3.2 Tuning Dashboard Design and Deployment

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring 12c comes with enhanced Dashboard capabilities. The following best practices are recommendations too ensure optimal performance.

For optimal dashboard performance, please treat the following best practices as recommendations.

  • Ensure that a dashboard is designed for a specific user group. Do not try to create an all-purpose dashboard.

  • Create a report which is “management by exception”.

  • Allow the people handling various user roles to understand the health of the operations at a glance; then provide drill-down.

  • Use the Logical Data Object filter and dashboard parameters to filter data before dashboard is loaded.

  • Limit a dashboard to 4-6 views or one view with multiple tabs.

  • Make effective use of Dashboard Action button present in each Dashboard cell.

    Use summary or aggregation as much as possible and provide drill down to detail records from there to avoid a large number of detail records.

  • Table and list views have some performance limitations. Oracle recommends that you limit List View listings to 2000 records, although the Oracle BAM system has an upper limit of 10420 records. If applicable, define a dimension or time hierarchy which allows drill down until you reach the node that returns detailed records. Also ensure that you increase the memory settings (Oracle recommends up to 6GB) for the BAM server while retrieving a large number of records.

  • Use Oracle Tech Network demos for design and best practices.

  • Choose active data interval and throttling carefully because it has memory implications.