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Retrieve Identities

Retrieves roles, groups, and users.

The following tables summarize the client request.

Query Parameters
Name Description Format
applicationId Application in which to search
email Search identites by email of user
firstName Search identities by firstName of User
lastName Search identites by lastName of user
limit Maximum number of items per page. Set between 1 and 100. Default is 25.
offset Index for the first item on a page of list items. Default is 1.
scope Search scope - all (default), user, group, role

Pattern to search for, not case sensitive, default , for example identities?searchPattern=j&scope=user

The following tables summarize the server response.

Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml

200 Response

Example application/json


The following example shows a response body when retrieving roles, groups, and users.

                      "totalResult": false,
                      "hasMore": false,
                      "items": [{
                      "levels": 0,
                      "title": "oraclesystemuser",
                      "id": "oraclesystemuser",
                      "type": "user",
                      "idLink": {
                      "href": "",

                      "length": 0,
                      "rel": "self"
                      "lastName": "OracleSystemUser"
                          }, {
                      "levels": 0,

                      "title": "jstein",
                      "id": "jstein",
                      "type": "user",
                      "idLink": {
                      "href": "",
                      "length": 0,
                      "rel": "self"

                      "lastName": "jstein"
                      }, {

                     "levels": 0,
                     "title": "cdickens",
                     "id": "cdickens",
                     "type": "user",
                     "email": "",
                     "idLink": {
                     "href": "",

                     "length": 0,
                     "rel": "self"
                     "firstName": "Charles",
                     "lastName": "Dickens",
                      "mobile": "300000001"
                       "levels": 0,

                      "id": "LargeTestGroup",
                     "type": "group",
                     "email": "",
                     "idLink": {
                      "href": "",

                     "length": 0,
                       "rel": "self" 
                     "links": [{
                     "href": "",
                     "length": 0,
                     "rel": "back"
                     }, {
                     "href": "*&applicationId=",
                     "length": 0,
                      "rel": "self"

For more information about cURL, see Use cURL