This chapter describes how to use inheritance in ADF Business Components to create an ADF view object that exposes multiple view row types in an Oracle ADF application. As an alternative to working with entity object inheritance, this chapter also describes how to define a view object inheritance hierarchy to generate heterogeneous view rows.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Section 7.4, "What You May Need to Know About the Discriminator Attribute"
Section 7.5, "Updating the Application Module to Expose Subtype Usages"
The view object lets you create a table represented by its base entity object. Typically, when you create the entity-based view object, you create it to work with entity rows of a single type like Domestics
, which perhaps include specific attributes that pertain to domestic customers. At other times you may want to query and update rows based on an entity object inheritance hierarchy in the same row set. For example, in the same row set, you might work with attributes that are common to the inheritance hierarchy of Customers
, Domestics
, and Internationals
entity objects, where Domestics
and Internationals
are subtype entity objects of the parent Customers
entity object. Such a view object is called a polymorphic view object. For a client to properly use the polymorphic view object, the view object must know which entity object to delegate to for each row in its heterogeneous row set. To identify the row type, the polymorphic view object relies on a discriminator attribute to identify each row's corresponding table.
ADF Business Component supports these types of polymorphism:
The entity object defines polymorphic subtypes, but the view object does not.
This is useful when the backend business logic needs to be aware of the different types but the presentation layer needs to treat view instances as a single type. In this case, the view instance will contain the common set of attributes defined by the entity subtypes.
Both the entity object and the view object usages define polymorphic subtypes.
In this case, both the backend business logic and the presentation layer need to distinguish between the various subtypes.
The entity object does not define polymorphic subtypes, but the view object usages do define polymorphic subtypes.
In this case, the presentation layer needs to distinguish between the view subtypes, but the backend business logic is not unique.
When you create polymorphic view object based on inheritance of entity subtypes, the various entity subtypes are not exposed to the client. As far as the client is concerned, every row in the view object's result set has the same set of attributes and the same row type. This is accomplished because ADF Business Components ensures that the correct entity object row subtype is created based on the value of the discriminator attribute. In other words, with a polymorphic entity usage, only the entity row parts of a view row can change type, while the view row type is constant.
Whereas, when you create polymorphic view object based on the inheritance defined by a view object hierarchy (not entity subtypes), you configure the application module to allow one or more view row subtypes in the result. Only polymorphic view rows produce different subtypes of client-visible view row types. And, unlike view objects derived from polymorphic entity usages, only polymorphic view rows allow you to expose view row subtypes to the the client with additional attributes.
To experiment with the examples that demonstrate the concept in this chapter, use theSummitADF_Examples
workspace, as described in Section 2.4, "Running the Standalone Samples from the SummitADF_Examples Workspace." For information about how to obtain and install the Summit ADF standalone sample applications, see Section 2.2, "Setting Up the Summit Sample Applications for Oracle ADF."You can work with either type of polymorphism, or you can combine the two.
While often even more useful when used together, the view row polymorphism and the polymorphic entity usage features are distinct and can be used separately. In particular, the view row polymorphism feature can be used for read-only view objects, as well as for entity-based view objects. When you combine both mechanisms, you can have both the entity row part being polymorphic, as well as the view row type.
Note to use view row polymorphism with either view objects or entity objects, you must configure the discriminator attribute property separately for each. This is necessary because read-only view objects contain no related entity usages from which to infer the discriminator information.
A limitation exists when defining polymorphic view objects that requires view objects with discriminator attributes to be defined no more than one level deep. Your project may define a polymorphic view object with discriminator attributes to specify the row subtypes, but using another view object to specify further subrows based on the first polymorphic view object will cause the display of subrows to fail. When creating polymorphic view objects, limit the discriminator attribute definition to one level.
In summary, to create a view object with a polymorphic entity usage:
Configure an attribute to be the discriminator at the entity object level in the root entity object in an inheritance hierarchy.
Define a hierarchy of inherited entity objects, each of which overrides and provides a distinct value for the Subtype Value property of that entity object level discriminator attribute.
List the subclassed entity objects in a view object's list of subtypes.
Update the application module to expose the entity-based subtype view objects in this hierarchy in the application module's list of subtypes.
Whereas, to work with view row polymorphism:
Configure an attribute to be the discriminator at the view object level in the base view object in an inheritance hierarchy.
