G OHS Module Directives

This appendix describes the directives available in the Oracle-developed modules supported by OHS. It contains these sections:

G.1 mod_certheaders

mod_certheaders accepts the following directives:

G.1.1 AddCertHeader

Specify which headers should be translated to CGI environment variables. This can be achieved by using the AddCertHeader directive. This directive takes a single argument, which is the CGI environment variable that should be populated from a HTTP header on incoming requests. For example, to populate the SSL_CLIENT_CERT CGI environment variable.

Category Value
Syntax AddCertHeader environment_variable
Example AddCertHeader SSL_CLIENT_CERT
Default None

G.1.2 SimulateHttps

mod_certheaders can be used to instruct Oracle HTTP Server to treat certain requests as if they were received through HTTPS even though they were received through HTTP. This is useful when Oracle HTTP Server is front-ended by a reverse proxy or load balancer, which acts as a termination point for SSL requests, and forwards the requests to Oracle HTTP Server through HTTPS.

Category Value
Syntax SimulateHttps on|off
Example SimulateHttps on
Default off

G.2 mod_ossl

To configure SSL for your Oracle HTTP Server, enter the mod_ossl directives you want to use in the ssl.conf file.

The following directives are described in subsequent sections:

G.2.1 SSLAccelerator

Specifies if SSL accelerator is used. Currently only nFast card is supported.

Category Value
Syntax SSLAccelerator yes|no
Example SSLAccelerator yes
Default SSLAccelerator no


The SSLAccelerator directive has been deprecated. For information on enabling SSL acceleration support using a wallet, refer to the Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide on http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation.

G.2.2 SSLCARevocationFile

Specifies the file where you can assemble the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) from CAs (Certificate Authorities) that you accept certificates from. These are used for client authentication. Such a file is the concatenation of various PEM-encoded CRL files in order of preference. This directive can be used alternatively or additionally to SSLCARevocationPath.

Category Value
Syntax SSLCARevocationFile file_name
SSLCARevocationFile ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/crl/ca_bundle.cr
Default None

G.2.3 SSLCARevocationPath

Specifies the directory where PEM-encoded Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) are stored. These CRLs come from the CAs (Certificate Authorities) that you accept certificates from. If a client attempts to authenticate itself with a certificate that is on one of these CRLs, then the certificate is revoked and the client cannot authenticate itself with your server.

Category Value
Syntax SSLCARevocationPath path/to/CRL_directory/
SSLCARevocationPath ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/crl 
Default None

G.2.4 SSLCipherSuite

Specifies the SSL cipher suite that the client can use during the SSL handshake. This directive uses a colon-separated cipher specification string to identify the cipher suite. Table 11–2 shows the tags you can use in the string to describe the cipher suite you want. SSLCipherSuite accepts the following values:

  • none: Adds the cipher to the list

  • + : Adds the cipher to the list and place it in the correct location in the list

  • - : Remove the cipher from the list (can be added later)

  • ! : Remove the cipher from the list permanently

Tags are joined with prefixes to form a cipher specification string. Cipher suite tags are listed in Table G-1.

Category Value
Example SSLCipherSuite ALL:!MD5

In this example, all ciphers are specified except MD5 strength ciphers.

Syntax SSLCipherSuite cipher-spec

Table G-1 SSLCipher Suite Tags

Function Tag Meaning

Key exchange


RSA key exchange

Key exchange


Diffie-Hellman key exchange with RSA key



No authentication



RSA authentication



Diffie-Hellman authentication



No encryption



DES encoding



Triple DES encoding



RC4 encoding



Elliptic curve cryptography encoding

Data Integrity


MD5 hash function

Data Integrity


SHA hash function

Data Integrity


SHA256 hash function

Data Integrity


SHA384 hash function



All SSL version 3.0 ciphers



All TLS version 1 ciphers



All TLS version 1.1 ciphers



All TLS version 1.2 ciphers



All low strength ciphers (export and single DES)



All ciphers with 128-bit encryption



All ciphers using triple DES



All ciphers using AES encryption.



All ciphers using RSA key exchange



All ciphers using Diffie-Hellman key exchange

Table G-2 lists the Cipher Suites supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.1.2.

Table G-2 Cipher Suites Supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.1.2

Cipher Suite Authentication Encryption Data Integrity TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2



RC4 (128)







RC4 (128)







3DES (168)







AES (128)







AES (256)







AES (128)







AES (256)







AES (128)







AES (256)







AES (128)







AES (256)







AES (128)







AES (256)







AES (128)







AES (256)





G.2.5 SSLEngine

Toggles the usage of the SSL Protocol Engine. This is usually used inside a <VirtualHost> section to enable SSL for a particular virtual host. By default, the SSL Protocol Engine is disabled for both the main server and all configured virtual hosts. Example 11–1 is an example for using SSLEngine directive.

Category Value
Syntax SSLEngine on|off
Example SSLEngine on
Default off


This directive toggles the usage of the SSL library FIPS_mode flag. It must be set in the global server context and cannot be configured with conflicting settings (SSLFIPS on followed by SSLFIPS off or similar). The mode applies to all SSL library operations.


FIPS is available only on the UNIX/Linux platform. It is not available on the Windows platform
Category Value
Default Off

Configuring an SSLFIPS change requires that the SSLFIPS on/off directive be set globally in ssl.conf. Virtual level configuration is disabled in SSLFIPS directive. Hence, setting SSLFIPS to virtual directive will result in an error.

The cipher suites supported the SSLFIPS mode are:













For instructions on how to implement these cipher suites, see Section G.2.4, "SSLCipherSuite".

G.2.7 SSLInsecureRenegotiation

As originally specified, all versions of the SSL and TLS protocols (up to and including TLS/1.2) were vulnerable to a Man-in-the-Middle attack (CVE-2009-3555) during a renegotiation. This vulnerability allowed an attacker to "prefix" a chosen plaintext to the HTTP request as seen by the web server. A protocol extension was developed which fixed this vulnerability if supported by both client and server.

For more information on Man-in-the-Middle attack (CVE-2009-3555), see:


Default mode

When the directive SSLInsecureRenegotion is not specified in the configuration, Oracle HTTP Server operates in compatibility mode.

In this mode, vulnerable peers that do not have RI/SCSV support are allowed to connect, but renegotiation is allowed only with those peers that have RI/SCSV support.

SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON

This option allows vulnerable peers that do not have RI/SCSV to perform renegotiation. Hence this option must be used with caution, as it leaves the server vulnerable to the renegotiation attack described in CVE-2009-3555.

SSLInsecureRenegotiation OFF

If this option is used, the behavior of Oracle HTTP Server is similar to that described in Default mode.

Category Value
SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON | OFF
SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON
Default Off

To configure SSLInsecureRenegotiation, edit ssl.conf file and set SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON/OFF globally or virtually to enable disable insecure renegotiation.

