Connection Factory, Work Request, Endpoint Deactivation

The Adapter Framework provides, through the MessageEndpointFactory, an instance of the ConnectionFactory, as defined in the <connection-factory> element in the .jca property file, which then can be used by the resource adapter to create connections:

javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
javax.resource.cci.Connection connection = connectionFactory.getConnection();

During this invocation, the resource adapter must use the MessageEndpointFactory to create the inbound endpoint and to submit a Work request for execution, which constitutes the inbound thread that monitors the inbound EIS endpoint.

ResourceAdapterInboundWorkerThread workRequest =
    new ResourceAdapterInboundWorkerThread(endpoint, activationSpec, connection);

Here ResourceAdapterInboundWorkerThread is the resource adapter's implementation of javax.resource.spi.work.Work.

Soon after returning from startWork(),the Adapter Framework allocates and assigns a thread to the submitted workRequest by calling its run()method.

The following method, endpointDeactivation, is called by the Adapter Framework when a message endpoint is deactivated; that is, either when the composite having activated the endpoint shuts down, or when the application server shuts down.

public void endpointDeactivation(MessageEndpointFactory
  endpointFactory, ActivationSpec spec)


For a custom adapter to work in the Oracle Weblogic environment, the custom adapter's Connetion Factory needs to implement oracle.tip.adapter.api.OracleConnectionFactory. If the custom adapter's Connetion Factory needs to implement oracle.tip.adapter.api.OracleConnectionFactory, then add a <resource-adapter> element to the <connection-factory> in the .jca generated by JDeveloper. For example,
<connection-factory location="eis/Custom/CustomAdapter"/>
        <resource-adapter className="com.custom.oracle.fusion.adapter.CustomAdapter"/>