12 Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring

This chapter describes configuring log files for diagnosing issues in BI Publisher and configuring user auditing to capture metrics on user activity and system performance.

It covers the following topics:

12.1 Diagnosing and Resolving Issues in Oracle BI Publisher

System administrators are typically responsible for supporting end users when they experience issues with the use of Oracle BI Publisher and for interacting with Oracle Support to understand the cause of issues and apply fixes.

Issues may be reported in response to end users receiving error messages, experiencing poor performance, or lack of availability.

The principal activities administrators perform to support issue resolution include:

12.2 About Diagnostic Log Files

BI Publisher writes diagnostic log files in the Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) format. Log file naming and the format of the contents of log files conforms to an Oracle standard. You can view log files by using the WLST displayLogs command, or you can download log files to your local client and view them using another tool (for example a text editor, or another file viewing utility).

Log files are created and edited using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control. By default, after installation, the bipublisher-handler log is created. You can configure this log file or create a new logger.

12.2.1 About Log File Message Categories and Levels

Each log file message category is set to a specific default value between 1-32, and only messages with a level less or equal to the log level are logged. Various log file message categories exist, as described in Table 12-1.

Table 12-1 Log File Message Category Levels

Level Description


A serious problem caused by unknown reasons. You can only fix the problem by contacting Oracle support. Examples are errors from which you cannot recover or serious problems.


A problem requiring attention from the system administrator has occurred, and is not caused by a bug in the product. No performance impact.


A potential problem that should be reviewed by the administrator. Examples are invalid parameter values or a specified file does not exist.


A major lifecycle event such as the activation or deactivation of a primary sub-component or feature. This is the default level for NOTIFICATION.


A finer level of granularity for reporting normal events.


Trace or debug information for events that are meaningful to administrators, such as public API entry or exit points.


Detailed trace or debug information that can help Oracle Support diagnose problems with a particular subsystem.


Very detailed trace or debug information that can help Oracle Support diagnose problems with a particular subsystem.

12.2.2 About Log File Formats

A log file must contain a consistent format. However, since there can be multiple formats, you can change the format used in a log file. When you change the format used in a log file, and the new format differs from the current log file's format, a new log file is created. For example, a log file that contains ODL-XML, always contains XML, and is never mixed with text.

Configure the log file format in the Edit Log File dialog. See Section 12.3, "Configuring Log Files." The format can by Text or XML.

12.2.3 About Log File Rotation

Log file rotation can be file size based or time based. Whenever a log file exceeds the rotation criterion, the existing log file is renamed, and a new log file is created.

The file naming looks like this:

  • log.xml

  • log.xml.1 (oldest log file)

  • log.xml.n

12.3 Configuring Log Files

This section describes using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control to configure BI Publisher log files. It includes the following topics:

12.3.1 Setting the Log Level

To set the log level in Oracle Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. In Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, locate the BI Publisher server. For example:

    Under Application Deployments, expand bipublisher (11.1.1.) (bi_cluster), and then right-click bipublisher (11.1.1)(bi_server1)

  2. From the menu, click Logs and then Log Configuration.

  3. In the Log Levels tab, under Logger Name, expand Root Logger, then expand oracle.

    Locate oracle.xdo and select the log level from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Apply.

12.3.2 Configuring Other Log File Options

To configure log files in Oracle Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Navigate to the Log Configuration page as described in Section 12.3.1, "Setting the Log Level."

  2. Click the Log Files tab.

  3. Select bipublisher-handler in the table and click Edit Configuration.

  4. In the Edit Log File dialog configure the bipublisher-handler log file options. A sample is shown in Figure 12-1.

    Figure 12-1 Edit Log File Dialog

    Description of Figure 12-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-1 Edit Log File Dialog"

12.4 Viewing Log Messages

You can view log messages using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control or you can view the log files directly.

To view log messages in Oracle Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. In Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, locate the BI Publisher server. For example:

    Under Application Deployments, right-click bipublisher (11.1.1).

  2. From the menu, click Logs and View Log Messages.

  3. To view a specific log file, click Target Log Files.

  4. From the Log Files page, select a specific log to view messages or download the log file.

  5. Click View Log File to view the messages.

12.4.1 Viewing Messages by Reading the Log File

The log file is located in the directory that is specified in the Log Path in the Edit Log File dialog. Navigate to the directory on the server to view the log file.