G.2.8 SSLMutex

Type of semaphore (lock) for SSL engine's mutual exclusion of operations that have to be synchronized between Oracle HTTP Server processes. Accepted values are:

  • file:path/to/mutex: Uses a file for locking. The process ID (PID) of the Oracle HTTP Server parent process is appended to the filename to ensure uniqueness. If the filename does not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to ServerRoot. This setting is not available on Windows.

  • none: Uses no mutex at all. Not recommended, because the mutex synchronizes the write access to the SSL session cache. If you do not configure a mutex, the session cache can become garbled.

  • pthread: This directive tells the SSL Module to use Posix thread mutexes. It is only available if the underlying platform and Apache Portable Runtime (APR) supports it.

  • sem: Uses an operating system semaphore to synchronize writes. On UNIX, it would be a Sys V IPC semaphore; on Windows, it is a Windows Mutex. This is the best choice, if the operating system supports it.

Category Value
Syntax SSLMutex none | file | pthread | sem
Example SSLMutex sem
Default pthread


  • In the Oracle HTTP Server default ssl.conf template file, pthread is defined as the default value for the SSLMutex directive for non-Windows platforms and none is defined as a default value for the Windows platform as follows:

    <IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
       SSLMutex "none"
    <IfModule !mpm_winnt_module>
       SSLMutex pthread

    As new Oracle HTTP Server instances are created for non-Windows platforms, the default value for SSLMutex will continue to be pthread unless you explicitly modify your configuration. If you comment out these lines in the ssl.conf file and no value is specified for SSLMutex in the Oracle HTTP Server configuration files, then Oracle HTTP Server will use none as the default value for SSLMutex.

  • The none value for the SSLMutex directive is not recommended for non-Windows platforms, because it can create a garbled session cache and can lead to core dumps.

G.2.9 SSLNZTraceLogLevel

SSLNZTraceLogLevel adjusts the verbosity of the messages recorded in the NZ library error logs. When a particular level is specified, messages from all other levels of higher significance will be reported as well. For example, when SSLNZTraceLogLevel ssl is set, messages with log levels of error, warn, user and debug will also be posted.

SSLNZTraceLogLevel accepts the following log levels:

  • none: NZ Trace disable

  • fatal: Fatal error; system is unusable.

  • error: Error conditions.

  • warn: Warning conditions.

  • user: Normal but significant condition.

  • debug: Debug-level condition

  • ssl: SSL level debugging

Category Value
SSLNZTraceLogLevel none | fatal | error | warn | user | debug | ssl 
SSLNZTraceLogLevel fatal
Default None

G.2.10 SSLOptions

Controls various runtime options on a per-directory basis. In general, if multiple options apply to a directory, the most comprehensive option is applied (options are not merged). However, if all of the options in an SSLOptions directive are preceded by a plus ('+') or minus ('-') symbol, then the options are merged. Options preceded by a plus are added to the options currently in force, and options preceded by a minus are removed from the options currently in force.

Accepted values are:

  • StdEnvVars: Creates the standard set of CGI/SSI environment variables that are related to SSL. This is disabled by default because the extraction operation uses a lot of CPU time and usually has no application when serving static content. Typically, you only enable this for CGI/SSI requests.

  • ExportCertData: Enables the following additional CGI/SSI variables:



    SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n (where n= 0, 1, 2...)

    These variables contain the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)-encoded X.509 certificates for the server and the client for the current HTTPS connection, and can be used by CGI scripts for deeper certificate checking. All other certificates of the client certificate chain are provided. This option is "Off" by default because there is a performance cost associated with using it.

    SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n variables are in the following order: SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_0 is the intermediate CA who signs SSL_CLIENT_CERT. SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_1 is the intermediate CA who signs SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_0, and so forth, with SSL_CLIENT_ROOT_CERT as the root CA.

  • FakeBasicAuth: Translates the subject distinguished name of the client X.509 certificate into an HTTP basic authorization user name. This means that the standard HTTP server authentication methods can be used for access control. Note that no password is obtained from the user; the string 'password' is substituted.

  • StrictRequire: Denies access when, according to SSLRequireSSL or directives, access should be forbidden. Without StrictRequire, it is possible for a 'Satisfy any' directive setting to override the SSLRequire or SSLRequireSSL directive, allowing access if the client passes the host restriction or supplies a valid user name and password.

    Thus, the combination of SSLRequireSSL or SSLRequire with SSLOptions +StrictRequire gives mod_ossl the ability to override a 'Satisfy any' directive in all cases.

  • CompatEnvVars: Exports obsolete environment variables for backward compatibility to Apache SSL 1.x, mod_ssl 2.0.x, Sioux 1.0, and Stronghold 2.x. Use this to provide compatibility to existing CGI scripts.

  • OptRenegotiate: This enables optimized SSL connection renegotiation handling when SSL directives are used in a per-directory context.

Category Value
Syntax SSLOptions [+-] StdEnvVars | ExportCertData | FakeBasicAuth | StrictRequire | CompatEnvVars | OptRenegotiate
Example SSLOptions -StdEnvVars
Default None

G.2.11 SSLPassPhraseDialog

Type of pass phrase dialog for wallet access. mod_ossl asks the administrator for a pass phrase to access the wallet. Accepted values are:

  • builtin: when the server is started, mod_ossl prompts for a password for each wallet.

  • exec:path/to/program - when the server is started, mod_ossl calls an external program configured for each wallet. This program is invoked with two arguments: servername:portnumber and RSA or DSA.

Category Value
Syntax SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin | exec
Example SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/usr/local/sbin/pfilter
Default builtin

G.2.12 SSLProtocol

Specifies SSL protocol(s) for mod_ossl to use when establishing the server environment. Clients can only connect with one of the specified protocols. Accepted values are:

  • SSLv3

  • TLSv1

  • TLSv1.1

  • TLSv1.2

  • All

You can specify multiple values as a space-delimited list. In the syntax for SSLProtocol, the "-" and "+" symbols have the following meaning:

  • + : Adds the protocol to the list

  • - : Removes the protocol from the list

In the current release All is defined as +SSLv3 +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2 (SSLv2 is disabled out-of-the-box. You must explicitly disable SSLv3 in this case.)


Because of security concerns, Oracle strongly recommends that you disable the SSLv3 security protocol from Oracle HTTP Server. For instructions on how to disable SSL, see "Disable SSL Security Protocols" in Oracle HTTP Server Release Notes.


The syntax for the SSLProtocol directive can use either TLSv1 as a value or the nzos_Version_1_0 syntax (or TLSv1.1 and nzos_Version_1_1, or TLSv1.2 and nzos_Version_1_2).

If you are using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, security will be configured using the nzos* syntax. Both options represent TLS 1.0 protocol version. The nzos_Version_1_0 syntax is the Oracle representation of TLS1.0 and TLSv1 is an open source representation. Oracle HTTP Server supports both ways to represent SSL protocol in its config files.

