2 Sending and Receiving Messages using the User Messaging Service Java API

This chapter describes how to use the User Messaging Service (UMS) client API to develop applications. This API serves as a programmatic entry point for Fusion Middleware application developers to incorporate messaging features within their enterprise applications.

For more information about the classes and interfaces, see User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

This chapter includes the following sections:


To learn more about the code samples for Oracle User Messaging Service, or to run the samples yourself, refer to the samples at:


2.1 Introduction to the UMS Java API

The UMS API provides a plain old java (POJO/POJI) programming model and this eliminates the needs for application developers to package and implement various Java EE modules (such as an EJB module) in an application to access UMS features. This reduces application development time because developers can create applications to run in a Java EE container without performing any additional packaging of modules, or obtaining specialized tools to perform such packaging tasks.

Consumers do not need to deploy any EJB or other Java EE modules in their applications, but must ensure that the UMS libraries are available in an application' s runtime class path. The deployment is as a shared library, oracle.sdp.client.

The samples with source code are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

2.2 Creating a UMS Client Instance and Specifying Runtime Parameters

The MessagingClient object is essential to the UMS Java API user. This object is used to, for instance, send a message, retrieve status information for a sent message, and to receive messages synchronously. The MessagingClient object is created using the MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient() method.

Client applications can specify a set of parameters at runtime when instantiating a MessagingClient object. For example, you configure a MessagingClient instance by specifying parameters as key-value pairs in a java.util.Map<String, Object>. Among other things, the configuration parameters serve to identify the client application, point to the UMS server, and establish security credentials. Client applications are responsible for storing and loading the configuration parameters using any available mechanism.

Table 2-1 lists some configuration parameters that may be set for the Java API. In typical use cases, most of the parameters do not need to be provided and the API implementation uses sensible default values.

Table 2-1 Configuration Parameters Specified at Runtime

Parameter Notes


Optional. By default, the client is identified by its deployment name. This identifier can be overridden by specifying a value for key ApplicationInfo.APPLICATION_NAME.


Optional. Only required for certain clustered use cases or to take advantage of session-based routing.


Optional. By default, the client's resources are available to any application with the same application name and any security principal. This behavior can be overridden by specifying a value for key ApplicationInfo.SDPM_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL. If a security principal is specified, then all subsequent requests involving the application's resources (messages, access points, and so on.) must be made using the same security principal.


Optional. When listeners are used to receive messages or statuses asynchronously, the number of listener worker threads can be controlled by specifying values for the MessagingConstants.MESSAGE_LISTENER_THREADS and MessagingConstants.STATUS_LISTENER_THREADS keys.


Optional. When receiving messages, using a listener in the transaction can be controlled by specifying a value for this parameter.

To release resources used by the MessagingClient instance when it is no longer needed, call MessagingClientFactory.remove(client). If you do not call this method, some resources such as worker threads and JMS listeners may remain active.

Example 2-1 shows a sample code for creating a MessagingClient instance:

Example 2-1 Creating a MessagingClient Instance

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// params.put(key, value);  // if optional parameters need to be specified.
MessagingClient messagingClient = MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient(params); 

A MessagingClient cannot be reconfigured after it is instantiated. Instead, you must create a new instance of the MessagingClient class using the desired configuration.

The API reference for class MessagingClientFactory can be accessed from the Javadoc.

2.3 Sending a Message

Use the MessagingFactory class to create a UMS Message object for the client application. The MessagingFactory class is also used to create Addresses, AccessPoints, MessageFilters, and MessageQueries. See User Messaging Service Java API Reference for more information about these methods.

When the client application sends a message, the UMS API returns a String identifier that the client application can later use to retrieve message delivery status. The status returned is the latest known status based on UMS internal processing and delivery notifications received from external gateways.

The types of messages that can be created include plaintext messages, multipart messages that can consist of text/plain and text/html parts, and attachments. However, note that the protocol implemented by a driver may limit the kind of message that can be sent through a driver. To address this problem, it is possible to create payloads specific to a delivery channel (DeliveryType) in a single message as described in Section, "Creating Delivery Channel-Specific Payloads in a Single Message for Recipients with Different Delivery Types".

The section includes the following topics:

2.3.1 Creating a Message

This section describes the various types of messages that can be created. Creating a Plaintext Message

Example 2-2 shows how to create a plaintext message using the UMS Java API.

