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Add a Task Attachment

Adds an attachment to a task.

The following tables summarize the client request.

Supported Media Types
  • multipart/mixed
Body Parameter
File body with Content-Type header

The following tables summarize the server response.

Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml

200 Response

Example application/json

            "updatedDate":"2015-03-10 12:29:20",
            "updatedBy":"John Steinbeck",
            "title":"Payment Receipt.pdf",

The following example shows a request body for adding an attachment to a task.

  Content-Disposition: inline
  Content-Type: application/JSON
    {"attachmentName": "serviceRequestNew8.xml", "attachmentSize": "250", "mimeType": "application/xml"}
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

  <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
  <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="">
  <ns1:ProblemDescription>Unable to reboot the system</ns1:ProblemDescription>

For information about using cURL to send requests, see Use cURL.