Category Value
Syntax SSLProtocol [+-] SSLv3 | TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | All
Example SSLProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2
Default ALL

G.2.13 SSLProxyCipherSuite

Specifies the SSL cipher suite that the proxy can use during the SSL handshake. This directive uses a colon-separated cipher specification string to identify the cipher suite. Table G-1 shows the tags to use in the string to describe the cipher suite you want. SSLProxyCipherSuite accepts the following values:

  • none: Adds the cipher to the list

  • + : Adds the cipher to the list and place it in the correct location in the list

  • - : Remove the cipher from the list (can be added later)

  • ! : Remove the cipher from the list permanently

Tags are joined with prefixes to form a cipher specification string. The SSLProxyCipherSuite directive uses the same tags as the SSLCipherSuite directive. For a list of supported suite tags, see Table G-1.

Category Value
Example SSLProxyCipherSuite ALL:!MD5

In this example, all ciphers are specified except MD5 strength ciphers.

Syntax SSLProxyCipherSuite cipher-spec

The SSLProxyCipherSuite directive uses the same cipher suites as the SSLCipherSuite directive. For a list of the Cipher Suites supported in Oracle Advanced Security 12.1.2, see Table G-2.

G.2.14 SSLProxyEngine

Enables or disables the SSL/TLS protocol engine for proxy. SSLProxyEngine is usually used inside a <VirtualHost> section to enable SSL/TLS for proxy usage in a particular virtual host. By default, the SSL/TLS protocol engine is disabled for proxy both for the main server and all configured virtual hosts.

SSLProxyEngine should not be included in a virtual host that will be acting as a forward proxy (by using Proxy or ProxyRequest directives). SSLProxyEngine is not required to enable a forward proxy server to proxy SSL/TLS requests.

Category Value
Syntax SSLProxyEngine ON | OFF
Example SSLProxyEngine on
Default Disable

G.2.15 SSLProxyProtocol

Specifies SSL protocol(s) for mod_ossl to use when establishing a proxy connection in the server environment. Proxies can only connect with one of the specified protocols. Accepted values are:

  • SSLv3

  • TLSv1

  • TLSv1.1

  • TLSv1.2

  • All

You can specify multiple values as a space-delimited list. In the syntax, the "-" and "+" symbols have the following meaning:

  • + : Adds the protocol to the list

  • - : Removes the protocol from the list

In the current release All is defined as +SSLv3 +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2 (SSLv2 is disabled out of the box. You must explicitly disable SSLv3 in this case.)


Because of security concerns, Oracle strongly recommends that you disable the SSLv3 security protocol from Oracle HTTP Server. For instructions on how to disable SSL, see "Disable SSL Security Protocols" in Oracle HTTP Server Release Notes.


The syntax for the SSLProxyProtocol directive can use either TLSv1 as a value or the nzos_Version_1_0 syntax (or TLSv1.1 and nzos_Version_1_1, or TLSv1.2 and nzos_Version_1_2).

If you are using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, security will be configured using the nzos* syntax. Both options represent TLS 1.0 protocol version. The nzos_Version_1_0 syntax is the Oracle representation of TLS1.0 and TLSv1 is an open source representation. Oracle HTTP Server supports both ways to represent SSL protocol in its config files.

Category Value
Syntax SSLProxyProtocol [+-] SSLv3 | TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | All
Example SSLProxyProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2
Default ALL

G.2.16 SSLProxyWallet

Specifies the location of the wallet with its WRL, specified as a filepath, that a proxy connection needs to use.

Category Value
Syntax SSLProxyWallet file:path to wallet
SSLProxyWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/proxy"
Default None

G.2.17 SSLRequire

Denies access unless an arbitrarily complex boolean expression is true.

Category Value
Syntax SSLRequire expression (see Understanding the Expression)
Example SSLRequire word ">=" word |word "ge" word
Default None

Understanding the Expression

The expression must match the following syntax (given as a BNF grammar notation):

expr ::= "true" | "false"
"!" expr
expr "&&" expr
expr "||" expr
"(" expr ")"

comp ::=word "==" word | word "eq" word
word "!=" word |word "ne" word
word "<" word |word "lt" word
word "<=" word |word "le" word
word ">" word |word "gt" word
word ">=" word |word "ge" word
word "=~" regex
word "!~" regex
wordlist ::= word
wordlist "," word

word ::= digit

digit ::= [0-9]+

cstring ::= "..."

variable ::= "%{varname}"

Table G-3 and Table G-4 list standard and SSL variables. These are valid values for varname.

function ::= funcname "(" funcargs ")"

For funcname, the following function is available:


The file function takes one string argument, the filename, and expands to the contents of the file. This is useful for evaluating the file's contents against a regular expression.

Table G-3 lists the standard variables for SSLRequire varname.

Table G-3 Standard Variables for SSLRequire Varname

Standard Variables Standard Variables Standard Variables








































Table G-4 lists the SSL variables for SSLRequire varname.

Table G-4 SSL Variables for SSLRequire Varname

SSL Variables SSL Variables SSL Variables









































































G.2.18 SSLRequireSSL

Denies access to clients not using SSL. This is a useful directive for absolute protection of a SSL-enabled virtual host or directories in which configuration errors could create security vulnerabilities.

Category Value
Syntax SSLRequireSSL
Example SSLRequireSSL
Default None

G.2.19 SSLSessionCache

Specifies the global/interprocess session cache storage type. The cache provides an optional way to speed up parallel request processing. The accepted values are:

  • dc:UNIX:/path/to/socket: This makes use of the distcache distributed session caching libraries. The argument should specify the location of the server or proxy to be used using the distcache address syntax; for example, UNIX:/path/to/socket specifies a UNIX domain socket (typically a local dc_client proxy); IP:server.example.com:9001 specifies an IP address.

  • none: disables the global/interprocess session cache. Produces no impact on functionality, but makes a major difference in performance.

  • nonenotnull: This disables any global/inter-process Session Cache. However it does force OpenSSL to send a non-null session ID to accommodate buggy clients that require one.

  • shmcb:/path/to/datafile[bytes]: Uses a high-performance Shared Memory Cyclic Buffer (SHMCB) session cache to synchronize the local SSL memory caches of the server processes. The performance of shmcb is more uniform in all environments when compared to shmht. Note: in this shm setting, no log files are created under /path/to/datafile on local disk.

  • shmht:/path/to/datafile[bytes]: Uses a high-performance hash table (bytes specifies approximate size) inside a shared memory segment in RAM, which is established by the /path/to/datafile. This hash table synchronizes the local SSL memory caches of the server processes. Note: in this shm setting, no log files are created under /path/to/datafile on local disk.

Category Value
Syntax SSLSessionCache dc:UNIX:/path/to/socket | none |nonetonull | shmcb:/path/to/datafile[bytes] | shmht: /path/to/datafile[bytes]
Examples SSLSessionCache "shmcb:${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
Default SSLSessionCache none

G.2.20 SSLSessionCacheTimeout

Specifies the number of seconds before a SSL session in the session cache expires.

Category Value
Syntax SSLSessionCacheTimeout seconds
Example SSLSessionCacheTimeout 120
Default 300

G.2.21 SSLVerifyClient

Specifies whether a client must present a certificate when connecting. The accepted values are:

  • none: No client certificate is required

  • optional: Client can present a valid certificate

  • require: Client must present a valid certificate

Category Value
Syntax SSLVerifyClient none | optional | require
Example SSLVerifyClient optional
Default None


The level optional_no_ca included with mod_ssl (in which the client can present a valid certificate, but it need not be verifiable) is not supported in mod_ossl.