Example 2-2 Creating a Plaintext Message Using the UMS Java API

Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("This is a Plain Text message.");


Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();
message.setContent("This is a Plain Text message.", "text/plain;charset=utf-8"); Creating a Multipart/Alternative Message (with Text/Plain and Text/HTML Parts)

Example 2-3 shows how to create a multipart or alternative message using the UMS Java API.

Example 2-3 Creating a Multipart or Alternative Message Using the UMS Java API

Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();
MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
MimeBodyPart mp_partPlain = new MimeBodyPart();
mp_partPlain.setContent("This is a Plain Text part.", "text/plain;charset=utf-8");
MimeBodyPart mp_partRich = new MimeBodyPart();
                "<html><head></head><body><b><i>This is an HTML part.</i></b></body></html>",
message.setContent(mp, "multipart/alternative"); Creating Delivery Channel-Specific Payloads in a Single Message for Recipients with Different Delivery Types

When sending a message to multiple recipients, or to a USER-address that is resolved by the User Preferences in run-time, there could be multiple channels involved. Oracle UMS application developers are required to specify the correct multipart format for each channel.

Example 2-4 shows how to create delivery channel (DeliveryType) specific payloads in a single message for recipients with different delivery types.

Each top-level part of a multiple payload multipart/alternative message should contain one or more values of this header. The value of this header should be the name of a valid delivery type. Refer to the available values for DeliveryType in the enum DeliveryType.

Example 2-4 Creating Delivery Channel-specific Payloads in a Single Message for Recipients with Different Delivery Types

Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();
// create a top-level multipart/alternative MimeMultipart object.
MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
// create first part for SMS payload content.
MimeBodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart();
part1.setContent("Text content for SMS.", "text/plain");
// add first part
// create second part for EMAIL and IM payload content.
MimeBodyPart part2 = new MimeBodyPart();
MimeMultipart part2_mp = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
MimeBodyPart part2_mp_partPlain = new MimeBodyPart();
part2_mp_partPlain.setContent("Text content for EMAIL/IM.", "text/plain");
MimeBodyPart part2_mp_partRich = new MimeBodyPart();
part2_mp_partRich.setContent("<html><head></head><body><b><i>" + "HTML content for EMAIL/IM." +
"</i></b></body></html>", "text/html");
part2.setContent(part2_mp, "multipart/alternative");
// add second part
// set the content of the message
message.setContent(mp, "multipart/alternative");
// set the MultiplePayload flag to true

The API reference for class MessagingFactory , interface Message and enum DeliveryType can be accessed from User Messaging Service Java API Reference. Creating a Message with an Attachment

Example 2-5 shows how to create a message with an attachment.

Example 2-5 Creating a Message Attachment

Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();
message.setSubject("Testing attachments");
MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("mixed");
MimeBodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart();
part1.setText("A sample pdf.");
MimeBodyPart part2 = new MimeBodyPart();
message.setContent(mp, MimeType.MULTIPART_MIXED.toString());

2.3.2 Creating an Address

This section describes the various types of UMS addresses available and how to create address objects. Types of Addresses

This section describes the various type of addresses available in UMS:

  • Device Address: A device address can be of various types, such as email addresses, instant messaging addresses, and telephone numbers. See "Creating Address Objects".

  • Failover address: A backup or failover address that will be used if the message failed to send to the original address. See "Creating a Recipient with a Failover Address".

  • User Address: User addresses are user IDs in a user repository that during a message send will be resolved to device addresses. See "User Preference Based Messaging".

  • Group Address - Group Addresses are LDAP groups (or enterprise roles) that during a message send will be resolved to User and/or Device Addresses. See "Sending Group Messages".