The following example shows an ODL format error message:

<msg time="2009-07-30T16:00:03.150-07:00" comp_id="xdo" type="ERROR" level="1" host_id="MyBIPHost" host_addr="" module="oracle.xdo" tid="11" user="Administrator">
<txt>Variable 'G_dept' is missing...</txt>

Table 12-2 describes the message attributes displayed in the log file:

Table 12-2 Log File Message Attributes

Attribute Name Description


The date and time when the message was generated. This reflects the local time zone.


The ID of the component that originated the message.


The type of message. Possible values are: INCIDENT_ERROR, ERROR, WARNING, NOTIFICATION, TRACE, and UNKNOWN. See Table 12-1 for information about the message types.


The message level, represented by an integer value that qualifies the message type. Possible values are from 1 (highest severity) through 32 (lowest severity).


The name of the host where the message originated.


The network address of the host where the message originated.


The ID of the module that originated the message. If the component is a single module, the component ID is listed for this attribute.


The ID of the thread that generated the message.


The name of the user whose execution context generated the message.

12.5 About Performance Monitoring and User Auditing

Performance monitoring enables you to monitor the performance of queries, reports and document generation and to analyze the provided details.

BI Publisher collects performance statistics through JMX Management Beans or Mbeans. Each MBean reveals attributes, operations, and relevant statistics gathered by the Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS). Table 12-3 summarizes the beans that are provided.

Table 12-3 Management Beans

Management Bean Description


Creates an Mbean per report and displays detailed monitoring data for the report.


Exists per server and displays user and server activity summaries.


Creates an Mbean per user and displays detailed monitoring data for the user.

12.6 Enabling Monitoring and Auditing

To enable monitoring, complete the following tasks:

  1. Enable Monitor and Audit on the Administration Server Configuration page. See Section 12.6.1, "Enable Monitor and Audit on the Server Configuration Page."

  2. Configure the Audit Policy Settings with Fusion Middleware Control (Enterprise Manager). See Section 12.6.2, "Configure the Audit Policy Settings."

  3. (Optional) For non-English installations of Oracle Fusion Middleware Control that require a translated user interface, copy the translation files to the appropriate location. See Section 12.6.3, "(Optional) Copy Translation Files."

  4. Restart WebLogic Server.

12.6.1 Enable Monitor and Audit on the Server Configuration Page

To turn on monitoring and auditing for the BI Publisher application:

  1. Click the Administration link.

  2. Under System Maintenance, click Server Configuration.

  3. Under the Monitor and Audit region, select the Enable Monitor and Audit check box.

12.6.2 Configure the Audit Policy Settings

To configure the audit policy settings:

  1. In Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, under WebLogic Domain, right-click bifoundation_domain. From the menu, click Security and click Audit Policy.

  2. The Audit Policy page displays the audited applications under the bifoundation_domain. From the Audit Component Name list, select BI Publisher Server. Set the Audit Level to enable auditing for BI Publisher. An example is shown in Figure 12-2.

    Figure 12-2 Audit Policy Page

    Description of Figure 12-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-2 Audit Policy Page"

Typically set the Audit Level to Medium.

To customize the audit level for each event, select Custom from the Audit Level list. This setting enables you to set the audit level for each event and apply filters. Select a category (UserSession, ReportAccess, or ReportExecution) to view the available events.

The events that are audited for the BI Publisher server are:

  • User Login

  • User Logout

  • Report Request

  • Scheduled Report Request

  • Report Republish

  • Report Data Download

  • Report Download

  • Report Data Process

  • Report Rendering

  • Report Delivery

12.6.3 (Optional) Copy Translation Files

If you require that your Oracle Fusion Middleware Control (Enterprise Manager) user interface displays in a non-English language, you must copy the BI Publisher translation files from the BI Publisher repository to the appropriate location in the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition installation directory for the BI Publisher audit event user interface components to display in the correct language when viewed in Enterprise Manager.

  1. Navigate to the Audit directory located under the BI Publisher repository: <BI Publisher deployment directory>/repository/Admin/Audit

  2. Copy the *.xlf files from the Audit directory to the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition installation directory located: /oracle_common/modules/oracle.iau_11.1.1/components/xmlpserver

12.6.4 Restart WebLogic Server

Restart the WebLogic Serve instance. You can do this using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, or if you are running Windows, you can select "Stop BI Servers" and then "Start BI Servers" from the Start menu.