G.2.22 SSLWallet

Specifies the location of the wallet with its WRL, specified as a filepath.

Category Value
Syntax SSLWallet file:path to wallet
SSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/fmwconfig/components/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/instances/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"
Default None

G.3 mod_plsql

The mod_plsql configuration parameters are described in these sections:

G.3.1 plsql.conf

The following parameters are used with the plsql.conf file:

G.3.1.1 PlsqlDMSEnable

Enables Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) for the mod_plsql module.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDMSEnable On | Off
Example PlsqlDMSEnable On
Default On

G.3.1.2 PlsqlLogEnable

Enables debug level logging for the mod_plsql module. Debug level logging is meant to be used for debugging purposes only.

When logging is enabled, Oracle HTTP Server log files are typically created in the PlsqlCacheDirectory DOMAIN_HOME/servers/componentName/ directory. However, the location specified in PlsqlLogDirectory determines the final location.

This parameter should be set to Off unless recommended by Oracle support to debug problems with the mod_plsql module.

To view more details about the internal processing of the mod_plsql module, set this directive to On. This causes the mod_plsql module to start logging every request that is processed. The log files are generated as specified by the PlsqlLogDirectory directive.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlLogEnable On | Off
Example PlsqlLogEnable Off
Default Off

G.3.1.3 PlsqlLogDirectory

Specifies the directory where debug level logs are written.

Set the directory name of the location where log files should be generated when logging is enabled. To avoid possible confusion about the location of this directory, an absolute path is recommended.

On UNIX, this directory must have write permissions by the owner of the child httpd processes.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlLogDirectory directory
Example PlsqlLogDirectory "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}/logs"
Default None

G.3.1.4 PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval

Specifies the time (in minutes) in which the idle database sessions should be closed and cleaned by the mod_plsql module.

This directive is used with connection pooling of database connections and sessions in the mod_plsql module. When a session is not used for the specified amount of time, it is closed and freed. This is done so that unused sessions can be cleaned, and the memory is freed on the database side.

Setting this time to a low number helps in faster cleanup of unused database sessions. If this number is too low, then this may adversely affect the performance benefits of connection pooling in the mod_plsql module.

If the number of open database sessions is not a concern, you can increase the value of this parameter for best performance. In such a case, if the site is accessed frequently enough that the idle session cleanup interval is never reached for a session, then the DAD configuration parameter PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession can be modified so that it is guaranteed that a pooled database session gets recycled on a regular basis.

For most installations, the default value is adequate.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval number
Example PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval 10
Default 15 (minutes)

G.3.2 dads.conf

The dads.conf file contains the configuration parameters for the PL/SQL database access descriptor. (See Table G-1 for the file location.) A DAD is a set of values that specifies how the mod_plsql module connects to a database server to fulfill a HTTP request.

The following parameters are used with the dads.conf file:

G.3.2.1 PlsqlAfterProcedure

Specifies the procedure to be invoked after calling the requested procedure. This enables you to put a hook point after the requested procedure is called. This is useful in doing SQL*Traces/SQL Profiles while debugging a problem with the requested procedure. This is also useful when you want to ensure that a specific call is made after running every procedure.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlAfterProcedure string
Example PlsqlAfterProcedure portal.mypkg.myafterproc
Default None


This parameter should only be used for debugging purposes. In addition, you could use this parameter to stop SQL trace/SQL profiling.

G.3.2.2 PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure

Specifies whether the mod_plsql module should describe a procedure before trying to run it. If this is set to On, then the mod_plsql module will always describe a procedure before invoking it. Otherwise, the mod_plsql module will only describe a procedure when its internal heuristics have interpreted a parameter type incorrectly.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure On | Off
Example PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure On
Default Off


This parameter should only be used for debugging purposes.

G.3.2.3 PlsqlAuthenticationMode

Specifies the authentication mode to use for allow access through the DAD. The accepted values for PlsqlAuthenticationMode are Basic, SingleSignOn, GlobalOwa, CustomOwa, PerPackageOwa.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic | SingleSignOn | GlobalOwa | CustomOwa | PerPackageOwa
Example PlsqlAuthenticationMode CustomOwa
Default Basic

  • Basic is the default mode and determines whether to ask for username and password if they are not provided with PlsqlDatabaseUsername and PlsqlDatabasePassword. This setting is required for WebDB 2.x applications. If the DAD is not using the Basic authentication, then you must include a valid username/password in the DAD configuration.

  • SingleSignOn specifies that you want to use Single Sign-On server. This is required for DADs using Oracle9iAS Portal. As already stated the provided username and password need to be the one from your single sign-on server.

  • GlobalOwa, CustomOwa, and PerPackageOwa are used only by very few PL/SQL applications. Custom authentication enables applications to authenticate users within the application itself, not at the database level.

    Authorization is performed by invoking a user-written authorization function. Custom authentication uses a static username/password that is stored in the DAD. It cannot be combined with dynamic username/password authentication. To enable custom authentication, set the level of authentication for PlsqlAuthenticationMode and implement the authorize function.

You should also be aware of the following:

  • If the DAD is not using the Basic authentication, then you must include a valid username/password in the DAD configuration. For the Basic mode, to perform dynamic authentication, the DAD username/password parameters must be omitted.

  • The SingleSignOn mode is supported only for Oracle Fusion Middleware releases, and is used by Oracle Portal and Oracle Single Sign-On. Most customer applications use Basic authentication. Custom authentication modes (GlobalOwa, CustomOwa, and PerPackageOwa) are used by very few PL/SQL applications.

G.3.2.4 PlsqlBeforeProcedure

Specifies the procedure to be invoked before calling the requested procedure. This enables you to put a hook point before the requested procedure is called. This is useful in doing SQL*Traces/SQL Profiles while debugging a problem with the requested procedure. This is also useful when you want to ensure that a specific call be made before running every procedure.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlBeforeProcedure string
Example PlsqlBeforeProcedure portal.mypkg.mybeforeproc
Default None


This parameter should only be used for debugging purposes. In addition, you could use this parameter to start SQL Trace/SQL Profiling.

G.3.2.5 PlsqlBindBucketLengths


This configuration property is rarely ever changed, and system defaults suffice in most cases.

Specifies the rounding size to use while binding the number of elements in a collection bind. While executing PL/SQL statements, the Oracle database maintains a cache of PL/SQL statements in the shared SQL area, and attempts to reuse the cached statement if the same statement is run again. Oracle's matching criteria requires that the statement texts be identical, and that the bind variable data types match. Unfortunately, the type match for strings is sensitive to the exact byte size specified, and for collection bindings is also sensitive to the number of elements in the collection. Since the mod_plsql module binds statements dynamically, the odds of hitting the shared cache are low, and it may fill up with near-duplicates and lead to contention for the latch on the shared area. This parameter reduces that effect by bucketing bind lengths to the nearest level.