  • Application Role Address: Application Role Addresses will, during a message send, be resolved to Group, User and/or Devices Addresses. See "Sending Messages to an Application Role". Creating Address Objects

You can address senders and recipients of messages by using the class MessagingFactory to create Address objects. Creating a Single Address Object

Example 2-6 shows code for creating a single Address object:

Example 2-6 Creating a Single Address Object

Address recipient = MessagingFactory.createAddress("EMAIL:john@example.com"); Creating Multiple Address Objects in a Batch

Example 2-7 shows code for creating multiple Address objects in a batch:

Example 2-7 Creating Multiple Address Objects in a Batch

String[] recipientsStr = {"EMAIL:john@example.com", "SMS:123456"};
Address[] recipients = MessagingFactory.createAddress(recipientsStr); Adding Sender or Recipient Addresses to a Message

Example 2-8 shows code for adding sender or recipient addresses to a message:

Example 2-8 Adding Sender or Recipient Addresses to a Message

Address sender = MessagingFactory.createAddress("EMAIL:john@example.com");
Address recipient = MessagingFactory.createAddress("EMAIL:jane@example.com");
message.addRecipient(recipient); Creating a Recipient with a Failover Address

Example 2-9 shows a sample code for creating a recipient with a failover address:

Example 2-9 Creating a Single Address Object with Failover

String recipientWithFailoverStr = "EMAIL:john@example.com, SMS:123456";
Address recipient = MessagingFactory.createAddress(recipientWithFailoverStr);


Address recipient = MessagingFactory.createAddress("EMAIL:john@example.com");
Address failoverAddr = MessagingFactory.createAddress("SMS:123456");
recipient.setFailoverAddress(failoverAddr); Recipient Types

The UMS Java API provides support for sending and receiving messages with To/Cc/Bcc recipients for use with the email driver:

  • To send a message and specify a Cc/Bcc recipient, create the oracle.sdp.messaging.Address object using oracle.sdp.messaging.MessagingFactory.buildAddress method. The arguments are the address value (for example, user@domain.com), delivery type (for example, DeliveryType.EMAIL), and email mode (for example, "Cc" or "Bcc").

  • To determine the recipient type of an existing address object, for example in a received message, use the oracle.sdp.messaging.MessagingFactory.getRecipientType method, passing it the Address object. It returns a string indicating the recipient type. API Reference for Class MessagingFactory

The API reference for class MessagingFactory can be accessed from User Messaging Service Java API Reference. API Reference for Interface Address

The API reference for interface Address can be accessed from User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

2.3.3 User Preference Based Messaging

When sending a message to a user recipient (to leverage the user's messaging preferences), you can pass current values for various business terms in the message as metadata. The UMS server matches the supplied facts in the message against conditions for business terms specified in the user's messaging filters and sends the message to the device address that matches the user's preferences for this message.

For more information about user preferences, see Administering User Communication Preferences.


All facts must be added as metadata in the Message.NAMESPACE_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES namespace. Metadata in other namespaces are ignored (for resolving User Communication Preferences).

Example 2-10 shows how to specify a user recipient and supply facts for business terms for the user preferences in a message. For a complete list of supported business terms, refer to Administering User Communication Preferences.

Example 2-10 User Preference Based Messaging

Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();
// create and add a user recipient
Address userRecipient1 = MessagingFactory.createAddress("USER:sampleuser1");
// specify business term facts
message.setMetaData(Message.NAMESPACE_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES, "Customer
Name", "ACME");
//  where "Customer Name" is the Business Term name, and "ACME" is the
Business Term value (i.e, fact).

2.3.4 Sending Group Messages

You can send messages to a group of users by sending it to a group URI, or sending a message to LDAP groups (or enterprise roles) and application roles. Sending Messages to a Group

You can send messages to an LDAP group or to enterprise roles.

To send a message to a group, use the MessagingFactory class to create a recipient address of type GROUP and send the message as shown in Example 2-11.

Example 2-11 Creating and addressing a message to a group

Address groupAddr = MessagingFactory.createAddress("GROUP:MyGroup");
Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("Sending message to a group");
message.setSubject("Testing groups");
String id = messagingClient.send(message);

The group address groupAddr is eventually replaced by user addresses and the result will be as shown in Example 2-12.

Example 2-12 Group Address replaced by user addresses

Address groupMember1 = MessagingFactory.createAddress("USER:MyGroupMember1");
Address groupMember2 = MessagingFactory.createAddress("USER:MyGroupMember2");
Address groupMember3 = MessagingFactory.createAddress("USER:MyGroupMember3");
Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("Sending message to a group");
message.setSubject("Testing groups");
String id = messagingClient.send(message);

It is the User Preferences for each user that determines where the message will eventually reach. For more information, see Administering User Communication Preferences. Sending Messages to a Group Through a Specific Channel

You can specify the outgoing channel before sending a group message. To specify the outgoing channel for a group message, you must set the DeliveryType property of the group address (groupAddr) as shown in Example 2-13.