12.7 Viewing the Audit Log

If you set the property AUDIT_JPS_INTEGRATION to true, then the audit log can be viewed under the xmlpserver folder under the WebLogic Server AdminServer directory: /AdminServer/logs/auditlogs/xmlpserver/audit.log

Alternatively, you can configure an audit repository in the database to store audit data in database tables instead of the log file (the file is not generated in this case). The collected data can be analyzed using reports provided by Audit Framework, or you can create your own reports using BI Publisher.

For more information on the reports provided by Audit Framework, see "Using Audit Analysis and Reporting" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

The following section describes how to set up the audit repository in your database to store the auditing data.

12.8 Configuring an Audit Repository

Perform this procedure to configure an audit repository to store your auditing data collected by the Fusion Middleware Auditing Framework in database tables rather than a log file.

To set up the audit database in WebLogic Server:

  1. Create the audit schema using RCU.

  2. Create a data source in your WebLogic server.

  3. Register the audit database to your domain.

12.8.1 Creating the Audit Schema Using RCU

To create the audit schema:

  1. Go to $RCU_HOME/bin and execute the rcu command.

  2. Choose Create at the starting screen and click Next.

  3. Enter your database details and click Next.

  4. Choose the option to create a prefix, and enter a prefix; for example: BIP

  5. Select Audit Services from the list of schemas.

  6. Click Next and accept the tablespace creation.

  7. Click Finish to start the process.

When the Repository Creation Utility process finishes, the following audit-related schemas are created in your database:

  • <prefix>_IAU (for example: BIP_IAU)

  • <prefix>_IAU_APPEND (for example: BIP_IAU_APPEND)

  • <prefix>_IAU_VIEWER (for example: BIP_IAU_VIEWER)

12.8.2 Creating the Data Source in WebLogic Server

After you create a database schema for your auditing data, next create a JDBC connection on your WebLogic Server so the Audit Framework can access the database schema that was created with the RCU in the previous step.

To create the JDBC connection:

  1. Connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server administration console: http://hostname:port/console (e.g. http://example.com:7001/console)

  2. Under Services, click the Data Sources link, as shown in Figure 12-3:

    Figure 12-3 Navigating to the Data Sources Link

    Description of Figure 12-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-3 Navigating to the Data Sources Link"

  3. Click Lock and Edit.

  4. On the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, click New and then click Generic Data Source.

  5. Enter the following details for the new data source:

    • Name

      Example: Audit Data Source-0

    • JNDI Name

      Example: jdbc/AuditDB

    • Database Type

      Example: Oracle

    Figure 12-4 shows the example entries:

    Figure 12-4 Create JDBC Data Source

    Description of Figure 12-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-4 Create JDBC Data Source "

  6. Click Next and select the database driver. Choose "Oracle's Driver (Thin XA) Versions: 9.0.1 or later" if you are using Oracle database, and click Next.

  7. In the Connections Properties page, enter the following:

    • Database Name: Enter the name of the database (SID) to which to connect.

    • Host Name: Enter the hostname of the database.

    • Port: Enter the database port.

    • Database User Name: Enter the name of the audit schema that you created in RCU. The suffix is always _IAU for the audit schema. For example, if you supplied the prefix as "BIP"', then the schema name would be "BIP_IAU".

    • Password: Enter the password for the audit schema that you created in RCU.

    Figure 12-5 shows the Connection Properties page:

    Figure 12-5 Connection Properties Page

    Description of Figure 12-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-5 Connection Properties Page"

  8. Click Next. Accept the defaults, and click Test Configuration to verify the connection.

  9. Click Next. Select the listed servers where you want to make this JDBC connection available.

  10. Click Finish and then click Activate Changes in the Change Center.

12.8.3 Registering the Audit Storage Database to Your Domain

To register the JNDI/JDBC data source as your auditing data storage with Fusion Middleware Control (Enterprise Manager):

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Navigate to the WebLogic Domain, right click bifoundation_domain, then select Security, then Security Provider Configuration.

  3. On the Security Provider Configuration page, under Audit Service, click Configure.

  4. On the Audit Service Configuration page, locate your Data Source JNDI Name by clicking Search datasource, as shown Figure 12-6.

    Figure 12-6 Audit Service Configuration Page

    Audit Service Configuration page
  5. From the Select Data Source dialog, select the data source you created and click OK.