All numbers specified should be in ascending order. After the last specified size, subsequent bucket sizes will be assumed to be twice the last one.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlBindBucketLengths number multiline
Example PlsqlBindBucketLengths 4

PlsqlBindBucketLengths 25

PlsqlBindBucketLengths 125

Default 4,20,100,400

  • This parameter is relevant only if you are using procedures with array parameters, and passing varying number of parameters to the procedure.

  • The default should be sufficient for most PL/SQL applications.

  • To see if this parameter must be changed, check the number of versions of a SQL statement in the SQL area.

  • After the higher configured value, mod_plsql starts auto-generating bucket sizes of larger values by doubling the last value, as needed. Therefore, after 400, the next bucket value becomes 800, then 1600, and so on.

  • Consider using flexible parameter passing to reduce the problem.

G.3.2.6 PlsqlBindBucketWidths


This configuration property is rarely ever changed, and system defaults suffice in most cases.

Specifies the rounding size to use while binding the number of elements in a collection bind. While executing PL/SQL statements, the Oracle database maintains a cache of PL/SQL statements in the shared SQL area, and attempts to reuse the cached statement if the same statement is run again. Oracle's matching criteria requires that the statement texts be identical, and that the bind variable data types match. Unfortunately, the type match for strings is sensitive to the exact byte size specified, and for collection bindings is also sensitive to the number of elements in the collection. Since the mod_plsql module binds statements dynamically, the odds of hitting the shared cache are low, and it may fill up with near-duplicates and lead to contention for the latch on the shared area. This parameter reduces that effect by bucketing bind widths to the nearest level.

All numbers specified should be in ascending order. After the last specified size, subsequent bucket sizes will be assumed to be twice the last one.

The last bucket width must be equal to or less than 4000. This is due to the restriction imposed by OCI where array bind widths cannot be greater than 4000.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlBindBucketWidths number multiline
Example PlsqlBindBucketWidths 40

PlsqlBindBucketWidths 400

PlsqlBindBucketWidths 2000

Default 32,128,1450,2048,4000

  • This parameter is relevant only if you are using procedures with array parameters, and passing varying number of parameters to the procedure.

  • The default should be sufficient for most PL/SQL applications.

  • To see if this parameter must be changed, check the number of versions of a SQL statement in the SQL area.

  • After the higher configured value, mod_plsql starts auto-generating bucket sizes of larger values by doubling the last value, as needed. Therefore, after 400, the next bucket value becomes 800, then 1600, and so on.

  • Consider using flexible parameter passing to reduce the problem.

G.3.2.7 PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList

Specifies overrides and additions of CGI environment variables to the default set of environment variables passed to a PL/SQL procedure. This is a multi-line directive of name-value pairs to be added, overridden or removed. You can only specify one environment variable for each directive.

You can add CGI environment variables from the Oracle HTTP Server environment by specifying the variable name. To remove a CGI environment variable, set it equal to blank. To add your own name-value pair, use the syntax myname=myvalue.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList string multiline
Default None
  • To add a new environment variable from the Oracle HTTP Server environment:

    PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList DOCUMENT_ROOT

  • To remove an environment variable:

    PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList MYENVAR2=

  • To override from the Oracle HTTP Server environment:


  • To add your own environment variable:

    PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList MY_VARNAME=MY_VALUE

  • Environment variables added here are available in the PL/SQL application through the function owa_util.get_cgi_env.

G.3.2.8 PlsqlConnectionTimeout

Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for testing a connection pool in the mod_plsql module.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlConnectionTimeout number
Example PlsqlConnectionTimeout 5000
Default 10000 (milliseconds)

When PlsqlConnectionValidation is set to Automatic or AlwaysValidate, the mod_plsql module attempts to test pooled database connections. This parameter specifies the maximum time the mod_plsql module should wait for the test request to complete before it assumes that the connection is not usable.

G.3.2.9 PlsqlConnectionValidation

Specifies the mechanism the mod_plsql module should use to detect terminated connections in its connection pool.


This configuration property is rarely ever changed, and system defaults suffice in most cases.

For performance reasons, the mod_plsql module pools database connections. If a database instance goes down, and the mod_plsql module was maintaining a pool of connections to the instance, then each pooled database connection results in an error when it is next used to service a request. This can be a concern in high availability configurations such as Oracle RAC where even if one node goes down, other nodes servicing the database might have been able to service the request successfully. The mod_plsql module provides for a mechanism whereby it can self-correct after it detects a failure that could be caused by a database node going down. This mechanism to self-correct is controlled by the parameter PlsqlConnectionValidation.

The following are the valid values for PlsqlConnectionValidation:

  • Automatic: The mod_plsql module tests all pooled database connections which were created before the detection of a failure that could mean an instance failure.

  • ThrowAwayOnFailure: The mod_plsql module throws away all pooled database connections which were created before the detection of a failure that could mean an instance failure.

  • AlwaysValidate: The mod_plsql module always tests all pooled database connections which were created before issuing a request. Since this option has an associated performance overhead for each request, this should be used with caution.

  • NeverValidate: The mod_plsql module never pings any pooled database connection.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlConnectionValidation Automatic | ThrowAwayOnFailure | AlwaysValidate | NeverValidate
Example PlsqlConnectionValidation ThrowAwayOnFailure
Default Automatic

When the mod_plsql module encounters one of the following errors, it assumes that the database may have been down.

  • 00443 — background process <string> did not start

  • 00444 — background process <string> failed while starting

  • 00445 — background process did not start after <x> seconds

  • 00447 — fatal error in background processes

  • 00448 — normal completion of background process

  • 00449 — background process <string> unexpectedly terminated with error

  • 00470 — LGWR process terminated with error

  • 00471 — DBWR process terminated with error

  • 00472 — PMON process terminated with error

  • 00473 — ARCH process terminated with error

  • 00474 — SMON process terminated with error

  • 00475 — TRWR process terminated with error

  • 00476 — RECO process terminated with error

  • 00480 — LCK* process terminated with error

  • 00481 — LMON process terminated with error

  • 00482 — LMD* process terminated with error

  • 00484 — LMS* process terminated with error

  • 00485 — DIAG process terminated with error

  • 01014 — ORACLE shutdown in progress

  • 01033 — ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

  • 01034 — ORACLE not available

  • 01041 — internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

  • 01077 — background process initialization failure

  • 01089 — immediate shutdown in progress- no operations permitted

  • 01090 — shutdown in progress- connection is not permitted

  • 01091 — failure during startup force

  • 01092 — ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced

  • 03106 — fatal two-task communication protocol error

  • 03113 — end-of-file on communication channel

  • 03114 — not connected to ORACLE

  • 12570 — TNS: packet reader failure

  • 12571 — TNS: packet writer failure

G.3.2.10 PlsqlDatabaseConnectString

Specifies the connection to an Oracle database.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDatabaseConnectString string {ServiceNameFormat | SIDFormat | TNSFormat | NetServiceNameFormat}

The string parameter depends on the second argument:

  • If the second argument is ServiceNameFormat, string is HOST:PORT:SERVICE_NAME, where HOST is the host name running the database, PORT is the port number the TNS listener is listening at, and SERVICE_NAME is the database service name.