Example 2-13 Creating and addressing a message to a group through a channel

Address groupAddr = MessagingFactory.createAddress("GROUP:MyGroup");
Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("Sending message to a group");
message.setSubject("Testing groups through email");
String id = messagingClient.send(message);

The group is resolved to users, then each user's email address is fetched. The user's email address in this case is the same as that used for User Preferences. If no email address exists for a user, that user is skipped. Sending Messages to an Application Role

An application role is a collection of users, groups, and other application roles; it can be hierarchical. Application roles are defined by application policies and not necessarily known to a JavaEE container. For more information about application roles, see Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.


An application role may map to other application roles, such as the following roles:

  • Authenticated role: Any user who successfully authenticates. This may result in a large number of recipients.

  • Anonymous role: There will no recipient for this role.

To send a message to an Application role, use must create a recipient address of type application role by using the MessagingFactory class. An application role belongs to an application ID (also known as application name or application stripe). Therefore, both these parameters must be specified in the recipient address as shown in Example 2-14.

Example 2-14 Creating and addressing a message to an application role

Address appRoleAddr =
MessagingFactory.createAppRoleAddress("myAppRole", "theAppId");
Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("Message to an application role");
message.setSubject("Testing application roles");
String id = messagingClient.send(message);

The application role myAppRole is eventually replaced by user addresses.

If the application id is that of the calling application, then you need not specify the application id when creating the recipient address. UMS will automatically fetch the application id that is specified in the application.name parameter in the JpsFilter(web.xml) or JpsInterceptor(ejb-jar.xml). For more information about Filter and Interceptor parameters, see Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services. Sending Messages to an Application Role Through a Specific Channel

The user can specify a channel for the outgoing message in the same way as specifying a channel for sending a message to a group. You must set the delivery type on the application role address.

The following is an example of sending a message to an application role specifying email as the delivery channel:

Example 2-15 Creating and addressing a message to an application through a channel

Address appRoleAddr =
MessagingFactory.createAppRoleAddress("myAppRole", "theAppId");
Message message = MessagingFactory.createTextMessage("Message to an application role");
message.setSubject("Testing application roles");
String id = messagingClient.send(message);

2.4 Retrieving Message Status

After sending a message, use Oracle UMS to retrieve the message status either synchronously or asynchronously. There will be one status object per recipient that contains status information, which helps you understand if the message is pending, if the message was sent successfully, if the message was failed to send, if there are failover addresses, and if the message is automatically resent.

2.4.1 Synchronous Retrieval of Message Status

To perform a synchronous retrieval of current status, use the following flow from the MessagingClient API:

String messageId = messagingClient.send(message);
Status[] statuses = messagingClient.getStatus(messageId);


Status[] statuses = messagingClient.getStatus(messageId, address[]) --- where
 address[] is an array of one or more of the recipients set in the message.

2.4.2 Asynchronous Receiving of Message Status

When asynchronously receiving status, the client application uses the MessagingClient object to specify a Listener object and an optional correlator object. When incoming status arrives, the listener' s onStatus callback is invoked. The originally-specified correlator object is also passed to the callback method. Creating a Listener Programmatically

Listeners are purely programmatic. You create a listener by implementing the oracle.sdp.messaging.Listener interface. You can implement it as any concrete class - one of your existing classes, a new class, or an anonymous or inner class.

The following code example shows how to implement a status listener:

import oracle.sdp.messaging.Listener;
    public class StatusListener implements Listener {

      public void onMessage(Message message, Serializable correlator) {
      public void onStatus(Status status, Serializable correlator) {
          System.out.println("Received Status: " + status + " with optional correlator: " +

You pass a reference to the Listener object to the setStatusListener or send methods, as described in "Default Status Listener" and "Per Message Status Listener". When a status arrives for your message, the UMS infrastructure invokes the Listener's onStatus method as appropriate. Default Status Listener

The client application typically sets a default status listener (Example 2-16). When the client application sends a message, delivery status callbacks for the message invoke the default listener's onStatus method.

Example 2-16 Default Status Listener

messagingClient.setStatusListener(new MyStatusListener());
messagingClient.send(message); Per Message Status Listener

In this approach, the client application sends a message and specifies a Listener object and an optional correlator object (Example 2-17). When delivery status callbacks are available for that message, the specified listener's onStatus method is invoked. The originally-specified correlator object is also passed to the callback method.


