A.1.3 Using BAMCommand To Export Your Project

When you use BAMCommand to export a project, the project will contain the project artifacts as well as referenced data objects. When designing your source control, note that the project exported zip file will contain data objects and you must plan to extract them into a separate zip file, or delete them if you have exported data objects explicitly

Artifacts contained within the zip file exported by BAMCommand

The following table shows an abbreviated list of artifacts contained within the zip file exported by BAMCommand.

dataobject/ DATAOBJECT_NAME/
  • DataObject.xml – dataobject defintiion

  • data.csv – dataobject contents

ems/ EMS_NAME/*
project/ PROJECT_NAME/
  • parameter/*

  • businessquery/*

  • view/*

  • kpi/*

  • dashboard/*

  • alert/*

Commonly used BAMCommand Parameters And Their Results

The following table describes commonly used BAMCommand parameters and their functions.

-cmd export –type project –name "project name" –file export.zip

Project export

-cmd export –type project –regex "project name" –file export.zip

Project export based on regular expression

-cmd export …. –contents 0

Project export without data object contents

-cmd export –type dataobject –name "DO_NAME" –contents 0

Dataobject export without contents

-cmd export –type ems –name "EMS_NAME"

EMS export

-cmd import –file import.zip –mode overwrite

Import, overwriting existing artifacts

-cmd import –file import.zip –mode update

Import, keeping existing artifacts and adding new ones