    An IPv6 address can be specified using the format [IPv6_ADDRESS]:PORT:SERVICE_NAME.

  • If the second argument is SIDFormat, string is HOST:PORT:SID where HOST is the host name running the database, PORT is the port number the TNS listener is listening at, and SID is the database SID.

    An IPv6 address can be specified using the format [IPv6_ADDRESS]:PORT:SID.

  • If the second argument is TNSFormat, string is a valid TNS alias that can be resolved using Oracle Net utilities like tnsping and SQL*Plus.

  • If the second argument is NetServiceNameFormat, string is a valid net service name that can be resolved to a connect descriptor. A connect descriptor is a specially formatted description of the destination for a network connection. A connect descriptor contains destination service and network route information.

If the format argument is not specified, then the mod_plsql module assumes the string is either in the HOST:PORT:SID format, or resolvable by Oracle Net. The differentiation between the two is made by the presence of the colon in the specified string.

It is recommended that newer DADs do not use the SIDFormat syntax. This exists only for backward compatibility reasons. Use the new two argument format for newly created DADs.

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString example.com:1521:myhost.iasdb.inst ServiceNameFormat
  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString [2001:DB8:f1ff:f1ff]:1521:myhost.iasdb.inst ServiceNameFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString example.com:1521:iasdb SIDFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString [2001:DB8:ff1ff:f1ff]:1521:iasdb SIDFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString myhost_tns TNSFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString cn=oracle,cn=iasdb NetServiceNameFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=example.com)(Port= 1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=iasdb))) TNSFormat

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString myhost_tns

  • PlsqlDatabaseConnectString example.com:1521:iasdb

Default None

  • If the database is running in the same Oracle home, or the environment variable TWO_TASK is set, then this parameter need not be specified.

  • If the database is running in a separate Oracle home, then this parameter is mandatory.

  • If you have problems connecting to the database:

    • Check the username and password information in the DAD.

    • Make sure that you run tnsping db_connect_string, and commands such as:

      sqlplus DADUsername/DADPassword@db_connect_string
    • Ensure that TNS_ADMIN is configured properly.

    • Verify that the HOST:PORT:SERVICE_NAME format works correctly.

    • Ensure that the TNS listener and database are up and running.

    • Ensure that you can ping the host from this machine.

  • From a the mod_plsql module perspective, TNSFormat and NetServiceNameFormat are synonymous and denote connect descriptors that are resolved by Oracle Net. The TNSFormat is provided as a convenience so that end-users use this to signify that the name resolution happens through the local tnsnames.ora. For situations where the resolution is through an LDAP lookup as configured in sqlnet.ora, it is recommended that the format specifier of NetServiceNameFormat be used.

    If your database supports high availability, for example, Oracle Real Application Clusters database, it is highly recommended that you use the NetServiceNameFormat such that the resolution for the net service name is through LDAP. This enables you to add or remove Oracle RAC nodes accessible through the mod_plsql module by changing Oracle Internet Directory with the new or deleted node information. In such situations, hard-coding database listener HOST:PORT information in dads.conf or in the local tnsnames.ora is not recommended.

G.3.2.11 PlsqlDatabasePassword

Specifies the password to use to log in to the database.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDatabasePassword string
Example PlsqlDatabasePassword tiger
Default None

  • This is a mandatory parameter, except for a DAD that sets PlsqlAuthenticationMode to Basic and uses dynamic authentication.

  • For DADs using SingleSignOn authentication, this parameter uses the name of the schema owner.

After making manual configuration changes to DAD passwords, you should obfuscate the DAD passwords by running the dadTool.pl script, located in ORACLE_HOME/bin.

To obfuscate DAD passwords:

  1. If necessary, change the user to the Oracle software owner user, typically oracle, using the following command:

    $ su - oracle
  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to specify the path to the Oracle home directory for the current release, and set the PATH environment variable to include the directory containing the Perl executable and the location of the dadTool.pl script.

    Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

    $ PATH=ORACLE_HOME/bin:ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH;export PATH

    C or tcsh shell:

    % setenv PATH ORACLE_HOME/bin:ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:PATH

    On Microsoft Windows, set the PATH and PERL5LIB environment variable:

    set PATH=ORACLE_HOME\bin;ORACLE_HOME\perl\bin;%PATH%
    set PERL5LIB=ORACLE_HOME\perl\lib
  3. On UNIX platforms, set the shared library path environment variable.

    Include the ORACLE_HOME/lib or lib32 directory in your shared library path. Table G-5 shows the appropriate directory and environment variable for each platform.

    Table G-5 Shared Library Path Environment Variable

    Platform Environment Variable Include Directory

    AIX Based Systems






    Solaris Operating System



    Other UNIX platforms, including Linux and HP Tru64 UNIX



    For example, on HP-UX PA-RISC systems, set the SHLIB_PATH environment to include the ORACLE_HOME/lib directory:

  4. Change directory to the bin directory for the current release of Oracle HTTP Server:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin
  5. Invoke the following Perl script to obfuscate DAD password:

    perl dadTool.pl -f dadfilename

    where dadfilename is the filename for dads.conf, which includes the full path to the DAD file.

    For example:

    perl dadTool.pl -f /u01/app/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/mod_plsql/dads.conf

G.3.2.12 PlsqlDatabaseUserName

Specifies the username to use to log in to the database.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDatabaseUsername string
Example PlsqlDatabaseUsername scott
Default None

  • This is a mandatory parameter, except for a DAD that sets PlsqlAuthenticationMode to Basic and uses dynamic authentication.

  • For DADs using SingleSignOn authentication, this parameter is the name of the schema owner.

G.3.2.13 PlsqlDefaultPage

Specifies the default procedure to call if none is specified in the URL.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDefaultPage string
Example PlsqlDefaultPage myschema.mypackage.home
Default None

You can also use Oracle HTTP Server Rewrite rules to achieve the same effect as you get by setting this configuration parameter.

G.3.2.14 PlsqlDocumentPath

Specifies a virtual path in the URL that initiates document download from the document table. For example, if this parameter is set to docs, then the following URLs will start the document downloading process for URLs of the format:

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDocumentPath string
Example PlsqlDocumentPath docs
Default docs

Omit this parameter for applications that do not perform document uploads or downloads.

G.3.2.15 PlsqlDocumentProcedure

Specifies the procedure to call when a document download is initiated. This procedure is called to process the download.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDocumentProcedure string
Example PlsqlDocumentProcedure portal.wwdoc_process.process_download
Default None

Omit this parameter for applications that do not perform document uploads or downloads.

G.3.2.16 PlsqlDocumentTablename

Specifies the table in the database to which all documents are uploaded.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlDocumentTablename string
Example PlsqlDocumentTablename myschema.document_table
Default None

Omit this parameter for applications that do not perform document uploads or downloads.