Define a hierarchy of inherited view objects each of which provides a distinct value for the Subtype Value property of that discriminator attribute at the view object level (identified as DefaultValue
for the attribute in the view object definition file).
Update the application module to expose the subclassed view objects in this hierarchy in the application module's list of subtypes.
A polymorphic entity usage is one that references a base entity object in an inheritance hierarchy and is configured to handle subtypes of that entity as well. Figure 7-1 shows the results of using a view object with a polymorphic entity usage. The entity-based CustomerList
view object has the Customers
entity object as its primary entity usage. The view object partitions each row retrieved from the database into an entity row with attributes specific to the various subtypes of Customers
. It creates the appropriate entity row subtype based on consulting the value of the discriminator attribute. For example, if the CustomerList
query retrieves one row for domestic company ABC Company
and one row for international company Simms Athletics
, the underlying entity rows would be as shown in the figure.
The example in this section refers to theoracle.summit.model.polymorphic
package in the SummitADF_Examples
application workspace.The view object that you create with a polymorphic entity usage may inherit one or more of the attributes of the base entity object and the entity subtypes. Attributes that you select from the entity objects will be overridden by the view object attribute definitions. When an entity-based view object references an entity object with a discriminator attribute, then Oracle ADF enforces that the discriminator attribute is included in the query (in addition to the primary key attribute).
It may be helpful to have an understanding of polymorphic view objects (also called in this section, subtype view objects). For more information, see Section 7.1, "About Polymorphic View Objects."
You will need to complete these tasks:
Create the base entity object and entity subtypes upon which the view objects will be based. For details about creating base entity objects and entity subtypes, see Section 4.19.2, "How to Create Entity Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy."
Create an entity-based view object from the base entity object and select the attributes that are common to the subtype view objects. The base view object must contain the superset of attributes represented by each subtype view object. For details about creating an entity-based view object, see Section 5.2.1, "How to Create an Entity-Based View Object."
In the base view object that you create, select the entity subtype corresponding to each subtype view object that you will create. JDeveloper limits the subtype view objects that you may create to the polymorphic entity usage selections you make.
To select entity subtypes in the base view object:
Open the base view object in the overview editor and click the Entity Objects navigation tab.
In the Entity Objects page, click Subtypes and in the Select Subtypes dialog, add the entity subtypes to the Selected list.
For example, as Figure 7-2 shows, the entity subtype Domestics
and Internationals
have been selected to anticipate creating subtype view objects for each.
To create a subtype view object with a polymorphic entity usage:
In the Applications window, right-click your data model project and choose New and then View Object.
In the Create View Object wizard, name the subtype view object and then next to the Extends field, click Browse.
For example, you might name the subtype view object DomesticList
or InternationalList
when the subtype view object extends a base view object CustomerList
. In this case, the data model project would define a base Customers
entity object in order to support the creation of subtype view objects with polymorphic entity usages for the Domestics
and Internationals
subtype entity objects.
In the Select Parent dialog, select the entity-based view object that you wish to extend and click OK.
The view object you select is the base view object which defines the superset of attributes and is the view object that the subtype view object extends. For example, you select the base view object CustomerList
to extend when you want to create the subtype view object DomesticList
, as shown in Figure 7-3.
In the Create View Object wizard, make sure that Entity is selected as the data source and click Next.
In the Entity Objects page, in the Available list, locate the entity subtype that you want to define as the polymorphic entity usage for the subtype view object and click Add.
The list of available entity subtypes is defined in the inheritance hierarchy of the base entity object, as explained in the prerequisites for this procedure. For example, when you create the subtype view object DomesticList
for the base view object CustomerList
, you would add Domestics
as the entity subtype from the Available list, as shown in Figure 7-4.
In the Business Components dialog, click Yes to override the entity usage for your subtype view object with the desired polymorphic entity usage.
The Business Components dialog warns you that you will override the attributes of the base entity usage with the entity subtype, as shown in Figure 7-5.
Note that clicking No in the dialog will add an additional usage without overriding the attributes of the base entity usage. Normally, you click Yes to override the base entity usage with the desired entity subtype.
In the Selected list, select the overridden entity usage and click Subtypes.
In the Select Subtypes dialog, use the shuttle buttons to leave only the desired polymorphic entity subtype in the Selected list and click OK.
The Select Subtypes dialog lets you specify the entity subtype to be referenced by the usages you have defined in the Entity Objects page of the Create View Object wizard. The list of available entity subtypes is defined by the base view object, as explained in the prerequisites for this procedure. Normally, you will pick the same entity subtype as the one you choose to override (as shown in Figure 7-5).
For example, when you create the subtype view object DomesticList
, you would select Domestics
as the single entity subtype of the base entity object Customers
(and deselect Internationals
from the Selected list), as shown in Figure 7-6.
In the Create View Object wizard, in the Entity Objects page, click Next and on the Attributes page of the wizard, shuttle the desired attributes from the entity subtype to the Selected list.
For example, for the DomesticList
view object you would select the State
attribute from the entity subtype Domestics
, as shown in Figure 7-7.
In the Attributes page, remove the primary key attribute so the extended view object defines a single primary key attribute and then select the discriminator attribute and click Override and click Next.
For example, for the DomesticList
view object you would remove the CountryId
attribute from the subtype view object's selected list and override the CountryId
attribute, as shown in Figure 7-8.
In the Attributes Settings page, select the discriminator attribute from the dropdown and enter the Default Value that defines the subtype and click Finish to complete the wizard.
For example, for the DomesticList
view object you would enter DOMESTIC
, as shown in Figure 7-9.
Repeat this procedure to create additional subtype view objects with unique polymorphic entity usages.
For example, the InternationalList
view object is a second subtype that extends CustomerList
. It supplies the value INTERNATIONAL
for the CustomerTypeCode
discriminator attribute.
After creating the subtype view object, you must define the list of subtypes that participate in the view object polymorphism, as described in Section 7.5, "Updating the Application Module to Expose Subtype Usages." For example, the CustomersModule
application module with view instance CustomerList1
must be configured to name the subtype view objects DomesticList
and InternationalList
The Entity Objects page of the overview editor identifies the selected entity object with the entity usage override. For example, the overview editor for the DomesticList
view object identifies the overridden entity usage Customers (Domestics): overridden
with the overriding subtype in parenthesis, as shown in Figure 7-10.
When you create an entity-based view object with a polymorphic entity usage, JDeveloper adds information about the allowed entity subtypes to the base view object's XML document. For example, when creating the CustomerList
view object, the names of the allowed subtype entity objects are recorded in an <AttrArray>
tag. The XML property DiscrColumn
identifies CountryTypeCode
as the base view object's polymorphic discriminator attribute like this:
<ViewObject Name="CustomerList" ... > <EntityUsage Name="Customers" Entity="oracle.summit.model.polymorphics.entities.Customers" > </EntityUsage> <AttrArray Name="EntityImports"> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.entities.Domestics" /> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.entities.Internationals" /> </AttrArray> ... <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DiscrColumn="true"> </ViewAttribute> ... </ViewObject>
Then, when you create a subtype view object with a polymorphic entity usage, JDeveloper adds information about the base view object to the subtype view object's XML document. For example, the following sample shows the DomesticList
subtype view object with the name of the base view object recorded in the Extends
property. The XML property DiscrColumn
identifies the overridden CountryTypeCode
attribute as the polymorphic discriminator attribute, with a subtype value of DOMESTIC
. Only the additional attribute State
, specific to the subtype view object, appears in the XML document.
<ViewObject Name="DomesticList" Extends="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.views.CustomerList" ...> <EntityUsage Name="Customers" Entity="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.entities.Domestics"/> <AttrArray Name="EntityImports"> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphicsample.Domestics"/> </AttrArray> <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" DiscrColumn="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DefaultValue="DOMESTIC"> <DesignTime> <Attr Name="_OverrideAttr" Value="true"/> </DesignTime> </ViewAttribute> <ViewAttribute Name="State" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="State" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="STATE"/> </ViewObject>
Similarly, the XML document for the InternationalList
subtype view object names the same CustomerList
base view object in the Extends
property of its XML document, but defines the polymorphic discriminator attribute with a subtype value of INTERNATIONAL
and the additional attribute LANGUAGE
specific to its subtype like this:
<ViewObject Name="InternationalList" Extends="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.views.CustomerList" ... > <EntityUsage Name="Customers" Entity="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.entities.Internationals"/> <AttrArray Name="EntityImports"> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphicsample.Internationals"/> </AttrArray> <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" DiscrColumn="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DefaultValue="INTERNATIONAL"> <DesignTime> <Attr Name="_OverrideAttr" Value="true"/> </DesignTime> </ViewAttribute> <ViewAttribute Name="Language" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="Language" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="LANGUAGE"/> </ViewObject>
Note the <AttrArray>
tag in the subtype view object definition identifies the allowed entity object for each subtype. Each subtype view object should therefore name a single subtype entity object. If the <AttrArray>
tag of a subtype view object definition names more than one entity object, you may remove the unused one. This situation arises when using the Create View Object wizard to create the subtype view object but not reducing the list of default subtype entity objects in the Select Subtypes dialog, as shown in Figure 7-6. By default the dialog makes all subtype entity objects selected.
