
This resource enumerates the servers in a WLS domain and provides summary metrics and state for each server.

The resource supports the following methods:

GET Method

The GET method on this resource returns a listing of this domain's servers.


Administrator, Deployer, Operator, Monitor

Request Query Parameters

This method supports optional query parameters which can be used to constrain the fields included in the response. Constraining the fields to only the information that you require may yield faster response times when interacting with large data sets.

?_excludeFields=field1[,field2, ...]

(Optional) Specifies that these values are not required and may be omitted in a response.

?_includeFields=field1[,field2, ...]

(Optional) Specifies that these values are required and must be included in the response.

Include and exclude are mutually exclusive, and if neither is specified all available information is included.

Response Body

The response body returned includes a collection of Server entities. It also contains links to their corresponding resources.

This method can return the following links:

  • uri=/management/wls/{version} rel=parent

  • uri=/management/wls/{version}/servers/id/{server-name} rel=items.name title=name

Response Codes

This method returns one of the Standard HTTP Status Codes.


Example 1   Viewing Servers

This example uses the GET method to return a list of all servers in this domain.

Example Request

curl -v \
--user username:password \
-H X-Requested-By:MyClient \
-H Accept:application/json \
-X GET http://localhost:7001/management/wls/latest/servers

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Response Body:
    "links": [
            "rel": "parent",
            "uri": "http:\/\/localhost:7001\/management\/wls\/latest"
            "rel": "items.name",
            "uri": "http:\/\/localhost:7001\/management\/wls\/latest\/servers\/id\/myserver",
            "title": "myserver"
            "rel": "items.name",
            "uri": "http:\/\/localhost:7001\/management\/wls\/latest\/servers\/id\/Cluster-0-Server-1",
            "title": "Cluster-0-Server-1"
            "rel": "items.name",
            "uri": "http:\/\/localhost:7001\/management\/wls\/latest\/servers\/id\/Cluster-0-Server-2",
            "title": "Cluster-0-Server-2"
    "items": [
            "name": "myserver",
            "state": "running",
            "heapFreeCurrent": 136785464,
            "heapSizeCurrent": 423231488,
            "activeHttpSessionCount": 0,
            "activeThreadCount": 5,
            "health": {"state": "ok"},
            "usedPhysicalMemory": 3502743552,
            "jvmProcessorLoad": 0
            "name": "Cluster-0-Server-1",
            "state": "shutdown"
            "name": "Cluster-0-Server-2",
            "state": "shutdown"