Oracle UMS uses a weak reference when storing the Listener object. This means that the client application is responsible for keeping a reference to the Listener object to prevent it from being garbage collected.

Example 2-17 Per Message Status Listener

statusListener = new MyStatusListener();
messagingClient.send(message, statusListener, null);

2.5 Receiving a Message

An application that wants to receive incoming messages must register one or more access points that represent the recipient addresses of the messages. The server matches the recipient address of an incoming message against the set of registered access points, and routes the incoming message to the in-queue of the application that registered the matching access point. From the application perspective there are two modes for receiving a message from its in-queue, synchronous and asynchronous.

2.5.1 Registering an Access Point

AccessPoint represents one or more device addresses for receiving incoming messages.

Use MessagingFactory.createAccessPoint to create an access point and MessagingClient.registerAccessPoint to register it for receiving messages.

To register an email access point:

Address apAddress = MessagingFactory.createAddress("EMAIL:user1@example.com");
AccessPoint ap = MessagingFactory.createAccessPoint(apAddress);

To register an SMS access point for the number 9000:

AccessPoint accessPointSingleAddress =
 DeliveryType.SMS, "9000");

To register SMS access points in the number range 9000 to 9999:

AccessPoint accessPointRangeAddress =

2.5.2 Synchronous Receiving

Use the MessagingClient.receive method to synchronously receive messages that UMS makes available to the application. This is a convenient polling method for light-weight clients that do not want the configuration overhead associated with receiving messages asynchronously. When receiving messages without specifying an access point, the application receives messages for any of the access points that it has registered. Otherwise, if an access point is specified, the application receives messages sent to that access point.

Receive is a nonblocking operation. If there are no pending messages for the application or access point, the call returns null immediately. Receive is not guaranteed to return all available messages, but may return only a subset of available messages for efficiency reasons.


A single invocation does not guarantee retrieval of all available messages. You must poll in a loop until you receive null to ensure receiving all available messages.

2.5.3 Asynchronous Receiving

When asynchronously receiving messages, the client application registers an access point and specifies a Listener object and an optional correlator object. When incoming messages arrive at the specified access point address, the listener' s onMessage callback is invoked. The originally-specified correlator object is also passed to the callback method. Creating a Listener

You create a listener by implementing the oracle.sdp.messaging.Listener interface. You can implement it as any concrete class - one of your existing classes, a new class, or an anonymous or inner class.

The following code example shows how to implement a message listener:

import oracle.sdp.messaging.Listener;
    public class MyListener implements Listener {
      public void onMessage(Message message, Serializable correlator) {
          System.out.println("Received Message: " + message + " with optional correlator: " +
      public void onStatus(Status status, Serializable correlator) {
          System.out.println("Received Status: " + status + " with optional correlator: " +

You pass a reference to the Listener object to the setMessageListener or registerAccessPoint methods, as described in "Default Message Listener" and "Per Access Point Message Listener". When a message arrives for your application, the UMS infrastructure invokes the Listener's onMessage method. Default Message Listener

The client application typically sets a default message listener (Example 2-18). When Oracle UMS receives messages addressed to any access points registered by this client application, it invokes the onMessage callback for the client application's default listener, unless there is a specific listener registered for the Access Point that corresponds to the received message.

To remove a default listener, call this method with a null argument.

Example 2-18 Default Message Listener

messagingClient.setMessageListener(new MyListener());

See the sample application usermessagingsample-echo for detailed instructions on asynchronous receiving. Per Access Point Message Listener

The client application can also register an access point and specify a Listener object and an optional correlator object (Example 2-19). When incoming messages arrive at the specified access point address, the specified listener' s onMessage method is invoked. The originally-specified correlator object is also passed to the callback method.


Oracle UMS uses a weak reference when storing the Listener object. This means that the client application is responsible for keeping a reference to the Listener object to prevent it from being garbage collected.

Example 2-19 Per Access Point Message Listener

mlistener = new MyListener();
messagingClient.registerAccessPoint(accessPoint, mlistener, null);

2.5.4 Message Filtering

A MessageFilter is used by an application to exercise greater control over what messages are delivered to it. A MessageFilter contains a matching criterion and an action. An application can register a series of message filters; they are applied in order against an incoming (received) message; if the criterion matches the message, the action is taken. For example, an application can use MessageFilters to implement necessary blacklists, by rejecting all messages from a given sender address. If no filters match the message, the default action is to accept the message and deliver it to the application.

