators with no return attribute are not migrated.

No action.

[MU-5007] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} because function name cannot be determined.

The property FUNCTION_NAME on the function operator is not defined.

Set the value for the property FUNCTION_NAME on the function operator.

[MU-5008] Unable to set XKM on physical node {0} in ODI. Details: {1}

As described in the message.

Review the message to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action.

[MU-5009] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} whose bound object is not migrated.

The bound object of a mapping operator is not migrated.

Check the migration utility log to determine why the bound object was not migrated.

[MU-5010] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator{0}:{1} that has no output attribute group.

The Lookup operator has no output attribute group.

Modify the Lookup operator in OWB, and add the output attribute group for it.

[MU-5011] Unable to find bound table for output attribute group {1} in Lookup {0}.

The output attribute group of the Lookup operator is unbound.

Bind the output attribute group of the Lookup operator or set the MIGRATE_UNBOUND_OPERATOR parameter in the migration utility configuration file to TRUE.

For more information about this parameter, see MIGRATE_UNBOUND_OPERATOR in Configuration File Parameters.

[MU-5012] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} that bound object for output attribute group {2} is not migrated.

The bound object of the output attribute group of the Lookup operator is not migrated.

Check the migration utility log to determine why the bound object was not migrated.

[MU-5013] Unable to find input attribute group for output attribute group {1} in Lookup {0}.

The output attribute group of the Lookup operator has no corresponding input attribute group.

Modify the Lookup operator, and add the input attribute group for each output attribute group.

[MU-5014] Unable to find row locator for pivot operator {0}.

The row locator is not defined on the Pivot operator.

Modify the Pivot operator, and set the row locator for it.

[MU-5015] Unable to find output group for pivot operator {0}.

The output attribute group is not defined on the Pivot operator.

Modify the Pivot operator, and add the output attribute group for it.

[MU-5016] Unable to find transforms for output attribute {1} in pivot operator {0}.

Pivot transform is not set for the output attribute of the Pivot operator.

Modify the Pivot operator, and add the Pivot transform for the output attribute.

[MU-5018] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} that data type {3} of attribute {2} is unsupported to migrate.

Data type {3} set on the mapping attribute is not supported for migration.

Change the data type of the mapping attribute to a supported data type if possible.

For more information about data types supported for migration, see Reference to Migration Details.

[MU-5019] Unable to set expression [{1}] on attribute {0}. Details: {2}.

As described in the message.

Review the message to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action.

[MU-5020] Unable to split mapping joiner operator {0} into binary joins due to {1}.

The join condition of the join operator cannot be parsed successfully.

Check the join condition and modify it if possible.

[MU-5021] The mapping joiner operator {0} will be split into binary joins after migration because some input group(s) have role set to "Outer", even though the mapping property "ANSI SQL Syntax" is set to false or the configuration option for migration utility "SPLIT_JOIN_FOR_ANSI_SYNTAX" is set to false.

The role is set to Outer for some input groups of the joiner operator. The joiner operator will be split to binary joins. The value for the SPLIT_JOIN_FOR_ANSI_SYNTAX parameter in the migration utility configuration file will be ignored.

For more information about this parameter, see SPLIT_JOIN_FOR_ANSI_SYNTAX in Configuration File Parameters.

No action.

[MU-5022] Unable to find corresponding integration type in ODI according to the loading type {0} in OWB for operator {1}:{2}. Default integration type {3} is used.

ODI does not support integration types such as delete.

No action.

[MU-5023] Unable to migrate mapping with unbound operator {0}:{1}. Use the configuration option of migration utility "MIGRATE_UNBOUND_OPERATOR" or fix the mapping with unbound operators.

A mapping operator is unbound.

Configure the MIGRATE_UNBOUND_OPERATOR parameter in the migration utility configuration file or fix the mapping with unbound operators.

For more information about this parameter, see MIGRATE_UNBOUND_OPERATOR in Configuration File Parameters.

[MU-5024] Unable to migrate mapping with mapping operator {0}:{1} with data rules.

A mapping operator with data rules set is not supported for migration.

No action.

[MU-5025] The bound object of mapping operator {0}:{1} is not selected.

The bound object of the mapping operator is not selected for migration.

Check whether the bound object is explicitly selected using the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file, or whether the MIGRATE_DEPENDENCIES parameter is set to TRUE.

For more information about these parameters, see Configuration File Parameters.

[MU-5026] Unable to generate ODI ExternalTable access parameter option for operator {0}:{1}.

As described in the message.

Review the message to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action.

[MU-5027] Unable to migrate mapping with operator {0} because no {1} DataStore component hold the generated {2} for it.

The given mapping has no source data store component to hold the generated BEGIN_MAPPING_SQL or has no target data store component to hold the generated END_MAPPING_SQL.

The Pre/Post mapping operator is migrated to BEGIN/END_MAPPING_SQL in ODI, but these two options rely on the source/target data store component. An exception is raised if the source/target data store component is not found.

No action.

[MU-5028]Unable to migrate mapping with operator {0} when store generated {1} into {2} DataStore component raised error: {3}.

Storing the generated BEGIN/END_MAPPING_SQL into a given ODI data store's KM option raised an unknown problem (for example, an illegal expression).

No action.