When you derive view objects from polymorphic entity usages, you will want to follow these best practices to allow the discriminator attribute to filter the query to only contain the expected subtypes.
If your view object expects to work with only a subset of the available entity subtypes in a hierarchy, you need to include an appropriate WHERE
clause that limits the query to only return rows whose discriminator column matches the expected entity type. You should not rely solely on the discriminator attribute to perform subtype filtering in the query. Without the addition of attributes to limit the query, the view object will effectively query all rows and cause the client to discard rows that do not match any discriminator values.
By design, clients do not work directly with entity objects. Instead, they work indirectly with entity objects through the view rows of an appropriate view object that presents a relevant set of information related to the task as hand. Just as a view object can expose a particular set of the underlying attributes of one or more entity objects related to the task at hand, it can also expose a selected set of methods from those entities. You accomplish this by enabling a custom view row Java class and writing a method in the view row class that:
Accesses the appropriate underlying entity row using the generated entity accessor in the view row, and
Invokes a method on it
For example, assume that the Customers
entity object contains a performCustomerFeature()
method in its CustomersImpl
class. To expose this method to clients on the CustomerList
view row, you can enable a custom view row Java class and write the method, as shown in the following example.
// In public void performCustomerFeature() { getTheCustomer().performCustomerFeature(); }
JDeveloper generates an entity accessor method in the view row class for each participating entity usage based on the entity usage alias name. Since the alias for the Customers
entity in the CustomerList
view object is "TheCustomer
", it generates a getTheCustomer()
method to return the entity row part related to that entity usage.
The code in the view row's performCustomerFeature()
method uses this getTheCustomer()
method to access the underlying CustomersImpl
entity row class and then invokes its performCustomerFeature()
method. This style of coding is known as delegation, where a view row method delegates the implementation of one of its methods to a corresponding method on an underlying entity object. When delegation is used in a view row with a polymorphic entity usage, the delegated method call is handled by appropriate underlying entity row subtype. This means that if the CustomersImpl
, DomesticsImpl
, and InternationalsImpl
classes implement the performCustomerFeature()
method in a different way, the appropriate implementation is used depending on the entity subtype for the current row.
After exposing this method on the client row interface, client programs can use the custom row interface to invoke custom business functionality on a particular view row. The following example shows the interesting lines of code from a TestEntityPolymorphism
class. It iterates over all the rows in the CustomerList
view object instance, casts each one to the custom CustomerListRow
interface, and invokes the performCustomerFeature()
CustomerList customerlist = (CustomerList)am.findViewObject("CustomerList"); customerlist.executeQuery(); while (customerlist.hasNext()) { CustomerListRow customer = (CustomerListRow); System.out.print(customer.getEmail()+"->"); customer.performCustomerFeature(); }
Running the client code in the previous sample produces the following output:
austin->## performCustomerFeature as Domestics hbaer->## performCustomerFeature as Internationals : sking->## performCustomerFeature as Domestic :
Rows related to Customers
entities display a message confirming that the performCustomerFeature()
method in the CustomersImpl
class was used. Rows related to Domestics
and Internationals
entities display a different message, highlighting the different implementations that the respective DomesticsImpl
and InternationalsImpl
classes have for the inherited performCustomerFeature()
In a view object with a polymorphic entity usage, when you create a new view row it contains a new entity row part whose type matches the base entity usage. To create a new view row with one of the entity subtypes instead, use the createAndInitRow()
The following sample shows two custom methods in the CustomerList
view object's Java class that use createAndInitRow()
to allow a client to create new rows having entity rows either of Domestics
or Internationals
subtypes. To use the createAndInitRow()
, as shown in the example, create an instance of the NameValuePairs
object and set it to have an appropriate value for the discriminator attribute. Then, pass that NameValuePairs
to the createAndInitRow()
method to create a new view row with the appropriate entity row subtype, based on the value of the discriminator attribute you passed in.