Use MessagingFactory.createMessageFilter to create a message filter, and MessagingClient.registerMessageFilter to register it. The filter is added to the end of the current filter chain for the application. For example, to reject a message with the subject "spam":

MessageFilter subjectFilter = MessagingFactory.createMessageFilter("spam",
 MessageFilter.FieldType.SUBJECT, null, MessageFilter.Action.REJECT);

To reject messages from email address spammer@foo.com:

MessageFilter senderFilter =

2.6 Configuring for a Cluster Environment

The API supports an environment where client applications and the UMS server are deployed in a cluster environment. For a clustered deployment to function as expected, client applications must be configured correctly. The following rules apply:

  • Two client applications are considered to be instances of the same application if they use the same ApplicationName configuration parameter when creating the UMS Messaging Client. If not set explicitly, UMS will use the client application's deployment name as the ApplicationName.

  • Instances of the same application share most of their configuration, and artifacts such as Access Points and Message Filters that are registered by one instance are shared by all instances.

  • The ApplicationInstanceName configuration parameter enables you to distinguish instances from one another. Typically this parameter is synthesized by the API implementation, and does not need to be populated by the application developer. Refer to the Javadoc for cases in which this value must be populated.

  • Application sessions are instance-specific. You can set the session flag on a message to ensure that any reply is received by the instance that sent the message.

  • Listener correlators are instance-specific. If two different instances of an application register listeners and supply different correlators, then when instance A's listener is invoked, correlator A is supplied; when instance B's listener is invoked, correlator B is supplied.

2.7 Using UMS Client API for XA Transactions

UMS provides support for XA enabled transactions for outbound and inbound messages. The industry standard, X/Open XA protocol, is widely supported in other Oracle products such as Business Process Management (BPM).


You do not need to install the XA support feature, as this feature is included in the UMS server and in the UMS client. Also note that the XA support is available only for the POJO API, not for the Web Services API.

2.7.1 About XA Transactions

Java Messaging Service (JMS) defines a common set of enterprise messaging concepts and facilities. It is used in User Messaging Service (UMS) for messaging, queuing, sorting, and routing. Java Transaction API (JTA) specifies local Java interfaces between a transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributed transaction system - the application, the resource manager, and the application server. The JTA package consists of the following three components:

  • A high-level application interface that allows a transactional application to demarcate transaction boundaries.

  • A Java mapping of the industry standard X/Open XA protocol that allows a transactional resource manager to participate in a global transaction controlled by an external transaction manager.

  • A high-level transaction manager interface that allows an application server to control transaction boundary demarcation for an application being managed by the application server.

JTA is used by a Java Messaging Service (JMS) provider to support XA transactions (also known as distributed transactions). The JMS provider that supports XA Resource interface is able to participate as a resource manager in a distributed transaction processing system that uses a two-phase commit transaction protocol.

2.7.2 Sending and Receiving XA Enabled Messages

The XA support enables UMS to send messages from within a transaction boundary only when the transaction is committed. If the transaction is rolled back, then the sending of the message fails. A commit leads to a successful transaction; whereas rollback leaves the message unaltered. UMS provides XA transaction support for both outbound and inbound messages.

Outbound messaging using XA

The messages sent from a UMS client application to recipients via UMS server are called outbound messages. When an XA transaction is enabled on a UMS client, an outbound message is sent to the UMS server, only if the transaction is committed. Upon successful transaction, the message is safely stored and prepared for delivery to the recipients. If the client transaction fails to commit and a rollback occurs, then the message is not sent to the UMS server for delivery.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to send an outbound message using XA:

// Some business logic
// ...
String messageID = mClient.send(message);
// Some business logic
// ...

Inbound messaging using XA

The messages received by a UMS driver, processed by the UMS Server Engine, and routed to a UMS client are called inbound messages. When an XA transaction is enabled on a UMS client, an inbound message is retrieved from the UMS server and deleted from UMS server store, only if the transaction is committed. If a transaction rollback occurs, then the message is left unaltered in the UMS server for later redelivery.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to receive an inbound message using XA:

messages = mClient.receive();
        for (Message receivedMessage : messages) {
                        // process individual messages here.

