3.3 Configuring the Database to Use DataDirect Drivers

You must configure the database to use the appropriate DataDirect drivers. If you are using a database that is already configured to use the DataDirect drivers, modify the database configuration's odbc.ini file to use the correct DataDirect drivers. 

To configure the database to use the DataDirect drivers:
  1. Open the odbc.ini file located at the following location:
    (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/odbc.ini
    (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core/odbc.ini
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the 12c Domain home you created when you installed the 12c software.
  2. Update the ODBC entry to use the DataDirect drivers, as shown in the following example:
    [DSN name in RPD] 
    Description=DataDirect 7.1.4 Sybase Wire Protocol 
    LogonID=DB username
    Password=DB password
    NetworkAddress=DB hostname, DB port
    Database=DB name
    Where, RPD indicates rapidfile database. RPD is a binary file used by the BI Server to retrieve data from a source database.
  3. Update all existing data source names (DSNs) that are configured with the 11g DataDirect version. For example, the data source name for SYBASE should point to DataDirect 7.1.4 as shown in the following example:
    [ODBC Data Sources] 
    AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server 
    Cluster = Oracle BI Server 
    SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server 
    DSN name in RPD = DataDirect 7.1.4
  4. Save and close the odbc.ini file.