// In public CustomerListRow createCustomersRow() { NameValuePairs nvp = new NameValuePairs(); nvp.setAttribute("CustomerTypeCode","DOMESTIC"); return (CustomerListRow)createAndInitRow(nvp); } public CustomerListRow createInternationalsRow() { NameValuePairs nvp = new NameValuePairs(); nvp.setAttribute("CustomerTypeCode","INTERNATIONAL"); return (CusotmersListRow)createAndInitRow(nvp); }
If you expose methods like this on the view object's custom interface, then at runtime, a client can call them to create new view rows with appropriate entity subtypes. The following sample shows the interesting lines relevant to this functionality from a TestEntityPolymorphism
class. First, it uses the createRow()
, createDomesticsRow()
, and createInternationalsRow()
methods to create three new view rows. Then, it invokes the performCustomerFeature()
method from the CustomerListRow
custom interface on each of the new rows.
// In CustomerListRow newCustomer = (CustomerListRow)CustomerList.createRow(); CustomerListRow newDomestic = Customerlist.createDomesticsRow(); CustomerListRow newInternational = Customerlist.createInternationalsRow(); newCustomer.performCustomerFeature(); newDomestic.performCustomerFeature(); newInternational.performCustomerFeature();
As expected, each row handles the method in a way that is specific to the subtype of entity row related to it, producing the results:
## performCustomerFeature as Customer ## performCustomerFeature as Domestic ## performCustomerFeature as International
In the example shown in Section 7.2, "Working with Polymorphic Entity Usages," the polymorphism occurs "behind the scenes" at the entity object level. Since the client code works with all view rows using the same CustomerListRow
interface, it cannot distinguish between rows based on a Domestics
entity object from those based on a Customers
entity object. The code works with all view rows using the same set of view row attributes and methods common to all types of underlying entity subtypes.
If you configure a view object to support polymorphic view rows, then the client can work with different types of view rows using a view row interface specific to the type of row it is. By doing this, the client can access view attributes or invoke view row methods that are specific to a given subtype as needed. Figure 7-11 illustrates the hierarchy of view objects that enables this feature for the CustomerList
example considered above. DomesticList
and InternationalList
are child view objects that extend the base (or parent) CustomerList
view object. Notice that each one includes an additional attribute specific to the subtype of Customers
they have as their entity usage. DomesticList
includes an additional State
attribute, while InternationalList
excludes the State
attribute and includes the Language
attribute. When configured for view row polymorphism, a client can work with the results of the CustomerList
view object using:
interface for view rows related to customers
interface for view rows related to domestic customers
interface for view rows related to international customers
As you'll see, this allows the client to access the additional attributes and view row methods that are specific to a given subtype of view row.
The example in this section refers to theoracle.summit.model.polymorphicvo
package in the SummitADF_Examples
application workspace.The view object that you create with polymorphic view rows may inherit one or more of the attributes from a hierarchy of view objects, each with their own base entity object. Attributes that you select from the extended view objects will be overridden by the polymorphic view row definitions in the parent view object.
To create a view object with polymorphic view rows:
In the Applications window, double-click the view object that you want to be the base view object in the inheritance hierarchy.
For example, the CustomerList
view object is the base for DomesticList
view object.
In the overview editor for the view object, click the Attributes navigation tab and select the discriminator attribute that distinguishes which view row interface to use for the view row, and then click the Edit selected attribute(s) button.
For example, the CustomerTypeCode
is the discriminator attribute for CustomerList
In the Edit Attribute dialog, select the Discriminator checkbox, enter a Default Value, and click OK.
You must supply a value for the Default Value field that matches the attribute value for which you expect the base view object's view row interface to be used. For example, in the CustomerList
view object, you would mark the CustomerTypeCode
attribute as the discriminator attribute and supply a default value of CUSTOMER
In the overview editor for the view object, in the Attributes page, delete all attributes that are specific to the subtype view object.
For example, the attribute States
would be removed from the base view object since it is used exclusively by the DomesticList
subtype view object.