To receive messages that failed to commit due to a server crash, the server and the client must be restarted, or the specific server migration procedure must be executed. For more information, see chapter Configuring Advanced JMS System Resources in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Using a listener for XA transactions

You can also use a listener in a transaction while receiving messages. This is done by specifying the constant MessagingConstants.LISTENER_TRANSACTED_MODE. Set the value of this constant to TRUE or FALSE when creating a MessagingClient instance, as shown in the example below.


If you use a listener, transactions will be committed when the messaging constant LISTENER_TRANSACTED_MODE is set to TRUE and when no exceptions are raised. When LISTENER_TRANSACTED_MODE is set to FALSE, transactions will be committed irrespective of the exceptions.

If you want to roll back a transaction, set the exception accordingly. For more information about ListenerException, see User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

Example 2-20 Using a listener to receive XA enabled messages

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put(MessagingConstants.LISTENER_TRANSACTED_MODE, Boolean.TRUE);
MessagingClient mClient = MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient(params);

mListener = new MyListener();
mClient.registerAccessPoint(MessagingFactory.createAccessPoint(receiverAddr), mListener, null);

private class MyListener implements Listener {
    public void onMessage(Message message,
    Serializable correlator) throws ListenerException {

For more information about the messaging constant, see User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

Using EJB calls for XA transactions

You can send XA enabled messages using EJB calls. To roll back the transaction, specify the setRollbackOnly() method. For more information about this method, see: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/ejb/EJBContext.html#setRollbackOnly()

You can also control the scope of a transaction by specifying the transaction attributes (such as NotSupported, RequiresNew, and Never) as described in the Java EE tutorial at:


Example 2-21 Sending XA enabled messaging using an EJB call

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
MessagingClient mClient =
MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
MimeBodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart();
Message message = MessagingFactory.createMessage();



2.8 Using UMS Java API to Specify Message Resends

When a message send attempt is classified as a complete failure, that is, the failover chain is exhausted, the message is automatically scheduled for resend by the UMS Server. This is repeated until the message is successfully sent or the configured number of resends is reached. However, using the UMS Java API it is possible to override the number of resends on a per message basis by calling the setMaxResend method as illustrated in the following example:

MessageInfo msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
String mid = messagingClient.send(message);

When you examine the status of a sent message as explained in Section 2.4, "Retrieving Message Status", you get information about both the failover chain and the resends by calling getTotalFailovers()/getFailoverOrder() and getMaxResend()/getCurrentResend() on the Status object. When failover order equals total failovers, the API user knows that the failover chain is exhausted. However, the resend functionality works as a loop over the failover chain. When maxResend equals currentResend and failover order equals total failovers then the resend and failover chain is completely exhausted.

For more information about setMaxResend, getTotalFailovers , getFailoverOrder, and other methods, see User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

2.9 Selecting a Driver Programmatically

Unless multiple drivers of the same type is used, the UMS Server engine selects a driver based on the delivery type that is defined in the UMS Message sent by the client application. For example, in a message, if the recipient address is "EMAIL:john@example.com" the Email driver is selected, if the recipient address is "SMS:1234" the SMS driver is selected, and so on.

The DeliveryType enum defines the delivery channel for a message. For more information, see User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

However, if the system topology requires multiple instances of a driver, for instance, two Email drivers configured with different Email servers, the outgoing UMS Message can be created in such a way that a specific driver is selected by the UMS Server engine. To do this, you must ensure that the following properties for the message in the client application maps to the UMS Driver configuration settings:

UMS Message Property UMS Driver Configuration Parameter



The recipient address delivery type must match SupportedDeliveryTypes. Otherwise, the driver is not selected.



The ContentType object in the UMS message must match the SupportedContentTypes parameter in the driver configuration. Otherwise, the driver is not selected.

Sender Address


If a value is defined for the SenderAddresses parameter in the driver configuration, then the UMS Message Sender Address must match with that value. Otherwise, the driver is not selected.

MessageInfo - protocol


If the MessageInfo object in the UMS Message has a value set for protocol, then that protocol should be same as the one defined for the SupportedProtocols parameter in the driver configuration. Otherwise, the driver is not selected.

MessageInfo - carriers


If the MessageInfo object in the UMS Message has a value set for carrier, then that carrier should be same as the one defined for the SupportedCarriers parameter in the driver configuration. Otherwise, the driver is not selected.


