Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
12c (12.1.3)



dvt:overview overview overview

UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.overview.Overview

The Overview component provides a macro view of all the data points in the associated chart. Users can scroll through the chart using the Overview. The Overview component must be placed inside of a chart component.


Type Phases Description
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change event might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
binding String Only EL an EL reference that will store the component instance on a bean. This can be used to give programmatic access to a component from a backing bean, or to move creation of the component to a backing bean.
id String Yes the identifier for the component
inlineStyle String Yes the CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.
partialTriggers String[] Yes the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too. Identifiers are relative to the source component, and must account for NamingContainers. If your component is already inside of a naming container, you can use a single colon to start the search from the root, or multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainers - "::" will search from the parent naming container, ":::" will search from the grandparent naming container, etc.
rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

specifies whether the component is rendered. The default value is true.
styleClass String Yes a CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like 'AFInstructionText'.