Specifying the Oracle HCM Cloud WSDL

The following table describes the Oracle HCM Cloud WSDL requirements.


WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

The URL must be that of a service catalog service WSDL. The service catalog service enables clients to retrieve information about all public Oracle Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance. The information it returns is specific to the particular cloud instance and also reflects the new services that may have been introduced in patches applied to the instance. This service is used to programmatically discover the SOAP services available on the cloud instance and retrieve the necessary metadata to invoke the SOAP services to manage business objects.

The developer creating an Oracle HCM Cloud connection must work with the Oracle HCM Cloud service administrator to get the concrete WSDL URL for the service catalog service provisioned for the specific SaaS application. The concrete WSDL URL must be supplied while creating the connection.

This section describes how to derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized service WSDL. The topology information in the Topology Registration setup task contains the external virtual host and port for the domains and applications. The following instructions describe the steps for deriving the values using the service catalog service WSDL URL as an example: http://atf_server:port/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService.

To access the Review Topology page, the ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement must be granted to the user's job role. The entitlement is granted to the ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the duty roles ASM_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_DUTY and ASM_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DUTY.

If the menu items and tasks described in the following procedure are not available in your cloud instance, your user account is missing the required role. Contact your cloud instance security administrator for assistance.

  1. Log in to the cloud instance.

  2. Click the Navigator icon in the global area in the top part of the window, then chose Setup and Maintenance under the Tools heading.

  3. Select Review Topology under the Topology Registration section in the Tasks regional area on the left side of the window.

  4. Click the Detailed tab in the middle of the window.

    The tab shows the list of domains configured in the cloud instance.
    Description of the illustration GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png

  5. Map the token name for the service path value to the domain name in the Topology Manager:
    Token Name in Service Path Domain Name
    atf_server CommonDomain
    crm_server CRMDomain
    fin_server FinancialDomain
    hcm_server HCMDomain
    ic_server ICDomain
    prc_server ProcurementDomain
    prj_server ProjectsDomain
    scm_server SCMDomain
  6. Expand the domain name and select any external virtual host and port for the J2EE applications that are deployed on the domain. In the sample window, the values for this particular instance are fs-your-cloud-hostname and 443, respectively.
    Description of the illustration GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png

  7. Replace the domainName_server:PortNumber with the external virtual host and port identified in the previous step. For example:
