What's New in This Guide

This topic introduces the new and changed features of Oracle Business Process Composer and provides pointers to additional information.

Screens shown in this guide may differ from your implementation, depending on the skin used. Any differences are cosmetic.

Changes for Release 12c (12.2.1) include:

  • You can include business objects in web forms.

  • The ability to create new business objects from an XSD file is deprecated.

  • The ability to create new web services is deprecated.

  • The ability to create and delete rulesets is deprecated.

  • The Tests tab no longer appears in Composer.

  • Projects from BPM 11g and older can’t be imported. Import them into BPM Studio to upgrade them, then export the projects and import them into Composer.

  • The ability to modify Decision Functions is deprecated

  • The ability to import and export XLS files and to perform Diff-Merge operations is deprecated.

  • Compact decision table is deprecated.

For a list of known issues (release notes), see the "Known Issues for Oracle SOA Products" at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/soasuite/documentation/soaknown-2644661.html.