If no driver passes the above conditions, a failure status is returned to the application and a WARNING log is also generated.

If multiple drivers pass the above conditions, one of them is chosen by the UMS engine.

If exactly one driver passes the above conditions then that driver is selected.

For more information about the driver configuration parameters, see "Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers" in Administering Oracle User Messaging Service.

2.10 Setting up Priority for a Message

In certain circumstances such as a high load, you may benefit from specifying UMS Message priority when sending a message. The message priority is used in the internal JMS queues. Also, if the protocol implemented by the driver supports priority, the UMS Message priority is translated to the corresponding protocol priority. Specify the priority as illustrated in the following example:

Example 2-22 Setting up high priority for a message

MessageInfo msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
String mid = messagingClient.send(message);

For information about all available priority types, see MessagePriorityType definition in User Messaging Service Java API Reference.

2.11 Specifying User Preference Application Partitioning Profile ID

User Communication Preferences are invoked for recipient addresses that contains the USER prefix (for example, USER:john.doe). The preferences can be partitioned into profiles. Below is an example of how to specify a profile when sending a message:

Example 2-23 Specifying application partitioning profile id

Address recipient = MessagingFactory.createAddress("USER:john.doe");
MessageInfo msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
String mid = messagingClient.send(message);

For information about User Communication Preferences and profiles, see Administering User Communication Preferences.

2.12 Configuring Security

Client applications may need to specify one or more additional configuration parameters (described in Table 2-1) to establish a secure listener.

2.13 Threading Model

Client applications that use the UMS Java API are usually multi-threaded. Typical scenarios include a pool of EJB instances, each of which uses a MessagingClient instance; and a servlet instance that is serviced by multiple threads in a web container. The UMS Java API supports the following thread model:

  • Each call to MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient returns a new MessagingClient instance.

  • When two MessagingClient instances are created by passing parameter maps that are equal to MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient, they are instances of the same client. Instances created by passing different parameter maps are instances of separate clients.

  • An instance of MessagingClient is not thread safe when it has been obtained using MessagingClientFactory.createMessagingClient. Client applications must ensure that a given instance is used by only one thread at a time. They may do so by ensuring that an instance is only visible to one thread at a time, or by synchronizing access to the MessagingClient instance.

  • Two instances of the same client (created with identical parameter maps) do share some resources – notably they share Message and Status Listeners, and use a common pool of Worker threads to execute asynchronous messaging operations. For example, if instance A calls setMessageListener(), and then instance B calls setMessageListener(), then B's listener is the active default message listener.

The following are typical use cases:

  • To use the UMS Java API from an EJB (either a Message Driven Bean or a Session Bean) application, the recommended approach is to create a MessagingClient instance in the bean' s ejbCreate (or equivalent @PostConstruct) method, and store the MessagingClient in an instance variable in the bean class. The EJB container ensures that only one thread at a time uses a given EJB instance, which ensures that only one thread at a time accesses the bean' s MessagingClient instance.

  • To use the UMS Java API from a Servlet, there are several possible approaches. In general, web containers create a single instance of the servlet class, which may be accessed by multiple threads concurrently. If a single MessagingClient instance is created and stored in a servlet instance variable, then access to the instance must be synchronized.

    Another approach is to create a pool of MessagingClient instances that are shared among servlet threads.

    Finally, you can associate individual MessagingClient instances with individual HTTP Sessions. This approach allows increased concurrency compared to having a single MessagingClient for all servlet requests. However, it is possible for multiple threads to access an HTTP Session at the same time due to concurrent client requests, so synchronization is still required in this case.

2.13.1 Listener Threading

For asynchronous receiving described in Section 2.4.2, "Asynchronous Receiving of Message Status" and Section 2.5.3, "Asynchronous Receiving" UMS by default uses one thread for incoming messages and one thread for incoming status notifications (assuming at least one message or status listener is registered, respectively). Client applications can increase the concurrency of asynchronous processing by configuring additional worker threads. This is done by specifying integer values for the MessagingConstants.MESSAGE_LISTENER_THREADS and MessagingConstants.STATUS_LISTENER_THREADS keys, settings these values to the desired number of worker threads in the configuration parameters used when creating a MessagingClient instance. In this case, the application's listener must be written to handle multi-threaded execution.