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Create a To-Do Task

Creates a personal to-do task for an assignee.

The following tables summarize the client request.

Supported Media Types
  • application/xml
  • application/json
Body Parameter
Body parameters are dueDate, priority, startDate, title, assignees. Parameters of assignees are id and type.
Example application/json

    "dueDate":"2015-07-26 11:58:59",
    "startDate":"2015-05-26 11:58:59",

The following tables summarize the server response.

Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml

200 Response

Example application/json

    "updatedDate":"2015-06-03 01:46:19",
    "startDate":"2015-05-26 11:58:59",
    "assignedDate":"2015-06-03 01:46:19",
    "createdDate":"2015-06-03 01:46:19",
    "ownerUser":"James Cooper",
    "creator":"James Cooper",
    "dueDate":"2015-07-26 11:58:59"