G.3.2.17 PlsqlErrorStyle

Specifies the error reporting mode for mod_plsql errors.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlErrorStyle {ApacheStyle | ModplsqlStyle | DebugStyle}
  • ApacheStyle: The mod_plsql module indicates to Oracle HTTP Server the HTTP error that was encountered. Oracle HTTP Server then generates the error page. This can be used with the Oracle HTTP Server ErrorDocument directive to produce customized error messages.

  • ModplsqlStyle: The mod_plsql module generates the error pages, usually a short message indicating the PL/SQL error encountered and PL/SQL exception stack, if any. For example:

  • DebugStyle: This mode provides more details than ModplsqlStyle. The mod_plsql module provides more details about the URL and parameters, and also produces server configuration information. This mode is for debugging purposes only. Do not use this in a production system, since displaying internal server variables could be a security risk.

Example PlsqlErrorStyle ModplsqlStyle
Default ApacheStyle

G.3.2.18 PlsqlExclusionList

Specifies a pattern for procedures, packages, or schema names which are forbidden to be directly run from a browser. This is a multi-line directive in which each pattern is on a separate line. The pattern is not case sensitive and can accept a wildcard such as an asterisk (*). The default patterns disallowed from direct URL access are as follows:

  • sys.*

  • dbms_*

  • utl_*

  • owa_util*

  • owa.*

  • htp.*

  • htf.*

  • wpg_docload.*

Setting this directive to #NONE# will disable all protection. This is strongly discouraged for an active site and should not be done. It may be used for debugging purposes.

If this parameter is overridden, the defaults still apply, which means that you do not have to explicitly add the default list to the list of excluded patterns.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlExclusionList {string | "#NONE#" multiline}
Example PlsqlExclusionList myschema.private.*

PlsqlExclusionList myschema.private1.*

will disallow access to URLs which contain one of:

sys.*, dbms_*, utl_*, owa_util*, owa.*, htp.*, htf.*, wpg_docload.*, myschema.private.*, myschema.private1.*

PlsqlExclusionList "#NONE#"

will disable all protection. Its use is strongly discouraged for an active site.

Default sys.*








  • In addition to the patterns specified with this parameter, the mod_plsql module disallows any procedure name which contains the following special characters:

    • tabs

    • new lines

    • carriage-return

    • single quotation mark

    • reverse slash

    • form feed

    • left parenthesis

    • right parenthesis

    • space

    This cannot be changed.

G.3.2.19 PlsqlFetchBufferSize

Specifies the number of rows of content to fetch from the database for each trip, using either owa_util.get_page or owa_util.get_page_raw.

By default, the mod_plsql module attempts to fetch 200 response lines of output where each line is of 255 bytes. In situations where the response bytes are single-bytes, the response buffer is populated to the maximum and can pack 255*200=51000 bytes for each round trip. For responses containing multibyte data, the byte packing for each row could be less than ideal resulting in lesser bytes getting transferred for each round trip. If your application generates large pages frequently and the response does not fit in one round trip, then consider setting this parameter higher. The memory usage for the mod_plsql module will increase.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlFetchBufferSize number
Example PlsqlFetchBufferSize 256
Default 200

  • This parameter is changed only for performance reasons. The minimum value for this parameter is 28, but it is seldom reduced.

  • Change this parameter only under the following circumstances:

    • The average response page is large and you want to reduce the number of round-trips the mod_plsql module makes to the database to fetch the response.

    • The character set in use is multibyte, and you want to compensate for the problem of get_page or get_page_raw fetching fewer bytes for each row. Calculations in the PL/SQL Web ToolKit are character-based and in the case of multibyte characters, OWA packages assume a worst-case character byte size and do not attempt to pack each row to its maximum.

G.3.2.20 PlsqlInfoLogging

Specifies what mode the mod_plsql module should use to do extra performance logging.

InfoDebug mode: This logs more information to the Apache's error_log. This is used with Apache's info logging level. If the Apache's logging level is not at least set to this high, this setting will be ignored.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlInfoLogging InfoDebug
Example PlsqlInfoLogging InfoDebug
Default Empty

The logging setting is useful for debugging problems in your PL/SQL application.

G.3.2.21 PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession

Specifies the maximum number of requests a pooled database connection should service before it is closed and re-opened.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession number
Example PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession 500
Default 1000

  • This parameter helps relieve memory and resource problems that may occur due to prolonged session reuse by a PL/SQL application.

  • This parameter should not need to be changed. The default is sufficient in most cases.

  • Setting this parameter to a low number can degrade performance. A case for a lower value might be an infrequently-used DAD whose performance is not a concern, and for which limiting the number of requests provides some benefit.

G.3.2.22 PlsqlNLSLanguage

Specifies the NLS_LANG variable for this DAD. This parameter overrides the NLS_LANG environment variable. When this parameter is set, the PL/SQL Gateway uses the specified NLS_LANG to connect to the database. Once connected, an alter session command is issued to switch to the specified language and territory. If the middle tier character set matches that of the database, then no alter session call is issued by the mod_plsql module.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlNLSLanguage string
Example PlsqlNLSLanguage America_America.UTF8
Default None

  • Most applications have PlsqlTransferMode set to CHAR which means that the character set in PlsqlNLSLanguage needs to match the character set of the database. In one special case, where the database and the mod_plsql module are both using fixed-size character sets, and the character set width matches, the character set can be different. The response character set is always the mod_plsql module character set.

  • If PlsqlTransferMode is set to RAW, then this parameter can be ignored.

G.3.2.23 PlsqlPathAlias

Specifies a virtual path alias to map to a procedure call. This is application-specific. This directive is used with PlsqlPathAliasProcedure.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlPathAlias string
Example PlsqlPathAlias url
Default None

For applications that do not use path aliasing, this parameter may be omitted.

G.3.2.24 PlsqlPathAliasProcedure

Specifies the procedure to call when the virtual path in the URL matches the path alias as configured by PlsqlPathAlias.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlPathAliasProcedure string
Example PlsqlPathAliasProcedure portal.wwpth_api_alias.process_download
Default None

For applications that do not use path aliasing, this parameter may be omitted.

G.3.2.25 PlsqlRequestValidationFunction

Specifies an application-defined PL/SQL function which gives you the opportunity to allow and disallow further processing of the requested procedure. This is useful in implementing tight security for your PL/SQL application by blocking out package and procedure calls that should not be allowed to run from a DAD.

The function defined by this parameter must have the following prototype:

boolean function_name (procedure_name IN varchar2)

The procedure_name parameter will contain the name of the procedure that the request is trying to run.

For example, if all the PL/SQL application procedures callable from a browser are inside the package mypkg, then an implementation of this function can be as follows:

boolean my_validation_check (procedure_name varchar2)
  if (upper (procedure_name) like upper ('myschema.mypkg%')) then
    return TRUE
    return FALSE
  end if;
Category Value
Syntax PlsqlRequestValidationFunction string
Example PlsqlRequestValidationFunction myschema.mypkg.my_validation_check
Default none

  • By default, the mod_plsql module already disallows direct URL access to certain schemas and packages. For more information, refer to PlsqlExclusionList.