In the overview editor, click the Java navigation tab, and enable a custom view row class for the base view object, and expose at least one method on the client row interface. This can be one or all of the view row attribute accessor methods, as well as any custom view row methods.
Create the subtype new view object that extends the base view object:
In the Applicaitons window, right-click the base view object and choose New Extended Object, and in the Create Extended Object dialog, name the subtype view object.
In this example, the CustomerList
view object is the base and the subtype view object is named DomesticList
In the overview editor for the subtype view object, click the Attributes navigation tab and choose Add Attribute From Entity from the Add button dropdown, and then, in the Attributes dialog, add the attributes that are specific to the subtype view object and click OK.
In this example, the subtype DomesticList
defines the additional attribute State
In the Attributes page of the overview editor, select the discriminator attribute for the view row, and click Override and then click the Edit selected attribute(s) button.
In the Edit Attribute dialog, give the discriminator attribute a distinct Default Value to define the subtype of the extended view object and click OK.
For example, the DomesticList
view object provides the value DOMESTIC
for the CustomerTypeCode
discriminator attribute.
In the overview editor, click the Java navigation tab, and enable a custom view row class for the extended view object.
If appropriate, add additional custom view row methods or override custom view row methods inherited from the parent view object's row class.
Repeat to add additional extended view objects as needed.
For example, the InternationalList
view object is a second one that extends CustomerList
. It supplies the value INTERNATIONAL
for the CustomerTypeCode
discriminator attribute.
After setting up the view object hierarchy, you must define the list of view object subtypes that participate in the view row polymorphism, as described in Section 7.5, "Updating the Application Module to Expose Subtype Usages." For example, the CustomersModule
application module with view instance CustomerList1
must be configured to name the subtype view objects DomesticList
and InternationalList
When you create the base view object that you use to define child view objects with polymorphic view row definitions, JDeveloper adds information about the discriminator attribute to the base view object's XML document. For example, when creating the CustomerList
view object, the XML property DiscrColumn
identifies CountryTypeCode
as the base view object's polymorphic discriminator attribute, with a subtype value of CUSTOMER
like this:
<ViewObject Name="CustomerList" ... > <EntityUsage Name="Customers" Entity="oracle.summit.model.polymorphics.entities.Customers" > </EntityUsage> ... <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DiscrColumn="true" DefaultValue="CUSTOMER"> </ViewAttribute> ... </ViewObject>
Then, when you create a child view object with a polymorphic view row definition, JDeveloper adds information about the view row definition to the child view object's XML document. For example, the following sample shows the DomesticList
child view object with the name of the base view object recorded in the Extends
property. The XML property DiscrColumn
identifies the overridden CountryTypeCode
attribute as the polymorphic discriminator attribute, with a subtype value of DOMESTIC
. Only the additional attribute State
, specific to the subtype, appears in the XML document of the child view object.
<ViewObject Name="DomesticList" Extends="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.views.CustomerList" ...> <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" DiscrColumn="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DefaultValue="DOMESTIC"> <DesignTime> <Attr Name="_OverrideAttr" Value="true"/> </DesignTime> </ViewAttribute> <ViewAttribute Name="State" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="State" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="STATE"/> </ViewObject>
Similarly, the XML document for the InternationalList
child view object names the same base view object in the Extends
property of its XML document, but defines the polymorphic discriminator attribute with a subtype value of INTERNATIONAL
and the additional attribute LANGUAGE
specific to its subtype like this:
<ViewObject Name="InternationalList" Extends="oracle.summit.model.polymorphic.views.CustomerList" ... > <ViewAttribute Name="CountryTypeCode" PrecisionRule="true" DiscrColumn="true" EntityAttrName="CountryTypeCode" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="COUNTRY_TYPE_CODE" DefaultValue="INTERNATIONAL"> <DesignTime> <Attr Name="_OverrideAttr" Value="true"/> </DesignTime> </ViewAttribute> <ViewAttribute Name="Language" PrecisionRule="true" EntityAttrName="Language" EntityUsage="Customers" AliasName="LANGUAGE"/> </ViewObject>
Note that unlike the polymorphic entity usage sample described in Section 7.2.2, "What Happens When You Create a Subtype View Object with a Polymorphic Entity Usage," view instances with polymorphic view rows use inheritance and overriding attributes to distinguish, for example, between rows based on a Domestics
entity object from those based on a Customers
entity object. Thus, the definition of allowed subtype entity objects is absent from the XML document of the view objects in the polymorphic view row case (but defined in <AttrArray>
tags in the polymorphic entity usage case).