  6. Click Apply to continue.

  7. Restart WebLogic Server.

When the WebLogic Server is restarted, BI Publisher stores all auditing data in the database table called "IAU_BASE". To verify this procedure, try logging in to BI Publisher and opening a few reports. You should see the activity audited in the "IAU_BASE" table. If not, check the log file for possible errors. The log file is located under the Oracle BI Domain Home, for example:


Once the data is successfully loading to the database tables, you can design your own auditing reports using BI Publisher.

12.9 Using BI Publisher to Create Audit Reports

Once you have the auditing repository set up, you can use BI Publisher to create your own reports to visualize your auditing data. To create a report on your auditing data in BI Publisher:

  1. Register the data source in BI Publisher.

  2. Create a data model.

  3. Create the report.

12.9.1 Registering the Data Source in BI Publisher

Register the audit data source (JNDI/JDBC connection) that you created in the previous procedure as a JNDI data source in BI Publisher. Because you created a JDBC connection registered as JNDI, you do not need to create a new JDBC connection by typing the connection URL, username/password, and so on. You can just register it using the JNDI name (for example: jdbc/AuditDB).

  1. Log in to BI Publisher with administrator privileges and click the Administration link.

  2. Under Data Sources, click JNDI Connection, then click Add Data Source.

  3. Enter the Data Source Name and JNDI Name. The JNDI Name is the name you provided in the WebLogic Console as the auditing data source (for example: jdbc/AuditDB).

  4. Click Test Connection to ensure that the data source connection works.

  5. Add the appropriate roles to the data source so that the report developers and consumers can view the reports built on this data source.

  6. Click Apply to save.

12.9.2 Creating a Data Model

To create a data model from your auditing data source:


Note: For the complete guidelines for developing data models in BI Publisher, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

  1. On the global header, click New and then click Data Model.

  2. Set the Default Data Source to the audit JNDI data source.

  3. Click Data Sets and from the Create New menu select new SQL Query data set.

  4. Use the Query Builder to build a query or just type a SQL query against the IAU_BASE table. The IAU_BASE table contains all the auditing data for other products running on the WebLogic Server such as JPS, OID, and so on. To create a data model that contains only the BI Publisher data, you can filter the data based on the value of the IAU_COMPONENTTYPE column that contains the product name. For BI Publisher, the value is "xmlpserver".

    The following sample SQL query returns only BI Publisher data:

       to_char("IAU_TSTZORIGINATING", 'DAY') as IAU_DAY, 
       to_char("IAU_TSTZORIGINATING", 'HH24') as IAU_HH24, 
         "IAU_BASE"."IAU_TARGET" as "IAU_TARGET", 
    from    "BIP_IAU"."IAU_BASE" "IAU_BASE" 
    where "IAU_BASE"."IAU_COMPONENTTYPE" = 'xmlpserver'
  5. To test your data model, click Get XML Output. Select a sample size, and run your data model. Save the sample XML to your data model.

  6. Save your data model.

12.9.3 Creating the Report

Now you can use one of the BI Publisher's layout options to design the report layout and visualize the auditing data. To create a report using the BI Publisher layout editor:

  1. On the global header, click New and then click Report.

  2. Select the data model you created in the previous procedure.

  3. To use the layout editor, click Add New Layout, and then click one of the Basic Templates to get started.

    For complete instructions on using the layout editor, see the topic: "Creating BI Publisher Layout Templates" in the Help or in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

    Figure 12-7 shows using the layout editor to design a report based on the auditing data:

    Figure 12-7 Using the Layout Editor to Create an Auditing Report

    Description of Figure 12-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-7 Using the Layout Editor to Create an Auditing Report"

    Figure 12-8 shows a sample completed auditing report displayed in the report viewer:

    Figure 12-8 Sample Auditing Report

    Description of Figure 12-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-8 Sample Auditing Report"

12.10 Viewing Performance Statistics in the MBean Browser

To view the performance statistics collected by the Report Event Monitor, Service Event Monitor, and User Event Monitor, you use the System MBean browser.

To view performance statistics:

  1. In Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, locate the BI Publisher server. For example:

    Under Application Deployments, expand bipublisher (11.1.1) (bi_cluster), and then right-click bipublisher (11.1.1)(bi_server1)

  2. From the menu, click System MBean Browser.

  3. In the System MBean Browser, under the Application Defined MBeans, expand the oracle.xdo folder to view the BI Publisher MBeans. Expand the list and select the bean to view the details.