  • It is highly recommended that you provide an implementation for this function such that it only allows requests that belong to your application, and are callable from a browser.

  • Since this function will be called for every request, be sure to make this function as optimized as possible. Suggested recommendations are:

    • Name your PL/SQL packages in a fashion such that the implementation of this function can be similar to the previous example.

    • If your implementation performs a table lookup to determine what packages and procedures should be allowed, then performance can be improved if you pin the cursor in the shared pool.

G.3.2.26 PlsqlSessionCookieName

Specifies the cookie name when PlsqlAuthenticationMode is set to SingleSignOn. This parameter is supported only for Oracle Fusion Middleware releases, and is used by Oracle Portal and Oracle Single Sign-On.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlSessionCookieName cookie_name
Example PlsqlSessionCookieName mycookie
Default Same as DAD name

  • For DADs not using SingleSignOn authentication, this parameter can be omitted. In most other cases, the session cookie name should be omitted (and this parameter automatically defaults to the DAD name).

  • A session cookie name must be specified only for Oracle Portal instances that need to participate in a distributed Oracle Portal environment. For those Oracle Portal nodes you want to seamless participate as a federated cluster, ensure that the session cookie name for all the participating nodes is the same.

  • Independent Oracle Portal nodes need to use distinct session cookie names.

G.3.2.27 PlsqlSessionStateManagement

Specifies how package and session state should be cleaned up at the end of each the mod_plsql request.

  • StatelessWithResetPackageState causes the mod_plsql module to call dbms_session.reset_package_state at the end of each mod_plsql request. This is the default.

  • StatelessWithPreservePackageState causes the mod_plsql module to call htp.init at the end of each mod_plsql request. This cleans up the state of session variables in the PL/SQL Web ToolKit. The PL/SQL application is responsible for cleaning up its own session state. Failure to do so causes erratic behavior, in which a request starts recognizing or manipulating state modified in previous requests.

  • StatelessWithFastResetPackageState causes the mod_plsql module to call dbms_session.modify_package_state(dbms_session.reinitialize) at the end of each mod_plsql request. This API is faster than the mode of StatelessWithResetPackageState, and avoids some latch contention issues, but exists only in Oracle database releases and later. This mode uses slightly more memory than the default mode.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlSessionStateManagement {StatelessWithResetPackageState | StatelessWithFastResetPackageState | StatelessWithPreservePackageState}
Example PlsqlSessionStateManagement StatelessWithPreservePackageState
Default StatelessWithResetPackageState

  • The earlier values of stateful=no or stateful=STATELESS_RESET corresponds to StatelessWithResetPackageState.

  • The earlier value of stateful=STATELESS_FAST_RESET corresponds to StatelessWithFastResetPackageState.

  • The earlier value of stateful=STATELESS_PRESERVE corresponds to StatelessWithPreservePackageState.

The mod_plsql module does not support stateful mode of operation. To allow PL/SQL applications stateful behavior, save the state in cookies and/or in the database.

G.3.2.28 PlsqlTransferMode

Specifies the transfer mode for data from the database back to the mod_plsql module. Most applications use the default value of CHAR.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlTransferMode {CHAR | RAW}
Example PlsqlTransferMode CHAR
Default CHAR

This parameter only must be changed to enable sending back responses in different character sets from the same DAD. In such a case, the CHAR mode is useless, since it always converts the response data from the database character set to the mod_plsql character set.

G.3.2.29 PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw

Specifies the file extensions to be uploaded as LONGRAW data type, as opposed to using the default BLOB data type. The default can be overridden by specifying multi-line directives of file extensions for field. A value of asterisk (*) in this field causes all documents to be uploaded as LONGRAW.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw string multiline
Example PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw jpg

PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw gif

Default None

For applications that do not upload or download documents, this parameter may be omitted.

G.3.3 cache.conf

The cache.conf file contains the configuration settings for the file system caching functionality implemented in the mod_plsql module. This configuration file is relevant only if PL/SQL applications use the OWA_CACHE package to cache dynamically generated content in the file system.

The following parameters are specified in the cache.conf file:

G.3.3.1 PlsqlCacheCleanupTime

Specifies the time to start the cleanup of the cache storage.

This setting defines the exact day and time in which cleanup should occur. The frequency can be set as daily, weekly, and monthly.

  • To define daily frequency, the keyword Everyday is used. The cleanup starts every day at the time defined. For example, Everyday 2:00 causes the cleanup to happen everyday at 2:00 a.m. (local time).

  • To define weekly frequency, the days of the week, (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) are used. For example, Wednesday 15:30 causes the cleanup to happen every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. (local time).

  • To define monthly frequency, the keyword Everymonth is used. The cleanup starts on the Saturday of the month at the time defined. For example, Saturday Everymonth 23:00 causes the cleanup to happen the first Saturday of every month at 11:00 p.m. (local time).

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheCleanupTime {Sunday-Saturday | Everyday | Everymonth} {hh:mm}
Example PlsqlCacheCleanupTime Monday 20:00
Default Saturday 23:00

G.3.3.2 PlsqlCacheDirectory

Specifies the directory where cache files are written out by the mod_plsql module. This directory must exist or Oracle HTTP Server will not start.

On UNIX, this directory must have write permissions by the owner of the child httpd processes.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheDirectory directory
Example PlsqlCacheDirectory "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/servers/${COMPONENT_NAME}"
Default none

G.3.3.3 PlsqlCacheEnable

Enables mod_plsql caching.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheEnable {On | Off}
Example PlsqlCacheEnable On
Default Off

If an application does not make use of the OWA_CACHE package in the PL/SQL Web Toolkit, then you can choose to disable caching. In such situations, there will be a minor performance benefit.

G.3.3.4 PlsqlCacheMaxAge

Specifies the maximum time, in days, a cache file can reside in a file system cache, after which the cached file will be removed for cache maintenance.

This setting is to ensure that the cache system does not contain old content. This setting removes old cache files and makes space for new ones.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheMaxAge number
Example PlsqlCacheMaxAge 20
Default 30 (days)

G.3.3.5 PlsqlCacheMaxSize

Specifies the maximum possible size of a cache file.

This setting prevents the case in which one file can fill up the entire cache. In general, it is recommended that this be set to about 1-3 percent of the total cache size, which is specified by PlsqlCacheTotalSize.

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheMaxSize number
Example PlsqlCacheMaxSize 1048576
Default 1048576

G.3.3.6 PlsqlCacheTotalSize

Specifies the total size of the cache directory. The default is 20 MB.

This setting limits the amount of space the cache is allowed to use. Both PL/SQL cache and Session Cookie cache share this cache space. This setting is not a hard limit. It might exceed the limit temporarily during normal processing. This is normal behavior.

The cleanup algorithm uses this setting to determine how much to reduce the cache files. Therefore, the real space limit is the physical storage's available size.

This parameter takes bytes as values:

  • 1 megabytes = 1048576 bytes

  • 10 megabytes = 10485760 bytes

Category Value
Syntax PlsqlCacheTotalSize number
Example PlsqlCacheTotalSize 20971520
Default 20971520 (bytes)