When you work with polymorphic view rows, you can interact with the row types to customize the attributes to display or to delegate to methods specific to the entity subtypes of the view rows.
When you create an extended view object, it inherits the entity usage of its parent. If the parent view object's entity usage is based on an entity object with subtypes in your domain layer, you may want your extended view object to work with one of these subtypes instead of the inherited parent entity usage type. Two reasons you might want to do this are:
To select attributes that are specific to the entity subtype
To be able to write view row methods that delegate to methods specific to the entity subtype
In order to do this, you need to override the inherited entity usage to refer to the desired entity subtype. To do this, perform these steps in the overview editor for your extended view object.
To override the entity usage for the view object:
In the Applications window, double-click the view object that contains the entity usage that you want to override.
In the overview editor, click the Entity Objects navigation tab and verify that you are working with an extended entity usage.
For example, when creating the DomesticList
view object that extends the DomesticList
view object, the entity usage with the alias TheCustomer
will initially display in the Selected list as: TheCustomer(Customers): extended. The type of the entity usage is in parenthesis, and the "extended" label confirms that the entity usage is currently inherited from its parent.
Select the desired entity subtype in the Available list that you want to override the inherited one. It must be a subtype entity of the existing entity usage's type.
For example, you would select the Domestics
entity object in the Available list to override the inherited entity usage based on the Customers
entity type.
Click > to shuttle it to the Selected list
Acknowledge the alert that appears, confirming that you want to override the existing, inherited entity usage.
When you have performed these steps, the Selected list updates to reflect the overridden entity usage. For example, for the DomesticList
view object, after overriding the Customers
-based entity usage with the Domestics
entity subtype, it updates to show: TheCustomer (Domestics): overridden.
After overriding the entity usage to be related to an entity subtype, you can then use the Attributes tab of the editor to select additional attributes that are specific to the subtype. For example, the DomesticsList
view object includes the additional attribute named State
that is specific to the Domestics
entity object.
After overriding the entity usage in an extended view object to reference a subtype entity, you can write view row methods that delegate to methods specific to the subtype entity class.
The following sample shows the code for a performInternationalFeature()
method in the custom view row class for the InternationalList
view object. It casts the return value from the getTheCustomer()
entity row accessor to the subtype InternationalsImpl
, and then invokes the performInternationalFeature()
method that is specific to Internationals
entity objects.
// In public void performInternationalFeature() { InternationalsImpl international = (InternationalsImpl)getTheCustomer(); international.performInternationalFeature(); }
You need to perform the explicit cast to the entity subtype here because JDeveloper does not yet take advantage of the JDK feature called covariant return types that would allow a subclass likeInternationalListRowImpl
to override a method like getTheCustomer()
and change its return type.The following sample shows the interesting lines of code from a TestViewRowPolymorphism
class that performs the following steps:
Iterates over the rows in the CustomerList
view object.
For each row in the loop, it uses Java's instanceof
operator to test whether the current row is an instance of the DomesticListRow
or the InternationalListRow
If the row is a DomesticListRow
, then cast it to this more specific type and:
Call the performDomesticFeature()
method specific to the DomesticListRow
interface, and
Access the value of the State
attribute that is specific to the DomesticList
view object.
If the row is a InternationalListRow
, then cast it to this more specific type and:
Call the performInternationalFeature()
method specific to the InternationalListRow
interface, and
Access the value of the Language
attribute that is specific to the InternationalList
view object.
Otherwise, just call a method on the CustomerListRow
// In ViewObject vo = am.findViewObject("CustomerList"); vo.executeQuery(); // 1. Iterate over the rows in the CustomerList view object while (vo.hasNext()) { CustomerListRow Customer = (CustomerListRow); System.out.print(Customer.getEmail()+"->"); if (Customer instanceof DomesticListRow) { // 2. If the row is a DomesticListRow, cast it DomesticListRow mgr = (DomesticListRow)Customer; mgr.performDomesticFeature(); System.out.println("State: "+domestic.getState()); } else if (Customer instanceof InternationalListRow) { // 3. If the row is an InternationalListRow, cast it InternationalListRow international = (InternationalListRow)Customer; international.performInternationalFeature(); System.out.println("Speaks English: "+international.getLanguage()); } else { // 4. Otherwise, just call a method on the CustomerListRow Customer.performCustomerFeature(); } }
Running the code in the previous sample produces the following output:
daustin->## performInternationalFeature called English spoken: Yes hbaer->## performCustomerFeature as Customer : sking->## performDomesticFeature called State: CA :
This illustrates that by using the view row polymorphism feature the client was able to distinguish between view rows of different types and access methods and attributes specific to each subtype of view row.
When a view object references an entity object with a discriminator attribute, you can decide whether or not that discriminator attribute should be included in the query (in addition to the primary key attribute) by selecting the Polymorphic Discriminator checkbox for the inherited discriminator attribute in the Details tab on the Attributes page of the overview editor for the view object.
When you decide to enable the checkbox, you can then use the Polymorphic Discriminator options in the Details tab to configure whether or not the view object is defined as a subtype view object:
Enabling the option View means you want to enable polymorphic view rows.
Enabling the option Entity means you want to ignore the discriminator capability of the view row and will instead instantiate the attribute with a default value.
The Entity option is useful in situations where a discriminator attribute is inherited by an entity-based view object with multiple backing entity objects and yet polymorphic view rows are not desired.
Figure 7-12 shows the Details tab for the DomesticList
view object enables its CustomerTypeCode
discriminator attribute inherited from the Customers
entity object. The View selection indicates that this discriminator attribute participates in view object polymorphism and the value DOMESTIC
determines the subtype view object's row type.
After creating the view object hierarchy using either view row polymorphism or entity object polymorphism, you need to define the list of view object subtypes that participate in the view object polymorphism at runtime. To accomplish this, you update the application module definition to specify the subtype view objects for the base view instance. At runtime, ADF creates polymorphic view rows based on the definitions of the invoked view instance's named subtypes.
After creating the view object hierarchy using either view row polymorphism or entity object polymorphism, you need to define the list of view object subtypes that participate in the view object polymorphism. To accomplish this, you update the application module definition to specify the subtype view objects for the base view instance.
As Figure 7-13 shows, the data model that exposes the base view object usage CustomerList1
remains unchanged, while the Select Subtypes dialog is used to define the possible polymorphic view object usages of the base view object.
It may be helpful to have an understanding of polymorphic view objects. For more information, see Section 7.3, "Working with Polymorphic View Rows."
When you want to create subtype view objects based on polymorphic entity usages, which the view objects derive from the inheritance of the entity subtypes, create the subtype view objects that extend the base entity-based view object. For more information, see Section 7.2, "Working with Polymorphic Entity Usages."
When you want to create subtype view objects based on polymorphic view rows, which derive from a view object hierarchy that you define, create the subtype view objects with polymorphic discriminator attribute. For more information, see Section 7.3, "Working with Polymorphic View Rows."
To add subtype view objects to the application module definition:
In the overview editor for the application module, click the Data Model navigation tab and add an instance of the base view object to the data model of an application module.
For example, when the CustomerList
view object supports two subtypes: DomesticList
and InternationalList
view objects, the AppModule
application module will have base view instance CustomerList1
In the Data Model page, expand the View Object Instances section and in the Data Model list, click the Subtypes button.
You do not need to make a view instance selection in Data Model list to click the button.
In the Subtypes dialog, shuttle the desired view object subtypes of the base view instance from the Available to the Selected list, and click OK.
For example, for the CustomerList1
view instance with subtype view objects DomesticList
and InternationalList
, you would shuttle both view objects to the Selected list, as shown in Figure 7-13.
When you add a subtype view object to the application module, JDeveloper adds information about the allowed view subtypes to the application module's XML document. For example, when defining a view instance CustomerList1
with two possible subtype usages, the names of the allowed subtype view objects are recorded in an <AttrArray>
tag like this:
<AppModule ... <ViewUsage Name="CustomerList1" ViewObjectName="oracle.summit.model.polymorphicsample.CustomerList"/> <AttrArray Name="ViewImports"> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphicsample.DomesticList"/> <Item Value="oracle.summit.model.polymorphicsample.InternationalList"/> </AttrArray> </AppModule>